"Y-y-y-y-ouuuu M-MOTHER FUCKERS!" Ori roars as he forces himself backwards, avoiding more EMP shots as he falls back into the bar, twitching and spasming all the while.
"Holy shit! You okay kid!?" Pilar runs over and kicks the door closed, shoving a fat unconscious in front of it as a makeshift barrier.
"D-DO I LOOK OKAY!?" he forces himself to his feet as the denizens of the bar cautiously look at him, "Arasaka are out there hunting our asses! They got snipers everywhere!"
"You're joking..." Dorio frowns as she and Maine make their way over.
"Do you think I have epilepsy or something? I just got shocked by those bastards!"
"Wait, so Arasaka is here?" Lucy aggressively asks.
Ori peeks through the tinted window, noting that a bunch of 'civilian' vehicles had been set up nearby the ends of the streets. Most likely ready to block off any escape attempt should they try it. "If I have to keep repeating myself we might as well hand ourselves to them. Yes, they're fucking here!"
David wipes his mouth and spits at the floor, "What're we doing then? Let's bail before they can storm us!"
The group look over to see some strangers who'd tried to surrender themselves, hands to the sky with their knees on the sidewalk. That is, until Arasaka put a volley of bullets into them, spraying the pavement with crimson. Clearly they were in a 'No-Witnesses' sort of mood.
This causes the other people in the bar to start panicking, but Ori was more focussed on getting his own friend out alive right now. "Anyone got a plan? Because right now we're pretty fucked."
"They've jammed the entire street... We'd only be able to call the NCPD through this place's fibreoptics." Lucy reports.
"Any chance we can fight our way out?" David questions.
"Fat chance. Corpo fucks've planning for this. They know what we got and what not, they'll be ready for us." Maine grouses, prepping his arm cannon for combat.
"Great, you fuck up my life yet again. Good job, Ori." the disguised Christy D'Clert spits from the side of the room, a beer in her hand.
"Fuck off bitch number five. You wanna complain go give it to the assholes shooting at us!" Rebecca angrily replies.
Ori shakes his head, "Don't mind her, just a washed-up criminal." he glances back at the door, "Seriously, any ideas?"
The silence was telling. Two teams of veteran mercs and no one had a clue how to approach the situation, the fact that Arasaka had somehow blocked off the entire street, stopped anyone from noticing the wide-range jamming, and were now executing civilians on sight only emphasized how severe things were.
Maybe the Corpo that'd given everyone stims last night had been in on it, keeping them all in one place so they could set up a perimeter... Plus the fact they knew EMP would fuck him up worse than getting his brain blown out meant Maine was right in his assumption.
"I think..." Lucy speaks up while running a hand through her pastel-coloured hair, "I've got a plan."
Operative 024F lets out a cool breath as she stares through the scope of her rifle, things were going according to plan, and soon they'd have permission to assault the building.
Seven targets, three capture and four KoS. It was just unfortunate they had to kill five innocents before the rest got the right idea. Though, it might not matter depending on how the higher-ups feel, having this all revealed to the public would probably see everyone involved purged for posterity's sake.
"Wait, did someone order the transports early?" she queries over the comms as a dozen trucks barrel down the road. She quickly realises her mistake however as sirens start blaring, "Someone called the NCPD! Captain! please advise!"
"Captain!" she repeats, heart beating faster as the police get closer and closer.
[Allow them into our MSB, then execute.] her Captain commands.
"Affirmative." she sighs, turning her rifle to the cars and aiming for the drivers. Their armoured windscreens wouldn't protect against the calibre of her rifle, it'd be a clean kill.
The driver's head explodes as he swerves his car into a wall, causing the others to speed up and drive around him. They don't get far however as the other snipers take their shots, quickly whittling down the NCPD force.
Those that remain all leap out of their cars and behind cover, quickly locating the snipers and opening fire.
[POI's spotted! They're running for the NCPD!] someone shouts over the comms and she looks over, finding the targets running towards the NCPD in a crowd of civilians that'd also come from the bar.
[Non-lethal rounds on the targets, do not kill POI's at any cost! Units two and three finish the NCPD!]
She growls under her breath and quickly releads her weapon, but when she tries to lock onto her target again, trying to aim around the other fleeing civilians and his own weird movements.
Zombie fires his revolver all the way from the ground level and manages to shoot straight through her scope, sending glass and metal fragments into the mask covering her face. She tries to take a blind shot but feels another impact which sends her falling to the ground.
She gasps and stares through the hole in her visor at the crimson quickly gathering below her head, so much blood... She tries to blink but notices the absence of feeling in her left eye... It was gone, along with most of her skull on that side.
She couldn't move, or talk... She could only stare as her lifeblood leaked out, and listen to her comrades over the comms. But even they crackle out and die, an obvious sign of a Netrunner attack.
Only one thought materialised through all of this however...
