56.73% A Saiyan Owl / Chapter 59: Chap 59- The Whole Gang

บท 59: Chap 59- The Whole Gang

Chap 59- The Whole Gang:


{????????? }

" *Singing* ~ It doesn't matter where she is.

It doesn't matter how she is, she will always stay the same.

No matter how many years, decades, or centuries, has it already passed.

The roots of destiny will always have a way to push her to go back to what she once was.

That same being who was once corrupted by her nature, and tried to take over those she shouldn't even dream of touching~


Isn't that a fascinating individual? Truly exceptional!

Sadly It seems she changed, well, anyone would change after that if you think about it...

Well, might as well continue to watch the show! It's intriguing to see what they're going to do against Frieza after all!"


















{Namek's Skies}




Various explosions happen everywhere around the skies, and with each one of them, you could see the silhouette of a flaming girl speeding after a white alien.

And another one supporting her every move behind her.

The bird, after attacking with and straight right punch that was blocked by the Emperor, kicked him in the stomach with a frontal left kick and pushed herself backwards.

Her speed was something he wasn't expecting, and the instant she got far away enough.


"BUYAAAAA!!!!"-* PAMMM!!!*

"UGH!!!!"- Her back exploded once more, propelling herself forward to deliver an uppercut underneath the gecko's chin with her right arm, sending him flying up, to someone who was already waiting.

" HAAAAH!!!!*PAAAAM!!!!*"- Descending together with both arms above her head interlocked, Kro fires her arms down in a double axe, hitting straight in the middle of the alien's face.


Being tossed down, Frieza frowns as he feels his body descending, and when he was as out to hit the ground.


Right where he was going to land, a very smiley Mumei prepares her knee to bend the Emperor's back into two.

*Uuush~* - " Surprise~ Monkey~"

To her surprise, he stops before hitting her already raised leg, and spinning around comes for her face with the back of his right-hand fist.

*BAM!!!*-" MUUN!!!" - Descending just in time, Kro blocks the attack with both arms up in a block, and not wasting her initiative the bird steps by her side with a frown as she looked at the blue-head's arms that had a pretty bad scratch on them.

And not even saying anything, she just took one step forward, not so smiley anymore.

The lizard could only flinch as her eyes seemed to glow a bit more, but he wasn't prepared for what was coming next.

*PAAAM!!* - " IIGH!!!"

A right uppercut to his stomach was the start, Kro was again flash-banged by how her bird's speed seemed to grow even more, seeing her growth personally always astonishing.

That was the first strike, as she pushed back the same arm, just to it raise above her shoulder and descend on the Emperor's left cheek who spit some blood along with a loud grunt, her eyes once more increased their glow as her right leg moved too fast, with an arc as she side kicked his face with an Incredible elasticity.


Sending him spinning towards her left side, with his eyes turning white for a second, as his pupils returned to normal he tried stopping his acceleration that was making him spin.

As for the bird.

She was going to continue, but a hand on her head was everything she needed to understand what was happening.


Her flames burned up, leaving only the brown-haired girl there, looking down sad.-" Sorry.... Lost myself a bit there..."

Not saying a word, Kro just continued patting her head, until she felt it was enough, and the girl was calm enough.

" You don't need to worry, it didn't really hurt or anything, but try to keep your head on the battle, okay? Don't worry too much about me... we are not made of paper, Muun."

Nodding slightly, the bird turned around looking at the blue-head's eyes, and stepped closer with a small smile.

"*cheek kiss* Thanks, and I know.... just... I dunno.... feels different knowing you don't have much experience besides knowledge.... Makes me worry if you're going to be okay, but then again I was the one who dozed off a bit there when he attacked.*chuckles*.... ahhh...fuck m-*BONK!!*Ouch!!!"

The famous chop to the head brings the girl back to reality, and as she raises both hands to her head he looks at the one who did it, and still had her hand up in a chopping pose, her face was one of disapproval.

"How many times do I have to say... Don't say bad things about yourself, and if you want to stay more attentive, try focusing more, as you did before with those states prior to this one, don't let it overwhelm you.*smile* Just because I am around doesn't mean you need to stop focusing on the battle itself Muun."

Mumei's eyes widen at that last bit, she was focusing on Frieza, but she was also repeatedly focusing on Kro, seeing if she was okay, and in need of any help.

