8.95% Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ) / Chapter 6: Chapter 6

บท 6: Chapter 6

This wasn't supossed to come out so soon but, as I hit a block on my other stories....

Kara pulled herself from the ground with a small groan of pain, all around her; she could hear people screaming in pain and despair.

Amber's last attack had caused a terrifying amount of damage, throughout the city, hundreds of buildings had exploded from the divine bolts and there were entire blocks demolished or on fire.

Shaking her head, Kara decided she didn't have the luxury of hiding anymore.

In a burst of speed, she flew towards the burning buildings and let out a long breath, a wave of icy wind blew through the rubble, smothering all the flames.

She spent the next few minutes rescuing people in dire need until Kori dropped by her side, releasing Amy and her two alternate personalities on the floor.

"What now, Friend Kara?" The Tamaranean asked in doubt.

"Now we find Amber and make her stop, no matter what." Kara growled even as she lifted a huge piece of building and freed two adult men from under it. "No more holding back, no more being gentle."

Kori just nodded, she was from a race of warriors and didn't see killing the same way most humans did.

"No!" Amy shouted and threw herself at Kara's waist to no effect. "That wasn't Amber; she'd never act like that!"

"I agree." Kara told her and shook her head in sadness. "But we just don't have the luxury of taking it easy."

Kara knew the girl who taunted them in the hospital couldn't be the same one who fled in shame at hurting a little girl. Even sick people didn't change so fast, but whatever she developed yet another personality or was being controlled didn't matter anymore. Not with this level of destruction.

The girl had killed hundreds, possibly thousands and, if left alone, would kill millions. She had to be stopped no matter what.

"Keep helping people and, if you see Amber, call out to me immediately, I'll be listening."

Kori nodded and flew away to help at another destroyed building while Kara dragged the girls towards a police officer.

"Stop!" The officer shouted while pointing his gun so Kara lifted her arms up.

A few moments later, Kara managed to calm the man down and get him to take care of her teenager problem. Flying back, she took off her helmet and wiped the sweat away from her face. Why the hell was no one from the Justice League showing up?

Frustrated, Kara grabbed a phone and tried to dial their hotline once again with no luck; she almost crushed it in her hands when she remembered another number.

"Hello, who's calling?" Said Catwoman's voice from over the phone.

"Selina, this is your new employer." Kara said with a tired voice. "Do you have any idea why the bat or one of his friends isn't in Fawcett city right now?"

"I'm a thief not a spy, information on the Bat's location wasn't in our deal."

"For Ra… never mind, just turn on the TV or something." Kara said as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Someone stole Captain Marvel's powers and is trying to destroy the city. Can you get in contact with someone from the League?"

"What?" Kara heard the woman scrambling over the phone. "I can try, but I'm not exactly trusted."

Turning off the phone, Kara put it back into her armor and continued to work.

Using her super senses, Kara worked tirelessly to rescue everyone she could, lifting cars and buildings, stopping fires and carrying the wounded, all the while keeping an eye out for Amber.

Three hours later, she had started feeling the exhaustion from overusing her powers while not fully healed. Her lungs were killing her and the electrical burns on her chest had started to ache under her armor.

With a blast of heat vision, Kara melted a few metal beans, creating a solid structure to hold one of the demolished buildings in place and helped the rescue workers by creating some stairs from rubble.

Kara's phone finally rang, fishing it out of her armor; she turned it on without looking. "Did you manage to call someone in the League?"

"Good evening young lady." Came a gentleman's voice from the phone. "This is Giovanni Zatara speaking, your criminal friend managed to interrupt one of my shows so this better be important."

"What?" Kara asked with some confusion, if Selina contacted Zatara why he wasn't here already. "Don't you have a TV or something? Fawcett city is in flames, it has got to be on TV by now."

"No, it isn't" Giovanni's voice suddenly became hard and to the point. "Explain."

Kara stared at her own phone, what the hell, was there something blocking the signal around the city? At least it didn't seem capable of blocking her repurposed alien tech phone.

"Someone stole Captain Marvel's powers and is using them to destroy the city."

"This better not be a joke or you're spending a month as a frog, young lady." Zatara said and Kara heard him scramble for his costume. "The rest of the League is dealing with an attack from Despero, but I'll be there in a minute."

