79.16% Mushoku Tensei: Moving Forward / Chapter 38: Chapter 38 Samsara Cycle

บท 38: Chapter 38 Samsara Cycle

"Rudy… it hurts…" Zenith grumbled.

"I know… I'm here… just keep holding my hand."

"Whew… yeah… thank you," she squeezes my hand. Tightly. Very.


So much a groan escapes me despite my mouth despite my best efforts.


Come on Rudy, don't forget your training. Trace on! I didn't fight sentient trees for two months straight just to get beaten by a pregnant woman.

"Rudy, magic me."

"Got it."

"Ah… ah… that's better, thank you sweetie."

"Your welcome"

Luckily or unluckily, depending on your point of view, I am here to help her out. I got magic, and know how to use it, and am abusing that fact to its highest degree. With the situation being so chaotic, I went all out in the magic department. I've placed a wet towel on her forehead, water magic. I've created a gentle breeze to cool the room, wind magic. And most importantly of all I've been casting healing magic on her repeatedly, holding her hand for maximum efficiency, and letting it flow. Doing my best to make her feel more at ease.

Zenith is on top of the bed ready to give birth, legs spread and raised, and sporting a change of clothes after she… 'messed up' her previous ones.

A shame. They were really nice robes.

She's now wearing a simple thin white piece. The kind you can throw away after a single use.

I have to thank Lilia. She's a godsend. If it wasn't for her I would be squatting in a catching position, both her and I in dirty robes, waiting for the new baby.

I might have panicked a little for the first minute.

Luckily Lily knows how to respond to someone in need.

Basically I screamed for her, and she came and gave me instruction.

The woman deserves a raise.

"That should keep me under control for a while," Zenith confessed after a little more healing.

"Glad I could help."

I was. It's not every day I get to lay my hands on such beauty for so long.

I must be blessed!

Ha ha ha… argh… just kidding…


She's giving birth to a baby!

Do you have any idea what that means?!

Cause I do! And I don't!

A freshly born, about to be, baby is coming out of her, and we're missing a doctor. Do you want me to teleport that thing-wait that's rude. Do you want me to teleport my little sister out of her?! Who do you think I am?!

I mean… come on… god, why do you hate me?!

…she's giving birth to a baby… jesus…

There's a new life coming into this world, and it all comes down to me and Lilia working together to bring her into this world. Well, aren't you lucky sis. You're in good hands!

What their my hands? What do you have against my hands?!

…urgh… this is no good. I'm tsukoming myself.

Breathe in… breathe out.

Believe in magic, and magic will believe in you. Believe in magic, and magic will believe in you. I… believe. I…

I believe we need help.

Ok… so I might still be panicking slightly, just slightly, but I'm leagues better than I was thirty minutes ago.

Which is saying something in its own right. God I suck.

Regardless, I am still good for something. My healing magic has been keeping her stable longer than I thought, long enough to make the preparations. The change of clothes, the changing of beds, the gathering of materials, etc. etc. Now I'm just keeping her cool as well, in conjunction to stimulating her pain receptors, while Lilia gathers things downstairs. Lucky for us both healing magic has a slight euphoric effect, I assume it has something to do with pain receptors, and endorphins, but I've never been happier with my healing hand technique.

I guess you can say… I am God's gift to men.

…I'll shut up now. I apologize to everyone that makes a living in comedy.

Divine comedy…

Honestly… What is today? Earlier I was doing anything to get myself out of one embarrassing situation, and then I fell into another one… well, more like it fell on me, but that's neither here nor there. I'm just convinced there is a god, and he likes laughing at me.

I hope I'm good enough for what comes next.

Zenith and I are a bit of a mess. Well mostly me, and although we've calmed down a bit after the initial 'splash.' We're wet, tired, and a little crazy, at least I am, and most importantly; we're not out of the woods quite yet.

I'm so thirsty…

I've swallowed my saliva so many times by now I've lost count.




"Can you lean closer a little bit?"


Bringing my open palms next to her mouth I create a small poodle of water in my hand. "I figured you'd be thirsty," lord knows I am, "so here."

Drinking from the palm of my hand she swallows up my water in one gulp, that I have to continuously create it to quench her thirst.

My hands really are small.

Useless thoughts go through my head, as she finishes. "Ahh… thanks Rudy. That was just what I needed."

"No problem," creating water in the palm in my hands quenches my own thirst as well.

…I really do suck. We're all in this together. Calm down… and breathe.

I have to stay calm after all, because… I'm the doctor.


Lilia is an angel. Like a guardian angel she came in, swooping, at our call, but she's pregnant herself so it's going to be difficult, or rather, it is impossible for a woman in her condition to deliver a baby. Or more specifically as she stated.

'Master Rudeus has all a unique set of skills that make him most suited for the task. He is the better option.'

I have never been so happy, and vexed, simultaneously at being praised for my magic.

Thanks to my unique skill set, I am the best doctor around. I have an MRI like skill, I have water magic, magic for pain, and of course healing.

I really am the full package!


I don't know how to feel about that. It's just a fact at this point. My only demerit is that I have no experience in this field, but Lilia promised that she would make up for it, with her own knowhow.

Three cheers for Lily.


I never expected to use healing magic for this. It was just supposed to be my cheat in this other world. If I ever get injured, or am fighting for my life. I wouldn't die a dog's death, and fight on. Healing, and becoming more. I already knew this life was going to be tough going into it. It still is simply in a way I never intended, but perseverance is my middle name. I will abuse my abilities to the maximum.

