66.66% All Aboard the Bang Bus! (Crossover) / Chapter 8: Bang Bus: Gotta Fuck Em All! Part 2

บท 8: Bang Bus: Gotta Fuck Em All! Part 2

Officer Jenny was advancing on the Bang Bus with a stern look on her face. Despite that she was in no mood for any shenanigans, the two guys were anything but intimidated. After how equally innocent and eager Misty had been, they wanted to see what it would be like to fuck such a dominant police woman. They knew that one way or another, she would manhandle them both.

But none of them were expecting something else to crash right into Officer Jenny's car. The noise was so loud they all jumped. The two guys forgot about getting some action and she looked back to see what happened.

It was Team Rocket. Just as they had so often used a hot air balloon with a design made out to look like Meowth, now they were riding a motorcycle with Meowth's insignia on front. Jessie was riding up front, with James and Meowth right behind her. James was holding a zipped up bag on his shoulder, probably full of either cash or smuggled Pokemon.

"Look what you made me do!" Jessie said. "All your complaining made me crash!"

"Me?" James said. "You were going so fast I thought I was going to pee myself! And look, you did crash!"

"Aww, did you pee yourself James?" Meowth said.

"Well no..."

"Good, then you have nothing to complain about."

"Team Rocket!" Officer Jenny said. "You're under arrest!" She was reaching for a Pokeball at her side, she knew Team Rocket would resist to the end, but she had faith in the strong creature inside, more than strong enough to apprehend this infamous trio who seemed more like clowns than criminals.

"Oh no, the cops!" James said. "Come on, make a break for it Jessie!"

"I thought you didn't want me driving?" Jessie said.

"Yeah, yeah, just put a step on it!"

"I'm going to hold this over you later," she said, reversing away from Officer Jenny's car and driving off.

Officer Jenny immediately got back into her car. But when she tried to start it up, it just wouldn't budge. Between the damage from the Bang Bus and Team Rocket, she knew it was toast. Then she knew what she had to do.

She advanced towards the van again and rapped her knuckles on the driver's side window. The driver unrolled it and had a smile on his face.

"What can I do for you today officer?" he said, trying to sound as suave as possible.

"Let me into your vehicle and chase those criminals, and you won't have any problems!" she said.

"Hey wait, your car's busted right?" said the driver. "So technically we don't have to do anything."

"Are you actually disobeying an officer of the law?"

"We'll do what you want on one condition," said the man. "Let's have some fun together and we'll comply, okay officer?"

"Fun? You think this is..."

"He's saying he likes the way you look," said the driver. "Miniskirt, juicy badonkadonk, legs for days, I could go on. And in exchange for giving you a ride, you give us a ride. You get what I'm saying?"

Her face colored as she furrowed her brow, but said nothing. "Fine. Now let me in."

"Sure thing," the man said, opening the back door. She immediately got inside and shut the door.

"After them!"

"Yes ma'am!" the driver said and he booked it after Team Rocket. Officer Jenny leaned forward to get a good look through the windshield at the chase going on right now. She barely took any notice of the man who was sitting on the seat right next to her.

He put his hand on her thigh. She suddenly snapped her head to look at him. He was smiling right at her but she swatted his hand away.

"Damn," the driver said. "I guess there won't be any fun right now, huh?" They were both having flashbacks to that time Kim Possible got fucked so long ago and Misty who was just in here. They had been hot and willing in equal measure, but this one was all business.

"You got that right," she said.

"Alright officer, I'll keep my hands to myself," said the man. The driver kept following Team Rocket's motorbike, breaking pretty much every traffic law they could think of. Even though their current passenger said she wasn't down for any action, they figured if they complied, she might change her mind.

Then the bike was covered in a thick cloud of smoke. The guys in the Bang Bus didn't slow down one bit, after traveling dimensions, going through a smokescreen was nothing. And these guys were so horny that they'd go to any lengths to impress Officer Jenny.

Not that the smoke lasted for very long. In a couple of minutes, it cleared up leaving only Jessie alone. No bike, no loot, no nothing.

"James you jerk! Leaving me here alone as a distraction!"

"Sorry Jessie, it was either you or me!" he said, riding off into the distance. She hadn't even realized he picked up his old Weezing back up from the old days. If she had known, she definitely would have gotten her Arbok back too and had it snatch him right up before he could get away.

Jessie heard the Bang Bus nearby. She waltzed right on over, ready to hitch a ride with them. When she went to the driver's window, Officer Jenny immediately got out through the back door and approached her.

"Oh no!" Jessie said at the sight of her.

"You are under arrest!" Officer Jenny said, getting out some handcuffs. "You're going to be away for a long time!"

"Hey, hey, it doesn't have to be like that," said the driver, rolling down his window. The man smiled to himself, he liked where this was going.

"What?" Officer Jenny said, snapping her head back at him. "This suspect here..."

"Is mighty fine. And since we were your transportation, we could technically leave you alone out here right and go our separate ways. Unless of course you decide to play nice."

"Play nice?"

"Yeah, let her off just this one time. I'm sure she'll change if you let her turn over a new leaf. But if you don't, then we'll be off."

The man hoped his bro's trick would work. This cop woman was a banging babe, but this other woman, whatever she was guilty of, was smoking hot too. There was so much fun to be had.

Jessie smiled to herself. "Fine. Then I'll be off."

"No, no, no," the driver said. "You try and walk away and I'll make sure she puts you behind bars."

"Then what do you want!" the two ladies said at the same time.

"Get in." He nodded to the back seat.

"You have to be kidding me..." Officer Jenny said. Jessie just smiled and shrugged her shoulders, getting in the back seat.

When Officer Jenny was still standing there, Jessie said, "You coming along little Miss Goody Two Shoes? Or should we leave you here?"

"No, I have to make sure you don't try anything!" she said, getting inside the van too. The door shut and off they went.