That was cutting her performance, her worry was holding her back, and taking a deep breath she stared at the girl's deep blue eyes.

" You sure I don't need to worry? And can totally focus on the fight? What if he got to yo-"

Kro flinched at the seriousness her bird was holding in her eyes, but took it to the heart, as she was happy with that, but the same hand she chopped the girl's head stopped her lips, making her stop mid-sentence.

" Don't worry, if I require it, probably will shout for it. Now *waves hand* shoo, shoo, beat him up, so we can go home... Talking about it... I still need to buy us a home....*sigh*"

Seeing the girl really wanted her not to be so concerned about her, Muun sighed and spun back towards where the Emperor was, but not before giving a look at the one behind her.

She knew Kro could hold herself together, but she was still weary of all that was happening, as she looked back she received another wave from the blue one, signaling for her to go already.


"Okay then.....*Breathes in*... *Uuuuuuf*..... Your words.....*FUSH!!!*"

Transforming back up, she closed her eyes taking a deep breath, and exhaled it while opening her flaming eyes once more, and with them open she exploded forward in speed, flying to get closer to the Emperor who just got his balance back.

Getting enough distance, Muun's smile grew at the ends of her mouth, but she tried to stay focused, but it was her nature to enjoy a fights, so her smug grin climbed back to her face.-" Hey Gecko!!!! You better not be tired.... because ain't stopping until one of us falls!!!! *BOOOM!!*"

Her back explodes as she speeds to be face to face with him again, Frieza who was ready as he got a glimpse of her flying closer, dodged a straight right punch aimed for his face by tilting it sideways, his eyes didn't go away from the girl as he stared at those yellow slits.

" I... HAD.... ENOUGH!!!!"




Moving faster than those around could keep up, both fighters started to clash with huge waves of pure pressured air being shot to all their surroundings.

Mumei was defending and attacking too fast, in her mind the only thing that running right now, was how to attack and defend effectively.

The difference in power between the two was large enough to be noticeable, as every time she was forced to block her arms would end up a little numb, but she was climbing up, with the help of her speed that was basically the same as his current one and going above.

Indignant at the fact the girl once more was proving to be on par with him, Frieza was running low on options here, he thought he could just end this bird, like any other, but she is proving to be a bigger pain in the ass than he ever thought.

"HUIAAAY!!!!!"- Getting inside the girl's defenses, his right fist was closing into that smug face of hers, but not really wanting to have her face that distorted.


Muun explodes her right wing, forcing her body to move towards her left, and using the opportunity as he missed completely, she points both arms in front of her, aiming for her enemy.


Seeing her stance, Kro finds a good timing to enter the battle to help, and appears at the opposite of the Owl, with her arms in the same way as herself, and with a nod from both sides.

A blue and white ball of energy was charged in the blue girl's hands, and right on timing with it, a black and red one was also charged by the bird's hands.

Seeing both attacks that were about to come for him, Frieza tries to aim for them both with each of his arms, but a knowing smile on their faces as their eyes closed leaves the gecko confused.

*UUUSH!!!*-" Heya!!! TAIYOKEN!!!"

*VUUSH!!* - " AAAGHH!!!!*Puts hands on eyes* DAMNED MONKEY!!!"

Goku who just checked on Raditz comes back to the fight with his blazing red aura, a second before he looked up and saw Mumei, who looked at him for a second and put her hand over her eyes, and pointed a finger indicating to Frieza, he quickly understood what she wanted and nodded.

And so he entered the battle by flying from behind the gecko and flashing his face as he peeked his head in front of his.

She didn't have much practice with the technique, so it's best to go with one who already knows its ins and outs.

' Will have to master it later.... Meh, shouldn't be that hard, maybe a day or two, and I get it down.'- On her days of training with Goku, she did indeed see this technique, but she was more focused on her Bird Instincts skill, so she left it for later.... And so years passed.... annnnd so she forgor about it....

"MUUN!!! NOT THE TIME TO BE THINKING ABOUT POSSIBLE TECHNIQUES!!!"- Hearing the blue GF shouting at her.

"Wait wut.... How do you even know that! You aren't a core anymore, are you?"- As more energy focuses on both their hands, she raises one of her flaming brows at one from the other side of her.

