91.04% A Prince of House Targaryen / Chapter 61: Mother and Son

บท 61: Mother and Son

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The Following 16 Chapters are available for Patrons. 

Chapter 62 (A Night of Passion), Chapter 63 (Silverwing and Morning), Chapter 64 (The Jousting), Chapter 65 (A Dragon of House Targaryen), Chapter 66 (A Threat or Salvation), Chapter 67 (Cannibal, The Wild Dragon), Chapter 68 (Daenerys, The Dragon Princess), Chapter 69 (A Golden Flower), Chapter 70 (Tears of Direwolves), Chapter 71 (A Stark Without A Direwolf), Chapter 72 (A Princess's Night), Chapter 73 (A Direwolf's Blood), Chapter 74 (Morning and Rhaenys), Chapter 75 (A Song of Dragons), Chapter 76 (Leaving Harrenhal), and Chapter 77 (The Horn of Winter) are already available for Patrons.

As Aemon stirred up from his slumber, he felt the gentle warmth of the morning sun caressing his face through the window, and he couldn't help but smile at the thought of a new day ahead. As he turned his head to the side, he felt the soft press of two naked bodies, Rhaenys and Val, sleeping soundly beside him. The sound of their steady breathing and the gentle rustle of the sheets filled the room, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere that Aemon wished could last forever. Aemon took deep breaths. His cock was erected, and slowly, he escaped their grip, not wanting to wake them up. Standing up from the bed, he quickly wore his clothes. He was preparing himself for the day to talk with his father when he heard a knocking on the door.

As he was about to instruct whoever was impatiently knocking at his door to hold on for a moment, the door swiftly slid open, revealing a stoic figure standing in front of him. To his surprise, it was his dear grandmother who had arrived unannounced. Behind her was Ser Barristan, but he wasn't looking inside the chamber.

"Grandmother." Aemon felt embarrassed to be caught like this. With both Rhaenys and Val on his bed, he anticipated her to be thoroughly displeased with him. However, to his surprise, his grandmother's expression was not one of anger but rather one of amusement.

"Aemon," she said, her voice firm and commanding as she looked directly into his eyes. "I would like to talk with you in my chambers." Her tone left no room for argument, and Aemon knew that this was not a request, but a demand, completely ignoring that her granddaughter had slept with her grandson and his wife.

"I'm coming." Aemon complied, quickly following his grandmother behind. The sound of their footsteps echoed through the long corridor of the castle as they walked in silence. The only sound that could be heard was the soft rustling of their clothing as they made their way towards their destination. As they walked, Aemon couldn't help but wonder what had caused his usually cheerful grandmother to be so serious.

After reaching her chambers, she closed the door after he walked inside. He prepared himself for her to shout about sleeping with his sister, but what came out of her mother wasn't what he had expected.

"Grandson. I would like to talk about your Dragon." Rhaella questioned, her intense purple eyes looking at his every reaction. She was paying attention even to the slightest movement on his face. The way he flinched before looking at her with a hint of impressed expression, she knew that she had been right. The dragon seen by her spies belonged to her grandson.

"How do you know that?" Aemon asked with a smile. His grandmother simply motioned for him to sit down with her.

"I have eyes and ears everywhere, Aemon. I had doubts that you were hiding something from the beginning. The rumors of the dragon started spreading around the time you said that you returned from Beyond The Wall, and yesterday, some of my men saw your dragon flying through the sky, you might have tried not to be seen, but your dragon is quite large not to be seen." Rhaella answered. Her voice didn't hold anger, disappointment, or sadness. She was looking at Aemon the same way she always did. Aemon was quite relieved to see that his grandmother wasn't angry with him for keeping Aegarax a secret.

"So, who is he?" She asked with a motherly tone and a soft smile toward Aemon. The young prince felt better, he didn't know why, but his grandmother always made him feel better and welcomed by simply talking the way she always did.

Rhaella prepared tea for herself and Aemon. She grabbed a spoon and mixed honey and tea to give it a sweeter taste. The cup was meticulously crafted, adorned with the sigil of House Targaryen, a symbol of their power and pride. Its handle was molded to resemble the wings of a dragon, The intricate details of each individual scale were so lifelike that Aemon felt as if he could reach out and touch the smooth, cool surface of the mythical creature's skin. Which was the very essence of the Targaryen bloodline. The cup was made of pure, gleaming gold, and the fiery red Targaryen emblem etched onto it made it shimmer like a precious gemstone in the sunlight that streamed into the room from the closed window.