"Take me here," Officer Jenny said, scooching herself up on the front seat next to the driver and showed him a GPS map transporter of the route back to the station.

"No, I think you should head here," Jessie said, showing a GPS map of the route back to the nearest Team Rocket building from the back seat. Officer Jenny shoved her hand back and then Jessie shoved past her hand again.

"Cat fight!" said the driver.

"Damn, this is like one of those video games with a good and evil alignment, or those choose your own adventure things," the man said.

The driver looked at his buddy through the rear view mirror. Big tough guy covered in tats, he still didn't feel afraid for what he was about to say. "You're such a nerd bro." The man just smiled awkwardly and shrugged his shoulders.

By now Jessie and Officer Jenny actively hitting at each other. "Ladies, ladies!" said the driver, separating the both of them. "Pipe down or I'll kick you both to the curb."

"Fine," Jessie said, sitting back against the seat and folding her arms in a huff.

"So where are you heading?" Officer Jenny said. She was glaring at the driver just as he reverse parked from where he was and got back on the road.

"First, if you two don't kiss and make up, you're both gonna be out on the road again," said the man. The driver chuckled.

"What are you getting at?" said Jessie.

"Exactly what I said. Kiss and make up." He snickered before saying, "Give us one hell of a show!"

With how lewd these guys were from the beginning, she shouldn't have been surprised. Officer Jenny frowned herself, but it couldn't be helped. She turned her head to see Jessie. The two of them leaned forward and gave each other a quick kiss on the lips before they turned away from each other.

But the man wasn't satisfied. "Uh-uh. That wasn't a kiss. You two lovelies gotta kiss each other like you mean it."

"What?" Jessie said, incredulous.

"You heard him," said the driver. "Get into it. Put those mouths to work."

This time both of the women were flabbergasted. "I'm a proud officer of the law and..." Officer Jenny said while Jessie said, "I'm a criminal serving Team Rocket! I'm not going to..." before the man suddenly yelled out loud to shut them up.

"I know you two ladies can do some pretty mean things," he said. Neither of the two guys understood the rules of the Pokemon world just yet. Normally they wouldn't have tested it. In this case though, they were both so horny they were willing to risk it. "But I can do some pretty mean things myself," he said, flexing one of his big muscular arms. He raised his eyebrows in a smile before kissing his bicep. "You can do as we ask. Or you can try it on the road and have one of your little animal fight things. Your choice."

"For the love of..." Officer Jenny started, slapping her forehead.

"Yeah, who would want an ugly hag like her?" Jessie said.

"What?" she said, glaring at Jessie.

"Ugly inside and out. That's why you have to dress like a skank so that guys notice you. Unlike me, who is stylish and sexy," she said, seductively running a hand up her boot.

"Oh I think she isn't that bad," said the driver. "Hell, if you don't do as my friend wants, we might even decide to give you two a ride down to the station!"

"Yeah, all this talk is boring me," he said. "I'm a man of simple needs. And I don't think I'm asking for too much."

Officer Jenny smiled. Despite what kind of perverts she was sharing a ride with, she was liking the direction this conversation was heading. If that's what it took, then fine. "Alright," she said.

"What?" Jessie said. "You don't really want to play along with this, do you?"

"See, now that's what I like to see," the man said. "Empathizing with each other in a situation where mutual cooperation is best. Like something out of one of those hostage situation flicks!"

"You gotta tell me what you're going on about because..."

"Uh-uh-uh!" he said, wagging his finger. "Less talky, more kissy."

Officer Jenny got in the back seat to make it easier for her. She looked right at Jessie, crinkling her brows. Jessie grumbled to herself before she leaned forward again. She slowly rubbed her lips up against Officer Jenny's, but the cop was determined to win this little match from the beginning. Officer Jenny was actively kissing her right back. Jessie's mouth was being overwhelmed.

At that moment she wasn't thinking about winning this little game at all. Instead, she just wanted to throw off that cop. So as the officer was rapidly kissing all over her lips, Jessie ran one of her gloved hands on her bare legs so vulnerable in that miniskirt.

Officer Jenny who had been so confident before squirmed at being openly felt up like that and backed up a bit. Jessie opened her eyes to look right at her face, and to her surprise, Officer Jenny was giving her a dirty look, and it was particularly piercing with how close their faces were. Jessie gave her a cocky smile now herself, baring her teeth in an evil grin.

Still fondling all over Officer Jenny's thighs, Jessie pushed her face forward and locked lips again. This time it was the cop who was thrown off a bit. Jessie aggressively brushed her lips against hers, and even gave a small lick with her tongue. All the while she moved her hands up and down her legs more and more.

Not wanting to let her get the better of her and hell bent on winning this impromptu game, Officer Jenny started kissing back just as hard. She had only been temporarily startled by Jessie getting handsy, but after awhile was able to bear it. And to even things out, she gently cupped Jessie's face like they were lovers.

The two guys were getting a kick on all the tension being aired out in this little lover's spat. At first they were worried that neither of them would cooperate. But now that they were so close to each other and not stopping, all their worry melted away. The only sounds in the van were the sounds of their lips smacking up against each other.

Officer Jenny opened her mouth and put her tongue inside Jessie's. Intent on winning this game, she didn't back down and let the wet muscle in her mouth and gave it right back. They were both grunting a bit from each openly swapping spit with someone they really couldn't stand, but it those none the wiser, they just looked like a cute couple of lesbians ironing out all their tensions.

Finally, Officer Jenny broke the kiss and smiled triumphantly. Jessie turned away blushing beet red, grimacing at having done that. The lipstick on each other's faces was smeared.

"You happy now?" Jessie said to the man before looking away.

"I don't know, are we happy?" he said to the driver.

"I'm feeling a little better," he said. "You two were really getting into it, huh?"

