100% All Aboard the Bang Bus! (Crossover) / Chapter 12: Shego Fucks up the Bang Bus

บท 12: Shego Fucks up the Bang Bus

While Kim was walking off in the sunset with the WOOHP girls for more fun times to come, Shego wasn't in such a good mood. The Drakken Kraken and his master AI network of Seaweb was officially out of commision, and yet another one of her master's brilliant plans had gone to hell. She warned him about the dangers of bringing his control network out in the open, but he insisted on going about it anyway. That led to not only their failure even with liquid robots called exterminators but her losing another fight with Kim Possible.

This time it was even more humiliating. Not only Kim rescue those troublesome WOOHP girls, but she had a curious new appendage standing up on end out of her pants which was both well endowed and a weak point for anyone. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. If her boss wasn't so afraid when his nemesis was standing right before him, one good kick was all it would take to have Kim down for the count. Yet fate had other plans.

As she was moving through the streets of Beverly Hills looking for a place to lay low, she found a white van driving along. Perfectly inconspicuous. They were slowing down as she approached them too. The window rolled down.

"Well hello beautiful!" said the driver from inside. "How about you and me get comfortable, huh?" She heard another guy laughing from inside. She figured he was laughing at her, as if she was being taken for a joke, but really he was laughing at the driver trying to save face after missing out on scoring with two hot chicks at the same time.

She knew exactly what he was getting at. She got a good look at him too. Bald and a bit older, if she didn't work with Dr. Drakken on the regular, he might look like kind of a tough guy, someone who would steal your girlfriend on spring break and there was nothing you could do about it. But given her profession as well as his cheesy pickup lines, she knew real strength when she saw it and this guy wasn't it.

Men are so predictable, she mused silently to herself. "Why that suits me fine," she said, smiling as sweetly as she could like she was his childhood girl next door. Despite that, her eyes still radiated with a sinister gleam and he even felt a bit scared at the way she was grinning at him. But he didn't care. He wanted some action and as far as he was concerned, she was up for it.

"Well hop on in," he said, reaching behind and opening the back door. Her smile turned a little more sly and coupled with the malice shining from her eyes, he had no doubt she was going to be trouble. But they had a mutual interest. He wanted to get laid and she needed a place to stay undercover. She got in and shut the door behind her.

There was already a man in the back seat with her. Buff and tatted, he looked like a tough guy alright, exactly the opposite of Dr. Drakken, probably what her boss wished he looked like and compensated for it by trying to take over the world all the time. He also looked a little winded, like he just did something crazy. If she knew he not only played a role in harboring her nemesis but also fooling around with her and that WOOHP girl, she would have demanded info on the spot, and he would have been powerless to resist both her beauty and her brute strength. She even had a feeling both these guys might have been involved somehow even though she had no real reason to believe that. That was how good her sixth sense was.

Still, she was in something of a mood to make herself feel better. Two against one weren't nearly as imposing odds. She also had a feeling that these two weren't nearly as competent as the two girls she just sparred with. If things didn't go the way she wanted to either, she also knew of a certain weak spot she'd make sure to capitalize on this time.

The driver up front turned his head looked back at her. "So, how about you earn your fare, huh? We both want the same thing."

"Earn my fare?"

"Yeah, you know. Give me some nookie."

Shego got a better look at him. A skinny sorta lanky guy wearing nothing but a tiny little tank top and tight little short shorts that left nothing to the imagination, they were definitely clothes too small for him. If anyone would be going for the himbo aesthetic, it would be the beefcake guy right next to her. More than that, even an evil sidekick like her recognized the brand of those shorts too, they were definitely girls' clothes. She couldn't have begun to imagine what he was into. Or that until very recently, Kim Possible had been wearing them.

She wasn't about to get bossed around by someone like him either. She grabbed his shoulder so hard that he actually winced in pain. Even after all that sex earlier, the man started up in alarm ready to intervene. He was a bit more physically imposing, the kind of who looked like he had a few scrapes here and there, but she took care of him too, quickly darting her arm at him and grabbing his neck. Her fingers were just right above several pressure points, and she tapped them with just enough force for it to be uncomfortable to show how serious she was. She gave off that sweet smile again and both of their hearts dropped for totally different reasons than why they did at first.

