72% Our Multiverse Adventure as Gokaigers / Chapter 16: Resting, Training and Loving III

บท 16: Resting, Training and Loving III


I tried to block her kick and cover it with my hands, but her kick was stronger as I was sent flying away.

"That was for tricking me." She said as she got up from the ground.

"You could've just talk!" (Thank God I covered it with my hands at the last second. If she was a little faster than my balls would've been... No don't think about it. Deep breaths...Calm down...)

"Now it's serious. Gokai Change!"


"Red Racer!" *Vroom* I dashed toward her.

"Gokai Chnage!"


"Pink Turbo!"

*Vroom* *Vroom*

"Catch me if you can!" She ran aways from me as I chase after her in the forest. She ran in front of me and tried to lose me, but I stayed behind her as I follow her through the forest.

She ran straight toward a rock before jumping over it at the last second with a flip. I focus the muscles on my legs and jumped after her. My arms almost caught her legs, but it missed as she continued running the moment her feet touched the ground.

I resume my chase after her and took out the Auto Blaster. I tried to blast her but for some reason, I slipped and fell face flat on the ground.

Shinobu continued running and I pulled the rear catch of the Auto Blaster to transform it into the Auto Punisher which uses an inner turbine to fire supercharged blasts.

"Take this!" *Pew* *Pew* *Pew* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

I continued shooting at her, but she ran through the explosions straight toward me and took her sword.

"GT Sword!" She slashed horizontally when she arrived in front of me.

"ViBlade!" I took out the ViBlade and redirected her blade to my left before speeding pass her.

*Ting* *Shing* *Ting* *Sling*

Sound of blade clashing rang through the forest as sparks ignite from out highspeed clashes. We dashed pass each other and attack with our sword whenever we see an opining as it goes on for a while until Shinobu decided to end this game by using a finisher.

"Turbo Laser!" She took out the sword and combined it with the GT Sword to perform GT Crash. *Shing*

I took out the Fender Sword quickly to counter her move.

"Twin Cam Crush!" I do an 'X' shape slash with the Fender Sword and ViBlade.

*Crrrkkkkk* Sparks ignite from our clash *Boom* but in the end Shinobu won as I was sent flying through the air.

"Urrgh..." I slowly got up from the ground. (Since she's a speeding vehicle then there's only one way to stop her.)

"Gokai Change!"


"Patren 2gou!"

"Freeze!" I yelled as I aimed at her with the VS Changer. (Always wanted to say this.) I started shooting at her when she started running toward me trying to attack me again.

*Pew* *Pew* *Pew* *Pew* *Pew*

I shot at her with my blaster nonstop, but she avoided all of it with her speed.

*Vroom* *Bam* She speeds passed and attacked me with her GT Sword but unlike before I wasn't damage as Patranger suit focus on defense and offence rather than agility and mobility like the Lupinranger suits.

(Time to take out the big guns. Let's see if it works... give me the Magic Dial Fighter, please.)


The Dial Fighter appeared in my arms as I put it on the VS Changer and rolled the dial.

"Magic! 0-2-9! Keisatsu Boost!" *Bang* I shot the VS Changer and the Magic Arrow bow appeared on my arm.

I tried to aim it at the running Shinobu, but her movements were too fast, and the trees got in the way for me to get a clear shot.

*Vroom* She dash toward me trying to attack me, but this time I jump out of her way before pulling the bow string made of energy and aiming it toward the sky.

"Arrow shower!" *whiish* I released the bow string and an energy arrow shot toward the sky and after a second or two, dozens of small arrows fell down to the ground creating many small explosions.

boom *boom* *boom* *boom* *boom* *boom* *boom* *boom* *boom* *boom*

She tried to use her speed to dodge the arrows while slashing some of it with her sword. some of the arrows hit the ground near her making small craters.

She was to focus on avoiding the arrows to pay attention to her surrounding and she tripped on one of the craters.

(What th-) She quickly used her arm to support her and flip away from her position. She does a couple of flips to get away from the arrows before striking them down with her sword.

*Ting* *shing* *shwin* *tiing*

(*haa* *haa* *haa* I'm getting tired and I'm there's still more Sentai to transform into. I have to try my best to last until then.) The arrow shower ended, and she managed to avoid all of the arrows, but she forgot one thing... and that thing was me.

"Suprise!" *whoosh* I shot her with a fully charged arrow when she turned around to reacted to my voice.


She flew up into the air before *Bam* crashing onto to ground. She slowly got up and took out the Go-Busters Key.

"Gokai Change!"


"Yellow Buster!" She quickly jumped and kicked me with her enchanted leg strength.

"Kuhh!" I slide on the ground and pull out the Gokai Green Ranger Key.

"Gokai Change!"


"Gokai Green!"

I roll on the ground before stopping myself and jumping sideway dodging her axe kick.


I pulled out the Gokai gun and shoot her. *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* She did a backflip dodging all the bullets before jumping up. She jumped into the air and came at me with a flying side kick.

