
Winter is Coming

Chapter 16 Winter is Coming

2 weeks after park events.

POV Third Person

In a remote town late at night, a battle was taking place between the professional hero duo known as Water Hose against Muscular, a very dangerous A-rank villain.

It's been more than 30 minutes since the battle started so all the civilians managed to evacuate the small town while the nearest reinforcements are 10 minutes away. However, the Water Hose hero duo are barely holding their own after battling this very powerful villain for an extended period of time.

"Water Pressure!" The pair of professional heroes exclaims sending a powerful water current in the direction of Muscular who uses his muscle fibers to protect himself from the powerful current of water.

"Damn heroes, I will kill you both painfully for interrupting my fun!" Muscular exclaims angrily creating more and more muscle fibers around his body before charging toward them like a rabid animal.

Given this, both heroes realize that they will not be able to win this battle.

"Kota... my son... we won't be able to return home this time..." One of the heroes says in a female voice falling to her knees due to exhaustion. In that, the other remaining hero who is her husband stands by sending out a stream of water with all his might which gets weaker as the end draws near.

"You are the man of the house now, Kota." He whispers as he closes his eyes thinking of his little son waiting for them at home.

"It's time to die!" Muscular exclaims in front of them with a sadistic smirk on his face as he swings his massive muscle-covered fist at them.

Then a powerful energy blast hits Muscular's chest sending him flying into a nearby house causing it to collapse on top of him.

"What? What has happened?" Whispers the perplexed hero looking at a miniature tank in front of him and his wife while the tank's cannon is giving off smoke


Chaos-12 Mini-Tank

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It is a small but powerful remote-controlled miniature tank capable of firing powerful energy blasts in order to destroy and pierce heavy armor. It is a perfect device for infiltrating and causing chaos around you.

It can be controlled from miles away, however, a substantial impact on the mini tank's structure will cause its power core to fail, causing it to self-destruct.


At that moment, Child Emperor lands in front of the duo of heroes causing a small shock wave that surprises both heroes. "Wow, that was certainly very dramatic and exciting." Child Emperor says holding a remote control in his hands.

"Child Emperor!" Both heroes exclaim in surprise as they stagger a bit due to how exhausted they are. "How long have you been watching us?" the woman asks coughing lightly.

"Minutes before the battle started and then spend the rest of the time eating popcorn and enjoying the show." Child Emperor gleefully replies with a thumbs up in their direction.

"I'm sure their heroic fight against Muscular will be trending on EmperorTube for a few days." He says picking up the mini tank and putting it in his backpack along with the remote control.

In that, Muscular's screams begin to be heard all over the place. "Get out of me! Get out of my head!" The screaming suddenly stops causing the hero couple to shiver.

"He'll be fine, don't worry." Child Emperor says waving his hand in disdain and looking intently at the hero duo with a predatory smile.

"What? What do you want from us?" The woman asks shakily as she squeezes her husband's hand. They know very well that they don't stand a chance against an S-Rank villain like Child Emperor.

"Me?" Child Emperor says looking both ways before pointing at himself with a shitty smile behind his gas mask.

"I want to play a game!" Child Emperor exclaims spreading his arms theatrically as small flying objects hover behind him and swoop in the direction of the hero duo as small red lights illuminate the surroundings.


At the same time, outside a television studio.

"Uwabami! A photo! An autograph! Marry me!" Exclaim the crowd taking photos as the professional hero and celebrity Uwabami poses for her fans.

"Thanks for your support! Don't forget to buy my latest perfume!" She exclaims blowing a kiss towards the crowd who quickly go berserk as she gets into her limo and walks away from the crowd.

She takes a seat and relaxes in her comfortable limo as her gaze focuses on a strange hat at her side. At this, she clicks her tongue as she tosses the hat to the other end of the limo. "Whoever invented that monstrosity of a hat is not worthy of being called a fashion designer." She sighs.

Uwabami's senses have always been very sharp due to her quirk whereupon, shortly after, her eyes narrow towards the driver's back. There is a reinforced glass that separates her from the driver so she didn't notice something very important before.

"He smells different." She whispers taking out her cell phone to inform her hero agency of her situation and request backup, however, her phone stops working as the vehicle starts speeding up more and more.

