
บท 34: Konosuba

Warning OOC in some rather irrelevant characters.

"Oh, this is certainly interesting! You can resist me so easily?" A blonde handsome man spoke, his eyes traced the youth in front of him. "Are you a God by chance?"

'I didn't expect all of this so soon.." Yogiri thought internally looking to the bald fat man off to the corner pointing at him.

"Kill him you damned demon!" The man screamed his anger ever present as I groped and proded at the breast of the blushing girl beside me.

It had been mearly ten minutes since they had exited the portal and arrived in this wonderful world.

The portal behind us shimmered out of existence without a trace.

"Wait.. is this?!" Darkness gaped as she examined our surroundings. Her eyes roamed over the luxurious furniture, art work, and overall grandure of the spacious hall we found ourselves in. "My house..?" She muttered out dumbly spinning in circles to truly confirm.

"Feel good to be home?" Yogiri snickered his attention suddenly snatched away by the sound of opening doors.

Footsteps reverberated as two men walked across the marble flooring. "Ah! Darkness. Rejoice, I've come to see you." The shorter of the men, fat and stubby with far too much body hair to make up for his bald head spread his arm.

"Father… Lord Alderp." She called out to the taller blonde man before she seemed to retract into herself as she looked at the former.

"I was unaware we had guest, who are these people my daughter?" Dustiness Ford Ignis, Darkness' father glanced at the gathered group, his eye brows raising at the sight of their attires.

"I'd like to know as well.." The fatter man, Alderp, said his roaming over the gathered group in a lustful manner before they locked on Yogiri and narrowed.

"T-these are my friends." She stated, entirely unprepared for this development.

"Strange, I had never heard mention of them." The two men approached further scrutinizing Yogiri in particular.

"They clearly lack ediqute walking around in those." Alderp waved his hand over the group.

He was met with blank and disinterested stares. They hadn't bothered to change much out of their house clothes. Only Darkness was adorned in her armor.

"He looks bouncy." Yue spoke, her hands moving through the air like she was bouncing a ball.

The comment caused Nemesis to laugh aloud and earned a smile out of everyone else, except Darkness who seemed lost in thought.

Tick mark's formed on the mans bald head as he gritted his teeth. "Wanna repeat that wench?"

"You look bouncy?" Yue tilted her head innocently, confused and insulted by his agitation.

"You lowborne, clearly you are ignorant of my status. Allow me to inform you before you prostrate before me and beg to be forgiven." He licked his lips, clearly expecting a certain type of begging.

The man to his side frowned looking in worry at the girl who had just incurred the notorious' man's wrath.

"I am Alexei Barnes Alderp, Feudal Lord of this here Axel! Now kneel peasent and I'll allow you to repay your sins by pleasuring me tonight."

His words were met with silence as they all looked at him blankly.

"Darkness, excort your friends to the exit, their time here has expired." Ignis ordered hurriedly, sweat protruding from his forehead.

"Not so fast! An insult to one such as me can not go so easily forgiven! I hope you recognize the error of yours ways girl." Ignis sighed, exactly what he was afraid of having come to pass.

"He's creepy."


Yue said to Yogiri as she stood behind him. The youth agreeing as he put a hand on her head.

"You're insolence… it truly knows no bands." Alderp said clearly shocked at the reaction.

"Ignis, order your guards to capture them. Darkness, do not associate with them, you have no need for company of such idiocy. I'm all you will ever need."

Darkness shuddered in fear under the mans words, for the first time since meeting the woman, the group saw her disgusted by such words.

"..Do as he say's… Guards!" Ignis seemed resigned as his face fell into defeat.

"Father!" Darkness yelled, in rebellion even as the guards closed in.

"Damn, what a sorry sap you are." Yogiri spoke over the footsteps.

"Does the man lack balls?" Nemesis followed up as she shook her head at the man.

"Arrest them." Ignis ignores the two as he commanded the two men adorned in silver armor.

Before they could even get close though they were knocked back and slammed into the opposite side of the wall.