I died a dog's death once. I never intend to do so again. That was the purpose of my magic. To use it for others… like this; this is somewhere between heaven and hell.

Regardless, life is precious. Life is fragile. I will do what I can do. Afterall, I am uniquely suited for this.

That being said… my heart is still beating like crazy.

Despite my doubt about whether I can follow Lilia's instructions to a t. I'm not the one that has it the hardest right now. Zenith is, and I'll be damned if I let her down right now.



I slapped myself.

"Mmn- yeah, sorry. My cheek felt itchy so I… slapped it?"

…perhaps my brain hasn't properly rebooted yet, but I felt I deserved that in many sense of the word for panicking for so long.

Lilia when we're done here you're getting a raise. I don't care if I have to beat it out of the old man. You need something for helping me help her, help us.

On that note.

Where is that bastard?!

Of all the times he decides not to be here, you choose now to disappear! Where are you, you deadbeat?!

Zenith has been sweating profusely, since she went into labor, and her breathing has been getting more and more erratic as time goes on. Her body is a wet mess of sweat, water, and nerves. It can't be helped. It is a natural phenomenon, but I can't help but feel that she would feel slightly more at ease if her husband were here.

Being next to your wife in their moment of need is a husband's duty, right?!

I've been keeping her at bay with magic,but nothing beats the comfort of your loved ones.

Even if she doesn't have the best taste in men. She does care for that old bastard.

To think I started this morning with the plan only to clean out Paul's room into a nursery, and now the baby decides to be born. It feels like fate. Are you that intent on seeing your new room little sis? Please have mercy on me. I can barely handle your mothers. I'll die if you and your mothers start triple teaming me. Did you feel my divine massages from inside your mothers belly, and want to come to meet me?

Well get in line!

"Rudy… where's Lily?"

Ah. She brought me out of my useless contemplations.

"She's downstairs making preparations. Something about gathering materials."

"I… see… whew… Paul?"


"...ok… mmmn! Rudyyy!"

"Heal!" Grabbing her hand I casted.

"Ah… thank you. Please don't let me go," she says while squeezing my hand tightly, and looking at my face.

"I won't. I won't. I promise. I'm right here." I pat her hand down with my free one in an effort to ease her worries.

Magic can do alot of things, but it can't do everything. All I'm doing is treating her pain as the baby comes. I'm a stopgap measure at best.

I'm a bundle of worries myself, even if I've gotten myself under control now, but every spell I cast is a little more costly than usual as my focus is a little divided.

Luckily my reserves are gigantic.

I take a glance at Zenith holding my hand, tightly, and breathing controlled breaths as she looks into the vacant space of the room.

Comfort her.

"Just keep holding onto me. Hold on to me, and I'll hold onto you," I whispered to her, applying a subtle healing touch as I do so.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me. We're just starting."

"Mmn… true…" she mutters, "I still wish your father was here though…"


I don't. But I get it… even if I don't like it.


Hurry up and come you old fart. Your lady is waiting. It's a crime to make a lady wait, you know?

As much as it pains me to admit it. This is where Paul is needed.I stand up.

I just have to suck it up. It's time to shoot out an sos.

"...Rudy?" Still holding onto my hand, she gives me a puzzled look.

"It's alright. I'm going to the wind-"

"You promised!" She squeezes my hand hard.

"Ow. And I intend on keeping it, but you want him here right?"

She nods solemnly, "I do… but I don't want you to leave me alone. I can't be alone… not right now. Please stay with me."

"...I know. Like I said… I promise. I'm just going to the window. I'm not leaving this house. You want him here, and you want me here. Well you can have both. Just give me a moment, and I'll be back," I kiss the back of her hand, slowly edging away. "Trust me." I let go of her hand.

"...ok…" she let go.

What a needy mommy. Not that I dislike it.

Now then… time for some summoning magic. Rudeus style.

"It's time to get Rudeus," I joked.

Zenith looked at me with a pained expression.


Please tell me it's the labor pains, and not my jokes.

"Alright, here goes nothing," reaching underneath the bed, I pick up my steel blade that I've been neglecting the last few months.

Well, lucky you excalibur, you get to save the day.

Picking it up, I made strides to the window, gathering the mana inside me, and focusing it, channeling it into my limbs getting stronger,"Gale Wind," as well as a windspell. Throwing it.

"Alright step one complete, now… time for the sos," thrusting both hands out the window, I start manipulating the elements to my wims. Unfortunately I don't believe in wands, as I feel they only make you weaker, too over reliant on them, and as such should only be used for battle. So I gave mine to Sylphy a long time ago. I have no boost. I'll have to do it the old fashioned way.

"Oh great water spirit…" I start to chant. Gathering the mana to a critical point, I prepare to replicate that final exam Roxy and I did, oh so long ago; life is an explosion.


"...destroy and wash everything away! Cumulonimbus!"

That should give me a few seconds.

Metal attracts lighting, if my memory serves me right. So I threw the sword as far as Possible, and made sure to give it as much oomph as needed so that it could pierce the floor, and act as a lightning strike. Now all I have to do is-


A thunderstorm arises, and rain starts pouring, and coming through the window.

…well that didn't take long.

Actually that was dangerously close. Looking out the window I see the steaming handle of a metal sword in the horizon. It's a little too close for my liking. It will push my reserves a little bit too manipulate earth magic from this faraway, but if I were to go out this window I will regret it.

Earth Pillar.

Rising the earth I concentrate on the earth in the distance, and try to imagine the image of a tower rising from the ground.

