
บท 35: Succubus

"How strange." The confused expression of the blonde and VERY well endowed guild receptionist is met with a calm smile.

"Is something wrong?" Yogiri responds, holding out the tan adventurer card that remained blank. 'Probably should have accounted for this.' He thought internally, if it didn't work in Arifureta why would it work here.

"It is rare for the card to fail, here." She scratched her head, taking the tan card away from him and replacing it with another.

"Huh?!" Her confusion seemingly doubled as the new card also didn't work. Twas the issue with having a plethora of abilities from many different worlds, it didn't translate, not at all.

Skeptical, Luna poked her thumb dropping a bit of blood on the card. Instantly, all her information was displayed.

She then tried the rest of the party, the only one having even a smidge of success being Darkness. It displayed her skills she had prior to becoming a world hopper and then after that just a bunch of question marks.

"I don't get it.." The receptionist slouched down utterly baffled.

"Does this affect our registration, Luna?" Darkness questioned worried that their plans may plummet.

"I guess not.. it's hard to judge your ability without proper identification, but there is no rule for this specific case." The woman, Luna, sighed as she pulled out a few documents.

She manually signed a few papers declaring their affiliation with the guild and their starting rank of F. She questioned them about their possessions of skills before she warned them to not over estimate themselves. They paid their needed fee and then set out on their first quest.

Giant Toad subjugation.

"Never thought I'd see breast that big in my life." Nemesis said absent mindedly as they walked down a path just outside the gates of the the city of Axel.

"No kidding." Yogiri nodded, already imagining those cow tits wrapped around his cock.

"Useless fat.." Yue responded annoyedly kicking a pebble into the distance.

"Hmph, you still always make them bigger though when your in your adult transformation." Shea teased walking up behind her vampire friend and dropping her rack on her shoulders.

"Shut it, i'll make rabbit stew." Tue threatend escaping the confines of her large and quite heavy chest.

"Yogiri certainly has a preference." Tsukasa noted regretting her words immediately after when she saw the smirk pass on Nemesis lips.

"Though he often settles for less."

"I'm perfectly average!" She wrapped her arms around her chest trying to cover them. "And I'll have you know hes never complained about them."

She and Yue seemed to take the same side as they nodded at each other.

"Up ahead." Darkness called out, as they all looked up to see quite a few toads of varying color hopping around in the gentle breeze.

"Aww, they're cute." Shea gushed as she strode along the hill chasing after one.

"I've been trapped in those disgusting things more times than I can count. They cover you in their slimy fluid and swallow you whole like your nothing but a piece of meat.." Darkness blushed, rubbing her legs together. "How vile."

Tsukasa, Nemesis, Yue, and Yogiri were caught in a four way deadpan as they watched the girl writhe around.

"Take a hike." Yogiri said, kicking the girl and sending her far off into the distance.

Shea came back a second later atop a pink toad. "Can I keep it?" She asked with a beaming smile.

She got her answer in the form of chunks of flesh as she fell to the ground while her new friend blew in the wind.


The perpretrature whistled a tune as she turned away from the girl and walked away. "YUE!"

Up and down the hills Shea chased Yue. Attacking toads met their demise as they got in the way.

"I see, you are indeed capable." Luna said as she examined the bag full of frog eyes. They had to bring proof of their subjugation especially when they lacked a card.

"One more quest and you receive a promotion. Keep up the good work." She smiled kindly, giving them a fair bit of eris for their reward.

"Darkness! That you?!" A shout came from the distance as the group left the guild. A silver short-haired ran over. She had a bikini-like grey top blue, blue tight fitting jean shorts, a blue scarf combined with a green cape, black gloves that went all the way up to her forearm, white thigh high stockings, and brown boots. Her beauty was not at all lessened by the scar on the right side of her cheek, though she was lacking a bit in the breast department.

"Chris?" Darkness perked up, reacting immediately and meeting the girl in a hug.

"Woah, it hasn't been that long." Chris replied a bit baffled. "Found a new party?" She asked the girl analyzing the new faces she hadn't seen before. More than once her expression changed as she looked over the group.

'I need to talk with Aqua.' She thought, she hadn't been informed so many heroes had been summoned.

