53.84% A Saiyan Owl / Chapter 56: Chap 56- The Time of her Life

บท 56: Chap 56- The Time of her Life

Chap 56- The Time of her Life:


( A/N: Long af Chap, a lot of fighting and something else too~ hope you guys enjoy it. :D )


{ OtherWorld; North Kai's Planet }

" She really is going for it huh... she do be crazy....*smiles* I like that."

Sitting leg-crossed on a chair in front of the TV they use to watch the normal world as a fat blue man holds his hand above it, also sitting on a chair by its side, a woman with pink hair styled in a ponytail and rose eyes watches as the two individuals stare each other in the television screen.

"Hmm, she is indeed a crazy girl."- And behind her standing up was another one with sunglasses and orange hair with some green bangs, wearing a white normal dress that goes as long as her knees, shuffling around with the pink girl's hair, moving it around while combing it, and at times glancing towards the TV.

The two were watching it since an hour ago, when the others finally reached Namek, they found King Kai watching it and joined in.

Calli was wearing a black and red jacket with a few red demon drawings in some places, a white normal short-sleeved shirt, and some red and black sneakers on her feet, occasionally her head would be pushed back a little making her flinch but never getting her eyes off the screen.

As for Kiara, besides her dress she opted to use some very stylish slippers that had a big white rose on them colored in yellow, giving it a pretty big emphasis as the slippers themselves were white.

Moving her hand around the pink one's hair, the Phoenix gets a fringe of hair with her left hand and brings it close to her chest, and tilting her head to one side then the other she nods and combs it gently, passing her hair comb through it as she hums seemly random songs.

The one feeling the action doesn't really mind it, after all, when they got here her hair was super wild because of some guy that changed spiritual bodies with one of the guards and almost left hell, her father needed to do some work to make him return to his normal body.

' *Deadpan* The fucker even tried to exchange with me....'- Yeah, the stray soul even tried to get one over the reaper, but that's all he got, a try.

As when he was about to shout something, Kiara appeared and knocked out the stray soul and the two of them got him to her father, for him to decide what happen to the evil soul next, when she was after him, she was pretty worried about damaging the guard's spiritual body, so she had a pretty rough time coming with something to catch him.

" Still thinking about that?*combing hair*, Don't worry too much, I just put his soul into a dormant state, the spiritual body was okay, didn't you also learn it?"- Peeking her head by the shinigami's shoulder, the eternal bird was curious why the girl didn't know such an easy and basic technique.

"GUH-"- And the one herself flinches, almost falling off her chair, but being held in place by the one behind her down as she pushes her shoulders down to stabilize her.

" *Sweating*... I might have skipped... a few... of those lessons to focus on the combat classes.... ehehe..."- Laughing nervously, she feels the hand that was holding her down squeezing her shoulders before loosening up and going back to her hair.

"*Sigh* Seriously... And you tell me that now?..... Next break we have you're coming with me, I'm going to teach you at least how to stop them in place without damaging the actual spiritual body....."

Feeling the reaper flinch as she said that confirmed even more her suspicion.

Calli has been focusing solely on combat techniques, her black flames having such a wide variety of usages was probably what made her slack off so much.... but Kiara knew that they couldn't neutralize souls without damaging them, and there is where the pink hair favorite sport enters.

Fighting them with her own martial arts, ever since she met a certain green man with red eyes who won against her in a tournament, where even with her using her full power couldn't win, Calli started to run after that man that had a funny big white hat for him to teach her, and eventually, she annoyed him enough for him to accept it.

She rose in power even more after training with the man, almost catching up to him, but still, she learned that he also improved in the meantime by losing again against him, but the second time they faced each other she handled it so much better, that the guy himself needed to get more serious.

And that was the last time she saw him, ever since she heard rumors that he is training to surpass what he deemed his limits once.

"*Sigh*Uuuhhhh.... I guess it will be nice to have some noncombatant skills.... If I ever needed them."- Seeing no need to refuse the free lessons, she shrugged and continued keeping her focus on the TV as she saw both sides were finally moving.

Behind her, the eternal bird was almost jumping in happiness as she got what she wanted.