I jumped forward ducking below her. She went pass me and landed on the ground before doing a roundhouse kick at me. *Bam* I blocked it with my forearms and skidded on the ground because of the force of her kick.

She retracted her leg and came at me with a punch. I tilted my head and captured her arm before throwing her into a tree. She did a flip in the air and kicked against the tree before jumping toward me.

I tried to dodge but she tackled me down onto the ground. I fell beside her and both of use rolled away to the opposite direction before getting back up. She jumped toward me once again trying to kick me, but I did a back flip to dodge her. She landed on the ground and turned around before her movements stopped completely.

(*huff* *huff* What happened!? I can't move!) She tried to force her body, but it didn't obey her commands as it stood still as a rock.

"...Hehe, I may have forgot to mention that each Go-Buster has a defined weakness and Yellow Buster's weakness is Calorie Depletion. You need a steady supply of caloric energy in the form of sugar, and if it runs out, you'll be totally exhausted and immobilized."

"Anyway, you snooze you lose." I pulled out Gokai Green Ranger Key from the belt buckle and inserted it into the Gokai Gun *weeu* as it lit up green.

"Gokai Blast!" *Bang* I shot a supercharged bullet from my gun toward her.


The green bullet missed her before hitting the ground behind her *BOOM* and she flew directly at me.

I caught her and took a few steps back from the force of the blast. I turned around and gently put her down on the ground.

"Hey, can you keep going?"

"*haa* *haa* I think I can...*haa*"

"It's ok if you want to rest for a little while." I pat her back.


"It's fine. Beside I'm kind of tired from that too."


We transformed back into our normal clothes and sat down near a tree. We relax our tense muscles as we enjoy the night breeze.

------Some Time Later-------

"Are you ok now?" I asked while I look at her.

"Yeah. I think I'm ready." She nodded and moved her arms and legs.

"Good. How about we start with the classics this time." I took out the Aorenger Key.

"Sure." Shinobu took out the Dia Jack Ranger Key.

"Gokai Change!"



"Blue Cherry!" I summon Aorenger's visor weapon consisting of a bow and arrow. I equipped the arrows with rocket propelled explosive heads to shoot at her.

"Blue Arrow Missile!"

"Gokai Change!"


"Dia Jack!"

"Dia Sword!" Shinobu took out Dia Jack's weapon, a longsword with a collapsible/extending blade which can be electrically charged to increase its cutting power.

I shot some arrows with explosive heads at her, and she used the Dia Sword to cut them all down. She managed to cut down almost all the arrows, but she accidently cut the explosive head of one of the arrows making every arrowhead near her blow up.

*boom* *boom* *boom* *boom* *boom* *boom*

She was flung away by the force of the explosion dropping her sword and I jumped toward her with a flying kick. She jumped to the side dodging my kick and I punched at her chest which she countered with a punch of her own.


She spins around and tried to kick my head, but I block it my left forearm before punching her in the back. She almost falls to the ground, but she used her arms to roll forward before turning around. She moved her body to the side to avoid my punch and used both of her fists to strike me in the chest.


I took a few steps back and ducked under her punch. I karate chopped her shoulder which she defended by crossing her arms above her head. I tried to kick her legs which she replied with the same force.


She blocked my kick with her own and rapidly punch me in the stomach before using an open palm strike to the chest to blow me away.

"Gokai Change!"



I skidded along the ground for a few seconds before stopping and attacking her with a jump kick. She defended herself by crossing her arms and she pushed me back. I did a backflip to gain distance between us, but Shinobu closed in on me and did a side kick.

I counter her kick with my own as our kicks canceled out each other's. I jumped sideway to avoid her roundhouse kick and tried to punch her chest. She caught my punch with her free hand and pulled me in before trying to strike me in the forearm with her elbow.

I quickly tickle her armpit before she strikes me.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle."

"Hahahahaha...Stop it!" She laughs as she let go of my arm.

"Ok." *Bam* I uppercut her chin with my open palm.

"MegaRod!" I took out MegaBlack's weapon and used the finisher.

"Rod Break!" I strike Shinobu with the charged up crescent blade of the Mega Rod.

She quickly pulled out a Ranger Key before my attack hit her and she transform.

"Gokai Change!"



My attacks landed on her, and *Poof* she became a puff of smoke. I changed my stance to defend myself against her surprise attacks and used my hearing to listen to her heartbeat.

"Ninja Ichibantou!"

Before I could locate her, she appeared from behind and jumped at me with a summersault and slashed me. I blocked her slash with the MegaRod and punch her chest but*Poof* Shinobu became a straw figure.

"Shuriken Ninja Art: Metal Technique. (Shuriken Ninpō - Kin no Jutsu.)" I heard her voice from behind me, so I turned around and saw Shinobu spun the 5 Element Shuriken. (Goton Shuriken.)

