29.8% A Saiyan Owl / Chapter 31: Chap 31-Friends, and gimme that!

บท 31: Chap 31-Friends, and gimme that!

Chap 31-Friends, and gimme that!


(A/N: Small Fix).


{Pov Mumei; Skies; 08:21 a.m}

"Spiiiiin~ SPIiIIiIIIIiinnNN~"- Flying at high speeds while spinning at super speeds, it's me Mario!

"Mumei, can you for the love of Kami stop for a darn second!"- Piccolo looks back at me, making me stop playing and just whistle around.

We're flying in a triangular formation, I am back a little, to play around without getting in their way, Goku is the one leading us after all.

'Even through I can feel the humans Ki tho, could just fly there in a second, but I prefer having Goku introduce me... will save me a lot of awkwardness having their friend introduce me!

"Auntie really can't stay at one place huh."- Dang even my nephew is firing at me now! How could it be!

Making a fake crying gesture and looking at Gohan-" Uououo... Even little Gohan is against me now uououo~"

"No! I, I didn't mean to! Auntmei! I!"- Seeing him trying to find the words just to roll himself even more, my smile grow without my control.

"Pfffff... Don.... Don't worry...."- Raising my hand to hide my mouth, but he still sees that I was joking and loses all empathy and just stares at me.

"Geeeeeeeeee..."- Hey, I was joking! Don't 'Gee' me!

"We're almost there guys! Let's increase our speed a bit!"- Being saved by the God that Goku is, our attention goes to him.

I nod, followed by the other two, and we step up our game to get there faster.



{Farm on Green camps; 08:30 a.m}

A light in the blue sky gets closer and closer to the ground level.

Descending at tremendous speeds, a farmer who was treating his cows look up at the flaming light that rains down far away, seemingly descending into his land.

"Wha-WHAT!?!"- Not knowing what to do, he watches as the mysterious object finally hits the ground far away.


"WOUUAH!!?"- Almost losing his balance, he uses his car that's behind him as support.

Tremors happen for a few seconds after the impact, the cows almost falling over as well.

The farmer trembling, gets back to his feet, shaking he gulps down the knot that is in his throat.

"Better check it...."

A very stupid decision, but it's his property, so he should at least check what it could be.

Getting inside his car and pulling a shotgun that was on the backseat, he puts it on by his side and turns on his key.


Pushing the pedal with his foot, he goes full speed to the mysterious thing that fell from the skies.

Going through the field, driving pass some of his animals that fell down from the impact it created, he breathes heavily and shakily reached his hand for his gun.

Finally seeing the smoke and a big crater he stops at its edge, and goes out with his shotgun in hand.

Looking down at the crater he sees.... a small white pod, with red glass.

Shaking he tries to get a better look from where it is.-" Could it be one of the capsule corps machines? No, it doesn't have their symbol..."

*Creak* *Fuuush~*

A lot of air goes out as the pod opens itself, prompting the farmer to shake even more and aim his gun.


A tall figure steps on the entrance of the pod, looking around, seemingly ignoring the one aiming for him.

"So this is earth? Grrr, there seems to a lot of life around still.... that stupid Kakarot seems to not have done his job!"- The man with a very long black hair and strange armor looks around, the thing on his eye beeping a lot.

"HE-HEY! YOU! GE-GET OUT OF MY PROPERTY! OR I WILL SHOOT!!"- Trembling, the farmer tries his best to be opposing and scare the man away, but every plan he had was all throw out of the window.

When the long haired Saiyan started to float up slowly.

*uuush~* *tap**tap*

Descending right on the crater edge, he looks at the man pointing a gun at him.-"*click* *bepbepbep bap!* Hmm, a power level of five, that damned Kakarot... couldn't do such an easy job!*grits teeth*"

"UOOOH!!! I SAID BACK OFF!!!*BANG!*"- Firing his gun while closing his eyes, scared at what was going to happen.

But the other who got shot, just grunts and picks the bullet in his hand faster than the farmer could ever dream to see.

"Here *smile*, it's yours.*flicks finger*"


Missing the farmer for some centimeters, and hitting the car straight on its engine, the farmer passes out in fear.