"Yeah, we just got done with a toad subjugation." Darkness nodded, her words slowing down as she suddenly remembered something. She had almost forgotten she had learned the true identity of this girl. 'Should I say something about it.'

She turned to the rest of her group, noticing Yogiri and Nemesis huddled together as they talked under their breath. 'Guess it doesn't matter, I'm sorry Chris. I just hope he goes easy on you..'

"They must be pretty strong, glad you found a willing party. Hope it sticks." Chris emphasized the last part remembering Darkness' tendency to get kicked out after one quest.

Moving on she went past Darkness and spoke to the group with a smile. "Hey, I haven't seen you guys before, I'm Chris, a thief."

"Im Shea.. a Berserker Bunny!" The fluffy eared girl was the first to speak joyfully as she held up a strange looking hammer.

'A demi-human, when did they have time to meet? How long have they been here?' Chris or rather Eris questioned internally, demi-humans lived far off from where they were afterall.

"Tsukasa..Nice to meet you." The pink haired girl bowed, trying and failing to think of a suitable class for herself.

"Yue, mage." The vampire too bowed before returning to silence.

"Nemesis, Cum gu-." The transformer seemed all too happy to say the title Yogiri had given her, though Tsukasa covered her mouth before she could.

"Yogiri, Bitch Breaker." Yogiri was the same, though Yue and Tsukasa were too late to stop him.

"Thats… a class?" Chris tilted her head in confusion. 'He's clearly Japanese at least, the others though?'

"Yep, wanna see it in action." Yogiri teased as Darkness panicked and grabbed the confused Chris by her shoulders.

"The taverns getting full, we're gonna go before theirs no more room left." Darkness said before dragging Yogiri away.

"Ah right, let's party up sometime." She waved the group away, retreating to a back alley before promptly dissapearing.

The food was decent, enough that the group didn't pull out portions of the thousands of dishes they had brought along from Earth.

They sat joining the idle banter as the laxedly like true adventurers ate and drank until they were full.

It was amongst this banter that a man followed by two girls walked up to their booth. The guy had brown hair and blue eyes. He was adorned in a very blue full plated armor and carried a shiny golden and silver sword on his back.

The first girl had green hair wrapped in a pony tail. She had a purple and balck tube top around her chest that Yogiri questioned the purpose of; the girl was flatter than him. Her green mini skirt barely covered her crotch and only extended down to her upper thighs.

The other girl was much more endowed though was still smaller than even Tsukasa. She had red hair wore an orange tube top covered partially by a short coat. Her mini skirt like her friend barely covered anything.

While the guy wore an ever present 'charming' smile, the girls looked like someone had just died.

"Excuse me ladies, I've never seen you before and I thought I'd say hello." The man spoke scratching his head. "I'm Mitsurugi Kyouya, I know kind of a strange name right?" He laughed to himself.

"Kouki?" Yue tilted her head. "Close enough." Nemesis shrugged, they looked similar enough.

"Uh, no its, Kyouya, I know it can be hard to pronounce." He laughed it off.

"Okay." Yue turned back to her food sneakily biting off a chunk of the steak on Yogiri's fork.

Like he wasn't even there, the group returned back to themselves leaving him slightly confused.

"Ahem, I'm pretty high ranking if you girls want to party with me I can show you the rooes and get you a lot of xp." He coughed over them making a show of drawing his sword and leaning on it.

"Thank you for the offer but we will manage." Tsukasa said politely.

"Ah, you say that now but adventuring is tough. Take some time to think on it." He stammered out, a little dazed by the lack of attention he was getting, did they not see his badass sword?!

Off to his side the girls awkwardly shifted as they stood. They'd have liked to back the boy up and say they were being over-confident by not taking the advice, but they didn't. The atmosphere surrounding the girls was too much for them to say anything. It made them feel…small, especially when you consider every single one of them was leagues ahead of them in terms of attractiveness.

"For now take this, I can tell you guys don't have the proper equipment, buy some and then get yourselves something nice." The boy smugly placed a big bag of eris on the table.

"Thanks man!" Yogiri smiled to him as he took the bag and gave him a thumbs up. It was only then Kyouya took notice of the man. Until then he had only allowed his eyes to see the black haired woman sitting on his lap. He noticed how the man's hands gripped her bare thighs.