Crumble. A moment later, a tower is built, and a thirty foot patch of dirt with a sword sticking to it is marking the Greyrat territory.

Now that's what I call an sos? Although I don't think he'll be able to see it.

Alright, stupid father, you used to be an S-rank adventurer if there's any sense going through that head of yours. You should be able to read the writing on the wall. Today was a sunny day, without a rainy cloud in the sky. There is a small thunderstorm over your house, and that thunderstrike was dangerously close to your house. Now put all the pieces together, and get here.

If this doesn't get his attention. He should just throw his S rank credentials away, and give them to me. I'm a saint you know?

Closing the window before any more rain can come in. I made my way back towards Zenith's side, to calm her once more.

"...sweetheart, was that saint magic?"


"For Paul?"

For you.

"In a way," I grabbed a dry towel at bedside, and started running it through her golden locks, drying it from the small amount of rain I let in. Putting the wet towel over her head, I use it to cool her off, gathering her sweat. "I told you I'd be a moment."

Magic sure is great~

"Thank you."

"What are you thanking me for?" I smirked at her. "Did you forget you have the best son in the world?"

"Yeah… yeah I do."

I grab her hand once more, and focus on our heartbeats. They're calmer now. We're calmer now. Everything is going to be fine…

"Rudy?! Zenith?!" And then a feminine yell is heard, and Lilia comes in making a ruckus, dropping a bucket of objects to her side, and holding a pan to her chest ready to swing.

Are you trying to kill me?!

A wild Lilia appeared.

Jokes aside, she is looking frazzled… and wet.

I hope she wasn't caught outside.


Slightly disheveled and struggling with an array of knickknacks, she walks in dropping pots and towels, and…

Are those Zenith's plants?

Holding a pan to her chest.

"Is everyone alright?! A thunderstorm suddenly appeared."

Were you getting ready to swing at somebody?

"Yeah… sorry… that was me," I confessed.

"Hah… master," she puts a hand to the side of her face.

"Hey hey, have mercy on me. I had perfectly legitimate reasons this time…. Kind of, and… um sorry if I scared you a bit."

"I'm fine master. But this is a serious moment. Please don't go performing any of your eccentricities right now. We need you at your best for the coming task."

"Yeah, yeah I know. Not the… 'ideal' response, but it was to get someone's attention."

"I see. Well if that is all," she picked up the bucket of knickknacks she left by doorside, and walked towards us. "Let's get to it,"dropping something to the side, she grabs a shirt, some herbs and putting them at bedside.

"Lilia, what is this shirt for?"

"Your current shirt is too nice Rudy. You're going to switch to something more disposable. Just like madame. Now…"

"Hey, wait, what are you-" she starts taking off my shirt, and dressing me.

I'm perfectly capable of dressing myself, you know?

"Done master," she says with a hint of red on her cheeks.

"Eh? Lilia, are those-" Zenith began

"Yes. I apologize madame, but I had to dig into some of your medicinal herbs to make this incense. I hope you don't mind."

"Ah, no I don't. Why did I forget?"

"Because Madame and Master are both the type to lose their heads in times of uncertainty."

We flinch.

Lilia please… you can kick us when we're down later.

"Master Rudeus, here," digging into her pockets, she pulls out a vial and hands it to me.

"This is?"

"Alcohol. Master Rudeus doesn't have detoxification magic like madame, this is the best substitute. You're going to need to apply these to your hands to be on the safe side. It wards of curses. Without detoxification magic, this is the next best substitute."

"Oh… oh, right."

"And here," she tossed me another bottle.

"...this is?" uncapping the bottle I take a whiff.

More alcohol?

"Scarlet twine. It's sweet, so it shouldn't incapacitate you. Alcohol is also good for the nerves."


Lilia… I might just marry you!


Sylphy [pov]

Mama is right… Alcohol is bad for you.

Rudy's dad came to visit us today. He does that from time to time. I was even a little bit happy for a moment. I thought it might mean Rudy would come.

But… but! But he's been badmouthing Rudy since he got here!

I hate him!

I thought Rudy's dad was just going to have some fun with daddy, or something, but he's just been drinking, and insulting him, and worst of all he won't leave daddy alone.

"Hic. And then she told me she would rather sleep with him than me! Why?! I can be cuddly too you know?! If she just invited me in, I'm sure I could change her mind. How am I supposed to make things better, if she won't let me?" Sir Paul complained. He's been saying weird things to daddy since he got here. Mostly bad comments about Rudy, or complaining about his wife.

I think I get why Rudy and his dad don't get along.

"Hic. I'm definitely more fun to be with in bed."

"I don't think your wife is looking for fun right now Paul. Just comfort," daddy told him.

"I'm comfortable! She used to use my arm as a body pillow all the time."

"Didn't you say, she said; she can sleep with him without worries? It's all about comfort of the heart, not the body, and you haven't won her heart back. At least," daddy shrugged, "that's how it sounded to me."

"Whose side are you on?!"

"...I'm just telling you what you already know. You just want to vent."

"Hah… you're right," Paul's head droops, "but what am I supposed to do? She won't give me a chance."

"Haven't you just been following Rudy's lead."

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, you're never going to get ahead of him if you're always following his lead."

"Don't say it like that. You make it sound like I had no plan?"

"You had a plan?"

"I did! Things just didn't go according to it… it was just… easier you know? Going with the flow, and-hic, stuff. Rudy just opened up the doors, and I just followed. It-hic, worked for a while."