"Only because you said to!"

"No I said for you two pretty ladies to kiss. I never said to cop a feel on her." He snickered to himself at that stupid pun he made.

"But it's not fair she gets to touch those lovely legs," the man said. "I want to feel them too!" He suddenly ran his big paws all over Officer Jenny's legs now, squeezing her thighs and greedily running them onto her calves. She winced a bit but otherwise made no protest. Now it was Jessie's turn to feel smug.

The driver had been watching the whole situation through the rear view mirror. He was enjoying the show himself, but seeing his buddy getting so bold and now with Jessie all cocky, he wanted to get some action himself. And he had just the idea.

"So what next?" Jessie said.

"Don't you worry," said the driver. "We're gonna hold a contest between you two fine babes to decide where I go."

"A contest?"

"Oh yeah!" said the man, letting go of Officer Jenny. "A contest. It can be one of two things. Either you two continue that fun little lover's tryst between the two of you and whoever cums the first loses." Jessie didn't mind one bit. She started rummaging through her bag looking for her strap-on, she wanted to mess this cop up really bad. "Or we can do it differently. Whichever one of you cums more with us decides where we go."

"What?" she said, her brow twitching in a slow anger. It was one thing putting her tongue in Officer Jenny's mouth. But this was taking it to a whole new level. After dealing with James' nonsense, she was in no mood. And right then, even Officer Jenny was rolling her eyes.

"That's all?" Officer Jenny said.

"You got it," said the driver.

"The things I do in the name of justice..." she muttered under her breath. She immediately grabbed onto Jessie and shoved her tongue right back in the criminal's mouth. Jessie was just as determined to win and kissed her right back. This time they were making out from the start. Jessie felt all up over Officer Jenny's legs again but this time felt all over them from the thighs to her calves, not so much out of the pleasure of touching the naked skin, surprisingly soft even with how muscular her thighs were, but just to unnerve her as much as possible. And Officer Jenny was just as naughty, no longer sweetly cupping Jessie's face but instead reaching up her Team Rocket uniform and grabbing her breasts.

Both of the guys were nodded at them getting so racy with each other from the beginning. The man got up front to give the two ladies some room as he watched it all go down with the driver. The dudes high-fived each other, eager to watch just how this show would play out.

The two had already going at it rough this early in their second encounter, but things were bound to increase very shortly. Jessie broke the kiss and pushed Officer Jenny down onto the car seat. Jessie propped herself up on her knees and stood over the cop who was lying down.

She pushed her skirt up, revealing a lacy black thong. Jessie had to fight a smirk at the sight of it. Not that that stopped her from feeling up the long shapely legs. Only having access to her thighs earlier, she licked her lips at the sight of the cop's thighs curving up to her hips full hips and didn't mind the sight of her butt spilling out from the thong either.

"This isn't exactly the kind of thing an upstanding officer of the law should be wearing," Jessie said.

"Give it all you got," Officer Jenny said. "I'm gonna see you behind bars at the end of all this."

"Well if you insist." Jessie roughly pulled the thong down to her ankles and dove her head down to her vagina. Officer Jenny grit her teeth at the feeling of a tongue inside her pussy. Jessie was stirring inside of her twat from the beginning, wanting to make sure she won this contest.

And she already got a taste of her pussy juice too. Officer Jenny had been putting on a performance for the two guys to win their favor. But between her speeding up the rate of their makeout session and Jessie feeling her up, she was getting a little more hot and bothered than she intended to.

Jessie felt the pussy she was eating twitching a bit from her cunnilingus. She put one of her fingers on the clitoris and dove her tongue further inside that hungry vagina. More than the promise of her freedom, she just wanted to humiliate this woman.

Officer Jenny felt herself very close to an orgasm. And she realized that in this position once she came, she didn't know if she'd be able to regain the upper hand. She had to act now.

She grabbed Jessie's long mane of hair and pulled her head up. Jessie's mouth was covered with more than a bit of law abiding pussy juice. She scowled at having perfectly styled hair being pulled so roughly, but that look wasn't enough for what happened next.

Officer Jenny picked Jessie up and pushed her down onto the car seat now. She hiked her skirt up too, revealing perfectly white cotton panties with a little stain right at her vagina. She naughtily licked her lips, and Jessie actually blushed then, both from that openly lewd gesture as well as how evident her arousal was, revealed for everyone to see.

Officer Jenny dug her fingers into the white panties and wrapping them into a knot around her fingers, pulled them down. Just like her panties indicated, just like her paramour, Jessie was plenty wet, the magenta pubic hair was soaked all over. That gave her the confidence she needed to go at it.

She knelt her face down and slowly gave a long lick right up Jessie's pussy lips. Jessie breathed roughly and clutched onto the car seat, but was able to keep herself from squealing. The guys noticed it though and smirked a bit amongst themselves. And that close up, Officer Jenny definitely saw her whole body shake a bit.

Intending to tease that bad little vagina just a bit more, she licked at the vulva again, moving her tongue up and down the aroused lips several times. She made sure not to lick inside of it, that bit of fun would come for later. She never expected Jessie to be the type to beg for it, but she intended to reduce her to a shaking mess by the time she was through with her.

As she was licking up and down, she put one of her fingers on Jessie's clitoris. Even under her gloves, she could feel how hot the sensitive nub was. Still licking her twat at that slow pace, she put far more attention on the clit, pressing into it with her digit at a much faster rate.

Jessie's mouth was twitching from getting her pussy worked like that. Despite that, she wouldn't give anyone the slightest indication that she was liking it so much by crying out one bit. That didn't stop her lips from snarling, revealing that she was gritting her teeth to keep herself steady.

