100% [STB: Strike the Bullet](UmU) / Chapter 4: Chupter: Trees!(3! also yes i know I spelled it wrong)

บท 4: Chupter: Trees!(3! also yes i know I spelled it wrong)


{Itogami Island some years ago}

On a certain night on the Island, flames run ablaze in this desolate night as the sound of crying could be heard.

A child no older than six was kneeling in front of a burnt corpse while surrounded by crimson flames.

Not far from the child kneeling, the sound of boots hitting the ground could be heard coming his way.

"Oi, Oi, so this is where you went huh? You fucking almost gave me a heart Attack kid." A gruff voice sounded out.

"I can't go back without the goods, ya know? else those sick bastards might use me instead for their crazy experiments there's" The man said with a huff.

"Oi! Clark! Hurry up will ya?! The Island Guard will be here any minute now!" another gruff voice shouted out from far away.

"Yeah~ yeah~ I got it." The man waved dismissively as he neared the child.


"Hah? The hell you tryna say kid?" The man put his hand on his ear and got closer to the child as if mocking him.

"Oi, say that again will ya? I couldn't hear ya properly." The man had a mocking face.


Before the man could continue with his ridicule, Like a dam that suddenly broke a vast amount of magical energy suddenly surged from the body of the child blowing away the man who was near him.


"Shit! What the Hell!?" As if the sudden turn of events wasn't surprising enough, the ground suddenly started shaking as well, as if an earthquake suddenly started to occur causing everyone on Itogami Island to be on high alert.

The man-made Island protected from any natural disaster was actually experiencing an earthquake!

The child slowly stood up from his kneeling position, his black hair slowly turning to white, his burnt clothes were replaced by a white military outfit as a white military cap appeared on his head.

"I-..." The child opened his eyes revealing a light blue Astrology Clock, tears still threatening to burst from his eyes.

From his hand a Saber and a flintlock took shape while from his back appeared a giant Astrology Clock while 2 blue wings unfurled themselves on each side.

Before the man could continue to question what in hell was going on. The child suddenly did the unthinkable and aimed the cold barrel of the flintlock to the side of his head.

"I'll Kill you all!"



"Ah..?" Kazuto blinked. Having just woken up from his sleep he was greeted with the familiar ceiling that also greeted him the other day when he woke up.


"To think I'd still dream of that 'day' even now." Kazuto wore a slight smile as he started to get out of bed.

"Urgh, what time is it?" He asked, as he started to do a bit of stretching to help the blood pump through his veins.

"3:40?" Seeing the ungodly hour he woke up to caused his lips to twitch upward.

If he was still back at his old world with his old body he would no doubt have gone back to sleep, but with his current Body, it would be hard for him to go back to sleep now without knocking himself out.

Seeing as he couldn't go back to sleep, he sat back down on his Queen sized bed, and with his right hand holding his chin, Kazuto stared at the wall with an unreadable expression as he continually tapped the bed with his free hand.

"Hmmm~ what to do~ what to do~"

He still has approximately 2 days left before school starts so he doesn't have to worry about that. And Although he hasn't gotten his books yet, there's no way the Academy would be open at this hour while he already got his uniform covered with his astral dress.

"Oh!" Kazuto hit the palm of his hand. "didn't Nee-chan say she was going to see a student's make-up exam last night?"

"UmU! I know what to do now!"


{Saikai Academy}

"Er… Aren't you hot there, Natsuki?" Kojou asked, his loose uniform disheveled amid the oppressive, sweltering heat. Kojou was the only student in the classroom for the make-up exam.

Of course, they didn't permit the use of a civilized invention like air-conditioning at this time.

"I've told you before. Don't address your teacher by her first name." He heard Natsuki's haughty voice from the center of the platform as she sat atop the luxurious, velvet-covered chair she'd brought in from somewhere on her own, drinking hot black tea.

She wore a lace-heavy, black, one-piece dress. Except for the frills from the cuffs and the front of the neck, her hip proportions were being flaunted by a laced-up corset. For so-called goth loli, it was rather high-end, but that didn't make it seem any less stifling in this heat.

"This level of heat is nothing compared to the start of summer." Natsuki said dismissively as she elegantly fanned herself with a black lace folding fan.

"Er… It looks hot from where I'm sitting, though."

It was this charismatic teacher, Natsuki Minamiya, whose greatest shortcoming. Her fashion sense had an absolute lack of consideration of time and place. Natsuki's wearing of a stifling dress in this heat, on an artificial island in the tropics, was violence to his eyes in and of itself.

Not that it didn't look good on her…

Unbeknownst to Kojou. Part of the reason why she wears such clothes was because of a certain feminine black-haired youth constantly overly praising her in the past which led her to be like this.

"And what are you drinking there, all by yourself?"

"Ah yes. I tried adding some light flavor based on candy from Ceylon using herbs, also, just the right amount of brandy to bring out the taste of black tea."

"Uh huh, and the pastries…?" Kojou's gaze went from the tea that she carried with her right hand to the multitude of baked pastries on her side.

Hearing this Natsuki raised an eyebrow before a fond smile slowly formed on her face.

