100% Marvel's Brightburn / Chapter 11: Trinity 2

บท 11: Trinity 2

{Thirty Feet Above Indian Ocean, Brandon}

'Did i...come up with it?' Brandon thought as he levitated in the air. His arms were folded over his chest, deep in thought. His thoughts centered on the symbol that he drew as a kid. A symbol that came to him naturally, so naturally that it felt second nature to knowing it. Why? Why did he know how to draw it? Why did he know what it looked like? What did it mean? Did he actually come with it, or did someone else put that in his brain?

The questions piled up more and more, with each scaring him. It more or less made him feel a little anxious about what they may find underwater. They could find someone like him... or someone worse.

"Superman, we're diving in." Came the voice of Captain Lennox.

Brandon was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the man's voice. He had an earpiece in his ear, allowing him to be able to communicate with the man. As he looked down, he watched as Lennox and his team dived down into the water. When they dove down, anyone else may lose sight of them, but not Brandon. With his enhanced sight, he could see them swim deeper underwater. Brandon looked past them, seeing the ruins that Fury spoke of. The first thing that he saw terrified him. It was the symbol, the same one that he drew as a child. It was etched into some kind of stone. Said stone appeared to be metallic upon closer inspection. Brandon continued to look at everything, peering at anything of interest.

Eventually, he found himself noticing closed doors. Doors to something, though the fact remains. Why were there doors closed in ruins?

Wanting to get a closer look, Brandon took a deep breath and got ready to hold his breath. Then realized how ridiculous it was. He survive the vacuum of space, so why would he need to worry about being underwater?

"I'm going in." Brandon stated, then dove down. His speed accelerating as his face slammed into the water. He could hear faintly of Fury trying to tell him to stop, but Brandon wanted to know. He needed to know. Was he sent he for a reason or not? As Brandon moved past the diving team lead by Lennox, he moved closer to the ruins. Weirdly enough, there were no wildlife near the ruins. No sharks, octopuses, fish, nothing. It looked as if these ruins were devoid of life, despite corals growing over the architecture.

Brandon drew closer to what appeared to be a wall. His scarlet eyes landing on the symbol that he always drew as a child. Beside it was another symbol, one that he wasn't familiar with. Narrowing his eyes and with curiosity sparking at every fiber of his being, Brandon reached forward. He moved his fingertips to touch the symbol and allowed his palm to be placed against it. No sooner than he did this, the symbol gave off a purple hue. Brandon removed his hand, unsure as to what he did. But watched as the ruins shifted slightly. To the point that it looked as if some buried regions were unearthing themselves. When the ruins finally stopped moving, Brandon looked to see a single door sliding open. However, that was not the most peculiar thing. What was most peculiar was that no water was entering the opened door.

With a frown of confusion, he moved over towards the opened door. When Brandon arrived to it, he found that there were vessels inside. His gaze seemingly scanning everything. Each seemed to give off this alien like feel to them. What stood out from all of them was that one of them looked oddly familiar. With widening eyes, Brandon moved to get inside. Then found himself entering what could only be described as a hanger bay. There could have been roughly seventy or more ships ranging from being the size of dump trucks to the size of a cargo ship. Brandon looked at himself, finding himself still soaked yet able to breath the air inside of the hanger bay. It was as if he had entered through an invisible barrier. Looking back, Brandon watched as Lennox and his team finally arrive inside. They, too, found the hanger bay amazing. Though Lennox eventually set his eyes on Brandon then called out to him.

"Weren't you supposed to be watching for anything odd, Superman?" He questioned.

"I was, and this was the oddest thing that I saw." Brandon answered.

Lennox stared at Brandon for a moment, then put a hand up to his ear.

"This is Captain Lennox, we've entered an unknown structure that could only be described as a hanger bay." He reported, but found no answer on the other side.

"This is Captain Lennox, Director Fury do you read?"

After trying to call for anyone, Lennox gave up before beginning to take off his scuba gear. His team did the same as they began taking off unneeded equipment. Brandon, however, began exploring the hanger bay. Specifically, he looked to see about the ship that he knew all too well. It heavily resembled the vessel that brought him to Earth. The same shape, jagged design, and alien like features. Brandon noticed that the pod that should have been holding a baby inside was open. Brandon was originally about to think that the ship meant nothing. That line of thought ended when he noticed something. This craft had faint traces of dried blood on it. From who could only have been speculated. But it added to the mystery of this place.

"Superman?" Lennox called as he approached Brandon. Brandon turned to the Nest Captain and noticed that he was outfitted in combat gear resembling that of a US Marine. His team was the same, all having weapons as big as a carbine and sidearm. They all had weapons at the ready, though knew that they were more than likely unprepared.

"We're in the dead zone, so if you wouldn't mind..."