"Well, I wasn't there so I'll take you at your word, but… that's the funny thing about following the flow is… you're still following."

"...I think I hate you."

"That's the beer talking."

Rudy's dad takes another drink. "Why are you so smart? Did you go to school when you were little?"

"Pfft," daddy chuckled, "yeah… that would be the day. Me in a school of nobles? I'd think we both know what kind of man I would be if I did."

"...that's true…" Paul said, spinning his cup, playing with his drink.

I've been spying on Daddy and Rudy's daddy for the last few minutes. I thought if I spied I might learn something new, but all I've learned is that beer makes men dumb, like mama said. I wish Rudy would come here and take him home, then the awkwardness would go away, and we could talk on the way home.

I was hoping Rudy would come, and then we could play, but he didn't… he's still playing house with his mom and miss Lilia.

"I just know a little more common sense then certain people that think with their-"

"Dear!" someone yelled.

Turning our heads, me daddy and Rudy's daddy, we look behind me and see mommy a few feet behind me, looking annoyed. She points at me, before giving daddy a look.

Did I do something wrong?

"Oh… ahem," daddy coughed into his hand, "sweetheart… can you give us a moment to ourselves?"

"Um… sure daddy. Daddy?"


"Drinking is bad."

"Yeah…" he looks at Paul. "yeah it is. Thank you dear."

As long as he gets it.

"Mmm," turning my head to mom, she pats my head.

Hmph, I'm a big girl. I don't need headpats… but it still feels nice.

Mama grabs my hand a moment later, and leads me back into the kitchen. "Let's go dear. Let's leave the pity party to themselves."

"Daddy too?"

"For today… yes."

"Ok… mom."

"Yes, dear?"

"Rudy's dad is annoying."

"Sweetie, that's no way to be talking about nobles," moma said, but she ruffled my hair so I don't think she was that angry.

I guess mama was right… Nobles are trouble… even Rudy, but especially Rudy's daddy. Oh! I wonder if I tell him about his dad being here if I'll get a reward.


"Yes sweetie?"

"When is Rudy's dad going home?"

Mama froze for a moment, stopping herself from drinking her tea, and wondering about my question.

Mama and I have been drinking tea in the kitchen. We're stuck. Kind of.

We're not really stuck, but we can't leave. Daddy told us after a few drinks that Rudy's dad can be very, very, annoying at times like this, and it would be better to just let him air it out, and he'll listen to reason tomorrow.

But he has too much air!

Rudy's dad has been loud, obnoxious, and mean. All he does is talk bad about Rudy, and complain about his life and the worst part is… he stinks! He smells like some of daddy's friends when he comes late.

I hate that smell. Mommy hates it too.That's the smell of a no good man.

At least that's what mama says.

"Is daddy going to sleep on the couch today?" I asked mom.

That's what happened last time daddy stinked.

"You're dam-" Mama swore. "Ahem, you can bet your booty that your father is sleeping on the sofa. Stinky bodies don't sleep in beds. They sleep outside. Remember this baby, alcohol makes men stupid. Don't give alcohol to a man unless you're confident he can remain calm, and if he's already dumb, stay away from them. Those are the worst type of men."

"Hai, got it," I saluted, "but… why is he still here? Shouldn't dumb daddies be kicked out then?"

"Sweetie, never grow up," mama brings me into a hug.


Why does everyone keep telling me that?!

If I don't grow up, no one is ever going to take me seriously.

"Yes, yes, I know. Sylphy is a big girl now," she pats me.

"...I am a big girl," I muttered.

"Big girls can't get headpats, you know."


"I-I don't need t-them. I'm all grown up."

"I guess I'll have to tell Rudy that you're too big for headpats then."

"Don't! I'm not too big! I'm wrong!"

"Nope, you're a big girl now, and big girls don't get headpats," Mama puts her hands on her hips and poses.


"There there," she hugged me again, patting my back. "I'll keep it a secret from Rudy though. You can be a big girl outside the house, but at home you're my precious little girl."


Mama can be mean sometimes.

Stupid Rudy's dad. He got daddy drunk, and when daddy is drunk, mama is mean.

"Mom… If I went to Rudy's house I'm sure he could take his dad home."

"Well… that is always a possibility," mama looked to the roof, a finger on her lip, "but that's kind of impossible for the time being. For right now it would be-"

"It's alright mama. Rudy taught me a few things. He said that if Paul ever bothered us too much we should call him over, and he'll handle it. I'll be back in sync."

I raced to the corner where I have my kite at the ready.

Yay, I did it. I finally have an excuse to go to Rudy's house. Maybe Paul's visit isn't all that bad.

"Ah! Sweetheart, what I meant to say was-"

Mom might try to stop me because it's dark out. I try to go faster, opening the window, and…

"Wait sweetheart, what I'm trying to-"



…fell back on my but.

"Yeah… about that sweetie. I was trying to tell you, but it's not good to go outside right now. It just started to rain a second ago. I can't let you go to Rudy's house in this weather. It's dangerous. Especially if you're flying."

"I… I can't… fly?!"

"Afraid not."

…I think I remember Rudy saying something about that once. Not to fly in a thunderstorm. That thunder likes to strike things in mid air.

"Oh… ok…" I walked back to the kitchen table, and laid my head on my kite.

"You can escort Sir Paul home, and see him then."


"Are you ok sweetie?"

"...I'm fine."

"...would you like for me to bake you some cookies?"

"...yes…" I whispered.

Stupid storm. Stupid Paul. Stupid alcohol.

"Baka…" I whispered.

