40.08% The Otherside Of A Flipcoin / Chapter 83: CH83: "You wanna taste this, don't you?"

บท 83: CH83: "You wanna taste this, don't you?"

"Lunch is ready" Mia calls us while we play in the river, and we walk toward Erlong, who hold towel-gowns in her hand, on the river shoreline deck, smiling, kinda seems to enjoy the invasion around her private-solo-life in the forest.

We eat together a barbecue, having fun, chatting about academy life, and they each tell me about their special training they're doing, plus revealing to me Zhuqing reached level 40, while Wu and Rongrong already passed it, and they plan on going for a trip in a few days to get a new soul-ring for her.

"I plan to go meet Robin, Nami, and probably Alison, and then maybe to all the other places" I tell them in code-words, not wishing to expose where I'm actually going to Erlong.

"PRINCIPAL! ARE YOU HERE?" we hear a shout from Erlong's home direction, and she change her face to the usual irritated one, put a long-red-gown over herself, and walk away, while I spread my 6th-sense, wishing to see what's going on.

"PRINCIPAL, HUGE NEWS!" a teacher tell her in the moment he see her coming toward him.

"What?" Erlong asks numbly.

"There's rumors a war will soon start! They say there was an attack and theft on the auction-house! Blaming the other kingdom on doing it! But some say it's the spirit-hall who did it, so there's that too! No one knows what was stolen, but they're going crazy all over the capital! ..." The teacher keep telling her the chaos who erupted, but unknown to her, it's all done by me.

"She's above level 80" Mia tells me with a smile, and I return my focus to the girls, asking Mia "And what level are you at?".

Mia smiles, saying "80! Now I just need a new soul-ring ... We thought to try a devil-fruit, so I still haven't decided what to do for now".

"You know...", I tell her, "Iv'e got yesterday few cocoons, so, if you're up to the challenge, there's few spirit-beast locked inside, as most of them seems to be criminals who were locked in there by the gods, at least that's what Yuena says, and you can try get a supreme ring from one of them".

"OHH!" Mia jump up in happiness, and I feel energy sip out of me, understanding finally how Infi communicate to outside, talking to Mia probably, as Mia seems to have a conversation in her head, and I think to myself 'I better assimilate new ring as well, passing level 70 already'.

"Hmmm, there's troubles in the world, so, they freeze academy's activities for a week, till it settle-down, or blow-up, so what're you planning to do?" Erlong talk to us in the moment she comes-back, and Mia go to her, saying "We're going on a trip, to find new rings, to all of us!".

Erlong nods back, like she also plan to come with us.

"Hmm, I know a good place" I tell them, thinking to go around the 'secret garden', and the girls nod in understanding, not speaking about it, but we know it can be a safe-haven to hide at, if anything happens.

"The place is full with poison, so we'll use it to our advantage, and please, if any creature show intelligence, do not harm him, or her! Only choose a violent one, who see us as enemies!" I warn the girls, mostly Erlong, who seems the violent-not-thinking-just-killing-type.

... "Tomorrow morning we will set off, see ya then" I tell them all after we plan everything that's needed, and I go inside the house, and *Teleport*.


"Nobody is here..." I think as I search through Paradise, seeing even the yacht ain't here, but when I look at the sea, I see the yacht, and 'seeing' they're docking there, I turn invisible, and fly over to them.

Looking at them from above, I see Robin, Nami, and Chopper, standing on the edge of the yacht, feeding fishes who swims around it.

While staying invisible, I see Nami only with a bra and pants, while Robin with only a shirt and panties, yet they're wearing high-heels, making my dick twitch, like they press on my kink of that.

"Wifies, may I join you?" I whisper to them, while hovering above their head.

They turn around, looking up, noticing me by my voice, while Chopper keep looking at the water, feeding the fishes who swims around, and Nami stretch her body, with a gaze up, while Robin smiles cutely.

*Chuu*, I kiss Nami's neck, while staring at her explosive bosom, and quickly hover over to Robin, kissing her lips, but suddenly feel Nami's hands land on me, in the middle of my body, as I already moved to Robin, and catch my pants, whispering "oh, that seems exciting", and pull my pants and underwear off.

