Words of power , actions of fears (HOD /GOT) Words of power , actions of fears (HOD /GOT) original

Words of power , actions of fears (HOD /GOT)

นักเขียน: litexliz

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บท 1: 01:

The heiress to the throne.

She knows, when she imagined emerging in a new world, she didn't expect to end up in George Martin's universe, let alone being the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, but fate is full of surprises.

Born two years before Jacaerys himself, she tried not to think about the past but to focus on the present and try, try very hard to stop such a war. Her mother Rhaenyra and many others saw her as a child prodigy. At the age of three, Jocelyn was already picking up books to read, already trying to get a wooden sword to learn to fight and her mother and Leanor let her. Many found her curious, amusing or confused by such intelligence. Some would say she was blessed by the seven.

Ha, how funny. As if living in Westeros was a bed of roses, even worse being the heir daughter. She is unlucky, she has immense responsibilities on her shoulders that's what she has. In addition to being a target, of course.

Skinny, young. It might be absurd for a little girl like her to learn to fight, but some in Westeros also thought it was absurd for a woman to be heir to the throne, so why bother now?

Jocelyn doesn't care about appearances, but she definitely needs to maintain them. Her real father, Harwin Strong, was an almost constant presence in the castle, he went out of his way to be a part of her and her brothers' lives, she admired him for that, he is a good father. He would help out with training at times, and would often be interested in the questions and things she said, with a gentle smile on his lips and calm eyes.

She liked his presence more than Laenor, he was her father after all, she wanted him close."Are you leaving yet?" she asked one day, when he was called by a guard to leave. She was with Lucerys, both of them sitting on the floor and reading a story while Harwin Strong sat on the sofa, helping with the reading and even playing until there was a knock on the door.

Her father turned, an almost sad smile on his lips as he walked a little closer to her. "I have to. Commander's duties to fulfill."

"I see…but you…you're going to come later to see us, right?" She tried to look shy, when in fact she was anything but. She enjoyed his father's company, and knew her brothers did too, though they weren't as close as she was. Harwin Strong was a good man, a good father.

"If my princess wants to." He gave her a gentle smile before glancing a little at Rhaenyra, who also mirrored the smile, but softer. Damn, are they so obvious? Jocelyn tried very hard not to smile.

" Princess." He nods his head before walking away and walking out the door.

Lucerys, got up and went to get another book as she continued to read hers sitting on the rug.

"Do you enjoy the commander's company, daughter?" Rhaenyra asked, eyeing her fondly. It seemed like she wanted to know if she really approved of her father, which she does. Jocelyn then shrugged.

"He's nice, looks almost like father." she said, not bothering to look at her mother and the likely surprised look she must have. Then Jocelyn pretended to freeze, and looked at her mother, who was tense and with an equally tense smile. "I… shouldn't have said that." She muttered, pretending to be embarrassed to know such words could be very wrongly interpreted by other lords and ladies.

"No, you shouldn't." Rhaenyra clenched her jaw, but kept a smile. "He's a good man, but you can't say things like that in front of other people, understand? Not everyone took that as good or innocent." Rhaenyra didn't speak meanly to her, but in a calm and gentle way, as a good mother would. Jocelyn understands that she just wants to protect them, that she wants to make sure they're okay.

"I know, Mom. I'm sorry." Jocelyn replied, looking down.

"It's okay, daughter." Rhaenyra replied, approaching her and kneeling in front of her on the rug. "You're a good girl, a good daughter, and a sister. I couldn't be more proud." She gently touches Jocelyn's cheek, caressing it before placing a tender kiss on Jocelyn's forehead. Before she got up and left the room as well.

Jocelyn looked down at the floor as the door closed. She knows she must be careful with her words, very much. But it can be put to good use...

/// Months later….

