81.81% One Piece: Gacha System / Chapter 17: A Single Hit

บท 17: A Single Hit

Monkey D. Garp is a Marine Vice Admiral who is also one of the most famous figures that left a mark and enormous influence on this world. He is also the father of Revolutionary Leader Monkey D. Dragon and the grandfather of Monkey D. Lucy.

While Gol D. Roger is the figure that inspired people to become pirates, Monkey D. Garp is the figure of the Navy that inspired the new generations to join the Marine Army.

"Vice Admiral Garp!" One of the Marine soldiers rushed to Garp's side in panic. Garp is standing near the ship's left side with his arm crossed over his chest. He seems like he is in deep thought. No one knows what he is thinking about with the Dog head covering his face.


"Vice Admiral Garp!" The man continues calling for Garp's attention.


"What is it, Nugget?" Instead of Garp, the man who responds to Nugget's calling is Bogard, the right-hand man of Vice Admiral Garp. He is a mysterious individual who no one in the Marine can predict what he is thinking and what he will do. He had served under Garp even before the latter became Hero of the Marine.

"Rear Admiral Bogard, Sir, we detected a ship near the shore." Bogard, despite being a powerful Marine soldier, is akin to Garp. They don't want a promotion, but the reason is different. Garp doesn't want to serve under the Celestial Dragon, while Bogard doesn't want to get a promotion because he wishes to continue being Garp's underling.

"A ship? Is it a pirate ship?"

"We don't know, sir."

"Does it have a pirate flag?"

"No, it doesn't."

"Tell the others to check everything on that ship. It is a direct order from me."

"Sir, yes, sir!"

The Marine soldier salutes respectfully before rushing to other soldiers on the deck. Although the Marine code stated that a ship without a pirate flag would be considered a mercenary or rouge ship. But it won't hurt to check it; better safe than sorry.

"Guys, Rear Admiral Bogard commands us to check the ship!"

"Roger!" No question was asked if it was true because all of them trusted their comrades and were loyal to their superiors.

"Man, I can't believe Vice Admiral Garp didn't hear me...Maybe he is in deep thought."

"Deep thought? Vice Admiral Garp? Ahahahahahahha, what a funny joke, Nugget."

"What so funny, Chicken?"

"I forgot that you are a new guy. Vice Admiral Garp isn't in deep thought. He just slacking off by sleeping while standing."


(Bedroom - Makino's House)

"Then let's travel together... I need you as much as our children need you."

"You forgive me?"

"Of course I do. After all, you are the only man I need in my life and the only man perfect to be my children's father." Luke can't help himself before rushing to her side and giving her a hug. He can't believe someone like her is in love with him. It feels like he was in a fictional love story...

"I love you, Ann..."

"I love you, too...." They stare at each other for a few seconds before giving each other a french kiss. Their tongue began to push and play against each other.

[Ahhhhh, happy ending, better than before.]

"Ann, I-" He pulled himself from Ann before he could finish talking; Ann placed her index finger on his lips, making him stop.

"Seriously, Luke, how many times are you going to apologize to me?" Ann pouted and closed her right eye. "When I said that I forgive you, it means I forgive you. No need to think much bout it, kay?"

"Haaaaaah, whatever you say, Ann."

'Thanks [System]...without you, I think I'm going to be the biggest asshole in this world.'

[Well, I had grown attached to you, so I can't let you destroy your own life like that.]

'Hmmm, grown attached to me, you say? Are you in love with me?'

[I just don't want you to fuck up your relationship with other human beings.]

'....[System] if I made some stupid decision like this again...please set me up straight.'

[Sure Host]

"*Sniff* *Sniff* Luke, I just noticed...you are stinky." Ann is sniffing near Luke's face before pulling herself away from him with her hand covering her nose.


"When is the last time you take a bath?"

"Three days ago? Or maybe it was a week ago? I dunno."

"Go take a bath..." Ann pouted and pointed her finger at the door wanting Luke to get out of the room to clean himself.

"But Ann... I want to take a bath with you." Luke did a fake childish groan. "I need my sponge."

"Don't be so childish." Ann pokes Luke's nose playfully.


(Bathroom - Makino's House)

Luke strip down to his birthday suit, showing his well-toned body different from the scrawny one he had the first time he came to this world. With a deep sigh, He takes a dip in the bathtub.

"Ahhhhh...I'm so tired."

[Well, that kind of to be expected, you literally sailing for three whole days without a sleep]

"Heh...." Luke places a cigarette in his mouth and lightens it with a lighter. "Maybe I should take some- ahack!" Luke cough once he inhales the cigarette.

[So, what is the point of smoking a cigarette? Do you think you will look cool by doing that?]

"Well, if Smoker can make smoking look cool, then why can't I?" Luke extinguished the fire of the cigarette with his wet finger and placed it on the window's stool along with the lighter. Cigarette taste like shit.