" This girl.... She might be able to do it...."- Adjusting his glasses, the Kai wasn't able to get his concentration off the screen, as the outcome of this battle could free his part of the universe from that monster.

" Yeah.... You got this girl!"- Pumping a fist forward, Call sends her best energies toward the one who's rushing forward with a smile exploding with an emotion she knows very well.

Excitement, to fight the strong.












{ Namek; Close to Frieza's Spaceship }

As the girl takes the first step, before it even her it touching the ground, she already sees the one that is about five meters in front of her doing the same, her face with that strange never going away grin.

Her heart skips with an unusual beat like it was trying to play some sort of music as it overflows her body with energy.

All this happens on the first step.

She didn't need to hold back, after all, the one in front of her didn't need any mercy.

She didn't need to worry about changing something about the future in a way that would fuck with everything, after all, he wasn't needed if she was there.

She..... Could go all out, with no fear about changing anything, no need to hold herself back.... she could have what she has been dying to have for a while now.

A true fight, not one like she had with Vegeta which she barely enjoyed for personal reasons, not like the ones she has with her friends usually, as in those she is trying to win or make the other yield.....

Now... all she had was an opponent that at the moment was beyond her herself even.... At the moment.....

* *BOOOM!!* *

Two incredibly fast silhouettes flash in close to one another for a second.




An orange line and a purple one clash as they fly up, creating explosion shockwaves as they attack one another being thrown one to each side just to rush forward again and colliding with even more strength until they reach the level of the clouds, where both run into each other with the back of their arm and stay up there trying to push the other party back.

The girl smiling ear to ear, the emperor following with a similar smirk, as it was indeed entertaining for him, he had many aces up his sleeves still, so he wasn't one bit worried.

"I have to say.... You do indeed have some power backing that ugly face of yours, Monkey girl!"

[{ Ugly your ass...}]



Pushing his arm forward with even more force surpassing her own, he tosses back Mumei as she spun a few times before getting her bearings and when she finally gets her head to turn forward she widens her eyes as the gecko vanished, and like on an automatic mode she crouches down.


" Ouh~ You aren't a novice, I see!" - Dodging a right sidekick aimed for her ribs, from the one who just disappeared seconds before.

"Can call it Owl instincts!"- Spinning back, she tries a kick beneath Frieza's chin, but completely misses as he stretches his head to the side and with an open right-handed palm forward, aiming at the girl's back.

" Then let us test them! *FUUSH!!*"

As a purple energy wave is fired, Mumei spins to her side with all her body, effectively dodging it, and as she doesn't have any ground to get into the right direction she fires a blast downwards pushing her to be right in front of the Emperor with right-handed uppercut already ready to go for his face.


"TSK!!!"- But it ends up being redirected as he pushes it to the side with an open palm making the girl go forward and pass by his side, all through not without leaving a large cut on the white gecko's cheeks.

Flinching at the small cut he rapidly runs his right arm through it, cleaning any blood that would be running down, and raises his right leg as the girl turns around to attack again grinning widely.

*PAM!!*-" GUAHAAAA!!!"

And losing that face instantly as she receives a straight right kick to her stomach, forcing all air out of her lungs, her vision gets blurry for a second before she grits her teeth with them getting very sharp for a second before they return to normal.

And hugs the gecko's leg, prompting him to cock a brow.-" What's up, monkey? Already ready to beg for mercy by kissing my feeeeeeeeeEEEETTTT*Spins*"


Spinning as she hugs the emperor's leg, she doesn't stop and only continues, gaining more and more speed, at some point she needs to bite her cheeks to not throw up.

"STOOOOP ITTT!! UGH!!! YOU DAMNED BIRD MONKEY!!!!"- Not stopping, she spins faster, and when finally Muun reached maximum speed.


*CRASH!!* - *BOOOOM!!*

"BLURRRRGHHH!!!"- Vomiting from the skies.... she puts out all she ate earlier today.....

"Not.....*cough* the best..... move... auuuugh..."- Wiping her mouth, with the back of her hand she looks towards where she tossed the white gecko, seeing everything spinning still as her head spins with it...

[{ *Disappointed sigh*}]

She looks at the screen that only she can see, and raises an eyebrow, but doesn't receive any response back.