Jocelyn walked through the halls with hurried steps, following a tiny trail of blood that her mother, Rhaenyra, had left on the floor. Jocelyn should have arrived earlier, but she was flying with Cannibal and had no idea that today would be the day her other brother would be born, she didn't have a specific date set in the month that Joffrey would be born, so yeah, she didn't know it would be. soon today. Only she would have liked to hit herself on the head flying away instead of staying by her mother's side, she should have been there.

Instead she almost runs down the halls, hurriedly greeting the lords and ladies on the way and heading towards the queen's chamber. Ser Criston bows his head slightly as he opens the door. "Princess." She just waves before entering the place with some urgency, listening

She sees Laenor standing to one side and her mother sitting on the sofa on the other side, Queen Alicent up ahead and her grandfather Viserys holding her brother in his arms. "Mother, what are you doing out of bed? You should be resting." Jocelyn knelt beside the sofa, taking one of her mother's hands and looking at her with real concern.

" I am fine." Rhaenyra gives her a weak smile.

" No, it's not." Jocelyn retorts and looks at Alicent. "Did the maids say that the lady grandmother asked to see the baby?" Jocelyn frowns and fakes a confused expression, even though she knows this is the case.

Alicent nodded, with an innocent little face that made Jocelyn squint. "I'm afraid so, I wanted to see my newest grandson, I had no idea Rhaenyra would come in such a state walking here."

"If you wanted to see my brother, you should have gone there." Jocelyn instantly responded.

"Jocelyn, don't be rude." her mother says.

"It's okay, I understand." Alicent responds, a calm expression on her face.

" It's good that you understand why I'm angry grandma, but I don't think you understand that you should have gone there instead of demanding to see the baby that was just born and needed the mother, my mother, who just went through a birth and still having to have your child taken away in less than minutes because the lady couldn't go down some stairs." Jocelyn watched Alicent's cheeks get a little more color and her father for her name, Laenor, bit her lip to keep from smiling. Grandfather Viserys looks a little conflicted now, looking between Alicent and Jocelyn. "What if the walk somehow made my mother feel sick? Or the baby that was born because he was separated from his mother so early? Didn't you think about that?" She stands up.

" Daughter." Rhaenyra takes her arm, a grip so fragile it made Jocelyn clench her jaw and look over her shoulder at her, her gaze softening as she met her mother's, who seemed to be begging Jocelyn to stay calm.

She turns her face back to Alicent when she speaks. "I'm sorry Princess Jocelyn. I didn't think about the complications, I just wanted to see my grandson." Alicent replied, with a false look of regret.

Jocelyn looked at her, brown eyes narrowed.

"All right, dear grandmother, you must be pretty exhausted not to be able to go downstairs, you're not like my mother, who was undoubtedly in a better state than you and had to climb several flights of stairs while bleeding." That was a pretty violent retort, but what Alicent did is a far worse form of violence.

Alicent swallowed hard at that but still dared to narrow her eyes at her. "Young lady, that's no way to speak with your grandmother and queen. ."

"What do you mean? Did I offend you in some way?" Jocelyn stares back at her and a fake smile crosses her face. "I apologize, dear grandmother. if I have offended you in any way, I am only speaking the way I see it. My mother is the only one bleeding here, after all. " She sees that this made Alicent look a little wary, even taking a step back. Jocelyn continues with the smile on her face, putting her hands behind her back.

"Jocelyn has a bit of a point, dear. The baby being taken away so quickly from the mother's presence could have caused some trouble, after all he was just born." Viserys said and looked briefly at Alicent, who clenched her jaw. "But Daughter, you shouldn't have walked in such a state, it can hurt you too." Viserys said, now looking at Rhaenyra.

"I'm fine, Dad. It's okay." She replied and Jocelyn bit her tongue to keep from rebutting that statement.

Viserys nodded and looked at the baby, a slight smile forming on his lips. "I think he has his father's nose." An exchange of weak smiles was made by her mother and Laenor, and Alicent, the three of them realizing that wasn't really true, not least because Laenor isn't his father.

