18.36% DC: Atlantean Alchemist / Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Faithfull encounter Part 1

บท 9: Chapter 9: Faithfull encounter Part 1

[AN: Little clarification. I did not drop this FF but I was focusing on my other one, the marvel one. Now I'm focusing on the ones with low chapters like this one. Chapter's update is and will stay irregular cuz I am making zero money off this. I'm writing for fun.]

[Unknown Place]

The man kept following the set of footprints until it stopped in front of a starving animal. The man reach the end of those footprints and pulled something out of his grey rob. The thing he pulled was a giant book that was attached to one end of a chain whose other end was attached to the man's wrist.

The man opened the book while he looked at the starving animal. He started to flip the book's page and as he flipped the page time seemed to move forward much more than it should. In a matter of seconds, the cruel burning heat that was attributed to the sun had disappeared along with its source and was replaced by the unfeeling cold that herald the night's entrance.

The man watched as the animal had no strength to fight against the incoming cold as its life force left its body. As the animal sensed its unavoidable end, it closed its eyes as if to welcome it. The grey-robbed man did nothing as it happened.

???: Well~ Well~ Well, isn't it nice of you to come to see me while I work? Did you bring any cake? It's been ages since we had a family dinner.

The grey-robbed man turns to his right to see an attractive, pale goth girl dressed in casual clothes, a black top, and jeans. She also wears a silver ankh on a chain around her neck and has a marking similar to the eye of Horus around her right eye.

She looked at the animal that only had but an inch of his life force left. She walked to that animal, kneeled, and caressed it.

???: Poor little guy, you must have suffered. It's all right now, the pain is going to stop may you have a better life in your next one.

She stood up as the animal had drowned his last breath. The pale goth girl turned back to see the grey-robbed man. She saw footprints forming on his side and went in front of them as they came to a stop. The grey-robbed man sighed and followed in his footsteps. He knew this was going to happen.

As the grey-robbed man arrived in front of the pale goth girl, he saw her extending her arms before hugging him.

???: I missed you too brother.

The man sighed again. He waited for her to retract her hug before flipping his book and speaking to her.

???: Death, I have come to discuss something with you. Someone has created something that can-

The pale goth girl who was now revealed to be the personification of death closed the book of her brother.

Death: Oh no you don't. Destiny, I keep saying this, if you are going to talk to me don't do it while reading what your future self is going to say. It feels like I'm talking to an answering machine.

The grey-robbed man who was now revealed to be the personification of destiny sighed. He knew this was going to happen and he did not need to see into the future to know this. He put the book back into his grey rob where not even its outline could be seen.

Destiny: Better?

Death smiled.

Death: Better. Now, what were you saying?

Destiny: Someone has created something that can bring the dead back to life.

Death looked at her brother before shrugging and looking at the distant horizon.

Death: Here we go again. Someone creates something that can "defeat" death but things always end up the same way. Either it fails, that person either gives up or continues and grows mad while killing a lot of lives in the fruitless pursuit of achieving something that will never happen.

She lifted her right hand with her index pointing up then lifted her middle finger.

Death: It either succeeds but something bad and an apocalypse happens. It is usually caused by the one that was resurrected or the resurrection brought something nefarious along with its intended target.

Death lifted her third finger.

Death: It either succeeds and everything goes according to plan but the creator grows mad with power and ruins everything or someone hears about the thing that can "defeat" death, kills its creator, and does one of the things I previously mentioned.

She turned to look at Destiny.

Death: Whatever happens, it always ends the same way, with the artifact destroy, sealed, or forgotten and everyone involved dead or about to be dead which is what you could call living. It's not the first time it happen and it isn't going to be the last time. Big bro, you know my motto. I don't interfere with life. I welcome them at the beginning and I waved goodbye at the end.

Destiny looked at death.

Destiny: I am not here to ask you to stop or destroy that "something". I am merely here to ask you for a favor for which your brother will owe you one.

Death brought her hand on her chin as if she was thinking. Destiny knew she was just wasting time by doing this to make fun of him.

Death: I accept.

Destiny turn to leave as he spoke.