*Slurp*, Nami swallow my invisible dick, *Chuu*, Robin kiss my invisible lips, and Chopper keep throwing food to the fishes, shouting in joy "look! look!", not noticing a thing.

"MMMmmm" I moan quietly, feeling Nami deep-throat me, while Robin shove my face into her breast, diving into this soft heavenly boobs, biting her nipple.

"...mmmmmmMMM" I moan as I cum from this infinite pleasure, and Nami keep on going, making me ready for another round in few seconds, but she stop, turn around to look at the sea, and wiggle her cute juicy ass, signaling me what to do.

I take off her jeans, exposing her string-bikini, who barely cover a thing, and watch her whole body, as her hair fly in the wind, amazed by her endless beauty, and slowly make my way inside of her, making love, as she stand with her hands on the ship's rails, humming to the sea, acting like she's really enjoying the moment.

I look to the side, and see Robin giving the invisible-me a stern-look, while tying her hair in a high-pony-tail.

I pull Robin to me, for a kiss, whispering to her "I love you so much", and she whispers back "You better show it to me, and not just say it", and I *chuckle*, keep kissing her, while fucking Nami from behind.

"OHHH, look at those fishes, OHHHHHHH..." Nami moans, but trying to cover her orgasm with words, but I feel her pussy squish my dick inside of her, and by the moment she's reaching the peak, I do as well, cumming with her, while biting my hand with my mouth, moaning into it, and I see she also closes her eyes, looking into the sky, and hum her moans into her hand.

I keep humping her from beyond, till we feel relaxed, moving slowly, then not moving, just enjoying the moment, till I pull out, and jump at Robin, raising her to sit on the ship's rail, opening her shirt, and raining kisses all over her, as she raises her hands in the hair, like she gave up, while smiling widely at me.

I slide her bikini-underwear a bit, shoving my cock into her, and we both look at Nami rearranging her clothes, trying to act like nothing happened, but she seems kinda weak, and also excited, as she stand between Robin and Chopper, hiding our invisible-sex, and put her hand on the invisible-me, touching my body, helping me fuck Robin senseless.

"mmm... come in me... come with me... I want to feel you in me... cum cum cum... MMMM..." Robin moans as she's cumming, and I keep fondle her breast, kiss her lips to block our moans, and we cum together.

"Not enough" Robin quietly moan to me, pushing me to sit down on the floor, and she crouch down, sitting on top of me, with both our backs to the ship's rails.

She tie a red-fabric around her waist, hiding her underwear, stretch her hand to find my invisible-dick, and slowly lower herself into me.

I grab her feet, with the sexy high-heels she got on, while she grab her breast, holding those giant bosom from jumping freely, and she goes back and forth, up and down, pumping my dick into her.

Nami goes and put Chopper above me, on the hand-rail, while she hug him, and block us from him, as she stand above me.

I raise my hand up, shoving a finger into her wet-pussy, playing with it, while also rubbing her back-door entrance as well, teasing her juicy-ass.

"Not enough" Robin moans as she's having a small-orgasm, whispering to me "Go fill the huge hot-spring bath, we'll be back soon!", and straighten herself up, announcing to Nami and Chopper "let's return now", while I *Teleport*.


Waiting at the huge pool, or rather hot-spring, which is a shallow-pool, surrounded by rocks, near the tree-house, covered by the trees, making the place always dark, I start preparing the place.

The light here comes from a fire burning around, making the whole place bright and hot, as the water flow through metal-tubes, who go over the fire, warming them up, and they return back into the pool, steaming hot.

I relax, waiting for them to arrive as I finish light the fire and start the water-tube-engine, closing my eyes to take a quick nap.

... "Don't worry, if this won't wake him up, maybe we can have fun alone" I wake-up hearing Nami teasing Robin, and open my eyes to a scene who make me drool from ecstasy.

