98.93% Ghost Raider in DC universe / Chapter 93: DinoCroc

บท 93: DinoCroc

It's been three months since the Thanagarian plot to destroy Earth Failed. Sheyara has vanished since then feeling responsible for Earth's near destruction. With Every Hero who had superpowers like Superman, The Flash and Lantern shut down the Legion was a little on edge but were prepared for the worst case scenario.

A lot of things have happened since the invasion was over.

Starfire was on an extended leave raising her daughter with her sister.

The Legion launched a massive invasion on the Gordanians seeing they were an equal threat just as the Regime was. However unlike most troubling worlds the Legion decided not to bring the species back devolved like the others out of concern they would repeat history of their race.

The Legion also had launched an assault on Thanagar to destroy it's leadership and reeducate them in a more peaceful way

Now however Sean was meeting with Rorschach about something.

"What's so concerning about a woman getting attacked by a lab project that's dead? These things do happen from time to time you know." Sean said leaning against the wall.

"Maybe. But the bite marks don't match to any on the victim. Take a look." Rorschach said showing the photos on the screen.

"Ok that is a bit concerning. What was the name of the company again?" Sean asked.

"Gereco. And guess who sanctioned the whole company?" Rorschach said showing the next photo of...

"Luthor." Sean said seeing Lex Luthor in the photo with the company building behind him. "I think it's time we paid him an overdue visit." Sean said.


Luthor was looking through various files for his presidency when Sean and Rorschach walked in.

"Well, this is a surprise. I figured you would never want to see me again." Luthor said.

"This isn't a social visit. We need some information on a company you sanctioned years ago." Sean said.

"Oh? And what might that be?" Luthor asked curious.

"Gereco." Rorschach said making his eyes widen before groaning in annoyance.

"Oh no please tell me she didn't do it." Luthor said making them look at him in confusion.

"She?" Sean asked.

"Paula Kennedy. The Company's CEO. Do you remember the month during my accords?" Lex asked.

"A little hard to forget." Rorschach said.

"Well, during that time the fossilized remains of a prehistoric crocodile was found in Africa. It was immensely massive. There was evidence of a growth hormone in it's blood so she proposed the idea to clone it." Luthor said

"Why would you need to clone a dinosaur for that?" Sean asked.

"Typical Animal weapons BS like Turok's raptors. Maybe even used to create chaos in parts of the world before putting it down to make him look good." Rorschach said.

"Actually to produce more cows." Luthor said making them blink.

"Come again?" Sean asked.

"With the Growth Hormone we could accelerate the growth of cattle bringing in more milk products and more meat." Luthor said.

"Guess not every project was used as a weapon." Rorschach said.

"Regrettably test results showed the croc was extremely Aggressive so I had no choice but to put the project down." Luthor said.

"Well regrettably we think she went ahead with it anyway." Sean said showing the photos of the woman who was attacked.

"From the bite marks and wounds I'd say this one hasn't reached full maturity." Luthor said.

"Which means it's still growing. How big do these things get?" Rorschach asked.

"I'll be blunt on this. 50 feet with a jaw radios up to six feet in width." Luthor said.

"Jesus Christ." Sean said rubbing his temples.

"I'll help as best I can. I don't want this coming back to haunt me. I intend to make good on my second chance. And I'm not about to let some mad woman who has a grudge against you ruin it." Luthor said.

"Grudge? What did I do? Not send her flowers or some bullshit?" Sean asked making him snort in amusement.

"Very funny. She believes you stole everything you made when you owned Global Tech before it became the Legion. After all having a young upstart scientist makes you question yourself." Luthor said.

"He's not wrong." Rorschach said.

"Do you know anyone in Gereco that could help us?" Sean asked.

"As a matter of fact yes I do. Doctor Campbell. He was the one who told me about how aggressive this creature could be." Luthor said.

"Then I suggest we get moving." Sean said.