"Kin Kira Ja!" A gold-colored metal washing pan appeared out of nowhere and fell onto my head.


"Ouch! Where did that metal pan even came from!?" I exclaimed in anger.

"Hehehe, watch out for falling things Ren." She said and threw a smoke bomb at her feet. *Poof* I tried looking around and suddenly a large number of gold-colored metal washing pan fall from the sky.

"You got to be kidding me..." I said before jumping away from my position.

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* The metal pans hit the ground before disappearing.

"Shuriken Ninja Art: Earth Technique. (Shuriken Ninpō - Tsuchi no Jutsu.) *Boom* An explosion happened beneath my feet and sent me flying up in the air. I decied that I had enough and pulled out the next Ranger Key.

(No matter how good you are at hiding, we're still in a forest.) "Gokai Change!"


"Magi Green!"

"Forest, please help me out. *2-7* Jiruma Magika!" I pressed the number on the MagiPhone and pointed the tip up into the air. Think veins appeared from the ground and wrapped around a tree. A pink cloth appeared from the middle of the tree and Shinobu's position was reveal.

"It's over Shinobu. In this form as long as we're in the forest you can't hide from me."

"Then I'll just face you head on!" She inserted the Goton Shuriken onto the Ninja Ichibantou.

"Shuriken Ninja Art: Flame Technique! (Shuriken Ninpō - Kaen no Jutsu!)" A stream of fire cut the vines before Shinobu jumped down and diappeard.

"You know you can't hide from me!" I yelled out while looking around.

"I wasn't trying to hide. I was just buying a little time." I heard her voice from my right side and before I could turn around, she activated the finisher.

"Ninja Violent Slash!" She pressed the button on the Ninja Ichibantou before swinging it with powerful and fast swings at me.

"*5-9* Jinga Majuna!" I created a defensive barrier to block her attack, but she broke through the barrier before slashing me multiple time jumping into the air. She come down spinning before she finally lands with a finishing strike.


I was slashed with her finisher and flew backward because of the force. I rolled on the ground a few times before standing up using my arms and transformed into a different Sentai. Before I finished transforming, she jumped toward me and tried to slash me, but I rolled away and transformed.

"Gokai Change!"



I punched her face which she redirected with her left hand and punched me in the gut. I blocked her punch with my body before I charge my gloves with energy and delivers a series of rapid punches at her.

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

I punched her with the final charged punch as she went rolling on the ground. She stopped herself with her arms and jumped up before taking out a Ranger Key.

"Gokai Change!"


"Pink Mask!"

She came at me from above with a jump kick and I jumped out of the way. She laned on the ground and I quickly attacked her with a roundhouse kick. She ducked under my kick and pulled down my leg that was over my head.

She threw me over her shoulder into a tree. *Bam* I hit the tree and jumped to the side to avoid her punch.

I did a backflip and took out a Ranger Key.

"Gokai Change!"


"Five Red!"

"V-Sword Slash!" I jumped toward her and charged my sword with energy before doing a V shape slash at her.

*Shinnng* *Boom*

She crossed her arms at the last second trying to defend herself against my attack. She took a few steps back as a slash mark is visible on her suit's forearms. She shakes her hands for a few moments before pulling out a Ranger Key.

"Gokai Change!"


"Goggle Pink!"

"Pink Ribbon!" She took out the ribbon and twirl it before wrapping it around my wrist. She pulled the ribbon back and sparks ignited from the place where the ribbon was touching as I flew up in the air.

(I wonder what would happen if Mitsuri had this power.) She wrapped the ribbon on my leg this time as she waved me around in the air.

(...I'm gonna hurl...ugh.) I cut the ribbon from my leg and fall down onto the ground. As I was falling on the ground, I took out another Ranger Key.

"Gokai Change!"



Shinobu waved her pink ribbon again and used it like a whip trying to slash me.

"Pink Barrier!" I created a force filed with me inside to stop her attacks. She stopped attack me and instead she wrapped the whole barrier with her ribbon and threw it up into the air.

She tosses me up and down like a ball with her ribbon before throwing me against tree and rocks. *Crkkk* *Thiig* *Clang* The barrier broke and I jumped away from her ribbon strike before pulling out the next Ranger Key to transform into.

"Gokai Change!"



"D-Magnum!" I took out the two guns and started shooting at her.

"Gokai Change!"



"Accel Stop!" She entered bullet time and jumped sideway dodging all of them. I ran toward her with my guns still shooting at her and when I got close to her, she took out the Double Vectors.

"Vector End Beat Six!" A clock appeared behind her as she did double vertical slash with her Spark and Arrow Vectors in the formation of 6 o'clock and slashed at me.

I was blasted backward and went rolling on the ground before my back hit a tree. I quickly went behind the tree to catch my breath before jumping out and shooting at her. *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* She jumped forward between my lasers before ducking on the ground.

I ran sideway behind the trees and continued shooting at her as she follows me by rolling on the ground sideway while aiming her VolSniper at me.