"This good enough for you boys? I can either take out the both of you right now and jack this vehicle from you. Or you can do what I say. We agree on that?" They both nodded and she let them go. Both of the dudes took a few moments to get their bearings after that one. Shego just sat back and folded her arms with her legs crossed, with a wry grin on her face. The sound of police sirens wasn't too far in the distance. "Good. Now keep me away from the fuzz and we'll be good."

"Okay, whatever you say miss!" said the driver. He was still smarting a bit from where she grabbed him. But her overt aggression and that threat got his heart racing. After watching Kim and Sam go at it with him and being left out of that three way, he had never been so excited before. That also got the blood pumping for the man in the back. Even after fucking two hot girls several times in succession, including ramming the virgin asshole of the one he deflowered back in the day, he was getting a mean hard on in his pants. He already had it so bad and he was so scared of her that he pushed his boner down underneath his legs.

That hadn't gone unnoticed by Shego. She was looking outside to make sure that they were safe from the cops, but she did see him make that motion in her peripheral vision. To her eyes, even someone like him looked like an embarrassed little boy. She found a giddy smile forming on the corners of her lips and despite the danger of being caught, the sheer exhilaration of dominating these two men in addition to the thrill of the chase had her fighting the urge to start cackling wildly. It was humiliating losing to Kim more due to her boss' incompetence than anything else, so this was the most fun she'd had in a long while.

"Faster, faster!" she said. "Burn some rubber! Those cops can't catch us!"

"Yes ma'am!" said the driver. The last time a beautiful woman ordered him around, it was Officer Jenny, but he held the advantage over her. It was the exact opposite from the position he was in right now. He didn't know what he should have been feeling right now. He just hoped that she wouldn't rob them once she lost the heat.

It wasn't the first time he ever ran a red light. Still, he never once thought he'd be roped into being a getaway driver. But just like his mate, he was getting a mean hard on in his pants, both from the way she grabbed him and just the thrill of the moment.

They were getting farther from the cops behind them. But they could see there were more than a few of them from the flashing lights ahead. Shego grit her teeth.

"You boys know this area? Because if the fuzz catch up to us, I'll make sure I'm taken in for murder on my list of charges."

"Hey bro, you know any places we can help this lovely lady lay low?" the man asked the driver.

He smiled. He couldn't tell if he was terrified of her that he wanted to get on her good side or he just wanted to impress her but he had a good idea in mind. "Yeah, I think I know just the spot."

The rocket launcher strapped to the end of the vehicle sped them up so fast that the tires made a loud screeching sound on the streets. Then he suddenly peeled into another street right onto the side. The cops picked up the pace too, pursuing them. Fortunately for them, he knew this area very well. Before the police could catch up to them, he deactivated the boost and made another quick turn into a small dark alleyway and then turned off the vehicle. At that point the cops sped right past them, both unable to see the van in the cul-de-sac as well as not believing for a second that someone could made two sharp turns that fast.

Eventually the sirens died down. Shego kept on looking out front with a piercing gimlet eye, on the lookout for any surprises. She didn't know if several cop cars were waiting out the entry or there were several on foot still patrolling the area.

"Change of plans fellas. I'm gonna be staying with you two just a little longer."

"Okay!" said the driver, sounding a little too excited. This was the exact same spot he was tag teamed by Clover and Mandy, and he was thinking all kinds of fun things could go down with this woman. She only glared at him. "I mean...o-okay miss..."

"Yeah, I think we can agree to that," the man said.

"Good boys. By the way, since we're all alone, I need a few ways to pass the time. And I'm taking you two up on your initial offer."

"Listen, I'm flattered lady, really, but I'm not really into that kinky shit. My guy up front on the other hand..."

"Then move your legs."

"What? You want me to cross my legs? That's kinda uncomfortable..."

She opened up one of her hands and flashed her trademark green fire from her palms. "I saw you getting a chub earlier, now move your legs apart!" He quickly did exactly as he was told. His dick was even bigger now than it was before. "And you up there. Stand up and show me." She was still holding that fire out. The driver turned around and faced her. His dick was the biggest of all, the outline of it bulging against the tiny little shorts he was wearing. She thought this guy in the back would have a bigger wood, but she was surprised, he must have been really horny. Instead, she threw her head back giggled wickedly to herself. "Good. I hope you two are still hard up for me and those aren't pee boners from you two about to piss your pants, otherwise I'll rip them right off."