Three minutes later, Kara heard chanting somewhere in the city and Giovanni floated up on a metal disk to hover over one of the spots she hadn't taken care of yet. "Hsiugnitxe eht semalf!"

Fires went out all around the man, drawing both Kara and Kori's attention; the girls flew towards the older hero and stopped in front of him.

Zatara had never been one of Kara's favorite heroes, but he was still a powerful member of the League and worked with her cousin, so she could barely contain herself.

"Pots eht doolb, laeh eht hself." He said and a blue light enveloped the victims, causing some to relax and helping the field medics.

Turning around, Zatara took them both in with only a disapproving glance at Kori's clothes.

"It appears you were truthful, seems like someone is blocking notice of this from getting on national news." The magician said while scratching at his chin. "Do you have anything of Captain Marvel I can track?"

"Just a moment, I think I have something."

Flying towards her house only took a moment, and Kara soon found a discarded jacket Billy had left behind before flying back. When she came back, Giovanni was speaking to Kori about what happened.

"Very well, I think I have a general idea of the situation, do you have anything to add… Kara was it?"

"Marvel said the girl only took the power of Zeus, not his other sources but, while wearing an inhibitor shackle, she also had powerful telekinesis."

"I see, let me see if I can locate them." Throwing the jacket up, Zatara enveloped it in a blue light and started chanting, his face closed in deep concentration. "Wohs em eht renwo fo siht tekcaj."

The jacket dissolved into motes of light that spread in a circle and formed a vision in front of the three of them, revealing Fawcett city before zooming in on the edge of the city.

On top of a building, Amber stood and discharged a continuous stream of power towards a mechanical device.

Billy was tied up to a chair, a gag on his mouth and desperately trying to escape, his face a mask of fear, but also determination. Around him were several people Kara didn't recognize.

There was a giant humanoid with gray skin and sharp ears. Bulging with muscles, the man was enjoying himself by threatening to crush Billy's fingers one by one.

Another shirtless man with a Mohawk sat at the edge of the building and waved a rustic mace around as if he was a music conductor to the city's screams.

A metallic robot with a conical head stood at Amber' back like a bodyguard.

By their side was a giant beholder, its tentacles wiggling in excitement and its huge eye staring right at Billy with delight.

The last member of the group made Kara stop and scratch at her own eyes before looking again because she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Flying around the building and crackling like mad was the Wicked Witch of the West… from Oz

Kara had no idea Oz was in the DC universe. What the hell?

"I don't see Marvel?" Zatara said in confusion, making Kara wince.

"When not transformed he's a ten years old boy."

Zatara's hold on his cane tightening, almost breaking the wood. "I… see, I'll need to have a… talk with the League."

"Do you have a plan or should we just attack?"

"I recognize some of our enemies and they are by no means weak. Alone, I am no match for all of them." The man said and cut off his spell. "I must know what the two of you can do if I am to have an idea of our chances."

Kara frowned and swallowed, she really wanted to take her time before revealing herself… A glance around and she shook herself, every second they wasted, more people would be in danger and she couldn't justify keeping her secret at their expense.

"I'm a Kryptonian, my friend is a Tamaranean."

Giovanni did a double take. "I'm sorry, did you just say Kryptonian?"

"Yes, my full name is Kara Zor-El."

The hero took a second to process that, but then nodded, he had his priorities straight

"And what can a Tamaranean do?"

"Basically, a slightly weaker Kryptonian capable of throwing bolts of concussive light instead of heat vision."

"Hmmm, or chances just became much better." Giovanni smiled viciously.

"All of our enemies have fought Marvel before and managed to escape. The alien man is called Oom the mighty and is a physical match to Marvel.

The second man is called Ibac and he made a deal with some demon or devil, it works much like Marvel's own powers, only drawn from evil humans of the past.

The Robot is called Mister Atom and he has super strength and can shoot radiation but, without a source of nuclear power nearby, he shouldn't be as strong.

The Wicked Witch of the West is a powerful magic user and can overcome most foes if they give her time.

The last member is Evil Eye, he can mind control people, it supposedly doesn't work on Marvel, but we have no such protections."

"Are Ibac and Oom's powers magical?"

"Ibac's are, but he shouldn't have anything truly exotic, he's mostly a brawler."

"Friend Kara, I must remind you Amber was not acting as herself in our last encounter, do you think it possible this Evil Eye was controlling her?"

