52% Our Multiverse Adventure as Gokaigers / Chapter 11: Transform!

บท 11: Transform!

The longest chapter I've ever written. I hope you enjoy it.


I slashed all the spikes before they could reach me turning them into pieces of dirt.

(So he can manipulate the earth huh? But to what extent? Guess I'll have to find out.)

Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash!

I dashed toward the demon without giving him another chance to attack. However, before I reached him the earth in front of me rose up in the form of a wall blocking my path.

The wall of earth opened some holes across the surface and rock bullets shot out toward me. I cut the rocks, but the speed of the bullets never slowed down and I noticed the ground below me moving so I jumped back.

The ground below my feet rose into spikes which would've pierce me if I had not moved. My feet touched the ground and I readied myself for his next attack. I listened to the earth and jumped when an earth pillar rose up throwing me further into the air.

"Heh, how do you like this!" The demon shouted and as the earth pillar split into multiple long strands of earth and they wrapped around each other forming a ball trapping me within.

Water Breathing First Form: Water Surface Slash

I cut the ball open and used Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash to launch myself to the demon.

"How about this!" He yelled and raised both of his arms as earth spikes came rushing from the ground beside him.

I front flip myself in the air onto the spikes and ran along them as I prepare to end this battle.

"Tch, don't get cocky!" He yelled and slammed both of his hands onto the ground.

The ground rumbled as large pieces of earth rose of from the ground and a giant wall also rose with the demon on it.

(Damn it. I can't get close enough to cut his neck. I'll have to move faster than this to reach him.)

"Hahahahaha. Do you see the different between our strength. You can never defeat me because I am going to be one of the Twelve Kizuki. Now, stay still if you want to die painlessly!" said the demon with a condescending look on his face. He moved his hand in a horizontal motion as giant chunks of earth begun to launch from the wall toward me.


Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash Sixfold!

I jumped from one rock to another using thunder breathing, dodging the rain of giant rock bullets. But I couldn't avoid the smaller ones that slipped pass through the bigger rocks, and I had to blocked it with my katana hilt.

(Left. Right. Left. Above. Left. Right.) I kept cutting the boulders and the smaller rocks. (Shit! I can't keep cutting rocks or else I will be here all night. The demon isn't that strong, but his powers are versatile.)


I blocked the earth sphere that was aimed at my head. And after the rock sphere, a barrage of bigger, harder rock bullets continued to rain down on me.

*Bam* Bam *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

The ground that I was standing on became a crater full of rock debris and dust. I kept blocking and dodging the bullets but the ground beside me rose into a pillar and smashed into my stomach.


"Kyahahahahahahaha. What will you do now? Will you give up and die a painless death or will you resist and die trying! Well even if you give up now, I will make it so that you die in the most agonizing way possible!" the demon kept shouting while rock bullets continued.

(Fucking annoying demon, I will kill you!) I dashed at the demon without caring about the injuries.


Just then, I heard a scream behind me and turned around to see a boulder was thrown at a woman.

(Fuck! I won't make it!) I tried to turn around to save her, but the rock bullets kept raining down on me with no opening.

Flame Breathing Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun

Just before the boulder hit the woman head, Rengoku-san arrived in front of her and cut the boulder in half.

"Leave the protection of the village to me! Focus on defeating the demon Ren!"

"Yes! Thanks for the assist Rengoku-san!"

(Shit, I have to calm down.) I took a deep breath while still blocking the rock bullets. (I can't put innocent people at risk because of my action and I can't think clearly when I'm hot headed. Now, Let's try this one more time!)


I used Thunder breathing self-made Third form: Dance of lighting! to clear all the rock bullets near me, giving me enough time to use Thunder breathing self-made second form: Thunder Drill!

I launch myself at him, cutting any rocks in my path. I bounced off the boulders and approached the demon with my katana ready to cut his neck, but a rock pillar suddenly hit me from the side.

*Bam* "Cough!" I was launched to the ground and a bunch of pillars came up from the ground around me and tried to crush me.

Bam Bam Bam Bam

The dust cleared and luckily, I rolled to the side and barley escaped the pillars.

"*huff* *huff*" Is that all you fucking demon!" I pointed my katana at his head. "You're going to have try harder than that to kill me!"

(Come on, be angry, make a mistake, make an opening so that I can cut you down!)

I brough the katana closed to my body and held it up in my right hand with my left hand supporting it.


Water breathing Tenth Form: Constant Flux!

I charged at the demon without using my thunder breathing. The demon continued to shower me with his rock bullets.

(Smooth flow like the river but rough and powerful as the tide.) I move in-between the rocks with my movements that was similar to a dance. I cut down one rock after another until he was less than twenty steps away from me.

"You don't know when to give up do you?! You are really starting to piss me off. *grrrrr* I won't hold back anymore!" yelled the demon and rocks bean to gather on his body from the former wall that was launching the rock bullets turning him into to rock giant.

(Heh, I've cut a rock bigger than you. Humm, I should really visit Urokodaki-san sometime soon.)

I close in on him and he reached within my range. He stepped forward and tower over me.


He swung his arm toward my head trying to crush me, but I spun around the hand and went under his rock body to reach behind him. I jumped up to his back and spun around one last time and managed cut his head.