*Bang* *boom* *Pew* *boom*

We continued shooting each other but Shinobu stopped rolling and got up from the ground while I was hiding behind a tree waiting for her move.

She jumped behind on top of some tree with the VolSniper to hide and looked for a good place to snipe. I took a peep from behind the tree and didn't see Shinobu. I carefully looked around searching for her when I heard a sound coming from the east.

*whoosh* *Pew* *Boom*

I jumped away and there was a small smoking hole in my position.

(I see. Sniper huh? Well, I'll just have to force you to come out.)

I ran toward the direction where the laser came from but after a second or two a laser came from the west. I did a backflip to dodge the laser. *Pew* *Pew* *Pew* This time there were three shots of lasers coming from the north-west direction.

I did a summersault and crouched on the ground before shooting the ground making a hole big enough for me. I jumped into the hole kept on blasting the ground in front of me trying to dig a hole toward her.

(Is he not going to come out? Well, I've all the time in the world if you want to play the waiting game Ren...what's that sound?)


I popped up from the ground and uppercut to her chin just like Naruto did to Neji in the Chunni exam.

(No way... he blasted the ground to make a road for himself?!)

Shinobu shot up from the ground and I used this chance to prepare the finisher.

"Hybrid Magnum!" I combined the D-Magnums into one gun.

"Hybrid Charging Shoot!" *weeuu* We arrived on a platform made of the letters S.P.D in space. I shot at her and used the VolSniper as a shield to defend herself against my blast.


We arrived back at the forest as Shinobu took a few steps back before she fell down on one knee. She tosses the damaged VolSniper into the air before she took out the next Ranger Key of her choice.

"Gokai change!"


"ToQ 3gou!"

"Let see if you can punch against this! Shingou (Signal) Hammer!" She charges up the hammer before jumping toward me and bringing it down on my head.

"Let's Rampage! Gokai Change!"



"Tricera Bunker!" I took out AbareBlue's weapon before defending myself.



The ground cracked from the force of her hammer as I resist her with AbareBlue's personal weapon. I slide off her hammer to the side and used my left hand to punch her in the stomach. *Bam* She caught my fist with her free hand used her leg to kick my knee.

Her kick connected as I lost my footing and fell on the ground. She used that time to charge up her hammer once again before hitting me like a golf ball.


Her hit connected with my side as I went flying through the air and hit the tree that was in my way. I tried to get back up from the ground while ignoring the pain.

(Looks like I'll have to use that, but I need to get angry if I want to use that... and no matter how much I try can't get angry with her. Think! Think! What makes me angry? Let's see what makes me angry is Homework, Asshole Friends, Bitches, Naive pure hearted heroes and heroines who won't kill their enemies no matter what and most of all... Scumbag Fathers!) I gripped my fists tightly as I got angry.

"ARRRRRRRRR!" I spread my arms while shouting with all of my anger.

"What the-" Shinobu exclaimed surprise at my transformation.

Spikes grew on my arms and legs as my dinosaur mouth shaped visor did a roar before completing the transformation.

"ABARE MODE!!" I get on all four and ran toward Shinobu at full speed.

"*Hmm* Looks like I'll have to use another form if I want to win. Gokai Change!"


"Lupin Yellow!"

*Pew* Shinobu took out the detachable belt buckle in the shape of a card and launch a grappling hook that attached itself to a tree. She used it to dodge my ramming attack as she pulled herself up before I rammed into her.

I hit the tree with my ramming attack as it fell down on the ground by breaking its upper body from the trunk. I search for her among the tree and when I found her, I ran toward the tree she was on and ram into it just like I did with the last tree.


She launches her grappling hook at another tree before swinging to it.

"Hey Ren, don't you think that's a bit much? You can use your blasters you know."

"ARRRRR!" My mind was clouded with too much anger to hear her words as I only knew that I had to destroy her.

"Ren?" (There's something's wrong with him. He isn't responding to me at all, and he just keep on attacking me. He isn't even defending himself against most of my attacks. Looks like i'll have to forcefully get him out of this form.)

"ARRRRR!" I picked up the fallen tree and threw it at her.


The tree I thrown hit the place where Shinobu was, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Over here~" I heard her voice from above and when I looked up, I was met with 3 laser blasts in the face.

I ignored the lasers that hit me the face and jumped up to attack her with my claws. She jumped down toward me and took out the Scissor Dial Fighter and put it on the VS Changer.

"Scissor! 9-6-3 Masqueraise! Kaitou Boost!" *Bang* A giant shield and a boomerang blade came out as she fell toward me.

(Gravity, do your thing.)


My body meets her shield as she tried to crush me with the combine weight of the shield and her body.

We hit the ground with Shinobu's shield crushing but it only made me angrier as I held up the shield above my head.

"ARRR!!!" I threw the shield away and took out a big rock from the ground. *Shiiinh* Shinobu dug the shield into the ground to stop the force and threw the boomerang at me. I threw the rock at her, *whissh* but the boomerang cut through it before rushing toward me.