"*Roll eyes* Kinda got used to it..... *grins* Your thinking process isn't that hard to fully memorize~"

Receiving a loud 'HEY' from the one herself, Kro moves her head tilting it a bit, dodging a red laser that almost got through her head, she grimaces as she sees the Emperor with his eyes squinting.

The same happened with Mumei, and she did the same as the blue lady, Frieza tried to explode their head before they could even continue this, he was already bordering insanity with these two girls mocking him, and he couldn't take it anymore at this point.

"*Whistles* You good there gecko? Damn, your eyes are so red you look like you walked with snoop dog for a whole car trip, ahahaha! Need a bar snickers~? PFFT"- Letting her inner joker out as she couldn't hold those down, Mumei laughed loudly.

"I....I-I... Damned be.... you.... ALL!!!!!!!!!"


His purple aura explodes as everything around the planet shakes.

A smile spread on the lizard's face as he looks at the one who ruined his plans until now, but he was expecting fear, but all he saw was indifference.

" I am done. You just shout angrily and ' I gonna kill ya this and that!', kinda already burned everything I had for fighting you, proved that doesn't matter how above you are, I can be higher.... and that your trash at fighting.... goddamn fighting a Saibaman would be more fun at this point.

Like seriously!*Wide grin* I am physically weaker than you gecko! And you still struggle to try even to keep up! AHAHAHA!!!"

Continuing laughing, this was kinda disappointing for Mumei, he had the power... and that was about it, and then she had everything from experience, strength, and techniques.

Overall, all that he was pushing her back was in the strength department, and it was just a question of time until she reached him in that too.

As Frieza was about to shout, the spheres of energy that were held in both of their hands started to crack with electricity around them, signifying their maximum charge, and two smiles came from each side.

" " DEAD END!!! " "

Both voices were shouted from each side as they fired the attacks forward.

* * UUUSH!!! * *—Stopping his charge, the lizard dodged the blast and smiled ready to mock them back for their bad aim, but he didn't have time as they were already coming back.

* *UUUSH!!!! * *—He dodged again, but this time he had to act faster.

This kept happening, and as it continued, the blast started to increase in speed, faster and faster, until it was like surrounding the Emperor was a blue and red sphere moving around him with the two of them redirecting the attacks back.

Every time the attacks would miss, Kro and Mumei would simply kick them back towards the Emperor, sometimes even redirecting it like a volleyball with their hands.

Not slowing down, and as for the one dodging them?


Let's just say he wasn't having the best time of his life, his instincts weren't as peeked as Mumei's ones were, so the ones that came from his back would normally hit him and bounce back to where one of the two girls was waiting.

Frieza's body was starting to fill with red scars as the blasts would hit him even stronger each time, and at times he did dodge, they would most of the time leave him with a new scar.

*VUUSH!!* - Appearing in front of the lizard that was covered in scars, Mumei was holding both blasts in each hand, one by each of his sides.

The Emperor's eyes widened from their tired state.-" WAI-*BAMM!!!*- GUUH!!"

Bringing both arms together, she sandwiched him between two highly concentrated energy globes, and seeing that they started to glow even brighter, Muun nodded while smiling and gave the unlucky one, one final grin.

" Bomb planted~ *UUUSH!!!*"

That was the last thing he heard before all he sawed was blue, red, and black.


Exploding on the skies, a huge sphere of multiple warm and cold colors was roaring along its loud, dreadful sounds.

The ones by the sides were looking at it, smiling.

"Hey Goku!*UUSH!* Nice save!!!"- Mumei gives the man a thumbs up as she goes back to her base, laughing a bit he rests both arms behind his neck, watching the ball of death and pretty colors.

*Uuuush~*-" Uuuhg... Not one of the best experiences... Hey Mumei... You think those magical balls can fix this?"

Flying up by his brother's side was Raditz.... without his extra Saiyan limb... and a right arm....

The being asked blinked a few times, before nodding.-" Ye.... don't need to sweat it, they can fix that! Not much of a sweat!"

Crossing both arms and legs while giving him an open smile, she levitates there and feels a certain someone's elbows resting on top of her head, prompting her feathers to aim down for them to not feel discomfort.

