25% Shinmai cross DxD: Multiverse Outer God / Chapter 7: CHAPTER 7

บท 7: CHAPTER 7

It's been a few months since Michael and Gabriel visited, and Gabriel still pops in from time to time and invites me to join the brave saints, which I refuse each time, but she doesn't stop.

Since then, I have gained a strange popularity. Irina, Xenovia, Celis, Yuki, Kurumi and Basara always join me at every meal. When I eat my food quickly and get up, they eat quickly like a flock of ducks and come after me. So lately I've been going out at night without anyone noticing and doing training fights with my shadow soldiers like Igris, Beru, Iron.

And yes, this time Irina took a newcomer as a friend and started dragging her along with her. This girl is Xenovia Quarta. Xenovia has chin-length blue hair with a dyed green fringe on the right side and has dark yellow eyes.

Xenovia is a bit cold and speaks only when necessary, other times she either nods or gives simple "yes" or "no" answers. But she watches me with all her attention as I train, for a reason I don't understand why.

Today I got a special assignment to go to Japan. There are traces of a stray demon in a village, normally the demon government will take care of it, but this time there were a few so I have to deal with it. As I have already passed the Ultimate class, such quests are easy for me, but I still take these quests for both money and increase the number of my shadow army soldiers.

Despite Irina and the other girls' insistence that I stay permanently, I set off for Japan. If I had gone by myself, I would have gone faster, but for some reason I had to use trips like an airplane. After falling asleep on the plane from boredom, we landed in Japan after a while.

After leaving the airport, I quickly went near the village and settled in a hotel. Normally, there were houses belonging to the Vatican in many places, but since I was a mercenary, I did not have permission to use it, but after all, the Vatican was paying for my hotel.

While I was preparing my things, I sent a few of my shadows to search the area. And I started to wander around a bit. I was wearing a black t-shirt, black trousers, and a black hoodie. My hoodie covered part of my face.

I started to travel around, after all, I was not in Japan for a long time, I traveled to many countries in the world. Now I was in a beautiful village in Japan. I saw them while I was looking around.

There were two beautiful girls, one of them was an extremely beautiful girl with red hair and an appearance that looked like my age, but it wasn't her that surprised me, it was the girl next to her that surprised me. She had jet-black hair, purple eyes, and a beautiful body, and I would recognize this girl wherever I saw her, it was my dear sister Akeno.

Before the two of them noticed me, I quickly used my [Stealth] skill and hid. I didn't know what to do, but I knew that I couldn't face Akeno now, not without resurrecting my mother.

I was stalking Akeno on the rooftops while my shadow soldiers searched for the stray devil. It may sound a bit perverted, but I really missed Akeno since I haven't seen her for years. And Akeno's smiles while chatting with the girl next to her showed me that she is happy and this was one of the greatest happiness for me.

(My lord, is she your sister?) Beru asked.

'Yep she is my sister.'

(My lord your sister is a really beautiful girl.)

'I know she is the prettiest girl ever.'

My shadow soldiers quickly found the stray demon, and I quickly went and killed that demon. It was already night after that. Normally I would go back as soon as my mission is done, but not this time. Thanks to the shadow soldier I placed on Akeno's shadow, I found out where Akeno lived, and at night, when Akeno and the red-haired girl slept, I entered their house.

'I know trespassing on private property and breaking into a girl's room at night isn't pretty, but if it's my sister, I'd break the laws of the universe.'

Both girls were sleeping in the same bed. I took a chair and after hiding my presence, I got on the tip of Akeno's head and started patting Akeno's head. I deliberately moved slowly so as not to wake Akeno.

I suddenly noticed a change in mana and a barrier had been placed around the house.

I could break the barrier if I wanted to, but that would make a lot of noise and might wake Akeno. [Shadow Exchange] still has 30 minutes.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The door opened and a girl with dark hair, pink eyes and a strange cosplay walked in.

I looked at Akeno, and seeing that she wasn't awake yet, I sighed and turned back to the girl at the door.

"All right, I'll tell you, but not here, can we at least talk in a place where no one is?"

"All right, come on. We can talk downstairs."

She said and I followed her downstairs. The reason I act submissive is because this woman is strong. I really need to use a lot of my strength to really fight this woman, and I'm not even sure about that.

When we went downstairs, there was a beautiful woman with gray hair in a maid outfit.

"All right, you can talk now." Girl said and sat on a sofa.

But I was still staring at gray haired maid.

"This is Grayfia you can count on her. There is nothing you can tell me but not tell her."

"So you?"

"Oh I'm Serafall Leviathan."

'One of the four great Maou?!"

"All right, but you have to keep what I'm saying a secret, you can't tell anyone."

'[Shadow Contract]'

"Okay we promise." Blac haired girl said.

[Contract successful]

"Well, let me first start with who I am. My name is Solas Himejima."

Serafall and Grayfia's eyes widened in shock. After all, they had both heard of Solas Himejima, Akeno's older brother. Because Akeno was looking for him everywhere. On the Internet, in the news, in searches of the underworld. But the person he had been looking for years had found Akeno. But this boy was different from what Akeno had described. Akeno had described Solas as lean, but this boy was rather muscular. Akeno said Solas had light brown eyes, but this boy had heterochromic eyes. And also this boy is extremely handsome.