At the same time.-" *BEPBEP!!*" Hmm? A power of 580.... and there's two of them....*levitates*, It seems he isn't that much of a disappointment, for such a week planet, he got pretty strong. *Smile*, still nothing compared to me! *FUUUUUSH!*"

Flying at impressive speeds, he follows where his scouter just showed him those powers moving, and he notices that they're moving to somewhere.

"Is he trying to retreat? Ahaha! There's no use! THERE'S NO USE IN TRYING TO ESCAPE! KAKAROT!"


Flying above mountains, he follows the beeping in his piece of technology, totally not having one piece of idea, of what is waiting for him there.


{Pov Kami; Lookout; 08: 45 a.m}

"It seems what she said was indeed the truth..."- Watching from above the man that flies on earth skies, me and Mr.Popo just watch, since it seems things are going to start to go down a strange path.

Looking up from the sea of clouds.-" Kami-Sama, Popo don't think we should worry, all the earth warriors are super strong! And we have the girl too! Someone like this random space guy isn't going to be able to do anything without consequences!"

Nodding at my close friend words, that couldn't be more true.-" Indeed, he is going directly to them, so we shouldn't worry much about it, still, it'll be a pretty spectacular thing to watch, knowing who he's going after, Mumei will probably do something."- Looking back at the clouds.

'Looks like they finally arrived at the old master house, in all this time I have been watching her, it was one of the most entertaining days I ever had, let's see what you're going to do now, young Mumei *smiles*'


{Pov Roshi; Kami-house; 08: 35 a.m}

Hmm... my students really surpassed this old man....

Krillin has developed techniques that far surpass my original versions, that I created all those years ago...

Even the young Yamcha, has changed after going on that journey of his... his power and mastery increased to the levels a grand master would be jealous of.

Now, we're waiting for my last one, Goku, I want to see how you've grown as well, after hearing the news that Piccolo turned a new leaf, I couldn't believe it, but it seems to be true, that evil presence that was always following his Ki disappeared.


"Oh, Bulma arrived!"- Getting up from my couch, and running outside, just to see the two boys sitting down by the beach, they were probably talking, and now one of those flying vehicles Bulma uses.


Turning it off, the other two gets up to welcome the genius too.

"Hey Yamcha bet you could get try again this time!"- Hmm, Krillin is joking around... but.

"Don't speak out stupidities Krillin, obviously she would be better with someone experienced like me! Ehehe*BONK!* UGH!"- Receiving a blow from above, that makes me curl down with my hands to my head.

Looking up a little after the pain goes away, I see the young Bulma with a frown.-" Tsk, it seems even after all these years you don't change one bit! You perverted old man!"

"Ehehe... it's good to see you too Bulma..."

Trying to cover up my sayings a bit she looks away to the other two, specifically at Yamcha.

"What have you been doing all this time? And you let your hair grow again? The beard too? What are you an animal?"- Firing one after the other, it seems to pierce him even more with imaginary lances....

"Calm down Bulma, we're training pretty intensely, so he didn't have much time to take care of his appearance, and he seems to like it, so what's the bad in it?"- Smiling awkward… Krillin is trying to put off the bomb, just to receive a side eye, and a sigh.

"Good to see you too Krillin, but this*points at Yamcha*, didn't contact me for two years, TWO WHOLE YEARS! *sigh*, Then, out of nowhere he sends me an invitation to came here!"- Boiling more and more, her hair almost turns red as well with her rage.

Poor Yamcha... but it would mean she is single right? uhuhuh~ Uuugh.... She just sent a glare to me...

"Hmph, well we're almost breaking apart, so I don't really mind, but he could at least had said it to my face,' We should put an end to it ', or something, not disappear to god knows where. "

"Uuuh... I don't really have a say here.... I just vanished to start my training journey thinking we were already ended.... but it seems I thought wrong...*scratches beard*"

*Sigh*, I will let them speaking for themselves a bit, going to get some juice for everyone, very soon the others will arrive too.


{Kami-house; 08: 39 a.m}

As the three old friends talk, now with Bulma way calmer now, and thinking more coherently, they speak about what they have been doing these past years.

Krillin being the first one to start.-" Nothing too big, just training, after Yamcha left, I started to develop some other techniques with Master Roshi's help in some, and when he got back, we trained mastering our respective powers even more!"