" You know he's not dead... so what's the plan? Even with that technique, we created in Void it doesn't seem to have worked to end him...."- Kro was looking at the ball of energy that was turning into smoke blinking slowly, looking for any movement.

"Yea, those cuts were all superficial, maybe Piccolo can put a hole into his chest or something, there's also the possibility that I continue fighting him until I overcome him, neither of them is fine by me.*shrugs*"

Moving her hands from above the girl's head, Kro starts playing with her brown fringes.-" Hmm.... You could do that, there's one last senzu after all, and now with everyone almost here, I think ending the lizard is very likely possible."

Nodding in concordance, the bird was staring at the smoke, feeling the power that wasn't even moving from the spot she pummeled him with those blasts.

That technique was something she thought would be interesting to use one day, a coordinate attack that gets faster and faster, she got the idea after watching DB-Super in the Void and seeing how Android 18 and Krillin were doing something similar in the T.O.P.

She wanted to create a technique similar to that with Kro, and that's how they started playing volleyball with highly concentrated energy balls while training.


Above her head, the two feathers twitched, a way better way for her to know that if there was some movement than Fukari's own, not having that much mastery of said form didn't help much either.

" He seems to be finally out of his stunned state or whatever, and I am cooled down again...*looks up* You think you can synchronize with me while attacking at close range?"

At this question, she receives a tap on top of her head and a smile.-" Don't underestimate me Muun, I am already getting better, if you don't pace up I might even go above you too.*grins*"

Seeing how confident her girl was, Mumei just smiled and stretched her limbs out.-" Try me! *Uuush!!*"

Jumping back into her maximum, soon followed by Kro whose aura exploded out too.


" But I have to say.... fighting while turning it on and off is kind of a let-down... but ye, it's like the God-Blue switch strategy.*shrugs*"

By her side, the blue head glances at her again, feeling how the Owl girl was playing it off as if nothing was wrong, but her e energy was getting lower by the second.

' We need to end this before Muun loses too much energy... Wait...energy.. *smile*'- Raising her hand to the Owl's back gained her a super creepy act, Muun's head turned a whole 180° towards her.

Looking confused, this made a huge sweat drop run down the now half-Saiyan's cheek.

"What'ya doing?"- Tilting her head while it was fully turned backwards was nightmare fuel, but Kro who was already long used to this just continued smiling as her aura started moving towards Mumei.

" I didn't use nearly half my energy, and we still need the birb to stay at full strength."

The one receiving the gift had her eyes widen as her energy levels were raising again.

"Oooooh!!! This is nice! Thanks Kro!"- Feeling her power go back to its normal reserves.

"Uhhh, I hate to break for the two of you.... But we kinda still have a situation in our hands.*points finger forward*"

With his only hand left, Raditz points his left hand towards the Emperor, who was breathing heavily as the smoke dissipated away.

And gritting his teeth as veins started appearing all over his body, he was about to shout angrily again.

"YO-*VUUUUSH!!!* HUOOOGH-*spits blood*"

" My bad making you guys wait, took a while to charge it.*smirks*"- A yellow beam with another beam rotating around it and purple sparkles of electricity pierce through the Emperor's chest.

Forcing him to vomit a large quantity of blood as he shakily put a hand above the hole that now resided in his chest.

Following where he was hit from, he noticed that not too far away from them, was a cloud that was moving away already, giving the full vision to two people.

One of them was a green man with two fingers stretched forward aiming exactly where the gecko was hit, by his side looking directly in the bird's direction was a child that was visibly flashed by her new state.

She caught his interest in her new form but didn't have time to fully explain.-" Just let's end this already, I got what I wanted already."

As she talked, the two new fighters flinched at her new layered voice.-" Somehow you managed to get even creepier, my regards for you doing the impossible bird."

Smiling at his words she just lowered her back and got to her stance.-" Hey, at least I got no one on my head playing games..... *mumbles* Well not anymore."

Backfiring on him, Piccolo's eye twitched as he could hear those two still playing their chess match..-" I am not even commenting on how you know that, but as of right now... Let's end this."

Everyone surrounded the Emperor as they stared at him, Goku who was feeling a strange feeling put it out.

"Uhh, guys... don't you think it would be better to just fight like on one on ones or similar? We could have a round each!"

