33.33% Transcendent Journey In Another World / Chapter 14: Chapter 14 Go to Germany

บท 14: Chapter 14 Go to Germany

After waking up from a nap, Drav waken up Jyahnar who still sleeps in his arms, and went to Yae Sakura's room.

Knocking on the door, he asked "Sakura, it's me Drav"

"Come in"

Opening the door, he saw Yae Sakura standing looking at him gently while Yae Rin was still sleeping on her side.

"Is she woken up yet?" Drav asked worriedly while using Great Sage to detect Yae Rin's body condition.

"Unfortunately no" Yae Sakura shake her head and asked worriedly again "But my sister alright right?"

[Notice. The patient's condition is stable but it's detected that she suffered a light injury on her head and in 6 hours the patient's consciousness will be recovered]

Is that so, well let me heal her first.

Thinking like that, Drav went to Yae Rin and use her healing ability on her head. With the accompanying green light on his hands a moment later Yae Rin began to awake.

"...Onee-chan? Where are we?" Yae Rin asked, rubbing her eyes. She could only recall a blurry memory of many adults from the village entering her room while she was playing with her sister. After that, everything became a blank and she couldn't remember anything else.

"Rin!" seeing her sister finally awake, Yae Sakura hugged her tightly while sobbing.

"Eh? Onee-chan, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly cry?" Yae Rin felt panicked and confused about her sister's behavior. She tries to pat her older sister to calm her down but as she stares around, she saw a familiar figure.

"Drav-nii! And Jyahnar-nee!" Yae Rin shouted in surprise.

"Hi Rin, it's been a while" Drav smile at her while Jyahnar just nodded.

"It's been 3 months you know, I thought I'll never see you again" she pouted, feeling a little angry about his long journey.

"Ahahaha, I'm sorry, it's just there were a lot of matters on my journey" Drav smile awkwardly while scratching his head.

"Hmph!" Yae Rin snorted in anger, but her expression softened as she suddenly remembered something important. "Oh yeah! Drav-nii, why did my sister suddenly cry? And where are we right now? This isn't my home, is it?"

"As expected Rin! You are very insightful!" Yae Rin giggled at that, "We are in Kyoto right now, and as for why did your sister cry, you can ask her later"

"Kyoto?! We're in the city?!" Yae Rin exclaimed in surprise. "But, but that's very far away, isn't it? And Otou-sama will definitely be furious if he finds out we've ventured so far from the village! Oh no, he'll be so angry when we return home!" she fretted, concerned about the consequences they might face for straying from their village without permission.

Looking at her reaction, Drav felt funny while also sad, he knew what this girl going through, first, her village want to sacrifice her for their own purpose, and second, her father died trying to protect and prevent her and her sister from the village sacrifice.

To Drav's surprise, he learned that the Yae sisters' father had not willingly sacrificed his daughters as he had initially assumed, based on common tropes in other Honkai fanfiction he had read. Instead, their father had bravely fought to protect them, sacrificing his own life in the process.

After contemplating for a moment, Drav made the decision not to reveal the cruel truth to Yae Rin, as he didn't want to disrupt her current state of happiness. He felt it was better to leave the responsibility of sharing the information with her remaining family members, which is her sister, Yae Sakura.

"Don't worry about it, Your father already allowed us"

"Is that so? I never thought my father would allow me to go outside, considering my previous illness and fragile condition. But now that I'm cured, perhaps it's possible for me to explore the world beyond our village," Yae Rin mused, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

"But..." Yae Rin's expression turned into one of concern as doubt crossed her mind. "Why did the adults from the village come to my room earlier? I distinctly remember my father sounding very anxious at that moment," she questioned, her eyes searching for answers from Drav.

"Ah, well..." Drav's hesitant response only served to increase Yae Rin's suspicion. He knew he wasn't a skilled liar, and he could sense that Yae Rin might sense something amiss if he attempted to answer her question directly.

Fortunately, Jyahnar intervened to help Drav. "Your father was concerned that you would be frightened if you were taken far away from home. However, the other villagers came and convinced him that it would be best for you and your sister to leave the village," Jyahnar responded in a matter-of-fact tone, explaining Yae Rin's question.