Destiny: It's a deal then. Dream will owe you one after this.

Death: Wait?! Dream!

Destiny: Yes, Dream since he will owe a favor to the creator of that "something".

He vanished after finishing his sentence.


[3rd POV]

Acnologia was currently eating a mountain of food with a joyful expression. He had the body of a one piece character thus he could eat like a speedster without risking his health due to overeating. The One piece body was part of it. The major part of the reason behind it was one of the magic that Acnologia created during his time in Atlantis.

He remembered that he had forgotten to add the skills [Seimei Kikan]. Seimei Kikan is a technique that grants the user complete control over all of their body parts and bodily functions. It might seem like a pointless skill but Acnologia knew that with this he could catch his opponent off guard if they were to immobilize his four limbs. He could use [Shigan] with his hair. Shigan is a close-quarter combat technique, in which the user pushes their finger into a certain target at a very high speed, leaving a wound similar to a bullet wound.

Would anyone be able to dodge a point-blank Haki-coated strand of hair shigan or finger pistol towards their throat? That would depend on their reaction speed but Acnologia could wait until they lowered their guard down.

Acnologia used his magic to manually control every part of his body and little by little, his adaptability trait started to kick in. Now he was able to use Seimei Kikan or life return with a little bit of magic. his control without the aid of magic was still robotic at best and it was taxing and thus not ready to be used in battle. Acnologia knew that if he could sense magic others could as well thus he continued to train that skill.

He was using Seimei Kikan as he was eating. He uses the energy obtained by the food to further increase his vitality as well as overall abilities but only to a point where it would not damage his growth. The excess energy was gathered into forming a blue tattoo on his forearms. It was now no more than a few dots.

You must remember that he is an Ultimate Atlantean. His body required or more accurately could absorb a lot of nutrients before it became full and increasing its vitality as well as overall abilities required a lot of energy.

As he was eating, a few members of the league were watching him, namely Wonder Woman, Black Canary, and Hawkwoman.

Black Canary is an attractive young woman, with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slender yet toned build. She is known for her distinctive costume, which includes a black, one-piece bustier-leotard combination under a blue lapelled jacket, with gray stockings with seams up the front and back. She wears black, heavy, calf-length boots, black fingerless gloves that go past the elbow to the biceps, and a black choker.

Hawkwoman dons a golden breastplate, leaving the top of her torso bare, and a black skirt with dark red plating. Her arms were wrapped in black and dark red cloth, with extra padding around the shoulders. She also wears knee-high greaves. Her helmet is less elaborate than Hawkman's, featuring only two brown wings facing outward. It allows her red hair to flow out the back.

All three heroines were sitting at the same table. Black Canary was the first to speak.

Black Canary: So... How did it go with the prideful kid?

Wonder Woman: He accepted but... *Sigh*

Hawkwoman: But what?

Wonder Woman: He thought I meant him being the mentor and I being the mentee.

Black Canary and Hawkwoman looked at each other before looking at Acnologia before looking back at Wonder Woman.

Black Canary & Hawkwoman: *PFT* hahaha!

Wonder Woman rolled her eyes as she waited for them to finish laughing.

Black Canary: *Chuckles* Looks like Aquaman was right about that kid's pride. So? Are you going to tell Aquaman that he can have the kid back?

Wonder Woman: No. I won't. I know he is prideful but from what I saw he is also honorable in his own way. All I need to do is challenge him to a duel with a bet and show him that I have something to teach him. He will honor the bet, that I am sure.

Black Canary: If you say so.

Hawkwoman: You might be more right than you think. I overheard Aquaman told about Zatara. He wanted Zatara to teach that kid magic. Batman asked if there was going to be some problem concerning the kid's pride but Aquaman said it himself. The kid does not let his ego get in the way to better himself.

Wonder Woman smiled and nodded. They all looked in Acnologia's direction as their peripheral vision picked up some strange blue light after hearing a tune. All three heroine saw Acnologia leaving the cafeteria and on the table, he was eating lay golden plates and utensils.