"Um, sorry that was for them.." Kyouya tried saying as he pointed to the bag of coins.

"Dude, just give up." Shea said as she turned a pitying glance to him. Turning back to the man he saw the girl in his lap sexily grind her hips into his crotch as she held his neck. He also noticed the boy smirk as he snaked his arm around the pink haired girl to his side.

"Come on, lets go." The redhead said she and the green haired girl dragged the boy away.

"Bullies." Yue chastised as she kept eating regardless.

"Well he's lucky enough to avoid a green hat. They don't offer much." Nemesis noted as Yogiri nodded.

According to Aqua, she didn't remember souls by those name nor sending them down. It was entirely possible that the clutsy Goddess just forgot which made her words unreliable.

Eris dropped the search. They were there now and if they could help their cause it didn't matter. She would though like to anyalyze them some more, specifically what treasure they had gone down with.

It was as the day was coming to and end and the sun had dissapeared over the horizon. The group retreated back to the inn after paying their tab with the money so graciously given to them by Kyouya.

Their was a bath in each inn, but it only fit two, so as the rest did whatever in the bedroom, Yogiri and Nemesis sat in the bath, the girl between his legs her back pressing against crotch as he idly groaped her D cups.

"I had thought with your luck we'd have run into the explosion girl by now, or maybe her clansmen." Nemesis said stretching out her legs and leaning deeper into his chest.

"There's an abundance of iron boards in this world." Mention of the 'explosion girl' reminded Yogiri of his earlier meetings.

"They make up for it in a different area." Nemesis giggled sliding her substantial ass on his ass to prove her point. "I'm sure you'd have no problem over looking that with Eris."

The mention of the girl caused his penis to stiffen just a bit more. Nemesis instantly noticed and shifted so she could look up at him.

"I'm glad your as ready as I am." She hummed, kissing his neck and rubbing his cheek.

"I guess this lowly mortal pussy isn't enough for you anymore." She teased and sensually whispered in his ear.

"Right, that's why you get it more than anyone else." He joked tracing his thumb along her inner thigh.

"Mmm, and that won't ever change." She licked his lips. She wedge her tongue between them and forced them open. Her lips wrapped around his top one as she looked him straight in the eye. Her breath was hot a she turned to completely face him.

Their was little space in the bath, but she managed to face him comfortably as she sat in his lap.

She looked down at the little space she left his lower member. She grabbed it, stroked it in her hand, and then angled it towards her stomach.

"It goes this far in me." She said touching the spot a whole section above her belly button. "How do those other girls survive when you stretch them out so much?"

"Wouldn't you rather feel it on the inside." Yogiri asked finding himself very aroused from the girl's touches.

They drew ever closer, their aroused glares meeting one another as they held each other before they closed when they met. Their lips met in a kiss. Soft and sensual turned heated and aroused when Nemesis licked his lips begging for entry.

Their tongues battled as their lips locked. They sucked each others saliva and grew increasingly more animated as they shifted against each other.

Her free hanging strands of hair were neatly tucked behind her ear as when they broke off Yogiri began kissing all along her tanned skin. It was funny how a few months ago they had been strangers and now they were painfully familiar with each others bodies.

"Hahhhhh~." Nemesis moaned in arousal, retreating into his soft carress. Her golden eyes that used to always be so harsh turned soft as she grabbed his head to regain some form of control.

"Wahh." She yelped as he suddenly stood up with her still in his arms. They left bath the water that clung to their bodies fell and left the them perfectly dry.

Nemesis giggled as she wrapped her legs around his waist as they wen't back to the bedroom. As fun as staying in the bath would be, the ofher girls needed to use it too.

"Next!" Shea called as she dashed through the door as soon as the duo walked out.

Ignoring that Yogiri carried the girl in his arms to one of the beds.

"I'll join her, Yue said already stripped of clothing as she kissed Yogiri on the cheek on her way.

"Hahh~, don't go too hard. I saw a place in passing I know you'll LOVE." She purred when his member easily invaded her.

"Hello and welcome." As Yogiri and Nemesis walk through the doors of the well maintained building, they are immediately greeted by a pink haired woman who sits behind a reseptionist counter.

