19.04% Son of Asgard / Chapter 4: Once and Future...

บท 4: Once and Future...

Odin sat upon his throne, watching as both his son and daughter approached him. He had a stoic and stern look about him as Frigga stood to the side of him. It had been a few months after Hela and Drüin's "accident". During that time it seemed as if Hela had started to act more cordially, or at least was trying to. Gungnir was in his hand, holding it firmly in his grasp. Both Hela and Drüin were in their full regalia, helmets and all. The both of them walked down an aisle that had guards lined up to prevent the civilians behind them from bolting at the two prince and princess.

The Asgardian men and women who lived within the city cheered, waving their hands as they watched Drüin and Hela walk by. Drüin glanced over at his sister and noticed her looking into the crowd as he raised his spear Aëgor into the air to rouse the people. Hela was staring at her fellow Asgardians, and noticing that none of them dared look her in the eye. Not even the guards that they were passing by. The Goddess of Death faced forward, her grip on her hammer, Mjölnir tightening ever so slightly as she kept up a blank expression. That was when she felt a firm hand on her wrist. Hela looked over and found a smiling Drüin looking back at her. He gave her a comforting smiling, already knowing that she felt discomfort at her fellow Asgardians being unable to even look at her.

Hela gave her brother a small smile before facing forward once more. The two would eventually arrive at the steps to Odin's throne, and finally took a knee to bow to him. Both removed their helmets, allowing their faces to be seen by all that were there. Odin looked down at his twin children, though his attention was focused on Hela. To the side of the throne, were Brunhilde and two other men beside her who wore their armor for this occasion. Each holding a smile, though mainly faked. Closer to the throne wearing a silver white dress was Frigga, who held a smile as she gazed down at Hela and Drüin. The Allfather rose from his throne, and with a tap from Gungnir, he silenced the assembled crowd. "Hela Odinson, my heir, my Firstborn", Odin addressed as Hela gazed up at him, "Entrusted with the mighty hammer, Mjölnir. Forged from the heart of a dying star. It's power has no equal, as a weapon to destroy, or as a tool to build. Tis a fit companion for a Queen. I have defended Asgard, and the lives of the innocent across the Nine Realms, since the time of the great beginning. Today we are here, for you ascension to the throne."

Odin paused, allowing his words to sink into Hela's mind before continuing. "Do you swear to guard the Nine Realms?"

Hela looked at her father before responding, before speaking. "I swear."

"Do you swear, to preserve the peace?"

"I swear."

"Do you swear, to cast aside your ambitions and dedicate yourself for the good of the realms?"

Hela frowned a bit, finding it a bit hard to answer that as old habits returned a bit. She glanced over at Drüin before responding to her father. "...I swear."

"Then on this day, I Odin the Allfather, proclaim you-"

Just before Odin finished speaking, Hela held up a hand, causing her father to stop speaking. She had a serious look about her, one that she normally had when she was about to speak of something important. Then she rose to her feet, leaving Mjölnir on the floor as she kept her eyes locked onto her father. "I cannot become the Allmother.."

Gasps were heard as well as whispering going through the assembled crowd. Slowly Hela turned to the Asgardians watching her, and began to frown. "I cannot become your queen...I do not trust myself to defend you, I do not trust myself to guard you, and I do not trust myself to keep the peace." She spoke once more, her voice echoing towards all who could hear her. Then she turned her gaze on her wide eyed twin brother, Drüin. He stared her a bit shocked as she turned to him. "But I know someone who can.."

Drüin didn't know what to think, this wasn't his coronation. He was most likely going to become general for all of Asgard's military had Hela kept her mouth shut. Now she was willing to give Drüin the throne, even though Odin wanted her to become Queen?

Drüin looked around, his eyes landing on Odin and finding that the Allfather was staring at Hela with a raised brow, as well as a proud smile. 'Did he plan this?', Drüin thought then narrowed his eyes on the Allfather, 'No, je hoped for something like this to happen...so all that talk about killing Hela was just thrown under the rug.'