Tsukasa stood where they once were a single fist extended as steam left it. She turned to the two men with annoyed eyes.

"What?!" Alderp backed away nearly stumbling as he gaped at the display. Ignis similarly back pedaled though silent as he raised his guard and drew his sword.

Completely ignoring the sword Tsukasa walked right past it her beautifully pink hair waving behind her as she grabbed the bloaded man and threw him to the floor in front of Darkness. His mass meant nothing to her sheer strength.

"I'd appreciate if you apologize." She scowled, stepping on his back to prevent him from getting up.

Of the group, who in their own right were all loners Tsukasa particularly had taken each of them to be something of her family. They like her were immortal, and not people she'd have to see put in the ground one day because of old age. She didn't like seeing someone she considered a sister look so unnaturally depressed.

The man groaned under her foot as he tried to stand up cursing all the way.

"Tsukasa don't!" Darkness begged.

"Exactly what power does he hold over you?" Yogiri questioned as he approached the girl.

"He's fodder." Nemesis followed up, stepping on the mans back. "Woah! He is bouncy!"

"MAXWELL!" The man screamed as he banged his fist, seconds later a blonde haired man appeared through black smoke.

"Kill them!"

Seconds after the mans order the blonde haired man attacked Tsukasa. His speed was at the very least noticeable as she dodged out of the way and stepping off the man.

"Hmm? You're a fast one huh." The man, or rather demon spoke. Tsukasa stood not a hair out of place as she looked back at him blankly.

The man was prepared to carry out his orders when suddenly something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. "Oh my."

"GAHHHHH?!" Alderp screamed unintelligibly from his place in the corner of the room as the object of his obsession stood, knees weak and moaning as the man holding her in his arms kissed her roughly and groped her breast.

Eventually the kiss ended as he, Ignis, and Maxwell all stared in varying levels of shock at the duo as Yogiri still held her chest and supported her.

"KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM!" Alderp raged from the corner as he ordered his demon.

"Of couse! But, don't forget my price." Maxwell smiled his gaze turning to Yogiri and his hererochromic eyes shining. "You've always been extremely suicidal."

He stood their for a few seconds, his gaze meeting unchanging blank ones.

Thus brought us to the present.

Oh, this is certainly interesting! You can resist me so easily?" A blonde handsome man spoke, his eyes traced the youth in front of him. "Are you a God by chance?"

"Kill him you damned demon, you want your price right?!" The man screamed his anger ever present as I groped and proded at the breast of the blushing girl beside me.

"Of couse my price! How could I forget!" Maxwell's eyes glimmered as he then looked around the group, his eyes meeting all of theirs as they glowed. 'Yet, not a single response!"

"How strange.." Maxwell muttered before he suddenly felt a pressure descend on him, sending him to his knees.

"Get up damn it! Are you so clumsy you'd trip on- AGH!" Alderp spoke aloud before he suddenly felt the same pressure push him straight to the floor.

"You back to normal?" Yogiri shook the girl in his arms as drool escaped her upward facing lips.

"What is happening." Ignis off to the side questioned under his breath as he held his sword tighter.

"You are quite disappointing. Allowing that man so close to your daughter." Nemesis said as she and Yue approached him walking over the floor bound Maxwell.

"Is it worth your nobility?" Yue muttered, her own experiences prompting her question.

The man just grit his teeth, his sword drawn and ready for whatever surpirises the two may pull out.

"Stop!" Darkness who had snapped out of her stupor said as she ran over to her father. Her face was down and she seemed genuinely angry.

"He is a great father! Don't blame him for this." She nearly broke down as Yue and Nemesis stopped in the their tracks looking genuinely regretful.

"Alright." Yogiri sighed, pulling the two girls back.

"It isn't his fault, it's that mans. He was only trying to save his daughter when his options were very limited." He continued lifting Darkness' head.

"Stop crying." He turned to Darkness. "You're not weak anymore, stop acting like you are." He was annoyed, more so at Darkness rather than the fodder. She was entirely too powerful to agonize over the actions of the weak.

The group turned to him, never quite seeing him angered.