"Evil eye's power shouldn't work on Marvel." Zatara interjected. "With the power of Zeus behind her, the girl should have become immune as well."

Looking around the city, Kara couldn't help hearing the crying from the wounded and the grieving, she squeezed her hands tightly and released a long breath.

"Considering what they have done, are you going to stop us if we don't hold back?"

"While I don't condone killing, I'm not as opposed to it as some of my friends in the League." Zatara confessed and sighed. "I have seen far too much to hold myself back like that."

"Alright, we should be able to surprise them and take out some of their members before the fighting even starts."

"I'm listening."

Kara sighed; she wouldn't be holding back, she wouldn't be nice. Briefly closing her eyes, Kara smiled, it wasn't a nice smile.

They approached the spot from the air, all three of them flying above the dark cloud of rain that was covering the city.

From her spot there, Kara could see hundreds of people guarding the building, most were holding guns, but some were using iron pipes or even chairs as weapons and walking around like zombies.

Amber somehow had an invisible shield around herself and Kara wasn't entirely sure she could break through it on a single strike, so she decided to leave the girl for later.

"Are you ready?" Giovanni asked the both of them and they nodded at the same time.

Lifting his cane, Giovanni pointed it at Kara and Kori and started laying spells; protections against magic, evil and mind control were the main spells he used.

They wouldn't block everything, but Giovanni said it would make any blow they received weaker for a time or until his magic was overwhelmed.

"Tel Reh Swolb ecreip lacigam sreirrab!" He finished while pointing at Kara and almost fell down from his floating disk as the cost of his latest spell hit him.

Stretching her neck, Kara took off her helmet, it had been dented by Amber's previous telekinetic blow, and she didn't want it getting in her way. Then she fell, a second later she put all her power in her flight and burst right through the sound barrier, flying like an arrow towards her target.

Ibac and Oom snapped their heads up and started to straighten when Kara flew fist first into the Wicked Witch, Giovanni's magic clashing against some kind of barrier and breaking right through.

Somehow, the witch managed to survive the blow, but Kara still drove her body into the ground creating a huge crater and breaking all of her bones.

Kara was equally disappointed and relieved that the witch's magic had managed to reinforce her body; with the woman completely defeated, she didn't feel right delivering a killing blow to her defenseless face.

Turning around, she flew up to see dozens of white birds dispersing the clouds and turning into shining projectiles that rained down on their enemies.

Ibac waved his mace and destroyed a few of the spells, but one hit him in the shoulder and sent his body spinning, the few that hit Oom only caused the alien to stumble, but the spells were far more effective in the others.

A few holes were punched right through Mr. Atom's iron armor and the Evil Eye released a loud screech of pain, his huge bulk catching most of the spells.

Amber didn't even move, an invisible shield covering her body and blocking every blow until one of Kori's starbolts struck her from behind and sent the girl flying.

Flying up, Kara concentrated and released a ray of heat vision as hot as she could, burning through the building before hitting the Evil Eye, the giant monster's flesh boiled under his skin and he exploded like a balloon.

It wasn't Kara's first kill, that dubious honor belonged to some of her captors, but it was the first time she made a conscious decision to do it.

Back then she had been running on pure instinct, a desperate need not to escape, to eliminate her captors so they would stop hurting her and she had barely thought about her actions.

Killing Evil Eye was different, it had been a deliberate action, she could have done something else, she had time to do something else, but chose to eliminate him to stop the villain from using his civilian thralls.

Kara expected to feel horror, to throw up or at least lose her breath but there was nothing, she just felt numb.

It had been so easy… a single stare and the villain was gone.

Kara gave a little giggle when she realized she could literally kill most beings on this planet with a look, then she stopped herself and swallowed.

It had been so easy, barely an inconvenience, a single look and a life was gone completely.

Glancing back, she saw the mind controlled humans regain their senses and start running away from the fight as fast as they could, almost trampling each other.

With some hope, she turned to Amber, but the girl didn't regain her mind and started throwing bolts of lightning towards Giovanni.

It was worth a try.

"Nrub!" With barely a second to react, Giovanni pointed his cane and released a wave of fire towards the girl.

The flames hit Amber's telekinetic shield and stopped dead, but it couldn't fully block the heat. With a scream of pain, she stumbled back and gave the magician a break from her blows.