[Grow up...]

"Excuse me.." the bathroom door was slid open by someone.


[Well, this is kind of unexpected...]

The one who opened the door was non-other than Makino; she covered her front body with a small white towel. Due to being embarrassed by the current situation, her whole face is covered with blush. Damn, she is cute.

"Lu-Luke...C-Can I join you?" Makino stuttered, asking permission to take a bath with Luke.

"Makino?" Luke can't help but be in disbelief at her action. What the heck is going on here?

"Ann told me to accompany you in here.."

[Aren't you glad to have a lover like Ann? She even let you build a harem.]

"Ann did?" Luke raised his eyebrow when Makino mentioned Ann's name. He knows the latter will let him have a harem, but he doesn't expect Ann to encourage Makino to join in. "Come in then.." He said with a smile as he made space for Makino to join in the bathtub.

"O-Okay!" She nervously took a dip in the bathtub leaning her bare back to his chest. She didn't remove the towel covering her front part out of embarrassment. To her, this kind of situation is like a dream come true. She can feel his penis being pushed against her hips.


"W-What is it?"

"Are you even willing to become one of my lovers? You know you can get a better man than me with your personality, right?" Luke began to play with her hair. It doesn't take a genius to figure out Makino's feelings for him.

"I only like Luke," Makino confessed. This was the first time she had fallen in love. "I-I don't want anyone else other than you."

[That kind of cringe.]

'Shut up [System]'


"I see..." Makino's hair is entertaining to play with; it is much smoother than Ann's. Luke noticed that Makino was nervously fidgeting with her fingers. "Are you okay, Makino? I'm sorry if I make you feel uncomfortable by playing with your hair." Luke apologized and released his fingers from her hair.

"N-No, I like it when yo-you play with my hair. I-It just I want more than that..." Makino stuttered. For these past few months, Makino always dreaming her being tied to the bed, her eyes being covered by a blindfold, and Luke fucking her raw.

To others, Makino may look like an innocent and graceful lady, but in reality, among the three of Luke's love interests, she is the most perverted one.


"I-I want you to touch me." She left Luke speechless; he didn't know how to respond to her invitation because it was too sudden even for him. Luke gulped as he slowly removed the towel from Makino's body, revealing her pinkish nipples to him.

"Are you fine with this?"

"I'm Fi-Ahhhhh~♥" Before she could even finish her sentences, Luke pinched Makino's nipples before groping her breasts like a hungry beast. "Luke~♥" She moaned.

"Enjoying this kind of thing? You are such a pervert~" Luke whispered in Makino's ears. Her breasts aren't as big as Ann or Lucy's, but it is still the third biggest breast size on the Island if you don't count Dadan's.

After releasing her right breast, He used his right hand to move her face to face him and kissed her on the lips. Luke's tongue plays with Makino's, making her body twitch slightly. He pulled his mouth from her once satisfied with the French kiss.

"I love you, Luke~♥"

"You are so cute, Makino. I can't hold back anymore," he says as he raises Makino's body from the water and makes her push her hands against the wall. Sticking her butt to his face, due to how plump it is, Luke can't help but raise his right hand and…

*Spank* "Ahhhhhhh~♥"

*Spank* "Hnggghhhhhh~♥"

*Spank* "Mooooreee~♥"

Spank her three times, leaving a red hand mark on her right buttocks before massaging it gently. Spanking her ass was the most satisfying thing he had ever done lately, although he didn't expect Makino to enjoy it. She must be a Maschosist.

"Do you love being spanked by me, Makino?"

"I really, really love it~♥"

*Spank* "Ouuuuuuuuhhhhhhh~♥"

"Makino, you are such a horny bitch!"

After what he just said to her, Makino goes completely silent.

'Oh shit, had I gone too far with that one?' Makino's silence after he insulted her made him feel somewhat nervous. 'Oh God, am I going to destroy my relationship again!? Shit, this is bad, real bad!'


"*Gulp* Yes?"

"I'm not just a horny bitch. I'm your horny bitch~♥" She shakes her ass left and right just like animals wag their tails when they are happy. After hearing her perverted statements, Luke let out a relieved sigh.

*Spank* "Ahhhhhhhhh~♥"

"It is Master Luke for you!" Luke scolded. Well, to be honest, he ain't a sadistic guy, but when Makino acted like a total bitch he couldn't help but treat her like one. "Now spread your pussy and beg for my dick!"

"Master Luke~♥ Please shove your big meaty dick in my dirty worthless pussy~♥" She spread her pussy for him showing her inside.

Due to the side effect of the Raiju's Devil Fruit, his penis increased from 6 inches shortest and 9 inches longest to 8 inches shortest and 14 inches longest. "Heh, what a good bitch~ I'm going to fuck you until your pussy becomes my dick shape." Before he can shove his penis into her.

