/ Movies / Severus Snape : Lord of Darkness
Severus snape is a boy whose entire life is filled with darkness and pain. He never knew love, happiness, or joy. People hated him due to his birth, his looks, and his house.
But, Severus doesn't care about that, all he ever wanted was to be with lily. The only light in his gloomy life, who never despised or mocked him.
Until his 5th year, when he was hanging upside down suspended in the air with his trousers being removed by his worst enemies, the marauders.
Being humiliated like that didn't bother him, what broke him was the smile on lily's face.
Severus snape died that day and something else was born. A being born out of hate, rage, malice and despair.
A being called SAURON.
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์Qiqiwiwei wjwjdjje kskdekkdk kskddkkdkd ddbd dd kddkdk kdkdkdkdek kwkwkwk keei kekeke dneen ejeidkxcjcj jskdksksk lpsspsl skksks jfjfjfj kfkrkrk lgltltlf kdkdkdke mskskskskskskskdkdfjchfhjeejjeif
............................................................................................................................................................. cant wait to see where this goes
นักเขียน BLACK_GLOOM
Im really looking forward to reading more of this.