50% Phoenix In DXD / Chapter 5: PIDXD: Status and rebirth.

บท 5: PIDXD: Status and rebirth.

Time: ????

Place: dimensional Gap.

In a universe named Highschool DXD? There exists a place of absolute nothingness. Nothing but a bundle of colours constantly clashing and colliding. There is no concept of time in this place and space, whilst present is in a chaotic state of overlapping causing fissures. Emptiness!...

Sike! not anymore bitch.

All of a sudden, a supernatural occurrence happened as suddenly an immensely powerful aura spread out shaking the entire dimensional gap and then an unknown energy that seemed to warp space itself, began to whirl around on the spot like a whirlpool, attracting energy within a 10,000-mile radius. This energy was pure black in colour and yet it had what appeared to be silver and red lightning streaking across it. Two more energies also began to integrate themselves into the whirlpool, one being a bright green with golden arc whilst the other was a bright pink with a red outline. All 3 of these energies began to whirl and then began to condense in on itself countless times before gradually taking on the shape of what appeared to be a bird or more accurately the mythical creature standing on par with, if not above, dragons. A phoenix. The longer this process went on for and the more energy integrated itself into the Phoenix, the clearer the its appearance became and if it had to be described in one word it would be perfect.

The Phoenix began to become more and more lifelike as the non-existent time went by and after a few days before the final drop of energy was absorbed and then phoenix unfurled its wings and let out a loud:


which allowed us to take a look at its picture-perfect appearance and the first thing that came to mind was large. The newly born phoenix was 85 meters in length from the tip of its beak to its 9 feathered tails. Its 9 sets of wings unfolded to be around 100 meters, making her wings larger than its body. Its body was a pure silver but every now and then you would see arcs of different coloured lightning flash through its skin. Said skin, whilst being silver in colour, had diamond patterns all over it looking suspiciously like scales. However, its tails where truly stunning as they were 3 different colours. The 3 of them on the left started green and ended in a golden glow, the 3 in the middle were a beautiful pink that faded into a deep red and the other 3 were a black that finished in a silver glow. There were also 3 feathers coming out of the top of its head, each one with the same pattern as it's tails. As the phoenix opened its eyes, anyone who lay witness to them, would be frozen by what they saw. Heterochromia eyes that seemed to glow both wisdom and playfulness. The left eye had a heart shaped pupil and was red in the centre and faded to a bright pink around the edges that seemed to glow with endless lust and seduction. The right eye was slitted and a beautiful emerald green in colour that seemed to flourish with life however, what would truly cause the hearts of anyone who witnessed these eyes to freeze is the sclera of the eye. It was black. pure black and yet it seemed to contain a universe in them. Stars constantly exploding and planets colliding, storms raging endlessly and all the elements clashing with a fight for dominance. It seemed like the epitome of chaos itself was contained in the eyes of the young Phoenix. As the Phoenix slowly gained her bearings, she slowly opened her mouth and attempted to speak but the only thing that came out of her mouth was another ear-piercing screech causing her to gain a look of annoyance.

*Luna Pov*

This is annoying. I can't talk in my phoenix form, I just screech and I'm pretty sure most people who hear it would have an aneurism. Well, I guess it makes sense; I mean it would be fucking hilarious if you see a massive ass bird speaking in human language.

Anyways~ this place is both awesome and boring at the same time. All the colours all mending and then separating and space is fucked up making it a chaotic yet beautiful image. However~, its quiet. Like deathly quiet. I guess that's why Ophis is such a blank slate since she was born from the infinity and nothingness. Her power leans towards infinity yet her personality towards nothingness.

Speaking of which, I don't see her? maybe she won't be born for a while? Soon I felt an energy begin to take form behind me and as I shot around excitedly thinking I would witness the birth of Ophis, instead I got:

Tatyana: "MUHAHAHA, you were expecting Ophis BUT IT'S ME DIO, *cough* I mean Tatyana.

*Ah, it's just my wife.* I thought with a bored tone.

Tatyana: "OI, I HEARD THAT

*I know*

Tatyana "OI! It seems someone has grown some balls alongside her new wings huh" she asked in a dangerously low tone and given that my instincts as a phoenix are extremely high right now, I knew not to piss her of if the alarm bells in my head are anything to go by.