"Ah Luthor. It's been a while." Campbell said shaking his hand.

"Lance. I believe you know my associates Sean and Rorschach." Luthor said.

"Pleasure." Sean said shaking his hand.

"Likewise. As Luthor no doubt told you our little experiment went out of control late last night." Campbell said.

"What exactly happened?" Rorschach asked.

"Not sure. I was just in the middle of clocking out when I heard the screams and found her near dead. The animal was still a juvenile but they grow remarkably fast." Campbell said before his phone rang. "Excuse me please." Campbell said walking away to answer the call.

"If this thing is just a juvenile catching it should be easy." Rorschach said.

"Not with that Growth hormone it won't be." Sean said.

"It could nearly be a full sized adult by now." Luthor said.

"Yes?" Campbell said.

"What is he doing here?" Kennedy asked in annoyance seeing the man she despised more than anyone alive.

"Luthor told them everything. If we try to push them away now he'll call in the Legion and everything you've done will be brought into the light." Campbell said making her growl in annoyance.

"I want this thing killed and fast. I don't care how you do it. Just get rid of our problem." Kennedy said.

"I know." Campbell said before hanging up and walked back to the group.

"I'm going to guess she's not happy about him being here." Luthor said pointing at Sean.

"Definitely not. I don't suppose you have some people that are willing to help." Campbell said.

"I've got a few." Sean said.


"I haven't been here in years." Sean said as he and Luthor walked to the town to the bar.

"Didn't think you've been here before." Luthor said.

"One of my sister's best friends lives right here. Good kid descent grades never gets into trouble." Sean said before he spotted his sisters hanging around said person. "Well, I'll be damned. Girls!" Sean called out getting their attention.

"Sean what are you doing here?" Sarah asked.

"Business. Long time no see Michael." Sean said.

"Hey Sean." Michael said.

"What are you girls doing here?" Sean asked.

"Summer vacation remember?" Dawn said.

"Ah right. Well, try not to cause trouble." Sean said.

Sean and Luthor soon entered the bar and found who they were looking for.

"Burt! Roland." Sean said getting their attention.

"There you are." Roland said.

Soon enough they explained the situation.

"Now why in the world would you ever clone something like that?" Burt asked Luthor.

"I didn't. Campbell showed me simulations of this creature being extremely aggressive. I didn't want to take chance so I shut the project down. Kennedy however is extremely ambitious. With the Growth Hormone we could have had millions of Cattle in weeks not years." Luthor said.

"He's not wrong." Roland said drinking his glass. "Still if Turok was here this would go smother." Roland said.

"Turok right now is on a deep cover assignment and can't be reached or he might get caught." Sean said.

"Where is he?" Luthor asked.

"Classified. Just know its up his alley." Sean said drinking his high priced drink.

"What if we try to capture the beast?" Roland said.

"You can try. I would love for you to do so but I wouldn't advise it. It's worse then those uh...What did you call them again. Graboids?" Luthor asked.

"The giant worms?" Burt asked.

"Yes." Luthor said.

"Regardless we need to stop this thing before it kills someone." Rorschach said.

"It's already dark outside so we'll have to start first thing in the morning." Sean said.


Michael was out by the swamp like he did almost every night.

However as he was parking his bike he heard noises.

"Hello?" Michael said before walking around.

Something out here was watching him with cold slitted eyes.

"Is anyone out there?" Michael asked before suddenly out of the water emerged the DinoCroc making Michael scream before throwing his bike in its mouth which it chewed on while he ran for it.

Michael then rushed into a boat house before locking the door.

However the monster started attacking the boat house from below sending water from below above and making Michael lose his balance and fell down.

Once it stopped he stood up and looked around.

"Sarah?" Michael said before the DinoCroc burst up from below and snapped it's jaws shut from the neck down having his head cut off and bounced off.

Next day

"What's with you?" Sean asked Sarah as she looked concerned.