"No...way." The demon head flew through the air and he got one last word before he turned to ash.

(*huff* *huff*I still have to train more, that demon should've been easy.)

"Good job Ren. I see you managed to kill him." Rengoku came near me from where he was standing and praised me.

"Thanks, Rengoku-san."

"But there were flaws in your fighting style that I noticed. First, you relied too much on your Thunder breathing. You should work on your normal speed more instead of using thunder breathing."

"Second, you were too hot headed at first, but you managed to cool down in the latter of the battle so it's not much of an issue. Third, you are not aware of your surrounding during battle. If I wasn't here, what would've happened to that woman."

"That's why after we take a short break, we're going to train you in the mountains! And you are not allowed to use Thunder Breathing until I say so. You have to use your water breathing more!"


After a short break, we set off onto the mountains and when we arrived, we immediately began training.

He taught me starting from the basic again and made me swing my katana 5000 times a day for a week. After that he blind folded me and strike me with a branch from the tree and made me escaped him without using my eyes and ears.

After that He made me meditate under a water fall shirtless and after getting out of the water, he made me cut wood using Water breathing. And sometime later, he said I need more training and took me to fight demons in different towns and villages.

Just like that, two months passed, and we arrived in a new town after killing another demon.

"Rengoku-san, are we going on another mission or rest first?" I asked while eating the takoyaki I bought from a shop.

"Humm, It looks like people are being killed on a train. A couple of Hinoe rank demon slayers were dispatch but they were all killed so now they are sending you and me."

(Train! Shit is it already the Mugen train arc. If Akaza shows up, then I can't deal with it and neither can Rengoku. I need to request back up!)

"Rengoku-san when are we going on this mission?"

"We are going tomorrow night, why?"

"No reason, just wanted to know." (Good, it means that I still have time.)

The Next Day,

We were waiting in a small town that the Mugen train will stop at. We heard the train horns as we were eating the Bento Rengoku-san bought earlier.

The train stopped in front of us as the door to the cart opened. We entered the train and saw only a couple of people our cart. Among the people sitting in the train, I noticed a woman with dark hair with purple tips sitting alone near the front.

We walked toward her seat and when she noticed us, she turned around and waved her hand.

"Ren! Over here! I save you a spot." I walked over to her and sat down beside her.

"Shinobu what a coincidence. Why are you here?" Rengoku asked her as he take a seat opposite to her.

"Ara, I am here because I was nearby after killing a demon and wanted to check out the recent murder cases happening on a train. I think a demon is involve in these cases."

"Then your guess is correct, there is a demon on the train and we're here to kill it." I answered.

Rengoku took out the leftover bento from before and continued eating while I talk with Shinobu.

"So I'm guessing you got my letter." I whispered to her.

"Yeah. I came here as soon as I could."

"If you fell asleep, you know what to do right?"

"Yeah, kill myself right? Don't worry, I have already done it once remember? Hehehehe."

"That's what I'm afraid of. Just make sure you're dreaming before killing yourself ok. I wouldn't want you to kill yourself in real life. Your mine after all and you're not allowed to leave me."

"Fufufufu Don't worry, I won't."

"?" We continued whispering to each other while Rengoku continued eating with a confuse face.

The back door to our cart opened and a woman wearing a short skirt and a uniform. Immediately the eyes of the male passengers were drawn upon the woman. She punched a hole in all the passengers starting from the back and none of them seemed to fell asleep.

"Excuse me, can I see your tickets please?" The woman came toward us and said in a sweet voice.

"Of course." answered Rengoku and gave her his ticket. She punched Rengoku's tickets first and nothing happened. Shinobu and I both did not detect any sign that somebody put us nor Rengoku to sleep so we relaxed a little.

But after she punched a hole in all the tickets, Rengoku, Shinobu and all other passengers fell asleep, but I remained standing. The woman widened her eyes and tried to back away but when I saw both Rengoku and Shinobu fell asleep, I punched the woman in her gut with enough force to make her vomit.

"*Khaf* ho-how did y-you?" The woman weakly asked while holding her stomach and crouching.

"I will the questions, you answer truthfully, got it?"

"W-What are yo-you"

"Wrong answer." I said and punched her in the face.


"Now, how many people are there on this train that's working with the demon."

"I don't k-know." She said while sobbing and with my hearing, I detected that she lied so I punched her again.

"Answer the question."

"I do-don't" I punched her again and a tooth was knock off.

"Ok! Ok! There are two kids and a man left in the front cart that's all I swear!"

"Good choice." I said and chopped her neck to make her fell unconscious.

"Now then, Let's go." I said to myself and ran to the front cart to find the demon and the people who he was working with.

Meanwhile in Shinobu's dream,

"Shinobu! Catch!" yelled Kanae as she threw her sister a ball.

"Nee-san! Not so high!" yelled Shinobu as she jumped to catch the ball. She caught the ball and threw it to her other sister Kanao.

"Hey Kanao! catch!"

Kanao tried to catch the ball, but she tripped and fell down. "Kanao!" yelled the two sisters and ran to their youngest sister.

"Shinobu, that why I told you to take it easy. Now because of you Kanao got hurt." Kanae scolded Shinobu while helping Kanao get up.

