17.17% A Saiyan Owl / Chapter 17: Chap 17- The Chaos Owl

บท 17: Chap 17- The Chaos Owl

Chap 17- The Chaos Owl:


( A/N: Small fix)


{Kro's home; Void}

"Plus 2!*plap!*"- The sound of a card hitting the ground is heard inside a room.

"Uhuhuhu Plus four!!!"- Another voice way more arrogant too throws a card on the top of the other.

"Ehhhhhh..... damn it..."- Picking six cards a certain light brown colored birb almost cries.

"Woooo~ little Muun is sad? uuuuuuu.... Ahahahaha!"- The other party almost fall to her back laughing.

Mumei just flops to the ground with her back.

"Not funny, didn't laugh..."- She just lurks there, with a gloomy aura above her head.

Kro slap her leg slightly.-" Come on Muun, don't be like that, it has been just a week!"- Yep, a week has passed by a blink of an eye.

Mumei and Kro watched so much Dragon Ball, they started sleeping on the couch, and Mumei would always find a way to make a position that would make Kro more and more embarrassed.

Like the time that Kro woke up, to just be almost asphyxiated by Muun's breasts, and she was holding the blue haired head there in an iron grip, just only after almost fainting, did Kro managed to wake up Muun.

After that she didn't mention anything, because the Owl just got back to sleeping a second later.

"Yea, but, I want to do some exercise, I know what happens when you don't even have a little spar in a long time, look at Gohan, all Sagas he needs to be remembered that he needs to train, then a power out of his ass gets him even higher than before, as for me? I like the punchy part of all the training..."- Kro deadpans Mumei and them gets up after sighing.

Kro swipes her hand forward, and proceeds to click on it multiple times.


Things start to shake, and a new door just pops open on a wall to their left.



"The hell?"- Mumei jumps up and lands on her feet, making a loud thud on the wooden floor.

"Hey Muun don't break my floor! It's hard to get it the way I like!!"- Kro shouts while still typing and the whole room continues to shake.

"Oaaah?! Fuck this! *Jumps* Now it's better!"- The Owl jumps and floats midair with her legs crossed, just looking down at the one typing while she goes around like those DVD logos when you don't interact with them for a while.

"Yeeeeeeeeee~"- Mumei goes to one side then another, floating above Kro, who just has a tick mark on her head.

"Muun... please stop... or I am going to delete the playlist you had been listening earlier!"- That's one thing too, all music Mumei had listened, is here, so she has a lot of genres, but her favorites being phonk and lofi, one makes her want to punch Pickles and Vegetables face, and the other makes her want to sleep.

Perfected balanced, as all things should be.

"Sorrrrriiiiiiiiii~"- After saying so, she just does the floating part now.


*clickity click*

"Okay! I am done! A ring that can withstand your power Muun, I can be your opponent if you want to, I have everything you have in techniques and power, minus racial ones, but I am sure can be a good match!*smile confidently*"- Indeed Kro has everything, but she doesn't have Mumei battle instincts, but her head being practically a mega hyper computer, she compensates for it a lot.


Muun does a flip and lands on the ground again, and walks to the new door.


"*Whistles* Wow, naisu view!"- A circular ring, with just a glass surrounded its edges, and it's ceiling, giving the view to the infinite of void.

"Yeah, was thinking of a way to do something nice, but still practical, so I put the strongest material I could there, and just turned its opacity down."- After saying that Mumei does a heavy turn towards Kro, expecting something, but Kro just shakes her head.

"Nop, everything created here, stays here, this is a virtual world Muun...."- She explains, a little disappointed herself.

"Damn it... we would be practically invincible! Imagine all the Drips I could have! ACHT!!"- Kro bonks her on the head and walks pass her, going to the other side of the ring.

"Muun, you didn't have a chance to use your full power, but I... *smile* am at 100% almost all the time! HAAAH!"- *fushshs!* A white aggressive aura comes to life around Kro.

The Owl eyes shine with its yellow glow.

"Cool! But I am pretty sure I used at a maxiMuun of 4k? Probably around there, but being able to go all out? HELLL YEAHHH!!!!"* FUSSHSHSH!* Similarly to one before, her aura explodes on white, going everywhere like it's angry or something.

Kro puts both hands on her hips, with her fists closed, and opens her legs a bit.