"I don't know. I got this weird feeling something happened last night." Sarah said as they waled through the Gereco preserve.

"Worry about that later kid. We got work to do." Rorschach said.

"What do we have here?" Roland said seeing a tunnel with the bars destroyed.

"How the hell did it tear right through this?" Burt asked.

"It's still growing. Any idea where this leads?" Luthor asked.

"Hold that thought." Sean said pulling out his phone before looking at a map. "Uh oh. This tunnel leads right to the lake where the town goes to almost every day." Sean said.

"We need to get there now." Roland said as they rushed back to the trucks.

Soon enough they reached the beach.

"I'll go warn the Life guards you go after it." Luthor said.

"Roger that." Sean said as he, Burt, Roland, Sarah and Campbell went on a boat and immediately went after the Croc.

However they spotted a man in the water.

"Get out of the fucking water!" Burt yelled.

"My girlfriend went down." The man said before going back under.

"DAMN!" Sean yelled diving in.

"Sarah load up the tranq gun." Roland said.

"I'm going as fast as I Ow." Sarah said as she accidentally got it on her finger.

"Oh man." Burt said before she passed out.

Sean was still down under trying to get the guy to go up but out of nowhere the Croc came back and ate him making Sean swim upwards.

"SHIT!" Sean yelled before going back to the boat. As he got up he saw Sarah passed out with the dart in her hand. "Oy what happened to her?" Sean asked amused before getting up.

As he did however the DinoCroc shook the boat and Campbell fell out.

"Campbell!" Sean yelled as he began to scream as the monster killed him leaving nothing but blood behind. "DAMN!" Sean yelled.

"Hell of a time to be without powers." Burt said.

"Not now Burt." Sean said.

Later at night

Sean had dropped Sarah off at the house he bought here while the rest went out looking for it.

"Sorry abut Campbell." Sean said to Luthor.

"Well, Friends come and go. Help me take down Kennedy and I know he can rest in peace instead of pieces." Luthor said as they searched the area.

"Over here." One of the troops said making them rush.

"What is it?" Rorschach asked as the rest of the Watchmen minus Manhattan were around the area.

"We found this." Comedian said holding up Michaels bike.

"Oh no." Sean said.

"What is it?" Silk asked.

"Search the area now." Sean said getting them to do that.

It didn't take them long to find the boathouse.

Nite Owl soon came out before throwing up over the side.

"Oh boy." Silk said before Comedian went to look next not knowing Sarah had just arrived on her electric bike.

"It's him buddy." Comedian said making Sean sigh.

"Damn." Luthor said leaning against the wall.

"What the hell'm I going to tell Sarah?" Sean asked.

"Tell me what?" Sarah asked walking up to them as they all looked away not being able to say it before she spotted Michaels bike. "What the hell is this?" Sarah asked but they didn't say anything.

"Sarah...I..." Sean tried to say but couldn't. Not liking any of this she slowly went up to the boat house.

"Sarah you don't wanna." Nite Owl tried to say but she just went right past him making Sean sigh.

"Oh!" Sarah said before backing up against the railing.

"I'm sorry Sarah. It got him." Sean said making her draw shaky breaths before she bolted back to her bike and drove off.

"We need to find this thing before it kills anyone else." Rorschach said.

"We won't do any good in pitch black out here." Sean said.

"He's right we need to leave and come back fully prepared." Luthor said.

Sarah arrived back at the house with Dawn and Newt gone before she started wrecking the room screaming her head off.

"GODDAMNIT!" Sarah yelled as she tore the whole room apart. "MICHAEL!" Sarah screamed crying her eyes out.

Sean and the others were at the bar.

"Never seen a dead kid like that before." Nit Owl said.

"I have but worse then that." Rorschach said with the bottom half of his mask up to drink his bear.

"Worse then my very first kill." Sean said.

"Oh yeah?" Burt asked.

"Yeah. It was the first time I ever killed a human being. Animals are one thing. A person is another." Sean said.