*A-Any way why are you here? Not that I'm not happy its just we saw each other like a few days ago if my assumptions are correct?*

"Don't change the subject little chick!" She chuckled before my instincts started going aye wire.

*I-I'm not, I'm just curious.* I said before attempting to fly backwards with my wings before she grabbed one of my newly formed tails.

"A-AH w-wait, that's sensitive, S-Stop."

"fufufu, your dear wife travelled all the way here just to explain somethings to you and what do I get? A smart ass. How should I punish a cockadoodle you?" Whilst speaking she continued to rub my tail turning me into a trembling mess.

*Just tell me why you're here, I was literally reborn like 5 minutes ago and my head is a mess thanks to all my new instincts and memories merging.*

"Alright then I'll let you of this once since you're just a baby chick and I love you more than anything, but anyways~ that's what I came to tell you. Let me explain a few things:

Firstly, as you know the dimensional gap is huge, if not limitless in size. You being a being of chaos, lust and life energy had to meet certain requirements to be born, and Orphis has her own which is nothingness. Meaning even though you were born within a close time period, you will have to find her on your own. So good luck with your little adventure.

Secondly, your wishes. The second wish for the internal world has already been fulfilled, its in the centre of your soul and to access it you mealy need to will it. It can grow the more powerful you get and right now it's around the size of a city. You have complete control over it and can create and destroy things at will. BUT! to bring people in there you have to ask their permission to bring them in. Meaning you can't just place villains in your internal world and then just will them to disappear. Nor can you create things like a pill capable of granting immortality or a sword capable of killing anything in one hit. You're limited to non-interactive objects but it doesn't mean you cannot create an extremely strong sword, just that you will need to enchant it separately.

Your third wish, for the dimensional chat group was a bit of a problem though. I scanned through your memory when I made it and had it search for people you would be interested in meeting from various animes and such. But the problem is, because they are from different universes, it will take time for a connection to establish, meaning you will have to wait a while for it too work. Sorry babe." she explained with a guilty look causing me to giggle which sounded a bit like a snicker in my phoenix form.

*Don't worry darling, thank you for trying your best* I said with love evident in my chaotic eyes. this caused her to beam an adorable smile, teeth visible.

"Anyway, the last thing I wanted to explain was your race. You're a 9-winged primordial phoenix who has been tainted by succubus blood thus making you a phoenix of the lust variant. (Someone please help me pick a name for her race, I can't think of any)

You have skills relating to Life, lust and chaos which you can see whenever you say status. One thing I should explain, well not so much explain as advise would be to avoid close quarter combat when in your phoenix form."


"Because a phoenix is not suited towards CQC, you don't have any sort of weapon on your body. You don't have arms nor claws; you don't even have legs. You have no way to attack or defend in CQC so you should avoid it as much as possible. Not to say your form is useless though, far from it. To explain it in simple terms, if you imagine a dragon as a knight or a tank, you would be a wizard Harry *cough**cough* I mean Luna." I narrowed my eyes at her little slip up causing her to flinch and begin whistling whilst avoiding eye contact even though she couldn't whistle.

"Moving on, in CQC you're useless, well apart from the fact that you're literally a ball of the purest universal flames taken form, and immortal. Both body and soul. Tch damn, how am I supposed to dominate her if I can't get close?" She explained, though she whispered the last part so I couldn't hear. "But one of your racial skills is a called 'humanise' and it allows you to take on one of three forms that you can freely switch between. There is no difference between them except the appearance so don't worry about that, but the best thing about your human forms is that you can freely use all of your phoenix abilities whilst keeping the flexibility of a human. For example, you can manifest your scales on your body, increasing your defence by leaps and bounds and can also transform into a humanoid shaped flame effectively making you a living flame resistant to all physical attacks and burning anyone who comes close to you. Let's not also forget that thanks to your first wish Absolute Combat, you're practically invincible in terms of CQC, but only in human form.

*Hmmm. I see, thanks for the explanation my love*

"fufu think nothing of it babe I just wanted to be the first one to see you and I would rather talk in person than through telepathy, though it's time for me to return so you will have to figure the rest out on your own."

