11.53% Blind Dreamer Of Madness / Chapter 4: Chapter 4 - Meta-humans

บท 4: Chapter 4 - Meta-humans

This place is really huge huh? If not for a new ability that I've acquired which was clairvoyance that helps me map out the place then I would already be lost. 

The other students seem to not bother me as I walk past them. I took some quick glances to the classroom and their lesson, finding the teachers to be people I'm unfamiliar with. 

My own knowledge about the place is another timeline where Jean Grey, Scott and Ororo were a lot older than this place. 

Though, it isn't a bad thing to be honest. My abilities already compensate for it. I went back to the backyard where the other students were doing a myriad of activities from simple sports, relaxing while studying, Hanging with their friends and Training their abilities. 

I tried finding Ororo and saw her still with Jean Grey and another girl that I don't recognize. With no one else I know of, I decided to walk up to them. 

They notice me walking up to them and Ororo seems to recognize me. I can see that jean grey trying to read my mind but couldn't. 

"Oh, Enzo! How was the tour with professor Xavier?"

"It's been fun. The place is really huge and has more room to explore. Ah right, hello I'm Enzo. It's nice to meet you."

I greeted the two. 

"I am Jean Grey, are you a new student?"

"I'm Anne Marie LeBeau, sugar."


"Some call me Rouge."

What!? She's Rouge? But the way she speaks gives an Ara Ara onee-san vibe!? Looking at her I can't help but to say she's one hot young teen.

Am I allowed to say that since I have the mentality of a 30 year old man? Nope! My body is only 10 anyway. 

"It's nice to meet all of you and yes, I am a new student here but my score in the test is currently being evaluated."

"How old are you?"

"I'm only 10 years old."

"Then how come you speak like an adult?"

Jean Grey asked.

"I'm just smarter than your average 10 year old."

"If you're here then does that mean you're a mutant? Is that your power?"

"I prefer the term Meta-humans since I believe we're still human one way or another."

They seem to appreciate my words like the professor and hank. 

"My my, aren't you sweet."

"Anne, behave."

Ororo lightly scolded Anne who spoke rather seductively. It's so surprising that she acts this way since the version I know is shy and has low self esteem.

Too bad, I have perfect control over my body that normal hormones won't occur anymore unless I let it be.

Still if I was in my puberty then I would have already been aroused. 

Does it sound perverted? Well I'm just complimenting her figure and vibe. 

"Sorry about that. Anne tone down with your seduction is just a kid."

"Can't help it when I see a cute boy."

At this rate the FBI might burst any moment for you Rouge. Wait, did she lick her lips? 

"That sounds creepy, Anne!"

"Can't deny he'll be handsome if he grows up."

She grabbed my cheek and squished it letting the two girls see my adorable child's face. I wonder if I…

"You mean like this?"

I transformed into my adult form letting the girls become perflex at seeing my face. Their reaction says it all as they become in a daze staring at my face.

"Uhmm, did I do something?"

"No, sugar. They were just taken aback by your face and I have to say it's ravishing."


"Teheee maybe I'll tell you once you actually grow older. I told you so."

She turn to her friends while I revert back to my child form that brought them back from their initial shock. Not to be narcissistic but was I really that good looking when I am in my adult form? 

Still it does boost my self esteem upon seeing their reaction.

"N-No we were just suprise how you transform. Was that your power?"

Jean tries to change the topic and act normal. If I were to read her mind then she would probably repeat the phrase 'He's just a kid!'. 

Though our age gap isn't that big anyway. Maybe in the future years I have a shot with her. 

"Yup, my power seems to allow in manipulating organic materials, be it my cells or others like this."

I shapeshift my body into numerous animal limbs, weapons and even turn it invisible or rather translucent. 

"When did you awaken your mutant genes?"

Ororo asked curiously.

"A week ago."

"A week ago!?"

She exclaimed in shock. Well can't blame her considering it normally takes months or even years in having a firm grasp of using their powers. 

"How can you have this level of control despite only having a week of awakening it!?"

"Don't know, it feels natural to me like breathing."

"Oh sugar, you're making me jealous. I'm still having a hard time controlling mine."

"I wish I could have the same level of control as you do."

Jean Grey sounded blue all of a sudden. I guess she's jealous since my control would allow me to not harm anyone while her's is still occasionally going on rampage. 

"Don't worry, Hon, I believe you'll eventually get the hang of it."

"I'm curious what your powers are?"

"Mine is absorption and the extent has been undetermined but I am mostly able to absorb energy from people or any organic life I touch."

She touched her gloves then remove it before touching the grass that gradually withered and died. I can see that she has some trauma regarding her powers and has been able to slowly cope with it now. 

I mean this is marvel, no one gets a happy beginning or even end. 

"Mine is that I am able to create weather phenomena to small and large scale sizes."

She used her power to make the sky cloudy then quickly dispel it. I have to say it's more amazing to see in person than some movie effect.

"Amazing, I can see your power to save many lives. I mean you could stop help the environment and prevent tragic storm hitting "

"Thank you and that is what I want to do in the future. Helping people in need and protecting the innocent."