At the ground level, the so-called Emperor of the universe was having a bad time vomiting all the space wine he drank while he was on the planet, the area he crashed into was one of the hundreds of small islands.

And his was already completely destroyed now, on crash the whole thing was already going underneath the sea level, and as the huge pillar of dust was raised more of it crashed down, basically, the whole island would be under the green sea in a minute or so.

"Aughh...*stands up*.... Well.... I think I will need to return to favor."- Frowning heavily, Frieza starts levitating as the entire crater he created on impact was filled with water, giving him a pretty Badass scenery in the Owl girl's eyes.

" Now.... that's cool."- Punching her right-hand knuckles into her left hand's open palm, she smiled, seeing the Emperor rising as the small island was lowering itself beneath the vast sea.

Flying until he reached the girl's altitude, they both stared into each other's eyes again, one was glowing with excitement as the other was starting to show a great concentration of annoyance, but it still had a tad bit of excitement.

As both their respective tails swung behind them with different behaviors, they just stared at one another, like they were measuring the other's willpower.

" You truly are a crazy one, those eyes don't seem to show any fear, even though I'm certain you know who you are going against, Monkey."- Crossing his arms, he keeps the stare down.

This quote makes even the girl's feather twitch.-" Yeah, *shrugs while closing eyes*, Like I said, just crushing a small random gecko."

Keeping but her arms raised as her eyes are closed, the Emperor smirks and quicker than a gun aims a finger toward her heart.


Firing a small red laser, that Mumei just floats to the side making it miss completely, this action confused the alien, and so he tries to test something.


He misses another as the girl twirls around like a ballerina.


Another one that she stretches both arms into a 'T' and just floats around like that, dodging it.


On the third one, she puts but arms behind her neck and swings her hips to the right and left, for some reason a sound like a screenshot was taken could be heard coming from the blue screen that floats around her.

With each one he missed, Frieza was confirming something, as the girl was with both eyes closed he finally remembered something that made him surprised.

" This girl.... has she already unlocked those dumb birds' power at such a young age?.... It wouldn't be strange for her to do dodge all this then.... ehehehe~ Here was I thinking that she was just a young one."

Hearing this she stopped her play and opened both eyes, and for an instant, they were fully yellow before they retracted back to be just her pupils.

This proved that she was still holding back for the Emperor's happiness, as he would have the chance to use something he rarely used, but not right now as even if the situation of a 'monkey' being on the same level disgusted him.

He was actually enjoying a stretch after who knows how long it has been the last time since he did one.

And so he got back to his usual stance, and smiling ear to ear the one in front of him did so too, she was enjoying the exchange, together with the fact she was fighting someone stronger than her, making it harder for her to fool around.

" Round two, shall we?"- Lowering his head a bit, the white gecko fired a smug grin toward the girl.

" Yeah, not that it's going to be any different!!!*UUSH!!*"

Moving so fast you would think she teleported, Mumei appeared in front of Frieza with a right jab, and as the gecko moved his body, side-flying to dodge the attack the girl followed him with her eyes and spun using the momentum from her attack and threw a backhanded punch with the same hand.


It ends up being blocked as Frieza raises his left arm just in time, blocking it with the back of it, and they have a small strength struggle.



The result ends up being the same as the earlier one, with the Owl being tossed back while doing flips, this time whatsoever she didn't get her eyes off the Emperor, and on her last flip, she crouched sideways into midair and beneath the sole of her shoes yellow energy is concentrated for a second.


"What is she doing?"- Cocking an eyebrow confused, Frieza didn't know what to think of the girl floating sideways, so he chose to ignore it and move his left arm forward, aiming for the girl with not-so-good intentions.

" Well, I don't care enough to- *PAAAMMM!!!* UOOGHHH!!?!?"


As she craves her right fist on the gecko's cheeks, what happened was that Mumei focused a large quantity of Ki beneath her feet, and exploded it to out at the same time to gain a tremendous acceleration.


So much so that even the sound came with some delay, hence why Frieza didn't expect it.

As she tries to push even further her fist into the Alien's face, she starts to feel an Incredible resistance that wasn't there before, but frowning with her eyes, she perseveres!

*FUUSH!!!* - " HAAAAAAAH!!!"