"You should've just thrown him out, killed him, beat him up, whatever. What consequences shackle you?" Yogiri continued.

"It's not that simple!" Darkness rebuttled. "He's a Feudal Lord, my family will suffer."

"Then remove the root of it? You can kill anyone who would oppose, take over the country, maybe just flex your power." Yogiri shrugged, not seeing the real issue.

"That's.. extreme… I can do that?" Darkness thought aloud the gears clicking.

"Unless your so much of a masochist that you'd willingly let someone weaker then you walk all over you?" The youth said in thought, it was possible she was.

"Maybe don't be as extreme as him." Tsukasa suddenly came from behind, putting a hand on her masochistic sisters shoulder. "But, allowing your family to continue to suffer while you can easily change it. That's stupid."

"My daughter. I have no idea what these people are spouting on about but we cannot win this. Run while you can." Ignis spoke to his daughter, forgetting everything thats happened prior to the banter.

He then turned to the rest of the group. "I beg you, please leave my daughter alone, whatever suicidal tendencies you may have leave her out of it." He dropped his sword pulling on his daughter and begging him to leave.

"Of course the demoralized and defeated will always remain pessimistic to hope, at least until it slaps them in the head." Tsukasa sighed.

"Father.." Darkness held his gaze for a few moments before she pulled away. "Lord Alderp has numerous connections amongst neighboring nobles. If he were to pull we would gain a great many enemies."

Her gaze wasn't crestfallen, no she looked determined. "But.. it doesn't matter." A smile graced her lips before her head turned to where the bald headed man lay stuck to the ground.

Suddenly the pressure on him disappeared, but before he could move to stand he was suddenly flying again, this time to the other side of the room.

Darkness treated him like a pin ball, having fun doing the punishing for a change as she beat the man until he was unconscious.

She didn't kill him. No one expected her too, it wasn't in her character.

"I'm sorry Father. I know you won't understand, but I will protect us, you don't have to worry about anything." She said giving him a short hug before she dashed off, unwilling to answer any of his inevitable questions.

Yogiri waited for her to exit before he turned to the unconscious man. "All that drama for this lowly thing."

Suddenly the man began to shake and rattle his legs folding up and his upper body folding back before suddenly.


Like a ballon he imploded, his guts and organs smashed into unrecognizable pieces and his blood sprayed everywhere, well they tried. Yogiri caught them all midair before they disappeared in his inventory.

"Well then, it was nice meeting you." Tsukasa bowed, turning to the exit and walking away with the rest of the group.

Yogiri walked a step outside the door before he turned back to the awe struck man. "Ah, and don't worry. I take care of my sex slaves!"

The door closed behind him leaving Ignis to his lonesome. He looked to the other side of the room to see even the demon Alderp and summoned was gone without a trace.

"What?" He asked, but would he ever recieve an answer?

Shea Haulia

Summoning conditions:

- Adequate magic power required for summoning.

- Some instant cock upon arrival

-Enemies to smash

Loyalty conditions:

- Achieved.

The familar light overtook the paper and then the barren land in front of them as a blue haired rabbit eared girl jumped out of the light.

She stood still for a good three seconds before in a blur she dashed towards Yogiri. Expecting no different, the youth softly took her in his arms as she tackled him to the dirt floor and kissed up and down his face and neck.

It wasn't even ten seconds later that she was riding him, swirling her hips and bouncing her plump ass on his own hips.

Completely ignoring the scene, Yue walked up to the rabbit girl, holding her friends chest down so her fleshy bust wouldn't slap her in the face. "It's good to have you back, Shea." The vampire wrapped the girl in an awkward hug.


Shea tried to respond with the same sincerity but it came out wrong.

Yue looked over to see a smirking Yogiri. She pouted and deciding she didn't want to see his face anymore, mounted his upper body after stripping and rode his tongue.

"Mmm." Muffled hums came from Yogiri as his attempt at speech sent vibrations through Yues lower mouth.

"Nn~ Can't hear you~." Yue said her but down and smiling in glee. The vibrations from his voice intensified as he used his ability on his tongue.

