

นักเขียน: Ccosmofantasypen

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World Map:

The protagonist's kingdom is named Uranus.

The continent is named Heaven Plane.

There are five kingdoms on that continent: Uranus, Apollo, Zeus, Morro, and Xeon.

Then there is a second continent called the Troll Kingdom. The people here are tall and savage. This civilization is characterized by constant fighting, where the weak die. They are filled with pride and arrogance. The warrior code plays a crucial role here.

A third continent is the Elf Empire, which consists of seven parts populated by beautiful humans, both male and female. This empire has always been subject to invasion due to its beauty and fertile land. It was once known for its knowledge and civilization, but invaders from the Troll Kingdom turned it into a land of slave merchants.

A fourth continent is the Dragon Beast Empire, divided by colors:

The Red Kingdom is known for blood-thirsty animals and red trees, famous worldwide. These trees are incredibly durable and can float on the sea longer than other shipbuilding materials.

The Blue Kingdom is home to poisonous animals and plants.

The White Kingdom is icy and sparsely populated by humans and animals.

The Green Kingdom is fertile and filled with herbs and various tribes.

The Yellow Kingdom is a sandy desert. The people here used to resemble those from the Troll Kingdom, but they have changed their nature.

The next continent is a barren land, a drought-stricken place where only 200 to 400 people live.

There's also a surrounding ice-covered continent that remains unexplored due to violent storms and tornadoes.



"What is this place?" Mosa asked in a luxurious room.

Mosa woke up from a deep slumber, his thoughts racing.

"I clearly remember a sea flood coming to our institute, and then the building collapsed due to a landslide. How could I be here? What is this place?" Mosa wondered to himself.

He found that the clothes on his body were wrong. He looked down and was shocked. He was wearing ancient attire.

"He also died due to drowning!! But how many years has he been in a coma? The body has changed this much!"

Regarding the cause of death of the original body's owner, the memories explained everything. Someone had pushed him from a ship into the sea.

The door squeaked open, and Mosa finally came to his senses.

Turning around, he saw a beautiful and dignified woman in her 20s walking toward him.


A bowl fell from the hands of the maid, who hurriedly left the room, her loud shout echoing through the hall.

"The eldest prince has awakened!"

Mosa felt weak at this moment, his body hungering for sustenance.

But he didn't focus on hunger. With memories from his previous self, he had various blueprints of technology and breathing techniques in his mind. He didn't know where he acquired them; it was as if these memories appeared from thin air.

"What! This is incredible. At least I can survive in this world of war and intrigue!"

[King Uranus' Study Room]

"Father, I've received a divination! From the God of knowledge! I need your help to build a secret place for me."

"What! Which God?" The king, who was sipping tea, suddenly stood up and stared at his son.

"Father, I know mathematics, science, cooking! The God of knowledge, Thoth! That's why I always seem foolish in front of others. My brain has absorbed a vast amount of knowledge. You can ask me any mathematics question," Mosa replied in the tone of the original owner.

"Then, answer my question: what is 1000 multiplied by 2000?" the king asked with arrogance.

"2,000,000! It's quite simple!" the prince replied.

"That is correct. Now, what's 50 multiplied by 20?" the king asked with excitement.

"1000!" Mosa replied plainly.

"What is 20 multiplied by 9?" The king asked.

"18!" Mosa replied.

"Very well! Now, take a look at this mathematics scholar's new article! Can you understand these tables?" the king asked.

As Mosa looked at the multiplication table, he found it amusing to answer these questions. Perhaps in the modern world, these were easy.

"I understand this! It's a multiplication table from 2 to 6! Who created it? The principle is sound, but it can be simplified even further. Just add 2, 2, 2 for the 3-table, and then add 3, 3, 3 for the 4-table. Father, try it! I'll guide you. Add 2 and 2 together, what's the answer?" Mosa looked at his father.

The king started adding with his fingers, and in the end, he was surprised by how easily his son explained the process.

"Good! Good! My son, tell me what you desire. Today, I'm very happy!" The king's face was filled with excitement.

"Father, I need to visit a merchant named Alibaba. It was because of them that I nearly drowned. Someone pushed me!"

"What! Take this seal and bring elite guards from the Shield Troop!" the king ordered with a furious expression.

"Alright, Father!" Mosa left the room.

After leaving his father's room, he began to feel both exhaustion and excitement.

Mosa planned to return and formulate strategies for the kingdom and his royal adversaries.

"I might not know about politics or kind-hearted humans, but those who wish to kill me will die, whether in public or private. I need to strengthen this body first."

Mosa wasn't diplomatic or arrogant; he was a realist. For him, only practical and beneficial decisions were the best choices.

Mosa's awakening plunged the entire royal family into chaos. The royal siblings and ministers of the kingdom started devising plans, and secret meetings were convened once again.

[A Few Weeks Later, Poseidon Seaport]

Various merchant and tourist ships lined the seaport. These ships were constructed from special wood known for its sturdiness, making it a sought-after material in Poseidon City. The livelihood of a significant portion of the population depended on the wood and grocery markets.