Then Officer Jenny decided to step things up a notch. The instant she actually dove her tongue inside of Jessie's vagina, her whole body arched up from how good it felt. The two guys fist bumped seeing that, while Officer Jenny smiled to herself. Knowing she was in the winning for this contest, she licked inside of the juicy pussy harder than ever, still working that clitoris all the while.

Not wanting to let herself be outdone like that, Jessie threw her off. The two stared at each other for several tense moments before they started grappling with each other. They were both grabbing all over each other's bodies in an attempt to try and finger each other to climax. And of course, the whole time they were saying all kinds of unladylike things.

The two guys were amused at first, but when this cat fight was getting a little more violent than either of them liked, the driver whistled loudly. They both stopped and looked at them. The big guy held his arms up in a time out position.

"If you're gonna be like that, let's make things a bit easier," the man said. "Get yourselves into position and go down on each other at the same time."

"You kidding me?" Officer Jenny said.

"Yeah, I got something that will mess her up real good," Jessie said, reaching for her the bag she had with her. She had plenty of stolen goods in there from that last job, but there was a personal memento in there she always kept on hand whether she was out at work or just relaxing.

"Nope, those are the new terms," the driver said. "Get in there and eat that pussy!"

They both rolled their eyes at their new male colleagues before they looked right back at each other. They both looked away. More than everything that already happened, they were both a little bit flustered from nearly cumming at the other's tongue, and were feeling equal parts flustered and horny.

Jessie flashed an evil smirk and grabbed Officer Jenny's shoulders, pushing her down onto the car seat. She turned herself around so that her ass was right in front of the cop's face and her face was on the opposite end, getting another good look at a finely trimmed blue pubic bush. The cop had been tormenting Jessie not too long ago but on top of her right then, the thug was feeling so dominant and smug that she started wiggling her juicy ass right in front of her.

Jessie got to work. After Officer Jenny almost did bring her to an orgasm, she was not going to let that happen again. She grabbed onto the cop's hips and stuck her tongue right into that cunt. She was brutal from the start now, licking in the vagina as far as she could while wriggling it all over the place. With her face right at that crotch, she felt her body twitching and saw her legs shaking a bit.

She was glad she had grabbed onto her hips. That kept her from thrashing around too much and let her focus on working that pussy. And she was resolute on making sure she came first.

Not that Officer Jenny was just passively taking it. Grabbing onto Jessie's bare ass, she pulled down on the pliant bubbly flesh so that her crotch was right in her face. As the criminal was dominating Officer Jenny earlier and on top of her now, it still left her pussy totally at the mercy of a wriggling tongue inside her twat. Jessie had been steadily eating out that pussy, but it faded at getting her own twat worked so hard, and this time she started yelping in pleasure.

Officer Jenny felt Jessie's body squirming a bit from her cunnilingus. Her legs clad in her thigh high boots started nervously twitching and kicking from the pleasurable sensations flowing through her cunt and the rest of her body. She was pleased knowing she was winning this little contest but she was worried those legs might accidentally kick her or that her target would get out of her grasp. So she grabbed harder onto her ass cheeks, digging her gloved hands into Jessie's plump rump.

The fabric of Officer Jenny's smooth gloves was already soft and pleasant enough on Jessie's bare ass. But her grip also strong enough that her finely manicured nails underneath were able to dig through the fabric into the skin just as well. At first Jessie didn't show much of a reaction but she definitely felt it. Yet she didn't want to let the other know that she was feeling the nails deep into her donk.

That didn't mean she was going to stop anytime soon. Even though Officer Jenny was working her pussy just as good as when she almost did made her cum, Jessie was still going at it. As she was eating that pussy, she also massaged the clit like she had gotten hers worked.

Still holding onto Jessie's butt, Officer Jenny fully pulled her crotch down onto her face. In that position she was in, she was easier able to hide any pleasured moans as her nerve endings were going crazy from being pleasured by Jessie. It also allowed her a more viable standpoint to maintain her offensive as she committed herself to driving that criminal pussy wild. With how much of a grip she needed to keep Jessie still, she wasn't in as good of a position to play with her clit anymore. But her asshole was prime to get fingered.

Yet Officer Jenny's lust betrayed her. She stopped eating that pussy to emit several muffled moans with a faceful of Jessie's twat as she came right then and there. Jessie took her tongue out to admire her handiwork, looking at the cop's wet vagina twitching and realized she just won. But her cocky smile quickly devolved to a look of goofy pleasure as the woman under her not only resumed eating that pussy, but also poked deep inside of her asshole.

The two guys knew that Officer Jenny just came too. But they weren't in a mind to put an end to this contest anytime soon. Seeing two gorgeous women with their legs and butts hanging out, busy eating out each other's cunts, was one hell of a beautiful sight, and knowing how much they hated each other made it so much better. They wanted to see just how long this charade would go on.

Jessie bit her lip from getting pussy worked and that finger jamming inside of her rosebud. She looked at the guys to say something, hoping they'd call this game off. But their faces were blank and she realized that in her moment of weakness, they might not have noticed Officer Jenny's climax and instead thought she was about to cum first. So she turned her head down and resumed eating that pussy.

Jessie jammed her tongue back inside the cop's vulva. She couldn't do it as strong as before though, Officer Jenny was working every one of her sensitive nerve endings with her tongue and fingers, and even her grasp on her hips faltered a bit. Officer Jenny curled her legs up and gently rubbed her big thighs up on Jessie's cheeks in a show of domination.

Jessie turned her head and actually bit into one of the thighs rubbing on her face when she came. She hoped that would keep the guys from noticing her brought to a state of orgasm. That didn't stop Officer Jenny, she kept fingering her asshole and digging her tongue inside of Jessie's twat.