Acnologia walked back to the tree garden as he liked the feeling he got from being there. He wanted to nap and that was the perfect place for that. That was one of the downsides of the Seimei Kikan, every time he ate too much he would start getting sleepy though it might be due to his underdeveloped body that reacted to the surplus of energy akin to when he was asleep thus tricking his mind into entering its sleep state.

Acnologia would usually fight it if he had something to do but he thought that it would be better to consolidate his plan when his mind is refreshed by sleep. He knew that he might have caused a commotion when he turn those plates and utensils into gold but he did not feel like owing someone for food thus he paid in his own way. Acnologia already knew that Batman saw him transmute a glass into Saphire when he was at the Sirens thus there was no need for secrecy.

When he arrived at the tree garden, he picked a tree and lay down near it. As he was sinking into his dream state, he felt someone's presence or more accurately something's presence. He immediately jumped into a fighting stance with his trident already formed.

He pointed his trident at a pale goth girl dressed in casual clothes, a black top, and jeans. She also wears a silver ankh on a chain around her neck and has a marking similar to the eye of Horus around her right eye. Yes, it was the personification of Death.

As she saw the trident pointed at her, she lifted her hands but her face showed that she was not even a tad bit afraid. She observed Acnologia with interest as normally mortals did not sense her presence until she fully allowed them to yet Acnologia instantly felt her presence when she started to reveal it.

Death: Wow! there little guy, I don't mean any harm. Could you maybe put down the trident? It's really scaring me right now.

Acnologia: *Scoff* One, you don't feel afraid. Two, I feel both at the brink of death and in a safe place when you came near me. Third, I have met you before and I want an answer to my next question.

Acnologia was using every bit of willpower to focus on the mysterious girl. He felt like he had a scythe on his neck that would rip his head at any moment of inattention. Sweat could be seen forming on his forehead.

Death: Met me huh?... What's the question?

At first, Acnologia had picked death's curiosity but now he had her attention. She always came to greet the new life into existence but none of them managed to remember that. From what Acnologia was saying they had met and that was not a lie. She could sense that he was speaking the truth. She waited for his question.

Acnologia: A-Are you, my biological mother?

Death: Huh?

Death looked at Acnologia, whose face was serious. She brought her hands down to her stomach before laughing.

Death: PFFTHAHAHA! Kid! You are a killer, Kid! HAHAHAHA!

Acnologia kept his attention on the mysterious girl even when she was laughing on the floor, he did not drop his guard down. Death kept laughing for five minutes straight until she stood up still chuckling but able to utter words.

Death: *Chuckles* Kid, why do you think I am your bio mom?

Acnologia: It's because when I first opened my eyes in the sea twelve years ago, I saw you right before you left. You even held me in your arms.

Death: Sea... OH! You were that abandoned baby kid in the sea! You survived?! I thought that a death god or a demon would have brought you to your next life. Hm...

Death closed her eyes as if she was thinking but in actuality, she was using her powers of omniscience to Acnologia's past.

Death: Damn, you survived six years alone, it's not that impressive compared to what I've seen in my long life but that would be impossible for any other Atlantean. The reason why I picked you up was that I thought someone was pulling a prank on me since I came at the moment of your birth yet there wasn't a single sign of life around you. I got intrigued since the last person I met on their death day was watching Phineas and Ferb. I thought one of my siblings was pulling a Doofenshmirtz on me.

She looked at Acnologia.

Death: To answer your question, no I'm not your bio mom. I'm for layman's terms, the personification of death.

Acnologia instantly believed her as in marvel there was an entity known as lady death thus he figured that this girl was this world's version of lady death.

Acnologia: Then why would you be here? To my knowledge, there is a very slim chance I died in my sleep much less without picking up the danger.

Death: Oh my me, you believe me?!

Acnologia: I can breathe in the water, talk to fish, turned a weird guy name Klarion into... something that should have killed him but he managed to live, meeting the personification of death doesn't seem too far-fetched.

Death looked at Acnologia with a bit of surprise. Normally even those that accept what she says, always take some time to wrap their head around that. Death chuckled at Acnologia's reasoning.