"A couple? Thats quite rare" The woman say's standing and allowing her huge rack to bounce, only restrained by her pink lingere. Her smile never fades as she walks over to the two holding a clipboard.

"I'm sure this is your first time, please allow me to run through our packages."

The woman got closer, her nose started to twitch and she turned to Yogiri. He'd have taken offence with the gesture if it wasn't for the shock that took over and then transformed into joy.

"On second thought dear customer, please follow me!" Sounding overjoyed, she guided him and Nemesis through a door, and down a long hall way. They passed by many rooms along the way all with a cloth blocking the view onlg showing the shadow of women crouching over some men as they released something from their hands into their heads.

Just as the receptionist was about to knock on a door all the way at the end it opened and her fist instead knocked against soft flesh.

"Aelia." The woman who opened the door said as her enchanting purple eyes met with that of the receptionist.

She had white hair that cascaded down to her shapely waist, and soft red bewitching lips that promised to enchant anyone who saw them. Like the other Succubus she wore nothing but pink lingerie and had similar pointed ears and red batwings coming off the sides of her head. Different from the others he had seen though, were the jet black spiraling horns protruding from her head.

"Ah, Lamia." The now named Aelia spoke. "I thought you might have wanted to meet this particular guest yourself."

Lamia barely paid an ear to the words of the receptionist instead her eyes analyzing the two in front of her. She couldn't help but bite her lips, the smell coming off them too much to endure.

"My sense tell me you're human… but that smell coming off of you two… especially you." She pointed to Yogiri. "Are you perhaps an incubus."

"Nope, I'm perfectly human." Yogiri responded happily, openly analyzing the sexy figure ahead of him.

Reaching behind him he met Nemesis' hand in a high five as she smirked smugly with an 'I told you' look.

The woman took a long pause before she opened the door to the room wider. "Please, come in."

The room was spacious and it was obvious it doubled as a bedroom if not evident by the bed off on the other side.

Aelia looking reluctant left to return back to her post as the remaining three sat at a wooden table.

"I don't wish to delay you, but you both have a very strong sexual aura. It would be my pleasure to give you the highest service free of charge." Lamia spoke, as she eyed the man in front of her.

"I assume the 'highest service' you offer still is limited to only a dreamscape." Yogiri asked looking dissatisfied.

"W-well of course, that is what this establishment is for?" Lamia said, baffled by his words.

"My partner here is looking for something a bit… more real than that." Nemesis took over making a clear gesture with her hand.

"I admit, he is quite the specimen, but you are both still human. You can't keep up with a being who embodies lust." Lamia scratched at her head, trying not to upset them and miss out on the treasure trove that just walked through their doors.

It was then the man's smirk suddenly went up a level and in the girl's eyes the sexual aura eminating from him suddenly exploded.

Her eyes opened wide as she sucked in air her cheeks and ears turning red from the extraordinary scent. "Try me." He whispered and his words made her wince. Her pink tongue licked along her red lips and she bit down. "Hot damn."

Yogiri smirked seeing the visible print of her nipples poking through her uniform top.

"Oh my Lucifer." She whispered under her breath trying not to breathe to hard lest the scent completely overpower her reasoning.

"So what do you say." Nemesis spoke out sounding more heated then she had probably intended, even she was being highly affected by the sudden atmosphere.

Lamia's mind raced as she thought of their request. She imagined the consequences if the man died from his rapidly depleting lust, but the danger behind accepting seemed to become lesser and lesser as the thought chain continued.

'Ah fuck it. Who knows if a chance like this will ever come again'. "Okay."

Yogiri wasn't used to getting led around, but the woman seemed to insist as she guided him to the bed in the far back.

She gently undid the buttons of his shirt and traced along his stomach. She got a bit lost in his toned muscles before she trailed her soft hand down to the his belt. As she did so she leaned a bit into him, leaving her knockers in his face. She knew just how much guys tended to pay attention to them.

He was unreserved in how he groaped them, molding them in his hands and causing her to breathe out heavily. Along with those breaths, any hesitation that may have remained exited her.