"You noticed, right?" Says the Chauffeur with a creepy giggle looking through the rearview mirror as he presses a button. At this, the lights inside the vehicle turn off completely while a small red light turns on not far from her making mechanical noises before lunging at Uwabami.

"Damn!" She exclaims activating her quirk which causes three snakes that were sleeping on her head to start desperately defending her from whatever it is that is attacking her until everything falls silent.

After all, she is not a heroine made for combat.

"Just as Child Emperor predicted." Toga hums looking in the rearview mirror with a predatory grin on her face.


In another location several kilometers from Japan's most secure prison, a group of police vehicles is heading towards Tartarus in order to deliver a highly dangerous prisoner while using a little-traveled road to reach their destination.

However, the path is blocked by a small hooded figure with his hands on the ground.

"What's that? A boy?" One of the officers asks trying to communicate with the other vehicles, however, it is in vain because he does not receive any response. "What about communications?" He nervously asks.

"Ice Age!" The small figure exclaims as a powerful stream of ice freezes everything in front of him. Given this, the road along with the vehicles that were approaching the figure was frozen and immobilized, causing the perpetrator's eyes to widen in astonishment and fear.

Just then, two armored vehicles speed up and pull up behind the small figure as several hooded figures with Hydra logos on their suits climb out of the vehicles.

"You did well, little brother." Dabi says with a proud smile on his face. "Now, get in the vehicle and stay safe." He says nodding his head before rushing towards the police convoy along with several people.

"They attack us!" A pro hero who was escorting the convoy exclaims as his entire body transforms into solid rock ready to fight the villains. However, when he got out of his vehicle, a powerful shield crashed into his head, knocking him out immediately.

"This shield is fantastic! It's not bad at all!" Twice exclaims using the shield given to him by Child Emperor for the first time along with a new costume after the events of the fake kidnapping.

"Hail Hydra!" Twice exclaims raising both fists in the air due to the excitement of the moment as he begins to fight several police officers at the same time.

Dabi ignores the small fight as he approaches his target, at which a small but compact ball of blue fire forms between his hands and sends it toward the back of a huge transport van. This causes the blast door to melt allowing him to enter the interior.

Inside the interior of the van is a huge metal box with numerous security chains and bars from which comes a peculiar scream.

"Meat, meat, give me meat!" A desperate scream is heard coming from inside.

"This kid sometimes scares me with his strange games..." Dabi whispers with a crooked smile on his face. "Hail Hydra." He whispers.


2 weeks later

POV Ujiko Daruma

"Are you sure about all this, brat?" I say staring at a screen in the comfort of my secret lab.

"Yep!" Child Emperor exclaims raising both hands in the air in excitement behind a screen as he holds a lollipop in his hand without needing his mask. After all, I know the true identity of Child Emperor. "The heroes are coming for me!" He exclaims with a predatory smile on his face.

"Shouldn't you be panicking or evacuating that base?" I ask raising an eyebrow, however, I quickly shake my head realizing who I'm dealing with. "You are without a doubt, a walking ball of chaos, did you know that?" I smiled slightly.

Most likely he orchestrated the whole thing.

This kid has no limits and that is what makes him so scary and interesting at the same time. Since I have been helping Child Emperor under All For One's orders, we have both developed a strange relationship of mutual respect due to both of us having advanced knowledge in different areas.

We usually discuss our theories for hours and even help each other with our projects, however, the kid is against human experimentation on innocent people. I guess he's just a kid after all.

I still remember when he forced me to release a dozen captives in exchange for a more effective method of investigation. It should be noted that the results were favorable.

"The show will be unforgettable, after all, Base C-137 was built for one purpose." Child Emperor says with an evil smile on his face.

The amount of resources that Child Emperor possesses is one of the biggest mysteries. How deep has his organization infiltrated? What is the actual range of Hydra? So many questions and few answers.

"Keep Tomura and the old man away." Child Emperor says with a knowing smile.

Child Emperor doesn't trust All For One and All For One doesn't trust Child Emperor. Those two have a lot in common.

"Base C-137…" I hum, remembering something interesting. "Isn't that the base where you have a throne made of swords? How convenient." I whisper before starting to laugh out loud.

How far is this kid capable of going? I want to know what his limits are, what his true motivation is, and what he is willing to sacrifice to achieve his goals.