*BAM* I caught the boomerang and took a few steps back before throwing it back at her. It speeds toward her, and *Tiiiing* she blocked the boomerang with her shield before canceling out the Kaitou Boost. I ran toward her on all four before jumping and punching at her.

"Well, that didn't work." She said and dodged my punch by flipping over my body. I spun my body and tried to attack her, but she bent her back backward and went under my arm. After that she took a few steps back before shooting at me.

*Pew* *Pew* *Pew*

I once gain ignored the lasers as I ran toward her on all four before I jumped up and punched her. She moved her body out of the way at the last second before shooting at my feet making me crash into a tree.



"Let's see if this can get your head to cool down. Splash! Kaito Boost!" *Bang* Shinobu used the Trigger Machine Splash to summon the Splash Buster on her right forearm.


High pressure water came out from the Splash Buster on her right arm and crashed into me. *Bam* I took a few steps back from the force of the water before I dug my feet into the ground and walked toward her one step at a time.

"ARRR!" I speed through the water before I slapped away the Splash Buster before scratching her chest with my hands.


Sparks ignited from her chest before she jumped back. She held her chest that was attacks by me and went behind the trees. I followed after her but when I arrived at the place where she was last seen, she was nowhere to be found.

(*haa* *haa* It can't keep going on like this. As this rate, I'm gonna lose before he even gets tired. There must be some way to beat him, but I can't think of anything. I could blast him with the Gokai Galleon cannons, but it might be too much.)

(Should I transform into other Sentai? But If I can't deal with him in this form, what'll happen in the future. What if I'm stuck in one from and have a difficult fight just like this.)

Just then a female voice rang in Shinobu's mouth *whoosh* as VictoryStriker and SirenStriker appeared in Shinobu's hands.

(Well, it looks like you're in a pinch. I don't mind helping but don't get used to it, ok?)

(What the, who talked in my head? Am I finally going crazy?)

(Hehehe, don't worry. You're not going crazy. I'm the spirit of the Ranger Key.)

(Spirit of Ranger key? You mean you're Lupin Yellow-san?)

(That's right! It's me Umika-chan aka Lupin Yellow. Now go beat him! You can definitely win with the power of VictoryStriker and SirenStriker!)

(I see, thank you.)

(You're welcome. Here's a piece of advice, use VictoryStriker first. Now then, I bid you Adieu~)

(Well since she generously helped me, I guess I should listen to her.) Shinobu inserted it into the VS Changer and rolled the dial.

"VictoryStriker! 1-1-1! Miracle Masqueraise! Super Kaitou Change!" *Bang* She transformed into Super Lupin Yellow which grant her foresight.

(! Ren came running at her before jumping up striking her chest with his claws.)

"I see, that's how it works.... Here I come Ren!" Shinobu sprinted toward me.

"ARRRARR!!" I spread my arms and ran toward her.


"Umika are you sure giving her the VictoryStriker and SirenStriker?"

"It's fine. It's fine. Don't worry about it Touma. She needed help and it's our duty as her senpai to give her help. It's not like we gave her our Greater Powers."

"Still, no matter what I'm not giving him the Lupin Magnum without making him work for it."

"Don't be like that Kairi-kun."

"Huh? You're on his side K-chan?"

"I guess..." Keiichiro smiled. "I think I see a little of you in him."

"Ehhh? No way. *sigh*" He scratched the back of his head. "Well, no matter what, let's just hope he work out his issues sooner rather than later."

"We just have to make sure to watch over them as their Senpai and give them guidance, right Tsukasa-san?"

"*Umm* You're right Sakuya. There's no use worrying about the future. Besides, it's not just us but the rest of Super Sentai is watching over them too. By the way, did you guys hear any words from Noel? Last time I heard he was going to a meeting of sixth rangers?"

"Yeah." Touma answered. "I called him last night and it turned out that the sixth Gokaiger doesn't know about Super Sentai so Noel and the rest of them are explaining and teaching her about it. He said that she's a little free spirited so they're having a hard time making her listen to them."

"*Hmm* Well I guess there's no need to worry if all of them are on the case."


I dashed at her before jumping up and *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* Shinobu shot me in the chest multiple time while I was in the air.

"ARRR!!" Her blasts didn't slow me down as I came down from the air trying to strike her chest. Shinobu took a few steps back to avoid my strikes before jumping up. The turbines on the armor started rotating making her fly in the air.

"ARRRRR KILLLL!!" I jumped toward her with all my might trying to reach her. She went below me and did a roundhouses kick midair to send me flying further into the air. She went down on the ground and took off the VictoryStriker from her VS Changer.

"*Hmm* That kick should keep you up there for a while. Now, to make you regain you conscious..." She took out the SirenStriker before inserting it on the VS Changer.