The other two nods, and Bulma just smiles a bit.-" Well knowing you guys, it's a pretty normal thing to do, on the contrary, my father and I have been working on some technology that could maybe one day get us to other galaxies! But it stills a far cry, and will need at least ten or more years to get a prototype version for tests.

*Looks at Yamcha*, and you bearded man, you exited to go on a journey, what happened? At least tell us something interesting happened!"

The one, being pressured for the answer by the blue headed scientist just sighs.-" Already told Krillin, so it'll more for you then, I start walking city from at the start, Pual was with me in this part, we're going pretty well. Challenging Fighters here and there, *mimics punches*, was pretty fun, until we got to a town and killed a bear that was attacking it.

Obviously the citizens fired compliments at us, and after a party, the old granny chief said something that intrigued me."

Making a dramatic pause, Bulma with her eyes shining nods.-" What she said?"

Seeing the enthusiasm, Yamcha smiles, Krillin sits down listening in too, he liked the story a bit himself.-" She said that if what I was seeking was strength, that further into a hellish desert, there was a man known as the strongest and wildest fighter of his time around there. It seems the old chief watched my fight and noticed my style, and thought that it may help me, the information.

And ya know what? The next day I parted, going to that hell of place that it was."

Krillin snickered at how much anger he put in the 'hell' part, seemingly already listened a lot of times of it beforehand.

"And how did you manage it? And Pual? What happened to him?"- Bulma now with her back to her vehicle and looking attentively at the storyteller with a waiting for more face.

Yamcha face turns serious.-" I sent Pual back, he couldn't handle the environment, the heat was starting to get to him, but still, I continued, for two whole months, walking, drinking and eating whatever I found in my way. Surviving just to go back to walking the next instant, it was the most hardcore experience I ever had on my whole life outside fighting Goku, *sighs*, after so much walking, I found the place.

A mountain that was super tall, at this point my body was shattered, tired, only thing that hot me on my feet was the will to at least try and better myself, fear of falling behind, of making my friends expectations go even lower..."

He looks at Krillin and smiles, the bald man gets up and taps the wolf man back.-" What you are saying is pure nonsense, we never did! Myself and Goku, we always wanted you to push forward! And now look at you!"

Laughing a little at his friend motivation, Yamcha puts his hand behind his head, and continues his story, since Bulma seems to expect more.-" Climbing the mountain, I found my master, and after undergoing the last trial, he started training me seriously, and then I pushed myself every day, until last year when he passed away for a better place... I returned to continue my training with my friend!"- Putting his hand on Krillin's shoulder and smiling widely.

Like he didn't drop the bomb that his master passed away, seeing that it's better to not point it out, Bulma smiles.

"It seems you really got a life-changing experience, good for you, I guess."- Bulma getting what she wanted, didn't touch the topic anymore, seeing that anything she and Yamcha had, probably was already ended, she didn't want to put any more wood into the fire.

"Hey you guys! Wants some juice?"- Roshi walking from the door with a plate of orange juice.

Behind him a brown turtle brings some cookies on her back.-" Uuhhhh, there are cookies too."

The turtle looks to be high on something, we really can't tell what.

Getting this as a way to change their talk in a new page, all of them get a cup and start talking to themselves about their old stories, waiting for their last friend.

Going on for a while, and when Yamcha was stretching his hand about to get the last cookie.


An orange-yellow line seems to be faster than him, and behind it a lot of wind is raised up as well. Prompting all of them to shield their eyes with their arm, except the turtle, it could just look away to try and not get dust in his eyes.

Krillin being the first to snap his head to the ceiling of the Kami-house, but the next second he looks at the sky, seeing other three people descending.

Seeing two people recognizes very well, he runs up to his long data friend.


"GOKU!!!"- With little tear drops in his eyes he jumps and hugs his friend.

"Eheheh, heya Krillin! It's been a while hasn't it?"- Patting the smaller baldy's back, Goku looks at the others.

"You guys too! It feels it has been forever since the tournament!"- Getting off his friend, Krillin lets his best bud go to compliment the others, and he stays looking at a child and a tall green man he knows very well.

The two stare at each other for a second, which results in Piccolo grinning a bit.-" You have grown stronger, Krillin, it seems after sensing our powers growing pushed you even further to your own limits. I congratulate you for that."

Not really processing that he was being complimented by the one who was once the biggest evil in earth, Krillin is at the loss for words here.

