However, he has loose control of the red shield since it was no longer red but crystalline.
The cloak's silver moon stripes on the other hand were absorbing so much reflected light till they became inactive. Now there were hundreds of stripes but moments later, the cloak became completely white.
The only saving grace was that it served as an evolution trigger just like when the cloak first drank the blood of an adult dragon and graded it up.
That kept him safe, but for how long, he doesn't know.
Something strange happened after that, as all the surrounding earth became white and most were crystals, the moonlight just flowed and behaved like smoke, unlike a light. It turned a corner and went directly at Seth.
Thankfully, the largest open path was blocked by the glass shield, and the shield absorbed it all.
The yellow shield then vibrated.
[Script Shield Energy saturated]
[Script shield sending energy]