"Really? But why did I fall asleep afterward?" Yae Rin asked once again, her doubts lingering as she sought clarification on the matter Jyahnar had explained.

"They made you faint so you could be very surprised after suddenly arriving at Kyoto"

"So that's it!" Yae Rin exclaimed, nodding in understanding. However, a lingering feeling of unease remained within her, as if something was still not quite right.

Looking at the two, Drav breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to tell Yae Rin the whole truth, but if she continued to press him for answers and showed unwavering determination, he knew he would have no choice but to reveal everything.

While they chatted, Yae Sakura finally recovered from her state.

"Rin, I-" Knowing her about to tell Yae Rin the truth, Drav uses his telepathy to tell her about his idea.

"What's wrong Nee-chan?" Yae Rin tilted her head, curious about what her sister wanted to say.

"No, nothing" Yae Sakura shook her head and clear her tears, then she continue "I'm just very worried because you fell unconscious for a long time"

"Onee-chan! You made me worried, you know?" Yae Rin exclaimed, expressing her concern. "You suddenly hugged me tightly and cried. I thought something terrible had happened while I was unconscious." Her words caused a brief moment of silence among the three of them, as they realized just how close Yae Rin was to discovering the truth.

Is this what they called about woman six sense? How scary!

Drav shudders at the thought, while Yae Sakura smiled gently in response. "Thank you for worrying about me, Rin! But don't worry, nothing terrible happened while you were unconscious."

"If you say so. So, what we will going to do right now in Kyoto?" Yae Rin asked, a glimmer of excitement appearing in her eyes.

"Honestly, we won't be exploring Kyoto extensively. Once you're fully recovered, I've decided to travel to Germany," Drav revealed. The reason behind his choice was his desire to meet Kallen and Otto, individuals he believed were located in Germany. The presence of many German terms like "Herrscher" in the Honkai story led him to suspect their connection to the country.

"Gemanji? What is that?" Yae Rin asked curiously, while Yae Sakura and Jyahnar also stared at him with curiosity.

"It's Germany. Ah, right, you guys didn't know about it since you are from the feudal era," Drav facepalmed himself. After all, people from the feudal era wouldn't be familiar with distant countries like Germany, which modern people are aware of.

Then he proceeded to explain Germany to them, describing its culture, technology, and advancements. He also shared stories about the three famous families/clans in Germany known for their ability to combat and defeat Honkai beasts even stronger than the ones Yae Sakura had faced. The Yae sisters listened in awe and admiration, fascinated by the capabilities of these renowned families.

"It's amazing," Yae Sakura said, her face filled with admiration and awe. "I never thought there would be an entire clan capable of slaying beasts and dedicated to protecting people."

Yae Rin nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I always knew there were individuals stronger than my Onee-chan, but the fact that there's an entire clan that can rival and perhaps even surpasses her strength is truly incredible. I'm in awe!"

Nodding his head, Drav suddenly said to them "Alright, before that let me give you guys something first"

Great sage, create an ability to share skill and knowledge with another person and give them knowledge about the German language.

[Share it has been created. Do you wish to implant knowledge into another individual?]

Yes. And with his approval, Yae Sister and Jyahnar were stunned for a moment before changing into surprise after feeling foreign information in their head.

"Ehhhh?! What is this? German language? Why does it appear in my mind?" Yae Rin asked in a bewildered tone.

"Are you too Rin?"

"Did you also experience the same thing, Onee-chan? Wait! Could it be... are you the one responsible, Drav-Nii?" Yae Rin asked, her memory of the miraculous healing fresh in her mind.

"100 points for you to guess it right" Drav smile at her, making her happy, and giggled, "After all we would go there and live them for a long time, there is no way for you guys to not understand their language right?"

"What?! We would live there for a long time? But Father surely wouldn't allow us to do this," Yae Rin said, her worry and confusion evident.

Yae Sakura, feeling the weight of the truth, felt a pang of sadness. She knew that revealing everything to her sister at this moment would be overwhelming.

"It's okay, Rin. Father agreed for us to follow and live with Drav and Jyahnar. He wants us to have a better life, away from the confines of the village," Yae Sakura reassured her sister.


"Just trust father's decision okay Rin?" hearing what her older sister said, Yae Rin finally nodded in agreement.