"If you don't mind, your majesty, your daughter has made a heroic effort and needs rest." Laenor said, and her grandfather smiled and nodded.

" Of course." then Alicent approaches Viserys and the child, making her mother tense, and Jocelyn just exchanges a look with Laenor before paying attention to the fact that Alicent slightly leans in to see the baby's face, seeing the strands of brown hair in him. Soon, she takes him from her grandfather's arms and her mother stands beside Laenor, while Jocelyn also stands beside her.

And as she walks away, Laenor follows and so does Jocelyn, standing by Laenor's side as the baby is soon returned to his arms, while Alicent makes the hint full of innuendo.

"Keep trying, Ser Laenor. Sooner or later you'll get one more like you and Jocelyn." She said, a somewhat fake smile on her face.

Jocelyn can't help but smile the same and responds with her own comment, loud and clear for everyone present to hear. " My great-great-grandmother Jocelyn Baratheon would no doubt love to have met my brothers, they have hair just like hers and our cousins from the Baratheon house. The seed is Strong, after all." She giggles lightly and that earns a smile from Laenor , both of them looking for a moment at Alicent to see the smile fade and then back again, with her turning away from them.

After that they soon leave, with Jocelyn holding her mother's arm as they walk, blood staining the path in the meantime.

She chooses to leave before the doors open, saying that she has to speak to one of the dragon keepers and then go see Cannibal, which is true. She knew her mother and brother would be in good hands.


" What is happening?" Jocelyn Velaryon's voice was steady, her footsteps heavy as she walked over to her uncles and brothers, who were curiously laughing and holding back laughter, but the only silence was Aemond. Jocelyn knows what's going on, but it's necessary to keep up appearances.

"Nothing, just a joke." Aegon said, smiling beside Lucerys.

Jocelyn looked at Aemond just behind her, her uncle, younger by a year but still so young. He averted his eyes to the floor a moment after her eyes met his.

Jocelyn glanced sideways at Lucerys and Jacaerys, or Luke and Jace, if she prefers. She narrowed her brown eyes and Jacaerys was silent as Lucerys looked down at the floor. Aegon grimaced and looked at his nephews in confusion before meeting her cold eyes. He cleared his throat. "What?" Was he trying to pretend to be misunderstood? Really?

Jocelyn just stared at him, something that seems to have troubled them as he looked away and crossed his arms in a defensive position.

Jocelyn then spoke. "Go on, get out of here. If I see them playing stupid pranks like this again, I'll tell Mom and Grandma Alicent."

Aegon immediately protested. "What? But we-"

"He's your brother and your uncle." She interrupted, her eyes on the three accomplices, silencing them." He's family, we…" she even stands in front of Aegon and his younger brothers, staring at them coldly. "We're family, and we should respect each other as such, no mocking, no humiliating or disrespecting each other." She said, anger rising in her tone. "Apologise to him, or ask your princess and queen's forgiveness." She ordered, not missing the way Aegon's eyes looked. blinked in disbelief but even so, he was silent and so were his brothers.

Finally, Aegon sighed and turned to Aemond. "Sorry, brother." He didn't look too thrilled to do this, but he knew what worse it would be to have Alicent on his back.

Jacaerys gulped and also turned to Aemond, as did Lucerys. "Sorry, Uncle Aemond." Said Jacaerys, while Luke just muttered an apology.

Aemond didn't seem to know what to say, he blushed a little with embarrassment but looked at her and his brothers. "Okay." He said, nodding and looking away. "It was just a stupid joke."

"See? Even he knows it's silly." Aegon said, pointing at Aemond before he huffed and walked away, walking past her and walking away.

Jocelyn took a deep breath. "Alright, now go." She said and her brothers listened, leaving right after Aegon.

"I didn't need help." Aemond said, finally looking at her. " I was fine."

