27.9% Naruto: Marionette of Suna / Chapter 11: Chunin Exams - The Training

บท 11: Chunin Exams - The Training

-3898 words-

[Year 50, Sunagakure]

"...And that's the situation."

Ishito finished his report to the Kazekage. He and his team had just arrived back at the village after coming back from Kumo and he immediately went to the Kage Office to report everything that happened during the Chunin Exams.

"I see. It's certainly worrying that Ay pulled something like this during the exams. But it's still within our expectations." Ryushi, the Kazekage, affirmed in agreement. "How did they do?"

"All three performed admirably. They managed to achieve first place in the first exam and second in the second exam. I have high hopes for them." Ishito answered with a smile. Their performance definitely warranted praise. They showed all the participants that the Suna team was not one that should be underestimated.

He remembered their story about them defeating the Kumo Jonin who ambushed them. When he first heard it, he was only slightly shocked. After all, he was the one who taught them, and he knows better than anyone how strong his students really are. They were a far cry from the trio who barely managed to stand up to the B-Ranked missing nin they came across all those years ago.

He smiled at that, his students really did make him proud.

His superior smirked knowingly. "You're not the only one. The whole village and the council have put their trust on Team 11, which brings me to my next point. What are your plans in regards towards their training for the finals?"

Ishito just raised an eyebrow. "I was originally going to offer them 1 on 1 training if they needed it. They all have unique abilities after all, I may not be able to help much with most. But I am still their sensei. I'll help them with anything they ask of me."

Ishito answered, wondering where this was going. And while it is true that he'll happily do so, he can't deny that dividing time between all three students would be pretty demanding. Not to mention the fact that all three are no longer teammates, but rivals.

The third exam doesn't allow any sort of teamwork or camaraderie between teammates and they'll even most likely face each other. So training them together is also not viable.

"I'm sure you noticed the problem with that arrangement as well? Simply doing it yourself is inefficient."

Ishito nodded to concede the Kazekage's point. "Where are you going with this?"

Ryushi just smiled as he folded his arms in front of him. "I have a proposition. One that would work to all their benefits."

"What did you have in mind?"

— Marionette of Suna —

Rukia began her trek to the team meeting, curious to what her sensei wanted to say. It was the morning after they returned to the village that Ishito Sensei asked them to meet up at their usual training ground.

That was when her thoughts went back to the Chunin Exams, having finally gotten a glimpse of the strength of the other villages, a chance to see how strong she really was.

And to be honest, she was both happy and frustrated.

She's not as smart as Souei, and she's nowhere near as strong as Rasa.

Sure, she has her own unique skills that she adds towards the team dynamic. Hell, both Souei and Rasa even admitted themselves that they'd have died ten times over if it wasn't for her.

Don't get her wrong, she's happy where she is now. Doesn't mean there are ways she could perhaps improve to reach their level. She even has an idea towards a technique she's desperate to create.

After all, if the first exam was to be believed, the ability of flight is useful. And it's not an ability pretty common to be found in the Elemental Nations. Souei and Rasa are already capable of it, so why wouldn't she?

It'll be like a unique symbol and technique of their team. Where every member of Team 11 is capable of soaring through the air and touching the skies.

Wait, is Ishito Sensei capable of flight? She's never seen him do so. She wonders if his centipede Mukade could fly. Probably not since y'know, it's a centipede. Still, he'll figure it out eventually. He's Ishito Sensei after all, and he's every part of Team 11 as they are.

Reaching the desert clearing, Rukia met up with her two teammates. Souei was standing there, hands in his pockets , grinning and laughing as if he just told the greatest joke of all time.

Rasa however, seemed unamused by it all if his annoyed posture was to be believed. She just giggled at their interaction, gaining the attention of the duo.

"Heya Rukia, you're almost late." Souei greeted her as she approached them. "Remember, Ishito Sensei hates slackers."

Rukia just rolled her eyes good naturedly as Souei iterated their sensei's unique line. It's something he always says every time he told them to meet up or something like that.

Rasa gave her a small, polite nod that she returned with a friendly wave as they all engaged in small talk, waiting for their teacher. Just as the clock struck 9 a.m on the dot, the man made his appearance right at the scheduled time.

He appeared in a small puff of smoke in the center of the training ground, his puppet centipede coiled around him as usual.

Ishito Sensei then approached them as he gestured at them to listen up. "Good you're all here. I wanted to talk to you three about the arrangements for your training for the next month. But before that, do any of you have any prior plans for the last stage of the exams?" He questioned.

Rukai noticed Souei and Rasa shaking their heads as they hadn't prepared anything. She then tilted her head in thought towards her family before saying.

"Well, I don't know if I wanna ask my clan for any help since most of what they could teach me at this point is just medical ninjutsu. There are some things I wanna try by myself."