"You want me to take the lead in an underwater alien spacecraft?" Brandon questioned, and only found a shrug from Lennox.


With that said, Brandon turned and headed for what he thought was a door. As Brandon reached the door, he noticed a console beside it. Following behind him was Lennox and his team. The Nest operatives watched as Brandon reached forward, and just about nearly touched the console. What stopped him was that the door opened before he could have tried anything. When it opened, it revealed an eight foot one inch tall figure. It had aged chrome like skin, four blue hueing optic lenses, and a faceless helm. Without warning, it sent a metallic fist into Brandon's jaw. The blow sent him skidding backwards and slamming into the wall. Hitting the wall actually hurt Brandon, as if he were human enough to feel pain. Not long after being sent back, Brandon heard Lennox and his team open fire on the automaton. The machine stomped its way towards the soldiers, and sent a back fist into one of them. The smack sent the upper half of one soldier away from their lower half, spraying blood all over the floor.

Brandon narrowed his eyes on the machine, then fired an optic blast from his eyes. The scarlet beam surprisingly ricocheted off of the automatons' forearm as it raised it up to block. Then it centered it's attention on Brandon once again, before charging at him. It stormed over to the caped male, then swung at him. Brandon ducked under the first swing, then sent his own fist into the metallic helm. His knuckles slammed against the automatons head, causing it to stumble backwards. However, it suddenly grabbed Brandon by the face, then slammed him into the floor.

Brandon groaned, then rolled to the side as he narrowingly dodged being stomped by the automatons' metal heel. Rising to his feet, Brandon began to levitate from the floor. Then he soared forth, tackling the automaton towards one of the nearby ships. The two barreled into quite a few as Brandon sent blow after blow into the automaton. Yet, no matter what he hit it with, none of his attacks harmed it. The machine suddenly caught Brandon's fist before he could punch it. Then it spun them around, causing the both of them to land right on top of one of the spacecraft. Before Brandon could get to his feet, the automaton sent a hammer fist down right into his face.

Growling, Brandon held his hands up and fired two scarlet optic beams from the palms of his hands. The Superbands were working perfectly, causing the automaton to be pushed back. The short reprieve that Brandon had bought for himself ended as soon as the machine did something that he wasn't expecting. It started to absorb his energy attack, until eventually it start to march forward. Brandon watched with surprise and dread, then immediately started to levitate so that he could fly away. Unfortunately, the automaton was faster. It jumped and tackled Brandon right out of the air. The both of them fell down onto the floor. Then suddenly, Brandon felt a sharp piercing pain at his hip. Glancing down, his eyes widened to find a protruding blade embedded into him. The owner of it belonged to the automaton, who removed its blade from the top of its knuckles. Brandon gritted his teeth, trying his best not to yell in pain. It hurt so much. It was much worse than his bout with Thor and Hulk. His own blood was pouring out of him from a puncture wound. He had been stabbed for the first time in his life.

The automaton grabbed Brandon by the face, then sent a fist into his new wound. This time he cried out in pain, almost howling from what he was feeling. That pain however turned something on inside of him. It made him angry, made him feel weak inside. As if a switch had been flipped, Brandon caught the automatons' fist. With a howl of anguish and effort, he began to pull at the machine's arm. A creaking sound was heard, then the automatons' arm came flinging off. Sparks spewed from it's armless shoulder. Brandon held the automatons' arm in both hands as he quickly removed himself from the machine's grasp. With a growl of anguish, he rushed at the automaton and began smacking away at it with its missing appendage. This time, Brandon was causing damage to the machine. It's chassis was being dented and scratched up. Each blow that Brandon made with the arm made the automaton take a step back. It all came to a head when Brandon finally jumped at the automaton and slammed its arm so hard into its chest, that it caved in.

This finally made the automaton fall over onto its back. Brandon got on top, and began slamming the machines' arm into its faceless helm. With every blow, Brandon made its head cave in just like he did to its chest. This continued until Brandon felt a hand touch his back. He nearly swiped at whomever had dared to touch him had he not seen who it was. It was Lennox. The man looked absolutely horrorified at Brandon, yet he was brave enough to approach him despite it.

"Y-you got him Superman..." Lennox pointed out, then looked down at the sparking automaton.

Brandon did the same, looking over his handiwork. With a few pants leaving him, he dropped the automatons' arm. Then felt pain aching through him. Placing a hand on his wound, he turned to find Lennoxs' team giving him a wide berth. Lennox was the only one who had walked over to him.

"Sorry...for the mess." Brandon apologized, finally starting to get control over himself. The adrenaline rush that had gone through him beginning to subside. Not long after, he pressed forward. He passed by Lennoxs' team and down into a hallway that looked quite narrow. As soon as he entered, however, Brandon found two more automatons waiting for him. Both stood still, then began marching forward as soon as Brandon entered the hallway.