Nami's ass is in front on my face, as she sits on 6, above Robin, and play with her breast, squeezing it up, and they both look at me, Robin with her shy lustful gaze, and Nami with her endless teasing face, and she take her tongue out, licking Robin's nipple through her black-bikini, whispering "You want to taste that, don't you?".

'AHHH, Nami is the biggest tease I ever...' I stop thinking and go on my knees, behind Nami, and for the next hour or so, liquids keep on flying around the pool, way more then just water, and a lust-cloud of energy make the three of us do things to each other with no shame or breaks, till all hell break lose.

I shove a finger in each of them, and send a soft electric shock, making them squirt like crazy.

Nami went K.O in that instant, floating lazily in the pool, but Robin seems mad-in-lust, and suddenly a huge half-a-body pop out of the water, as Robin uses her powers, and she drop her giant-ass down, crushing my body on, or maybe in, her pussy, sinking me in her love-juice.

I quickly use gigantification, making my body giant, grab that huge ass, and shove my enormous dick into her pussy, fucking her hard, while my head hits the tree-branches.

Robin creates two giants mouths, sucking my balls while I fuck her.

I make my dick vibe from soft electricity.

*SQUIRT*, *SQUIRT*, *CRUSH*, *CRASH*, we both collapse, cumming like crazy, spraying the whole place, and falling down, me on the outside, Robin next to Nami, in the pool.

I look over, and see them sitting in a pool of cum, making me burst laughing, and lie-down without moving, while they quickly walk out, laughing as well, and wash themselves in clear water, before collapsing next to me, hitting me softly, but barely able to pinch, or move, right now.


"I'll go meet Alison in 2 days, not now" I tell Robin, as she tell me where Alison is now, "I wanna visit all the places before tomorrow, as we plan on getting my 7th ring, Mia's 8th-ring, and Zhuqing's 4th ring".

"Dinner is ready" Nami call us from the kitchen, and we walk there.

I place a new golden bracelet on Nami's hand, kissing her cheek, telling her "It's a protective-gear, to keep you always safe", and she play with it in joy, trying to find out what it is exactly, and Robin show her the bracelet I gave her, explaining to her "It's a soul-tool ....", while we start eating.

... "I'll see you later" I tell Robin and Nami, kiss them both, and *Teleport*.


I visit Vivi, who's busy with her business, but we still hang-out for half an hour, before I teleport to Fishmen-island, having a fun time with Shyarly, and then visit Shirahoshi, and her family, who have late-dinner, and she wish to have a date soon, so I promise her so. I give all three soul-tools, happily spreading the loot I just got, as it won't be found out here.

I arrive at Sky-island, finding Raki and Conis working full-time, even at this hour, looking tired. I go massage their backs, as we talk about the status of this new country, and it seems all going on well. I give them a 'halo', a spirit-tool who make them look like angels, and I kiss their cheeks, saying "you should rest more, you're queens, not slaves, I'll see ya soon", and teleport.

At Amazon-lily, I find Hancock, Roxanne, Rebecca, Viola, and Lya, sleeping together on the bed, making me laugh in joy, and go kiss each of their cheeks, putting jewelries, who're a protective-gear, on each of them, before quietly leaving, as I *Teleport*.


Arriving at almost midnight to West-city, I find out Chi-Chi and Lazuli sleeping on the couch, knocked out, in the upper-floor living-room, as evident by the amount of beer-cans and other alcohol spread across the place.

I watch them cuddling cutely with each other, when suddenly I hear a noise from the side, coming from the kitchen area.

I go there, and see Bulma sitting, with the light turn off, with only a soft light coming from the huge window, from the city-light, and she's looking sad, gazing to the outside quietly, till I make a soft sound to make her notice me.

In the moment she turn around, and our eyes meet, she *bang*, hit the table with her fists in kinda anger, or frustration.

I go sit next to her, pat her hair, asking "What's wrong dear?", and she burst crying, yelling "I DID ... MY BEHST ... ! I REALLY DID MY BEST ... !", and tears fly away from her eyes like heavy rain.

I keep hugging her close, brushing her hair quietly.

Some time later she finally relax, clean herself with my shirt, like it's a tissue-paper, making me throw it off of me, *giggling*, but saying nothing.