And an aura of white Ki explodes out of her body as she momentarily increases her power even further than her current limits, but as she pushes it more she starts seeing hundreds of small red cracks going out of the one she's trying to send flying body.

As the realization hits her it's already too late, before she can try to change herself to go against the one who's probably in the middle of a transformation, a hand appears right in front of her face, one uncannily big one.

" You know.... I think I will have to give you the hard way.... your cheekiness of turning on that power of yours to act fast is starting to be a pain in the ass after all!"

A way deeper voice can be heard as something grabs her other arm that was stretched to Frieza's face.

All this happens too fast for her to react as Mumei is held by the face and arm, but for a moment her entire world goes blank as she only hears one sound coming from that arm being held.

*CRACK!!*-" Ouh~ Opsie~ My bad~"

[{ MUUUUUN!!!!!!}]

The sound got even more, attention from the blue one, as she had tears at the edges of her eyes, but biting her lips she continued doing what she needed to..... after all this was...

"*Muffled laugh*"- As tears ran down her eyes from the pain, the smile that was trying to contort into a painful frown on the girl's face was still intact.

The laugh shocked the Emperor.... he got the girl closer to him to ask why she was laughing, but he heard the sound of something being eaten from the hand he was holding her.

"What are you doing?"- The only response he got was her only free hand moving to his own wrist, an attempt that he smiled towards.

The arm that he broke from the girl was twisted the other way around... but it started to wiggle around like it was made of something elastic for a second, the wound she got from some hits he got in were disappearing confusing the guy even more.

"What in the name of the....HMM!?"- His arm started to tremble as it was pushed back, followed by a burst of loud laughter, and an orange fire started to fly around the girl until it started emanating from her own body.

" Hey..... That..... FUCKING HUUUUURTTTT!!!!!*PAMM!!!*"- Punching the transformed alien in the face as tears were still rolling down the sides of her face, Mumei's eyes were now completely yellow as she rushed forward, the punch she just connected fired him to go to take a look inside the clouds.


"HAAAAH!!!!*BAM!!!*"- Reappearing behind the white alien, she swung down with both arms above her head in a double axe, sending him towards the ground.

*USH!*- Not being done, she once more appeared on the blue-grass of the island the tall man was flying towards, taking a pose used to throw the ball up in volleyball.


Swinging it up and hitting him straight into the middle of his face, trashing him back up, as he spun back towards the clouds, Frieza started to get back his sense and stopped his acceleration, and heavily breathing he looked towards the girl who was slowly floating up.

Throwing her jacket that was somehow still onto the side as it floated down, and wiping her eyes from the tears, she levitated to his same height level.

" Such an.....daring..... Insect...*huff*.... But certainly an interesting one!!!"- More cracks spread around him, the one in front of him not really caring as she moved her whole right arm in circles, making sure it is fine.

"Better than before..... Never want to break anything again..... put a hole into my chest but not that shit...."- Grimacing, she looked back toward the one who was transforming.

[{ ... }]

Not really noticing the uncanny quietness of the blue-head, she just smiled slightly, making sure to be ready.

"OHOHO~ NOW THEN!! LET'S PLAY AS YOU WANTED!!"- The same instant the red cracks broke out from his body, was the same instant Mumei's instincts kicked in and a gigantic red and black aura exploded around her body, taking even the Emperor by surprise a little.

' This wasn't what I was expecting!*grits sharp teeth*'

As her aura explodes out, she sees the one and only in all his glory, the true form of the Universe's Emperor.

She was expecting his third, but now that he skipped a few steps, she needs to go all out too.

" Well~ You sure are a box of surprises~"- As Frieza raises a hand in front of his mouth to jokingly hide his smug smile, the one in front of him retracts all that aura inside her body, her eyes all black, like the void was situated in them.


Red veins spread inside the black sclera of the Owl girl as her two red pupils finally show up with their yellow dot inside of them, signaling this was her maximum.

" This.... Is Full Power Owl.... Simple name, but I like it."- Grinning sharply, forcing him to flinch as she took a deep breath and raised both arms in a boxer like-stance.

She needed to block when needed, and this stance had both arms up already ready for it, so for her was a huge plus in a battle her power was totally shadowed.