Maybe I should make my own team of superheroes? I'll do that once I infiltrate the government and turn them into my puppet.

My servants already spread into all corners of the globe spreading my parasite where I get all the information I need for the future.

The world peace of human and mutant shall soon come. I might build a utopia for them and expand the reach of earth. 

Well, I can't change human nature but I'll lessen the threat that would come to the mutant and human race if I can. 

It's worth noting that I am able to infect everyone because there are a few mutants and individuals that take a lot of time to infect without being noticed. 

Give me at least a decade then I'm confident to infect everyone that aren't cosmic Entities. Guess I have to build my plans for Utopia regarding the mutant race. 

Maybe I can colonize Mars? Yeah, I'll do that if I somehow get power to get there. 

"An admirable dream. I'm sure you'll do an amazing job saving and protecting them. How about you, Miss Grey?"

"Jean. Just call me Jean and my power is Telepathy and Telekinesis."

She uses her powers to levitate the books beside her. It's been so long that I nearly forgot that she can use telekinesis. 

"So you can read my mind?"

"No, I tried but you seem to have a barrier blocking me."

"Interesting. Well, I don't see why you're worried about not having control. Is there anything missing?"


"You don't have to tell me if you're uncomfortable. Let's just change the subject, do you girls have any tips in this place?"

Changing the subject allowed me to have some small talk with them. Rouge always spoke seductively which was distracting that reprimanded by Storm. It's still weird to see her act this way.

I grew up where she was meek and scared of her powers. Few minutes of chatting, the girls excuse themselves as they still have afternoon class. 

"Hope to see you around, Sugar. This my room number, come by anytime."

"Anne, stop that! You sound so creepy!"

Ororo scolded Rogue who teasingly smiled.

"We had fun talking with you. Let's hang out again later."

Jean said with a smile. 

"Sure, I don't have anything else to do later."

They wave goodbye while I decide to head back into my room to process the information I've gotten from my clone. 

Amazingly, no one was able to detect my parasite even using the mutant detector. It was convenient and allowed me to get into the underground world and high corporate along with the government of a few major powerful countries like China and america.  

There are some reasons in my action considering any mutant telepath that is sided with people like Stryker then I am toast. That is why I still needed to act carefully. 

Regardless, few of my parasites latch onto Shield Agents and Hydra Agents that made me extremely happy. 

I'll make hydra into my personal group and change into something else. I wonder what I should call the organization? I'll think about it later. 

There were also a few things that I was surprised about and it was when my parasite bonded to non-human, namely vampires.

Of course this vampire is active and asleep but I acquired an interesting group. If they somehow summon some demons then I'll surely infect them. 

Knock knock!

I heard a knock and went to check it out opening the door to be greeted by Colossus.

"Oh Piotr was it?"

"That's correct, I am impressed you pronounce it correctly. Anyway I'm here to check how you are doing and if you want to grab some snacks in the kitchen?"

Right, I still need food. It's already been half an hour since I last talked with the girls earlier. 

"Sure, I wasn't doing anything anyway."

Following colossus arrived at the kitchen and sat down as Colossus helped prepare some snacks. 

"Is there anything you like?"

"Anything, but if you can, a grilled cheese would suffice."

He nodded and began to make some grilled cheese. Few minutes later, sat down and handed me the grilled cheese. 

"I am still surprised that you're here. Take no offense but your brother is completely different from you."

"Get that alot. Though he has some problems, he is still a kind brother. Oh right, is there anything I need to know about this place?"

"Well, those who have reached a level of control and understanding of their power are able to go on missions. We normally recruit or stop evil Mutants who misuse their powers."

"I have control over my power. Does that mean I can join?"

"No, you are still young and we will not bring children where potential is placed."

"Guess your right."

We chatted a bit about getting to know each other. I can see that he was the type who is a gentle giant and tried his best to make me comfortable thinking that I'm anxious to be in a new place.

When everything is done, I head back to my room and sleep for the time being. 

Few days went by, I settled down in the school and got closer to the girls who I often chatted with. They were the ones I'm most familiar with.

Today was the day where I'll be starting my class. I went inside where there were only a few students and one of them I recognized. 

"I'm surprised you're in our class."

Jean remarked. I guess the professor noticed that I was close with them and decided to stop settling me in class where I know someone. 

Even though I have a strong telepathy now thanks to Jean Grey after I collect a sample of her hair and replicate her DNA.

I couldn't easily read the professor's and Jean's mind. The former had strong mental barrier while the latter is protected by the phoenix. 

"Here, take a seat, Sugar."

Nodding response sat in between Jean Grey and Rouge. 

"If you feel anxious, just breathe and you'll be fine."

Ororo said behind me. What's going on? Is this professor X planning to surround me with them? If I had puberty then I'm toast but thankfully I have my powers. I was anxious because of it and not what the storm assumed.

"Thanks but I'm not really anxious. I was just in deep thought, that's all." 

I explained before a few minutes later the teacher soon came in and announced my presence.