"Mister Piccolo is right! You guys are super strong too! Not as strong as Aunmei, but still strong!"- Raising an eyebrow, the bald man looks at the boy.

"You're uncannily familiar...*puts hand beneath chin*"- Circling around the boy, Piccolo grunts, and gives the answer.

"It's because he's Son's brat, meet Son Gohan, Son Goku's son... now that's a tongue twister the bird would like....."

Krillin and the others that were talking to Goku in the back, bulge their eyes.

" " " " GOKU HAS A SON!?!? " " " "

The way all of their eyes comically bulge out makes a laugh make itself present, a fourth participant in this party.

"Pffft....look at those faces! ahahah!*chomp!*"- Everyone looks above the house.

Sitting at the ceiling balancing her legs back and forth is our girl, Mumei.

The other's hasn't even noticed her there, besides Krillin who was going to look at her direction, before being interrupted by his friend arrival.

Bulma is the first to act up.-" And who are you? I can only assume you're with Goku... but never seen you around..."

All the residents of the Kami's island nod, and a certain old man even looks at Owl cleavage, just to flinch and look around scared.-' Wha-What!? What was that?! Just felt like death was by my side!'

But him playing with the reaper aside, Muun gulps down the rest of the cookie and then points her thumb finger at herself.

"I don't know how many times I will have to do this.... I am Mumei the Owl! The current strongest being on this planet as of right now! Pleasure to meet y'all! *waves hand*"

They all look at her blankly, and then at Goku, asking for answers.

He looks at them and shakes both arms in a defensive manner.-" What she's telling is the truth, currently she's the strongest that is on earth as of right now! But changing topics! I have so many things to say to you guys! You all are gonna be blown up by it! Ehehe."

Goku starts explaining everything he learned, with the help of Piccolo here and there, since he seemed to forget the most important details.

Meanwhile, Gohan was playing with the turtle and Muun was just laying up there lazily waiting.

'He took so long to appear? I will be looking like an asshole if he doesn't appear in the next five minutes...'- She starts to roll on the ceiling side to side, the one thing visible to the others being her legs and thighs.

And it was kinda enough for someone to notice something.-' She could crush a rock with those thighs... how did Goku stumble with someone like that...'

Master Roshi gives a look and rapidly looks away, luckily he can't see a blue screen aiming at him.

While they catch up, and Goku explain everything he learned, Muun just looks at the sky, waiting...

[{ He must have missed his bus or something.}]

'*smile*, Ye, could be that, or the farmer killed him.'- The thought of Raditz being ended by a shotgun makes her smile, and Kro snickers a bit too.

[{Hmm, he seems to be coming Muun, so are you going to wait?}]

Closing her eyes and feeling the light breeze, that is a very cold one, because of the sea.-' After he explains some things, I have something to do, it'll guarantee things happen as I want.'

Kro on the other side nods, but obviously the bird couldn't see it.

Almost sleeping, she hears the conversations between those beneath her.

"So Gohan, what you want to be when you grow up?"- Bulma asks a golden question.

The little kid thinks about it for a second.-"Hmm, I would like to be an investigator! But still continue to train and be strong like auntmei!"

Saying so with a big smile, it makes the other pretty surprised, that Goku's child isn't just like him, showing interest in more things than fighting, is a green flag to them.

Smiling at the answer Bulma puts both hands in each side of her hips, and looks at the house ceiling.-" And what's up with her? Why is she just laying down up there?"

She frowns at the other actions, and not showing one bit of respect.

They look at Muun, but when Goku was going to open his mouth, his head fired to the side.

Looking at the clouds, the others who can feel Ki does as well.

Getting in his stance, Krillin gets a little serious.-" What's up with this energy? It's exuding a very big malicious intent... even if it's not very strong... Its power is still super strong compared to other ones, what does this guy even wants!"

Smirking, Piccolo gives a side eye look at Muun who is looking at the direction Raditz is coming with just one eye open and a big creepy smile.

"You guy's don't really need to worry, we have a lot of strong warriors here, and up there, a damn anomaly too."


Breaking the tense air, and giving everyone a light smile, Muun yells from up there, putting her head to the side and shooting a glare at the green man.

While they're distracted.


Someone crosses the sky.


