83.24% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 304: The Merging and Upcoming Chaos

บท 304: The Merging and Upcoming Chaos

(General POV)

Location the Boarders of Macedonia and Thessaly, Greece/Mount Olympus, the Restored Palace of the Chaos Gods, The Council Chamber of Calamities

The Gods of the Chaos Pantheon were all gathered in the council chamber, they've discussed not only that they'll merge all the realm with the Warp, but also how.

Through a lot of discussions, they split the Greek Realm with accordance of the corruption of the territories, but Mount Olympus itself shall be the new middle ground between all the daemonic realms of the Nethervoid, the Blood Lands, the Plague Garden, and eventually the Realm of the Sorceror...once they beat some sense and respect on Tzeentch.

Then with their combine powers, they pull Netral Space aka the Resting Place of the Infinite Fountain into one of the countless places in the mountain, similar to the secret tower gateway that Laharl made in Enzium.

Which they've all fully agreed and supported this plan of the Dark One, this will mark Mount Olympus as the new neutral space of the Immaterium.

That wasn't the end of it with Mount Olympus, sharing the same divine properties as themselves that will make the once Heaven of the Olympians and Greek, into a hellish landmark of Chaos Undivided, within the Immaterium.

Which will surely drag and draw, uninvited souls to it making another source of corruption for the Dark Gods that united, plus the mountain itself shall serve them well as a place that they can come and go without disturbing or entering the other's domain...which Laharl really appreciates, despite being closer with Khorne and Nurgle, his daemonic, Godly instincts crave his Realm to be exclusively Carnage orientated.

Now he understood, that apart from Slaanesh why all the Chaos Gods dislike intruders, their conflicting and opposing emotions causes a "unbalanced" of source in their respected domain, hence their way of acting to uninvited souls to their respected home...again apart from Slaanesh, she'll like the change and find in exciting...and euphoric, effing everything addict...

Returning to their meeting they proceed with simple matters and also planned to immediately start gathering and marching their legions onto Tzeentch's domain, regardless of his current frozen condition, they wasted enough time on this world.

And as things were at their climax at the GOW-World, other events were happening back in their homeworld.

(Anathema POV)

Location the Warhammer 40k World-Realspace, the Feudalworld Earth-The South of the New World aka Future South America, the Inca Temples in Machu Picchu

Once again after another hundred years of traveling the planet, in my search to destroy all knowledge and taint of Chaos off my world.

It lead me to the New World, into the lush jungle of the southern continent, straight into a pyramid which was dedicated to the accursed Warp-taints, of the Blood God, the Rot Lord, and of the Dark One, I had no choice but to exterminate this primate tribe of Incas, igniting my sword in psyker-fire.

I began my extermination of these vile Chaos-worpshippers.

For the next countless days, I cut down and destroyed all traces of the Incas.

Erasing them from the pages of history, none were spared and using my psychic powers, I made all lore and encryption of Chaos unreadable and near impossible to understand to safe-guard, the world from Chaos.

Regardless of it touch, I've been on this purging mission for nearly half a century, the Renaissance Age was approaching it newest stage, as technology was now vastly improving and evolving, as time goes on.

My only hope that new age will finally end the need of faith and religion, to focus on progress, unity, and the advancement of the human race, through the means of Science and Technology.

I looked around at the wasteland that I've created, in the name of mankind's safety and decided to further improve my understanding and knowledge of science, making my next course to take was to return to the eastern continents, specifically Italy to expand my knowledge...with this great power and intellect, I was granted I needed to increase my options to stand against the Chaos Gods...

And speaking of those vile entities, I'm surprised that Tzeentch's touch and daemonic enscourgance of Earth, has ceased a couple dozen years ago...what could that new warp-spawn be up to?

Best not to waste my time with useless thoughts, I quenched the psychic flames on my blade, and started making my way through this jungle...

(General POV)

Location the Boarders of Macedonia and Thessaly, Greece/Mount Olympus, the Palace of the Chaos Gods, The Council Chamber of Calamities

With things done, and the gathered Chaos Pantheon sharing one last toast of Ambrossia before they merged the Greek Realm, with their own world within the Immaterium.