I looked out the window…

I wonder if he misses me?



"Nnnh! Ruuudyyy! Magic me, magic me!"

"Got it… I won't… just… breathe. In and out, in-"

"Hai hai! got it!"

"Ah… that's nice… Rudy, that's nice. Can you-nnh!"


"Ah… that's nice… more… mooore! Wooh… wooh… Ruuudy. Give me a strong one!"

"No problem."

I gather my magic, and let it flow through her.

The moment of truth has come. We can't wait anymore. I've been placating her pain again and again, but that ship has sailed. Paul or no Paul, the baby doesn't care. Norn is ready to be born.

"Ahhh!" Zenith yells.

"Steady breaths. Breathe in, breath-" my collar is grabbed.

"If you tell me to breathe one more time, that will be the last breath you ever take!"

"...duly noted."

Ironically enough. Her losing her cool kind of helps me keep mine. Something about knowing we're both feeling the same helps put everything into perspective.

That said… I never thought I'd say this, but I wish Paul was here.

Paul get your ass in here before your wife murders me!

If not for the fact that it would comfort her, then at least for the fact that I could use his as a human shield.

"AAAHH!" Zenith screamed.

"Master… it's time…" Lilia said from between Zenith's legs, as she got up, and gave the floor… so to speak.

Ah… it's my turn up at bat.

If there was ever a chance that Lilia was going to rear the baby, and not me, that chance flew out the window, the moment the baby started crowning, or more specifically… the fact that it didn't.

There was-is… a complication.

Moving around, from her side to where Lilia was, I stood at the ready, standing at the other end of the bed, my mother's legs raised and showing me… everything, including… the little issue.

As I stayed there staring at her… vulva, for a good while. I remembered the little fact of pregnancy from my old world, that when a baby is coming out, it is called crowning. That is what is called when the baby's head is the first thing to show… or supposed to.

The complication was, as I was looking between her legs, the first thing I saw was not a head, but… a pair of tiny legs.

Yeah… that's not good.

It's a breech birth.

I should have remembered this. I had to ask Lilia first if this is normal, before I was reminded that no, no it was not. It wasn't until she explained in full detail that I realized I did indeed read it, and this was a serious situation that just happened to escape my mind. As for why it escaped my mind in the first place…

It's because it was barely a footnote in Rudeus's, the original's, mind, and as such it was barely a footnote in mine. He wasn't a doctor playing operation, so he didn't realize what a huge situation this actually is.

Of course he didn't think much of it, why would he?!


…but I digress…

Still though…

Stupid Protagonist! Why couldn't you pay a little more attention?! It would really help me out in this situation. Although in his defense he wasn't proficient with healing magic, therefore no reason for him to participate, and unlike us three, that protagonist had the assistance of a midwife.

Lucky him…

Things aren't happening precisely going to cannon. Makes sense; different people. different lives, and any little factor can lead to a change in circumstances. Like a change in diet… or a massage fueled by vitality, leading to a baby being born prematurely.

Yeah… I brought this on myself.

Poking my head out from Zenith's skirt-

That was honestly a sentence I just said…

I take a glance at Lilia sitting on a chair at bedside holding Zenith's hand, and doing her best to put her at ease, stroking it, and talking to her.

Well… I guess this is what separates the boys from the man.

I can't have it both ways. I wanted her to see me, if only a little bit, as a man, and now a man is what she needs. So I might as well play the part I insisted upon, and rise to the occasion.

I've made a mental note that Lilia also went into birth the same day that Zenith did, so I suppose I should consider myself lucky that only one baby is being born today.

Thank God I didn't massage her.

"It's alright Zenith. Everythings will be fine. Trust in Rudeus. He'll deliver your child into this world. Paul would be here in a moment. Trust in your family."

"Trust… yeah… that's rIIIGHT!" She arches her back, looking up, and yelling in pain.

"Heal!" I casted.

Thanks for assisting Lily.

Alright operation Zenith is at full throttle now. It's time to put up or shut up, and I'll be damned if I can't perform after all that big talk I spouted.

'Don't be disappointed in me was it?'

I sure know how to set a high bar for myself.

Well I always wanted to play doctor. Maybe not to this extent, but when life gives you lemons…

I died and reincarnated in another world, and became a doctor.

Ten out of ten would watch!


"Push Zenith. Push," Lilia said.

Alright fuck my doctorate, back to real life.

The baby's feet are coming through.

Going back between her legs I placed my hands on Zenith's inner thighs, and prepared my mind, and the… operation. For what I'm about to do next is the only way I can define it.

I need to perform an x-ray.

"Wooh… wooh… R-Ruddy… wooh… wooh… w-w-what are you… wooh… d-doing?" Zenith reacts to my hands moving.

Or more specifically; my mana echo technique. Here I go.

"Zenith, you're going to need to trust me, and let me do my thing. This will probably going to feel a little weird, but everything I'm doing is necessary. Alright, I'm starting."

I don't bother asking for permission, there's a chance she might say no, and I'm not taking no for an answer. I only have one way of doing things, and that's by taking things head on. I'm going to need to get physical.

There's only one way I know how to heal.

So it begins.

I slid my hands from her knees to her thighs, to the edges of her entrance, and started sending mana through her, to get a better look of what's going on.

…my head…

"Mnn-ah… Ahhh!" She yells.


Just as I did a few hours ago I started spreading my energies throughout her body, starting at her inner thighs, and letting it flow through her. Needing a clearer image of what I'm doing, I couldn't risk hurting her. I start off slowly, and slowly raise the 'dosage,' as my energy penetrates her flesh, going through her blood, and into her inners. The mana echo technique at its finest.