The driver's dick tingled just a bit hearing that. He smiled awkwardly. "Hey I have no control over this thing. I mean..." She grabbed him by the collar of his little shirt into the back seat with her. Before he even had the chance to respond, she threw him down onto the car seat and straddled herself on top of him. Then she started kissing him.

Shego's tongue immediately pushed past his lips and into his mouth. She was also grinding up on him, moving her hips up and down so his dick was moving in between her ass cheeks. All the while she moaned violently.

The man was getting a bit jealous at that point. Just like Sam Simpson, Shego looked great in that tight suit of hers, and it outlined every curve of her fine body. Though he had one hell of a great time with Kim and Sam, the attitude of this girl was another thing entirely and coupled with her natural sexiness, he was watching this scene go down like a little peeping tom. He couldn't possibly be more jealous. All the women on board the Bang Bus could probably kick his one in one way or another, but he never thought he'd meet one who could.

Despite her overt aggression, the driver didn't mind one bit. He overcame his fear and moved his hands all over her, feeling all over her body in that tight suit of hers. Whatever misgivings he had were gone to the winds as he kissed back with her. He was nowhere near to matching her intensity, Then she broke the kiss to look down at him and laughed. "What was that? Are you a virgin or something?"

"What? No!"

"Well you sure kiss like one." She turned around and looked at the man. "How about you? Is that dick getting hard in your pants real? Or are you wearing a muscle suit and you're wearing a strap on that's as fake as the rest of you?"

"Okay, now that's taking it a bit far..."

She suddenly sprung on all fours at him, knocking into him so roughly he fell up against the car door. He was a little worn out from all that action with Kim and Sam, so he was way more taken aback than the driver was. But even with his muscular frame at full strength, he would have been no match for her. She was plenty powerful herself, and had technique to spare.

Nor would he ever want to fight the woman on top of him doing what she was doing. Just like with the driver, her tongue violently invaded his mouth, she was viciously kissing him. Someone as vicious as Shego could tell he was shocked from her aggression, but he was still more listless from her than she liked. So she reached behind her and fondled his crotch. Despite her being far from what he was normally into, his body betrayed him as his dick rose to attention, and she was enough of a smoking hot babe that he was very quickly learning that he could enjoy getting his freak on with this kind of woman. He just hoped that she wouldn't be too rough.

She suddenly snapped her head back and licked her lips. They were both men and she was a woman, and she had gotten on board to take advantage of their dumb horny natures. But now she was feeling just as perverted as they were and was more than in a mind to make herself feel better. She looked between the two of them and couldn't decide which one she wanted to break first.

She would let their reactions decide that. Turning her back to both of them and sitting up on her calves, she reached to the zipper on her back and slowly pulled it down. After seeing Sam look so elegant like a goddess, Shego was no less graceful as she also slowly peeled her suit off even with that vicious smile on her face. The guys just watched every inch of her marble skin being exposed to their naked eyes. They admired her fine and sleek shape, her back muscles pulsing under her flesh with every breath she took.

Once the zipper was down to the small of her back, both of the guys were speechless. They could only stare at her asscrack hanging out to their lewd eyes. That was fine, she'd let them get away with that. She wiggled her butt a little to tease them as she moved her hands around her torso and up to her shoulders, moving the tight fabric off so even more of her was exposed. Her white skin against her jet black hair was a sight to behold, if it weren't for her clear and malicious nature, her posing like that and revealing herself to them in such a seductive manner could been the front page of a magazine.

Her arms were just as sculpted with muscle as the wonder of her. Both guys realized very fast how she was able to overpower them so fast. As she held her hands behind her head and confidently twirled her hair for them, the front of her suit fell forward. With her back still exposed to them, they couldn't see that chest at all and were aching to get an eyeful.

Shego brought her hands down to the waist of the suit. The two guys felt no small amount of happiness when that bubble butt of hers popped right out of her uniform for all the world to see. Reaching under her donk and still sitting up on her calves, she moved the suit down further. At that point her would be paramours leaned in closer to get a good look at her thighs. She had the suit down to her knees and moving her hands in between her calves and the seat, edged the remaining part of the suit down to her ankles and then had them off her feet.