She didn't expect the sneak attack from behind as the man's 'partner' wrapped her arms around her. She held up her breast for the man to push his face into as she worked on unhooking his belt.

Lamia felt the constraints on her F cups loosen as the girl undid the strap from the back. Lamia dropped the belt to the floor and lifted her arms shuddering as the band of the bikini caught on her errect nipple as Nemesis took her top off.

Yogiri's breaths caught her hardned red nipples and they twitched as his semi-cold hands traced around her pink areola. She powered through the sensations, unzipping his pants and undoing the button.

With the narrow entrance she now had she reached in and cupped his dick through his underwear.

'What a monster.' She exhaled, she had already expected a lot from him but this was even more than what she thought.

Yogiri had moved from tracing to touching her nipples directly to licking them. She tasted sweet against his tongue and he couldn't help but suck.

The girl's back straightened as she stifled a moan. Her grip around his junk increased a little as she hurriedly lowered his pants all the way down until he kicked them off and banished them to the floor.

She took a few more seconds to feel him up as Nemesis who was still behind her put her hand between her legs and circled around her very damp lingerie.

She knew she needed to move on when that same girl hooked her fingers around her underwear and began pulling down. Her lower mouth was especially sensitive as she closed her legs to try and block the air from brushinh past it.

She crouched down, giving Nemesis a nice view of her shapely ass. Lamia gulped, before her eyes widened in shock when she pulled slightly down on his underwear only for his member to do the rest of the work as it's descent pushed the rest of his briefs down and smacked her on the cheek.

His pre cum oozed out on her face as she was forced to breathe in the intoxicating scent. With tremblings hands one wouldn't expect from an experienced succubus she grabbed the penis by it's thick base. Her vision went blurry as it towered over her.

She gulped kissing the bottom side of the shaft before she stood back up and kicked off the lingerie that clung to her ankle. She pushed lightly on the boy bscking him up until he was swept off his feet and landed on the soft bed.

"I'll prepare you.." She gulped retaking the hardned dick in her hands. "Excuse me then." She licked at the underside, deliciously slurping up his pre jizz and circling his head.

Nemesis mounted the bed, lifting his head and shifting underneath it letting him use her thighs as a pillow.

"How does it feel." She leaned down and whispered in his ear as the wet and sloppy sounds of the succubus working while kneeling at the foot of the bed played as background noise.

"Good, insanely good." He moaned in a hushed whisper.

His response made Nemesis bite her bottom lip as she shifted her hips. She rubbed down his upper body with her soft hands. Seeing the man who brought unbridled joy to her life in the throes of pleasure turned her on to no end.

"Good, fuck her brains out. Don't stop until she dies." She whispered back in response. The last time she said something like that she ended up in a multi-month long coma.

"You're getting more and more extreme." Yogiri chuckled as he brought the girl down into a quick kiss.

The bond the two had was greater than any of the other group had with each other. Even the girls themselves knew that.

"Maybe one day I'll do it to you though, you know, when I'm sure you'll come back to life." He said when their lips detached.

"I'll add that to the list along side the crotch tattoo." Nemesis giggled before both of their attention was drawn to the woman who stood up.

"Excuse me again dear customer." The succubus said as she climbed atop the bed leaving quite the trail as she did so. "I hope I'm not too heavy."

She straddled Yogiri her hands supporting herself on either side of her as she lowered her absolutely DROOLING CUNT down on his massive slut maker.

"Oooo~." She went cross eyed as she sank down on the massive rod.

"And just like that, she's hooked." Nemesis chuckled rubbing her hands through Yogiri's hair as Lamia took a second to breathe.

She rotated her hips slowly at first, pushing with her legs in order to reimpale herself again and again. Her breast swayed hypnotically in the air.

Yogiri sat laxedly with his hands behind his head as the girl went to work. Her pussy was extremely tight and felt the slightest bit different though he couldn't pinpoint what it was.

All he knew was the pleasure was addictive and everytime she sunk back down on his dick her pussy would squirt out a clear fluid and drench his waist.

"Hah~ Are you enjoying it, dear customer~." The woman was struggling to mantain herself as she tried her best to milk him for all he was worth.

It was clear she wasn't looking for an answer as she picked up the pace yet again. It was clesr from both their faces they were enjoying this immensely.