"I'm a fan of…" Child Emperor says shifting his gaze to the side as he narrows his eyes as if he's watching something in the distance. "Hey! Do not touch that!" Child Emperor exclaims as glass is heard breaking.

"Help!" I hear a child scream as part of the room Child Emperor is in suddenly freezes.

"I told you not to touch that! Dabi, your brother is attacked by one of my inventions again!" Child Emperor exclaims in frustration.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm the only responsible person here!" Child Emperor exclaims before abruptly cutting off communication.

At that, the screen automatically shows a different room with numerous professional heroes and police officers discussing the plan of action against Child Emperor and the Hydra organization.

"We are all part of a great and elaborate game…" I whisper seriously. "A game controlled by a monster in the body of a little kid. Fascinating!" I exclaim with admiration.

Child Emperor is undoubtedly a unique specimen in this world plagued by extraordinary things, however, All For One will not sit idly by while a little kid threatens his position.


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POV Isamu

"I am sorry." Shoto Todoroki whispers starting to thaw the ice in the room.

"Your brother pestered me for days for the purpose of accepting you into my organization." I say looking at him carefully as he shudders at my gaze. "After all, you are only a child." I sigh scratching my head.

It was a bit premature to accept Shoto into Hydra, however, with proper training, he will be extremely powerful in the future which benefits me. In the same way, I already have plans for him to enter the school of heroes with Izuku.

"I will be useful!" He exclaims clenching his fists. "I… I will definitely be useful to Hydra." He says quickly. In other words, Shoto sees me as some kind of personal hero and wants to help Hydra as a sort of debt for freeing him from his father.

"You will be useful, Shoto." I say walking up to him with my hands behind my back. "And in the process, you will help shape this twisted world." I say with a slightly crooked smile on my face.

At my words, Shoto's eyes shine with blind admiration as a determined look spreads across his face. "Hail…" He whispers before looking at me intently. "Hail Hydra!" He exclaims raising his fist in the air as I keep walking with a smile on my face.

I really am evil.

"Don't brainwash my little brother." Dabi says getting in my way as he crosses his arms and shakes his head.

"I have no idea what you mean, after all, you were the one who brought him here." I answer innocently shrugging past him.

"Soon an epic battle will take place at Base C-137, all agents keep their assigned positions, I don't want anyone to interfere in my little game." I say stopping at the door. "Twice will be the only person accompanying me." I say seriously looking at the occupants of the room.

"Stay safe, brat." Dabi whispers.

"Winter is Coming." I whisper with a shitty smile on my face as I start to head in the direction of Base C-137.

Nezu, Sir Nighteye... No matter how much they plan against me, after all...

In a battle of wits, I am second to none!


POV Third Person

"Hydra's base of operations is located in the center of a large thick forest, thanks to joint efforts with I-Island we have managed to obtain this valuable information." Sir Nighteye explains, pointing on a screen at a huge structure that is undoubtedly Hydra's base and thus where the S-rank villain Child Emperor is hiding.


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"Usually I-Island stays away from the internal conflicts of other countries, however, Child Emperor has drawn the attention of many people within the island due to his interesting inventions." Says David Shield looking at all the heroes in the room, in that, his gaze stops at All Might who simply gives a thumbs up.

"I was sent by I-Island to provide logistical support and document the capture operation against Child Emperor and the criminal organization known as Hydra." He seriously says with his hands behind his back

"We certainly know very little about Hydra and it is precisely for that reason that it is a very dangerous organization." Nezu says slowly. "According to the information we managed to collect Child Emperor is an important member within the organization, however, we have no information about who controls Hydra or what their goal is." He says snorting a bit.

"Two weeks ago." Says Sir Nighteye. "The hero duo Water Hose and Uwabami were kidnapped as well as the disappearance of the villain Muscular and the ambush of a convoy carrying the villain Moonfish." He says adjusting his glasses as Naomasa Tsukauchi stands up.

"A day after these disappearances a video was posted on EmperorTube showing the fight between Water Hose and Muscular. Which is why we are sure that Child Emperor and the Hydra organization are involved in these disappearances." Naomasa says.

"Since then no further posts have been recorded except for a cryptic message." He says checking his laptop. "Winter Is Coming." It's all he says.

"That message can be interpreted as a show of power, a threat, or a simple mockery on his part, however, Child Emperor should not be underestimated, much less the organization of which he is a part." Nezu says with an unreadable look.