Nodding, Muun tries something new a little, she brings her right hand closed to her face, and let her left to her hip's height, also closed, and jumps from one leg to the other.

Kro seeing this raises an eyebrow.-" What's up with the change?"- Her tone being actually really confused, she has never seen her using such a stance.

"Just thought about it, jumping I can already move out with high speeds, and with my arms like this, high and low strikes are always possible, ehehe, I think I am starting to develop a QI for fighting, like Goku! HAAAH!"- On one of her little jumps, she hits the ground with her left leg with high force, and is fired towards Kro.

The other seeing this, raises her alerts, and gets ready.

"ORAAAAYAAA!!"- Muun punches with a right hook, but Kro just raises her left arm and holds in, picking Muun's fist at super high speeds.


High speeds winds hit every wall around them.

Kro smiles smugly, and for the first time, in months, Mumei has someone who can hold her own against her own power.

Her euphoria was hitting high, and she smiles, moving forward, she kicks the ground.


"GWAAOUKK!!?"- And a knee connects at high speeds on Kro's abdomen.

"ORA!!"-Muun comes with her other knee.


But Kro struggling still blocks it, with her own free hand.

'Mumei... activated Owltra Instinct, she's way stronger now, if I don't do anything, our differences will be too big!'-"HAAAAH!!!"- Kro starts to glow with a blue glow around herself.

"ORIAAAA!!!!"- She pushes back Mumei, making her slide back a little.

Getting her balance back, the Owl jumps a little again, her smile growing.

"Let's go Kro!"- She rushes forward, and Kro with her newly acquired powers do as well.

*BOOM!!* They clash punches, and start to block and punch one after another, Kro getting more and more used to whatever she's using, and Muun getting more and more used to her own new full power.

"ORAA!!!"- *BANG!* Finally, both crash fists together again, but this time they make an impasse for strength.

"Muun grrr... don't you think we should stop playing around and start to really fight grrr!!"- Kro pushes forward but is met with equal resistance.

Mumei laugh a little.-" Nahhh!!!! ahhh!!! But if what ya want! Then okay!"- After saying so, she sidestepped to her right, and kicked with a left sidekick to Kro's abdomen, raising her leg, Kro met her knee with the attacker own kick.

Mumei not being done, starts to go on a rampage, a right jab to a left, Kro dodges both, but doesn't dodge a spinning sidekick kick to her right side, hitting straight to her rib cage.


"GWWWAAAAK!!!!"- Kro is sent flying to the side.

Mumei putting her leg down looks at her.

Kro flies a little, but pushing her palm on the ground she flips and gets back on her feet.

Her body being totally fine, looks like damage isn't something that happens in this world.

"Muun, even though I should be winning because of our power usage difference,*smiles* you still manage to surprise me, now, that you gave your powers a shot, it is my turn!"- *FUSH!*

"What you mea- AUHHHH!!!"- Kro hits Muun forehead with a jab, and then her stomach with her knee, and to end, a spinning right hook kick.



"AAAAUGHHHH!!"'- Mumei is hit so hard she almost faints, no real wounds on the show whatsoever.

Rolling through the ground, her face finally goes back to her smile, and the pained expression goes away.

*psh*-" Kro...huff... Ya asked for it!!"- Mumei puts one leg up, to use as support, and finally gets up slowly.

"Oh, so you finally got the idea of how this place works Muun? *Smirks* Then you should know, that you can't win, not as of right now, after all, this*clenches hands* is the power of the System source that I am using, it's like a little program I created to try and get the properties of your own racial skills, I can't use them, but I at least have a copy half assed of them, I was going to use it to see if I could help you find anything extra about them, never imagined being the one using it ehehehe."

Mumei just stares at Kro's face, with a blank look.

And even deactivate her Owltra Instinct in the process.

Kro seeing this, blushes, and looks away.

"I...I WAS TRYING TO HELP OKAY!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO COPY YOU Muun!!!!"- Trying to explain herself, but the other just looks at her blankly.

*sighs*-"Kro... we're just playing and all... but piracy is crime ya know? I would have given you a green pass to go... didn't need to do anything on my back ya know?*scratches head*"- Muun just looks at Kro, who now is the one who looks with a deadpan to Muun.