"SirenStriker! Kaito Boost!" *Bang*

"This might not kill you Ren, but this is going to hurt!" She said as she charged up the guns. *weeeuuuuuu* *Bang*

The blast travel straight toward Ren and hit him directly in the stomach.


*weesh* Ren fell down from the smoke in his normal clothes and Shinobu jumped up to catch him before he touches the ground.

I felt myself being shaken so I tried to open my eyes but "Sleep tight Ren. Everything will be better soon..." were the last words I manage to hear before I black out.

------------------Some Time Later--------------------

"...hehehe your so cute when you're not trying to kill me..." I heard Shinobu's voice and felt my hair being played.

"*Umm* Shinobu... what happen-" I opened my eyes slowly and saw Shinobu looking down on me as my head rested on her thighs.

"*Oh! Ren you're awake!"

"*Mmmm* Yeah, what happened? Arkkk!" I touched my stomach.

"Ren! Are you ok!? Does it still hurt!?"

"*wince* I'm fine. More importantly, what happened?" I got up from her thighs before sitting on the ground facing her.

"The last thing I remember was me thinking about..." My mind finally remembered what happened in the training session and I quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry."

"*Shake head* It's ok but can you tell me what happened? I tried calling out to you and get you back to your senses, but you kept attacking me."

"*Sigh* If one wants to use the full power of Abarangers than you need to access Abare Mode. In that mode your strength and overall physical abilities are enhanced just like you saw. But this mode has a draw back."

"If one wants to access this mode then they need to be really angry. I thought I could control it but when I accessed this mode, my mind became clouded by overwhelming rage. I couldn't think of anything except killing my target." I clenched my fists.

"Ren...." Shinobu moved her hands to held mine.

"*Aa* Yeah, I'm fine and don't worry I'll make sure it won't happen again. Heehehe." I quickly masked my emotions and reassured her with a smile and a laugh.

"*Sigh* if you say so. Just...be careful alright. And if you want someone to listen to your troubles, I'm here for you. After all, I am your girlfriend and I'm care about you." (So even if you still don't trust completely, I'll be here for you no matter what.)

"Thanks, but I'm fine, you don't have to worry. Anyway, I think that's enoug*Guuuu~*" The sound of my stomach made me embarrassed.

"*Ahem* Like I said, I think that's enough training for one night. I'm kind of hungry."

"Fufufu, Sure, let's go see if there's anything in the kitchen."

After our training, we jumped back onboard the Galleon to have dinner together. We enter the interior, and I sat on one of the chairs near the dinner table while Shinobu walked into the kitchen.

"Umm...Ren!" She called out to me from the kitchen.

"What is it Shinobu?!"

"There's nothing here!"

(? What does she mean not-) I walked into to the kitchen and saw what she meant by nothing. Every cupboard, drawer and even the refrigerator was empty. There weren't even spoon, forks or plates.

"Well then, I guess there's no dinner for us tonight."

"Not necessarily." Shinobu shook her head.

"What do you mean?"

"There's a river on our way here. We can catch some fish from the river and eat grilled fish for dinner. What do you say?"

"I say...let's go to the river!"

I walked into the cockpit with Shinobu and changed into Gokai Red before steering the ship toward the river.

"Hey Ren, why did you change into Gokai Red? I mean we're not training anymore, right?"

"Ohh that, I don't know how to steer the Gokai Galleon on my own so if I want to make the ship move, I have to change into Gokai Red."

"I see."

We arrived near the river, and I stopped the ship before jumping down onto the ground with Shinobu.

"I'll handle the fire. Can you take care of catching the fishes?"

"Sure." She nodded as she transformed back to her normal clothes and walked toward the river.

"Wait!" I shouted as I took out the Ranger Key from my belt.

She turned around and I threw the HurricaneBlue Ranger Key at her.

"It'll make things a lot faster. *wink* Consider this extra training."

"Fufufu, Sure."

I gather some woods from the forest to make a campfire and transformed into GingaRed. I lit it up with a blast of fire. While I was doing that Shinobu changed into HurricaneBlue.

"Super Ninja Art: Water Splash!" A thick pillar of water erupted from the river and lots of fish flew up from the water.

"Super Ninja Art: Shadow Dance! (Chō Ninpō: Kage no Mai!)" *Whoosh* *swshh* *shwsh* She stab some of the fishes with a wooden stick she made and transformed back to her normal self.

"Hey Ren, I caught 5. I could've caught more but I think this's more than enough."

"Nice." I gave her a thumbs up. "Let's grill them."

Shinobu handed me the stick with the fishes, and we put each fish on a stick before placing them near the fire.

We sat beside each other on the ground near the campfire as we watched the fishes being cook. Shinobu put her head on my shoulder, and we held each other's hand.

While we watch the fishes being cook, I asked Shinobu if she had any questions about the training we did.

"Now then, do you have any questions about training or these powers?"