"Hydra and all its members will pay to make Kota-Kun cry!" Mandalay exclaims bumping her fists in frustration and anger before being controlled by Tiger and Pixie-Bob who are part of her team of heroes.

"Child Emperor is being used against his will by that evil organization!" Hawk exclaims. "We have to save him from the clutches of Hydra!" He exclaims hitting his fist against a table causing a dent. "I promised him I would save him." He whispers.

"Don't defend a murderer!" Exclaims Rock Lock pointing accusingly at Hawks "It's his fault Gunhead is...!" He exclaims clenching his fists.

"Child Emperor may be an S-rank villain, however, he is not a heartless killer." Says Eraser Head yawning. "He could have easily killed many professional heroes and decimated the entire city with his warlike inventions, however, he didn't. He is just a troublesome kid who needs help…a lot of help." He sighs.

"We also have information that the Hydra organization has some kind of alliance with a very dangerous villain called All For One." Naomasa intervenes causing many people in the large room to tense up.

"I will be direct with all of you, we have no idea what we will be up against." Sir Nighteye says walking to the center of the room under everyone's watchful eyes. "Those who don't want to participate in the operation please leave the room right now." He says pointing to the door.

"I failed in my duty as a symbol of peace once, I will not make the same mistake twice." All Might says with a completely serious face. "We are professional heroes, we are the pillar that separates the dark from the light." He says with determination drawing admiring glances from many heroes.

At this, no person left the room.

"I officially welcome you to the strike group, you are very brave heroes and you have my greatest respect for that. "Offer up your heroic hearts!" Sir Nighteye exclaims placing one hand behind his back while the other rests on his heart as a sign of respect towards the heroes and officers in the room, surprising everyone.

At that moment, all the heroes and policemen in the room stand up with a look of determination on their faces imitating the same salute.

Hours later, led by Sir Nighteye, the assault group set off for their uncertain fate with the purpose of putting down the growing criminal organization known as Hydra and capturing the S-rank villain Child Emperor.

"Ahead!" Sir Nighteye exclaims, pointing to the forest in the distance, as dozens of professional heroes and police officers begin the operation.


POV Isamu

"They are here." I whisper looking through a huge window at the top of my tower, I am currently at Base C-137. "In this game, you either win or lose…there is no middle ground." I say as my heart starts beating faster.

"System, play my epic music selection." I whisper as the speakers begin to play the Game of Thrones opening song.

"Sir Twice, you will be my royal guard in this game." I say cheekily pointing at Twice who quickly nods his head and plays the part perfectly.

"I will be your shield and your sword! They will have to go over my corpse to get to you!" Twice exclaims with a comical bow as he protectively stands by my side using his new outfit along with his powerful shield.

"If the heroes want to get to me, they will have to go through my forest of chaos and reach the highest level of my tower." I say with a sly smile looking at the forest surrounding the tower before turning around and starting to walk toward the center of the huge room.

At this, my eyes light up as I watch as dozens of humanoid robotic figures position themselves at my sides wearing tactical suits with the symbol of Hydra and equipped with laser weapons forming a long and orderly line towards a huge throne.

In this superhuman society, if you can dream it, you can do it.

I stand in front of my throne as numerous holographic screens appear around me showing various people in different parts of the world watching me at this moment.

They are the undercover agents of Hydra around Japan and parts of the world.

"Today the heroes will know our power with a great show of force." I exclaimed looking at all the holographic screens before me. "We are the shadow that lurks in the dark!" I exclaim as a look of determination settles on the faces of all these people.

"If one head is cut off, two more will take its place." I say slowly as my words are absorbed by all of them.

"Hail Hydra!" I exclaim extending my hand epically towards them before taking a seat on my comfortable iron throne with a satisfied smile gracing my face as I activate all the defensive mechanics of the tower and the forest.

"Hail Hydra! Hail Hydra! Hail Hydra!" All the people through the holographic screens along with the robotic figures in the room and Twice start exclaiming over and over again raising their fists in the air.

At that moment, in the forest, numerous heroes freeze in fear as they watch the red-eyed figures appear from the trees with a gaze that promises only pain.

"Let the Games Begin!"


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Empe_ror99 Empe_ror99

The Forces of Good VS The Forces of Chaos.

Who will prevail?

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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