One of the most prosperous ships belonged to an Alibaba merchant, led by a man named Alibaba.

The seaport buzzed with crowds and bustling activity, with sounds of work echoing even from a kilometer away.

However, the sudden arrival of the royal army brought a hush to the scene.

Alibaba emerged from his room, observing the royal guards with a mix of surprise and nervousness.

"Royal sir, what is the purpose of your visit today?" Alibaba inquired, presenting gold coins as a gift.

"The crown prince has awakened from a coma! One of your crew members pushed him into the sea! Your fate is sealed! Brother!"

After a quick inspection of the ship and crew, the royal guards, along with Prince Mosa, entered the ship. After some rehearsed moments, the prince was prepared to enact his plan to secure compensation from merchant Alibaba.

"Alibaba, you were aware that this was a conspiracy to kill me! I demand compensation for your security lapse! The security recruit pushed me into the sea. Thankfully, I survived drowning in the deep waters," Mosa declared with an ominous smirk.

"Sire, I can offer you six beautiful foreign battle slaves!" Alibaba hesitantly proposed, rubbing his head and showing respect while seething inside.

"Yes, I can accept that. However, there's one more thing I require," Mosa added.

"Sire, what is it? If it's within my capacity, I will fulfill your request," Alibaba responded, displaying deference while emitting an unpleasant odor from his mouth.

"I've heard that you've discovered Snake Island. Within three weeks, I need snake meat—venomous snakes," Mosa stated.

"What! Snakes? Why do you need them?" Alibaba was relieved by the request but also concerned.

"You just need to accept my request. And don't forget about the thirty-six beautiful tall battle slaves I also requested. They should come from forest tribes and various foreign ethnicities. Consider this gold as a private deal between us. No one else should know about it," Mosa concluded before departing with his royal escorts.

"Master, why do you need so many snakes?" Kang, the royal escort head, inquired with curiosity.

"Kang, I selected you as my guard for your trustworthiness and loyalty. Your lineage, the Cleioz lineage, played a role as well. Your clan is known for honoring vows and promises, upholding oaths until death. Your family's strength may not match today's warrior clans, but my friend, my journey isn't just about this kingdom; it's about exploring this mysterious world. You must trust me," Mosa left a perplexed Kang behind and mounted his horse.

"Third! TPD!!"

[Four Weeks Later, Uranus Mansion]

[Underground Sealed Room]

"This sealed chamber is perfect. Remember, after an hour, release all the snakes," Mosa instructed Kang, gazing at the sealed room underground.

"Royal prince, this is madness. You'll be killed by the poison! If the king learns of this, my family and I will be eradicated! Take this seriously; I cannot accept this order," Kang protested.

"Kang, I'm giving you an absolute order as your Master. You swore an oath as my sword servant. Have you forgotten?" Mosa leapt into the underground sealed room.

"Thud. Thud."

"The chamber is prepared! This is the moment of my life-changing new beginning."

"All is well... all is well..." Mosa placed his hand over his chest, taking deep breaths.

"Breathing technique!"

Memories from an unknown entity surprised him—yogic breathing techniques focusing on the three forces of nature.

The discovery of breath fascinated him further, and practicing the yoga breathing led to his chakras activating a process of cell rebirth.

The cells began dying and regenerating, mirroring the universe's three forces: creation, preservation, and destruction. These forces created countless others to form living beings and life.

The same process unfolded in Mosa's body, as cells died and regenerated.

The cell selection process commenced, and his body began deteriorating, emitting a foul smell.

His body grew increasingly thin; his bones seemed visible beneath the skin.

He resembled a desiccated corpse, as though all vitality had been drained.

His teeth, nails, and hair fell out, and his vision became blurred.

Sensations faded, while pain and emotions surged, and his screams filled the room.

Enduring this torment required a powerful will, one that swallowed the pain and adversity. Amid this, Mosa received memories of an approaching asteroid.

An hour later, snakes were tossed into the sealed room, drawn to Mosa's cold emanations.

The snakes began biting his hands, inflicting unbearable pain. Wounded by Alibaba's men, these hungry snakes injected venom, but hunger compelled Mosa to swallow them whole, like candy.

The small snakes writhed as they descended into the deep pit, meeting a corrosive acid that dissolved their bodies.

Their bones vanished, and their remains were consumed by Mosa's stomach.

One by one, the snakes disappeared. Wounds on Mosa's body began healing, and the snakes adhered to him.

Teeth like vampire fangs grew in his toothless mouth; his eye color shifted to blue-golden, and the pupil shifted from black to red.

His bones thickened, and veins regrew as his body expanded, repairing the damage from forced growth.

Even his male organ lengthened, and muscles emerged across his body, as if he had been a seasoned warrior for years.

His sight failed him, as though poison had clouded his eyes, yet his insatiable hunger couldn't be quelled by mere snakes.

At that precise moment, an anaconda clamped onto Mosa's bony hand.

