78.48% TBATE : A Masterpiece / Chapter 62: Chapter 51 - His Return

บท 62: Chapter 51 - His Return

A thin veil of silence loomed over the forest as the three figures looked at each other. 

Arisu took a step forward and bent on her knees, coming to eye level of the boy named Ethan. His hair colour was like the ash after a volcano eruption that cascaded all the way down on his face and just above his eyes. His eyes were bright vermillion, shining with an unbridled love and affection for Arisu. 

Coming closer, Arisu wrapped her arms around Ethan and pulled him into a hug, "You've grown so much." She spoke in his ear as he giggled, hugging her back. 

"Are you finally going to take Ethan with you?" Mordain asked as a grim look appeared on Arisu's face. 

"Yes, I have to." She replied, standing up as she held Ethan's hand. 

Mordain let out a long sigh, his eyes focused nowhere. It was like he was staring at something no one else could, in a far-off distance, "You know, all those years ago when you accidently stumbled into Alba's abode when she was dying, we never knew you would become so involved with us." He said, his words carrying a certain hint of melancholy in them. 

"There was nothing you could do anyways. Her fate was sealed anyways." Arisu replied, pulling Ethan close to her. 

"Its all the dragons fault," Mordain seethed through his teeth, his rage manifesting in the form of a tactile veil of flames around him as the foliage beneath him began to sear and wither away. He looked at Arisu and then at Ethan from the corner of his eyes as the bubbling rage cooled down, extinguishing the flames. 

"Well at least we got Ethan out of it. Even though Alba would never be able to reincarnate again, she was able to pass her will to me." Arisu said and Ethan looked up to Arisu with confusion, tilting his head. 

"What do you mean by that, mama?" 

Arisu looked down at him, a neutral look on her face, "You will know once we go home." 

"But we are home." 

"No. Not this. Your new home." Arisu replied and the little asura's eyes turned teary. A sour look appeared on Mordain's face as he looked at her, "Are you sure you want to place so much trust in that boy, little one?" He asked, this time with a honeyed, gentle timber. 

"Better depend on him than to go against him. I told you before, didn't I?" Arisu asked as Mordain raised his eyebrows, "It will all end as he wants." 

"Placing so much trust in one person. That is definitely not like you, Arisu. That was the sole reason we decided to confide in you with our secrets." Mordain complained, his brows creased together in an expression that teetered on the brink of a fusion between ire and concern.

"You have yet to meet him. When you do... you'll understand." Arisu replied with a smirk and turned away, pulling Ethan with her. Mordain's hand stretched forward but his fingers curled, restraining his own self, "We will see about that." He whispered, muffled by the violent breeze that blew past him and scooped up the charred remains of leaves underneath his feet, lifting it up with itself before he disappeared.


"Where were you... and what is that on your shoulder?" Kathyln asked as she spotted Arisu with a bird on her shoulder, its orange, red and golden feathers glittering. 

"Oh? This is a mana beast I found injured an year ago. I visit it every now and then." 

"Visit? Is it not your bond?" Kathyln inquired, a metaphorical question mark appearing over her head. 

"Well, it is now." Arisu replied with a smug smile, showing her arm where the proof her bondage was.

Kathyln came forward and tried to pet its head but Ethan flew up, landing on Arisu's head as it tried to hide itself in the make-shift nest on her head. 

"He is a little shy. He will get used to you soon." Arisu replied as Kathyln's ears drooped down in disappointment. 

'Why is this woman trying to touch me, mama? Help!'  

'She is my friend. So you should get along with her.' Arisu reprimanded him and he gave a mental equivalent of a nod to Arisu. 

"Shall we go back now? Its almost evening." Kathyln suggested as she looked up, the bright orange orb of light and heat slowly descending behind the horizon. 

"Sure. Lets go." Arisu replied as the both of them started to walk away. 

(Arthur Leywin) 

"Well that is about it, Arthur. Bask yourself in my reverence for bestowing a weapon so strong to you that it will help you eliminate all of those filthy Alacryan Lessurans." Wren spoke, his nose pointed upwards as he spoke proudly. 

"Arthur. Lady Sylvie. Are you ready?" Windsom asked. Looking at Sylvie who was in her human form, I nodded my head. 

"Very well. You will depart immediately."  

Taking out a circular relic from his dimensional ring, he placed it on the ground. The golden light enveloped me and Sylvie and the next moment the ground beneath us vanished. Freefalling into the pitch-black darkness, I looked at Sylvie who had a cheerful expression on her face. 

"Papa, I can sense a looot of mana beasts." Sylvie's voice ringed like a happy chirp of a bird in full bloom spring. 

