
Hosu city incident

___( A hero pov)___(An: trying something different.)

We are currently fighting monsters who attacked the city square. I don't call them people because it's impossible to a person to be like that.

My name is Riku, and my quirk is water jet. There was two monsters currently in the square, there was three but one was blasted away by Endeavour. Together with other heroes we are doing our best to contain the two waiting for back up to arrive.

The winged one seems to be a opportunistic type of beast, watching from above waiting for an opportunity to attack. The behemoth is more of a tank who are currently ignoring all the damage and going wild in the group of heroes at the front.

" Don't get distracted! This beast is dangerous Jet!" My senpai warned me as I was apparently lost in thought. Jet was my hero name I am a hero that specializes in dealing with fires.

" Yes senpai!" I said, proceeding to launch streams of high pressure water trying to contain the beast, slowing it down. All the damage that the heroes were dishing were totally ignored by the beast who was like a fortress, resisting all the damage and healing all wounds.

Suddenly the winged monster took an opportunity to caught a Hero off guard, lifting him up. I immediately turned to him, using my quirk to make him let the hostage go.

Because of this distraction the behemoth suddenly appeared close to me with his hands up in a hammer like position, ready to smash me down.

' Shit.' Was all I thought. I could not react in time, all I could do was to stare at the fists that were coming down on me. Closing my eyes at the last moment.


I opened my eyes after not feeling anything hit me. The first thing I saw was the wide back of a person, the second thing was this person extending his hand to me, picking me up like a sack and throwing me away.(an: Sekizan has this bad habit of throwing people like sacks, heh that's funny.)

While in the air I saw the situation more clearly. It was a tall man with red hair and he had the big abomination at his feet, with the head into the ground. The creature made a move to get up and the man did a backflip dodging the swap it did.

I landed on the floor close to my senpai, with him coming to my position helping me up.

" Who is that person? I don't remember seeing him before." I asked curious. A hero that looked like that had to be more well known.

"That is the kid who is interning with the heroine Mirko recently. They are becoming famous the past week, what was his name again?" Senpai said, pausing to think.

" Scarlet Asura." He said as I put my attention onto the fight.

'Is this a kid?' I thought, bewildered.

The teen was dodging the monster and punching with absurd force, I could feel the presure from my position. Every time he punched the ground cracked, I don't know what he was doing but it sure was working.

" Rankyaku!" I heard he shout a move as he kicked with his leg, he created some sort of blade that cut the legs of the beast making kneel down.

Asura then kept the beast in place by holding its arms behind it's back, I was confused what was he doing?

" Luna fall!" Mirko descended from above kicking the exposed brain of the creature with absurd force, sending winds rolling through the field. I took a step back because of the presure.

' They sure are different.' I Thought seeing the now twitching monster in the ground.

__(end of pov)__

Sekizan was now above the felled Nomu, this one was weaker than the one he fought before. It seems that it just had regeneration and strength.

He looked at Rumi and gave her a pat on the head.

" Good work." He said almost instinctively.

Rumi swatted his hand away with irritation.

" Don't treat me like a child, you are the younger one here, arrogant brat!" She said, but was internally satisfied with his words.

" The flying one seems to be getting away, let's go after it." Sekizan ignored her words and proceeded to pick her up. She didn't have enough mastery to follow the airborne creature with geppo yet and to follow by land would just waste time.



He immediately gained altitude with the smaller hero is a princess like carry, her with hands around his neck and face close to his chest.

" You guys can deal with this one. Just tied him up or something, I'm going after the flying one." Sekizan shouted to the heroes bellow as they stared dumbly at the duo getting away.

The flying nomu was fast moving by air, Sekizan had to use Geppo continuously with both legs to get enough speed to catch up with it.

While he was chasing the creature, Rumi remained silent. He didn't know what she was thinking about.


(Pov Rumi Usagiyama)

Ahh what is this feeling? How can he pick me up like that? Look at the size of his chest, for firm.

*Sniff sniff*

' He smell so good, what a manly smell.' Rumi thought as she put her ears at the chest of the teen.

She heard the rhythmic beating heart that was not nervous about the situation, it was beating calmly but strongly.

' I need to get a hold of myself, now is not the time to think about such things.' Rumi thought, looking at the approaching Nomu that they were chasing.

' I gotta do something to show that I am not useless.' The heroine felt that she was treated differently by him, like a woman. She never was treated like this before, all others treated her like a battle maniac and a tomboy.

__(end of pov)__

Getting close to the airborne Nomu Sekizan prepared to put it down so they can fight more easily but was interrupted by Mirko as she jumped from his body pushing herself to the beast direction.