Fully aware both guys virtually had their jaws dropping, she held the suit in her hands and flung it behind her. As she expected, both guys snatched and grabbed at it at the same time. When she turned around exposing her nude bod before them, both of them were still rubbing it on their faces and sniffing all over it. She was flattered they were behaving just like trained dogs. But she was getting a little irritated on them actively ignoring her.

She clapped. With how strong she was, the sound was loud enough they both heard it and so sudden they immediately stopped what they were doing. They were so startled they snapped to attention, knowing the consequences of ignoring one of her orders. But whatever alarm they felt was nothing compared to how stunned they were actually seeing her naked.

She was a wonder to behold. They already knew she was muscular before, tight and lean in all the right places. But her breasts were also nicely shaped, not just big for someone of her build but also big enough to make any woman envious. Her dark nipples poking out might as well have been little top hats. She crossed her legs like she was a diva and sat back, letting them take it all in.

"You," she said, looking at the driver. Despite her severity, his heart leapt up in his chest.

"M-me...?" he barely got out.

"Yeah you."

Her lips curled in an evil smile. "Watch." She turned to the man and beckoned him forward with a finger. He nodded. Then she lay back on the seat and spread open her vaginal lips. Her black pubic bush was damp and small streams of pussy juice leaked out across her thighs. "Eat." As she said that, she gave him a smile and licked her lips.

The man wasn't afraid after that. The driver got in the back seat and got down on his knees on the car floor to make it easier for his face to be at her twat. But despite her being such a harsh mistress, the smell of her vagina was tantalizing in his nostrils. He could see her vaginal folds twitching too. He couldn't begin to imagine what kind of wild cunnilingus this would be like.

He leaned forward and tasted her pussy for the first time with a single strong lick. The wet twat was strong and hot on his tongue, and the taste of her juices wasn't unpleasant or sour like her personality was but maybe due to his vestigial fear, it was memorable in a way that made it linger in his mouth for several moments. It wasn't like him to be so nervous when going clamdiving, even that single lick was stronger than most, but Shego was aggressive in a way that most women only wished they could be like. He looked at her wet twat again, still twitching and was determined to please his raven haired mistress.

He grabbed his cock, intending to stimulate himself as he went down on her. But she noticed that and grabbed his hair with just enough force to put him in his place. "No. You are to see to my pleasure alone." He didn't say anything but as he looked into her cold eyes, he felt her grip on him tighten not to the point of pain, yet still enough to remind him who was boss. He felt a strange burning sensation from her hands and then he did let go of his dick. Smiling, she let go of him.

He had to blink twice when he saw what looked like green fire from the hand that had grabbed his head. Looking at her pale and naked body illuminated in that green glow, he forgot her raw intimidation, and allowed himself to admire her form. He had taken charge with Kim Possible and Sam Simpson, but now he was ready to serve her. This time he grabbed her full thighs and licked her again.

His cunnilingus was far faster this time. As his dug his tongue deep within her wet vaginal folds, he felt up all over her legs. Shego reached down and touched his head again, and for a moment he winced. But she only gently toussled his black hair, encouraged him to continue eating her out.

The driver was watching with anticipation. He locked eyes with her for several moments, hoping he would get the go-ahead to join in with her. His meat was throbbing under Kim's tight little booty shorts. With his mate eating that cunt of hers, he hoped she would suck him off. But instead she bared her teeth and teased him, groping one of her breasts as she continued getting her pussy eaten out.

Though she was getting worked pretty good. Even a woman like her was lost in the waves of euphoria he was giving her with his mouth. She moaned loudly like any call girl as she poked and prodded her nipple more, eager to speed up her orgasm.

Shego let out a sudden squeak from her throat when she finally came. Still holding the man's hair, she brought his face right up against her crotch as her spasming twat released her juices all over his face in her violent orgasm. Contrary to her disposition, her voice was skittish when she came, proof of the powerful orgasm she just had. But it didn't take long for her to start laughing in sweet satisfaction.

The sound sent a thrill in both of the dudes. But she looked up at the driver again and sensed how bad he was needing it. Not as buff as the man who just ate her out, he was easy prey. And willing too.