"Oh this? It's nothing, someone was just thoughtful enough to bake me some pastries this morning."

"Well, the person who made those was definitely 'thoughtful' when it came to the design" Kojou murmured, his brows twitching constantly as he stared at the so-called 'pastries'.

The person definitely had Natsuki in mind when he or she made them.

Pretty much all the pastries in the box held a resemblance to Natsuki one way or another. The cookies had various different designs of Natsuki's face while the cake was designed like her current dress with the lace and the frills.

'Hell, even the Muffins looks like a chibi Natsuki.'' Kojou was amazed.

He had to admit. the person who made them definitely knew what they were doing.

'And the smell…' Kojou wiped a drool hanging from his mouth.

Considering the expression Natsuki made every time she took a bite, the taste was no doubt any less amazing from the designs.

"h-hey natsuk-"


"I haven't even finished!"

Without even needing to hear the rest, Natsuki answered with a big fat no, as she looked at Kojou scornfully.

'I have barely had any of his cooking after he left and you want me to give you a piece? *snort* dream on.' Natsuki thought as she picked one of the 'natsuki themed cookies' and put one in her mouth.

And just like that, a taste like no other sparked through her tiny mouth and if it wasn't for one of her students being in the vicinity she would no doubt have let out a tiny moan. Her delicate face flushed as she struggled to hold it in.


"Damn, you refuse to give me atleast one and you show me that? Are you trying to torture me?"


Natsuki let out a fake cough as she took a piece of napkin out of nowhere and started wiping her mouth.

"Apologies for showing you such an unsightly side of me but if you are already finished you are free to leave."

"Wait seriously? you're not gonna check first?"

Natsuki raised a brow at that. "Do you want me to check all of it first before I let you leave?"

"a-ahaha...I-I was just joking, a-Anyway i'm gonna go now!" Kojou quickly left without looking back lest she actually makes him stay for a few more minutes.

"Hmph, lousy kid." Natsuki murmured, though she couldn't help but feel that she forgot something.

"Ah…!" Her eyes suddenly shot up. "I forgot to ask him about the Incident the other day."




"Well whatever, I'll ask him another time." She muttered dismissively before reaching for another one of the cookies Kazuto made for her this morning.

She took a bite…

'Huh? What was I about to ask him again?' Natsuki melted, her eyes growing unfocused.

She continued to nibble on it, savoring the taste as a shudder traveled down her back and continued to the tips of her toes with each bite.



{Itogami Island Late at night}

One of the four Giga Floats that composed Itogami Island, Island West, was a city that never slept. In this district, where many restaurants and business establishments were gathered, many stores continued operating until daybreak.

Much of demonkind loved the night. In addition to that, many demonic residents flocked to this city because of the wealth of services geared toward them. In one sense, this dazzling neon nighttime display was emblematic of Itogami City and the peaceful coexistence of humans and demons within.

However, no matter how much light shone through, it did not completely banish darkness from the city at night.

"Kill 'em, Shakti!"

It was night at the park. It would have been empty without any signs of life if not for the gigolo Vampire from yesterday and the already downed Beast man from a few meters away from him.

"Hmph. I had heard there was a fool using a Beast Vassal in urban areas; it appears that is true. So our search has borne fruit." A man wearing a priest's robe had a smile on his face as he stood face to face with the vampire, and from his side, a little girl stood with an emotionless expression.

It would seem that whoever these two were was specifically searching for the vampire and his friend.

The girl was small with long indigo hair. Her eyes were a lighter shade of blue. She wore a one-piece cape coat over her body while barefooted, but she didn't seem to be wearing anything under it whatsoever.

While the man in priest robes was a blond foreigner with a short-cropped military-style haircut. He had a metal monocle buried in his left eye socket like an eyepatch. He had to be over a hundred and ninety centimeters tall and from his right hand gripped a battle-ax with a giant blade. It had to be rather heavy, but the man easily carried it with one hand.


The vampire man's eyes bulged at the completely unexpected display. Something like an invisible wall had emerged in front of the man, stopping the incandescent spirit horse's attack.

The girl, standing beside the Armed Apostle, had extended a strange barrier to protect the Man before the Beast Vassal could reach him.

him. The flaming Beast Vassal could not reach the man with the barrier holding it at bay.

However, it seemed that even the girl's defensive barrier did not possess the power to completely repel the Beast Vassal. As the intense flames slammed against the wall, the very air creaked from the strain. Finally, as if unable to bear the strain of the clash, a frail sigh escaped from the girl's lips.

"Evidently even this degree of Beast Vassal cannot be completely neutralized. It seems there is indeed room left for improvement."

"Huh…?!" Not knowing the meaning of the man's utterance, the vampire raised a cry of triumph. No doubt he'd judged that continuing to press on meant victory. However, as an anguished expression came over the girl, the man in the vestment seemed to have lost interest as he called out.

"Tonight's experiment is over, Astarte."

"Yes, Armed Apostle." The girl with the indigo-colored hair he'd called Astarte gently closed her eyes. As she stretched out her cape coat, she reported in a robotic voice.

"Accept. Execute 'Rhododactylos.'" At the same time as the voice finished, something gushed out from the seams of her coat.