"I know you was." No, he wasn't. Risking his life near a Dragon after that would only prove that. "You better go too." She replies, reaching up to walk past him and grab the rope from the pig ahead. "I'll take him to Cannibal, if you don't mind."

"I don't." Aemond responds quickly.

" Good." Jocelyn said. "I'd invite you for a walk, but Cannibal might be less than courteous to strangers so..." She looked at the pig for a moment before looking back at him. "See you at dinner?"

"I…yes, of course." He said, suddenly looking nervous and clearing his throat. Was that a blush?

Jocelyn was tempted to smile but held back. "I'll be off, see you later, Aemond." She didn't wait for an answer before turning to go down to where the dragons were, pulling the pig by the rope with her.

She passed through several halls and arrived where Cannibal was. The great beast was lying with its head resting on the bone-strewn floor, but it opened its bright blue eyes to see who had invaded. He looked ready to pounce, letting out a slight growl that subsided when he saw it was just her. Jocelyn smirked and tugged on the pig's rope so that the animal was beside her.

Cannibal was dark and huge, scales sharp and terrifying, so big he was close to Vhagar's size, just a little smaller but leaner and more muscular. As agile and strong as it is beautiful. He might look like a drogon from his shape, but he was definitely darker and with certain differences, like spiky scales that stretched down the line of his neck from the sides and above. He winked lazily at her and then the pig, Jocelyn snorted before letting go of the pig's rope and approaching Cannibal, she knew he wouldn't attack her or attack the pig without her order. They have a strong connection, and she dares to think it might even be stronger than her family connection.

Cannibal let her put a hand to his snout.

" Thanks for accepting me." She told him, even though she had no idea if he understood. It's been so many years since they've been linked. It seems to be very true that dragons can form special bonds with their knights, in such a way that they become one, mirroring each other. "I don't know if I'll make it without you." She now whispered, gently stroking his muzzle. The dragon grunted softly and closed his eyes at the caress and hers, an obvious display of comfort and trust. "I brought you a snack, I think you'll like it." She heard him let out what sounded like a snort and she laughed. "I know, I don't like pork either, but roast is very good I'm sure." He just sighed through his nostrils and she smiles.


She watched from the shadows in the alcove as Ser Criston taught his brothers and uncles, she still wasn't noticed by anyone but Aemond, who only stared at her for a few moments. She crossed her arms and waited for the opportune moment, wearing a simple, light silk dress in black, with red accents, highlighting her pale skin. Her hair was short, reaching to her shoulders and braided by her order.

Ser Criston abruptly pulled her brother away, and she had to stop herself from going there and preventing such a fight.

"Oldest son against eldest son." He said, looking briefly at Harwin.

"It's not a fair fight." Her father said and walked among the scarecrows.

"You've never seen a real battle, Ser, but when we draw swords, fair fight is not what we see."

"No, it's not." She spoke, catching everyone's attention, apparently surprising them if the grimaces and slightly wide eyes were any sign."But we're not in a battle, we're in a training yard and this is training, not battle." She told them, stepping out of the shadows and over to where Ser Criston was standing, her height came close to his chin, she was only two years younger than Aegon but was also about the same height as him.

"I know Princess, and I apologize for not noticing you." said Ser Criston, in that clueless voice of his.

She smiles slightly, passing her eyes between her brothers and father, who smiled back. And then to his uncles, Aegon looked amused while Aemond looked tense, she noticed his shoulders and his clenched jaw. Then she looks back at Ser Criston, her smile turning crooked as she stands right in front of him, but from a respectable distance. "Apology accepted, Ser. But if you know this isn't a battle, why act like it is?" The question was tinged with a mocking tone.

Ser Criston clenched his jaw, clearly not liking to be answered like that." It's just a way of saying it, princess. Besides, your brothers must be prepared for anything, even disadvantages."