"SKY-GUY! THIS IS BAD! REALLY REALLY BAD!" Lucy slid open the door and shouted at him. She blinked her eyes when she saw Makino spreading her pussy for Luke. "OH NO! SKY-GUY TRYING TO SHOVE A BUG INTO MAKINO'S PUSSY!"

"KYAAAAAAA!" Makino yelled in embarrassment before covering her body with her hand. While Luke just looks unamused after being cockblocked by Lucy.

"Lucy, calm down! It's not a bug; it's my penis!" After he mentioned that, Lucy rushed to him to get a closer look at his penis, which made him feel somewhat nervous. He didn't even know what to think about when someone stared at his penis intensely.

*Lick* "The fuck Lucy!?"

"Ewwwwww, what with this taste!?" Lucy complained after she licked the tip of his penis. "The smell is good, but the taste is weird!"

"Lucy, e-explain to me why you are here?" Makino asked, thankfully that Lucy was too naive to understand what Makino was going to do with Luke. "Ahhhhhhhh~♥" She let out a moan when she felt Luke's hand groping her right ass cheek.

"Yeah, tell me, what is going on?"

"Is Makino okay? She looks weird."

"Nah, Nothing to worry about, isn't that right, Makino?" he slides two fingers up her pussy and gently caresses it.

"Hnggghhhhhh~♥ Yeah~♥" she moaned in ecstasy and sprayed love juices on his fingers.

"Hmmm, Okay!" Lucy is too obvious to understand what is going on between Luke and Makino.

"So, what is the thing you want to talk about?"

(Bedroom - Makino's House)

"Ann is resting in here, Mr. Garp." Makino opened the door for Garp, who found out that Ann was staying with Makino. He doesn't like Ann visiting the village because it will put her in a high-risk situation.

"Thanks, Makino," Garp said with a smile, while Makino just ignored him and pouted before leaving him there. "Did I do something to make her mad?"

'Well, you coming to this Island without telling anyone makes Makino's mood go off, especially when she almost gets what she wants.' Luke thought to himself, heavily sweating. 'What will he do to me once he found out about Rouge and Rachel!?'

"What is it, old man? What brought you here?" Ann casually asked as she had already put her daughters back to sleep. Garp blinked at the sight of Rouge, and Rachel then pointed his finger at them.

"Who are those brats?"

"My daughters."

"Eh? What did you just say? I think I heard it wrong."

"These are my twin daughters, Rouge and Rachel."

"Ann, I don't think it is a good choice to adopt kids your age, especially when you are such an unruly tomboy."

"Like I said, they are my daughters."


"Biologically." It took a few seconds for that word to into Garp's brain.


"CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP, OLD MAN!? MY BABIES ARE SLEEPING RIGHT NOW! AND THAT GUY IS THE ONE WHO BANGS ME!" Ann shouted while pointing her index finger at him. Luke just stared at Ann; isn't she the loudest one? He should have taken those babies and given them to Makino before Ann could meet with Garp.

Garp moves his attention from Ann to Luke, glaring at him up and down. 'Oh shit, this is so scary...' Luke wants to find a well so he can hide from Garp.

[Good Luck, Host.]

'Not helping at all...'

"He-Hello." The pressure under Garp's glare makes him stutter.

"You let this weakling fuck you? Aren't you ashamed of yourself!?"

"Shut up, Oldman! Don't you dare to call my darling a weakling!"

'DARLING!?' Both Garp and Luke thought the same thing simultaneously, although one was in anger while the other was in happiness.

"He is way stronger than you!"

"This brat is?" Garp asked in amusement; Due to giving birth not just a few hours ago, Ann struggled to control her anger, making her throw a tantrum.

[Oh well, nice knowing you, host.]

'Ann, I love you but don't want to be Garp's punching bag.'

"Ahahahahaha...Hello there." Luke tries to laugh it off while Garp obviously sees that he doesn't have the resolve to fight.

"What a coward," Garp muttered, Ann didn't hear it, but Luke certainly did. He clenched his fists and bit his lower lip in anger. 'Calm down, Luke. This man is clearly above your level.' He tried to convince himself that it was better to be insulted than fight against Garp.

"So Ann, where are the brats going to stay with? Makino's? Dadan's?"

"I'm going to bring them sailing through the sea with me."

"To be a pirate?" Ann nodded at Garp's question, making the latter angry at her.





"WHAT DID YOU-" A punch landed on Garp's face before Ann and [System] could finish shouting, making the man stumble a little. It doesn't hurt much for him.

"You brat," Garp growled as he glared at Luke, which the latter returned with his own glare.

"So the critical thing to you is they won't turn into a scum if Ann joins the Marine but did you forget.....The most important thing is their safety! Not some bullshit drama about being a scum or being a soldier!"