"Sorry Kanao. Your big sister wrong. Will you forgive me?" said Shinobu while helping her get up from the other side.

Kanao smiled and nodded to Shinobu after she got up. Just then, their parents called out for lunch.

"Everyone, it's lunch time!"

"Coming!" The three of them answered and went into their house. Thay ate lunch and took a nap after eating and Shinobu woke up in the evening and she played with her sisters again until it was bedtime.

In the middle of the night while all of them were sleeping, Shinobu opened her eyes and woke Kanae up.

"Hey nee-san, wake up. Nee-san."

"Huh? Shinobu, what is it? Do you want to go to the toilet?"

"It's not that. I wanted to ask you nee-san do you ever feel like a part of you is missing. It's like you want to remember what it is but you can't?"

"No, I have never felt that way before why, are you feeling sick?"

"...Never mind. Goodnight nee-san."

"Goodnight Shinobu."

The next day, Shinobu and her mother went on a shopping trip to the market to get supplies for their house.

"Mother, what are we getting today." asked Shinobu while holding onto her mother's arms.

"Well, we're getting some supplies for the clinic and fish for dinner. Is there anything you want?"

"No." Shinobu shakes her head.

While they were walking Shinobu saw a red coat hanging in front of the clothing store. She widened her eyes as all the memories came rushing back to her head, causing her intense headaches.


"Shinobu! Shinobu! What happened..." was the last thing she heard from her mother before she passed out.

When she woke up, she was lying in a bed surrounded by her sisters. They noticed Shinobu weaking up and Kanae tole Kanao to go call their parents as she hugged Shinobu.

"Shinobu! Are you fine. Do you feel anything wrong with your body!?" asked Kanae as she feels Shinobu's cheeks and forehead.

"No, I'm fine nee-san. *Sob* I'm fine." Shinobu teared up as she brings Kanae into a tight hug.

Their parents arrived with Kanao and saw Shinobu hugging Kanae while crying and joined in making it a warm group hug.

Sometime later, Shinobu let Kanae go and wiped her tears.

"Shinobu, are you ok? Why did you cry all of a sudden?"

"It's nothing. I'm just glad to see you all again even if it's a dream."

"A dream? Shinobu, what are you talking about?"

"Don't worry about it." (*Sigh* This is going to hurt like a bitch.) "Before I go, Mom, Dad, nee-san, Kanao, I love you all." said Shinobu and she bit her tongue to kill herself.

In the Real world,

"*Hah* *Hah* *huff* *huff* Shit, that really hurt like a bitch!" said Shinobu while panting. She looked around and saw only Rengoku sleeping in his seat.

"Sorry in advance Rengoku-san but wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up..." Shinobu bowed and used her hand to continue slapping Rengoku in the cheek until he wakes up.

Meanwhile with Ren,

(Only one more cart before I reach the front. As long as he still hasn't fuse with the train, it should be easy.) I kicked down the door to the second cart and pulled out my katana and walked slowly without rushing in.

(I can hear three faint heart beats. So, he isn't here then.) I kicked down the door to the front cart and saw two teenagers and one man standing in the middle of the train cart with each of them holding an awl.

They rushed at me and tried to stab me, but I easily knock one out with a swift kick to the leg and a punch to the face. I moved my katana and cut the other teen's hand making it bleed and he let go of the weapon and I hit him in the face with the hilt of my katana. For the man, I dodged his attempt at trying to stab me and kicked him in the ball and punch him in the face.

"Well, that was easy. Now, where the hack is that demon?"

"I'm right here." I heard a creepy voice and turned around but there was no one there.

"Where are you!" I looked around and tried listening for his heartbeat but when I focused, I could hear blood flowing in the walls. "Don't tell me-"

"Hehe Can't you tell, you are standing inside me." I heard as the train began to cover itself with flesh.

"Shit!" I jumped back as the flesh tentacles began to chase me. I cut them all apart, but new ones kept on regenerating. Because of these tentacle's relentless chasing, I was force back into the second cart while protecting the unconscious bodies.

Water Breathing Fourth Form: Striking Tide

I cut them apart again and again but the flesh tentacles never seemed to slow down. When I was cutting the tentacles the sixth time in a row, I heard a loud boom from the back.

(Rengoku-san, is he awake?) Just as I guessed it, the door to the second cart was blown away and Rengoku-san arrived in front of me with swollen cheeks.

"Rengoku-san! What happened to your cheeks!" I asked while still keeping an eye out for sneak attacks.

"Hahahaha Don't worry about it Ren. More importantly, do you know where the demon is?"

"Yeah, I think the demon's neck is near the front of the train and the train itself is a demon."

"I see."

"Rengoku-san can you and Shinobu take care of the passengers and these three here, I can deal with the demon, but I can't protect the passengers like you can."

"Very well, leave the guarding duty to me and Shinobu. You focus on killing the demon as soon as possible."

"Yes!" I answered and broke one of the windows to get to the top of the train. I ran on top of the train against the wind and reached the steam head of the train in no time.

(This was the demon's weak spot in the anime. I hope it didn't change.) I jumped onto the engine head and cut it apart using Water Breathing Tenth Form: Constant Flux.