"But you look different than Akeno-chan described." Serafall said.

"Yes, I used to look like that, but after that day, a lot of things happened to get stronger and survive, as a result, now I am like this." I said.

"Then Solas-sama will you meet your sister now?" Grayfia said.

"No, not yet. I have a goal to fulfill and I can't go back until I achieve it. Also, you don't need to use the -sama suffix when talking to me."

"I can't do that. You are Akeno-sama's brother so I should address you like this."

"..." I was really surprised that this woman was definitely stronger than Rias and Akeno, almost equal to this girl named Serafall, but she uses -sama suffix to those who are weaker than her.

"Never mind Sol-chan this is Grayfia-chan's fetish." Noticing my expression, Serafall said.


(Kiiieeeeekkkkk! Such a disrespectful way of addressing my lord is inexcusable!) Beru's voice in my shadow echoed in my head.

'Stop Beru. We didn't come here to fight.'

(I-I understand my lord.)

If Beru were to cause a fight here, the situation would really be stalemate.

"I am the servant of the Gremory family, so it is normal for me to address the brother of someone who is a member of Rias-sama's peerage in this way."

'Wait a minute, this woman is the Gremory family servant, plus this silver hair and silver eyes and this aura radiating from her body and her name is Grayfia? So this person is Grayfia Lucifuge? The one with the nickname of the strongest queen? So am I in the same room as one of the four great Maou and the person known in the underworld as the Strongest Queen? I really wonder why I always attract legendary figures.'

"Are you perhaps the strongest queen?" I asked.

"That's right Grayfia-chan is the strongest queen." Serafall said with a cheerful voice.

"I see."

"Then Sol-chan, let me ask you a question too. Could you be the person known as Shadow?"

'Gah! I thought that nickname was forgotten. That's how I called myself in my Chuunibyou times when I was secretly killing some stray devils like a assassin. But after a few times, some devils and stray devils started to spread this nickname.'


"How did I understand? When I saw you in the room, you looked a lot like Shadow from the rumors. It's so black it's invisible in the dark. An outfit as if it came from the darkness, and one red and one gray eyes that broke through the darkness."

'I knew I had to wear other colors from time to time.'

"I wonder if you don't call me by that nickname?"

"Why? I think it's a pretty good nickname."

"Nah, it's not."

Afterwards we chatted for a while. Actually, they're both pretty funny women. Grayfia was a little too serious at first, but as the conversation progressed, she started to open up and become more relaxed. Serafall is already quite comfortable. I was starting to enjoy the conversation.

We kept chatting for a while, but like all good things, this had to end.

"I guess I have to go now. But first, can I see Akeno one more time?"

"Of course."

With Serafall's permission, I went upstairs and entered the room. Rias and Akeno lay hugging each other. And they looked so cute. I grabbed a chair and sat on it and watched Akeno and Rias for a while and gently patted their heads.

"Nii-sama." Akeno was delirious in her dream.

"Nii-sama you are alive right? You've to. You promised me."

'Akeno, don't say that. If you keep saying that, I can't go.' I thought.

"Don't worry, Akeno. We will meet again soon and then you will see how strong your Nii-sama is." I whispered in Akeno's ear. Afterwards, I sent my 5 high orc and 4 ice bear soldiers to Akeno's shadow.

And since the barrier was lifted, I opened the window and left the house and returned to my hotel.

(My lord, I don't want to question, but why didn't you meet with your sister or show yourself?) Beru asked.

"Because I'm still not strong enough. If I use all my power, I can probably be in the top 100 right now, but this is too low for what I want, I have to be in the top 10 or even the top 5. Also, when I'm meeting Akeno, I want it to be a total family get-together. My mom, Akeno and me."

(I understand my lord. Don't worry, my lord. We will all show our power to help you achieve this.)

After a good night's sleep in my hotel room, I started watching Akeno through my shadow soldiers in the morning. From what I've learned, Akeno and Rias will be doing their first stray devil extermination mission. Of course, because this mission is dangerous, Grayfia and Serafall joined as supervisors. I also decided to protect Akeno on the mission using my [Stealth] skill.

After a long time, they managed to find the other stray devil and proceeded towards the devil's place. I had already found the devil, and the devil could be almost the weakest stray devil I've ever seen. Thanks to the already hundreds of thousands of Mana, I was able to use my [Stealth] skill comfortably.

Afterwards, Rias decided to attack directly with an absurd tactic. Akeno would attack the stray devil with her lightning spell and Rias would deliver the final blow with the power of destruction. In other words, they were going to do something that had nothing to do with environmental factors or tactics.

But what they did didn't work. Akeno's lightning spells were very weak right now. Because of this, the stray devil struck by Akeno's lightning magic only went a little numb, but quickly recovered and charged towards Akeno. In a panic, Rias' magic circle was broken and she was unable to use her destructive power.

'A brother's job is to protect his sister. [Sprint], [Mutilation].'

[Your speed is increased by 30%.]