"Very well. Then I guess there are no issues with this arrangement."

All three of them immediately grew curious. What arrangement?

They made their thoughts known as Ishito continued to explain.

"The Kazekage and I have discussed this and we have prepared proper teachers for the three of you to have for the next month. They will be the ones responsible for your training and prepare you accordingly for the exams." He said before pointing to each of them.

"I will personally oversee Souei's training. Our abilities complement each other, and the fact that you share my elemental affinities is just the icing on the cake."

Rukia saw Souei nodding, having no issues with the arrangement.

Ishito then looked at her. "Rukia will be learning under Lady Chiyo. She has expressed interest in your development and has agreed to take you in as her apprentice."

Her jaw dropped immediately at hearing that news. The Chiyo Matsuri?! Took her in as an apprentice?!

Her shock instantly turned eagerness as her expression lit up and her eyes twinkled in amazement. "That sounds great, sensei! Thanks!"

Her teacher just nodded as Souei chuckled in amusement. "So Auntie took you in, eh? 'Bout damn time."

Her head whipped towards his direction. "You knew about this?! And you didn't tell me?!"

"Hehehe, of course I did. I was the one who told her about you remember?. And besides, why ruin the surprise." He continued to chuckle with that damn grin on his face. Honestly, she used to think that his smile was cute. Now it's just annoying.

"What about me?" Rasa asked dryly, cutting into their conversation.

"The person helping you is probably the one most suited for your abilities. After all, the Kazekage is the only one in the village left that is capable of the Magnet Release."

Silence, that was what met Ishito's announcement after he finished his sentence.

"Wait…So you're telling me that the Kazekage took it upon himself to train this guy, for a month?!." Souei said in disbelief as he pointed at a shell shocked Rasa, who had his mouth wide open in an uncharacteristic show of emotion.

Rukia herself isn't any better. She just managed to get off her surprise of Lady Chiyo training her only for the shock to come back full force. Isn't the Kazekage a really busy man? And he'll be training Rasa for that long?

"Yes." Ishito said with a completely blank look on his face.

"...Well damn."

"With that all three of you should be in good hands. Take today to rest up and take a much needed break. I'm sure you're all still feeling tired from our journey. However, your training will start tomorrow. Make sure to meet up with your individual teacher first thing in the morning." Ishito then looked towards Souei. "For tomorrow, prepare yourself for a long training session outside Suna's walls and pack everything you need. I'll be waiting for you at the gates at sunrise."

Souei nodded at the instruction before as their sensei turned around to leave. But before he could do so, Rukia caught his attention.

"Ne, sensei. I have a question."

The man looked back at her, his silent gaze questioning. The other two also spouted curious looks.

"I was just wondering. Can you fly?"


— Marionette of Suna —

The next morning, after bidding goodbye towards his aunt and Sasori, he made his way to the village gates and waited for his sensei. Looking around, there was no one else here so early in the morning other than himself and the gate guards.

It didn't take long for his teacher for next month to arrive. Along with the puppet coiling around him, Ishito Sensei had a backpack on him and was in his regular clothes.

He always wondered why the man was content with using so many layers of clothes. Especially that black cloak of his. That thing looked absolutely torturous to use in the hot deserts of the Land of Wind.

"Do you have everything?" Ishito asked as he guided him over to the gate guards. Souei took that time to recheck his equipment. He had the scroll carrying his previous experiment tied to the travel pack he had on his back. His pouches were filled with sufficient kunai and shuriken and a few bottles of water were situated on the side of his pack.

A quick registration later, they stood outside the village gates. "So where are we going, sensei?"

Ishito started running in a direction that prompted Souei to follow. "A few miles South from the village, there is a desolate land that we could use as a training area. It is close to the ruins of Rōran, however we'll be avoiding that place if we can help it."

The ruins of Rōran? Soeui had heard stories about that kingdom. Remembering his history lessons, the kingdom fell into ruin from a war way back in the Warring Clans era.

"The land we're using is relatively empty so we wouldn't be bothered by anyone. There's also a small oasis close to the area so food and water wouldn't be an issue."

Nodding in understanding, the student teacher duo continued on their way.

After what felt like 20 minutes of travel, they arrived at the location Ishito Sensei talked about. It was a field with a lot of open soil and large rocks littering the area. To his right, he could see large sand dunes with various types of cacti.

They immediately set up camp once arriving. With that finished, they started training proper with Ishito asking him what he wanted to work on.

"There are a few things, but I want to focus mainly on Nature Transformation."

As of right now, he has a very limited repertoire of Elemental Ninjutsu. It was something he was adamant on fixing after noticing how useful they were in their match against Dee, the Kumo Jonin from before.