"Well everyone, we have a new student. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

"Hello everyone, my name is Enzo."

"...Is there anyone who would like to ask, Young Enzo."

So the teacher was informed about not telling my name huh? I don't really know my family name since it would change the perspective of everyone about me.

"What's your mutant powers?"

"I ain't telling, I'll let you guys guess."

I smirked while the girls giggled with my other classes either annoyed or just didn't mind. They soon asked me trivial questions before starting the class with me actively dozing since I don't really care about the lesson. 

"Alright, everyone follow me to the training room."

I was a bit surprised that Colossus was the teacher for our next class and his words made me curious since in the live action there was a simulation room for training and wondered if they had one this early. 

It's only in the 2000s and I doubt they'll be that kind of technology that early but who knows. 

I haven't explored that deep into this school and the professor restricts a few places to younger people without supervision. 

"Training room?"

"Right, you've only been here for a few days. It's an advanced room where we simulate training scenarios like natural disasters and rescue missions."

"Is that so? Does that mean we'll get taught how to fight?"

"And how to control our powers. This is the best way to protect ourselves and those around us."

I nodded and followed behind where we arrived underground in a large area. I glanced using my copied mutant powers to map out the place and saw that the professor was watching. 

"Alright, at first we would have a rescue mission simulation, however, seeing we have a new student. We decided to start with a simple spar against a simulation."

Afterwards, Colossus calls on students to start the spar. Their opponents were just humanoid robots and had a high level of artificial intelligence. The whole area changes to look like the outdoors with a small arena.

The first one to spar was Rouge who stepped inside glancing at me giving a wink before preparing herself. 

"Get ready and…Begin!"

The robot dash forward at incredible speed but Rouge easily evades the attack. She's at a disadvantage seeing that everything was inorganic that meant her powers would be useless against the robot simulation. 

"No touching, sugar~"

Well that kind of a turn on especially when she moves to showcase her body. Rouge waited for the right opportunity and grabbed something pulling a wire that defeated her opponent.

"Great work, you've improved a lot! I hope you continue to train and avoid relying too heavily on your powers. That goes for all of you."

Well that's true, I am lucky enough to get my power but it is still better to have back up like how I'm preparing the chances of it happening.

'Raphael I want to know if my power can be stolen or copied?'

[ No, your power is yours alone. If anything, those who try will be the one dominated. However, the host shouldn't get too confident as it will take a considerable amount of time. Regardless, in the end your power would eventually gain the dominances. ]

'I got more than I need. Thanks.'

[ No problem, host. ]

I continued to watch and saw Rouge coming back towards us.

"What did you think about my moves, Sugar?"

"It was great and I tell you that you have quite the strong reflexes and agility. I recall you mentioning only about absorption of organic materials and guess you were quite at a disadvantage yet you were full through."

"That's right, Sugar. I've been doing my best to fix these flaws of mine."

"And you're doing great!"

"Oh you're so cute~!"

She was about to hug me when Ororo stopped her.

"Rouge your power."

"Ah right, sorry I almost touch you."

"Nah, it's fine. Though, I'm curious if you really touch me. Can we test that?"

"...are you sure? Rogue's power might hurt you."

Jean exclaimed, worried about my well being. 

"It's fine, I'll just pull back if there is going to be any problem."

"I don't want to hurt you, sugar."

"It wouldn't to tr-never it probably going to hurt but it's only temporary. Wait wait I think I made it worse. Actually never, let's do it another time. Sorry about asking."

"It's fine, sugar."

"Next, Jean grey."

Colossus called for her and look at us.

"Guess it's my turn."

"Good luck, Jean."

"Go get 'em, Girl!"

"Be careful and stay focused."

Me and Rouge cheered her on while Ororo gave her some advice before stepping foot into the arena and fighting the same Robotic simulation. 

She was in advantage and used her power to freeze her opponent but it was quite strong and broke free as it dashed towards her. 

I can tell that she was holding back in order to not break the mental seal that the professor made.

If I am able to communicate with the phoenix and convince it to make jeans a proper vessel without rampaging then I'll do it. 

The battle ended with Jean using more of her power to crush the robot before falling into her knees. 

We rushed quickly and that moment felt something. A profound energy that was foreign to me.

"Jean are you alright?"

I asked worriedly and saw her shaking her head.

"Y-Yeah, I just used a bit more than expected."

"Can you stand up, hon?"

"I can, thank you."

Rouge and Ororo helped Jena stand up while I decided to ask Raphael about the energy that I felt from Jean.

'Raphael, what was that emanating from Jean?'

[ That's an extremely small wisp of cosmic energy. Currently you were able to hold a piece of it and are currently being analyzed by your body. ]

'Will that I can use that energy now?'

[ In around 20 years unless you get more then this is the rough estimate. ]

'Damn, guess I'll wait until she gives me more.'

We exited the arena and gave Jean time to rest before continuing the class. Storm went up next and she easily dominated her opponent by creating Lightning. 

Is this how her power works and not just outside? Mutliverse makes sources of information unreliable.  

"Enzo, do you like to join?"

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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