Looking right into his eyes, she leapt straight at him, landing herself right on top of him. The pale beauty on top of him was a pleasure he already had the joy of experiencing once, but now that she naked, it was so much better. Her hands roughly grabbed onto his bulge and massaged it in a not so gentle manner.

"You fucking like this, don't you?" she said.

"Yes! Oh God yes, it's so good!"

She smiled and licked her lips. "Good boy." She unzipped the shorts and reaching inside, pulled his pecker right out. It was big and hot in her hands from the beginning, clearly he had been needing this one for awhile.

Her handjob was perfect. Despite being a woman of no small criminal repute and having the martial talents to boot, Shego took care of herself and her soft hands were proof of that. It wasn't too fast and it wasn't too slow, it was just right. Even with how pent up he was with his horniness, her hands treated his throbbing pecker just right. Each time she sensed he was on the verge of an orgasm, she would move her hand down to the base of his prick right at his testicles clutch him there before she felt him begin to calm down. Then she would renew her pace, feeling him tense up again.

She was like that with him for several minutes. He was totally under her control and couldn't do anything to give it back to her. But despite him being little more than a glorified pet for her while the man had ate her out good enough to bring her to a much needed climax, she was still getting off on it plenty. With her completely naked and beating off that erect cock, the heat from his dick filled up her body with it's own heat and she was aching for more. His helpless whines of pleasure exhilirated her too.

She looked down at his face. He was biting down on his lip and he had started thrusting up and down, clearly in an effort to speed up his orgasm. That would not do.

Still holding his dick, she halted her handjob and clutched the shaft harder than ever. Then she swiftly moved down so that her face was inches away from his. As expected, he looked up at her.

"Umm..." he said, clearly at a loss for words.

"Make a voice like a girl's."

"What...?" he said. He couldn't be sure if he heard her right.

That only made her release his shaft. He gasped like he was just taking in air. Shego waited a few seconds then grabbed him there again. "Make. A voice. Like a girl."

"Um..." He cleared his throat. "Okay!" he said in a high pitched and obviously fake woman's voice. The man threw his head back and laughed.

Shego was giggling too before she crinkled her eyes and bared her teeth at him in a truly depraved smile. "When you cum, say, 'I love you Shego!' In that same voice." She released his penis again.

"Okay!" the driver said, still using that same overly effeminate tone. He was desperate to regain her favor.

"Not now moron. I don't want you ruining your voice box. But when you cum," she said, grabbing his pecker again, "you do exactly as you are told."

"Yes Miss Shego!" he said, doing his best to answer her in his normal tone of voice. Though it was still plenty pathetic and whimpering with every word, nothing like his usual tone or his buddy who had just gotten a mouthful of Shego pussy.

Shego locked her lips onto his and forced her tongue inside his mouth in a cruel kiss, moaning deeply as she did so. At first he didn't kiss her back, fearing repercussions because she didn't explicitly command him to do so, but when she started beating him off again, he kissed her back hungrily. The only sounds in the Bang Bus were the two of them sucking face.

The man had to swallow a lump in his throat. "Whoa..." he said. After all the sex he had just recently with Kim and Sam, all this domination stuff was getting him hard up again. There was no substitute for kinky domination stuff. Not helping things was Shego pulling herself away from him and moving down. Her face was right at the driver's genitals.

She let out a single hot breath right onto his scrotum. His whole body tensed right up as she did so. At the same time she let out a girlish moan, almost sounding like a princess. Anybody who heard it would have never guessed that it was this woman making such a sound.

Then slowly and gently, she grazed the skin of his testicles with her teeth. He shuddered uncontrollably as she did it. Shego moved her teeth back and forth as she did it, feeling the skin of his scrotum shaking with every loving motion. He was making weak little whimpers, totally at her mercy. Though right then his dick was bigger and harder and ever, and even in that state of domination, she relished in the thought of it inside her. After being left out of that threeway, the driver wanted to cum so bad. But the sweetness of this torture itself was great too.

She decided to step things up a bit too. She took the whole sack inside of her mouth. He gripped onto the seat under him harder. This time Shego showed no mercy, moving her back back and forth while she affectionately sucked on his balls with her lips and tongue. She kept grazing the nuts with her teeth too. But as good as it felt, his penis was hot and needy for stimulation.