Nobody spoke for a moment, however Odin was the one to break the silence once he sensed something. Something had come into Asgard, and it wasn't anything good. "We hear intruders..." Odin slowly said, getting everyone's attention. An explosion went off outside of the throneroom, causing all Asgardians to gasp and cry out in panic. Without wasting another moment, Drüin rose to his feet and put on his helmet with one hand. With the other hand, he raised Aëgor into the air, and brought the butt end down. The sound echoing across the hall and making all Asgardians halt their panic.

"Asgard!", Drüin addressed, "Calm yourselves, you are safe within these halls!" The God of Might then turned to his father and awaited for what he would say. After all he was still the Allfather, and he was still living. "Protect our home my children, show these intruders the might of Asgard." Odin ordered, getting a nod from both Hela and Drüin. The Asgardian prince looked to Brunhilde and the two men beside her. "Brunhilde, ready your Valkyries", Drüin ordered, "Tyr, rally the men for a defense, and Hermod? Begin harassing the enemy in anyway that you can." Almost immediately the three Asgardian generals began following those orders. Brunhilde rushed off heading to find her Pegasi and fellow Valkyries, Tyr calling forth the guards and having them march with him, and Hermod became a blur, speeding off and out of the throneroom before anyone else could leave.

Hela sent a look to Drüin, he returned the look and the both of them nodded. Together the princess and prince of Asgard jogged off heading for battle.

{The Outer City, Asgard}

Hela and Drüin wasted no time to reach the ongoing skirmish that was happening. Asgardian warriors had formed a shield wall ahead of them, blocking energy weapons of some kind from hitting the civilians who were running away behind them. Hela was the first to join the battle, with Mjölnir she winded it up and hurled it into the air to fly off. Drüin reached the battleline that the warriors had, and picked up a shield from a fallen Asgardian soldier. "Asgardians!", Drüin called, "Push forward!" The prince moved to the front of the line, the Asgardians on either side of him numbering from two-hundred and fifty to three hundred. Together they advanced towards the enemy while Hela battered her way at them. On closer inspection, Drüin began to realize what devilry that they were fighting.

His eyes landed on a human sized monstrosity with dark gray skin that looked as if that they were walking corpses. They had dragonfly like wings that fluttered as they tried to move away from Hela's ongoing attack. Glowing orange goggles that covered their eyes, yet didn't hide their head. As well as sharp teeth that could be seen each time that they opened their grotesque mouths. Each and every single one of these creatures had energy rifles of some kind, firing at a rampaging Hela and Drüin as well as the Asgardians. For a moment the prince's mind went blank, unsure as to what he was seeing was real. Then a singular thought came to mind, one that he hadn't truly thought of since he was sure of where he was.

'What universe did that thing send me to?' Drüin thought before gritting his teeth, since he was starting to figure out that this was not the MCU. "Asgardians, charge!" Drüin ordered, and rushed forward at the nearest creature that tried to fly away. Drüin jumped, going high into the air, then brought Aëgor down in a slashing motion. He cut the creature diagonally, Aëgor slashed right through the creature's armor. When his feet hit the ground, Drüin turned to be shot right in his face by one of the creatures. Unfortunately all it did was put a black mark on the God of Might's face. Drüin glared at the creature, before hurling his Aëgor at it like a javelin. With a spin, he smacked another one of the creatures, sending their head sideways and snapping their neck.

"Parademons..." Drüin uttered beneath his breathe, giving a name to the enemy that they faced. He knew full well what it meant by these footsoldiers being here. It mean that Apokolips existed, and if that existed, then that meant that he was not in the MCU. It also meant that this was an invasion force, or possibly a vanguard. Now all he need do is find the one leading these Parademons. If it was Steppenwolf, depending on which one, then drüin felt that either he or Hela had a great chance of defeating the Apokoliptian general.