The metal board flew away in the wind, and I saw the demon's neck bone.

Water Breathing Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin

I tried to cut the demon's neck bone, but flesh emerged from floorboard and giant tentacles with eyes with the kanji for Dream engraved on their irises.

I stared at the eyes and stab it with my katana when it didn't do anything. More eyes grew into the flesh of the tentacles and surround me, but it still didn't do anything.

(What! My blood demon art is not affecting him! How!) though the demon.

(Thank you, first wish!)

I went pass the eyes and tried again to slash its neck bone which was now covered in flesh. But it seemed the demon gave up on making me sleep as the eyes a disappeared and the tentacles started thrashing wildly keeping me away.

(I can't get close without being flung away by one of those tentacles. I have to use the move I've been training with Rengoku.) I took a deep breath and readied myself.


Water Breathing Twelfth Form Tidal Wave!

I shifted my stance and jumped up to the tentacles that was directly above the neck bone while dodging and cutting the others. I ran along the flesh and when I was high enough, I turned around and launched myself at the neckbone. I spun myself without stopping as I fell down and just like a tidal wave, I crushed the neckbone.


(Shit! I didn't think this through!) The train flipped and went off the tracks as it rolled multiple time. I jumped off in the middle of the crash and when I reached the ground, I tripped, fell of the ground with my face and passed out.


I woke up in a white void after the fight against the gay train demon.

"Umm...where am I?" I got up from the floor and heard a voice behind me.

"So, you're finally here huh. Well, better late than never I guess."

I turned around and saw the one the only...

"Captain Marvelous aka Gokai Red. But I'm sure you already knew that. So, you copied my looks with the red over coat huh?"

"Well, you guys are my childhood heroes, so I tried to be like you. Does it fit me?"

"You'll grown into it. But remember you are you and I am me. Never try to be like others, always be yourself."

"Yes! Thank you. If I'm here, then does that mean I have unlocked the Sentai powers?"

"Not so fast, if you want to have this," He showed me the treasure chest that was full of ranger keys "You have to defeat me. Consider this a test because if you are going to travel the multiverse then you need to have the strength to protect it."

"I see..." I said and dashed at him, pulling out my katana and went for the neck.

"Woah!" He ducked under my slash and spun around to kick my back, but I blocked it with my arm.

"How about this." He said and took out the Gokai Saber. He slashed horizontally which I dodge by jumping back.

Marvelous put the treasure chest down and ran at me. He slashes me from above which I blocked with my katana, but he kicked my chest. I back flipped in the air adjusted my stance to use thunder breathing.

Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash + Water Breathing Sixth Form: Whirlpool

I dashed at him, and he got ready to block my attack. *Whoosh* I arrived in front of him and swung my katana from below and when my katana almost reached him, I changed the hand that was holding from my right to left hand.

I quicky spun around him before he brings his Gokai Saber from above and tried to slash his open back he lowered his Gokai Saber, blocking my strike without even moving his legs.

"*Heh* Not bad." He turned his body around and did a horizontal slash and when I blocked it, he jumped back. "How about we take this up a notch."

He opened his red coat and brought out a mobirate in his left hand and a the Gokai Red ranger key in his right.

"Gokai Change!"

His mobirate yelled out the Sentai name before a bright red-light flashed.


When the light disappeared, Marvelous changed into Gokai Red and he flicked the suit collar and did a pose.

"Gokai Red!"

"Let's make this showy!" He took out his Gokai Gun and shot me multiple time. *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Thunder Breathing self-made Third form: Dance of lighting!

I cut all the bullets into pieces and dashed at him. He and I met in the middle and our swords *Clang* locked together.

*Bang* Marvelous tried to shoot my head but I shifted my body and kicked his leg, and he lost his balance. He almost fell down, but he used one of his arms to support himself and backflip away.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* He shot at me again and I ran in circle around him, dodging his bullets. I used Water Breathing Third Form: Flowing Dance to get close to him and we lock our swords again.

He breaks off the sword lock and did an overhead slash. I used Water Breathing Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust to stab him in the chest. Sparks ignited from the place I stab as he and I were both blown away.

He got up from the ground and pressed the Gokaiger logo on its hilt and gun. It opened the Gokai Cylinder in the back of the blade gun, and he inserted the ranger key. Both of them yelled out "Final Waveee!" as both the gun and blade lighted up in a red glow.

(I can't defend against this attack with normal attack. I have to use my strongest move!)

I prepared myself to use the move I just learned before waking up in here.

Thunder Breathing self-made second form: Thunder Drill!

I gripped my katana and breathed as I waited for him to move.

Marvelous shot Gokai Gun and swung his Gokai Saber. An energy blade slashes at me with a bullet in the middle.

I launch myself at him with a force that was strong enough to dent the ground. I met his energy blade in the middle, and it explodes, covering me from his vision.


I made it out of the explosion with some of my clothes and my hair burnt off. I reached Marvelous and I did a horizontal slash which made him explode as I went pass him.

I rolled on the ground multiple time before coming to a stop. I turned around to look at the explosion and when the smoke cleared, I saw Marvelous lying on the ground in his normal clothes.