As Aemon reached for the delicate handle of the teacup, he felt a sense of comfort wash over him. The smooth porcelain felt cool in his hand, in contrast to the wispy tendrils of steam that rose from the center of the cup, tickling his nose with the soothing aroma of chamomile. The warmth of the tea spread through his fingers, but Aemon didn't mind it; he welcomed the sensation as he savored the earthy taste of the brew. 

As Aemon took a delicate sip of the steaming tea, the warm liquid cascaded down his throat and filled him with a sense of comfort and contentment. A small smile danced across his lips as he savored the complex flavors that danced across his taste buds, and he couldn't help but let out a soft sigh of delight. As he placed the teacup down on the table, he met the expectant gaze of his grandmother, who peered over the rim of her own teacup with a knowing look in her eyes.

"His name is Aegarax. I found him beyond the wall." Aemon answered, moving his right leg over his left leg as he sat on the comfortable royal chair.

"Can you control him, Aemon? I don't want any sudden incidents. The last thing we need is any Lord complaining about a Dragon Attack." Rhaella questioned, her voice sharp like Valyrian steel, as her purple eyes gazed into her grandson's grey eyes. She shifted uncomfortably on her chair as she awaited his answer.

"Yes. Aegarax is a friend. He would never attack anyone that isn't a threat to me, and when it comes to food, he mostly eats sea creatures and sometimes hunts land animals like bears or shadow cats. I can even talk to him." Aemon explained sincerely, wanting to make it clear that Aegarax was no danger to anyone.

Despite trying to keep her shocked expression at bay, Rhaella couldn't stop herself from letting out a low gasp. "Talk? You can talk to him?" She asked, leaning her upper body forward, the teacup in her hand trembled slightly as she placed it down on the table.

"Yes," Aemon answered with a small chuckle, finding her reaction quite funny.

"We could talk since the moment we meet. He knows when I'm in danger and talks to me whenever there's anything important," Aemon explained, hearing the wind outside slamming against the closed window.

Rhaella sighed in relief to hear that the Dragon was no danger to anyone. She trusted her grandson. She trusted his word that Aegarax wouldn't harm anyone they didn't want harming.

As her grandson sipping his tea, his grandmother hummed a gentle tune, the sound filling the cozy room. With a glint in her eye, she leaned in and posed a question that had been on her mind for years, "How does he look like? I always wanted to see a Dragon. I have dreamed of dragons but never seen myself?" Her voice was filled with excitement and wonder, as if she was a little girl who had just received a long-awaited present. As she stirred her tea with a delicate spoon, the aroma of fresh herbs and spices filled the air, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Her grandson couldn't help but smile at his beloved grandmother's enthusiasm.

"He's beautiful, as white as snow, and his eyes are purple like a Valyrian. He is almost as large as Winterfell. I think he might be slightly smaller than Balerion when he was 200 years old. Just being near him, you can feel the heat, and his scales are sharp like swords. His breath is blue like ice, and he can breathe ice." Aemon explained everything, the way he found out that Aegarax could breathe ice wasn't the way he had wanted, but it worked against Cannibal.

A part of Aemon still feared that Cannibal would suddenly fly over Harrenhal before bathing the castle with his green flames that could melt even stone.

Rhaella listened intently as her grandson explained every detail about Aegarax and how it was like flying a Dragon that huge. She could almost picture what her grandson was describing. As a child, Rhaella would often find herself daydreaming about soaring through the sky like a bird, and these visions of flight would continue to fill her mind as she grew older. Whenever she was feeling particularly restless or overwhelmed, she would make her way out onto the balcony, closing her eyes and letting her imagination take over as she stretched out her arms and let the breeze carry her away. In these moments, she would lose herself in the sensation of weightlessness, feeling as if she could soar higher and higher until she reached the very clouds themselves.

"Flying with a dragon is the best experience any Targaryen could have. Would you like to see Aegarax, grandmother?" Aemon suggested with a smile. Rhaella felt like kissing his cheek, he looked adorable to her, reminding her of Rhaegar when he was younger and he would call her to show something new he could do, one time he had climbed a piece of furniture to the top using chairs to climb higher, Rhaella had chided him for doing something so reckless, but still kissed his cheek, and telling him that she was proud of him.

Rhaella was tempted to say yes, but first, she needed to ask a few other questions, and after that, perhaps she could see Aegarax from up close.