She nodded, a smile still on her lips. "True. But my uncles, apparently, as the lord commander said-" she sees Harwin lower his head, hiding a smile. She felt a little bit of fun as I continued." They were better trained and prepared than the heirs of my house, than my own dear brothers. And that's not fair, nor impartial of you, considering you should train everyone alike." She sees him squirm to keep from swallowing.

"I apologize if this seemed so to your majesty, I have tried my best to teach fair and right." He replied. Jocelyn was silent then, the smile fading as she stared at him with her bright brown eyes, a rather tense silence as everyone waited to see what she would say.

" I understand." She finally said, "I'll stay and watch for a bit, if you don't mind." She doesn't wait for his answer, despite hearing him say it's okay. She wanders off to stand in the corner, next to Harwin Strong, who smiles briefly at her. "Lord Commander." She greets, with a smile of her own.

" Princess." he answers.

She watches Ser Criston's eyes on her, which he seemed to stare at for a moment until long before he turned to her brothers and uncles. He might be manipulative if it weren't for the fact that he hated her mother and her and her brothers. He wanted to marry her mother, after all. But maybe…maybe it can still be manipulated, if she manages the ropes correctly. Yes, it is possible.

She's seen the fight begin, she's seen them fight, she's seen Criston give tips in the midst of the fight, making Aegon go after Jacaerys before he's taken away by their father. "That's enough!" Harwin exclaims, pushing him away and helping Jace up.

"How dare you lay your hands on me!?" Aegon screams and so was her grandfather, the king scolding him.

"Don't forget he's the prince." Criston said and Jocelyn narrowed her eyes, still standing in her rightful place.

"Is that what Cole teaches? Cruelty?" Said Harwin, picking up the swords from the ground and kicking another one. "Cowardice against the weakest?" He bends down to pick up another sword from the ground.

"Your interest in the training of princes is unusual." She sees her father tense up a little as he still readies his swords. Ser Criston slowly turns to him. "Most men would only be so devoted to a cousin… brother… or son." Harwin scrambles to his feet, punching Ser Criston hard and sending him to the ground as he hauled him up and continued to punch. She shuddered from the impacts, it was pretty strong blows.

"Speak again! Speak again!" He yelled at her father, as he was pulled by the royal guards. Ser Criston's face was already smeared with blood.

"That's what I thought." said Ser Criston, spitting on the floor beside him.

Jocelyn then approached, raising her hand to the guards holding her father. "Release the commander." She ordered, the guards hesitated and her father stopped squirming, staying still but breathing heavily and with an almost embarrassed look on his face as she stared at him. The guards released him and she dropped her hand, turning gracefully to Ser Criston who now rose to his feet as the guards let go and walked away from her father.

"Ser Criston." She said, a humorless smile on her lips, fake." I'd like to clarify that this, the Lord Commander is nothing unusual." She said and Ser Criston now looked quite mocking, probably finding what she'd just said amusing in a way. malicious way." It's not uncommon for him to be here and interested in my brothers training because I asked him to be here." She looked to her father. it was a lie, she didn't ask for it, and her father noticed the lie, her eyes widening slightly and her mouth opening slightly. She looked back at Criston, who was now staring at her with narrow brows and a serious face. "I wanted him to watch and teach my brothers and also me, I know he is lord commander, but I told him to have free time, let him come here and look, he is here." She said with a crooked, smug smile that made Criston narrow his eyes and glare at her with what looked like anger.

She almost laughed, but held back. "However, what is really unusual is that you prioritize training my uncles more than my brothers, who are also princes and sons of the future queen of the kingdom. I don't say this to treat them unequally, but to teach them and prioritize everyone's training."

"Do you think my methods are uneven and bad, princess?" The question was fraught with irritation but he was holding back.