He slowly got up as he clapped his hand and said, "Not bad, not bad at all. You managed to defeat me. I'm impress." He turned around and asked the empty space behind him, "What do you guys think?"

The white void around us started to disappear and a field of green grass that stretch out to the horizon appeared. In the field the Gokai Galleon was park above it and four people jumped out from it.

They were Gokai Blue Joe Gibken, Gokai Yellow Luka Millfy, Gokai Green Don Dogoier and Gokai Pink Ahim de Famille.

"Meh, it was so-so." Luka walk in front of the others and said to Marvelous.

Joe turned to me and said, "Don't listen to her, your swordsman ship is good. Although it still needs a little work, you get a pass from me."

Doc walks behind Joe and give me a thumbs up. "Nice. If Joe said that much about you then you must be really good."

Ahim smiled and said, "I thought you were very cool Ren-san."

I bow while laughing with my hand on the back of my head and said "Thank you everybody. Hearing such words from you guys, it means a lot to me."

"Here, A deal's a deal." Marvelous come near me and gave me his mobirate and the treasure chest.

"Ah... Thank you." I said and took the mobirate and chest off him. I opened the treasure chest and saw all the ranger keys from Goranger up to Kiramager but...

"Marvelous-san where are the sixth and extra ranger. Also why is Gai-san not with you guys?" I asked after looking around.

"Well, he wanted to meet you, but he is busy giving the sixth and extra rangers to somebody else they chose."

"Wait, somebody they chose? Is there somebody else that have the Super Sentai power beside me?"

"Yeah, consider her the sixth member of your team."

"Who is she?" (Who could it be? Is it someone I know or...)

"I can't tell you yet, but I can tell you that you will eventually meet her on your adventures."

"I see."

"By the way, you can't use the grand powers yet. They will unlock after you pass the other Super Sentai's trials just like us and you need to have all five of your companions before they test you."

"What!" I exclaimed surprise.

"Yeah, but you can change into all the Sentai so don't worry." He gave me a grin and a thumbs up.

"*Sigh* Yes."

"Oh, looks like time is up." He said and the green field started vanishing.

"Thanks again for the power Gokaigers."

"No problem We are entrusting our powers to you just like the Sentai did for us. Become the new Gokaiger and make us proud."

"Yes! I won't let you down!" I answered confidently.

"And as you know there are much stronger foes out there that even us Super Sentai can't beat by ourselves. That's why in the future if you need us, just give us a call. We'll be there."

That was the last thing I heard before I pass out again.

"But Marvelous, are you sure that he will use our power well?" Joe asked Marvelous after Ren vanished.

"I'm sure. Now, Let's get some food." Marvelous answered and walked away.

"What for dinner Doc?" asked Luka.

"I was thinking shrimp tempura and miso soup. What do you think Ahim?"

"That sounds lovely and how about ice cream for dessert?"

"Sure, I can make that."


(Ugh, my head.) I slowly got up from the ground feeling drowsy and saw the mobirate and the Gokai Red ranger key one the ground beside me.

"Ren! Are you all right!? Did you get hurt anywhere!" I heard a voice that was strangely familiar. I looked up to see who it was and saw Shinobu running to me.

"Shinobu? What are you doing here? What about the passengers on the train?"

"Rengoku-san already got them to safety, more importantly, are you ok?!"

"I'm fine and I didn't get hurt anywhere and the demon was easy to kill. But Shinobu, do you remember what we talked about after coming back from the festival."



One day after coming back from the festival, I called Shinobu onto the roof at night. I was waiting when I heard a thud and saw Shinobu arrived behind me.

"So, Ren, why did you call me out here? Don't tell me you want to do something naughty? Well, I wouldn't mind that." Shinobu put a finger on her lips as she teased me.

"Nothing like that. I called you out here because I wanted to tell you about something that concern us."

"What is it!" Her face turned serious, and her tone changed.

"It's... well after defeating Muzan, I want you to follow me on my adventure. I never told anyone this, but my dream is to travel the multiverse and have an awesome adventure with people I care about, and I care about you. I care about you a lot even though we just became a couple."

"The multiverse is probably dangerous, and I don't know what to expect out there but with you, I think I can face anything."

"I know I'm basically telling you to leave your home, but I don't want to part with you. So please, will you at least consider my request?"

"*Hehe* I was wondering what it was but that is?" Shinobu came beside me and hug my back as she continues talking. "Ren, of course I'm coming with you. After all, we are going to be together forever, and nothing will change that." (If something or someone try then I will just kill it.) "And it's not like we can't visit this world again, right?"

"Oh yeah. Hahaha, I forgot that we could visit this world whenever we want."

"Then is that it?"

"Actually, I have one more question, you know about Super Sentai right?"

"Of course, It's one of your favorite shows. And I used to watch it sometime when I was growing up but then I grew out of it considering things like in the shows could never happened. But then again I'm here so I guess I was wrong."

"Well, promise me that you won't laugh."

"? Sure, I promise."

"One of my wishes...was to have the power of Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger."

"Pfft..." She quickly covers her mouth with both hands after a laugh.

"Hey you promised!"

"Hahahaha sorry, sorry.... but you know, that's unlike you, wishing for something childish."