It was a transparent arm with a dim white glow to it. It was a giant arm larger than the girl's slender body. That arm, stretching from her abdomen as if thrusting right through it, lashed out like a living snake and impaled the vampire's Beast Vassal.

"Shakti?! The hell?!" The vampire exclaimed at the unbelievable display.

*Neiiiigh~!* (Translate: Aw shit man dis Shit Hurts!)

The flaming Beast Vassal, its torso pierced, howled in anguish. Yet the transparent arm's attack did not relent. It mowed down the flaming Beast Vassal over and over, as if consuming it.

"h-How?!" Unable to maintain its physical form, the flaming Beast Vassal dissipated.

The vampire collapsed on the spot. Unable to move from the vast loss of magical energy, the man's lips quivered from terror.

"A Beast Vassal can be defeated by striking it with a stronger Beast Vassal. tis a simple thing." The man helpfully explained seeing the confused expression on the Vampire's face.

"No way…That's a Beast Vassal…?!" The vampire exclaimed as he gazed at the giant arm that stretched from the girl's body.

The blond man coldly looked down at both fallen demons.

"Though you are not worth killing, you would perish along with this island soon enough. You can at least fill Rhododactylos's belly. Astarte, grant them mercy."

Realizing the meaning of those words, the vampire shrieked. "S-stop…! Don't…!"

The girl looked at the man with her pale blue eyes. A great melancholy dwelled in her eyes, her lips trembled.

"Accept." The giant arm, glowing faintly white, wriggled like a malicious beast as if eager to take the Vampires life.


As Giant Arm was about to reach the fallen vampire, a sudden noise made from a bullet exiting through the barrel of a gun resounded throughout the quiet park as the Giant arm was blown away altering its course, missing the Vampire only a few centimeters short.


The vampire gigolo was pale, swallowing a mouthful of saliva as sweat continued to trickle down his face.

This was the second time he almost died by the hands of a little girl in the past two days, and just thinking about how he was about to die by being made into paste was honestly a lot more terrifying than being skewered by a spear.

Fortunately, it seems he wasn't as unlucky as he thought as this was also the second time he was saved from having to go to the other side.

"Ara~ ara~ an unknown armed apostle is actually hunting down demon's in a place like Itogami Island? fufu~ your playing quite the dangerous game here Apostle-san~"

The Blond man was alarmed by the voice as it came directly from....beside them!


"Oya~ you almost took off my head there apostle-san~!" The voice sounded once again appearing behind the Indigo haired girl as she felt a warm hand on her head seemingly giving her a pat.

"And, what's this I wonder? Did you guy's finally figure out that raping little boys is wrong so you changed with little girls?....wait's that's still pretty messed up actually."


The silhouette of the owner of the voice quickly let go and did a somersault narrowly avoiding getting squashed by the giant arm as he landed elegantly to the vampire's side without making a sound.

And with the help of the street lamp, they could finally see what the owner of the voice looked like.

"Those eyes…." The Apostle had a look of realization. "I see...so the rumors were true then." The apostle narrowed his eyes, his grip tightening on his battle axe.

What appeared before them was a 'young woman' with black hair, and wearing red and black clothes as well as wielding two antic guns. The most eye-catching thing was the inorganic clock face slowly ticking on his left eye.

"Nightmare….so you were here after all...Then does that mean that the rumors about the 4th Primogenitor were true as well?"

"Who knows? Although I indeed took the task, I'm no longer after 'him' because of some unforeseen circumstances." 'Nightmare' said with a shrug.

"Instead my current prey are actually the 2 demons here that you've helpfully taken down." 'Nightmare' spoke, glancing at the fallen vampire and Beast man, with a lick of 'her' lips.

Never mind, It seems another girl was after his life and this one was by the far the most disturbing of the 3.

The vampire felt like crying right now! He wasn't even Interested in little Girls in the First Place!

He was more of a milf guy himself, it was just that he was persuaded by his friend to help him with that junior high schooler the other day!

"Is that so…?" The apostle raised his brows. "A bit rude suddenly appearing and stealing someone's prey is it not?"

'Nightmare' scoffed. "Oh please do you know how long I waited for these guys to be released from the Station! I waited for more than a day and left for a bit but then I suddenly found out they were released just a couple of minutes after I left for a simple break!"

"Like c'mon what were the chances!? Of all times it had to be that 5-minute window where I just had to get Dinner!"

'Nightmare' suddenly started complaining out of nowhere, completely dumbfounding all the people around him.

"That's not a reasonable enough excuse for us to just let you take them"

"Oh?" 'Nightmare's' eyes suddenly had a dangerous glint but it was only for a fleeting moment as he stared at the Apostle with an Intrigue expression.

"Despite knowing who I am….you wanna stand against me?"

"Hmph, If you were the original I would have done my best to avoid a fight but you're just a clone." The apostle said.

"Oho~ and how did you figure that out I wonder?" 'Nightmare' smirked playfully at them.


Okay just imagine Kurumis astral clothes but...uh.... manish?.... oh but the shoulder should still be exposed thats a very important part because....reasons.


Alright peace out yoh

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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