They just stare at one another for a second, but finally breaking it, Mumei gets back on her stance, and breathing a lot of wind in, and finally getting a serious face on.

She closes her eyes, and shakes a little.

Her mouth go through a lot of emotions.

Kro just cross her arms and looks at her, attentively, she had just understood what Muun's trying to do.-' So she's trying to bring it out fully, this may be pretty messy...'- Her eyes glued to her friend, and she breathes in and out.

" ahhhhh!!!!! AUGHHHHA!!!!!!!"- A primal scream from all the depths of Mumei's heart comes out.

Everything shakes in the house, the power of pure chaos being liberated fully.

"Agrrrrr,!! GRRAAAAHHHH!!! AGGGGGRRRRR!!!!"- Mumei's eyes glow red, her sclera turning black, her hair now a darker shade of brown.

A yellow Ki fuses with her normal white one, and burns up in white and yellow Ki flames of sorts.

"Muun... you have Zero control over it huh... then let's give a test drive!!"- Blue flames of her own envelopes Kro's body as she dashes forward.

Moving so fast an after image of her stays where she was seconds ago.

Arriving in front of Mumei, she punches forward.


"GWAAAK?!?!?!"- But the new state the Owl reached, lets her be really fast from the looks of it.

She gave a straight kick, directed in the middle of Kro's abdomen.


Making her rocket back, almost fainted.


She hits one of the transparent walls, she stays there for a second, before sliding down.

"Fuc- Ehe- Shi-Ahaha- How the hell does Bae handle chaos? My head...ehehehe!!!"- Mumei in her end, walks side to side, like she's drunk.

This is [Owl Side] fully unleashed.

"Muun is still there huh.... Then it's good, let's train it for a bit then!!"- Pushing her hands to the ground and firing her body towards Muun again.

"ORIYAAA!! ORA! ORA ORA!!"- Kro arrives in front of Muun with a dropkick, that's easily dodged by the Owl, then three more, she just dodges, in a drunk way.

Noticing something, Kro sees that Muun isn't operating at 100% of this state.

"Muun I KNOW YOU'RE TRYING TO HOLD IN, BUT LET IT ALL OUT! OR THE STATE WILL NOT GO OUT FULLY!"- Kro yells at Muun's ears, making the other flinch.

"FuuuuUUuUUuuUUUUCKKKK!!!!"- *BOOM!!!* Her Ki flares up,

Muun gives up on all her control, and her smile just grows side to side.

"Uhuhuhuhuhuhu~ Let's play Kro!!"- A dark shadow forms on the

superior part of her face, now just having two glowing red dots.

"Man, this state sure is super edge for Muun... but anyway come Muun!"- Kro waves her hand towards herself.

The Owl not even needing further incentive, disappears.


Appearing behind Kro, with a double axe punch down.

Kro turns around with her right arm up blocking the attack, but still raising winds to all sides from th impact.


They lock eyes again, Kro seeing that Muun isn't holding back anything anymore, she smiles.

"Now this, is an equal footing fight!"- Kro kicks her on the stomach, sending her to the side, Muun gets her bearings and turns towards the System core with a jab, Kro dodges, but she doesn't see a frontal kick, that hits again on her stomach.-"Gwooook!!!"- She grits her teeth and punches Muun's cheek.

Making the Owl head fire to the side, but after a second coming back with another punch.

And they go on, sonic booms appearing all around the transparent sphere.

They clash, dodge and connect attacks after attacks, and as they do.

[[Owl Side <Mastery 2.9%.....3.0%...3.2%]]

Mumei gets better and better, and Kro following suit behind, being a virtual world, gaining power is basically impossible, but, improving her Skills is something very possible.

Exchanging punch after punch, kick after kick, Kro getting real experience, Mumei having the time of her life, here they can't get hurt, so basically any restraints of injuring the other is discarded, and the only thing making, so they don't use Super attacks and blow up one another is their liking to one another, be it as friends, or whatever they consider each other.




They connect one punch, in each other's cheeks, both smiling.

In Muun eyes, a little yellow starts to glow, what could it represent for our dear Owl?

ReyKale ReyKale

I don't know, Mum wanted to fight something, and Kro being herself wanted to be the perfect opponent.:)

And if you didn't read a certain paragraph, they're just playing around :D

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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