Her orgasm was so strong that Jessie kept biting into the flesh of her inner thigh. She didn't stop there either, she bit into the other thigh too, if she was going to be made to cum, she wanted to torment the cop as much as possible. Officer Jenny did have to pause her clamdiving, she expected Jessie to be feisty but she wasn't thinking she'd go that far. That brief hiatus in her cunnilingus allowed Jessie to regain her composure and turning her face back down, ate out that pussy stronger than ever. As Officer Jenny was fingering her asshole, so did Jessie start probing that clit using her tongue again.

That didn't throw off Officer Jenny though. Angry at getting her legs bitten into and how Jessie was still resolute on messing her up, she decided that she was going to reduce her to a pathetic shaking mess lost in pleasure. Bringing her back to the station would be the cherry on top.

At that point, they were both going at it like two nasty dogs eating food. Their faces were both deep in each other's cunts and once every so often, one of them would cum and they'd grunt before getting right back to it. The guys were loving it, but they were both getting hard. And with how much these two ladies were making each other cum, they knew the two of them would be way more open minded for what they were going to propose.

"Hey ladies!" said the driver. Neither of them stopped. So the man roared in a deep voice, "The game is done!"

That did get them to stop. They both looked up at their hosts, then realizing the positions they were in, got off of each other. They turned away from each other. Their faces were deeply flushed not only from what they just did with each other but also because of all the orgasms they each had. Jessie's butthole was tingling a bit and she was fidgeting to make herself more comfortable while Officer Jenny crossed her legs to keep anyone from seeing all of the bite marks on her inner thighs.

"I don't know who came first and I'm not gonna bother asking," the driver said, lying through his teeth. "But I lost count. So now we gotta try something else."

"Yeah, we know you both like eating pussy..." the man started to say. Both ladies did look right up at him and glared daggers from their eyes. That had been the first time either of them went clamdiving, and both of them sure as hell didn't ever expect to do it with each other. "So now we're gonna step things up a notch. Now we're gonna get involved."

"Oh yeah," the driver said. He blatantly fondled his crotch, his boner was peeking through his pants. "And we're still gonna be counting how much you two ladies cum. So you better give it your best shot!"

"But let's make it special, huh bro? Everytime we cum, that's another one point you get for going where you want to."

Neither Jessie or Officer Jenny had expected their day to turn out like this. But they were far more comfortable with the prospect of fucking two strange guys than munching down on each other's cunts again. And right now, it was a case of winner takes all.

"Fine," Officer Jenny said. She got up in the front seat and reaching over to the driver, pulled him into a deep kiss. It was so sudden that at first he didn't know how to respond and he immediately stepped on the brakes before he hurt himself. She was still in control even as he was finally getting a hold on his situation, her tongue was deep in his mouth and she grabbed his crotch.

He got a good taste of Jessie's pussy juice in her mouth. That just got him more turned on. As they continued making out and she was fondling his junk, his dick was springing out against his pants, getting harder in her grip. That didn't discourage her at all, and instead she adjusted the way she was fondling him there, jacking him off through his pants. That incensed him and he broke the kiss so he could better focus on unzipping his pants and getting them down.

Though she wasn't interested in showing him any mercy. Just as soon as he got the button unzipped, she pushed him so that his back was right against the door behind him. She climbed on top of him and grabbed his chin roughly.

Before he could say anything, she shoved her face right up on his, digging her tongue deep into his mouth again. The back of the door wasn't the most comfortable surface but she tasted so nice and was so aggressive that he could only love it. Far from being turned off by how rough she was being he only gave it to her right back, comfortable he could unleash all his latent aggression with her.


"Police brutality is the best kind of brutality," said the man. He looked right over at Jessie. "You're losing this little contest. Looks like you might be spending the night in cuffs." He gave her one hell of a smug smile and winked at her.

"Rrrr!" she grunted. She thought James and the twerps could be annoying, but these two guys were on a whole other level. Then she looked at the driver and Officer Jenny currently making out. "What the hell, let's get this over with." He beckoned her forward with a finger.

She crawled on over to him and he grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her face to his. He opened his mouth with hers immediately, putting his tongue right in her mouth. She had no choice but to react. Though being forced to kiss him back was nothing compared to his hand feeling up her long legs. Even though she was wearing thigh high boots, that didn't bother him at all, he loved the feeling of the texture on his hands. A bad girl like this one was so hot and stylish that he knew he'd be having lots of fun with her.

Despite being anything but heroic, Jessie had been traveling with the wimpy and incompetent James for so long that she had forgotten just how rough some men could be. Giovanni had shades of being like this guy, but he was of the more refined type of man whose masculinity you could feel in his words and charisma, and in the quiet threat of disobeying him. This one on the other hand was all aggression.

As his tongue was thrashing around inside her mouth, he reached up to the bit of plump and naked thighs between her boots and her miniskirt and squeezed them. Her body bristled a bit at him being so forward with her but he didn't pay her any mind. He loved the feel of her soft skin on his hands and began peeling her boots down at her thighs so he could feel more of her. She snapped her head away from and was about to say something only for him to take that as a sign to put his face to his neck where he started kissing her there.

As he was munching on her neck, he reached his hand up her skirt and pulled down her panties all the way to her knees. His hand reached up the skirt to find her bare vagina. She was still all hot and bothered from having Officer Jenny's tongue in there, and he looked down and pulled down her silky white panties all the way to her ankles as she lifted up her legs to make it easier for him to get them off.

He stopped necking her to get a better look at her undies. He was barely paying attention to her panties when watching that session of mutual clamdiving earlier, but he could tell the undergarment must have been pretty expensive. "Damn, for a criminal you sure are high class, huh?" he whispered into her ear.

"Just shut up and get it over with already."

He was still fondling her when she said that. Feeling the heat from her bare vagina, he felt a little bit of pussy juice leaking out on his fingers and looking closer, saw there was some moistness around her inner thighs. "You say that but I feel you getting a little wet," he said. He started licking inside her ear and teased the outer rim with his teeth. At the same time he pressed his finger on her crotch with more pressure, and he got a better feel for her pussy lips, all puffy with arousal. The wet mound was shaking a bit, proof of her libido.