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Anyway, I haven't unlocked those powers yet, but I think I'm close. What I wanted to ask you was, when I do unlock those powers, will you accept them or not?"

"Of course I will accept those powers. Beside I think I'll need it considering that I will eventually face against Doma. I know my limit and I'm not an idiot to deny something like that."

"Oh right. *Sigh* I guess I was worried for nothing."

"But Ren, thanks for asking about my opinion without blindly assuming anything." She presses her chest against my back.

I held her hand that was hanging in front of my chest. "Of course I'm gonna ask about your opinion, after all you are my girlfriend. Your opinion on things matter to me."

"Still, thanks for asking. ~chu~" Shinobu kissed my cheek before she separates from my back and gets up.

"Now come on, let's go eat dinner." She smiled and jumped down the roof without waiting for me.

"Coming!" I replied back and jumped down to catch up to her.


"Umu. Does this mean..."

"Yeah, I unlocked those powers." I grinned and showed her the ranger key and mobirate that I picked up.

"Ren! Are you ok!" I heard a shout from behind Shinobu.

"Ah, Rengoku-san yeah, I'm fine."

"I see, that's good. I take it that you have already killed the demon, yes?"

"*Nod* Yeah I think his head is somewhere...over there?" I pointed at the wrecked train cart.

"?! And I see that you have mastered water breathing. Your breathing and body language is smoother and more fluid than before."

"Ahahahaha, I think that's only because I followed your instructions and didn't rely on thunder breathing and only used water breathing."

"Never the last, I'm proud of you Ren."

"Hehe Thanks Rengoku-san." We smiled at each other in silence.



"Ahem! I think that's enough questions Rengoku-san. My BOYFRIEND is probably tired from all the fighting he did." Shinobu interrupted us with a cough and gave Rengoku a scary look.

"But I'm fin...Arkk" Shinobu stomped on my foot before I finished my sentence.

"See? His leg is hurt. Here, lie down on my lap Ren." She sat down on the ground and patted her lap. "I will make you feel better."

(Damm it. You're lucky your cute and I love you so much.)

"Fufu, I Love you too." She said while smiling with her eyes closed.

"How did you..." I questioned, surprised at her reply.

"Call it my woman instinct. Now come here and lie down."

(Women are scary.) I sigh and lie down on her lap.

"Wait you two are dating?" Rengoku-san asked with a confused look of his face.

"Ara, you didn't tell him Ren?"

"Well, it just never came up while training." I scratched the back of my head.

"Congratulation! Good for you!" Rengoku-san congratulated us while clapping.

"Hehe, Thanks. That remind me, Rengoku-san do you have someone you love? I know you love your family, but do you have someone that you are romantically interested in?"

"Not at the moment." He shook his head. "And even if I did, I don't think I can give enough time for whoever I love knowing that demons are still out there killing innocent people."

"Well, when the time come and you found someone you love, you can ask for my advice or help any time." I grinned and gave him a thump up.

"You can count on me too Rengoku-san."

"Umu, I appreciate it Ren, Kocho-san."


We heard a loud boom not far away and all of us tensed up. I quickly got up from Shinobu's lap and unsheathed my katana.

Shinobu also slowly got up putting her hand on her katana handle, not once taking her eyes off the figure in the dust. Rengoku-san stared into the dust and gripped his katana tightly as he prepares himself for battle.

The dust cleared out and we all see a demon with pink hair, his skin decorated by thick blue lines and wearing a short, sleeveless dark purple pink haori that was cut off at his waist, left open to expose his chest with a symbol of upper rank three on his irises.


(Fuck! it's Akaza!)

(That demon, he's dangerous!)

(So that the demon who will kill Rengoku-san huh?)


Akaza disappeared and his fist reappeared near my face as I immediately jumped back and raised my katana to cut his fist in half.

Water Breathing Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin

Flame Breathing Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun

Insect Breathing Dance of the Bee Sting


Rengoku-san cut off his right hand from beside me while I cut his chest open while Shinobu tried to stab her katana into his stomach, but Akaza dodged it before it reaches him.

Akaza jumped away with a backflip while his right-hand flew through the air. He landed in his original position and looked at his arm and touched his chest.

"Oh! You're good. You didn't lose your composure cut me even when you almost died. And you, you're way better than him." He pointed at Rengoku after a new hand regenerated where his old one was.

He licked the blood on his hand and said, "I really hate weaklings, I just feels disgusted at the sight of them but all of you are strong. I have a proposal for all three of you, become a demon!"

"No chance." "I refuse." "Fuck off." All of us answered while still being on guard.

"I know all of your strength just by looking at you, the three of you are Hashiras, right?"

"You wrong. I am the Flame Hashira Rengoku Kyojuro, this is my Tsuguko Ren."

"I'm the Insect Hashira, Shinobu Kocho."

"And I'm Akaza. Rengoku, you have one of the most powerful battle spirits I have ever seen and the other two aren't half bad either, but I will tell you why even if all of you combined, you can never hope to defeat me. Why? Because you are humans! Humans are weak, they get hurt, they grow old, and they die easily."

"If you become a demon, you can train for as long as you want be it a hundred, two hundred years! You can achieve strength that you could only dream of as a human!"