"Good shot..."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
Peter Evans
Ori ducks lightly as a civilian falls down dead next to him, he'd managed to kill two of the snipers but after that they'd started aiming solely for him with those annoying fucking EMP shots. He was just lucky there were so many civilians to act as meat shields otherwise he and the rest of his group would be faring far worse.
The NCPD had been momentarily distracted by the large group running at them, but the cries and pleading for help had them continuing to return fire at the Arasaka agents. A few had attempted to call backup by the jammers were still up, causing one police unit to get back in their car and flee, presumably to call for backup.
"One of you with me, I'll take the crashed car, the rest of you take another!" Ori exclaims as he runs to the NCPD vehicle that'd had its driver headshot before the firefight began. It'd been ploughed into the wall, leaving the hood and bumper severely dented and locked in place between a lampost and a wall.
"Pilar, go with 'em!" Maine orders with his arm opening up and firing an explosive over the street at the rooftop, forcing a small group of snipers to change positions and granting the NCPD temporary reprieve.
"All of you take cover!" the Sergeant of the police unit shouts at the group while widely gesturing at the small vehicular blockade.
Ori allows a smirk and changes directions, "No thanks!" he replies and gives a hard kick to the side of the crashed car, pushing and righting it at the center of the road. He then tears the door off and throws the corpses onto the pavement, allowing him, Rebecca, and Pilar to pile in.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" the wide-eyed officer roars, but doesn't dare turn his gun on them for fear of retaliation. He was already pinned down, adding another enemy on their weak side would be like painting 'shoot me' on his back.
"Maine and the others grabbed a car too! Drive!" Rebecca exclaims and he hits the accelerator, only for the engine to falter as a dozen EMP rounds hit the car.
"IT AIN'T LIKE I BROUGHT THE RIGHT GEAR FOR THIS SHIT!" Pilar returns, leaning out of the car and firing at the distant snipers with a dinky little pea-shooter.
"I think Lucy's already on it!" Pilar exclaims, pointing in the distance at a sniper who stands and grips his head. A moment later his head slumps, and he turns his gun at his comrade, blowing their head off in a show of spectacular gore.
"That girl's a menace!" Rebecca exclaims at the display. They were all aware of how strong Arasaka agents' ICE walls would be, yet the girl had broken through them even without the proper equipment.
"AARG-FUCK!" Pilar shouts as he receives bullets in the back. "GO ALREADY!" he all but shrieks as he stabs a stim into his chest.
Ori starts the car again and finally, there's a lull in the EMP rounds, without a second's wait he hits it. Launching the car down the road as Dorio drives after them in the other car.
[HAHA! WE DID IT!] - David
[SHUT THE HELL UP!] - Rebecca
[W-What!?] - David
Ori leans forwards and looks up through the front windscreen as AVs begin flying overhead, three-no four, all equipped with heavy guns which immediately annihilate the NCPD men who'd been trying to protect the civilians. After that though, they started following the group...
[IT JUST IS!] - Rebecca
[ALL OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP! We'll blitz it through the city centre! even Arasaka wouldn't fly their AVs there!] - Ori
[And if they do?] - Lucy
[No idea! NOW SHOOT THOSE CORPO CLOWNS BEFORE THEY ZERO US!] Ori shouts over the comms as he sees them turn slightly in his wing mirror, obviously lining up their door guns.
He drifts around a corner and onto the pavement under a large building, barely bringing them out of sight of the AV, Dorio's car wasn't so lucky however. She tries to follow him on a tight line but she wasn't nearly as competent of a driver as he was, causing her to go wide.
A spray of the door gunner clips the rear lights and tears the muffler off, barely missing her wheels. She hurriedly brings it in, but the damage caused made it obvious just how perilous the situation was. That thing was firing 20MM rounds, and the new potholes in the road were to show for it!
They were seriously lucky to be Japantown, a place the AVs were struggling to follow due to all of the infrastructure and underground locals. Even then, the AVs knew precisely where they'd be, and Ori was pretty sure they'd be trapped like rats if they tried to enter any tunnels. After all, Arasaka had probably already mapped out all of them.
They approach the river but avoid the bridge that goes straight into the Corpo plaza due to the lack of cover, instead heading further south to the next one. The Metro Station hung over the entire area, giving them some amount of reprieve... At least, until 'SOMEONE' hacked the fucking 'Crime Prevention System', causing auto-turrets to start springing up and opening fire on them.
Lucy immediately starts countering their efforts, but by then the wheel of Ori's car had been punctured three times over, causing the car to start 'limping' down the road.
[FUCK IT! I'm calling my truck, this car won't take any more damage!] - Ori
[Don't bother! I got Falco coming in hot, he'll pick us up on the highway under the Park! Should be enough cover to keep the AVs off our backs!] - Maine
[Do you have any idea how much security is down there!?] - Lucy
[You will have to keep the turrets down for the time being then. The rest of us will work on knocking them down with ya'.] - Maine
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
Peter Evans
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