*I see, well goodbye my lover*

"Goodbye my friend" 'whoosh'

*Ok, what the fuck just happened. I'm not your friend, I'm your wife"


*Shut it bird brain*

*Oh, wait that's me fufufufu*


*EWWWW, ugly laugh alert*

*Anyways~ time to move on*

*Raphael, show me my status please* after asking that I heard a mechanical, emotionless voice in my head. *sure*

Name: Luna Vermillion


- First born - effects - You are the first born in this universe. The oldest being formed from one or more concepts. Beings with lower intelligence will worship the ground you walk upon, whilst beings with higher intelligence will treat you with respect unconsciously.

- Primordial - You are a primordial, a being born at the beginning of time, the highest being among Gods. Any God in your presence will feel inferior, the stronger their will, the less it affects them. If their will is weak they may even prostrate themselves at your feet.

- Mythical Beast - A phoenix is a mythical creature in any universe but a Primordial one even more so. You gain the respect of almost all animals. You can understand them and interact with them as if they were any other person.

- Embodiment of lust - You're the embodiment of lust itself, your body is the highest of aphrodisiacs and your body fluids the most divine nectar that will always replenish those who feast upon it. You are always horny and your body is always ready for sex with all your holes naturally lubricated. Your body is made for the best sex and so not only will you make anyone 5x more sensitive when they are horny in your presence, but your body can adapt to any sort of sex and maintain its perfect form.

- Embodiment of chaos - You're are the embodiment of chaos itself; You love to cause chaos whether it's in the form of something simple like teasing or something major like destruction. Your body has chaos energy instead of Mana, devil energy, holy energy or aura which is 5x as powerful and has the effect of corroding anything it touches.

- Embodiment of Life - You are the embodiment of life. Life loves you the same way you love it and will be your closest most trusted friend. Nature will help you and appreciate your presence the same way you will feel at home in its presence.

Race: 9-Winged Primordial Phoenix (Lust variant)

Bloodline: -Phoenix of life, lust and chaos. -Succubus

bloodline Skills: Phoenix of life, lust and chaos: (I'll explain the human form benefits)

-super strength - superior strength capable of lifting a large building with only a little strain.

-super speed - superior speed, capable of running faster than the speed of sound.

-Immortality - regeneration- regenerate from any wound within mere moments.

-Enhanced physique- Your body is a extremely strong.

-Humanisation- Can shapeshift into one of three forms -

Loli form (10 to14-year-old in appearance) = epitome of cuteness,

Teenage form (16 to 19-year-old in appearance) = epitome of beauty,

Adult form (24 to 28-year-old in appearance) = epitome of sexy.

-Phoenix fire - a fire you have full control over. You can manipulate its shape, size, temperature and even whether or not it burns.

-Embodiment of fire - transform into the embodiment of fire itself, your entire body becomes fire, capable of resisting any physical wound.

- Chaos aura - capable of releasing an aura of pure chaos making everything that touches your aura begin to corrode if they are too weak to resist. Any living thing that touches this aura will began to go crazy if they are sentient and have a low will. Anything non-living that this aura touches will go into a state of withering as their composition decays.

- Lust Aura - capable of releasing an aura of pure lust, something equivalent to the strongest aphrodisiac, sending them into lust fuelled daze where they will fuck anything that moves if their will is to weak to resist.

- Life aura - Release an aura of pure life energy capable of turning an old man young or capable of growing a forest in a desert within seconds. can heal wounds, revitalise or simply help the area around you flourish with life.

[The chaos, lust and life aura's also come with energies that have the same effect, yet they can be used to cast spells and such. Imagine if she added the lust aura to a fireball - anyone hit by it will probably have an orgasm.]

- Eyes of life - can see the life force of anything living and found out about them through their life aura.

-Eyes of lust- Can see where lust is and can see through someone's erogenous zones, knowing exactly were to poke and prod.

Eyes of chaos - Can release an aura of chaos wherever you gaze upon. Anyone who looks at these eyes will be attacked mentally.

Chaos Blessing - You can give someone a blessing of chaos, giving them increased strength, speed and endurance, their mana will be changed to chaos energy making it stronger and however, if the blessed person cannot handle the chaotic blessing their mind will break and they will rampage until they are broken from the inside out.