She shake herself up, grab two beer-cups, and push one of them to me, saying with an awkward face "Drink with me!".

I grab the cup, clap it to hers, and we both drink.

She take off her black-jacket, kinda exposing her white-button-shirt underneath.

"Am I that uninteresting? That unattractive?" Bulma asks with a shy face, looking down, and waiting for an answer.

I open my eyes wide, not sure how to respond to that stupid question, thinking with eyes closed, but suddenly *RIP*, *pang,pang,pang,pang...* sounds heard.

I open my eyes, and see she ripped her shirt open, tearing all the buttons in a quick pull, and look at me with her undergarments exposed, showing her black-bra and black-panties, asking "Am I?" with a straight face.

I quickly pull her shirt sides close, hiding her body, while saying "You are!!! Of course you are!! I'm not your stupid gay husband! Don't do such things around me please, there's a limit to me, as a man, holding back from such a beautiful woman!".

She shyly look down, mumbling to herself "..hehe..", and suddenly she take her shirt off, jumps up, and shouts "YES! I'LL JUST DO IT!".

A second later, she stand in front of me, looking seriously at my eyes, with her body exposed in undergarments, and I look afraid at her, not wishing to touch her, as she's married, drunk, have a baby, and I ain't a 1-night-type anyway, and she sees my evading gaze, looking sternly at me, and then, suddenly, just walk away.

I follow her, to see what now, and see she fell onto the sofa, near the girls.

I go clean up a bit, put blankets and pillows for the three, kiss their cheeks, put protective-jewelries on them, and *Teleport*.


'That was... WEIRD!' I think to myself as I get inside Academy-tree-house, and see a letter from Rongrong's father, asking me to come visit before tomorrow, so I *Teleport*.

Inside the guest-room in the clan's castle of Rongrong's family, I wait for a few seconds after arriving, and like I expected, Grandpa-bone arrives there, smiling at me, saying "Welcome, come", and I walk after him in his space-tunnel.

Arriving to the top of the castle, I see them sitting on a high-sky-platform, way above everything, and I go sit down around a table, with Rongrong's father and two grandpas, who all smile widely at me.

"You..." Fengzhi say laughingly, "You really did it, and way more then I dreamt of".

"Yeah..." I answer calmly, "Steal from us when we're unaware, We'll steal back 100 times more", making them realize it was more then theft, it was a lesson in revenge as well.

"Rongrong said you're more then a normal human, but she didn't want to tell us more, what did she mean?" Grandpa-swords asks me, and I think 'Should I?'.

(Yeah, me and Yuena think they're trustworthy bunch.. we're not crazy enough to wish all humans will die, you know) Bing-Bi tells me.

"Can you create an absolute barrier here?" I ask, and I see them doing so.

"Even that the gods won't hear?" I ask, and the three look at me in shock, and quickly put more energy and tools out, afraid of what's the meaning of my words.

<It is safe now, but you can also do the same with space-energy, you know, and it's even better then them, just... > Infi explains to me how to put a quick barrier, and I follow her instruction, till she says <It's alright now>.

"Okay, now that it's done, I'll tell you some more ..." I decide to tell them as much as I can, while also keeping it as simple as I can.

"this war, this war is ain't about humans, this war is about gods! Humans.. are just pawns on the chess-board, barely a soldier pieces in their grand-scam to control the world... And in this war, I'm on the previous god's ruler side, the dragon-god side ... plus ... I'm kinda a dragon-god as well now, and one of my wife, you can call her the reincarnation of the dragon-god ..." I keep narrating a short-version of the story 'behind the scene'.

"So what now?" Fengzhi asks me, and I smile, saying "Nothing, just protect yourself, and know that chaos is imminent, and maybe even war, as if I can't make a K.O without them raising awareness to my acts, then the result is worldwide war probably".

"Okay, I'll offer you our help, and cooperation, plus, I'm the prince-tutor, mind coming with me to meet him?" Fengzhi asks me, and I say "Sure", while we keep talking all night long, till I got to leave to the academy.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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