Distracted, Ibac's mace hit Kara upside the head and sent her flying back, her ears ringing from the blow.

"Ah, and just when I started to think it would be boring." Ibac laughed and patted the head of his mace with a hand. "I'm going to enjoy destroying you, little girl!"

Despite having her hands burnt, Amber recovered fast and released another bolt of lightning back at the sky, interrupting Giovanni's next spell before she turned to Kara and smiled.

"Interesting, to think I'd be able to have a Kryptonian at my hands." The girl said and started walking towards her. "First, I get Marvel, now you… This day just keeps getting better and better, a pity Thaddeus couldn't make it."

Kara dodged a lightning strike and flew back when Ibac almost hit her again, taking a second to look around herself, she saw Kori in a heated battle with Oom.

The alien seemed stronger, but Kori was more skilled, dancing around his blows with beautiful martial arts moves and blowing him back with starbolts, a wide smile on her face despite their situation.

" Esir dna niated meht." Zatara shouted as he approached the building and concrete golems started rising from the floor before charging the enemies.

A blast of radiation hit Kara in the side and drove her back a few meters before she turned her head and struck Mr. Atom with another heat ray, melting his left arm.

Another lightning bolt hit her chest, but Zatara's protection held and she retreated behind Ibac's body, making it impossible to strike her without also hitting the man.

Briefly glancing aside, Kara burned the ropes tying up Billy's arms and desperately dodged another of Ibac's blows, the maniac laughing all the while.

"Pathetic, at least the other one is a male and a worthy opponent." Ibac mocked and grabbed one of the golems, throwing the entire thing at her. "Will you keep running, little girl? Or will you let me catch you and show you your place?!"

Looking at Ibac's impressive physique, Kara trembled and slowly floated back, she released another heat ray, but Ibac managed to block it with his weapon and smirk.

With a roar, the villain charged and Kara flew up trying to escape from him.

Filled with confidence, Ibac actually dropped his mace and jumped up, grabbing her leg and trying to drag her down with his weight. "Oh I'm gonna have fun with you!"

Kara smiled, she didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to underestimate a Kryptonian so much but Ibac deserved a prize.

Dropping her pretense of fear, she turned around and kneed him in the nose.

With a grunt of pain, Ibac's hand released her leg and he started to fall, whipping around. She grabbed his wrist and punched his face as hard as she could manage.

Blood flew everywhere, the blow was so strong it sent Ibac's body flying, only to be stopped by the hold she had on his arm. With a loud snap, his shoulder was dislocated.

From the side, Mr. Atom had recovered and delivered a strong blast of radiation so Kara swung her villain around by his loose arm and blocked the blast, then used him as a weapon to pummel the robot through the building.

Lifting the screaming villain, Kara punched his face again and then thought about what he said. "Oh I'm going to enjoy this, little boy."

Dropping him to the ground, she flew down as fast as she could, causing another sonic boom and hitting him between his legs with her booted foot, folding his body in half before breaking through the roof and several floors until they hit the ground.

Ibac was left disabled and foaming at the mouth, his body seemed to deflate as whatever power he held fled and he became just another street thug. Satisfied, Kara flew up from the hole they had made and cracked her fingers.

To the side, Kori blasted Oom off the rooftop with a starbolt, but the alien managed to grab her and drag her down with him, they hit the ground with a devastating impact.

Worried, Kara couldn't help but use her X-Ray vision to look through the building and see Oom punching her friend in the face twice before Kori kicked him off, sending him flying away and flying after him.

A bolt of lightning struck Kara's armor and sent sparks flying as the armor started melting on top of her body.

"Do I have to do everything myself!" Amber screamed and the rubble started flying around her, blocking another of Zatara's spells.

Turning into a bolt of lightning, Amber flashed to Giovanni's side and struck him with lightning, Zatara's protection blocked the lightning, but he lost control of his disk and fell down.

Billy had finally managed to fully escape his bindings and was running away from the fight when Mr. Atom burst through the roof in front of him, the damaged robot almost managed to grab the boy when Kara dropped on its head and dented the metal with a kick.

"No, cease this action!" the robot shouted and tried to pry her off with his one good hand, bolts of radiation flying from his eyes.

Grabbing Mr. Atom's head, Kara twisted it aside, making the metal scream until she pulled it right off.