" Round three?"- With that voice that seems to have an echo of many others, she stares directly into the fully transformed alien.

Frieza can't help but chuckle at how straightforward this girl is....-" You sure you want to reject my proposition from earlier? Last chance, your personality is such a rare coming, exotic even for a Saiyan."

Shaking her head as small veins grow on the sides of her eyes, she smirks and not even answering back, just disappears from her place.

"*Sigh* Well your loss.*USH!*"

Silence rings through the air as they both disappeared.












{ Namek's Skies; Close to Bulma's Spaceship }

"*Winces* Hey.... Isn't that one of yours? Damn...."- The Namekian with a white scarf flies close behind an adult and a child who's both are super concentrated feeling what is happening right now.

" Mumei.... Yeah, she's one of our friends.... but for her to be already going to such a level...*scowls* And the power she's fighting sure feels.... unusual...."- A Saiyan with an orange Gi and a very spiky hair flies at high speeds while resting his right hand underneath his chin.

"Dad... he probably is suppressing himself... like Auntmei used to do all the time...."- Hearing his son point out something interesting, he tries to confirm it just to feel a slight breeze that makes his eyes widen.



Just in time for the strong winds to hit them, Gohan and Heliz were fast enough to do as the older Saiyan said and raised their arms to protect themselves.

Clenching his mouth shut, Goku stood strong in front of the huge winds that calmed after a second.

"*Sigh* We need to regroup quickly.... her energy will not hold for much longer if she fights at this level for too long.... what are you doing Mumei..."

Feeling his aunt being pushed Into a corner, the boy widened his eyes and propelled himself toward the others' location.


The other two who were still there looked at each other and nodded also following his example.

* * UUUUSH!!!! * *












{ Bulma Spaceship}


" Geez... What is happening now..."- Holding into the couch support, Bulma was trying her best not to be tossed around inside her own ship.

Two other individuals also stood there with arms crossed, feeling the shockwaves and looking at one another.-" You think she can hold for much longer?"

"Heh! I bet she's enjoying this *chuckles*, she has the beans too, so I don't think we should worry."- Dismissing the long-haired Saiyan worries, the Namekian frowns as he loses his smirk feeling the other party's power....

" Although she might want a helping hand very soon.....*TREMORS*"

Another time, everything around the planet shakes as more shockwaves are thrown all over the place.

" Couldn't she be a little more subtle?.... Would appreciate it a lot...*TREMORS!!* Augh...."- Laying on her back, the scientist can only wait for the massive shaking to pass.

The two that are on standby flinch and look toward a direction they feel something getting closer, walking to one of the windows.-" Heya, Kakarot seems to be back... and even got us an extra helping hand.*grins*"

" The more, the merrier I guess."- Yawning, the scientist stands up and walks towards the room she built for herself.

Namek doesn't have night, so it is very hard to know when to sleep, most of their biological clocks were pretty messed up by this point.

So with an even bigger yawn, as she walks, she gets in front of her room.


"Good luck!"- The automatic metal door opens upwards and waving her hand to them, she enters her room.


With the door closing, shutting behind her.

" Hmm..... Another Namekian huh, I guess I might be able to give her a hand after all....."- Getting a thinking face, he makes it his first priority to speak with this new brother in race of his.

As they wait for the other to get inside, they continuously feel the strong tremors that shake e everything around them.

It was obvious who it was already, and she was not falling behind either, half an hour before they felt her power basically triple in strength, and now it was even stronger than that.

*USHH!!* - " *Waves hand* Hey guys! We found the Dragon Ball! And got a friend too!"

Walking in while waving his hand, Goku smiled and stepped to his side, giving way for the Namekian behind him.

Heliz widens his eyes as he enters the spaceship before gaining an immense grin on his face.

Not wasting one second he walks passing by Raditz who cocks an eyebrow at the green man's behavior.-" Not even gonna say 'hi'? sheesh..... and they say we Saiyans are the rough ones...."

Shaking his head, he walks towards his brother and niece to tell them how Piccolo beat the crap out of Vegeta.

The two Namekians stand face to face, both sporting equal smiles.

" I guess you already know what I was planning.....*frowns* but it would be better for you to go after Nail too, I may be strong, but now that Emperor guy got even stronger... just us will not be enough."