Sending a pulse of mana downwards, I detected the mana beasts. A total of 100 mana beasts while one of them was at least S Class. However, all of them were corrupted. This meant that this dungeon and the one annexed to it were already under Alacryan control.

"Sylvie, turn into your fox form. There are human encampments just beyond the wall where all the mana beasts are. Your human form should be a secret... at least for now." 

Sylvie pouted and faced the other way. A brilliant white light encased her as her whole form morphed into her fox form. 

Deftly landing, the dust beneath my feet scattered as I landed gently. In the dark of the dungeon boss room, a hundred pairs of blood-shot crimson eyes looked at me. I could feel Sylvie literally salivate as she gazed on the beasts. 

"Wait Sylvie... I want to try something." I stopped her and I could feel Sylvie's annoyance trickle through our bond. Her emotions have been a lot more apparent ever since we went to Euphotus. 

Despite her bitter mode, she stepped back. There were a plethora of monsters in the dungeon. From mutated goblins to gremlins, wolves and serpents. 

"Dawn." I muttered and the tether of connection between me and her stretched as she appeared from thin air, tearing the fabric of space as she hovered in front of me. 

"Master." She spoke, her tone as formal as ever while her blade shone in a bright shade of purple and azure blue. She had gone dormant while we were in Euphotus but as soon as we entered the teleportation relic, I felt her come back to life.

With one quick glance at the monsters, I nodded to Dawn. The sharp side of her blade pointed towards the beasts. A low snarl escaped the mana beast's salivating mouth as they dashed towards me. Swift as a fleeting thought, Dawn's figure blurred into a streak of azure, leaving behind a trail of indistinct motion. Mana trickled from my core and I could visibly see every element coalesce around her. With a swift swing of her blade, crescents of flames, ice and wind shot outwards. The beasts charging relentlessly were instantly defeated, their heads falling in a regular tandem on the ground followed by the wet plops of head rolling over the ground while being drenched in their own blood. 

As her assault continued, I looked back. The pair of huge dark crimson eyes bored down on me. It was a mutated Hades Serpent. The creature's scales was adorned with a lackluster hue, resembling the sickliness of a decaying corpse. Its scales, devoid of any shine or vibrancy, seemed to have lost their former luster and vitality. Perched on either side of its head were two mangled, twisted horns that protruded outwards like jagged spikes, as if they had forcefully ruptured through the skin to manifest. 

"I'll have this one." I muttered under my breath as Sylvie looked up to me. 

"Its core is mine." She spoke out loud before slowly stepping to the side. Cracking my index finger, I stepped forward as the corrupted Hades Serpent's body uncoiled and darted towards me. Wind brushed past my hair and then condensed around my hand. Pressing the ground with my heel, I jumped forward. As I moved, the ground beneath me broke and burnt, leaving a trail of charred marble behind. Air morphed into the shape of a small blade as I swung my arm. 

However, the Hades Serpent was an S-Class beast. Its agility and perception were nothing to scoff at. Its crimson eyes followed the green trail of my wind blade and turned its body midair, narrowly dodging my attack. 


That was what I wanted. 

As it made its way downwards, a spike of ice impaled its midsection, making it stick to the ground. Using an ice lance or spikes while it was still on the ground was dangerous. Since, it could dig its way underground, it was very likely that it could sense the subtle vibrations when the spike pierces the ground and attack it. However, that problem was solved the minute it jumped off the ground and attacked me. It was very unlikely for an S-Class beast to do something that would put it on a disadvantage and deviate from its natural course of action. However, right now the mana beast in front of me was mutated. Its sense of self and thinking were all distorted from the unnatural boost of power. 

As the ice spike stuck its body to the ground, it flailed here and there and even tried to bite the spike off, but that ended in vain, as the ice spike was too thicc to break. Spinning its body violently, it tore its own body into half, finally escaping from its clutch. 

Survival instincts sure were interesting. Countless generations of living beings struggling to endure in a harsh and unpredictable world. They are the deep-rooted mechanisms that kick into gear when we are faced with danger or uncertainty, driving us to fight, flee, or freeze in order to ensure our continued existence.

However, at the end of the day its one own's perception of safety that they make themselves believe of. The particular action doesn't mean it would guarantee it's so called 'continued existence.' 

"Well, lets end this." 

Blue and crimson flames ignited from inside the serpent's body, igniting it in an agonising inferno of flames as its skin melt and disintegrated it leaving behind ashes that flew over the dead remains of the mana beasts. Dawn flew closer to me and levitated in front of me, its hilt slightly bent, "Master. All beasts are taken care of." 

