100% House of Dragon: The Quiet Dragon of House Targaryen / Chapter 12: 106 AC - A Grown Hatchling

บท 12: 106 AC - A Grown Hatchling

A dragon, as dark as the night sky, the purple membrane of its enormous wings that darken the ocean bellow it, flew at great speed headen to the direction of the capital of Westeros. This dragon needed no introduction, Aurrax, Loyal companion and dragon of Prince Aegor. The Targaryen and his dragon, finally returning after a short adventure over Essos.

He had gotten a letter back to him in Pentos after he had sent his men across the sea to King's Landing to deliver his own to his brother. He had grown powerful in such a small amount of time. All because of the joint alliance of Tyrosh, Myr and Lys under the allias of the Triachy.

Pirates, the threat and hostility of the Triachy towards the rest of the free cities and the lingering dangers the Dothraki's was to Qohor. Helped him build connections, wealth, renown, all which he didn't mean happen.

He started at Pentos, arriving with the intention to get away from the capital, the Prince of Pentos allowed him to stay going out his own way to gain his favour with no lies about his reasons. To help with the pirates pillaging his settlements on his border, enslaving his people. He had a dragon and the Prince wanted him to use it, in return of this he gain the help in anything, a debt that'll never be forgotten.

He destroyed three warships of the pirates, killing and setting ablaze to them. With no men and nothing to his name. Aegor set out in the darkness of night, he and Aurrax waited until the ships to slowly aboard the shores near a village and was reading to enslave more of the people Pentos. Before it could progress, they dove down, Aurrax brought down his wrath, no one was left in his hot tempered flames.

It was that fated night, when they landed on the burnt black floor of the shore, to end the life's of the last of the screaming men. He walked amongst them, the smell of burnt flesh and shig nearly made him vomit. A foreign smell, one where he knew would happen many times to come.

He halted once he saw something, in the distance, a man he neither knew or cared, held a sword but not any sword, valyrian steel. A steel metal that his brothers owned, which was passed down since Aegon and Visenya. Dark sister, Sword of Visenya's and Blackfyre, A sword passed since Aegon from King to King.

He knelt down, hefting it up in the air gazing at its fine beauty. The blade was dark similar to the night which they came from, the guard curved out made from seemingly gold, on the pommel was a simple golden ball, the red leather of the grip fitted well to the rest of the sword. A longsword, that definitely was worth was it was in weight.

He set it in its night like scabbard and set back on his companion, heading back to Pentos.

Aegor remembered like it was yesterday, he didn't kill no one yet it felt that way. He couldn't care, he had gained something invaluable, the sword that dated back to his previous home. He saw it as more of a sentimental value than simply a sword to swing around, a reminder of his blood that flowed through him and the dragon he roade on dragon back. Thus he called it, Lady Alyssa, after his late mother, a true Targaryen that died for the family, for him to live another day.

He rubbed the pommel, the only thing that changed, an amthyest stone instead of the golden ball. For his families eyes and Aurrax's wings.

"I could stay here for days on end. Wouldn't you agree pal." he wistfully said, patting Aurrax. The Dragon growled.

"I know you don't want to head back to King's Landing, but it is finally time we return." Aurrax growled almost groan like. Aegor smiled at his reaction.

"You don't have to worry, I'll arrange with my brother to allow you freedom. As long as you don't wreak havok around King's Landing. " Aegor said sharply at him. Silent rained down of them before Aurrax let out a sharp air of smoke out of his nostril.

"I know you aren't happy, but it must be done. I'd rather not have the small folk being scared because a temperamental dragon couldn't think rationally." Aegor rubbed his forehead, yet a smile on his face at his dragons antics.

Their conversation came to a halt once the red keep came into sight, Aegor patted his back, Aurrax flew as fast as he could almost like a black comet. It didn't take long for them to head to the dragon pit for Aurrax to land. Debress of dirt came from beneath their Landing, Aegor dismounted, when he got on his feet he turned to Aurrax.

"I'll see you later Aurrax, Take care." he said whilst rubbing his face. He glared but never moving from his patting.

They could only have a couple of minutes before sounds of multiple hooves came closer. Aegor stepped away, Aurrax left with a huge amount of dirt going everywhere from his departure. Almost annoyingly and maybe intentionally going over his armour.

Aegor turned to look on at the approaching horses. There were four, one known well, his mare, Saerra. Accompany his horse was, the signature King's guard, the one at the front bringing his horse alongside him was a King's guard he had met and even spoke to quite a few time. Ser Harrold Westerling.

The other men, he hadn't recognised, both very similar in appearance though, definitely twins he knew blindest of people see. Both had long brown hair, with similar colour as their eyes. It was easier to see as they were without helmet.