"Both growing old and dying is the beauty of the creatures called human beings. The fact that we grow old and die is what makes human life so unbearably precious and beautiful. You and I, we have different moral values!" Rengoku raised his katana at the demon.

"You think of human beings as weak right, then I will defeat you right here and show you that human beings can be strong!"

"What about you two?" Akaza shifted his attention to Shinobu and me.

"I told you already, fuck off. I'm not interested in becoming a vampire who can never walk in the sun thank you very much. I don't plan to give up my humanity any time soon."

(And beside If I wanted to be immortal, I could try to do that with my Arc of Embodiment or go to one the worlds that have easily obtainable immortality like the fountain of youth from Seven Deadly Sin's fairy forest or a Geas from Code Geas or any other fountain of youth or types of immortality in any movie, anime, cartoon world.)

"I refuse as well. Shinobu gripped her fist tightly. "I don't want to become a filthy demon who only know how to kill."

After Shinobu stopped, I continued talking, "You see, we humans may be weak, fragile and we die easily but we humans have achieved so much more in our small life span then any of you demons ever could." I pointed my finger at Akaza. "I think that's pretty much tell you that being human is better than being a blood thirsty demon for us!"

"None of us have any intention of becoming a demon so you can take your offer and shove it up your ass!"

"I see, what a shame. And here I thought at least one of you would understand." Akaza said in a disappointed tone and pointed to Shinobu," Hey you, I don't kill women so go away."

"Ara You might not want to kill me but you see, I want to kill you." She cutely tilted her head.

"Very well. I don't need to kill you to defeat you, I'll just knock you unconscious. But the two of you, I can kill you two!"

Technique development Destructive Death...Compass Needle!

The ground beneath him started to glow as a blue snowflake pattern with the letters one to twelve.

(Here he comes!) I readied my katana and got ready to engage him when Rengoku-san stopped me.

"Wait a minute Ren, you just finished your battle and even if you're not hurt you need rest. My instincts are telling me that demon is on another level, you shouldn't fight him first. Shinobu and I will attack him first, you jump in when you see an opening."

"Yes Rengoku-san."

"Fufufufu, this time I'll protect you Ren so don't worry ok? Leave it all to your amazing girlfriend." said Shinobu while taking a crouching stance.

Flame Breathing First Form: Unknowing Fire

Akaza run at us, and Rengoku-san dashed at him while Shinobu followed behind closely.

*Boom* Akaza punch met with Rengoku's katana and Akaza retracted his arm and tried to punch Rengoku's head, but Rengoku managed to dodge by tilting his head and duck under the arm while trying to slice Akaza's stomach. *Whoosh*

Akaza jumped back and when he landed, he rushed at Rengoku again. *Boom* His fist met Rengoku's katana once more and they moved around in circles trying to strike each other. *Whoosh* Akaza suddenly turned around while moving and move his hand backward to block Shinobu's attack.

"Tch." Shinobu jumped back, upset that her surprise attack didn't work. She did a backflip to avoid Akaza back kick and landed far away from him.

Akaza turned his attention back to Rengoku and dashed at him again. He stomped the ground when he was in front of Rengoku and perform a knifehand strike.

Flame Breathing Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun!

Rengoku leaned his body back a little and cut through Akaza's arm. Akaza's immediately regrow after being cut and he punches Rengoku's katana again and again.

"There were never flame among the Hashira I've killed until now. And watching the decline of someone with blessed strength, it pains me so much I can't bare it! Die Kyojuro. While you're still young and strong. After you I will kill your Tsuguko and send him after you So if you don't want him to die, defeat me Kyojuro!"

"Ha!" Rengoku swung his katana, but Akaza dodged it and jumped in the air. While in the air he changed his stance and brough both of his arms closer to his body.

Destructive Death Air Type!

Akaza punched the air in front of him creating shockwave that reached Rengoku. *Boom* Rengoku widen his eyes as he took a step back from the force. Akaza continuously punched the air in front of him and with each punch Rengoku took a step back.

Flame breathing Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation

Rengoku waved his sword and blocked all of Akaza's shockwaves and Akaza landed on the ground. While they were fighting, I moved myself to Akaza's blind spot and got ready to take him down when I see an opening.

Shinobu was the same as she hid within the trees, waiting for an opening. Rengoku and Akaza stared down each other and Rengoku suddenly closed in on Akaza using Flame Breathing First Form: Unknowing Fire.

*Ting* Akaza leaned his back to dodge Rengoku strike. They moved at a speed faster than before and Akaza's fists meet with Rengoku's katana again and again. Akaza kept on punching Rengoku's katana with his hands as they keep on healing with every cut.

"Is that the best you got Kyojuro! I know you can do better Kyojuro! Try harder Kyojuro!!!" Akaza jumped over Rengoku's horizontal strike, and his fists went for Rengoku's head. Rengoku blocked his hands and slashed his back so hard that Akaza was sent flying into the forest.


*Whoosh* Rengoku followed Akaza into the forest where Shinobu was waiting and I ran parallel to Rengoku, entering the forest away from the main fight.

"*Whoosh* Nice Moves!" Akaza appeared in front of Rengoku and punched at his head but Rengoku moved his whole out of the way and cut off Akaza's arm. Akaza spun around and gave Rengoku a back kick that launched him outside the forest and that was when me and Shinobu attacked him from both sides.