Lust Blessing - You can give someone the blessing of lust, giving them enhanced beauty, endurance and speed. They will become extreme sexual beings and capable of getting even an eunuch hard, however if their body cannot handle the pure sexual energy they will turn into pure sex freaks who only know how to hump and will fuck anything that moves.

Life blessing - give someone the blessing of life, giving them enhanced vitality, regeneration and defence. They will have immense life energy, equivalent to that of a dragon but if their body cannot handle the pure vitality, they will either wither or turn into nature itself.

-Pyrokinesis- as the embodiment of the highest tier flame, you can control all other flames to the highest degree.

-Incinerating touch- can incinerate anything merely by touching it, including souls.

-Scales of the sun - scales formed on your body made from the sun itself, burns anything it touches if you wish for it or is simply an extreme defence.

Succubus bloodline:

-flexibility- you're extremely flexible and can change the position of your body with great speed and control almost instantly.

-Claws- your hands gain a temporary pair of sharp claws that can cut through metal like butter. (5" in length and full black)

-Tail- your tail can grow an extra 3 meters in length (5m in total) and becomes as stronger than steel, can be used as a spear thanks to pointy end. (Fully black 3" in girth and ends in a heart shape)

-Dream walker- can enter and manipulate people's dreams

-Lust feeder- you can feed off sexual energy

-Super stamina- for all those extra rounds

-supernatural beauty- You will always be perfect in terms of appearance, your skin always jade white, your teeth pearly white, your hair silky smooth and your body odour extremely enticing. Give off an aura of confidence and seduction.

-Life force drain- can drain the life force of a victim through contact.

-Sleep Inducement- can force weak willed individuals to sleep.

-Natural seductress- You are always extremely seductive no matter what you do, and come off as extremely enticing.

Unique skills:

Internal world: you have a world inside your soul where you reign supreme. You are God there and can create and destroy anything with but a thought. Can grow alongside you.

Wisdom king: Raphael. An Ai/conscience possessing supreme intelligence and capable of managing your skills. Skills:

Alteration: The ability to freely modify and evolve skills.

All of Creation: The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomena in this world.

Analytical Appraisal: Appraise with eyesight alone.

Chant Annulment: When using magic, the chant is no longer necessary.

Future Attack Prediction: The ability to predict attack in the form of light trails. The terrifying properties of this skill is not its ability to predict, but that whatever it predicts is guaranteed to happen.

Parallel Operation: The ability to detach analysis of phenomena from the mind.

Synthesis/Separation: The ability to synthesize and separate almost anything.

Thought Acceleration: Raises thought processing speed by a million times.

Absolute Combat: The power to possess combat proficiency, capabilities and knowledge at a maximum and limitless level. (Can further evolve into absolute condition if omniscience is gained and Physique is upgraded). Skills:

All Combat Powers, All Martial Arts Skills, Unperceivable Attacks, Body Supremacy, Metabolic Regulation, Enhanced Bodily Capacity, Sense Focusing, Clear Mind/Enhanced Concentration, Capacity Flawless Coordination, Enlightenment (in the way of the warrior), Fighting Instinct Prescient Reflexes, Fight science, Indomitable Will, Instant mastery, Combative Transcendence,

Combat Perception Attack/Défense Prediction, One-of-a-kind genius tactician, Combat Specialist Ability, Intuition Ability, Mastering Ability Transcendence, Blocking Mastery/Absolute Defence, Countering Mastery Absolute Counter, Efficient Combat, Evading Mastery/ Absolute Evasion,

Martial Arts Mastery, Absolute Weapon Proficiency, Combat Merging, Mixed Martial Arts Mastery Absolute Unarmed CQC, Pressure Point Mastery, Secret Arts, Striking Mastery/Absolute Strike; both armed and unarmed One, Special Attack/Ultimate Technique, Limitation Inducement (Only on one self), Menacing Presence, Mental Pressure Discouragement, Submission, Weakness Detection, Critical Impact. [Yeah, I just copy and pasted]

Dimensional Chat Group: you are the host of a group chat spanning through the dimensions with some of the most interesting characters in their universe. Complete missions for rewards, visit your friends universes or they visit yours. [Warning - currently unavailable]

*Fuck I'm overpowered as hell, No fuck hades I'm overpowered as Truck-kun....s front tire? maybe? Hopefully?*

*Whelp, time to try and find my Ophis-chan.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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