The new Lesser Chaos Gods aka former Olympians...apart from the new "Daughter of Plague" and "Niece of the Greater Chaos" all the gathered Gods were showing signs of corruption and transformation...aside from Tabes the God of Wasting Away, he is basically a nurglish deity if there ever been one...they shared one or several more cups of Ambrossia, before they've truly began.

Laharl, Khorne, and Nurgle excused themselves and started making their way down the mountain, to it'd very core.

Location the Core of Olympus

After a while descending, greeted by their daemons and corrupted mortal servents that have been allowed access to Olympus.

The Trio of Chaos Gods, and brother made it to the very center of Olympus, the Core.

The Heart of the Realm itself, a white hot sphere of pure magical energy...Laharl had no knowledge of this thing neither from the games or mythologies, but this sphere was flowing with magic and feeding it from the Realm onto the mountain...Laharl though that it might have been how Zeus prevented unwanted "mortals" from climbing up, Olympus, as many legends of beings able to do so were far from mortal.

Laharl stepped closer to the Core, and without any fear or doubt put his left claw into the sphere causing it to distablelize as it began to forcibly absorb Laharl's ruinous power, seeing him do this Khorne and Nurgle stepped forward as well, and placed their hand into the Core as well.

Once all three brothers were forcing their daemonic power onto the heart of Olympus, it began to massively expand and exude with their power.

And thus those dark powers of Carnage, Rage, and Plague not only flowed and exuded from the mountain itself, but directly into the entire realm, making this world fully theirs.

Location the Restored Palace of the Chaos Gods, The Council Chamber of Calamities-The Grand Balcony

Corruption and chaos was happening all across the realm, as the new Chaos Pantheon watched the effect of the Brothers onto the world.

Valkia, Bellona, Aiikila, along with all eleven Queens and Lovers of Laharl, as volcanoes rouse and erupted all around the lands as well as canyons of magma and blood ripping across the landscapes, with this areas of west of the Realm into blood red, just like the Blood Lands.

On the north great swamps and buggs of disgust started to emerge along with lakes of thick sludge, disease ridden, and foul smelling waters, as well as vast amount of Nurgle plants and fungus started to sprout and the most growth was around the vast dumpsites of bodies from killed humans and monsters of the various battles waged in the past year...(for a better picture think the Nurgle Episode from Hammer & Bolter, when the Death Guard invade the astropath planet.) great maws, tentacles, and actual sores and tumors of mutated flesh were growing from the ground, which was turning nurgle-green, Aiikila and her children especially her daughter, Limos were happy and awe at the growth of the Garden.

Lastly at the east, was the land turning violet with pertruding sharp needle coming out the corrupt earth with the thinner and the daemonic black leaf trees having bodies impaled on them all, speaking of trees the Dark Florrah of Chi was overgrowth with a massive spread of them, from the impaler trees, hanger mangroves, whispering killers, horrific flesh-eaters, and much more all these daemonic plants, lastly the defiled temples turned into Fallen Maria Temples with one or more hell-spires emerging as well.

It was truly a beautiful, daemonic paradise in the eyes of the Goddesses and Gods gathered and watching over the balcony.

Location the Core of Olympus

The sphere has become three time it's size, surging with the trio chaotic powers, turning it from it's original white color into swirling violet, red, and yellowish green.

Laharl, Khorne, and Nurgle were still in the process of turning the entire realm of the God of War World, into their sole divine command of Chaos.

While they do this, they felt their connection and divine dominion over the realm in a deeper form than before.

These greatly pleased all three of them, as time goes by in a hyper speed, very soon they'll be able to open a rift into the Warp itself and begin the merger...

With all the corruption and transformation of the realm, now ceasing and calming as they're nearly finished, Nurgle suggested they began opening the rift to merge both worlds into one in their homeworld.

His brothers agreed and started dividing their focus on finishing the claim on the Greek Realm and opening the rift back to the Warp...

Sometime later...

Location the Warhammer 40k World-Immaterium, the Center Point between the three of four daemonic realms of Chaos

New daemons of Carnage, Blood, and Plague were uneasy and eager to wage war against the new Chaos God, known to them as Tzeentch.