His main element was Earth, which was perfect for him since Earth is known to be the element best for defense. He has little to no defensive techniques at all aside from the Mud Wall, and he's determined to add the versatility of Earth Release to his inventory of techniques.

The other thing he's curious about Nature Transformation, is the ability to implement elemental chakra on his Thread Release. His sensei has once mentioned how he can enhance his puppet's attacks using Fire Release, resulting in an increased attack power and much more dangerous techniques.

What if his threads could be imbued with Earth Chakra? An increase in durability perhaps? What about fire, his second affinity? Does that mean he's able to increase the temperatures of his strings, resulting in enhanced cutting and melting power? Imagine the things he could do when he masters Yin & Yang Chakra.

He couldn't help the grin that formed in his face. Just thinking of all the chaos he could ensue made him determined to master this by the end of the month.

Oh, and he also has to think up a few ways to counter Rasa's defense along with Rukia's sensory technique. They are acting as enemies now after all.

"I see. Nature Transformation usually takes years to master, so I doubt you'll reach this level in one month. However, simply imbuing your attacks with elemental chakra is doable. As for that last part…" Ishito trailed off with amusement clear in his voice. "That's something you'll have to think of yourself. They are still my students after all. I'm not helping you figure out the weakness of your teammates."

"Figured as much." Souei just chuckled.

Ishito then paused for a moment in thought.

"Very well, we'll start every morning with physical and stamina before fine tuning your Thread Release. Then, we'll focus on Nature Transformation before ending the day with a spar. Does that sound good to you?"

Souei nodded as Ishito Sensei worked out the schedule for the month.

He then started stretching and loosened up his muscles in preparation for the day.

"Well then, shall we start?" Ishito questioned as Mukade, the centipede puppet, uncoiled itself from its perch and raised to its full height, creating a quite intimidating visage.

Souei just grinned in anticipation. It looks like his sensei is taking off the kid gloves and taking him seriously. Tensing in preparation, he launched himself forward, clashing against the Centipede in combat.

— Marionette of Suna —

Rukia moved blindingly fast, the winds around her enhancing her speeds to the point that a regular shinobi would have problems tracking.

However, her opponent is no ordinary shinobi. Chiyo easily followed her movements with her eyes and always reacted accordingly, weaving through her attacks and swatting them aside expertly, a testament to the older woman's skill.

Rukia ducked under a high kick, before leaping backwards and kicking the air twice, sending blades of air towards her opponent.

'Tempest Kick!'

Rukia saw her teacher for the day jump up to dodge the attack, and fall right for her trap.

'You wouldn't be able to dodge if you're in the air!'

She immediately took a deep breath before unleashing the wind outwards in great force, her chakra taking a decent hit from the technique.

'Wind Style: Gale Burst!'

Lady Chiyo was launched away as the burst of wind hit her position. Rukia mentally cheered before widening her eyes when Chiyo's previous body turned into a simple wooden log.

'A substitution!'

There was a flash of pain from her side, and she suddenly found herself facing the sky as she lay prone on the ground.

"My, my. Sealless Wind Jutsu. Usually, only the most Elite of Jonin who have mastered Nature Transformation are capable of this. You truly are impressive."

A groan of pain is the only reply Rukia could give as she blinked through the dizziness that formed from her head hitting the rocky ground.

After getting her thoughts together, she replied back to the elderly woman. "I've always had a 'connection' to the wind so to speak. Ishito Sensei helped me in using it to manipulate the wind around me without using hand seals." She said as she rubbed her head. "It's really hard to control though, even after 3 years of training I've only gotten this far. Not to mention it takes a heavy toll on my chakra. Not like I got much of that to begin with." She muttered the last part in slight frustration.

Her less than stellar chakra reserves has always been a problem for her, ever since she was fresh out of the academy. Everyone kept reassuring that it'll grow in time, but even now her reserves haven't shown any significant improvement.

"Hmm, I see." Chiyo said as she held her chin in thought. "I heard you have masterful control over your chakra, is that right?" She asked, only to continue when Rukia nodded. "Then perhaps using techniques that require raw power isn't fitting for you. Usually, users of Wind Release, especially the ones in Suna, rely on creating powerful bursts and sharp blades of wind to overpower their enemies. That is why the Wind Brigade of Suna uses large fans to increase their output and power. However it's obvious that this style of combat doesn't fit you."

Rukia stayed quiet as Lady Chiyo paused in her thoughts.

"Very well. Here's what we'll do…"

— Marionette of Suna —

A massive wave of golden and black sand clashed as they fought for dominance. Rasa's Gold Dust and Ryushi's Iron Sand fought for superiority as the waves collided against one another.