He started off slow at first, poking around her vulva and even flicking at her clitoris. But he quickly took things to the next level, poking two of his fingers deep in her vagina. Jessie let herself moan a bit now. It wasn't anything like the humiliation of having her twat eaten out by someone she hated.

She turned her head to look right at him. Her face and lips were flushed, and she couldn't hide the desire in her eyes. Whatever resistant demeanor she had once before was gone.


With Officer Jenny on the driver's lap, her long and lovely naked legs were completely exposed for him. He grabbed onto them with both of his hands, loving the feel of her soft skin and feeling the hard muscle underneath. He no longer cared about getting his dick out, he wanted to fondle her to his heart's content.

Though she wasn't nearly as patient as he was. Eager to win this little game he and his buddy set up, she unzipped his pants and pulled down his boxer shorts. His cock sprang right up and she grabbed onto it.

He almost jumped up from that. All kinds of ladies had yanked on his prick before, but her grip was forceful. Nor did her technique disappoint him. The instant she grabbed onto his penis she immediately started jerking him off with a rapidfire speed. It wasn't uncomfortable either, the texture of her soft gloves was perfect, he had to stop kissing her again just to breathe from how good it all felt.

But she still didn't show him any mercy. She had such a feral look on her face as she stroked him that she looked almost terrifying. Yet he was so turned on that instead he just gave her one hell of a cocky grin. She hadn't let go of his penis either and baring his teeth in his own display of primal lust, he continued feeling up her legs. Sitting on top of him like that, her skirt started riding up her ass a little bit. So he moved his hands right up, grabbing onto her bare rump.

Unlike her legs, her tushy was a lot softer. He looked her right in the eyes, holding onto her ass like an animal. With her still holding his dick and not looking away from him, he slipped his finger to her vagina. It was damp and hot, and that just got him more raring to go for the real thing.

Actually getting turned on herself now, she moved her cunt down on his penis without even thinking. This time she moaned out a bit, as it just occurred to her what she just did. He didn't give her any time to think it over though as he started pumping inside of her almost immediately.

For several moments she was stunned. Despite all her initial forwardness and actually fooling around with Jessie, it took her a moment to realize she was actually fucking this guy. She had been going along with it at first just to get him to comply so he could take Jessie back to the station. But she was slowly getting into it all on her own, and now with him inside of her, pumping inside her snatch, she was a lot more turned on than she expected.

Not forgetting what she had to do, she started bouncing up and down on top of him. She was determined to get back at him for making her do this whole thing to start with, but just as her predatory instincts were boosted so was her desire. She was just as into it as he was now.

Yet she wouldn't let her libido show. She wanted to give off the impression that she was simply fucking him to get her way. She couldn't hold in her voice though, and simply kept it to low grunts instead of moaning out loud like she wanted to. But from the force of her bare ass hitting his hips everytime she lowered herself on his shaft and how tight her pussy was clinging to his dick, he knew the truth.


The man stopped fingering Jessie. He gave her a cocky grin. Angry and horny at once, Jessie roughly grabbed his crotch. She wasn't even thinking about winning this game anymore, right now she needed him to fuck her and was hell bent on bringing it out of him no matter what it took.

He growled pleasantly at her blatant aggression. Eager to ramp this encounter up to the next level, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his big cock. Jessie stared down at it, transfixed by the throbbing bulge, red and hard with arousal. Flattered by her fascination, nevertheless she was doing too much staring and not enough touching. So he grabbed her forearm so that her hand was on his bare dick.

Even though she was wearing gloves, Jessie still got a good feel for how thick his meat was. And he liked the feeling of her gloves on his dick too. They were sleek and the vinyl felt amazing on his skin, he never thought just a handjob could feel so good. He sighed pleasantly and she got the idea fast, jacking him off.

Unable to take it anymore, he got his pants down fully and pushed her so that her back was down onto the car seat. Then grabbed under Jessie's bare ass, pulling her closer to him. He grinned to himself feeling her full bubbly badonkadonk before he stood up on his knees. He pulled her again so that she was laying on her back even more and her hips were up in the air before he plunged his cock into her pussy.

She was just as tight and wet as he wanted. Even better was that she started hitting him right back with her hips. He looked into her eyes, seeing how helpless and needy her face was as she started uttering a long string of moans. Jessie had to grab onto the car seat under her to keep her steady. That session of mutual cunnilingus with Officer Jenny had opened up her up, and now she was completely powerless before a dick.

She wrapped her legs around his hips. Now that they were locked together in sexual union, he let go of her ass and lifted up the black undershirt under her Team Rocket uniform. He felt up her tits and realized her getup did a real good job of hiding just what massive tits she had. He grabbed his fingers onto her nipples and started tweaking and twisting them.


The driver had managed to get himself comfortable with his back against the car door. Not that it would have been very difficult to be perturbed with Officer Jenny's pussy bouncing up and down on his penis. At that point she had dropped all pretense and was moaning out loud.

He leaned forward so that he was sitting upright. That little bit of comfort made all the difference in the world, and he started hammering his dick inside of her at a steady pace. She was losing it and grabbed onto his shoulders, feeling like she was going to break.

Still hammering inside of her, he opened her uniform so that her chest was bare before him. Even with her bra on, he could tell she was a little flat chested, not as bad as Misty was, but she was more muscle than flab. Not that he cared, he pulled down her bra and started sucking hard on her tits. With how small they were, he was easily able to suck on one of them, tormenting the nipple with his teeth while tweaking the other nipple with his fingers.

All of a sudden she started fucking him harder than ever. She was so tight and wet, her pussy was wriggling, he knew she was going to cum soon. And he had just the thing to give to her.