Adjusting her grip, Kara used the head as a projectile to try and hit Amber, causing the girl to turn into lightning again and appear a few meters away.

Despite having defeated most of her allies, Amber didn't seem all that worried as she stood there and watched Mr. Atom's head flying away. "How disappointing, I really should have waited for Thaddeus, at least he is competent."

"It's over my dear." Zatara said as he stepped back into the roof and straightened his suit. "You're strong, but you can't hope to defeat the both of us."

"Heo hao heeee hohe hoo, you really think you have defeated me?" Amber turned her head sideways and sighed. "I admit I got a little greedy, after obtaining the power of Zeus so easily, I wanted to try stealing the other attributes too, and so I kept the boy alive and the damage to a minimum."

Before she was finished talking, Kara was already moving, unfortunately, with a wave of her hand, Amber released a giant thunderbolt which struck the building, it was so powerful it made the ground shake and actually disintegrated whatever it hit, turning it into dust and leaving a scorched hole in its place.

Dodging another spell from Zatara, Amber forced him to block a smaller bolt and struck him from behind with a head sized piece of rubble pulled by her telekinesis.

Kara took the chance to strike, punching the girl's smug face.

Her fist hit a telekinetic shield with so much force it created a shockwave, then it broke through, hitting Amber's face and sending her stumbling back.

"Heooo hee haaa huee, really impressive Kara." Amber said, massaging her face. "Kryptonians really are a step above those pathetic humans, I almost don't despise you, come on, hit me more, hit me harder!"

She did, this time she kicked the girl and sent her body flying back, her body bounced twice off the ground and started falling off the roof before Amber flashed again and appeared back at the edge, one of her arms holding her chest and the other broken, she still managed to gather another bolt of lightning.

"Pots, tel ruoy rewop eb delaes!" Zatara said as he pulled himself up, managing to cut off Amber's attack and creating a magical barrier around her.

"How cute, you think your weak magic can really contain the power of Zeus? You think it can contain my power?" Opening her arm wide, Amber released lightning from all around her body, it hit the barriers and bounced back quickly increasing in brightness until they could barely see her body inside.

"What now, do I kill her?" Kara asked. She didn't want to kill the girl if she was being controlled, but didn't see a better option.

"No, without the full blessings, her body shouldn't be able to channel much more of Zeus power." Zatara sighed and pointed his cane at himself. "Laeh ym sdnuow."

A blue light washed over his body and he slowly straightened his back, his wounds closing, but taking a lot out of his magical reserves.

Cracks started forming around the cage and it finally burst, releasing another massive thunder towards the sky and revealing exhausted Amber resting on her knees.

Kara was worried about her friend, but she trusted the Tamaranean to overcome her enemy, so she walked with Zatara towards the panting Amber, her eyes downcast.

"Accept you de…"

"Let's not raise any more flags, will you." Kara interrupted.

"Very well." Zatara almost laughed as he recovered his breath. "Sniahc kcol reh sbmil."

Magical chains burst out from the ground and encircled Amber's arms and legs before grabbing her by the shoulder and forcing her up.

"Now let's just find out how to return Marvel's powers."

Amber finally lifted her face and Kara's eyes widened at the sharp look in her eyes, in reflex; she started jumping away as the teenager opened her mouth and spewed a wave of hundreds of small green maggots.

Dozens of the creatures got into Kara's body and gripped her armor with tiny little claws, but she burned them away with heat vision as fast as she could, their tiny bodies bursting like popcorn.

When she finally stopped, Kara saw Zatara covered in the maggots and stumbling around. Before she could help, one of the creatures climbed inside his ear and he fell to his knees for a second, then smiled, dissolved his chains and helped Amber up.

"Well shit."

"Crude, but aptly put." They said at the same time while staring at her. "A pity you managed to escape."

Using her X-Ray vision, Kara stared at their bodies and saw a tiny maggot resting inside the heads of both of them; the one inside Giovanni even had some kind of device around its neck.

Great, now there were two magical enemies to fight against.

"Wols nwod, emoceb kaew." Zatara whispered before Kara gathered herself and she felt her body becoming heavy.

Lifting her arm, Amber pointed her way and started gathering a bolt, Kara tried to fly aside, but her movements were sluggish, the bolt hit her in the arm and locked her muscles.