Insect Breathing Dance of the Dragonfly!

Water Breathing Fourth Form: Striking Tide!

Shinobu attacked from the left side, aiming at Akaza's torso, neck, arms and head and I attacked from the right side aiming at his knees and neck. Akaza moved his body quickly and blocked our attack by strengthening his leg muscles so that my katana wouldn't cut through and used his arms to block Shinobu's strikes.

After that he used his free leg to roundhouse kick me in the stomach and used both of his arms to strike Shinobu in the gut.

"Arrrk!" "Pft!" We both spitted out some blood and was sent flying away. Akaza turned his head in my direction, trying to follow me up but in the last second, he seemed to change his mind and turned his attention back to Rengoku direction.

"*huff* * huff* Fuuuuuuu" Rengoku got up from the ground and looked at Akaza who was already there waiting for him.

"Well Kyojuro, will you turn into a demon now? We can fight forever and get stronger together. What do you say?"

"Let me say it again, I Will Never Become a Demon!" Rengoku held his katana in both of his hands and veins appeared in his forehead and arms.

Flame breathing Fifth Form: Flame Tiger!!

Destructive Death Disorder!


While Rengoku and Akaza were fighting, I met up with Shinobu in the forest after being blown away.

"*huff* Are you ok Ren?" Shinobu ask while holding her stomach.

"*huff* Yeah, three of my ribs are broken but otherwise I'm fine. How about you?"

"I am ok, he didn't put that much force into is punch at me. I just vomited some food that I ate earlier. But more importantly, I don't think we can win against him."

"I know, as much as it pains me to say it, I know. I think the only way to win is for us to transform."

"But if Rengoku sees it then you will be questioned and if he tells the others then you will be surrounded by Hashiras trying to get answers from you."

"What if I ask Rengoku-san to stay quiet. There're only three of us here, no one will have to know."

"But what about our crows and the people on the train?"

"I can deal with that. But the question is can Rengoku be trusted to keep the secret."

"If you answer all of his questions and ask him to keep quiet about this, I think he will."

Meanwhile with Rengoku and Akaza,

"HAHAHAHAHA. More! More! Give it your all Kyojuro!" yelled Akaza while he punches Rengoku's katana and tried to sweep his feet, but Rengoku jumped over it.

(I can't win against him but I have to protect Ren, Shinobu and all the passengers. I have no choice.)


Me and Shinobu ran out of the forest when I heard him using his breathing to increase his heartbeat ready to use his ninth form Rengoku!

"!! Rengoku-san! Don't do it! Fall back! I have a way that can defeat him!" I shouted at him hoping that he would listen to me.

Rengoku jumped away from Akaza while still in a combat stance with blood running down his cheek.

"What's your plan Ren." He asked while still keeping his eyes on Akaza, ready to take action at a moment notice.

I looked at the mobirate and used my Arc of Embodiment for the first time to try to copy it. (Please work. Please work.) I felt some of my stamina leaving my body and *Woosh* two new mobirate appeared in my empty hand. I toss one to Shinobu which she catches.

"Rengoku-san, do you trust me."

"Of course." He answered with no hesitation.

"Then please take this metal box and don't freak out for what's going to happen next." I toss him the mobirate.

He catches it and after looking at it, he asked, "Ren what are you talking..."

I flipped the red ranger key and held it out after I swung the mobirate onto my right shoulder as I readied myself to transform for the first time. I move the mobirate from my right shoulder to my left and inserted the ranger key and yelled out the words I've been waiting to say for a long time.

"Gokai Change!"

I turned the key and the mobirate screen transformed into an X shape as it yelled out the Sentai name.


My whole body became flashed like a light bulb and when the light went away, in the place of my clothes there was a whole-body black skinsuit with the symbol of a pirate flag on its chest. Over the black skin suit was a red jacket with gold linings, white gloves, red boots, a golden belt for ranger keys and a red helmet.

"Gokai Red!"

"! How did you do that." Rengoku yelled out, confused at the situation.

(What did he do! I can feel his strength, he got stronger just by changing into that thing! No matter, I will still kill him, but this is making me excited!) Akaza kicked himself off the ground, dashing toward me.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* I shoot Akaza and he backed away with a jump.

"I will explain everything later. Catch!" I toss him and Shinobu a red and pink ranger key which I took out from my belt.

"Rengoku-san, Shinobu, please do what I just did, you have to yelled out Gokai Change or else it won't work."

Rengoku did not moved and stared at the mobirate.

"You said you trust me, right? If you really trust me then please do it."

"...Very well but I want an explanation later." Rengoku said sheathed his katana.

"I will hold off Akaza in the meantime." I said and run toward Akaza to keep him busy while they were transforming.

"Ugh, this is going to be so embarrassing." Shinobu said with a red hue on her cheeks. *sigh* The things I do for love."

Shinobu and Rengoku both opened their mobirate and flipped the ranger key after taking a stance. They inserted the keys and turned it after they yelled "Gokai Change." They transform as the mobirate yelled out the Sentai name.



Next time Shinkengers vs Akaza. Look forward to it!

isekaimmortal isekaimmortal

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