A breach birth can have many complications from what Lilia told me, and I need to make sure the cord, and everything is in position as… the alternative would be… cutting her open.

That's a last resort.

I don't even know if my healing magic can extend to the level of anesthesia needed for that. I'd rather not think about such an outcome. Especially when I can avoid it.

"Wooh… R-Rudy… that's my-"

"Less talk, more breathing."

I concentrate. Closing my eyes, and toning everything out, and focusing only on what lays before me. Internally that is. The outside world matters not. There is only Zenith.

Sounds like an idiom.

Calming jokes aside, my mana courses deeper through her, diving in and I start seeing Norn, and Zenith's womb, in my mind's eye. Per usual it's an odd feeling seeing my mana bouncing off, but I have a successful x-ray image of her in my head, and now know where everything is, mostly. My confidence is renewed, and I start becoming bolder, and pushing forward and forward, clearing the image more.

Removing one hand from her… entrance, I hold Norns' foot with one hand and start coating her my mana going around and around her, coating her in a layer of mana, similar to cotton candy; as I prepare her into this world, as well as shielding her from the outside elements, helping her to the exit. It also gives me a full look at her.

What a sweet thing~


It's good. The umbilical cord isn't around her neck or anything. So god hasn't completely fucked me over today.

Unlike Lilia, Zenith doesn't suffer from any form of mana blockage so this process goes smoother than expected, but… I am still a foreigner invading the body of a high level cleric.

That is troublesome.

Normally a person's body, their Toki specifically, would reject the foreign mana entering their body, like an immune system fighting a virus. It is the reason why a person just can't make a person explode despite having magic. In theory you could cast a spell from within a person's body, but you can't underestimate a person's defenses. The amount of energy you needed to perform such a feat would be so ridiculously high, that it would defeat the purpose of casting it.

Why cast a spell at ten times the cost, when you can just cast a fireball?

That said, Zenith isn't like that at the moment.

Her defenses are down. Her body is going through labor, and I have an overwhelming amount of mana, including the fact that this technique is my specialty, then I have an overwhelming advantage in every field, that it should make this as easy as it's ever going to be. I can invade my magic through her simply enough that I can affect the physical.

It also helps that we're in direct contact.

The challenge is doing it safely.

"Lilia! I could use your help over here!"

"Wooh… why?! Is something wrong?!" Zenith questioned.

Alright… that was stupid. Don't yell.

"No no, nothing I can't handle."

Am I lying? Even I don't know.

"I just want everything to be perfect, so I need an expert's opinion."

"Yes, master Rudeus, I'm coming," walking over to my side Lilia kneels next to me, "...is everything truly alright Rudy?" She mutters.

"I wasn't lying, but I still need your help," I whispered. "I only have a vague idea of what a proper birth is supposed to be like. I need you to talk me through it, before you go to Zenith's side."

"Shouldn't I-"

"We both need you right now. As soon as you're done reviewing with me, go next to her. There's very little you could do in your condition, and… she needs someone to hold her hand right now."

"...my apologies. I understand. I've only delivered regular births, but I'll do my best. A normal birth…." She then went on an explanation, giving me the 101 on how a delivery is done. Most of it was stuff that I was already aware of, except for the placing of the head, but having every piece of information is important.

People of this world aren't ready for breech births from what I gathered from her explanation. Without the assistance of magic, it's practically a death sentence.

"I see."

"Master, should I send for a midwife?"

"No, it's too late now. I'll just do the rest," I say, all the while my hands never leaving their place. One on Zenith, the other on Norn's foot.


"Trust me. I'll make it happen."

"I know…" she mutters walking next to Zenith.

Well… at least one person has faith in me.

A breech birth would be a difficult matter without magic, but luckily that's my whole shtick. Ready or not, here we come.

Earlier I gave her a massage, and even teased her a little, going back on my own promise that I wouldn't push her intently. Now I'm going to need to push her in many ways.

I am aware of the sideeffects of my own technique, but half measures won't do anything. Now I need to use 'that' technique at maximum efficiency.

Sorry Mama, but I can't take it easy on you anymore. I don't have an anesthetic technique after all.

Spreading my mana… further, I invade-penetr… entered her womb, the most professional way I could put it, and started coating her inners like I did Norn, pushing my expertise to their limits. For what I am about to do is going to be… painful, therefore… a modicum of pleasure is needed. I am going to need to perform two techniques simultaneously. The Mana echo, and healing hand.

Sorry Zenith, but you're going to need to endure… a lot of things.

"Nnnh! R-Rudy, w-what are y-youuuU!"

"I see," Lilia says. "It's alright madame. Master Rudy is just putting his magical energy into you. He's using magic to deliver the baby."

I am… but I am also doing a lot more. I am literally moving around her insides. Mostly her baby, and umbilical cord, but doing so still moves sensitive areas if only a little. By creating mana that is palpable I have introduce a third party into the equation. You can't do something that extreme without the person in question experiencing a small amount of pain. Usually…

Hence the magic hand.

"M-Ma-MAGGGGic!" Zenith convulses, her hands gripping the sheets tightly.

"Yes, magic madame. Please try not to affect Rudy's concentration. He's going to make sure the birth is done properly. He's using his magic to deliver the baby into this world," she turns to me, and I nod to her.

Thanks for the play by play, but you're also affecting my concentration. Still…

"Thanks Lily. Preparations are ready. Go to her side."