When all the daemons felt a great surge of power, the three "united" or more like their Dark Gods have formed their own unique, truce between them whilst allowing their daemonic followers, free reign to cause as much havoc and misery in their name, mainly waging constant war between them...but regardless, a great surge of warp-energies was amassing above all the realms of Chaos, even the tzeentchian daemons could see and obviously feel what was occurring above them.

Even the Changer of Ways within his Impossible Fortress, could see what was happening and feel new source of magic unlike anything he has yet, sensed in this world.

A power that he craves, a magic source soo foreign to the God of Sorcery, but whatever insufferable force was keeping him inside his cocoon, unable to psychically connect and command his minions or absorb this new source of magical power will suffer the wrath of the Architech of Fate!!!

As Tzeentch kept ranting and rambling on inside his azure cocoon, while his daemons were completely oblivious of their master's anger and desperation, in fact they're surprised that their Dark God has been silent for soo long, hence majority of the still growing Legions of Change, have returned to the Realm of the Sorcerers, worried about their God and having his wrath befall onto them.

Hence majority of the tzeentchian daemons have returned immediately to the Warp, despite not being order to.

Regardless even to the every brilliant and scheming Lords of Change, they were utterly shocked by display of power above them all, as a black rift rip the fabric of space and reality...if the Warp ever possessed such things...and a huge mass of land started to come through the rift.

Immediately these land masses merged and expanded the territories of their enemies, while the Change Daemons, couldn't exactly see clearly what was happening it was still felt by them, their enemies have gained a certain, large amount of power.

But nothing could compare with what was coming next...

From the exact center of the black rift, came a massive object, that was pouring down blood, lava, vile, sludge, ambrossia, and raw darkness was raining/pouring massively out the rift...

Then coming through was a...Mountain!!!

The Daemons of Chaos, were shocked that an actual mountain was now coming throught the rift, descending slowly and smoothly from the sky.

But as the massive mountain showing combined corruptions of the Dark One, the Blood God, and the Rot Lord was coming down into the Warp, all the daemons could not just sense the presence of their dark masters...but also other Gods as well.

The litteral God-like mountain continued to descend, unveiling soo much daemonic majesty, that even the tzeentchian daemons were at awe at what their witnessing.

After a while the mountain, and the Dark Gods were completely within the Immaterium, and from the realms of Chaos tendrils, tentacles, and clawed limbs of eldritch horror, based of the three united forces of Chaos reached out and grabbed onto the new Chaos Mount Olympus.

They cradled and smoothly navigated the mountain of the ground, the three landscapes of Laharl, Nurgle, and Khorne were conjoining into one singular point which shall be the new resting place for this titanic sized mountain.

As the limbs of the Warp, were welcoming back it Gods and merging with the new mass that has come by the deeds of the Chaos Gods, the said and newly formed Pantheon of Chaos, was observing everything with Limos really excited to see her parents lovely Garden, as she was jumpy while holding onto her mother Aiikila's, hand.

Bellona and all the other former non-imprisoned Olympians were mesmerized and bewildered by the sight of the Realm of the Gods.

Then to all gathered in the balcony they felt three titanically powerful presences approaching them, they turn to see their lords, Nurgle, Laharl, and Khorne as they're serving Gods bowed respectfully at them, with the exception of Chi, Kiira, Scalpel, Jade, Cassandra, Ruu, Ragna, Crystallyl, Scylla, Camilla, Jinx, Valkia, Bellona, Aiikila, and Limos which greeted her uncles...which Laharl nodded smiling, while Khorne grunted before nodding to her...before running to Nurgle, who chuckled as he picked up his lovely daughter, and they made their way to the edge of the balcony, with their beloveds by their side.

As they were overlooking the final moments, before their mountain officially becomes apart of their kingdoms, they know that the next chapter of the Great Game was just upon them...and all were eager to face the infamous Trickster God, once and for all.

Speaking of him, as the lands of his enemies were growing to such proportions that he'd never expected, he was still confident that Change will come out victorious in the end.

Author Note: Hey guys. I'm taking a short break before I start the Tzeentch Saga, as this chapter mark the end of the GOW, Saga. I need a break after somethings with life...u all know how it is. Bur don't you all worry the next chapter is coming and is the first of the Tzeentch Wars, hope your all pumped as I am but I need to read up on my tzeentchian lore, soo I can do good the Tzeench battles to come. CYALL SOON!!! 👍.

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