He rammed his dick inside to the end of her pussy just as she came. Already near his limit, her orgasm broke him, and he nutted, shooting his cum deep inside her. She couldn't help but scream from the sheer pleasure and ecstasy in her vagina that flowed all throughout her whole body. Unable to take it anymore, she slumped on top of him, laying her head on his shoulder.


At that moment Jessie and the man were both humping each other pretty roughly. He loved everything about her body, whether it was her tight pussy practically sucking his dick or how her big tits squished under his fingers as his palms mauled her nipples. He leaned forward just a little more so that he was right over her. Looking her right in the eyes, he lowered his face. She stuck her tongue out immediately and they started making out again.

Her legs wrapped around him further so that the soles of her boots were right around his ass. She reached her hands up his back and grabbed onto him hard, she had never been with such a rough man and loved the feeling of his bulging muscles. But her smooth velvety gloves allowed her to dig her nails into his skin with no discomfort on his part. She was clinging to him now, looking nothing like the criminal she was and more like a slut desperately in need of cock.

As they were making out, they were both feeling the limit of their staying power. But she needed it way more than he did. Her pussy was aching for stimulation, and he was so much different from all the other men she knew, his dick was so big. She had to break the kiss and started yelling incoherently.

He gripped harder onto her sensitive tits and started fucking her harder and faster than ever. She was ready to cum and so was he. He pushed himself as deep inside of her as he could and grunted hard, jizzing inside of her pussy.

Jessie howled low and deep feeling his dick erupt it's semen inside of her cunt. She never felt so good at that moment, and he just kept his dick nestled at the end of her vagina as his member emptied itself of cum deep inside of her pussy. As she continued melting into that orgasm, she by chance turned her head and saw how helpless Officer Jenny was. A twisted smile appeared on her face and in her typical style, started gloating even as she was moaning in her orgasmic bliss.

Filled with a sudden malign exuberance, Jessie pushed the man up off her and down onto the car seat. The driver looked up, alarmed a bit at how animated she was, especially considering his dick was still nestled in Officer Jenny's cunt, she still laying on his lap all worn out from getting it. The man was also a bit surprised at her seemingly instantaneous bout of energy. Though it was more the look in her eyes that was a bit concerning to the both of them.

Jessie got up and started sucking off the man. He got a big dumb grin on his face at her sexual aggression, she was licking up every bit of his semen and her girl juices off his dick. The driver just watched the scene play out. As good as that nut felt with Officer Jenny and how she still felt, her exhausted body on top of him, her tight pussy clinging to his dick, he definitely wanted to get in on that action.

Officer Jenny was so lost in that state of orgasmic haze that she barely noticed him picking her off of his dick and laying her on the passenger's seat next to him. There was a small line of cum between their genitals As she realized his big dick had just vacated her twat, she shamelessly dipped one of her fingers deep into her vagina, still dripping with his semen. She couldn't think straight and that sweet orgasm after everything she did already got her so horny that she needed to play with herself.

And there was so much more for her to touch herself to than that climax. She heard the sounds of Jessie moaning, of her mouth slurping up and down something. The criminal was playing true to the rules of the game set up, she was sucking off both of the guys. At first she had only started cleaning off their dicks of love juices with her mouth. But as she was licking all over their penises, they were started to get hard again all on their own.

She looked up through the rear view mirror to see Jessie going at it. Watching her go at it, after having a session of mutual cunnilingus with her and having that strong orgasm from the driver, all she could think about was sex. By now her gloves were stained in the mix of semen and her own pussy juice seeing and hearing Jessie sucking off both of the guys. But she didn't care, she just wanted to cum again.

As Jessie was blowing them, the man came first, shooting another load of his cum down her throat. She took his dick out of his mouth to swallow his semen, only for the driver's dick to suddenly tense up and bust a nut all over her face. She showed no alarm, only licking her lips and picking the jizz off her face with her gloved hands and licking it off her fingers.

Officer Jenny came at that moment as she was digging her fingers into her vagina from watching them go at it. She faintly moaned watching them, making no effort to disguise what she was doing. And as Jessie was swallowing the cum, she noticed what Officer Jenny was doing.

She smiled wickedly to herself. "Hey I don't think it's fair for me to be getting all this action. Our little friend was going to town on herself watching us," she said, nodding at the passenger's side seat. The two guys looked at her.

"Looks like somebody's needy," said the man. "Hey bro, was that pussy good?"

The driver let out a loud whoop. "Fuck yeah it was."

"And I have just the thing to make this one special," Jessie said. She went over to her bag and searched around in it before she pulled out her favorite toy, a strap on. When she and James were bored and horny, often he would bend over and let her peg him. It appealed to her sadistic side and his personal needs. And she was eager to get in on it again.

The two guys didn't how to respond and they just watched her hike her legs up and put the strap on around her crotch. They were open minded as anyone else, and were really jealous watching Steve Smith getting pegged just right by a gargoyle woman so good that he came all over the place. But when she nodded over to where Officer Jenny was laying, they immediately knew what she was getting at.

"Hey officer, you open up for another round?" said the driver. "We still got a game to play and this little missy over here is winning."

That got Officer Jenny's attention. She got up and looked over.

"No way...no way am I losing to a member of Team Rocket!" she said.

"Good," said the man. "Then you don't mind taking both of us at the same time?"

That did surprise her a bit. But she was feeling hornier and more open minded than ever. "If that's how it has to be," she said.

"That's what I like to hear!" The man beckoned her to the back seat with a finger and she got back there with all three of them. He was stroking his dick, already hardening at the prospect of fucking this woman's cunt. He had been jealous watching the driver go at it and was eager to get a piece. He opened up her pussy lips for several moments, draining of it his buddy's excess cum.

When he was done, he grinned to himself. Without another word climbed on his lap and moaned deeply as his big dick slipped inside of her twat. She had been craving something big and long in her pussy, and his penis did just the trick.