Death: You are right about that kid, you are not dead well at least not yet give it a couple of- oops almost spoiled your life. I am here for that thing in your chest. You siphoned energy from a Lord of Chaos. The fact that you haven't gone crazy is a miracle in itself and you are planning on bringing someone back to life.

In the last sentence, Acnologia became even more defensive as he screamed.

Acnologia: I'm not letting anyone stop me from bringing my mom back to life!

Acnologia channeled power from the philosopher stone as he did not need to transmute it into magic. Although he was angry, he still kept his focus on Death who was looking at him with more interest.

Death: Now this is something you don't see happening every day and I should know. You still can think properly even with all that Chaos magical energy flowing through you...

She waved her right hand as golden light encased it as well as Acnologia's entire body. He was stuck in the air. She approached Acnologia, she saw him eating the air, and stopped in her tracks. Acnologia had developed this magic he called [Magic Absorbtion]. It was self-explanatory but it was more complex than it looked.

He used his alchemy's power and mixed it with magic to be able to "transmute" the magic he "ate" into his own. It consisted of four similar steps. First, he would lower the density of said magic by absorbing it to the point his teeth could sink in, then his teeth would break down the magic into smaller pieces for his mouth to absorb and the magic would be stored or converted depending on the occasion to be used to Acnologia's demand.

The reason Acnologia "ate" the magic even if he could use [Magic Absorbtion] with any part of his body thus increasing the value of Seimei Kikan, was to lure whomever he would be facing into a false sense of security and he thought it looked cooler that way.

Death: Oh... you can even absorb magic from those stuck-up "Lord of Order". I wonder how you are not dead yet?

Acnologia: What?

Death close her eyes as she spoke.

Death: Well you see, when you kept your sanity, I thought you had more of an affinity with Chaos magic thus I used its anthesis, the magic of those stuck-up pansies with a stick up their ass...

She tilted her head to avoid the trident that was about to pierce her.

Death: ...and yet you are still alive and those two magic energy that should be tearing each other apart like cats and dogs are staying still. This is fascinating!

Death kept dodging every attack that Acnologia threw at her with ease. She knew what to say to make him stop by she could not help herself to see if the two opposite magic would react in any way.

Acnologia had enough of this and decided to use one of his offensive magic. He inhaled as magic started to gather in his lungs. His chest inflated before he stopped inhaling and hurled a ray of red and yellow energy.

Acnologia: *Nemesis Roar!!!*

The attack tore whatever was left of the damaged tree in its way as it got close to death. She smiled as she looked at Acnologia before grabbing his attack and crushing it with her left hand.

Death: That settles it, kid, you are definitely a new one. Normally with that attack, those energies should have torn your lungs apart as they fought each other.

Acnologia still kept his guard but Death appear right in front of him as she finished that sentence. He jumped away to gain some space. Death watched his action with an amused smile on her face before deciding to calm him down.

Death: I am not here to take that thing inside of you. You call it the philosopher stone, right?

This calmed Acnologia.

Acnologia: You aren't? And yeah, it's called the Philosopher stone.

Death nodded.

Death: I am the personification of death. A fundamental concept of the universe. I don't tend to interfere with people's life. I give the same amount as I take. One lifetime per person. Whatever you do during that life is up to you.

Acnologia: But you said that you were here-

Death: Oh right! I picked the wrong word. I am here BECAUSE of that thing in your chest. You aren't the first person to *Chuckle* discover a way to "cheat" death but it always leads in the same direction. Tell me, kid, what are you going to do after you resurrect your mother? Are you going to keep resurrecting her every time she dies or are you going to *scoff* and grant her eternal life?

Acnologia: I'm not going to resurrect her infinitely; I just want to spend more time with her.

Death: You do realize that she could die again at any moment, right?

Acnologia: Yeah, I know.

Death: So you are going to give her eternal life?

Acnologia: NO! Why would I curse her like that?

Death's eyebrows rose.

Death: Curse? Don't you mean a gift?

Acnologia: Oh please, I might be incredible young compared to you-

Death: Ouch! That's hurtful *Close her eyes as she shakes her head* but I guess that's as close as you have managed to do real damage.