" That much I figured out... That Nail person you are talking about.... you think he would give us a good hand in this?"- Cocking an eyebrow, Piccolo crosses his arms while continuing his conversation.

"Heh, Nail joining in will give us a huge increase, but I think if Lord Guru accepts to help in too.... we might be able to really beat the white-out off that fucker."- Smiling, Heliz rests both hands by his hips, like a superhero pose.

"Hmm.....*Smile* I like that way of thinking.... so how do I do this...."- Getting awkward at not knowing what to do, Piccolo takes a step closer to the other Namek.

"Put your hand on my chest..... lower....a little lower....."

" The fuck no, I am not falling for this! HAAAAHHH!!!!*FUUUUSH!!!*"- Both of them are enveloped by a super bright white aura.

"AHAHAHAH! AT LEAST IT WAS A GOOD TRY!!!*UUUUSH!!!*:- Heliz's body starts to turn into white particles and fuse into the white aura.

The ones by the side raise their arms to stop the glow from flashbanging their eyes.

As the light dissipates, one of those tremors can be felt, and after it ends, there stood him, the new Super Namekian, clenching and opening his fists trying to get a feel for this new power.

"Still not enough.... I guess he was right.... Heliz, you are a hero in our people's eyes, I shall realize your will!!"- Shouting loudly and walking towards the exit door, he was fired with multiple confused looks, until one of them widened remembering something he heard from the Owl.

" A cheat-like ability.... fusion..."- At Gohan's words the other two Saiyans understood what happened, the power they were feeling radiating from the green man was also a very shocking point....

" Piccolo.... if we can still call you that... what you mean by not enough?"- The younger brother was confused as the one in front of him right now was multiple times stronger than themselves.


All of them flinched at another huge impact, as the one being questioned raised a finger pointing up and turned to their side with a serious face.

" Not enough to go against that.... you all should know too....*turns around*... Mumei won't hold for long if this continues like that, she is indeed getting stronger.... But don't you all feel how much power is still being held back from the other party?.... I know that girl's power.... But she will end up killing herself!!"

Memories spring forth as he remembers how he met her in such an awkward way, and how she forced him to team up with his worse enemy to be able to go against her, making him completely change his ways to go after only bettering himself and trying to be the best.

If there was one person who knows how strong she is, it would be him, but he didn't want to see the girl go there and fight for them, he would give in a hand, a friendly hand to end this evil that is infesting his planet, and the same hand would help her when she needed.

With Heliz's memories, he now was burning with even more desire to do so, to give back all those lives that were lost.



The door opened as the Namek clicked a red button by the side, and walked out, with it closing as soon as he stepped outside glancing towards the blue-green sky.

" Let's do this then!"- ' Yeah!!!!! Let's kick that killer's ass!!!'


'What?... It takes time to fully assimilate, ya know?'

Not really having anything to say as he was too stunned, Piccolo decided just to levitate up.


And dash forward while flying.

' Holy, you got a ton of nothing in here!'


Flying through the skies going straight for the direction his next friend would be he goes.

Back inside the spaceship, all three Saiyan were thinking about what to do right now...

Raditz who was tapping his right foot on the ground while resting his left hand under his chin jumps up a little with a yellow light bulb above his head.-" Kakarot! Did you get any more of those green beans?"

Being confused for a second, the younger brother reached inside his Gi and brought up a pouch, and patting its open part above his hand three beans were tossed out.

"Yeah, Mumei gave me some for emergencies, why?"- Hearing that they did indeed have those magical healing things, Raditz put his right arm onto his brother's shoulder while grinning.

" We're going to help the bird, with a bean for each, we could benefit from our Saiyan Physique! Just use yours when you think you can't continue and you get back to kick some ass!"

Raising his arm with closed fists in front of them, he aimed it toward where they felt those two immense powers fighting each other.

Goku contemplates for a second, and looks at Gohan, who was determined to go too, he wasn't a good-brain man, but he knew one thing.

"Gohan.... go with Piccolo.... Raditz and I have ways to go further into our limits.... It would be safer if you helped when Piccolo arrived with whatever he is trying to do, he said what he had wasn't enough, so he's probably going to get even stronger."