"I would love to, but Aemon, why did you not tell us from the beginning?" Rhaella asked with the same motherly tone. She wanted him to know that she wasn't hurt, she lowered the delicate teacup onto the saucer, which was adorned with a stunning display of vibrant red and golden colors. The intricate design was hard to miss, the center of the saucer, where the sigil of House Targaryen was emblazoned in a striking bright red hue, symbolizing the power and might of the dragons that once ruled the Seven Kingdoms.

Aemon nervously glanced away when he suddenly felt Rhaella's hand under his chin, making him look back at her. "Aemon, you can tell everything to me. I'm your family, and you don't have to hide anything from me. If you don't want to tell me, it's fine, but if you do. No one else needs to know until you're comfortable talking to the rest of your family." She spoke softly, Aemon felt like his mother was talking to him, and he quite liked the way she was talking to him.

He truly felt he could tell her anything and that she would support him. Taking a deep breath.

"For fourteen years, I believed my father was Lord Stark when I learned that House Targaryen was my real family. I didn't know what to make of it. I felt betrayed. I didn't know if you would be even happy to know about me if you would even care. I didn't want anyone to know about Aegarax for some time. I knew sooner or later I would need to tell someone, but instead, I wanted to get to know all of you first. But most importantly is because of Aegon and House Martell." Aemon confessed, he felt her warm and reassuring hand on his cheek, filling him with a sense of comfort and ease that he had not felt in a long time. Her gentle touch made him feel much better.

"Aemon, I don't know you for that long, but even I know you're not someone that wants what belongs to your brother, but I understand. You know what others might think of you. A Hidden Prince suddenly shows up and has three rare creatures: A Direwolf, A Northern Eagle, and A Dragon. Many will consider you the better candidate to become the next Targaryen King. You think that even Aegon might be jealous of you." Rhaella guessed right, as Aemon simply nodded, confirming it.

As Rhaella stood up from her chair, her eyes glimmered with affection as she walked up to Aemon with a gentle smile on her face. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a warm and loving hug that enveloped him like a cocoon. The way she held him made Aemon feel like a kid again, safe and secure in his grandmother's embrace. Rhaella's touch was gentle and comforting, and the way her hands caressed his face made Aemon feel cherished and loved.

"Never forget that you're a Dragon, my dear grandson. That's why even the king has a small council to be advised about things they don't know, but always remember that the final decision should always be yours. Don't let anyone make you think a certain way. If they try, show everyone that you're a Dragon. Show that you're strong and powerful and can't be manipulated by their petty words." Rhaella spoke softly to his ear; Aemon hugged his grandmother as he listened to her words.

"As for House Martell and Aegon, don't worry. Aegon is not a fool. He knows the greed some lords have, even the greed of his mother's family, as for House Martell. They know better than to cross me." Rhaella finished before kissing the top of his forehead and his cheek. Aemon nodded against her, enjoying the embrace.

As Aemon closed his eyes, he was transported back to a time when he was a little boy,and he dreamed, when his mother would hug him tight and make all of his worries disappear. The same feeling of warmth, safety, and love that he had felt then was now engulfing him as his grandmother enveloped him in her embrace. It was as if all of his troubles had been washed away in an instant, leaving behind only the comfort of her arms and the sound of her soothing voice.

"Avy jorrāelan, muña (I love you, mother)." Rhaella felt her heart skip a beat, her eyes welling up with tears as she kissed his cheek again.

"Avy jorrāelan, ñuha zaldrītsos (I love you too, my little dragon)," Rhaella spoke softly to her grandson.

After feeling her lovely embrace for what felt like seconds, Aemon pulled away from her, wiping away the unshed tears from his eyes before he and Rhaella sat on their respective chairs. Aemon felt much better, he didn't know why, but he had never felt like this.

"Now, we need to talk about you sleeping with your wife, Val, and Rhaenys." Rhaella started, but her voice was anything but angry; Aemon knew this one was coming.

"Grandmother, I-" "I'm not angry with you, Aemon." Rhaella interrupted before he could even start, knowing that her grandson thought she would blame him.

"You are not," Aemon said, taken off guard by her.

"Rhaenys never liked anyone, Rhaegar tried many times to find a suitable lord for her, but she refused everyone. When she was younger, she would often mention that she loved you. Perhaps she knew of you somehow, but I have nothing against you sleeping with Rhaenys." Rhaella said she knew marrying two women would not sit well with the faith, they would never agree with it, but to Rhaella, her family's happiness was more important than whatever The Faith wanted.