Mosa, feeling pain in his right hand, sank his sharp teeth into the snake.

Meanwhile, Tang, hearing the commotion, hesitated but remembered the clan's promise, and his fear subsided.

He sliced open the sack and cast the snakes into the underground room.

Mosa, devouring rare and venomous snakes like treats, began to feel warmth and cold energy.

His senses heightened, his brain advanced significantly, and memories from this and his previous life resurfaced. Energy coursed through his body.

Sweat, dark and poisonous, emerged from his pores. His body neutralized various poisons, bestowing immunity and transforming his blood.

This ritual granted him unique abilities: self-regeneration, muscle control, predator eyes that saw distant foes, absolute devouring capability—even of steel—and venom-injecting teeth.



Queen Consort's Chamber

This pool was created for the summer period. The long steps, made of 4 feet of marble, were designed so that an adequate amount of water could reach them. Cold water could touch the legs and lower part of the body. This resting platform was specially made by her.

This architecture was uncommon in the Heaven's Empire. The material used for this pool was also unseen on this land.

A beautiful woman lay on the marble step, with one of her maidservants massaging her head.

"So, he survived!" a cold shout echoed through the chamber. Her eyes and the expression on her forehead made her look like an evil demoness, as if she were contemplating something sinister.

"This old king still supports him! ... That queen has been dead for many years, but she still resides in the king's heart. And now, his son has become an even greater obstacle! My son must become the king of this kingdom at any cost! Even after two years, he hasn't disappeared." The angry queen consort stopped the maid, walked toward the center of the pool, and submerged herself in it.

After a while, her bouncy and seductive figure emerged from the pool, and a maid brought a towel for her.

This queen consort's name was "Keliena Pricalo." The background of the queen was not clear; it is said that her beauty was similar to that of the Elf Empire people.

Her beauty fascinated Uranus King, and she served as one of his wives, which led to the kingdom's internal destruction.

Clap! Clap!

She clapped her hands, and a woman assassin entered the bath chamber. She knelt on her knees and asked, "Master! Your order!"

"Contact all our allies and send the order to eliminate him at any cost. Let's see who can save him! Tomorrow, destroy that Poseidon Seaport—the place he is staying!"




{Another Queen}

Julie Life, one of the princesses of the Xeon Kingdom.

Her beautiful figure wasn't the reason for the marriage, but rather political reasons and gaining resources from Uranus's kingdom. They sent one of the princesses of the Xeon Kingdom to King Uranus.

A pigeon reached her through the window. She saw a message tied to the bird's leg and retrieved it swiftly.

[South Side of Uranus Kingdom: The Border of Uranus and Apollo]

[Military Commander Base]

"That fool of a prince! He survived again. Master Sofia! It seems your elder brother survived again!" The military officer reported to the eldest princess. This princess was the daughter of the deceased traitor, King Uranus's brother.

Her identity was only known to her subordinates. She held a significant military position on the border side, and only the king was aware of her movements.

Sofia, who was practicing her swordsmanship, paused for a moment. A relaxed smile appeared on her face, but it quickly transformed into a cold expression.

"It's good! Good! He survived!" Her sword blade's speed created gusts of wind, and the sound of sword slashes resonated. Heat emanated from her body, palpable to the military officer.



There were various members of the royal family and rebels in the kingdom who began to make moves upon hearing that the drowned crown prince had awakened after two years.



[[Uranus Mansion]]

{{Near Poseidon Port}}

"Nah!! Ahhhh!!"

The sound of Mosa's scream reverberated throughout the mansion. The fortunate thing was that Tang and his chosen subordinates were present at that moment.

Mosa's weakened body began to experience shortness of breath. His body required more energy than just a few types of serpent meat.

Memories of the breathing process entered his brain again, as the unknown entity contacted him once more.

"The Sun Breathing Process! Eliminating the snake nature from the body. If he doesn't erase the snake nature from his body, he will slowly transform into a snake, losing his humanity in the process."

The Sun Breathing Process required a specific area where the sun shone and where the water element was abundant.

Mosa's rapidly growing body began to suffer mentally and physically.

"Ah!! Amm!!"

The air in the underground room was filled with toxicity, but the body transformation had eliminated all the snakes.

"This power! It's like a whole new power!"


"Grrr! Grr!"

Mosa slammed into the wall, causing the entire mansion to tremble. This noise put the mansion on high alert and into panic mode.

"Royal Highness! Master!"

"What? Where is the master?"

"Who are you?"

Mosa climbed the rope and saw the shocked expressions on Tang and his soldiers. Questions were visible on their faces.

With a 7-foot muscular male body, he emitted cold energy as if a beast were staring at them. His eyes were as cold as those of a serpent, making him look like a serpent god incarnate. His charming appearance caused female soldiers and maids to collapse.

"This is me, Mosa!"

"No! Our prince had a skinny body with a foolish face. His appearance wasn't like this!"

Mosa looked at the spear and swords directed at him. This didn't make him angry, but when he heard what they actually thought about him, it fueled his fury.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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