"You've got to be shitting me.." Brandon complained, then prepared himself for another fight. Before he could however, a feminine battle cry was heard behind on the other side of the hallway. Brandon looked back to find a black armored female charging forth. She had a sword, whose material appeared as the same as these two automatons, drawn. It resembled that of a Damascus blade as it gleamed under the dimly lit hallway. Brandon watched as the woman jumped over him, and came down at the two automatons attacking. She swung her blade down at one of them, cutting them in half down the middle. The other automaton, however, caught her sword arm, then sent a devastating right hook into her face. Blood began to drip from the corner of her mouth. Surprisingly, she smirked, then licked her blood right off of her mouth. Then began to pull the automaton towards her. She twirled around, causing it's grip to loosen enough for her to cut its arm off. When she stopped spinning, she hurled her sword at its helm like a javelin. The blade pierced right through it's head, and caused the machine to fall over backwards.

Brandon had watched all of this with widened eyes. He hadn't a clue as to who she was, but he was amazed at what she did.

"Is she with you?" Lennox suddenly asked as he stood beside Brandon, sounding amazed.

"I thought that she was with you." Brandon replied.

When the woman looked at Brandon, her eyes seemingly narrowed dangerously at him. She stormed forward and retrieved her sword from the automatons' helm. As she marched her way over to Brandon, she began muttering to herself. Once she was at least six feet from him, she pointed her blade at him accusingly. That was when she started to speak in a language that he hadn't heard before. Brandon frowned, unable to understand what she was saying. When he looked at Lennox, the man looked equally confused. Looking back at her, Brandon could only think of one word to say.

"...Hi?" Brandon greeted, then found the woman remain silent for a moment.

"You do not know the galactic tongue?" She suddenly said in English.

"Wait, you can speak English?"

"Of course I can, now answer my question."

"What question?"

"Why have you wasted time to use this vessel's capabilities?"

"....This is a ship?"

That question caused the womans' brows to furrow. Her sword lowered a bit, before she asked a question that he couldn't understand.

"You are an Irregular?" She asked.

"An Irregular?" Brandon repeated.

Before either of the two could continue their conversation, a sqaud of ten automatons came marching down the hall behind the woman. She quickly turned, then brandished her blade. With a glance, she gave Brandon a once over before a snort escaped her.

"You do not look like much, but you will do." She stated.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Brandon asked.

"You will aid me in killing the one that I am hunting."

"Wait what?"

"Your questions will be answered later, for now, to battle!"

Just like that, she charged forwards at the incoming automatons. Brandon watched her go, his eyes following her before simply shrugging to himself. He followed after her soon after with Lennox and what remained of his team coming in after them. However, little did they know there was someone tailing them. A man in a bird like feathered armor, stalking in the shadows.


"Interesting..." Said a deep and almost metallic voice. They sat upon a metal throne like Captain's chair. They were hidden within the shadows, watching a holographic screen displaying individuals aboard their ship. Steam seemingly escaped their mouth as they watched one in particular. One who stood out more than the rest of them.

"A young Targothan... here on my ship. Draconis has blessed me with this boon."

Slowly the hidden figure arose from their seat. Their body was still hidden in the shadows. Their attention focused on the woman who had arrived, and a slight snarl escaped them.

"Reeva....", They uttered with distaste, "You are your mothers' spitting image. If I was still young, I would flay you alive and feed you to this worlds' scavengers. Your interference has gone on long enough."

That was when the figure finally stepped forward and out of the shadows. They had dark armor with an almost transparent helmet. A breathing apparatus was upon their face, helping them to breath. They stood at a good seven foot four inches tall with muscles that were half the size of the Hulks'. The figure was a male from how the armor was shaped around them. With a slow approach, the figure began walking towards a console. Then pressed a button before looking at the young Targothan that he had seen.

"Computer, locate this young ones' craft...I want to know everything about their arrival here." The male commanded, and heard a ping as the holographic display changed. It began to show all of Earth. The display had the Earth rotating rapidly, before coming to a halt on the North American continent.

"Good...now send a few of the Guardians to retrieve it. If this young one is an irregular... then I wish to know what brought him to break free of the conditioning. So that when he arrives here, he will not do so again."

After saying this, the male turned and pressed another button on the console. This time the ship began to move. It was slow but it was moving upwards. The male watched as the water that had kept the vessel submerged for so long was beginning to part ways for it. What came out of the Indian Ocean was a six kilometer long and 4 kilometer wide space craft. The gargantuan vessel floated upwards, blocking the sun below it as it rose to ever upwards.

"My time of hiding has ended, this world will bow before us... whether or not the populace will do so matters not to me." The male uttered.

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ตอนใหม่กำลังมาในเร็วๆ นี้ เขียนรีวิว


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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