She fell to the floor twitching and out of breath, but managed to look at them and release her heat vision, the shot went over their heads and Amber hit her with another bolt before she could adjust.

"Ahhh, the delicious sound of pain." Zatara said as he started walking towards her.

"What was it you said?" Mocked Amber. "It's over my dear, you're strong, but you can't hope to defeat the both of us."

"You should know… ugh, how that turned out for you." The worm inside their heads laughed with that ridiculous laugh once again and Kara recovered enough to start flying away at a slow speed, but her muscles still felt like jelly. "Who are you anyway?"

"You may call me Mr. Mind my dear." Amber said with a smile. "Leader of the Monster Society of Evil!"

"Are you for real?"

"Ah, I know it's a little cliché, but I find those pathetic humans need all the help they can get making sense of things." The worm inside Amber talked using her voice. "You know, I usually prefer to act as the chess player, moving things from the shadows but, with dear Amber, Giovanni and now a Kryptonian under my power, I may need to rethink my approach."

When another bolt of electricity was thrown her way, Kara dodged and started flying away, using the rubble to block Zatara's line of sight and avoid his spells.

She tried to burst into the building to hide, but Zatara's spell had temporarily stolen her strength.

Using blasts of heat vision and throwing rubble, Kara managed to keep the worm from flanking her while she hid behind the pieces of the destroyed rooftop and tried to think about a solution.

"Evlossid eht elbbur ni tnorf fo em!"

Zatara's magic blasted from his body on a cone and every piece of rubble Kara could hide behind was turned to dust. Feeling exposed, Kara gave a burst of speed and flew towards the destroyed hole Mr. Atom had made. Behind her, she could hear Amber laughing and gathering another charge, the villain pointed with her finger and started to release the bolt of lightning.

She was just starting to fly into the hole when she saw Billy jump from behind a boulder, his limbs trembling and his eyes squeezed tightly in fear. "Shazam!"

"NO!" Kara screamed and tried to throw herself on the way, but she was too slow.

Then Amber's bolt struck him in the chest and there was a huge flash of light as a stream of lightning flowed into his body, sending the boy flying over the edge of the roof.

"No!" Kara cried out.

Ignoring the worm's amused laugh she flew toward the edge with no care for any evasion, expecting another bolt, it never came.

"Ah, damnation." Amber and Zatara said at the same time.

"Tropelet ot reh!"

Suddenly, Kara felt Zatara's body hit her from behind, grabbing her waist, the magician threw up another wave of worms over her body and she heard their little claws digging into her armor as they hurried towards her head, some of them spilling over her body to fall on the ground.

"SHAZAM!" Another bolt of lightning hit her body, this one washing over her without damage and destroying all of the worms while pushing Zatara away.

A second later, Zatara's spell broke and Kara shot over the edge of the building like a speeding bullet, when she managed to turn around, she finally saw Captain Marvel floating there.

From over the other side of the building Kori arrived, she had a black eye and a split lip, her hair was a mess, but she was smiling in satisfaction, having clearly won her fight.

"Ah, this is truly a pity." The worm said from both of its hosts. "Perhaps I shouldn't play so much next time."

"There won't be a next time, Mr. Mind." Captain Marvel said, his voice deep and reassuring in his transformed form.

"Ah, but that's where you are mistaken Captain, even if you manage to capture me, which I highly doubt, I have seen your prisons, I'll escape before the year is over."

Kara winced, this was DC so the worm was probably right, even the Joker escaped every year and he didn't even have powers.

"Anyway, I think I'll escape now, despite my… miscalculation by having a little too much fun, I'll still like to keep both my prizes."

Around them the entire building started shaking before the upper floor broke into huge boulders and floated up around Amber and Zatara.

Marvel tried to charge in, using his body to break through the rubble, but he was hit by another telekinetic strike and his trajectory was changed.

All three of them started dodging the boulders, Kori blasting starbolts to try and break them into tiny pieces.

With a giant breath, Kara screamed, releasing a wave of sound which blasted a path clear towards the duo and made them stumble while grabbing at their ears.

"AAaaahhhh." Amber and Zatara screamed as they fell to their knees.

Taking the chance, all three of them flew through the opening; the captain grabbed Amber and held her in a tight hold while Kara and Kori went for Zatara.

Kara was about to punch Zatara's throat to stop him from casting when his next spell completed.