The faith of the seven didn't have that much power since the Dance of The Dragons, but they didn't really need to, the dragons had died out, and House Targaryen no longer held Power anymore. The moment they lost their dragons, their power in Westeros was slowly running out; Rhaella still considered it lucky that the kingdoms hadn't wanted independence the moment the Dragons had died out.

"If you love Rhaenys, then I have nothing against it, but you should know that important Houses will send their daughters to you the moment they find out about Aegarax," Rhaella warned, knowing Tywin Lannister would be the first to offer his granddaughter to Aemon. Rhaella knew Doran's first choice would be a marriage. Despite his ruthlessness, Rhaella knew he was a man of words first and actions second.

Princess Arianne was still without a betrothal, and Rhaella knew Prince Doran would propose a marriage between Aemon and Arianne even if he knew about Aemon's first marriage.

Personally, Rhaella would have liked that Aemon chose Daenerys. Her daughter was beautiful and full Valyrian Blood. Rhaella couldn't think of a better marriage for her daughter than Aemon. Their children would be dragon riders, and from the rumors she had heard, there was more than one dragon out there.

Rumors of a Black Dragon flying around the Vale, the mountain tribes had been found burned and eaten, rumours of a dark-pink Dragon around the Crownlands, and many fishermen had reported seeing a Dragon hunting fish, saying the dragon was as large as Vhagar, while Rhaella believed that to be an exaggeration, the only dragon she could think of that was pink and survived the Dance was 'Morning' who was said to have been killed by Aegon III, the Dragonbane who hated dragons.

But one thing she wondered and couldn't find answers to, if those two new dragons had been alive this whole time, why to show up only after Aegarax bonded with Aemon and made his presence in Westeros, and second if the pink Dragon was truly Morning, how was she still alive, the dragon was said to have disappeared around 153 AC, rumors had spread that Aegon III had her killed in Dragonstone with crossbows since the dragon was still young, some rumors said that he had given the dragon poisoned food, no one knew for sure.

Four dragons survived the Dance: Cannibal, Sheepstealer, Morning, and Silverwing.

"Grandmother, there's something else. Yesterday, I flew with Aegarax to the Vale, and Cannibal was there." Aemon told her; Rhaella felt a shiver in her spine at the mention of that Dragon.

"What happened?" Rhaella asked right away, knowing something must have happened between him and Cannibal.

Aemon explained everything that transpired in the Vale. After telling her everything, Rhaella stood silent, looking deep in thought.

She wasn't sure what to make of this; Cannibal had never allowed anyone to ride him, and he was the only Wild Dragon that never had a rider, a part of her knew the importance of claiming a Dragon like Cannibal. Still, she would never do anything that could endanger her family. If this Dark-Pink Dragon was truly Morning, perhaps Rhaenys or Aegon could tame her. They didn't need Cannibal.

"For now, don't enter his territory again," she said, her tone grave, yet tinged with a hint of concern. "If he wants to stay in the Vale, then let him be there. Don't go out there searching for him." Rhaella ordered firmly, but from Aemon's face, she knew he had been thinking the same thing as her.

"Now, I would really like if I could get a closer look at Aegarax if that's not a problem." Rhaella requested with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Right now, Aegarax is asleep, but around midday would be perfect," Aemon answered with a broad smile.

Soon their meeting ended, and Aemon stood up, but before he could leave through the door, his grandmother embraced him. He quickly hugged her back. She kissed his cheek before he left.

Leaving her chambers, Aemon made his way over to his bedchamber, but as he made his way through the winding corridors of the castle, he noticed something that made him pause in his tracks. A faint sound, barely audible at first, grew louder and more distinct as he drew closer to his own bedchamber. It was the sound of moans, low and guttural, that seemed to be coming from within his own private sanctuary. He walked inside, only to find his sister moaning.

Rhaenys was standing on the bed with her knees pressed into the mattress. She was as naked as the day she was born, unafraid to show off her stunning physique. Her large bosom breasts were on full view, swaying up and down with every movement, and Aemon couldn't help but feel captivated by the sight of her dark-pink nipples. Her body was delicious looking.

Rhaenys was in a state of pure ecstasy as she lay back, her head thrown back, and her eyes closed in rapture. She felt Val's tongue expertly caressing and exploring every inch of her womanhood, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Her full, plump lips were parted, and she let out another moan of pleasure as she focused on the intense feeling of Val's skilled touch. Rhaenys began to sway her hips up and down, riding Val's face with increasing intensity, as she surrendered herself to the blissful sensations that were washing over her. The room was filled with the sound of her moans, the scent of her arousal, and the sight of her writhing in pleasure, lost in the moment.