Acknowledging each other with a nod, Lilia makes her way back to Zenith's side, and goes back to holding her hand, mimicking Zenith in breathing. Looking back at Zenith, I see her eyes wide open at my saying ready.

If things weren't so serious I would enjoy that look on your face. I'll remember it for the far future.

"Just like that madame. Hah… push madam. Hah… push."

She pushes, and I use my mana to ease the process.

The tricky part is making sure the baby isn't caught by… um Zenith's… Labia…


I have no obstructions in the mana department, and now only have to worry about the physical. I just have to multitask, manipulate her insides while simultaneously carrying the baby out, and making sure the baby is delivered safely.

…no pressure…

The umbilical cord, neck, and head are all protected.

"She's coming out just a bit more." I said. "Alright, round two."

"Understood. We're almost there Madame. Just… hah… just one more push."

Placing my hands on her pu-Labia, I stimulate them, opening them, and guiding Norn out. With all the preparations done, it's finally time for the final stretch. Putting a considerable amount of mana into her, I start crafting a cradle around her, and easing her out. A noticeable greenglow is coming from Zenith's legs as the mana becomes Palpable.

Mana echo is a visual technique, it's supposed to be used only to see, and coat, and in small doses that is all it could be, but mana is mana. Use enough of it, and it becomes physical giving someone more options. Like right now. It's essentially my barrier technique extended into her.

"NnAhhh! Ruuuudy!"

"On three. We have to be in sync!"

"Madame. Push; one, two… three!"



"AHHHH!" she yelled.

Then hold. A green glow of energy encases Norn, protecting her exit. Her feet now poking out in her green cocoon, bottom faced.

Almost there.

"One more!"

"Once more Zeny," Lilia says. "One, two… hnnn! THREEE!



Gather… penetrate… encase aaaand…

"Got you…" I muttered.

The baby is further out, and her chest her bottom half is mostly out, her neck and rest still hidden, but protected by my magic.

Letting go of my hand that's on her vaginal opening. I place both my hands on where the baby would come out. The most important push is here. A healthy green sphere cocooning Norn as she comes out. I'm using a considerable amount of my energy to keep up this little barrier. I've followed Lilia's advice on how a baby should be born, and made sure to turn the baby before bringing her home, and making sure she's in the face down position. Everything within this tiny spell is within my control.

Final stretch…

"Trace on," concentrating, I focus as much as possible. I have honestly gone past the point where I needed to chant the trace on spell, and I can't really say I feel its effects anymore, or whether it was just in my head, but I'll be damned if I don't try.

It's essentially a prayer.

My eyes feel bloodshot, I've been focusing intently, and I've been using a considerable amount of mana for this task.

"One more Zeny!" Lilia yells. "One more!"

"Ayeeeee! I-AAAAA! Hnn, Ru-RU-DyyyyYAAAAH!" One yell and push later, and…

"Waaa! Waaa!"

Crying is heard. My prayers are heard. Norn has been born. A healthy baby girl is born.

"Hahh… hahh… hahhh…" Zenith is breathing roughly exhausted on her bed.

Holding Norn in a cradle of power, my power, I start releasing my magic, letting it dissipate, and welcoming her truly into this new world.

"Hah… congratulations Madame, you've given birth to a healthy baby girl," Lilia stands up, gathers a blanket, and moves to me in one breath, and starts cleaning her up.

I did it… we did it… she's… she's…

"You had a blanket ready?"

"These are the minimal preparations Rudy." She says all the while giving Norn a wiping, looking her over, before smiling down at her, and putting her back in my arms.

"Yeah, I suppose it was," I held her in my arms. "I wasn't ready," I muttered.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. "You performed admirably Rudy… whew…" she tells me.

"Thanks, but this was a team effort. Thank you, and," I turn to little Norn in my hand. "...thank you. Just… thank you…"

"Rudy?" She questions. "Are you alright?"

"I… I don't know. I'm just…" looking down at Norn's tiny form in my tiny arms I am just… overwhelmed.

I really don't know.

If I had time to think I could probably come up with something. Something to come up with this array of feelings going through me, but.. I don't want to. I don't want to think. I just want to hold her. The reason my feelings are so complicated is because there's just so much to think about, but if I had to say something…

"I'm… I'm just so happy right now. It's… it's kind of confusing… terrifying, and exciting all in one go… it's just…"

So… nostalgic.

Once… when I was six… in a world called earth I held my young sis just like this. She was so small. She was so fragile. She would grow up to be a pain in my ass. She was… my family. She was important to me.

Then I died.

But I'm not sad. I can't be sad. Not about that. Not right now. I've had years to come to terms with it.

It's just…

"She's perfect."

She's so fragile… so small… so… filled with potential. So precious. A child is a parent's treasure, isn't it? She is… pure, and just… I don't know… but holding her put my heart at ease if only for a moment.

Innocence is scary.

Now that we've gone through everything. Everything feels perfect. Like everything is going to be alright.

"Indeed she is Master," Lilia says, and moves a hand to my face, and… cleaning a couple tears of my face."


When did that happen? How embarrassing. This is why I can't let my guard down. Never know what I may let slip.

"Ahem, thanks Lily. um, let's give our little guest of honor to our most so eager host," nodding my head towards Zenith, who is lying exhausted, her chest heaving up and down.

"Indeed… hahh… master, but… there's something I… I have to tell you."

"Oh, what is it?"

"First let's put her in your mother's arms."

"Rudy…" Zenith's voice in this vacant room.