"Tcejer eht mrow." A green worm was sent flying from inside his ear and Zatara sagged in relief.

Seeing the creature flying away, Kara blasted it with heat vision and both girls helped keep Zatara up, with a sight he smiled at them.

"I must thank you; your shout disrupted the creature's control and gave me the opening I needed." He shouted, his ears still bleeding from the blow. "Hateful little thing, but a powerful telepath, he was on pair with John."

"Can you get rid of the one inside Amber before it recovers?"

"What?" the man shouted and Kara just pointed at the girl in Captain Marvel's arms.

"Ah, right." Then Zatara coughed up some blood and his limbs lost strength, his body almost slipping from the girl's grip. "The, coff coff, the creature used too much of… of my magic, ugh even I can't use so many spells or make a Kryptonian so weak without paying a price."

"Release her Mr. Mind, Release the girl." the Captain ordered. "I won't allow you to keep controlling her, don't force me to burn you out of her!"

"Hueee hee hoo hee, and what will you do Marvel, kill me?" Amber said with the same dispassionate voice as before. "That will not be possible."

"You don't think you can still escape, do you?" The Captain asked, but became worried when Amber just passed out in his arms.

With a sudden realization, Kara remembered the Worm that had just flown out of Giovanni's ear didn't have a device at its neck.

"Still escape?" Kara barely heard a smug robotic voice from inside the building. "But I already have."

Wiping her head around, Kara saw through the walls of the building to find a worm standing over Ibac's body, a small electronic device held in a collar around its neck and the device Amber had been charging with lightning when Zatara had cast a search spell resting beside him.

"Contrary to you stubborn heroes, I know when to make an exit." The worm mocked even as Kara burst through the floors in a straight line towards the thing. "Pathetic, even the Kryptonian didn't notice when I traded places with one of my brood after trying to snare her the second time."

"NO!" Kara screamed in rage as Mr. Mind activated a device on Ibac's body.


A huge portal opened behind them and Mr. Mind lifted Ibac's body with his telekinesis, ridding the unconscious villain inside the portal.

Kara refused to allow it, How dare he kill so many people, hurt so many and think he could just escape!

Bursting through the last floor, Kara saw she was too late to stop then, in a burst of rage; she released another ray of heat from her single eye aimed directly towards the little worm.

Mr. Mind's telekinetic barrier distorted the heat from the ray, dispersing it into a large area but not stopping it entirely. It washed over their bodies, burning both the worm and Ibac as if it had been a wave of flames, the villain screeched in terrible pain as its skin swollen and blistered and the little voice box on his chest exploded, taking off a chunk of his small body.

Then the portal disappeared, cutting off Mr. Mind's telekinetic control and dropping everything he had been holding up with a devastating impact.

Breathing hard, Kara lashed out in rage, punching the ground and creating another crater. She hoped the heat had killed the monster, but didn't really think it would happen.

Finally calming down, she floated up, her hair in disarray around her, sometime in the fight, she had lost her eye-patch and her armor was almost entirely melted. When she finally flew out of the building and hit open air, she froze.

All around her, looking a little tired and filled with minor wounds, was the entire Justice League, her cousin floating in the center, a gash on his forehead and some of his costume destroyed.

"Ah, hi." Kara's mind froze and she tried to wave a hand over her messy hair, her eye taking on Earth's mightiest hero. "Long time no see, little cousin."

CaptaoCav CaptaoCav

Hey, and to think I said this chapter would only come next month.

This entire arc kind of snuck up on me. Amy, and Amber, were always someone hired by Mr. Mind to test Captain Marvel but she was supossed to be defeated in one chapter and his involvement would only be foreshadowed, instead we get 3 to 4 chapters and half of the Monster Society of Evil involved.

thats the dangers of being a discovery writer I guess, not everything goes according to plan.

As far as I'm aware the Monster Society of Evil is the oldest supervillain team around (or at least one of the oldest), as for which version of the Society it is... I'd say it was mine.

Every villain in this chapter was once a member but, with DC's constant rebirths, universe destructions, different dimentions and messed up timelines I'm not sure they ever participated in the society at the same time.

Mr. Mind version is the Venusian worm one and not the one shown on the lattest Shazam movie and Hq's so he doesn't have his own magic.

The Society also wasn't complete, Mr. Mind's actions were harsh and he didn't have the time to gather all of its members

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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