She let out a deep, guttural moan that echoed through the room. Her body writhed with pleasure as she felt Val's soft, blonde hair tickling her inner thighs, sending shivers of ecstasy down her spine. With a gentle grip, Rhaenys guided Val deeper and deeper into her womanhood, feeling the waves of pleasure building within her until she could no longer contain her excitement, crying out as she reached the pinnacle of pleasure.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Soon she pulled away, letting Val breathe precious air, her face covered with Rhaenys's slick.

With a sultry voice that could make anyone weak in the knees, Rhaenys crawled up to Val who was still breathing heavily, her nose touching Val's nose, and asked, "Do you like me riding your beautiful face?"

"Yes." She rasped; Rhaenys smiled viciously, she leaned in, flashing a wicked smile, and pressed her lips hard against Val's mouth, her tongue eagerly darting in. Val's body tensed, but it only took a few seconds for her to give in to the pleasure that Rhaenys was offering. She let out a soft whimper as Rhaenys's deft fingers found their way to her drenched slit, expertly working her over. The sensation was overwhelming, and Val's mind went blank as she surrendered to the waves of ecstasy that crashed over her.

Aemon felt his cock twitching at the sight of his lovers making out. "You two seem to be enjoying each other." Aemon spoke with a smile. Soon he joined his lovers in bed. They quickly got rid of his clothes.

They moved closer to his erection, and Rhaenys started to stroke the top of it while Val gripped the middle of it. The two beautiful ladies stroked Aemon's length as he sat completely still, and Val began to bounce his balls in her palm. Aemon smiled at this while Rhaenys brushed her tongue over the head of his manhood, and he shivered from how warm her tongue felt.

Val slowly trailed her own tongue down Aemon's shaft, and Rhaenys jerked off the top of the Prince's length. They both licked and stroked their respective sides of Aemon's member while he let small groans escape from his lips. Rhaenys licked the spot of Aemon's cock where his foreskin began to emerge, with Val doing the very same thing shortly afterward, and the young prince moaned as a result.

Then, Rhaenys's lips moved closer to the head of his erection. The sensation of her warm breath against his skin made him shiver with pleasure. With a delicate touch, Rhaenys placed her mouth on him and began to suck, sending waves of ecstasy through his body. As he moaned in pleasure, Val joined in, her tongue tracing the center of his shaft. The combination of their skilled movements left Aemon lost in a sea of pure bliss, unable to think of anything else except the pleasure that consumed him.


Rhaella and Aemon were riding across the long green fields, accompanied only by Ser Barristan; Rhaella had reassured her grandson that Barristan would not say anything. Rhaegar had asked where they were riding, but Rhaella told him she wanted to show Aemon something. Her son clearly didn't believe her but said nothing and told them not to be late.

As they rode on for an hour, the anticipation and excitement mounted within Rhaella. She could feel it in her skin, the closer they got to their destination, the warmer the air became. It was as if the very atmosphere was charged with the heat of the Dragon's breath. Every breath they took felt like a warm caress on their face, and Ser Barristan was sweating furiously, his armor clanging with every movement. Despite the heat, Rhaella's heart was pounding with excitement. She knew they were getting closer and closer to the Dragon, and she couldn't wait to see it with her own eyes. As they rounded a bend, they finally saw it looming in the distance, a magnificent creature of fire and scales, and Rhaella couldn't help but gasp in wonder.

Soon amongst the trees, they saw Aegarax sleeping comfortably. The immediate surrounding area was devastated, with the ground still smoldering from the intense heat emitted by the mighty beast. In fact, the scorching flames had been so intense that the large boulder situated nearby had melted into a dark, ominous stone. The entire land was littered with the charred remains of the unfortunate animals that had been Aegarax's prey, their bones blackened and lifeless as a result of the dragon's fiery breath.

His figure moved the moment Aemon got closer, raising his head as Aemon dismounted Ghost. The massive dragon had just finished a satisfying meal, evidenced by the flattened trees and the scorched ground littered with charred bones scattered around the dragon.

"Aegarax, kesīr, valītsos (Aegarax, here, boy)," Aemon spoke to his friend. The dragon's eyes twinkled with delight as he let out a deep, rumbling purr of contentment. The dragon leaned closer, inviting him to touch his nose. As Aemon reached out, his hand brushed against the dragon's scales, which were as sharp as knives. The scales didn't harm his hand. Instead, they felt smooth and cool to the touch, like polished stone. The dragon let out a joyful sound, relishing the attention from his rider.