"Hmm...just one. Do you know what happened when we use our finishers or some attacks. You know like Hurricaneger's Shadow Dance (Kage no mai) or Gokaiger's Final wave or the finisher you did as DekaRed with those guns. It's like we're transported to another world or place for a moment before coming back."

"*Hmm* Well, I don't really know what's that myself. In the show I just thought of them as visual effects but now that it's happening in real life, I don't know. I have my own form of reasoning for now, but I don't know if it's right or wrong."

"Why don't you explain it to me. I don't mind if it's wrong and it's not like I know why it's happening either.

"Fine, it's kind of complicated but Shinobu, have you ever heard of or watched Fate/Stay Night?"

"What's that? I think I've heard of it, but I can't remember clearly. Can you tell me what it about? Maybe that'll jog my memory."

"It's about a suicidal guy who wants to be a hero of justice. He gets involved in a death battle of mages who summons different heroic spirits from across history to participate in the Holy Grail War. (Or as Abridged Rin put it, Muder-Death-Kill.) The winner of the battle will get one wish."

"Hmm, no sorry, I think I know that anime, but I've only watched like a couple of episodes so I can't remember clearly. Does it have a bule guy with a red spear and a red guy with two short black and white swords?"

"Yeah, that the one." I nodded.

"Well, that red guy name is Emiya what I'm about to tell you is related to him. In that anime each summon have an ultimate move which is called a Noble Phantasm. Its power is directly related to the hero's legend. That blue guy, Cu's Noble Phantasm is that his spear named Gáe Bolg."

"Gáe Bolg, the spear of causation which carries a curse that can even reverses causality to always strike the heart, and the second of which unleashes the full potential of the curse to strike the enemy by hurling the spear with overwhelming power."

"But what's really interesting is the Emiya's personal Noble Phantasm and Reality Marble, Unlimited Blade Works. This Noble Phantasm can copy weapons that are seen only once and store them within. Emiya can freely take out and utilize the weapons according to the situation, however, they are all one rank lower than the originals."

"*Hmm* I understand but what does all of that have to do with the question?" She tilted her head.

"I'm getting there. You see, my version of reasoning with that places we're transported to when we do certain attacks and finishers are a smaller, weaker version of a Reality Marble."

"A Reality Marble is creation of one's inner world. It completely cut off from normal reality by projecting their internal landscape and sealing off the regular World. The actualization of a Reality Marble is the result of switching the inner and outer world."

"It will encase anyone within range, causing them to disappear from view and while they cannot be directly affected from the outside, a large burst of mana or force may be able to disrupt them. Each world has its own set of patterns and rules, and the users can also make use of certain aspects of their Reality Marbles without activating them."

"Do you get it?"

"Umm, So the inner world comes out and the outer world is sealed off so the villains and monsters can't dodge or escape our finishing attacks but if the monster or villain is much more powerful than us than they can break the world?"

"*Nod* Yeah."

"Sounds complicated."

"It is complicated and that's why I want to introduce you to a phrase that will make your life easier."

"Which is?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Don't worry about it?" She tilted her head.

"Umu. For example, how can we summon the Dial Fighters and Vs Vehicles as Lupinranger and Patranger? Don't worry about it. How can our Gokai Saber change into a grappling hook? Don't worry about it. How can a metal washing pan appear? Don't worry about it."

"Don't overthink and just learn to accept things for what they are. Adept to the changes and use them to your advantage."

"I see." She nodded. (I think I understand the true you a little more now Ren.)

After we finished talking, the fishes were ready, so we ate them. Since we didn't have any spices, they were lacking a little flavor but overall, it was good.

After dinner, I took a bath before Shinobu took one as well and we brushed our teeth, getting ready for the night. We entered the bedroom where Shinobu and I took off our uniform and folded them neatly on the table near the bed.

"*Mmm* Hey Ren, what's our next move?" Shinobu asked while stretching her arms in her night wear.

"Well according to the plot the next stop is supposed to be the red-light district arc, but I don't know if Daki and Gyutaro is still there since we killed Akaza."

"Then why don't we check it out? You know Daki's human identity, right?"

"Even if we went there and found them, I don't know if the Sentai suits are able to block Gyutaro's poison slashes. Also, there's Uzui-san investigating the possible location which I don't know if it's that red-light district or not like in canon."

"If he is there, we'll have to be careful about getting poisoned. In the anime and manga, Nezuko's blood demon art cured the poison, but we don't have her."

"Wait, isn't there a demon beside Nezuko that escaped Muzan's control and is good at medicine? What was it, Tamami? no...Tamamo? no that's not it..."

"It's Tamayo."

"Yeah, Tamayo that right! Can't we just go and ask her if she have any antidotes against his poison. And if she doesn't have any, I sure we can figure something out. I'm also a doctor you know."

"It's worth a shot, let's go tomorrow then."

"Sure, are we also taking Rengoku-san?"

"Nope, this is just the two of us. I think we can handle Gyutaro and Daki by ourselves. Consider it a date plus mission."