Clapping his hands, he said "Alright, enough about that, let's go to Germany right now" Hearing that, Yae Rin recover from his sullen mood and excited.

"Before that, you should hold onto me tightly, or I won't be able to teleport you with my ability," Drav instructed. The three girls followed his instructions and held onto him tightly.

"Hold on tightly. Ready? 3... 2... 1..." Suddenly, the scenery changed, and they found themselves in an alley.

"Wow, have we arrived? This is amazing!" Yae Rin exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement as she observed the foreign buildings and people dressed in unfamiliar clothes.

"Rin! Don't go afar, it was an unfamiliar place so sister afraid you will be lost in here" Yae Sakura grab her hands and scolded her as mothers do to their children.

"Eheheh, I'm sorry Onee-chan"

"Well, let's go then before someone found us suspicious because we stay a long time in an empty alley"

Drav and the three girls confidently walked out of the alley, attracting curious gazes from the pedestrians around them. They paid no mind to the onlookers and continued on their way. Luckily, they didn't encounter any hostile gazes, thanks to the presence of numerous Kaslana individuals who were responsible for maintaining the city's security.

"Onee-chan, look! There are so many people with colorful hair in this city, especially those with blonde hair and white hair," Yae Rin exclaimed, pointing at the Apocalypse and Kaslana individuals in the distance.

"Rin! It's not polite to point at people like that," Yae Sakura scolded her sister.

Hearing Yae Rin's observation, Drav was left speechless. Did she not realize that she herself had very colorful and distinctive pink hair?

While walking, Drav approached a pedestrian and inquired about where to purchase a house or manor in the city. Following the directions given, he eventually found a suitable manor and proceeded to purchase it using his gold. It was worth noting that the manor he acquired was considered quite prestigious, as it was located in an elite neighborhood with neighboring members of the Shaniat, Kaslana, and Apocalypse clans.

When they finally arrived there, they were all quite shocked at how wide and luxurious the manor was, especially the Western style of the manor, which was very different from what they had seen in Japan.

Yae Rin who was quite impatient grab her sister and entered the manor, Drav also want to but his instinct told him something important happened around now.

"Did you not go inside?" Jyahnar asked, curious why he didn't step inside.

Shaking his head, Drav replied, "I won't go far, just taking a short walk around. You can stay here or go inside with them." Following Drav's instructions, Jyahnar obediently complied.

He then walks around while staring at another manor he came to view, of course, while outside he just sightseeing inside he follows his instinct where it leads him somewhere.

"This is..." What he saw was a rock wall, he felt puzzled why his instinct lead him here. But that puzzle was solved after he hear something.

Curious, he looked at the source of the voice which is behind the rock wall, when he climbed the wall he saw many kids bullying a blonde hair loli while destroying a wooden model that depict a plane.

Of course, as a former bully victim, he felt angry at the kids and decide to intervene and help the girl out.

"What are you guys doing, huh?" When Drav appears, the kids were frightened at the sudden person appearing behind them.

"W-who are you?!"

"Me?" a smirk was formed on Drav's lips, he liked this question "Just a passing through Kamen Rider, you better remember it!"

Before the kids react suddenly the sky turns dark, when they look up they saw a terrifying sight of the Sun becoming eyes and it stares blankly at them, witnessing this they scream before runoff while screaming at their mom.

Of course, it doesn't happen in reality as it is just an illusion Drav cast permanently on them for their punishment every time they bullied someone.

"Hey, are you alright? Those guys have already left now," Drav said, expressing concern. The girl, with tears streaming down her face, looked up at him.

Looking at the crying girl in front of him Drav sighed, he remember hearing about this wooden model was very important to the crying girl, so he use his ability to restore it under the bewildered gaze of the girl and was surprised to find out it was a plane model.

"It's a plane! Do you already have an idea about planes in the medieval era? How insightful you are! With your keen intellect, you could have been a great inventor for mankind," Drav said, smiling warmly as he praised the girl.

And at that moment, their fates intertwined as the girl gazed blankly at the exquisite face of the "Hero" who had saved her from the bullies. He was the first person to see her worth and praise her for being useful. In the girl's dark world, the "Hero" shone brightly, illuminating her world and path as she realized within her mind.

Ah, I have finally found my light.

And that was how Drav appear in her world.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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