The last of the Parademons were slain as Drüin glared down at one of dead aliens. Hela came over while looking over the city. "Brother, you have that thinking look that you use whenever a plan is brewing within your mind." Hela commented, causing Drüin to look at her. He stared at her for a moment before noticing a blur heading their way. He turn in the direction and watched as Hermod came to a stop before them. "Hermod, what have you to report?" Drüin questioned, and watched as the God of Speed gave Drüin a grim look. "The enemy are attacking the Inner City as we speak, Heimdall and the Outer forces held off as much as they could but..", Hermod paused before continuing to speak, "But They are unable to reach them in time before they encounter the Allfather."

Drüin nodded then looked up to see the Valkyries charging in to battle the Parademons in the air. "Very well, that means we will have to break the enemy before they break us", Drüin replied coolly then looked to Hela, "Hela, call your Berserkers and Fenris. We're going to need you to break the enemy from behind. Hermod relay this to all our forces, form up at the Inner City. I am sure that Tyr is there, and he will hold there until his last dying breathe." After issuing these orders, Drüin looked to the Asgardians who had charged in with him.

"Asgardians! Our home is under attack by an enemy who clearly does not know us. Let us show them who we are! What is your our profession?!"

"AWOO!" The Asgardian warriors responded, and formed up as Drüin called Aëgor yo his hand. He glanced over to see a smirking Hela who just stood there. "What?" Drüin questioned, and saw her shrug her shoulders before turning to leave.

"Nothing Drüin", She answered, "Just admiring the future king.." With that she used Mjölnir to fling herself into the air. Drüin watched his twin leave to retrieve her personal army, musing over what she said. Then he turned his attention back to the Asgardians watching him expectantly. Hermod had already gone to relay Drüin's orders, leaving him alone with over a hundred warriors. He was tempted to ask what they thought of him becoming king, but knew that now wasn't the time for such a thing. Spinning on his armored boots, Drüin held Aëgor and began to jog. He was soon followed by the warriors who marched in behind him in formation.

The God of Might and his small army jogged their way across the city, finding stray Asgardian warriors fighting the Parademons, or having heard of their prince's orders from the speeding Hermod. Drüin raised Aëgor into the air, causing it to emitt that golden energy back in Muspelheim. It engulfed the Asgardians behind him, envigorating them, emboldening them.

{Inner City, Asgard}

Drüin had arrived with more than a thousand Asgardians, ranging up to at least three thousand. The army reached Tyr's position as he held a bleed stub of an arm. The God of War and his men were holding the line as best as they could. The Parademons doing well at pushing at the defense. That ended when Drüin let out a battle cry, which was paroted by the army behind him. The Asgardians charged into the Parademons, catching them before most could fly away. Drüin used his shield to bash one Parademon's face, the roundhouse kicked them backwards into one of their soldiers. With a lunge, he sent Aëgor into the Parademon's abdomen, piercing through it's armor and stabbing into the one behind it. He withdrew his spear, then swung it sideways to slay three more who got too close to him. When the God of Might turned, he raised his shield to block a few energy bolts that came his way.

Drüin pointed Aëgor at the Parademons who had shot at him, and unleashed an energy blast of his own from his spear. The beam cut right through the Parademons as if they were nothing. The God of Might soon reached Tyr's position as the fighting continued. He looked over the God of War's wounds and frowned. "Who did this to you?" Drüin questioned, and watched as Tyr peer up at him and gave him a grim look. "The enemy's commander..." He slowly uttered, then looked in the direction of the palace. Drüin realized then that the one in charge of these Parademons weren't truly commanding them. Their objective wasn't to win, it was to assassinate. With a stern glare, Drüin turned and hit the butt end of Aëgor down onto the ground, causing a shockwave of energy to hit Asgardians with more power. "Asgardians, hold this position!" Drüin ordered, then turned and dashed off towards the palace.