[The skill [Sprint] has exceeded its maximum limit.]

[The skill [Sprint] has evolved into [Quicksilver] skill.]

[Your speed is increased by %50.]

With the evolution of the skill, my speed was able to move much faster and I shattered the stray devil in an instant.

"Who are you?" Rias asked in shock.

"I'm the called Shadow." I spoke to both of them with my back turned. And using magic, I slightly changed my voice.

'This is so embarrassing.'

"Thanks for saving us. My name is Rias Gremory. Do you want to join my peerage?"

"Sorry young lady but I have to refuse."

"Can I ask the reason?"

"Because young lady you are so weak right now."


"You are very weak right now. You are ignorant of tactics and attack patterns. You can't even control your spell properly and you cause the spell to break in a panic. Also, when it comes to fighting, your body is very weak, so you have a lot of shortcomings. I'd be happy to help you if you meet my criteria in the future, but if I join you now, I'll have to do all the work and you won't learn anything."

"And you black haired girl need to learn the depths of magic also the biggest mistake to make when fighting is to hold back. I sense a spell that is as powerful as lightning or even more powerful than you, and you do not use it. If you don't challenge yourself, you can't move forward in life. I saved you today, so who will save you tomorrow or the next day? In this life you have to rely on your own strength, nothing else can save you." I said and used the [Stealth] skill and walked away again.

I used my [Shadow Exchange] skill and returned to the Vatican. Dealing with planes is annoying. Why do I have to fly when Kaisel can move faster than planes?!

I returned to my room in the Vatican and realized that the lunch hour was not over, so I went to the refectory. I've decided to give the report tomorrow. The cafeteria was almost full at this late hour.

I took my food, moved to the only empty table, and began to eat. A smile formed on my face when I thought of Akeno.

"Ash nii-san did something good happen?" Suddenly Irina came along with Xenovia, Yuki, Kurumi, Celis, Lint and Basara.

"It is not important."

"Mou~ Why do you have to be so cold?!"

"I'm not cold, I have a specific purpose and I'm not interested in anything other than that."


They all got their food together and came to the table where I was sitting.

"Why is everyone eating at this hour?"

"Ash nii-san today's training lasted much longer and also today they are divided into classes according to our abilities and some high class exorcists have made us class teachers of some groups." Xenovia said.

"Are you all in the same class?" I asked.

"Yes, since we all use swords, except Kurumi." Irina said.

"Then who is your teacher?"

""Hmm? Do not you know? We look forward to working with you, hope you take care of us Sensei!"" All said at once.


I stopped eating and quickly went to the council chamber. I walked in without even knocking on the door.

"What the hell is that mean?!" I shouted.

"What are you talking about Ash?" Vasco asked.

"How is it that you enroll me as a teacher without my permission and then give me a class?!"

"That thing is just... There has been a noticeable decrease in the appearing of stray devils and less work for you to do, but we couldn't terminate the contract so we decided to put you in a classroom as a teacher." Pope said.

"What do you say to the part of the contract that I will choose my duties myself?" I said.

"Actually you were supposed to be here yesterday and we were going to consult you but you didn't come and we had to explain the classes today so we did it. But don't worry about the salary, we'll pay you twice the price of a normal slaying stray devil for every class you take."

"All right, but I choose my class time myself. I can do it in the early morning or at midnight, it will be up to me."

"Well the class is yours, the choice is yours."

"So where is my full class list?"


They gave me a piece of paper with the names of everyone in my class on it.

<Irina Shidou>

<Xenovia Quarta>

<Celis Reinhardt>

<Yuki Nonaka>

<Kurumi Nonaka>

<Lint Sellzen>

<Basara Toujou>

"I understand the others, but why is Kurumi on this list? I'm not an elemental mage or spirit magic user, after all."

"We know, but isn't your class meant to increase their physical strength? Kurumi should take advantage of this."


I walked out of the room and just beyond the door my new students were looking at me curiously. Of course, it wasn't very obvious in Yuki and Xenovia, but whatever.

"Ash nii-san won't you be our sensei?"


I gently hit Irina on the head and started walking.

"There will no longer be Ash nii-san but Ash-Sensei. Your first training tomorrow is at 6 am."

""We understand Ash-Sensei!"" They all shouted with joy in unison. Of course, none of them realized that they were undergoing hell training, and they didn't understand what it was like to get up at 6 in the morning.

(My lord, why did you accept?) Beru asked.

'First of all, I'll get more pay and work less, and if I stay here I'll be able to fight Vasco and Jin more and get news more easily.'


Hello dear readers, yes I have started a new story. Don't worry I didn't drop Tensura System, Reincarnated into anime or Dragon system. I just try new things and write whenever a story idea comes to mind. There will be disruptions in the chapters due to the fact that I enter the university and move from the family home to the dormitory. I'm studying German language and literature and the school I entered is a bit annoying. Who makes a quiz from week 2?! They make me very angry.

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Hello dear readers, yes I have started a new story. Don't worry I didn't drop Tensura System, Reincarnated into anime or Dragon system. I just try new things and write whenever a story idea comes to mind. There will be disruptions in the chapters

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