Needless to say, Yue was creaming herself like crazy as she held herself down with gravity magic.

Shea for her part was panting hard as she grinded her hips with him fully inside. She played with her clit, pressing it between her middle and pointer while her other massaged her breast.

Yogiri had thankfully prepared for this. He took the group to some far off portion of Axel where no one was around.

"Put a baby in me!" Shea cried as she shook her shapely hips wildly. Through her hazy sight she saw Yue lean forward, her face morphed in pleasure as she lost her ability to stabalize herself.

She caught the falling girl hugging her as they both bounced atop the man. Yogiri pushed his hips up at an angle while he did the same as he ate Yue. Every thrust caused the two to press together, their breast and nipples pressing against the others as they in harmony sang out like birds.

Shea watched in utter debauchary as Yue tried in vein to stand under the grip of Yogiri as her eyes went cross eyed, her mouth formed an "O"shape and she fell forward yet again straight into Sheas arms.

The sight proved to much as Shea soon stiffened up. "Fill me~." She moaned as his white fluid soaked every crevice inside her. Moments later her own dams opened and she soaked the ground below them.

The "Pop" from his dick freeing itself from her tight hole was just as loud as the noise of the vaccume he had created with his mouth filling with air as Yue was let go.

Shea fell backwards with Yue in her arms the former releasing thick globs from her pulsating cunt.

"It's good to have you back, Shea." Yue repeated as she used the girls breast as a pillow to relax.

"It's good.. to be back." She breathed through the words as she hugged the blonde back.

"Shea." Tsukasa sighed as she appeared in the girl's vision. "Welcome back." Unwilling to coat her clothes in the liquid clinging to her body she patted the girl's ears as the rabbit-girl smiled and nuzzled into her touch.

"Hi to you too Nemi and Dark." The aforementioned girls approached a little confused by the new names.

"Thats new." Nemesis appeared next to a semi-still out of it Darkness.

"The girls im my village said it was good to give nicknames to friends." Shea smiled as she began to stand after Yue got off her.

"Sure, but I think their nicknames should be more fitting, like 'Masochistic Overlord' and 'Cum Queen'." Yogiri said matter of factly.

"Who would 'Masochistic Overlord' be?" Darkness asked before she decided to refute him.

To her response she was met with blank stares as if collectively they all asked: "Seriously?".

"Hmm, would you rather tattoo that on my womb? Yogiri's Cum Queen." Nemesis licked her lips as she whispered in the boys ear.

"I forgot all about that.. hmm, maybe I will." His response caused a wide grin to grace her lips as she got to her knees and vaccumed all the remaining cum off and out of his dick before she stood again.

She pulled up the hems of her negligee and revealed her bald pussy, she showed exactly where she wanted him to write. "I'm looking forward to it~."

Darkness was paranoid. In her mind she had already run the possibility of someone having found out about the death, instantly connecting it too Ignis, and then in the hour they were gone were punishing him as they spoke.

Tsukasa tried calming the girl though her efforts were only semi-successful.

"Why don't we decide what we should do first?" Tsukasa said as they sat in a circle. "Darkness this is your world, so…"

"I want to make sure there safe first.." The girl replied insantly.

"You're not going to get that through a fair trial." Yogiri sighed.

"I know." Darkness nodded, before her eyes brightened.

"Noint… or Cattleya, at least with one of them guarding I'll know their safe. Then we can focus on the Demon King and after he's dead no one will bother with Alderp!" She then turned to Yogiri. "Please?"

"I still think you should just take over the country-." He said recieving a smack on the back from Tsukasa before sighing. "Sure, I'll send Cattleya, but it's going to take a second theirs a cooldown between summons."

"Thank you!" Darkness hugged him causing him weird emotions as he, unused to doing this with her hugged her back.

"Realistically, Ignis won't say anything, neither will Maxwell, and theres not a body to be found. We have more than enough time before his death is even suspected." Yogiri shrugged.

"With that said, I think we'd rather take our time completing this quest, any thoughts?"

