Three days later. Kun county, a few hours away from Qingyu, Western Liang.
Yin Hui pulled at the strings of her bag as she walked out of the small house. It has been four days since her grandmother was buried and she was headed back to Banxi pavilion.
Yin Hui had never felt as sad as she did right now in years. She had lost her only living relative. It was like the first few weeks after that incident.
As she got to the bamboo stick gate of the small house, she stopped and turned around. She wanted to get one more view of the old house before leaving.
The owner of the farm had assigned the house to another servant now that her grandmother was dead. She had been handed the eviction notice two days after her grandmother was buried.
The price farm was owned by the Chu family, a middle-class merchant family. Her grandmother had been sold to the family as a maid after her grandfather's execution
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