"Yeah… can't separate a mama from her cub for too long, we'll get mauled," I look back down at Norn, who has quieted down in my arms. "Welcome home little sis, and… happy birthday." I kiss her forehead as lightly as I can. Carrying her in my arms I walk over to Zenith, and get ready to provide one bundle of joy to the other. "I hope you're not too tired for our little guest. I have someone that wants to meet you~"

"Rudy… my baby," she opens her arms, inviting her in.

Cradling her, Zenith took her off my arms and looked at her fondly. The barest signs of her struggle earlier only showed as the sweat upon her body and her ruffled robe.

"How nostalgic," I place my hand upon her cheek. "This sure does bring memories." Leaning as close as possible, I am at her shoulder, and embracing her as I hold her, holding Norn tightly. A tightly packed trio.

I'm reminded of the first time I came into this world. I was lost, and panicking, and… a complete and utter mess. Still am, but I can smile now at the very least.

"Rudy?" She calls my name at my sudden action.

Thinking back on it, she was there too that day. She was smiling too, different circumstances, different smiles, but…

"I'm glad I was here."

"Rudy," she lays her hand clasping the side of my face, her face leaning closer, "you are…"

"Hnnn!" A strained groan came from behind me.

Whatever she was going to say goes forgotten, as we both wake up, and realize Lilia is holding her stomach in pain.



"I'm sorry master, but… I can't hold it in anymore. I… I need your help," she says with barely restrained tears.

Looking at her closely now that I am not playing doctor, I realize that the wet stains are her… are mostly around her lower half. She's breathing hard too.

"...how long?" I ask.

"A… few minutes…"

"Lilia, what-"

"What are you thinking?" beaten to the punch Zenith yells. At least attempts to, her voice lacks strength, but I can still feel her displeasure.

"What she said."

"I…hah… have a duty. I promised I'd be there for you… for Zenith. I wanted-hnn!" She holds her stomach, crouching in pain.

"Alright, enough of that, we can talk later," running my mana through my body I reinforce it, giving the necessary strength boost it needs, carrying her in my arms.

"Zeny, Lilia needs me too. I'm taking her down the hall to the open bed."

"I understand. Lilia…"


"Thanks for holding my hand, but don't you ever put your health over my own. You're a mother too now I won't have it.



"I'm sorry."

"We'll talk later," she turned to me, "Rudy."


"Treat her well."

"Of course."

"Alright then… just come back to us quickly." She holds Norn close to her heart. "I don't want to be alone tonight. Tonight I just want us to sleep together, all of us. Please come back quickly. Don't leave us all by our lonesome. Mama's orders… please…" she whispered.

"I'll be back. I am a man of my word after all."

"Good…: she mutters, laying her head back, and having a good rest as Norn feeds.

Good night Zeny.

I exit the room carrying Lilia out.

"Honestly… you're something else." I told the other bundle of joy in my arms. "What exactly were you thinking? Were you going to deliver the baby alone? You have the duty of a mother as well, please tell me when you're going through labor pains." Carrying her in my arms I take note of her steady breathing, and applying a subtle healing hand as I make my way to an open bed.

We've made a mess of two beds, it's time to go to the one free one. The one in my old room that I haven't used in months. Time to put it to good use.

"I made a promise…hah… I promised to you… to her… to be by your side. I… I didn't want to fail you… her. Not again. I-Hnna-"

"Heal," I casted. "Rest Lily, you've done enough. It's your turn now. Just let me take care of you for once."

"Rudy… all you do is take care of me."

"I see you got your wit back," I sigh, "what am I to do with you?"

"Take me to bed."

"...yeah…" I look at her in my arms. "I think I will."

It's been a long night, and it doesn't seem like it's going to end just yet. And yet… my nerves aren't rattled anymore. My heart is calm, and I know what I need to be doing. I'm tired, and my reserves have taken a heat, but I am… calm, calmer than I've been all day today. Calmer than I've been in a while.

It's not about failing. It's about needing. It's not about wants. It's simple; she needs me, therefore I am here. Nothing else matters.

I am…

"Lilia… I'm glad you're here."

Opening the door to my room I laid her down calmly and gently, and started taking off her shoes. She's going to get very messy very quickly. Her clothes need to go. At least the bottom half. Taking off her shoes. Taking off her leggings. Taking off her skirt. I toss everything to the side.

Erratic breathing, sweating, and… a light blush in her cheeks. If anyone were to walk in here, and see a half naked woman in a mess they might get the wrong idea.

"Me too…" she says in a low voice

…or maybe not.

I look at laying there, breathing unsteadily, and wet underwear laying on top of my bed. Quite a picture, but there's something else I noticed.

"It's still there," noticing the white scar on top of her leg I can't help but say, "we've sure comed a long way from where we started. Well then… your turn," moving my hands up her legs, I reach for the final layer blocking me from her bottom half… a set of wet panties. Take them off her, and toss them aside.

"Come Rudy…" Lilia whispered. An intense look in her eye.

"Lilia… language," propping her legs up, setting up some pillows, I made the proper adjustments, and prepared to play doctor once more.

I have a duty to fulfill, and I'm the only one that can.

I was reincarnated in another world…


Crownedclown Crownedclown

A little sick right now, so I can't remember what I wanted to ask everyone, instead I'll just say: go nuts in the comment section, and type your honest thoughts out on this chapter. I felt it was pretty intense, even by my standards, but that's sort of the point. I did promise earlier this story was going to be intense, and this is just the beggining. Interested in your thoughts from love, hate, and everything in between.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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