"You sure really like to bark, aren't you. Kid tell me, what is your name?"

"Luke, is it? So you think being a pirate can keep them safe than being a marine?"

"Of course not, because staying with you guarantees their safety more than staying with us." Ann looked at him in disappointment while Garp just grinned in satisfaction. "I know this is a selfish thing for me to say, but I don't want anyone else giving them parental love other than Ann and Me!"

"SO GARP, IN ORDER TO SHOW MY DETERMINATION! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!" This declaration catches both Ann and Garp in surprise.


---[Mission Alert]---

[Land a hit on Garp!]

>Time: 1 hour

> Rewards: 5 Advance Stats Point, 1000 Crystals and 2,000,000 EXP

> Failure: 2 Advance Stats Point, 400 Crystals, and 500,000 EXP

> Penalty: The right of Rouge and Rachel fall in Garp's judgment.

---[Mission Alert]---


"Interesting! If you land a hit on my face or my stomach in under an hour, I consider you a winner, and you have the right for the twin! Meet me up at the mountain at the bear area." Garp chuckled before leaving Ann, Luke, and the twins alone.

"Luke, this is too risky. You may get hurt!"

"Better than losing our daughters. Plus, he pissed me off, trying to rip away them from us." Garp's decision remind him of himself not just a few hours ago, wanting to leave Rouge and Rachel under Dadan's care.

"But that is so-" Luke cut her off by kissing her.

"Just believe in me, okay?"

(Mountain Area - Dawn Island)

"So you are here. I thought you chickened and ran away."

"Of course not. I'm not going to run away from my responsibility."

"Let's begin then." Garp and Luke are staring intensely at each other; Luke is well aware that Garp is way above his league by a large margin.

"[Secret Art - Musou Shinsetsu]" Without any warning, he opened the portal of another dimension and pulled the katana [Musou Isshin]. Then he swings the katana using the [Musou no Hitotachi] technique at Garp, who dodges it easily.

'A devil fruit? Logia or Paramecia?'

"I won't let you be! Chase him [Chaser Wolf]" Luke summoned two Kunai in his hands and threw them at Garp. The weapon can split into three, and by using his Devil Fruit ability, he coated the Kunai into a lightning element in the shape of a wolf.

'Probably Logia; I'm going to hit him with my armament.' Garp is somewhat wrong at that; Luke ain't Logia or Paramecia, he is a Zoan user, but due to the [System] ability, he can utilize lightning without even turning into Raiju.

"Is that what you can do? That is kind of disappointing." Just like his previous attack, Garp just dodged it.

"Don't look down on me!" the six [Chaser Wolf] that Garp dodged began to rush back to him. It seems like the Chaser in its name wasn't for show. It has a detection ability that follows after the enemy.

"Neat trick but-" Garp destroys the wolves without looking at them. "Too weak."

"Tch, [Piercing Bullets]." Summoning [Bulldog], He coated the bullets in lightning and shot them at Garp, who punched all of the shots away. This man is too strong, even if he just playing around. Is this the difference between Luke and the high league?

"ORYAAAAAAAAAAAA!" With a great war cry, he rushed blindly at Garp.

"Heh, rushing into an enemy without any plan. I like your guts, but that is not enough to win!" Garp raised his fist.

"[Raiju: Mini Form]" Before he could reach Garp's range, he turned himself into Raiju with an average-sized wolf which caught Garp by surprise. "[Lightning Bolt]" He put all of his strength into the Lightning ball and released it on Garp's chest.


---[Mission Success]---

[Land a hit on Garp!]

>Time: 1 hour | 15 Minutes

> Rewards: 5 Advance Stats Point, Unlock Haki, 1000 Crystals, and 2,000,000 EXP

> Failure: 2 Advance Stats Point, 400 Crystals, and 500,000 EXP

> Penalty: The right of Rouge and Rachel fall in Garp's judgment.

> Bonus: Due to finishing this [Mission] in under 30 minutes, your [Agility] was increased by 3 Grades, [Strength] increased by 5 Grades, and [Endurance] increased by 2 Grades.

---[Mission Success]---


---[Level Up]---

> Level 11 [0/66,000] > Level 17 [410,000/864,000]

> Status Point + 18

> Strength H [20/100] > C [20/100]

> Endurance I [50/100] > H [50/100]

> Agility D [0/100] > A [0/100]

---[Level Up]---


---[System Unlock]---

> [Haki Ability] is now available

---[System Unlock]---


'I did i-' before he can finish monologing, his face meet a fist that sends him flying through the trees. "Oh shit, my bad..."

HereAlice HereAlice

Welp, it took me three tries to write this chapter. The fighting scene is hard to make when Garp holds back so much when fighting against Luke. I hope my lewd scene has improved since the last time I wrote it.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C17
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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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