He reached down to jack it off, eager to make himself cum. But the instant she saw him reach his hand down, she snapped up his wrist. She looked up right into his eyes. Even in the position she was in, there was a brutal intensity in her glare, and the consequences of him taking control of his pleasure were very clear. She could very easily make this incident as painful as it was exquisite. He slowly moved his hand back.

Something resembling a smile formed on her face even gorging down on a pair of nuts and she squinted her eyes at him in happiness. Despite tacitly warning him earlier with the worst of punishments, she seductively growled and sucked his balls faster than ever. He wasn't put off either, he was harder than ever and had to lean his head back, sighing pleasantly.

"I love you Shego!" he said, trying to do that girly voice she told him to do either.

She quickly took the balls out of her mouth and stuck out her tongue in a wide grin, ready to catch the inevitable flood of cum. But as time passed, she realized that he wasn't spurting at all. She looked at his penis again, still just as hard and erect as before. It wasn't a dry orgasm, he just cried out too early.

She looked up at him. His whole body with twitching and he was looking down at her with a mix of trepidation and admiration. She just closed her mouth and shook his head.

"You love me, but you can't cum? Is that it?"

"Well um..." he said in his normal voice.

"Speak as I told you!"

"I don't know Miss Shego!" he said in that high pitched voice again. He sounded like a ghost out of a movie or something. The man was watching this scene play out himself. He wanted to rush to his buddy's aid, but damn if this woman wasn't hot. He was also a bit curious himself on how things would go down, and was watching it like he was at the movies. After eating her out, he was shamelessly fondling that meat in his pants.

Shego took no heed of that. She stood up and got right up on top of the driver. Her wet pussy was inches away from his throbbing meat. "Then maybe you can make me cum."

"Um..." he barely got out, his voice caught in his throat.

"Eat my pussy little lady. And don't you dare jack off this dick. Because as far as I'm concerned, this is my dick right now." She grabbed it suddenly. The intensity of her grip was so tight and strong, but her hands were so soft too. And he wanted it so bad and it felt amazing, without warning he started moving his hips back and forth within her sweet grasp, he was totally out of control.

Then she let him go. He was feeling more than a little disoriented, but then she held his face by his cheeks. Despite the vacillating emotions and intensity of their earlier activities, she was holding him gently, and he quickly returned her gaze. The look she had on her face was something like a doting mother. All that buildup and denial and now her looking at him like that filled him up with a sense of wonder in his heart. And then she planted another long wet kiss right on his lips.

Even so subdued by her, he kissed back as hard as he could. It was meant to both placate her as well as for his own pleasure, he needed it so badly. That state of desperation, he never thought it could feel so damn good. He was so horny and so obedient that he would have sucked face with her forever.

Then she pushed him back down. He had a big dumb grin on his face and was happily staring off into space. Before he could say anything, she mounted her naked snatch right on top of his face. She was ready to command him to be a good boy and eat that pussy, but this time he was into it from the beginning, hungrily eating her out. His passion was so strong that even someone like her was taken aback at first, and she couldn't hold in her initial first moans.

Not that she was thrown off so much to be helpless to his tongue. Grabbing the back of his head, she shoved his face deep into her twat and reached for the hard cock behind her. But instead of holding onto it directly, instead she teased it, brushing it with her fingers and tapping it ever so slightly. That just got him to eat her out even more forcefully. Despite being in such a submissive position, he was hungry and wanton, eager to please his new mistress.

Eventually Shego lost all pretense of domination and cried out in sweet pleasure. With every blissful sensation of his tongue stirring inside her cunt, she rode his face harder. She lost herself to the sweetness of his technique and forgot all about teasing his dick, letting go of it and holding entirely onto the back of his bald head. She was totally focused on cumming again.

The man just watched it all go down. Being forced to eat out Shego's pussy himself was one hell of an experience after that threeway with Sam Simpson and Kim Possible all over his dick, but watching her dominate his bro was something else too. He was finally getting some action.

And Shego herself looked fine too. That pale and unblemished bubble butt of hers was bouncing up and down as she rode his face, her dark hair sashaying with every movement she made. If she wasn't such a scary woman, he would have taken the opportunity to fuck that sweet ass right then and there. To compensate for it, he was actually stroking himself using her catsuit. The velvety feeling was so good on his bare dick.