Hearing that, Mumei moved her head left and right like she was considering it.-" Could do, but you and Raditz would have your asses whooped, still want to try?*stretches right arm forward* Be my guest."

Wanting to get them discouraged, the two brothers get a strange reverse effect as they both float toward the lizard.

"Wait... I was joking... sarcastically ya know!"- Mumei not really believing her eyes try to make sure her message got through.

And by her left side, she heard a grunt and turned around to see what it was about.-" They will not learn bird, let them, we can intervene if needed."

Her arms drooped at that, as she stared at those two, by her side, Kro could just pat her back and shake her head in disbelief.

"No... Pickles.... I had to save their asses before, how much different will it be?"- Not really understanding why those two would enter a suicide battle, Mumei was trying to comprehend their actions.

" You aren't one to say anything Muun, you fought him with an incredible difference in power before too."

Getting her eyes back to the girl by her side, Mumei held a fake hurtful stare.-" Look... I had a ton of healing items by my side, I could tank it, but now we just have one! And one of them is missing an arm!! Come on, that's fucking suicidal, isn't it?"

"Muun.... turn off the form, it's acting up again."


"There, *sigh* But still, they're going to get their asses handed over to them again, just saying..."

As Mumei and Kro were talking, Goku and Raditz were now in a staring competition with the Emperor, who was already very damaged.

"Raditz..... what do.... you say I forgive you.... could...*cough*… turn you into a general! We could rule over everything!"- Trying to escape his fate, Frieza was appealing to the once soldier of his.

And even if he had just one arm, the eyes of the Saiyan held a strong glow in them, seeing the state the man who destroyed his whole race was in put a smirk on his face as his eyes got a strange glow for a second.

" You.... Exterminated our races, without us even trying anything to earn such a thing, we would always work under you and your stupid father, no complaints, no questions asked...*clenches fist*.... And now here we are... You, begging to not die, if Vegeta were to be around he would be laughing hysterically right now....."

Goku by his side stood by, hearing his brother speak, ready to engage at any second.

" Pfft... *UUSH!!* But that doesn't mean I will not.*PAAMM!!*"- For one second, a yellow glow shined on his eyes as he punched the Emperor with a huge smile.

Sending the injured gecko towards Piccolo, who was already grinning.-" Well.... I am not one to say no to life opportunities!!"

And so he stretched his right all the way back.

*PAMMM!!* - "HUOGH!!"

" Bird!! Catch it!!!" - Kicking him back with a sweeping kick, he redirected the body toward the two who were discussing.

And seeing the incoming body, Kro twirled around while holding to Mumei's waist for a second, grabbing him by the neck she continued her spinning motion and threw him back toward the other two Saiyans, who was with both their hands occupied by their attacks.

Goku had a red aura that was raging around him as both his arms were by his waist with a blue blast that was getting denser by the second, and clenching his teeth even tighter.


And that red aura explodes, growing even bigger, as his body was full of veins and his muscles bulged even more.

By his side, the longer-haired man had his only left arm stretched back as a violet blast was also being powered.

The one flying towards them like a rag doll so far was already going down to dangerous levels of low energy, his battles with the girl weren't short ones, and the injuries all over his body didn't help one bit too, add that to the fact that his power being cut with every damage he received.

And even in his rage, he couldn't do much, as even he was doubtful if his full power was going to be any different from how he is right now.

' How come all these insects be so strong... It doesn't make sense.... The one leading them... that girl, she was also strange, not one from her planet showed these types of techniques... Maybe being a half Saiyan....could she have achieved t-that?! NO IMPOSSIBLE!!'


While he was flying, with explosive willpower, he ignored all his injuries and exploded out with his huge purple aura as his body grew with it.

At Mumei's side she just stopped her discussion with Kro that somehow got to how good this new form was, and getting to the conclusion that it was worth it for right now, and maybe later when she focuses more on it, it could evolve somehow to be even stronger.

Mumei's eyes were locked on the one that was growing in power, but she could feel that the cut in power was still present.-" Sadly the only one who didn't push into his limits was Goku, but that can be solved later...."

"What you mean Muu-*FUUUSH!!*n... sooooo.... she had enough huh.... That's rare."