Rasa grunted as he pumped in more chakra to try to break the Kazekage's control. After a few seconds that felt like hours to him, the innate advantage of gold being denser than iron was proven as his wave began pushing back against the Kazekage's.

His pseudo teacher for the month immediately noticed this, as with a few gestures from his hands, the massive wave of iron sand was pulled back and formed to a black spear-like construct. The spear was then sent forward, effortlessly piercing through the golden wave and sped towards Rasa's location.

Rasa could only widen his eyes as he slammed his arms towards the ground, a massive golden shield forming that just barely halted the spear in its tracks.

Rasa grunted in effort as he tried his best to hold out, before widening his eyes as cracks started to form on his shield. He immediately moved from his position by shifting the sands below him to the right. His body followed as it jerked along with the sand.

It was also right on time as the spear broke through the shield and impacted the ground, creating an explosion of gold, iron, and regular sand.

Rasa scowled as he looked at the seemingly empty field around him. When he first met the Kazekage for the training, the man had brought him towards the Demon Desert. It was a desert located off coast from Sunagakure, usually used as training ground for Elite Shinobi and a stage for the Chunin Exams whenever they are held at Suna.

It was a large expanse filled with rocky cliffs, plateaus, and sand dunes. There were even small patches of desert trees located in the area.

All in all, it was a perfect place for him to train up on his Sand Control.

He was broken out of his thoughts when suddenly, the sand beneath him burst open and revealed a giant arm made of Iron Sand. It effortlessly picked him up before tightening, forcing him to release his control over his Gold Dust, which fell unceremoniously to the ground.

The Kazekage suddenly made his appearance as the man walked up towards him, his arm clenched in front of him, mimicking the giant black sand arm that currently has him in its clutches.

"Your control over your Gold Dust is impressive. The amount you could manipulate is also nothing to scoff at." Ryushi said, impressed with his performance. "However, you lack creativity. Correct me if I'm wrong, but your strategy only involves in using your sand to overpower your enemies by sending wave after wave against your opponent. You aim to bury and crush them once you have them in your clutches, is that right?"

Rasa just grunted and kept on his scowl as the man told him of his weaknesses. "Sand is malleable, Rasa." Ryushi lectured as he slowly lowered his arm to put down the Genin. The massive black fist followed his movements as it opened its fist to let go of Rasa.

"You can manipulate it to take any shape or form. Mold it to create constructs limited only by your imagination." The massive arm immediately melted away as the sand reshaped itself into a giant form of the Sunagakure symbol. It then shifted again as the Iron gathered on the ground and created a miniature version of the entire village.

"...And when you reach proper mastery, even something like this becomes possible."

Rasa would only see wide eyed, as the Kazekage did the tiger symbol and a large majestic black dragon created purely of Iron Sand formed beneath him. Ryushi stood on the back of the large mythical creature before it unfurled its wings and took to the air with its creator.

It quickly landed, nearly uprooting all the trees around them as large plumes of dust and sand were sent flying from the creature's wings.


Rasa commented with awe in his voice. 'Is this the level I can reach one day?'

He thought with anticipation and excitement building in his chest. Truly, his sensei was right. The amount of things he could learn from the Kazekage is tremendous.

"For this month, we'll focus more on your ability to shape your sand into powerful constructs. But there is something else I'd like to show you."

His superior commented, which brought Rasa's attention back to the Kazekage.

"There are other applications of the Magnet Release that I believe you'd benefit from. I doubt you'll be able to learn them during this month of training, but just knowing its possible is good enough for now."

He then retrieved a kunai from one of his pouches before holding it in front of him. The kunai then glowed in purple for a second before it dissipated. Ryushi then threw the kunai to the side as it stuck to random rock.

'Magnet Release: Magnetization'

Rasa was about to question what that purple glow from before was when the kunai suddenly got pulled back towards the Kazekage's outstretched hand.

The Kazekage could only chuckle in amusement at the normally stoic Rasa, become absolutely stupefied for the day.


Heya folks!

Pretty long chapter here, almost reaching 4k words.

We're quickly approaching the end of the first arc, with Chunin Exams being the last event that closes it.

Next chapter will cover the final part of the exams.

For advanced chapters, Head on to my pat_reon page! Depending on the tier, you could get between 4 or 10 chapters ahead along with a few other benefits.


(Remove the spaces)

Anyways, that's all for today.


Trivia: Which do you prefer, longer chapters (3-4k words) like this but slower updates, or shorter chapters (1-2k words) with more frequent updates.

TeemVizzle TeemVizzle

Shoutout to these wonderful people!

Charlie Puente-Duany

Samuel Tijani


Andrew Rainsley

Sam SomLop


High Priest of Torga

FadingIce1 Playz


Luis Barreda

Aaron Ray


Winter Metor

Tyson Kim


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