"It is nice to see you, my Prince. It seems you have grown since the last time we've spoke." the middle age man remarked, walking to him.

The other kingsguard came of their horse, bowing towards him. Ser Harrold, gestured to him.

"These are the newest members of the Kingsguard, Arryk and Erryk Cargyll. Twin brothers." Pointing to the first one than the other. Aegor could simply only nodd.

"Without a doubt will become confusing, yet I'll say it's nice meeting you two." both men looked now up to him, with serious face's. Greeting him as well with the most politeness for his station.

"The king has asked of us to escorts you back to the red keep." Ser Harrold said now to him.

Aegor nodded, mounting his mare, Saerra not before brushing his hand in her mane. They let out to the red keep, Ser harrold asking of his journeys at the Essos. He explained in more simple detail of his adventures. Than quietness the rest of the ride.

"How has Ser Ryam Redwyne been? Has he gotten healthier?" He enquired, before he left, he knew of the man he squired under health issue. It worried him.

He didn't like to admit it but once he left, he knew what was to become of him. Ser Harrold face scrunched, his eyes giving way to his emotions despite basically being a professional killer like him.

"... Ser Ryam, is no more my Prince. He sadly passed away in his bed." Ser harrold said barely grief and sadness there. The man knew Ser Ryam, being a King's guard alongside him and getting to know him. To know one the greatest knights had died, a friend, hurt him.

He clenched his teeth, Aegor squeezed his rein. His eyes closed in remorse, he knew it but to confirm it stabbed his heart. He saw the man as a father figure. While his father was away, and didn't pay attention to him. Ser Ryam looked after him, teaching him everything he knew, the bow, sword and horsemanship. The list went on, if it wasn't for him he'd most likely be dead decomposing on the dirt.

"...I see..."

When he reopened his eyes and saw the red keep, Aegor dismounted near the stable than went in the red keep. He hadn't spoken, since he had bonded with Aurrax, he had gained quite the temper. He never understood where from, yet he guessed he had to guess because of his bond with Aurrax. He must of gained some of his calmness and vise a versa.

"We will leave you my Prince." he glanced back, Ser Ryan's voice catching his attention. He didn't know however through his thoughts he already got to his familiar door that led to his room he had since he was a child.

"You are dismissed." he uttered than went in his room.

When he closed it he felt the deja vu, walking in he had his mirror and cabinet straight away near his bed and before you get to it on the left was a double door that led to a balcony that had many time looked out to the sea and sky. When he came back in he went to his bathroom, a wooden tub.

A servant came soon after, a pretty thing he had to admit. It didn't help she would blush in a bright shade of red. When he took of his shirt and trouser. He dismissed her after she rubbed his back and filled his bathtub up. He needed some alone time to the young girls dismay.


[PoV: Rhaenyra Targaryen]

She wasn't one to be overly excited for anything, maybe she was a tease and chaotic sometimes but never had she stood up and try to show more attention to herself. It hadn't gone unnoticed by her father, he smiled happily at her from his throne, his excitement quelled greatly to portray his himself as a King. What Rhaenyra hated was her Mother in law, her former friend, Alicent. She would constantly glance around like she was looking for something desperatly.

Rhaenyra stood next to the iron throne. All the guests, councillors and the hand was within the hall as well. Even the guests. Rhaenyra stood beside her King's guard, and sworn shield, Ser Criston Cole. On the other side of her father was the hand and his wife.

They waited and it took some time later for finally the guest of honor came forth. He strode with confidence, head high and a slight swing in his shoulders to emphasise his broad shoulders. 'He was large' Rhaenyra thought as she gazed him up than down of him.

"My King..." he said, kneeling down in front of everyone.

His deep voice caught everyone's attention, many ladies at court, looked at him with awe. Most of them face tinged with red. She herself hoped she was better. She couldn't help herself gazing at his attire. A leather vest jacket, a long sleeved red tunic shirt that gave enough room while showing his muscles. His leather trousers, fit snugly to his tree trunk of legs. His silver gold hair styled backwards. His eyes were mesmerising, Rhaenyra found captivating.

"You've finally returned. Normally I would of had you whipped and lashed for your sudden disappearance. But, you've done something many of our ancestors had wished since Aegon the conqueror. Involvement in our previous former Cities in Essos."

She looked up to her father, she worried for her uncle but as her father carried on she wanted sigh in relief. The displeased expression from the hand she noticed, she almost wanted to laugh in his face. Her former friend, belly big witg belly gently rubbed whilst gazing at her uncle, in confliction.