Being left there, Kro sawed how the Owl got back to her maximum power, and both her wings started to move, and stretching both arms to her shoulders height the two wings enveloped them, like two pieces of armor in black color with red feathery details.

*UUUSSH!!*- And appearing right behind the Emperor, her smile was gone, replaced with an annoyed look.

" I wanna go home, and eat pizza.... Sooo... Fuck you."


As she pushed both arms forward, she exploded them on impact behind his back, throwing her back from where she came from, and trashing the gecko who was powering up and still screaming forward.

" " HAAAAAAAAH!!!! " "


Right in time for the two brothers to fire their attacks forward, the two blasts Fusing into a deep violet that roared as it came into contact with the Emperor.


The wave of Ki carries him up, far away enough for them to see a beautiful huge explosion, its size being so big they felt the massive winds hitting their faces.

And seeing the smoke curtain coming after, Mumei raised her arm with a red-brick blast in her palm.

" Just to confirm."



And launching another one, she felt the power of the gecko fully disappear, she smiles and takes a deep breath.

"I can finally stop switching on and off this...*Uush!*... Never thought I would get annoyed while fighting someone...*sigh*"

*uush~*-" Well you did fight him at least, I only put a hole in his chest… Well, I got that kick in too, a win for me.*smirks*"

By her side, the green man floats idly and receives a joking punch in the shoulder from the Owl, who smiles.

" Nice power ya got there tho~ But, though still lower than mine transformed~"

Punching back, Piccolo smirked too.-" Oh yeah? Well, I am getting stronger by the second, you know that bird? The thing the elder did to me takes time to fully work out."

Mumei punches back with a little tick mark on her forehead.-" Oh yeah?~ I got even stronger while fighting too!"

Bickering with each other, they forget that they just possibly ended a universal threat.

A long-legged woman and a kid with wild black hair were watching those two bicker with one another.

" So... Who might you be miss?"- Trying to be educated and now really ask such questions as to why her clothes were like that, Gohan tried to start with a normal one.

And the one herself side-eyed him with a smile.-" Name's Kro, and I have to say thank you for caring for Muun.... You guys have been a pretty good blessing for her all this time."

Getting his answer, he nodded, and when he heard how she called his aunt, he shot his head to her side, remembering something, and so he aimed his finger at her and then Mumei repeatedly.

The action even earned him a chuckle from her.-" Yeah, I am her so mysterious girlfriend, the short explanation? I came here to help too, better not to stress too much on the how."

And so he stayed there, trying to think about how she even got there, going against her saying to not do so.

As for Goku, he was talking with King Kai, hearing loud cheering in the background about someone's work being cut for the years to come.

< < But King Kai.... I don't have any notifications from a soul similar to Frieza arriving.... I am checking everything, but not one like his has entered in yet... > >

The eternal bird by their side gives them the news, and Goku's eyes widen as he looks back toward the place where he was potentially exploded, and see nothing but air as the smoke got away after some time.

"But he isn't around here either...."


" I have to say! Fantastic! Splendid! That was an outstanding battle, it was completely different from how it goes originally! Like all this dimension is! Truly....*wide smile* Unique."

On the same spot Frieza was, an individual with a black cloak appeared out of nowhere, clapping as he floated.

This grabbed the attention of all those who were around, even more Goku as his eyes widened, seeing how the man just appeared out of nowhere, and he didn't even see a single movement of him appearing.

They were all confused about who could it be, but two of them after hearing the voice immediately powered up.

Floating up slowly, followed by the others, Mumei and Kro's faces were locked into serious frowns as they stared at the cloaked man.

" Hahh~*sigh* Why so serious, Mumei-chan? You used to have so much fun to be around~ Now look at you, holding back just to not explode some measly planets~"

Being called out, the girl's flaming eyes squinted, she knew exactly who the one in front of her was, and it was not a subject of a joke.-' What the fuck... we are going to even do here....'

" I don't know what ya mean about that... I still haven't exploded any.... and get that cloak of yours off already, that doesn't fit you at all, Fu."

Sighing sadly, he pushed the center part of his cloak and moved it to the side, giving us a look at his light-purple skin and white hair that was tied in a small ponytail.

On his face were round yellow glasses that hid a bit of his red eyes, his clothes being a tight black shirt and yellow pants that were being held up by a belt, and by his feet were yellow boots just a little darker than his pants.