Soon enough, after being unable to edge herself any longer the woman came just as Yogiri did. Different from other times, Yogiri felt something draining from him. It didn't have much of an impact on him though.

The woman though was spasming on his cock. Her purple eyes lit up in excasty as his vitality filled her.

Regaining a semblance of herself back, the woman raised her hips off the mans cock before she fell to the bed.

"Ah, thank you customer. I'll have Aelia come to escort you out, but please do come again." The woman spoke through huffs as she lay in a pool of her own sweat and juices.

Yogiri deadpanned. He looked to Nemesis before he stood up and walked over to the dazed girl. Without a word he realigned himself with her twitching cunt before pushing right back in.

"CUSTOMERRRRRRRR!" Lamia moaned instantly, utter shock and pleasure filling her. She had thought the man would surely be done after that. She was wrong.

Her eyes rolled up, as she had been thrown into a world of pleasure she hsd never known before.

Her moans were cut out as her vision was blocked by tan legs. Nemesis mounted the girl and placed her soaked pussy over her mouth. She moaned in approval as the girl sent vibrations through her.

She wiggled her hips as eventually the girl gave up and began lapping at her enterance. Nemesis played with her clit as with her other hand she gave Yogiri a thumbs up.

Another girl had been conquered forever forced to desire the pleasures that only one man could give her.

Two hours later and the fucking was still going. Aelia had closed the shop and had come back in time to see her boss getting pumped full of cum.

Too her it seemed more like Yogiri was offering his services as he bent the girl over her office desk and rammed into her from behind. She was in awe just as much as she was confused.

She was even more baffled when the girl who had come in with the man pushed her forward into the room stripping her of her clothes and bringing her to Yogiri.

"L-Lamia." Aelia said as she gulped down her saliva. If someone as tolerant as Aelia was like this what would happen to her. She flooded the floor just thinking of it.

"One of your employees called for you!" Yogiri said slapping Lamia's already reddened ass and breaking into her womb with his cock.

"Yesh!!!" She screamed her eyes going insanely wide as her pupils rolled to the back of her head. Her smile was obsene.

'What a monster.' Aelia thought as she fell to the floor her legs giving out under her.

"While you wait your turn…" Nemesis started guiding the girl forward as she sat on the office chair facing Yogiri. "Keep yourself busy." Aelia was met with a familar sight. She had more than a few times been asked by Lamia this same thing. She got straight to work.

Lamia had long since last lost count of how many times she had climaxed from this man, and exactly how much 'vitality' he had poured into her womb.

She felt full, beyond full, yet she was loving every second of it even when she felt like she might explode.

After one last particularly spectacular orgasm though, she felt his dick pop out of her abused cunt.

Without any support she fell back off the desk and sprawled out on the floor. It was thanks to her race that she could remain at least partially concious, enough so that when he crouched down and told her to clean him, she was able to follow orders.

Immediately after all the fluid had been sucked off his cock, Yogiri walked around the desk and went behind where the receptionist succubus was. Nemesis held her head as she leaned back into the chair enjoying the service of the girl.

Yogiri took a moment took to bend down and kiss the girl deeply. She deserved something from him he thought, something to express his deep gratitude.

Deciding to think on that later they released eachother smiling together as Yogiri went behind the girl. With nothing but his pure strength he picked the girl's lower body up by her hips and aimed his cock straight for her twat.

"Huh?" The woman was only able to say that before her slutty cunt was stretched out. She came INSTANTLY and multiple times at that. Yogiri unconsciously used his control over vibrations and overloaded her clit. The girl passed out after the second thrust.

The room went silent.

"You broke her." Nemesis declared moments later as the two softly placed her on the floor. At the same time the door leading into the room fell of it's hinges as around a dozen succubus fell in.

All were naked and shaking in arousal as they even after falling continued to masterbate furiously.

"Well shall we leave." Yogiri asked, still happy nonetheless.

Nemesis nodded taking a second to stay true to her title and suck him clean and take another load for herself.

They put their clothes back on and walked over the bodies of the succubus. They both looked ecstatic as Yogiri held the girl by her waist as they returned to the hotel.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C35
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
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  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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