"Your Relationship with these cities will come to usefulness, I expect you do not yearn to rebel against your king and his heir... "

Aegor looked up, and she had saw his lilac eyes look up to her father, than to turn and gaze at her. She smiled at him, eyes darting at her father in amusement for a second before returning the gaze.

"A thrones means nothing to me. Only family." he loudly said. His harden eye meeting her father.

They stated at one another, tension in the air, the King, her father than soften at his brother than her uncle.

"Than you swear under oath to support forever support my heir in her darkest hours. To be her voice to impose on this realm, bring justice for her if anything were to happen on her behalf." He nodded. The king than commanded.

"From this day forth, you'll be her councillor and enforcer. Alongside Ser Cristion Cole, you'll be her sworn shield. To protect her to the utmost."

She saw no reason to deny it, having arguably two of the best Swordsman in the Realm and a renown name as her uncle's to attend to her needs and wants seemed like a dream. His words and allegiance to her would be greatly valued

"As Commanded, Your Highness..." She said bowing to her father.

Now her father looked on at her uncle as he stepped down the enamorus throne to him. When he stood above him, he motion to him to stand up. Her uncle dwarfing her father by a head and frame. She wanted to burst out in giggles at her father's annoyed face to stare up at his younger brother.

"You have never let me down, I do not expect you to let her down as well. Everyone dismissed!" He shouted to everyone.

She saw the mutitued of individuals wanting to speak to her brother, some being she in the crowd being his good friend Lyonel, his father and Master of Law, Boremund Baratheon. Even including the Queen, whom she definitely what her uncle to be around. She felt a growing anger become of her seeing the queen, interest of taking her uncle whilst she had already taken her father no matter the loveless life.

They were alone as family, all her, her uncle and father were in the court, his eyes now scanning her almost like her whole person was under watchful surveillance. Than he smiled, a small yet endearing and loving smile.

Rhaenyra come here! Your uncle would want to see you, I'd expect five years to be almost a lifetime for him since seeing his niece." her father laughed, whilst the large man beside him rolled his eye.

"Uncle..." she stood in front of him. She reached his chest, so she gazed at him. Craning her neck to merely look him in his eyes.

"Princess... You've grown." She chuckled, which he futhur smiled. Than she tapped him in the chest, she could feel it, his rick hard muscle built for warfare.

"Of course, we can't all stay small. I guess you never was in the first place uncle." She taunted, most would be normally offended, yet he shook his head and chuckled.

"No matter how old you'll become princess. You will forever be my little niece that shat and pissed in her nappies." Her father laughed, she felt annoyed, her uncle smirking down at her.

"Yet now I'm a young women, heir to the Iron throne and now I have a sworn shield most would die for. How life has changed." she bited back, she never liked be reminded of her young age even by family.

"She reminds me of mother every day, quite a handful as father would say. Don't worry, she isn't always like this, must be because of you brother. " her father said slapping his brothers back. She huffed annoyingly, her uncle eyes never leaving her face.

"I do not mind, she is a Targaryen and to quell her fire is to dampen her spirit. Aren't I right, princess?" He simply stated to her, she smiled back at him.

"You've came out of your shell brother since your adventure, the women of Essos must of morned to see their hero leave." Her father teased, her uncle stared at him seriously.

"I have no need for women just yet, I have more bigger things, like looking after my niece here. Gods, she must of been tortured with you and Daemon around her." He over dramatically shook his head feign a tear. They laughed at him but than Rhaenyra asked curiously.

"You do not have a Paramour?" He shook his head, than said.

"Many caught my eye but I had no interest at the time for a intimate relationship. I never really went to brothels as much as some Lords would normally as well."The sudden appearance of her father's hand on her uncle's should made them look at him.

"We'll find you one. For now duties are demanded. It's getting on, take Rhaenyra to her quarters. We'll speak more of personal matters tomorrow."

Aegor nodded extending his arm to his niece, the familiar ties made it seem to all the individuals they went past as mere familiar love. Rhaenyra was happy, beside her uncle. She knew how dangerous the man she walked alongside was. But she saw how reserved he was around other people, like a wall he held around him. It dropped around him and her father.

She couldn't help but feel special to know the true person behind the mask he held around everyone. She wouldn't allow the Queen to dig her nails in him again and proclaim absolute lies. Like she did her. No matter how she acted remorseful.

He was her uncle not hers. He was the shield that would protect her, his strong thick arms protecting her away from danger. And as such she will be the queen many will remember. Finally someone that understood her and a family member that wouldn't up and die. He was The shield.

Her uncle and the previous him from her memory so different in face and body yet the same person she had remembered. A man of the family. How she'd love to mess about and annoy him.

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