He was smiling while crossing both arms, which had golden bracelets on each wrist, and on his hands were his black fingerless gloves.

" Don't be like that, Mumei-chan~ I had so much trouble getting you out of there, you know? And now you treat me like that?"

Frowning, even more, Mumei doesn't remember ever seeing him in her two lives, so far she just thought of him as just a non-canon character.

" I've never seen you personally, or met you, the fuck you talking about?"

The others were confused by the interaction, but seeing how defensive Mumei was, they couldn't really afford to lower their guard.

By the bird's side, Kro was trying her best to remember if something had any resemblance to him, and luckily for her, she did keep her thinking speed and good memory, and there was just one thing that happened that could fit the bill.

"*Eyes widen* You are the one responsible for forcing Muun to come here..."

They didn't want to believe, but someone who shouldn't even be canon or exist was in front of them, and knowing his powers, he could very well somehow have pushed Mumei to this universe.

"That makes sense.... that purple glow that was outside my room was one of your portals.... Why the hell did you even bring a random Joe to this universe?... And why one likes this?"

The more they talked, the more their friends were confused.

"Hmm... They really did you dirty..... Didn't they Mumei? Well, let me break it for you, then!"

*USH!*- He appears right in front of the said girl, just looking at her eyes, and when Kro was going to attack him, Mumei held her hand firmly while gulping down.

" Do you remember how was outside your room? The internet does not count~"


" Ouh! Maybe when you got to the kitchen to get something to eat?"


" Arere~? How about.... Anything that you did besides staying on your phone~?"

"*Uuush*.... No...."

Transforming back to base, Mumei was trying her best to remember something.

"Hmm~.... It seems they really did you dirty, well after what they did to you, was surprised they even let you use a phone with access to the Neutral World.... They reaaaaally liked you.*smile*"

Trembling, with an angry face, Mumei held him by the shirt and looked into his eyes.-" What I am forgetting?! *UUUUSH!!* HUM!??!! JUST FUCKING ANSWER ME ALREA-*BAMM!!!!*"



Being slightly annoyed at the way she was holding his clothes, Fu flicked her forehead with his right hand's fingers, too fast for any of them to even react.

"Now, now.... Don't be so rough with my clothes, they're expensive, you know?*Looks at Kro* Hmm... Truly fascinating, her essence somehow created a whole new individual... But it seems it's nothing but a copy with no equal powers to hers whatsoever... Well, not of my interest it seems..*FUSH!!*"

Analyzing close, he rested his hand underneath his chin while looking around Kro, until he disappeared as Piccolo tried to punch him with a right jab, and miss completely.


All of them redirected their attention downwards where there was a huge crater on the island they were above, and on said crater, massive pieces of rock were being moved apart from the black-red flaming bird that held to them to get up.

"Uhhhgh.... Go ahead and shout at the face of someone that is even above Gods, naisu idea Mumei!"


" It seems you even sawn about my future, the knowledge you gained in that place must have been pretty large for it to change you so much, but still, I will have to take something back, it seems you aren't going to be of a big help anyway."

Moving his left hand he grabbed the girl's throat and rose her up above his head, Muun was trashing around and trying to kick him, but he was just tilting his head or moving her to one side and another to make her miss.

On the skies, Kro and the others had already started to dive at full speed, with the bluehead shouting while speeding up.


Giving them a glance before getting back his attention to the one being held by him.

" Well, I still have some things to do, soooo, I will wrap this up, it was good seeing an old friend.... or someone who used to be an old friend right? Anyway~."

Raising his free arm as those from above even tried firing Ki blasts, Mumei noticed how the arm moved, and the next second all she felt was like something was now inside her chest, and blue light with small blue cube particles was flying out of her body, and going to Fu.

Her eyes got lifeless the second he pierced her rib cage, her Fukari state was totally destabilized, and it turned off automatically as her flames flew out of her body, leaving only her normal stature in the demon's hands.












' Worst.... day..... of... my....fucking.... life...'

ReyKale ReyKale

There is so much stuff happening that it is hard to end chapters with something that doesn't look like a cliffhanger, sorry for that.

Also, the next chap will probably be this year's last one, then I will chill for some time and rest up for what's coming next!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C59
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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