"Hehehe, sure. Now come here." She gestured at the vacant spot beside her on the bed.

I get in the bed with her body lying next to me. I hugged her body from behind and she wrapped her arms around mine.

"...Hey Shinobu, I know I'm not the smartest, bravest, kindest, most handsome person out there. I'm stupid sometimes, brash, lazy, hot headed, childish, sometime pessimistic, vulgar, loud... look what I'm trying to say is...Thank you."

"Thank you for coming into my life, for accepting me as who I am and opening your heart to let me in." I moved my hand and hold her soft yet firm palms.

"You're welcome. But as I already said before our training, if I get the choice to choose between you and someone else, I will choose you again and again no matter how many times it takes." She turned around to face me and started caressing my cheek. (And I'll wait for the day you open your heart to me no matter how long it takes.)

"What a lucky guy I am to have such a wonderful girlfriend. I would do the same for you too." I gently held her hands.

"Shinobu, for me, you are the perfect girl. You're my little butterfly that I will cherish forever in my heart."

We look at each other in the eyes and move our head toward each other until we could feel the other person's breath. Shinobu closed her eyes and we kissed again for the second time tonight.


"*huff* I love you so much my little butterfly."

"I love you too...cupcake."

"...Why cupcake?" I questioned embarrassed at my new nickname.

"Because your lips tasted sweet when we first kissed." She replied with a smile and licked her lips.


"...Hey Ren, do you want to...do it?" she whispered into my ear.

"Huh! What! D-Do what!?" I questioned while already knowing what she meant in my mind.

"You know...S.E.X."

(Is she seriously asking me or just teasing me? No, no, no, she can't be teasing me. I mean the mood is just right.)

(Right side of Ren's brain: This is it ladies and gentlemen! Our time is finally here! Tonight, we shall reach adulthood!)

(Left side of Ren's brain: Now, now, let's calm down me. We shouldn't keep her waiting since the choice is obvious.)

(Right side of Ren's brain: *deep breath* You're right. My bad, I was just super excited you know.)

(Left side of Ren's brain: It's ok. We all make mistakes.)

(Right side of Ren's brain: Since the choice is obvious, let's say it together to celebrate on 1...)

(Left side of Ren's brain: celebrate?)

(Right side of Ren's brain: 2...3!)

(Right side of Ren's brain: Sex!)

(Left side of Ren's brain: We reject.)

(Right side of Ren's brain: Haa!)

(Left side of Ren's brain: Huhh!)

(Right side of Ren's brain: What do ya mean we reject! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! The mood is just right. We're on a giant bed. We're alone and best of all, she offered first!)

(Left side of Ren's brain: I don't care if she offered first. Look, we may be horny, but she is still 17. We still have some principles.)

(Right side of Ren's brain: Fuck you I'm agreeing!)

(Left side of Ren's brain: No, you're not.)

(Right side of Ren's brain: You can't tell me what to do!)

(Left side of Ren's brain: Yes I can! I'm the other half of this brain!)

(Right side of Ren's brain: Pussy!)

(Left side of Ren's brain: Thot!)

(Right side of Ren's brain: Lifetime virgin who will never get laid!)

(Left side of Ren's brain: Creep!)

(Right side of Ren's brain: Son of a Bitch!)

(Left side of Ren's brain: ...*deep breath*)

(Right side of Ren's brain: ...Hey, look I'm sorry ok. I didn't mean to...Where did you get that bat? Why are you raising it like that? Hey, hey, I said sorry! I know I crossed the line! we can talk this out like adults right? Please Stop! I said STOP!!)


(Right side of Ren's brain: *pass out on the ground with head bleeding*)

(Left side of Ren's brain: *Thumb down* Justice!)

"Ren, you there?" Shinobu wave her hand in front of my face as it brings me back to reality.

"*Sigh*I'm going to regret this later..." (And I felt like half of my brain just got killed by the other half.)

"?" Shinobu tilted her head.

"I'm sorry but can we wait until you're 18 years old?"


"I guess not..." I said and started to take my pants off when her words finally sank into my head. "Wait What!?"

"I said sure. Ren, I want to feel you, touch you and be one with you with every fiber of my being, but if you're not comfortable with me yet then I can wait. Beside my 18th birthday is in 2 months from now. For now, I'm content with this. chu~" She kissed my cheek.

"Oh... Wait!! Your birthday is in 2 months! Why didn't you tell me!"

"Umm, because you never asked?"

"Urrgg. Now I have to find the perfect present for you with so little time!"

"Don't worry, anything you get for me is a perfect. Now, it's time to sleep." She hugged my body and put her head under my chin.


"Shushhhh, I'm sleeping." She nuzzled her head against my body.

(*Hmm* You're lucky that you're the love of my life...and I'm lucky to have you in my life.)

"*Yawn* Good night." I said as I embraced her further into my chest and both of us fell asleep.

isekaimmortal isekaimmortal

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