Sekizan was sent at the opposite direction but quickly corrected his body in the air, looking at the direction of the two.

Rumi, using the earlier boost, got above the Nomu and kicked his head strongly making it fall down at the ground at increasing speeds.

She tried soon after to use Geppo but did not had the technique down enough to use continuously at such height where the atmosphere was thinner, and began to fall.

Sekizan saw this and rushed while thinking.

' Women.' he couldn't guess her thought process at all.

Rumi was falling, still trying to perform the technique to reduce her speed when she was caught in a hug by Sekizan, their faces were currently very close.

" You are not going to reduce our speed?" She said noticing that the ginger didn't do anything to reduce their falling speed.

"Relax, gotta finish the monster somehow, no?" He responded nonchalantly, still free falling.

When they were close to the ground he ajusted his position and tossed her up again, using the counter force to accelerate more, getting right above the beast who just before crashed on the ground.


Sekizan landed with his two feet at the head of the Nomu, making a huge crater at the ground bellow. The head of the nomu exploded, dirtying his pants with a type of strange blood and brain matter, the creature's body remained twitching on the ground as if receiving electric shocks.(An: for those who killed an animal before know how they twich when you do it. A strange scene to experience in person to be sure.)

He redirected the counter force of his landing to the ground after he touchdown, receiving minimum injuries. With that much Kinect energy his muscles still rough up a bit, but this was minor compared with how they would be if he didn't redirected the force.

He caught Rumi in his arms again as he let her go just before he hit the ground, timing it perfectly.

The scene was a strange one to witness. A tall man with short red hair with scars all over his body with his feet dug in the head of a demon like creature with blood suling his pants, while he holds a woman wearing a white leotard with bunny like ears.

"Heh, that sure was fun." Sekizan said, still holding the rabbit hero in his arms as he stepped away from the corpse of the felled creature.

"Hm." Rumi had a misty look on her eyes. She looked at the face of Sekizan and suddenly kissed his lips.

Sekizan was surprised, this was another move he did not expected. He thought something like this was going to take more time to happen, but did not count the impact his actions caused on the rabbit heroine.

He didn't shy away from the kiss though. He was an old man in his last life he had experience in kissing ladies so he responded in kind.

" Heh, that was a surprise for sure, but a welcome one nonetheless." He said after she separated and got out from his arms.

" Shut up brat, don't let this get it over your head. We will talk about this later." Rumi said unashamed, she seems to come to terms with something in her head.

"Sure sure, have it your way." Sekizan was amused. He could not understand this woman thought process at all, but he found her reactions adorable.

They took the now unresponsive monster and dragged it to where the others were. Arriving there, Endeavour was present as well, it seems that he took care of the other Nomu.

" Hm, good work you two. Put it over there with the others." Endeavour said stoically while pointing at the crowd of officers taking care of the other Nomus bodies.

Sekizan tossed the creature right on top of the one he defeated before with the help of Mirko, spooking a police officer that was checking it close by.

" Hey, Sekizan-kun how are you doing?" A green haired teen called for his attention, surprising Sekizan.

" Ohh, Midoriya. What's up, you were close by when all this happened?" He asked recognizing the teen.

"Yeah, I was with Gran Torino when the white Nomu crashed on the train we were in. He helped Endeavour take care of it while I helped the civilians evacuate." Midoriya said, he heard of the taller teen previous actions and was impressed by his performance.

" I heard that you and the Heroine Mirko took care of the other two. That's impressive." He said, he thought that his competition to the number one spot sure was a tough one.

"Hm." Sekizan said and observed the crowd, he saw some people he recognized, Shoto and Iida were in the crowd as well. He assumed they were interning close by.

"I'm gonna go now, see you folks at school." He didn't want to waste time here cleaning the mess so he headed to Mirko direction, she was talking to a officer giving a report or something.

" Let's go." He said, getting close.

" Sure. That's all that is to it, if you have other questions I can answer them later." Mirko said to the officer, turning to walk away.

They both jumped at the buildings quickly getting away from the mess. This marked the first real important event that showed the world the strength of the Scarlet Asura.

( An: got to write another one today, was with this idea in my head all day occupying my thinking space.

Tried to do a change of pov's to set s different tone to the story, I don't know how well it turned out, tell me on the comments. This was a longer chapter and was the second of today, so leave the stones to show me some appreciation or something.

I created a Patreon, but didn't post nothing there yet, I'm thinking of putting some content there when I think of something different.

My url is (paulodmanoel) I don't know how that site works yet, gonna watch a video on YouTube or something to get it figured out. If you want to support me go there, if you want.

I don't even know if you can give tips or something, tell me how the page looks for y'all.)

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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