"We could go the advenuters root." Tsukasa noted.

"I say we look for the sexy Goddess'." Nemesis grinned tempting Yogiri as she whispered in his ear.

"We won't be able to kill the demons unless we find a way to hell, we need their real soul." Yue added.

"I want to fight strong things!" Shea puffed her chest.

"Two of you want to find someway into the God's and Demon's domain, while the other two align with being adventures.

"I have connections with the guild.." Darkness said even as she clinged to the youth.

"Great because I remember one of the guild's staff being very fuckable."

And so with Yogiri as the final comment, the group had made up their minds, they would become adventurers.

Using money they kindly 'borrowed' from some nobleman, the group bought a few nights from a luxurious inn.

The sun was already setting and after bathing for a while they sat in their room playing some card games before they decided to call it a day.

Despite that, none of the usual perverts had undressed. There were two king sized beds in the inn, each enough to fit three people. On one bed, Yue slept with Nemesis and Shea, while on the other a confused Darkness was with Tsukasa and Yogiri.

The girl handn't expected to be the sole focus of Yogiri's attention as he held her by her waist and kissed her deeply. More than anything, he was gentle.

"What's happening.." Darkness asked skeptic yet aroused.

Tsukasa to her side just smiled as she brushed the girls hair with her hand.

Yogiri slowly and carefully undid the buttons to her pajama top from bottom to top. He kissed from her stomach up as he went.

The girl knew better than to where a bra to sleep at night. Yogiri was fond of latching onto her milkers in his sleep.

He licked the narrow gap between her two mounds before he grabbed them in his hands and began licking around her pink areola.

Darkness felt weird, she was confused yet very turned on by the gentleness the man portrayed. Her heart began thumping in her chest.

He worked his hands down her toned stomach. He grabbed the waist band of her pajama pants and slowly pulled them down her shaky legs.

Her black laced panties came next, the only protection she had left guarding her lower mouth.

Yogiri played with her body getting help from Tsukasa who rubbed the girls clit and labia. He undressed, freeing his bitch breaker from its confines.

"You're making me give away one of my precious sex slaves for a while, I'm just giving you one moment of gentleness before you have to work double." Yogiri whispered in her ear as he kissed her neck.

Internally Darkness was screaming in ecstasy finally seeing through the mans game. She was in for a WORLD of painful pleasure starting tomorrow. And she would love every last minute of it.

Darkness fell asleep in his arms, she had begged him to ravage her roughly, but unfortunately Yogiri kept the pace slow. She came regardless but remained dissatisfied. She would get what she wanted tomorrow.

Through the darkness, Yogiri looked over the head of the sleeping girl in his arms. The feint rocking of the bed finding its origin in the pink haired girl occupying the other side.

Yogiri reached over, cupping the face of the girl as she breathed needily.

"Want to sneak out?" He whispered and the girl nodded immediately. Seconds later, still devoid of clothes they appeared outside.

He brought them back to the place they had summoned Shea. The same place having a clear view of the beautiful full moon high in the sky.

"What a nice scenery." Yogiri noted as he held the waist of the naked girl. "I think one day I'll fuck you on the moon itself."

He whispered in her ear and she turned, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him.

Suddenly, the ground began to shift under their feet. The tress were uprooted and then swept away off to the side.

Seperating Tsukasa took in breaths as she looked the body of the man who had conquered her over. She got on her knees, uncaring of the dirt as she crawled forward.

Her eyes said it all, today wasn't a gentle sex type of day, she wanted it rough. She took his hard member in her mouth coating it in her saliva before she let it go.

"Master. Please, use my slutty pussy as much as you like. It's been completely molded to your shape, please teach this worthless slut her place." She turned around arching her back and spreading her ass.

"What did you and Darkness trade places?" He questioned, lining himself up and sliding in super easily.

"Maybe.." Tsukasa moaned twerking her ass against his pulsating cock. "Fill me with your cum." She begged and suddenly found over ten inches of dick invading her depths.

She screamed all throughout the night, begging for more.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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