Shego screamed loudly at the moment of her climax. It was a series of helpless and shrill shrieks before her cries became deeper and more sensual, relishing in her pleasure. She threw her head back and cackled wildly, enjoying every aspect of this sweet dominance.

She looked down at the driver's hard dick underneath her. Still just as big and erect as it was before. "Good," she said, licking her lips. Then she looked at the man. He had just put away Shego's catsuit to avoid any detection of what he was actually doing. So she got an eyeful of his hard dick. She bared her teeth at the sight of his penis so hard now.

"Did you enjoy the show?" she said to him.

"Um..." He was more than a little nervous on how to answer her.

She looked back down at the driver. "You've been a good boy eating your veggies like that. Now you get to have your dinner," she said, grabbing his dick and actively stroking it. He was shaking all over, making weak pathetic moans of pleasure. Then she propped herself up on her knees and suddenly slammed her vagina down on his penis.

The driver squealed loudly. Shego was deliberately riding him slowly and deliberately, nothing like when she was getting her pussy eaten out, but she was so tight and wet that even those careful humps were driving him crazy. Then she looked back at the man again. "Are you going to stare all day?" she said in a husky and breathy tone. "Or you telling me you don't want your dessert?" she said, bending a little lower so as to accentuate her backside. Then she wiggled her sexy pale ass right in front of him.

The man forgot all his fear. He quickly scurried on over to her and grabbing her hips, thrust his cock right inside of her. The villainess bit her bottom lip at the pleasure of being sandwiched with two cocks all the way to the ends of her pussy and ass. Nor was he content to simply fuck her like his sorely deprived mate, he was ready to get deep in on this. Without saying anything, he reached his hands right around her chest and grabbed her breasts.

Shego sighed in a pleasant delirium. His hands mauled her ample mounds and he greedily pinched her nipples erect with arousal. Dominating one guy below her and having another one roughly manhandling her in all her right spots. This really was paradise.

She patted the driver, who at that point had been too lost in pleasure to do much beyond thrust inside her. Now a slave to all her wants and desires, his eyes snapped up at her. "More," she cooed to him sweetly. Seeing her getting it up the ass from his buddy, he was more than ready to outperform him.

But she wasn't expecting him to actually raise himself up. With their faces only inches apart, he planted a kiss right on her mouth. His hungry tongue pushed past her lips and right into her mouth.

For several moments Shego was actually taken aback. He was showing her no mercy, probing his tongue inside of her mouth as much as wanted, fearless. She on the other hand had frozen up a bit, not quite sure how to react to this show of raw dominance as he continued forcing his tongue inside of her mouth while her lover behind her was ruthlessly mauling her teats. But she was now moving her hips fast to accommodate both of those penises rocking her insides.

Whatever pause she had was brief. Soon she was kissing him right back, giggling to herself at their locked trinity of pleasure. Then she pushed him back and held him by the straps of the tank top he was wearing. "I'll let that one go. But when you cum," she said, putting her palm in his face and activating her green fire for an instant to warn him, "you better hold true to your promise. Or I'll make it bad for both of you boys."

"Yes Miss Shego!" the driver said in another effeminate voice. Far more pronounced this time, he actually did sound something like a sissy boy this time.

"Good boy," she said. Then she looked at the man behind her. "And you!"

"Yes...?" he said, still using his normal tone of voice but clearly subservient.

"Fuck my tits up real good."

"Oh yes Miss Shego!" he said, grabbing into her breasts so hard that his fingers sank into the pale flesh and pinched her nipples with wild abandon. Both of her nether orifices immediately tightened up at that and to reward him for his compliance, she wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss.

She was aggressive from the beginning as her tongue lashed inside of his mouth. But her command to him had got him riled up too and he kissed her back just as hard. The two were in a bit of a contest to see who could kiss each other harder while he was ramming her asshole and she was tightening her anus around his naked penis. Eventually he moved his head back to breathe, her ferocity and her tight butt was breaking him.

Shego giggled wickedly again. After having what was supposed to be a foolproof operation foiled by a penis, it felt so good to lord over these two dicks. Both guys were now moaning loudly themselves, and she felt them tense up inside of her, nearly at their limits. She could have gone longer, after getting her pussy eaten out twice and engaging in such raw domination, she was well aware of her staying power. But the possibility of what she wanted to do now was too tempting to pass up.