Acnologia looked at her with a deadpan expression.

Acnologia: You done?

Death: *Sigh* Yeah.

Acnologia: I'm not dumb enough to not realize that immortality is only good for like the first thousands of years then it's all downhill from there.

Death: Pretty accurate description for the majority of mortals that lived that long. Now I'm starting to wonder why Destiny wanted me to intervene since from what I see you know enough not to majorly screw things up.

Acnologia: Destiny?

Death: Big brother.

Acnologia nodded.

Acnologia: So what now?

Death: 'Wow he just skipped that. I had thought that he would at least ask more about Destiny.' She thought.

Acnologia was no fool. He knew and could sense that he had very little chance of defeating her.

Death: I don't know since Destiny told me to come here and meddle with you while I turned my omniscience off. I'm supposed to do something but since he kinda tricked me, I will not go against my motto by killing you. I could take that philosopher's stone but from what I saw you doing and considering Klarion's well-known temper you will be able to get a new one the next time you appear in public.

Acnologia thought about what she said. Klarion, the weird boy, would attack him the next time he appeared in public. While some might be anxious upon learning this, Acnologia saw this as an opportunity. An opportunity to gain a rechargeable philosopher's stone but he needed to be ready. He was injured because he was caught off guard but the same could be said about his future opponent.

Acnologia's second perk was immunity to mind control and negative power/skills alteration. The key words in his plan are, "immunity to … negative power/skills alteration". It meant that his skill and powers could not be negatively impacted it was the reason why he could use two opposite sources of power while still being fine. His adaptation perk would slowly but surely adapt to both powers by changing his physiology and granting him talent in both fields of magic. That was the reason why he only asked for a healing factor. If he had asked for Deadpool's level of healing factor then it would have been it. His adaptation perk would not have been able to upgrade it as its limit would have been specified.

Now knowing this what would happen if he were to seal and absorb an enormous amount of power or a being containing said an enormous amount of power? The answer is that he would be able to use a bit of said enormous amount of power but if the being's power is too much then the power Acnologia could siphon would be insignificant until his body adapts to said power. That is the reason why Acnologia's chances of defeating death were not zero.

Acnologia put his plan for Klarion for a later day, he looked back at Death.

Acnologia: What do you mean by he tricked you?

Death: *Sigh* Well I thought he would owe me a favor but it seems that Dream, one of my younger brothers, will owe you one so if I help you, he will owe me one.

Acnologia: Does that matter if you owe something to one another since as you said, you are siblings after all?

Death: *Chuckle* It's not that simple. The last time someone owed something to an Endless, that is what our merry group of six siblings calls ourselves, ended in a planet getting destroyed. Now that I think about it, Despair was quite angry that more than one Kryptonian survived Rao's *Chuckles* self-destruction. I believe that he is known here as Superman. Little kid doesn't know that he still has one family relative alive though from what Despair said that family relative is trapped in another dimension all alone in a way…

Acnologia: *Murmur* Trapped? Alone?

Death did hear or more accurately chose to ignore Acnologia's murmur and continued.

Death: That is why we tend to not owe anyone anything.

She put her hand on her chin and looked like she was thinking before shouting.

Death: OH! I know what to do! I'm going to let you have more closure with your mother that way you'll owe me one.

Acnologia: How?

Death: I will just channel her and let you two have a nice little chat.

Acnologia: Wait that's-

Death did not wait for Acnologia to finish his sentence and snapped her finger. As she did that, her body suddenly glow which forced Acnologia to close his eyes. When he opened them again he was met with a familiar face, his mother. He was happy but still kept his guard as the last time this happened he almost got stabbed through the heart.

Acnologia kept his guard up as he tried to feel any malice but in doing so lost focus of what Atlanna was doing. He regain his bearings when he felt the warmth of the hugs he always loved.

Atlanna: I'm so sorry, logy. You almost died because of me.

Acnologia felt drops of water falling on his cheeks. He looked up to see Atlanna crying. His eyes started to get wet as he reciprocated her hug.

Acnologia: Mom!