As they were picking up the pace of their humps, the driver put one foot up on the seat of the floor underneat the car seat and on the passenger's side seat she was just sitting on. That put his penis right in front of her face. Without thinking, she turned and took his member right in her mouth. She wasn't distracted at all from tending to the needs of all these cocks, she was moving her head back and forth to suck him off just as good as she was fucking the guy under her.

But she hadn't noticed Jessie behind her. The Team Rocket member still remembered how the cop had probed her asshole with her finger. And she was ready to get some payback.

As Officer Jenny was dutifully servicing the two guys, Jessie scooched on closer to the threeway while standing on her knees. With two dicks inside her, Officer Jenny didn't notice the woman creeping behind her. Jessie grabbed her butt and moved the shaft of the strap on in between her ass cheeks.

Still oblivious, the officer moaned deeply from the heat of the two big dicks inside of her. That suited Jessie. Not waiting a second later, she grabbed Officer Jenny's hips and jammed the phallus inside of her.

Officer Jenny's mouth was still filled up with the driver's dick and she could only let out a muffled moan at having her asshole stuffed. Only seconds later she started increasing the strength and movement of her humps, moving her hips forward and back in a circular motion to accommodate the man's dick in her pussy and the strap on inside of her anus. She didn't look like a cop anymore, she looked like some skank you'd find on the street.

The three of them were smiling at how this encounter had played out. Officer Jenny's mind was too far gone in that horny daze to think of anything but dick, and she just kept on going at it. The man mauled her small breasts with his big hands, feeling her pussy on his penis writhing everytime he did it while the driver gently stroked her face as she went down on him as if to say Good girl. And to top it off, Jessie reached around her waist and started playing with her clit.

Unable to take it anymore, Officer Jenny came. The movement of her hips became a little slower and clumsier as her whole body was wracked with a climax. That didn't stop the man from pumping inside of her and as her vagina was still spasm in the midst of an orgasm, he was pushed to his limit as well, busting his nut deep inside of her. As he shot his load inside her twat, he pulled out his penis, his goo seeping out of her vulva and down onto the car seat.

With one less dick to work, the driver became more aggressive, grabbing onto her face and shoving his penis deeper in her mouth. All the while Jessie kept tormenting her clitoris. Despite her twat lacking a cock inside it, that didn't keep feelings of euphoria from spreading throughout her whole body.

The driver came next, shooting a thick load down her throat before he also took his dick out of her mouth. Now with her mouth free she suddenly let out a loud moan of undisguised pleasure before it became a series of weak cries. Jessie leaned forward and licked her ear.

"Do you like this?" she said in a husky whisper.

"Yes, yes!" Officer Jenny said, unable to think straight anymore. She barely recognized that it was Jessie, her mind and body were blazed over in a fit of rapture from the strap on still pumping into her anus and the sleek gloved hand working her clitoris. That only prompted Jessie to give her a series of wet kisses from her ear all over to her cheek and in her mouth.

The two passionately kissed each other, locked in that perverted union. Jessie only pumped inside of her rosebud faster while her thrall showed no sign of stopping. They both tasted the lewd flavor of dicks and the faint residue of semen in each other's mouths as their tongues were thrashing against each other in that needy fit of lust, but that was nothing compared to how good she was feeling. She had to break away and snapped her head back to cry out louder than ever, she was feeling the pleasure in her anus now.

Then she stopped using her hips and moaned deeply. Everyone knew that she just came again. Exhausted, she fell over onto her side as her body took in those multiple orgasms from that lewd fuckfest.

"Oh dear, I think she fainted!" Jessie said. She fist bumped and said, "Team Rocket, that's right!"

"Damn we messed her up!" the driver said.

"So how about you take me where I need to go?" Jessie said. She grinned to herself. It wasn't just that she won this little game that was getting her excited. She personally wanted to give this woman to the boss. She knew he'd love that. Maybe she'd even get a new assignment than dealing with James all the time!

"Sure thing miss."

"Going full dark side on this playthrough bro!" the man said. "Speedrun time!"


It wasn't a long way back to where she wanted them to go. Giovanni might have left the position of leading the Viridian City gym, but his home base was still in that same city. So when the doors of the Bang Bus opened to have Jessie stepping out with an exhausted Officer Jenny in tow, all the members of Team Rocket waiting by the doorway were surprised to say the least.

James and Meowth had already gotten back. They were busy receiving a glowing commendation from Giovanni for actually a job right for once when Jessie stepped in with Officer Jenny in tow. To make things more perfect, Jessie hadn't even bothered taking off her strap on. She triumphantly put her hands on her hips with a smile, the phallus poking out of her skirt for all to see.

Giovanni's face, normally composed and sinister, was so shocked that nobody there knew what he was thinking. Though James could only feel jealous, already figuring out that Jessie used his favorite strap on somebody other than him. Then the boss burst out into a fit of laughter.

Finally he calmed himself down. Still grinning, he looked down at his Persian. "A good kingpin does need a feline companion to look the part." Then he stared at Officer Jenny, still as sexy as ever, her face defeated from all that fucking earlier as even in Team Rocket's headquarters her mind was still too glossed over to really be feeling too much alarm, and the red teeth marks on her thighs from Jessie's chompers made him want to get a taste of those gams himself. He didn't need to ask what she did with that strap-on, and had something similar he wanted to give to his new guest. "But I think that I'll be trying out a different kind of pussy tonight!"

Normally Officer Jenny would have been appalled at that notion. But after everything that happened today, and with her fate completely in Team Rocket's hands, the only thing she felt was a tingling deep in her twat at the prospect of being this man's new squeeze.

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If you enjoyed this story, the next chapter is already up on my Patreon! And if you want to talk commissions, come to my HF page for more rates and info!




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