Her voice wavered, like a certain discrepancy rose in it. 

"Master... I don't feel so good." 


She had an ego. Maybe, she was about to undergo THAT. My theory about her was correct after all. 

Taking out her scabbard, I held her by the hilt, and I could a foreign feeling---a feeling of utter embarrassment wash over me as I slid her back into her scabbard. 

"Whats wrong with her? I just... felt your sword. Is that even possible?" Sylvie asked, looking closely at Dawn. 

"Seems like it is possible after all." I replied as I placed her back into the dimensional ring. "Well, let's go for now. You can have your beast core." 

"I already ate all of them." She replied with a toothy grin as I looked back at the beasts. 

"You really love the beast cores, don't you?" 


Sighing, I let Sylvie climb up my shoulder before walking towards the exit door. 

(Tessia Eralith)

Past the battered landscape of my fallen comrades and the defeated beasts, my eyes landed on the door that led to the boss room. Somehow, my heart felt like it would break out of its cage, the looming sensation of someone familiar near me made me feel like a needle was being repeatedly stabbed into my heart. 

"What's up, princess? Still daydreaming about that prince charming of yours?" Darvus asked with an annoyed snort, his giant dual axes strapped to his back. He was in my party of 5. We had been together, participating in this war for the last few months. 

Darvus was an augmenter using dual axes as his main weapon. Caria was his friend as well as his caretaker who was sold to Darvus' family. The last member was Stannard, who's mana core had a defect but at the same time it was unique. He could imbue mana cores into his gun and then weaponise it. It was a unique concept that even caught eye of some of the biggest scientists. But I am sure, Arthur could do it if he puts his mind to it. 

I could feel my face warm up as his face flashed before my eyes. 

"I am not." I replied to Darvus, leaving the support of the wall. 

"Haah. I don't even know why you're exaggerating about him so much. I am sure, Arisu Watsken would beat his ass. And she looks like a goddess." Darvus said, his eyes carrying a lecherous look as he indulged into his fantasy about the former council president, Arisu. 

"Is he really as strong as you say he is?" Caria asked, intermingling her fingers in front of her as she got close to me. 

"Well... He is really strong. But he never shows it. He's really awkward and the more he tries to fit in and try to act normal, the more out of place he looks." 

"Are you sure you're not just imagining things, princess?" Darvus interjected again. 

"Shut up, Darvus. Your jealousy is all over the place." Caria reprimanded, narrowing her eyes at him. 

"Huh? Jealous? Me? I will te-"

Darvus was interrupted as a shout from our party's leader silenced every word and halted every movement, "Someone is coming out of the boss room." 

A tactile veil of tension manifested and I could feel my own muscles tense up. Every eye in the vast battlefield was now fixed on the door to the boss room. 

With an eerie rattle, the door clicked and slowly started to slide open. 

Suddenly as if death itself was staring straight into my eyes. All around me, my companions fell to their knees, writhing in agony as their bodies convulsed with uncontrollable spasms. I struggled to remain standing, my legs shaking and my breath caught in my throat as I gasped for air. It was as if an iron-clad vice had clamped down on my chest, squeezing the very life out of me. Each breath felt like a futile struggle against an invisible force, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not draw in the air I so desperately needed. My vision began to swim, and a sense of overwhelming dread washed over me like a tidal wave crashing against a rocky cliff. 

From my vision---a haze, I could see the others around me, their faces twisted in horror and disbelief. Darvus, the most tenacious of our group, now laid on the ground beside me, his eyes bulging and his body wracked with tremors. The others fared no better, their bodies paralyzed by some unseen force as they coughed and gasped for breath.

"R-Reveal yourself." The captain of our party spoke up, a visible fear in his voice as he looked at the crack in the door where a shadowy figure stood.

Despite the overwhelming dread that had washed over us like a tsunami, there was a feeling of familiarity in it. It was as though I had encountered this paralyzing sensation before, and in its icy grip, I found a strange sense of comfort and belonging. Despite feeling like I could die from the source of this dread, I wanted more of it. It almost felt... alluring, yearning to delve deeper into its dark and enigmatic depths. 

For a moment I saw two pair of eyes looking at me and I couldn't help but recoil at it. It seemed like it would kill me, the moment I looked back up at it but at the same time my heart screamed at me to look back it. Gathering every ounce of courage in my being, I looked up and for a fraction of a second I saw a pair of very familiar sapphire gems in front of my face before a gale of wind blew throughout the area and the source of dread vanished as soon as it had appeared, like it was never there. 

"Caria! Darvus, Stannard! Are you all ok?" I asked, as I lowered on their prone forms, however the feeling of utmost excitement never left my heart. 