"You never did tell us what happened." Silk said.

"Long story for another time. Rorschach is one of the few people who knows the truth." Sean said.

Next morning

Sean went to Sarah's room before opening it up seeing she was asleep and you could tell she had been crying all night.

"Sarah." Sean said waking her up and she opened her eyes with were red.

"What is it?" Sarah asked.

"Get up. We got a plan to kill this bastard." Sean said.

It took hours but finally they had a sure way to trap and kill this thing.

"So what exactly is the plan this time?" Burt asked.

"Plan is both simple and perfect. We lure the fucking thing right into this tunnel and trap is using Titanium doors not even it can get out of that." Sean said.

"And how do we kill it?" Comedian asked.

"With this." Sarah said pulling out a canister of deadly Sarin gas.

"Whoa. You're not holding back this time are you?" Luthor asked.

"Nope. We kill this thing then arrest Kennedy. I've got the perfect hell hole for her." Sean said.

"I know this is a horrible time to say this but what about the Growth Hormone? We both know it could benefit the universe." Luthor said.

"If we're lucky we can extract it from it's dead corpse." Sean said.

"Lets get to work." Sarah said.

Soon enough the trap was set and ready to go.

"So what do we use for bait?" Silk asked before a truck of Goats appeared.

"I'm not exactly ok with the fact of using animals as bait but in this case we don't have a choice." Sean said.

"Sarah, Dawn, Newt you three go set up the bait by the swamp." Burt said.

"Got it." Sarah said as they dragged the goat to the swamp.

"I don't exactly like using goats as bait you know." Newt said.

"Not like we got much choice." Sarah said before suddenly out of the water the DinoCroc emerged making them scream.

"SHIT!" Sean yelled as they ran to them.

(Insert Tooth and Claw from King Kong 2005 album)

The Girls quickly rushed away from the area when Newt accidentally tripped.

"DAMNIT NO!" Sarah yelled.

Newt screamed as the DinoCroc neared and was about to eat when something unexpected happened.

Out of the trees emerged another DinoCroc who quickly pushed the other one away and roared into the air.

"Theres two of these things!" Dawn yelled in shock as the new one stood in front of Newt protectively.

The evil Croc charged back at them again but the good one quickly bites down on it's neck before the two engaged in a fight.

"Girls!" Sean yelled rushing to them before he saw both Crocs. "What the?" Sean said in shock.

"I thought there was only one?" Comedian said before the good one grabbed onto the evil Croc before slamming it into a tree and roared at the evil one.

"Why is it protecting Newt?" Sarah asked.

"I think I know why." Sean said before the evil one came back one last time before the good one grabbed into it with much force before tearing off its...Face?

"What the?" Dawn yelled seeing a metal face behind the skin.

"It's a machine?" Sean asked before the Good DinoCroc grabbed it by the neck and with a vicious pull tore it's head clean off. The Good DinoCroc then roared into the air very loudly before lowing itself next to Newt who pets the croc making it purr which made her smile.

"I guess this thing chose her as its partner. Hang on a second." Sean said doing a quick scan on the Croc before he got the results. "I knew it. This thing has only been feeding on Wildlife. No Human remains are inside it." Sean said.

"But what about this thing?" Comedian asked pointing to the machine.

"I'll give you one guess." Luthor said.


"You can't do this to me! I have rights!" Kennedy yelled as she was dragged away by Legion troops.

"I've heard that bullshit before. Have fun In prison bitch!" Sean yelled as Sarah threw a rock at her head making her scream in pain.

"Bitch." Sarah said making Sean chuckle.

"So she uses the real Croc as an excuse to bring out her machine to try and kill you and make you look bad." Rorschach said.

"What a pain in my ass." Sean said.

"By the way I got a report from Turok. Still undercover but says he's onto something big." Rorschach said.

"I've got faith he'll do fine." Sean said.

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