As he did, he let out a three pronged whistle, and waiting as he ran with Aëgor in hand. Just as he was about to cross a bridge, Drüin heard the neighs of a Pegasi as well as it's fluttering wings. He jumped upwards, and held a saddle come underneath him. It was revealed to be a black Pegasai wearing silver armor as it waved it's head about. "Thank you, Norik." Drüin thanked, and stirred his stead upwards and towards the palace. He watched as a few Parademons came at Drüin, but were subsequently cut down by a charging Brunhilde. He sent a nod her way, and continued until he found himself arriving back where Hela's coronation was to be had. He saw a tall woman, being an inch taller than his six foot one inch height. She wore armor that made her look familiar, and held a small baton like rod that hued with energy on one end. She had it pointed at Odin who had Gungnir poised to attack.

Drüin jumped off of Norik, and came down with his shield, bashing against the woman's helmet. She grunted and sent a kick to Drüin's gut, but he had his shield raised to block it. However the woman's kick had more strength in it than he thought, pushing him back at least ten feet. Drüin noticed that her boot print had been left on his shield, causing him to through to the side as he got a better look at his adversary. She was muscular, midnight black eyes, black hair, and armor that made her look like...

'Big Barda...' Drüin thought with dread realizing that Steppenwolf would have been preferable than who he was facing now. Barda was one of Apokolips' greatest or rather it's greatest warrior. She was comparable to being their version of Wonder Woman in many cases. The fact that it was her leading this attack force meant one or two things. The first, Darkseid wanted Odin dead. The Second, she was sent her to probe Asgard's defenses.

"You, Lord Darkseid had spoken about your command of Asgard's military", Barda commented with a smirk, "It will be my pleasure to deliver my master your head. Prepare yourself!"

Drüin took her a stance, and held Aëgor up just as Norik reached Odin and Frigga. The halls had been cleared of any civilians, allowing Drüin to fight unimpeded. Even so, he wasn't entirely sure if he could defeat Barda. A New God's strength was nothing to laugh about or underestimate. Unfortunately he was the only one who knew of that. "Drüin-" Odin began to call, but a stern glance being sent to Odin's way told him that there was no talking his son out of this. Barda raised one end of her rod at Odin, but before she could get off a shot, Aëgor fired an energy blast at her.

Barda raised her arms upward to block, and felt herself be pushed back. However she still stood, despite the attack. When the attack ended, she moved her arms to see Drüin coming at her with a lunge. She narrowingly dodged being skewered, and sent a back fist into Drüin's cheek. Moving with the punch, Drüin sent a spinning kick up side her temple, knocking her helmet off. When the two separated, Drüin spit out some blood that had accumulated from Barda's blow. Barda had blood at the corner of her cheek, though she also had a devilish smile curl onto her lips. She licked her blood away and focused on Drüin now. The two warriors circled one another as they had their weapons raised, then the charged at the same time.

Drüin sent a swing at Barda, but she parried Aëgor's edge with her power rod. Bards sent a straight punch at Drüin face, and sent his head reeling back. It knocked his own helmet off, making him stumble backwards. Drüin moved with the punch however, and dodged Barda's follow up swipe with her power rod. Then jumped back to dodge Drüin's swipe with Aëgor. The two stared at one another just as Drüin got his barings, he would have to fight Barda cautiously. Unlike the enemies that he's faced, she has much more experience in battle for her age was beyond his own.

The God of Might could hear Norik neigh, showing that Odin and Frigga had taken off. He smirked, feeling that he at least accomplished getting Barda's objective away from her. But she still had a smile on her face, making Drüin unsure as to what Barda was here for. "Did you think that I was here for that old man?", Barda questioned with a mocking tone, "Odin is nothing to Darkseid, he does not lead his wars....you do."

Only one thought came to his mind once he heard that. 'Well fuck...'

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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