"I find it uneven and a little strange, it seems to me that you have some sort of grudge or something." She saw that she pinched a nerve as he clenched his jaw. "But that would be silly, right? After all, white robes are honorable men and they should be impartial, always willing to serve their king and queen, and princes and princesses." She laughs lightly without humor and he looked down at the floor, now looking chastised. So she continued." But regardless, I spoke to my grandfather and, with his permission, asked him to put Ser Harwin Strong and Ser Qarl, including my own father, as trainers. They saw each day at their proper times and helped in the training of my brothers, you will continue to teach my uncles and make it your only priority. I know it must be hard for you to be a white robe and still teach four inexperienced young men to fight, so that way you won't have so much trouble." That was it. In fact, she already spoke with her grandfather, the king and with Laenor and Ser Qarl, they seemed to accept it in a good way, besides that they could spend more time together too and with more excuses, they could say that her moments alone were discussing training tactics or whatever. Laenor seemed excited about the idea, so he could also spend more time with his adopted children and help more with the farce that they are legitimate children. The only part she lied to was about Harwin, she hadn't spoken to him yet and from the confused, surprised look on his face, he hadn't expected this at all.

Ser Criston didn't look happy at the news, he didn't like it. But he has no choice but to accept, so he nodded and wiped some blood from his lips. "As the princess prefers." He replied.

Jocelyn smiled. "Well, by the way…" she even took a step closer to him and saw him freeze, looking like a cornered deer even though there was considerable distance between them. She faked a bland expression. "What you said is something very strange, I mean, my brothers and uncles are the princes and heirs of house Targaryen and Velaryon, by chance the lord commander should act with disrespect and disinterest instead of the devotion that any lord and ladie should have towards the members of the crown?" She faked a curious expression.

"No, princess." He swallowed hard. "I apologize if it looked like that."

"I see. But what you said still sounded suspicious to me, you didn't mean to insinuate something dishonorable, did you?" She raises an eyebrow and sees his nose wrinkle, he no doubt didn't expect to be interrogated with such calculated questions.

" No of course not." He said.

Her lips curved into a smile. "Good, because what you commented could be considered high treason, but it was just an innocent comment, right?" She sees that she caught him the way he seemed to get restless. She looks him up and down with seriousness." But don't do it anymore, such comments can be very wrongly interpreted and my grandfather would no doubt hate to have to order the beheading of such good and honorable guards... like you, Ser Criston . " She looked him straight in the eyes, stared at him, stared at him long enough for him to understand both with the look and the words that if he dared to make any more comments like that, he'd die. Her words were a threat, and he must understand that well. Maybe her grandfather won't do anything, but that's not a problem, she will, one way or another. She can find reasons to take him close to the dragon halls, she can make excuses and she can give Cannibal one more bite of human flesh, he no doubt misses that kind of food.

No problem, and who can blame a dragon for following its survival instincts? Who would blame him for feeling threatened? Who would dare say it was a setup, if dragons are animals that can be unpredictable and wild whenever they want?

She's only doing what dragons do when they feel threatened…they attack and kill…but first they scream and growl.

Ser Criston cleared his throat, seeming to understand her words well and nodded, "I understand, princess," he replied.

"That's good. If you need a healer, I can call him, it was pretty strong blows that hit you. I wouldn't want that to cause any problems with your brain or face, that would be terrible." She said, shivering slightly. Ser Criston snorted.

"I'm fine, princess. Thanks for your concern." He said.

" Right." she sees over her shoulder as Ser Qarl approaches, and smiles, "Well, regardless, Ser Qarl will help with my brothers now and the lord commander will come with me so we can work out his timing details." Ser Criston clenched his jaw and looked to where Ser Qarl approached, smiling at them and even giving a slight nod to Harwin, who seemed to be amused by the whole situation.

"My princess." Ser Qarl greets and she nodded.

"Ser Qarl." she said back. "Take good care of my brothers, will you?"

" Yes my princess. "

She looks back at Criston. "Ser Criston." She said before walking off, passing by his side and her father, who grinned before following her too.

He must hate her even more now, but that's good. All according to plans.

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