As Aegarax's piercing purple eyes met Aemon's gaze, the dragon let out a low happy sound before lowering his massive neck to the ground, his scales gleaming in the sun's warm glow.

Rhaella's breath hitched in her throat. In front of her was a creature she had only dreamed of seeing; Aegarax was magnificent. Despite laying on his stomach, his head alone was larger than a small house, his teeth as sharp as Valyria steel; Rhaella stood before the magnificent Dragon, its scales gleaming in the sunlight, she could feel the weight of its immense presence bearing down upon her. Rhaella felt no tremble of fear in her limbs. Instead, a wave of exhilaration washed over her as she gazed upon the awe-inspiring beast. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest, threatening to burst forth, as she took slow, deliberate steps towards the dragon, her legs moving as though they were not her own.

Ser Barristan's heart raced as he watched Queen Rhaella take a step closer to the dragon, Aegarax. He knew that the dragon was unpredictable and dangerous, and he had to act fast to protect the queen. "Your Grace, Don't Approach," he shouted. But as he spoke, he saw Aegarax's eyes fix on him, and the dragon began to growl menacingly, baring his large, razor-sharp teeth. Aemon quickly spoke softly to him, stopping the dragon from breathing fire.

"Ser Barristan, Aegarax doesn't appreciate your presence, don't do that again," Aemon warned as he was stroking the dragon's neck. The white dragon poured In delight, but his eyes fixated on Ser Barristan, who backed away, but there was no sign of fear on the old knight's face.

Despite seeing a dragon for the first and knowing he could kill him as easily as stepping on him, Barristan held no fear. The old knight had faced death countless times to be afraid of him.

"Grandmother, come closer; Aegarax says it's fine." Aemon turned his attention to Rhaella, who approached as soon as he said for her to do, she couldn't stop the smile from stretching on her lips, and she didn't want to. She felt like a kid again as she walked right next to Dragon's large nose, its nostrils flared with each exhalation, emanating a searing gust of air that brushed against her cheek, causing her hair to dance in wild abandon.

Rhaella slowly extended her hand. The moment her skin touched his scale, she let out a low gasp. The dragon's scales were incredibly warm. She understood now why they said that 'Dragons were fire made flesh, ' her hand sliding across the scales. Aegarax let out a pleasant sound. Aemon smiled, happy that Aegarax and his grandmother were getting along.

"Do you want to fly, grandmother?" Aemon offered; Rhaella nodded before she realized it.

"Your grace!" Ser Barristan called out in fear, about to walk closer when Aegarax growled at him.

"Ser Barristan, we will return shortly. Don't worry about anything." Rhaella quickly answered him.

With a sense of anticipation, Aemon and Rhaella nimbly mounted Aegarax, gripping onto the dragon's shimmering scales for support as Aegarax lifted his head and turned to the left. With the grace of a creature born to fly, Aegarax slowly unfurled his majestic wings, each white scale shimmering like a precious diamond in the evening light. Rhaella grasped the scales for support, knowing it would be hard not to fall. As Rhaella looked out over the expanse of the dragon's wingspan, she felt a rush of excitement fill her.

Aegarax took off from the forest floor, his massive wings beating strongly against the air as he lifted his heavy frame into the sky. Aemon held tightly onto the dragon's scales, feeling the wind rushing against his face and tugging at his hair. As they ascended higher and higher, the trees below them grew smaller and smaller until they were nothing but tiny specks in the distance. Aegarax's shadow loomed large over the forest, casting an eerie darkness over the surrounding landscape. With a graceful maneuver, the dragon soared up toward the clouds.

Feeling the wind rushing through her long silver hair as she surveyed the sprawling landscape that lay before her. The vast fields stretched out in all directions, their lush greenery reaching up towards the clouds as if trying to touch the sky. Rhaella's eyes roamed over the rolling hills and endless expanse of grass, taking in the breathtaking beauty of the scene before her. The towering walls of Harrenhal, looming in the distance like a tiny toy castle from her elevated vantage point

Rhaella gazed out ahead with a sense of wonder and awe. Rhaella couldn't remember the last time she had experienced something like this.

"Aemon, Thank You." She said, with tears in her eyes as Aegarax flew higher. Rhaella smiled throughout the entire time she was in the sky. She understood why her ancestors always wrote that.

'Like their dragons, the Targaryens answered to neither God nor Men.'

Let me know in the comments what you think about the chapter. I Hope You Have a Wonderful day.

If you want to read the following 16 Chapters, Check Out the Link Above.

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