Calculating their battle odds, as the kid did have his Great Form, but it could end up backfiring on them also. On the contrary, he and Raditz had their own power-ups already controlled to certain levels.

It would also leave them with one extra bean if one of them needed it.

Sadly nodding, the boy understood where his father was coming from.... it also made him smile a little, seeing his father showing he cared for him in his own way.

The long-haired brother ruffled the other boys' hair around while grinning.-" Hey brat! You're just going to join later when we have the whole team! Don't feel so sad, your father and I are going to loosen up the Emperor while you two are coming! Now shoo!"

Giving the boy some taps to his back towards the door, Gohan looked one last time towards his father, who smiled and moved his head towards the door.

Seeing that it was better this way, he nodded determinedly and ran outside, taking flight towards the same direction the Namekian flew.

*Loud Sigh*-" Now we should go too I guess.... With one extra, we could give it to Mumei if she needs it."

The two brothers bumped fists as Raditz practically dragged his brother by the shoulder outside, sending his son away, for now, was the better alternative as they didn't have the power to protect him while focusing on fighting, meanwhile, Piccolo might have it, if what he's going to do pays it off well.


All the clouds around the skies are pushed back as strange red glow spears through the skies happen, the two of them are already outside with the door shutting behind them.

"Well, let's go help the girl then!!!"


* * UUUUSHHH!!!* *

They disappear into a white aura, flying super fast toward the so dreaded battlefield.










{ Back to Mumei in the Skies}


Not really having one breath of fresh air, Mumei punches with her right arm in a straight punch that the gecko's defends with the back of his left arm and tries to sidekick her with his right leg.

Jumping up, dodging it, she raises both arms above her head with open palms.-" MASENKOOO!!!!"

*UUUSH!!!* - *BOOOOM!!*

' Did..... did that hit?'- With her chest going up and as her breathing gets rougher, she tries to take the moment to heal up, but nothing appears.

She gets desperate as she tries to get a bean, but nothing happens.


She waves her hand like crazy, doing the same action she always did, and seeing nothing appearing she slides her right arm in front of her to open her inventory just for her black and red eyes to bulge....-" What the actual...."


"Wut-*BAMM!!* UOOOOGHH!!!!!"

Receiving a double axe punch that sends her skydiving toward the ground from the Emperor, who grins and wipes a small injury on his lips side.

" Don't get too distracted Monkey-bird~ we don't want you dying yet, do we? It's been so long since I stretched like this! Let's savor the moment!!"



Her body caves inside one of the islands, completely destroying it as she goes further underground, on the surface the water that was filling the immense hole that was created, was forming water swirls.

And what did distract the girl so much? Well....









[ [ ■■■ -- INVENTORY -- ■■■ ]]

■---● ̶1̶x̶ ̶-̶ ̶ ̶C̶l̶a̶y̶ ̶p̶o̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶S̶e̶n̶z̶u̶ ̶b̶e̶a̶n̶s̶ ̶[̶ ̶2̶7̶/̶1̶2̶0̶]̶ ---- (BLOCKED BY - D̞͉̣͗̆͆o̗̳̲ͧͮ͒n̖̮̔͋̔ͅ'̺͓͚̉ͥ̈t͈̲̫̊ͥ͗ ͖̰̝̊͛̂b͚̦̙͋̓͊e̺̼̯ͨ͌̂ a ͍̮̞̑̓ͮS̥̹̥ͬ͒́ả̗͓̠̅̌ś͖̪̠̾͆s̞̰̹͋̎̊y͇̘̝ͦͯ͒ ͓͇̫̋̊̚c̺̠ͩ̇̚ͅh͔̯̬̐͛ͮȇ͉̺̭̓͒a̺͖̫͌̇͊t̞̙̠̒̌̎e̱̯̍͂̚ͅr̲̩͓ͦͫ̆, ̦̭͎̆ͤ͛b̲̖͖̈́̐̚i̖̩̦ͮ̾ͮr̙̜̼ͧͤ̋d̳̭͉ͩ͛͐y̞̙̼ͩ̄̒~̹̰͔ͧ͐ͥ ) ------

[ [ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ] ]






Everything around her Inventory was painted purple, it was like something was corrupting it more and more.