I wonder why. 


After the incident in dungeon we checked the boss room and surprisingly there was nothing there. What's even more surprising is that there was blood but no bodies. The S class Hades Serpent was nowhere to be seen. In the corner of the boss room there was a huge hole and from further investigation we came to know that it was a secret base for the Alacryans. They were waiting for us to defeat the S-Class beast and when we would be tired, they would ambush us, killing us in one swift go. 

However, there was nothing now. The encampment and belongings along with the hot food were a sign that there were people here but now only stains of blood remained, no body to be found. The equipment and even foods were all arranged as they were. There was no sign of struggle. It was as if something had killed them and even themselves were unaware of it. 

After a few moments of investigation, we all decided to go back. 

"Who do you think would've done that?" Helen asked Jasmine as they walked behind me and my party. Looking back at the corner of my eyes from over my shoulder, I could see a subtle smile appear at the corner of Jasmine's lips. 

"It almost seems like it was Arthur." She replied as I felt my heart palpitate. 

So, I was not the only one.

"Arthur? I don't think so." Helen replied as she looked up at the blue sky, "I mean, sure, he is a very powerful kid and very cautious too. But I don't think it was him." Helen said. 

"I KNOW RIGHT? THESE TWO JUST KEEP EXAGGERATING THIS ARTHUR GUY!" Darvus spoke atop his lungs as Helen and the rest of the twin horns deadpanned at him. 

"Who are you?" They asked in unison.

Just as Darvus was about to speak, a slight commotion caught my attention.

"Like I said, identify yourself first." Our leader spoke. 

"And like I said, I want to meet Twin Horns. I don't know why I should identify myself when they themselves could testify for my identity. They are not little toddlers who need protection." A coarse voice spoke, making a shiver run down throughout my whole body. 

"What is this abou- Arthur?" The red-haired man, Adam from Twin Horns spoke, his spear falling down on the ground. 

"See. They know me." Arthur replied, as he pointed towards Adam. Angela's scream pierced my ears as she ran from behind, pusing my shoulder as she embraced him burying his face into her... bosoms. 


Why does she have to do that?

"Damn, lucky bastard." 

"Who the hell is this guy?" 

"Hey Helen, do yo know him?" 

A plethora of comments rose up from the party members as they saw the Twin Horns hug Arthur one after another with Jasmine crying. 

"Well, you can say I am his aunt. And yes I know him." She replied as she went up to him. 

He had changed so much. He was so much taller... and handsome... and more manly... and mor---, get a hold of yourself, Tessia!

"Huh? Is this the Arthur you were talking about and dreaming all the time?" Darvus asked, as he looked at me and Arthur alternatively. 

"Seems like it. The descriptions match. And geez, he is one handsome one. Good for you, Tessia!" Caria squealed excitedly. 

"Uh-huh, we are not like that. He is just my good friend." 

"Hehe, sure sure." 

 Suddenly I felt someone get extremely close to me, "Hello Tessia." Arthur's voice ringed in my ear, carried by the whooshing wind and I could feel my legs go weak. My heart started beating in my ears, an indescribable feeling taking root in me. 

Looking at him, I saw his sapphire eyes looking deep into mine, a certain maturity gracing his face that made him look extremely handsome, a single drop of blood staining his otherwise pristine skin, his expressions as stoic as ever. 


"Arthur... you're back." 

Before I could look I saw a girl wrap her arms around Arthur, his own hands around her waist. 

"You could've fallen there if I didn't catch you." He spoke as the white-haired girl peeled herself away from him. 

She had changed so much over the past 4 years. I could almost feel like an insect as I stood beside her and watch her get close to Arthur. 

"Welcome back, Arthur." She spoke, an otherworldly sweetness in her voice and I could feel myself being kicked in the background and in the moment their eyes caught each other I felt nothing more than a shadow, an undesirable existence as I felt myself fade away into nothingness. 

(Author's Note) 

I did post an announcement, but I will ask here. 

I like writing crossovers, so I want to write another. 

There have been a fair amount of requests for Blue lock with almost 7-8 people asking for it. I had recently finished Blue Lock and Tokyo Revengers manga. 

So, comment on the para which one you want. 

(1) Kiyo in Tokyo Revengers as Takemichi. It would start mid-story so he can't avoid his involvement in all of this. 

(2) Kiyo in Blue Lock, in ANHS his security is compromised. The only way to save himself is to join project Blue Lock. 

(3) Attack on Titan is possible but I have to read manga or watch anime again. I only watched until season 2 and then read a bit of manga but I forgot all of it.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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