They held that hug for a few minutes before they started to talk. Atlanna asked Acnologia how he was doing. Death had given her the knowledge of what had happened after her death but she could not tell too much such as Orm being the one responsible for Klarion's attack on Acnologia.

Acnologia started talking about what he did. He omitted the part where he stood in front of her grave, but both knew that. Atlanna smiled as she saw how Acnologia was smiling. She wished he could act like a child even when she was not around but she wanted him to live the life he wanted. She was happy that Acnologia managed to make friends with someone other than Kaldur'am. Granted they were thieves and criminals but progress is progress in Atlanna's book. After Acnologia finished talking, Atlanna spend two minutes looking at Acnologia's face before speaking.

Atlanna: Logy.

Acnologia: Yeah mom?

Atlanna: I want you to never resurrect me.

Acnologia: *Shocked face* Why?

Atlanna: You have become dependent on me, people are starting to catch on to that and the last thing I want is to be the cause of your downfall by becoming your weakness. Even if I was to come back to life, I am sure I would try to bring peace between the surface world and the sea while you would just stay by my side.

Acnologia: Yes but I allow-

Atlanna: You once said it yourself. You will be bound by no one, and I don't want to bind you. You are my smart little baby boy; I am sure you will move on. Make me proud.

Acnologia looked down as he trembled. He did not want to lose her again. His pride told him that she was right. He needed to move on. He had already gotten more closure than anyone usually had. He inhaled a big breath before looking at Atlanna and nodded.

Acnologia: I will.

Atlanna wiped the tears off Acnologia's face and spoke as her body started to light up.

Atlanna: Always remember, you are my greatest pride, and I will always love you, Logy.

Acnologia was alone for ten minutes before Death slowly reappeared. She figured that he would want some time after his mother disappeared. She decided to speak when she was that Acnologia was looking at her with his emotion under control.

Death: I guess this means that Dream owes me one.

Death was about to leave when Acnologia's words stopped her.

Acnologia: Get going you ha-

That was all Acnologia remembered. That was his second meeting with Death but it would not be his last or should I say second last.


Argh! I feel like a tank mixed with a train and a plane hit me. When I woke up, I felt pain on the left side of my head, especially, my left eye. I heard Orin's voice.

"Acnologia, are you all right?"

I looked to my right to see Orin, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and a few other heroes looking at me. I held my left eye as I stood up and spoke.

"I'm fine."

Then before Orin could ask me anything, Batman spoke first.

"What happened here?"

I looked to my left to see the tree garden in complete shambles. I felt bad as my new resting place got damaged thus I snapped my fingers and red lightning spread through the garden. Mere moments later, the garden was back to its former splendor. I felt genuine care from Batman's question thus I decided to answer it after looking back at the heroes as it was not an order.

"I was trying to nap after eating when I felt danger and attack someone that presented themselves as the personification of death. She came here because her brother told her to do so, and I attacked her because I thought she wanted the philosopher's stone. Turned out that she used the wrong words, we talked for a bit told me that she usually does not interfere with people's life as everyone gets one lifetime from her. I would continue but I can feel that most of you don't believe me already."

I felt pain as I was healing my black eye. I knew I had a black eye because I transmuted a mirror in front of me. As I healed my black eye, I remembered something and looked at Superman.

"Oh, and from what she told me, her sister Despair is the reason why Rao self-destructed, but she said that her sister was angry that you survived as you were not the one Despair wanted to stay alive. The one Despair wanted is a relative of yours that is trapped in a dimension alone."

This brought shock to Superman's face as he could only mutter his question.

"H-How d-do y-you know about R-Rao's explosion?"

Batman calmed him down and took control of the situation before talking to me.

"Did she say anything else?"

This was my chance to get magic lessons but I needed to play it smart.

"Oh right, she told me that a guy name Klarion will be after my head the next time I appear in public."

She had told me that he was a lord of chaos. I was planning on waiting for the moment when someone would tell me not to go outside to bring up the subject of the magic lesson. I might trust Orin but even he was a suspect in Klarion's accomplice. I was not going to tell them my plan before I was ready.

Isekai_enjoyer Isekai_enjoyer

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C9
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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