Glitches happened everywhere around the edges of the screen, Kro was trying maniacally to find what was happening around her system... but it didn't detect any errors.

All complex code lines were the same as they always were.... she herself couldn't change them completely, just modify the essential extensions, like shortcuts or make changes in the layout, it was the power she had over it.

But on the other side, she could so read every line of code it had and knew it from head to toe, and although it had billions to even trillions of them, she wasn't its core for nothing.

But like was already said, the result was saying...

[{ There isn't anything wrong.... how.....}]

Laying onto her back on her chair, she stared at the blue lines of code that appeared and disappeared in front of her eyes..... nothing was wrong....

[{ Who... no, there are some who could do this.... but OA didn't show any hostility towards Muun to be playing these types of games with her....}]

* DING!*

A blue notification sound popped out, in front of the core girl, increasing her level of surprise, even more, leaving that once-stressed face with a small smirk.

[{ Go get him Muun..... I will be there in a minute, hold in there...please....}]








As the water flows down the crater profound crater that was created where once stood an island, an immense water swirl was going down in it like waterfalls.

All the way to the bottom, where a very injured Owl girl was coughing as she was laying down seeing the water dropping with blurry eyes, feeling the drops as she heard the sounds of waterfalls falling around her, filling the crater she was in.

She was feeling the water hitting her sides, submerging more and more the practical cave she was in.

Her eyes got back to their normal yellow glow, having lost those red murderous ones.



She heard a strange notification sound and a transparent blue screen appeared in front of her, but she couldn't focus on it at all to read it.

The only thing she felt was like...-' My body is burning.....'


Around her arms red cracks started to spread, at the same time, a strange red fluffy transparent scarf was forming itself by small red flames that were appearing from thin air.

Feeling a strange itch by the back of her neck, she started to see everything like it had a red filter, and strangely it was like she had another pair of arms growing from the back of her neck.

"This.... feels kinda.... nice...."

Shutting her eyes to enjoy the feeling was the moment that a red strange scarf burned up to her face, changing to black flames outlined in red.... It was like her whole head had been turned into a black flame similar to one from a lighter.


Her arm's skin cracks and starts to fall apart, as underneath it another layer of dark red rough skin is shown with crimson pulsing veins, her finger reduced to only four with sharp small talons in each of them, replacing her nails.

The red scarf morphs itself to follow the same black, a red color the flame that eats her head has.

The flames around her face start to clear, giving us a way to see her mouth and nose, but still, her cheeks burn up with black-red on them.


Behind her back, two pairs of red and black wings flap around pushing the water away from her, leaving her floating with her body still in the same position she was.

" Well.... I call it.....*Open eyes* Round four bitches...."


Her eyes open, pushing up the flames from them, giving us the vision of two yellow flaming slits.

"Hmm?...*turns head*, This girl...*tsk*, now it's starting to get annoying."

Frieza crosses his arm as he sees a pillar of red-black and rose flames going all the way to the skies, all around the planet people could see it, and even from outside the planet if you were in the right position.

Inside the pillar Mumei floated up, getting once more, at the same altitude the Emperor was, smiling smugly with those same sharp teeth.

Her physique was bulkier, and she has grown taller, about five inches or so.

"You got even uglier, Monkey...."

"Eheh~ Bitch, you just jealous of my Owl Swagger~"

■■■■■ HERE ■■■■■

Speaking, it was like Mumei's voice was layered by ten others of herself in different tones, you could confuse her with a fusion in voice terms.

*BUMPS FISTS*-" Come again gecko?*grins*"

With his left eye twitching, the Emperor got back into his classic stance.-" Yeah..... But this time..... I will make sure to bury you!"

Seeing that in this state it was better to use her original grappler stance, she opened her arms, doing so.-" I would love to see you try...."

As her red and black aura burns around her, she gets ready for another round.









What was on that notification?



[ [ !!!!! ] ]






[ [ The following Skills; { Owl Side }, { Owl Form }, { Owltra Instinct.( Owl Instincts) }. Have reached < 100% Mastery!!! > ] ]









[ [ All requirements have been met for.... { Fukuro No Ikari (Fukari) } ] ]

ReyKale ReyKale

This had so much fighting lol.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C56
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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