"Now boys! Cum inside of me!"

"Yes Miss Shego!" said both guys at once. The man needed it so bad that his answer sounded far more pathetic than the driver, even though the latter was talking like a girl at that point. Not that she registered it. Both of her holes were filled with gushes of hot semen filling her insides, and she screamed like a little girl with a pony as she came in both of her holes being filled up so badly. That double climax on her part milked their dicks even harder, squeezing them dry of all their cum. The driver was feeling it way worse, after being left out earlier, releasing all that pent up jizz inside the dominant woman on top of him felt so good.

As it subsided, both of the guys listlessly lay back, overcome by the sheer power of that sexual union. They were grunting pretty hard, their bodies were shaking, and best of all their dicks were still inside her. They had never encountered such a vicious she-devil before. It was great for Shego too, getting nutted inside both her holes was exactly what she needed to cheer up.

Then she raised herself up. Both of their dicks slipped outside her holes and cum was dripping out of the orifices. Looking down at the two of them, she intended to give them one last thank you gift before she left.

She got down on her knees on the car floor under the cushion of the seat. She grabbed their wet cum covered dicks, still stiff as they were tingling from all that sex, and stroked them slowly. She wasn't disappointed when even after such raw sex, they got a little harder from her soft caresses.

Licking her lips, she sucked off each of their dicks in turn. The taste was lewd with both penises being so hot and hard and covered in so many love juices. While she started off just licking and slurping as she needed to, soon she was inhaling both dicks wholesale, showing them no mercy. The two guys were so awash in their orgasms that they barely took any notice of it, all they could think was that nutting inside of Shego was so good that they were still cumming.

But when they felt the pangs leading to another orgasm, they realized exactly what she was doing to them. Too weak to do anything else, they just sighed. Though they weren't sighing when they came, each of them making loud noises more like animals than people. Shego was sucking them off so good when they came this time that even after blowing their loads inside of her minutes earlier, she was sucking all the excess cum right out of their cocks.

She made sure to swish the cum around in her mouth, relishing the dirty and lewd tastes of it all. She looked down at both of the defeated guys. Realizing that even with the heat dying down, going about in her trademark catsuit would be a dead giveaway, she pulled Kim's tanktop and short shorts off the driver's lanky body and fit herself into them. To her surprise, they fit just right. Slinging her catsuit over her shoulder, she admired just how hot she looked right then and there.

"See you around ladies," she said and took her leave.

"Dude...was any of that real?" said the man.

"Oh yes it was," said the driver. He let out a loud whoop and laughed weakly to himself. "Goddamn that pussy felt fucking great."

"She had a pretty sweet behind too," said the man. "Fuck me. I can't decide which butt I like the most. That blue alien ass from the future, Kim Possible's booty, or that goth girl donk."

"Well her pussy felt even better than that lesbian chick from the future. Taking the wheel meant I had to be left out of that threeway, but now? Now I know today has been one of the best days of my fucking life!"


Shego was casually walking the streets. In nothing but a tanktop and short shorts, she could have easily passed for a streetwalker. She fit it out that look more than a certain other wearer, namely Kim Possible, and her voluptuous tits and supple ass jiggled with every step she took. More than a few cars passed by her with the inhabitants whistling at her. It was so bad that eventually the worst of what she feared happened, as a cop car stopped by her.

The window rolled down. "Excuse me miss. You know that prostitution is illegal in the United States of America."

"How does that concern me?" Shego said, so high off all that sex that she didn't realize the implication of what he was saying.

"It means I think we're going to have to take you down to the station."

"Really now..." she said, going right up to the door and looking inside. Hunched over in that position with her ass up in the air and holding her catsuit over her shoulder like it was a leather jacket, she definitely looked the part. But as she sized the cops up, she wasn't afraid of any trouble at all. "You gonna shove a nightstick up my ass boys? Because I always thought the fuzz was always compensating for something. How about I find out?"

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If you enjoyed this story, the next chapter is already up on my Patreon along with THREE MONTHS of back content!

Or if you want to talk commissions, head on over to my Hentai-Foundry account for more info!



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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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