Landing on the beach, on the other side of them, a long haired man with a strange armor, and on his face a strange green mechanism.

'Hmm *bep* the strongest is the green man... 610....*smile*'- Taking a few steps close, just to stop, and give them a closer look.

"Kakarot, what have you doing around here? Did you start playing around or something?"- His tone being a harsh one as he looks at the one who looks identical to their father.

Piccolo and Goku's eyes widen, knowing very well the name already. -" How... how do you know that name!"

Steeping closer, the smaller man asks very confused.

"What... can't you even remember your own brother?"

This makes all of them freeze, well excluding the one who is just smiling and laying on her belly while moving both legs back and forth.

' I don't think he could ever remember Raditz... since Goku didn't see him one time... or my memory could be bad, but even in the Brolly movie, he was always on missions.'

While staring at the man, she chuckles a bit.

[{You're right Muun, Raditz rarely stayed home after he got an age to go on missions, his power even being put together with the prince for an extra helping hand... even if he was not needed at all, we could call him the pet of the house....}]

Muun bites her inner cheeks to not burst laughing at the thought of Raditz being a house dog...

""""" Wha??? Brother????"""""- All the Z warriors stare at the man in front of them...

"It makes sense.... he really fits on the looks that Mumei described to me... armor for battle, black hair, and some strange mechanism on their faces varying in colors...."- Goku remembering the resume Muun made for him in terms of appearance, and the guy just fits in!

"Anyway, it cuts me a good chase Kakarot you're going to come with me! We are in need of some helping hands, and even if you are weak, with some battles you could unlock your true Saiyan battle power!"

Making a proud face and stretching his hand forward to his brother, but the one don't even flinch one bit and just looks Raditz seriously in the eyes.

"Leave, if you leave right now, you can still go back, I don't think you did any bad since arriving, so leave."- Speaking in a passive-aggressive tone, Goku gets ready to unleash his power.

"Ahahah! That would be a no! You're coming with me wanting or not! We Saiyans, the strongest race in the universe, need to be together!"- Raditz was about to shout more, but he noticed something, his scouter...

"WHAT! WERE!"- He turns around looking for it, but not even the Z fighters have seen what happened.

Piccolo gives a look at where the Owl was, and sees smoke, and connecting one to two, he understands.

"That thing on his face must have some great importance to him for the bird to take it."


Right in their middle between the brothers, another cloud of smoke is raised.

"Precisely Piccolo, if I am right, that works as a communicator as well, and for what I am about to do, can't really have other space dudes hearing it.*looks at Raditz*"

The Saiyan was fuming with anger, and looking at the new addition, he launches himself forward with tremendous speed... or he thinks so.-" YOU DAMNED GIRL!! GIVE ME BACK THAT!! *PAM!* UH????"

He throws a straight punch right into Muun's forehead, but it doesn't make her even flinch or move, but it does fire some small wind waves to their surroundings.

Smiling arrogantly.-" Now~ now~, I have a proposal for you space dude, or better, two choices."

Not quite following what's happening, Raditz takes two steps back, not understanding that someone just tanked a punch of his without even moving.-" Wha- What you want?*trembling*"

He knows when he's overwhelmed, and this girl right in front of him, might be stronger than Nappa, as even the bald man flinches a little when they spar... or better saying, when Nappa beats Raditz up.

"Now that's a good boy~ *puts one finger up* Stay here and grow stronger, stronger than you ever imagined, be your own person, without fearing everything on space."

Raditz eyes widen even more at what she's telling him.-" Wh-no...How!!?"

"*Smiles and points another finger*, Refuses it, die as a coward who couldn't follow his own way, and die following someone who treats you like trash."

Things were going way too fast for the tall Saiyan to understand, his head was spinning around the whole thing she just said, confused at what to do.

The ones behind Muun, were just enjoying the show, Krillin even tried to move and help when the other Saiyan was about to attack Mumei, but Goku stopped him, when the bald man looked at his friend.

He just smiled and shook his head.

And now they're just watching, to see what the brother of Goku is going to choose.

Piccolo, was the most attentive to what she was saying.

'I don't know how.... but she speaks like she knows this guy.... what are you hiding beneath that empty head of yours bird.... and what is this guy going to choose....'

ReyKale ReyKale

What he's going to do?


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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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