55% In Marvel as Lor-Zod / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Ronan the five star tour guide!

บท 11: Chapter 11: Ronan the five star tour guide!

As I arrived, I saw the people who would fight alongside me. You had your typical Avengers excluding me, Tony, Natasha, Steve, Bruce, Clint, and Thor. The next people would surprise you. The Fantastic Four were here as well.

Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards), is a scientific genius and the leader of the group, who can stretch his body into incredible lengths and shapes.

The Invisible Woman (Susan "Sue" Storm), who will eventually marry Reed, can render herself invisible and project powerful invisible force fields and blasts.

The Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Sue's younger brother, can generate flames, surround himself with them and fly.

Last but not least is the monstrous Thing (Ben Grimm), their grumpy but benevolent friend, a former college football star, Reed's college roommate, and a good pilot, who possesses tremendous superhuman strength, durability, and endurance due to his stone-like flesh.

They had acquired their power last year shortly before Ultron's day of reign. They were not able to help as they had not learned to control their powers. Field with guilt, they decided to use their powers for good.

The last person to join our fight was none other than Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor "Stephen" Strange. I was happy about it because that meant that the last Sorcerer Supreme was dead. She had lived for a long time; I was not going to undermine her knowledge. For all, I knew she could have defeated me. That was why I made sure to keep my distance from her.

I did not forget that they were keeping Dormammu at bay. That reason alone warranted me to avoid antagonizing the "masters" of the mystical arts. If I won, I would have to deal with a lot more bullshit, such as demons and other creatures. If I lost, I… well I did not like that. They would probably seal me. I could get out by absorbing the energy of the seal but who knows what would happen in my absence?

Carol was briefing them about the plan. The plan was very simple. I would use the reality stone and the Tesseract that Odin gave me to move both forces into a different reality. In that reality, the heavy hitters could go all out without worrying about damaging the Earth.

You can guess where this plan came from. That's right it was partially mine well, the reality switching part. Carol is explaining the formation we will use to defeat the Kree.

You might wonder why Odin gave me the Tesseract. It is simple, to owe him a favor. The cunning fox had tried to make it vague, but I pressed it till he made it clear that I would help Asgard fight a powerful foe. I knew he meant Hela, but I was still pressed till he told me her name under the condition that I would never tell a soul about this at the very least until the fight with Hela approached.

I had told Carol that once we switch reality, I would let loose a little bit and that she could form a plan around that. She was against it at first, but she accepted. I did not need the mind stone to know that the higher-ups wanted to use this chance to find out the full extent of my powers.


During the passing year, nothing happens and by that I meant nothing serious happen. I used the "Project Insight" mix with Kryptonian Technology and my private knowledge of this world, to find out more about the "Golden Sentry Serum". I found them while they were still experimenting on it.

I only needed to use the time Stone's power to look into their future when they would succeed. With the help of the power of the space as well as the mind stone, I took the serum as well as their research before changing and erasing their mind. They would remember their research about the serum as a complete failure. They would say that they scraped everything but miraculously found a lead while they were destroying their research.

The data that was left would not be able to create another serum, and I had made sure of it. The researchers were able to "create" a drug that would intensely boost a person's physical prowess albeit temporarily. Yes, I had given them, in their minds, the super pill from Injustice. I had long since created it. I had kept it a secret as I did not want people to know me as a genius.

Ironically, the higher-ups loved it more than the "Golden Sentry Serum". To them, it was a way to fight dangerous threats such as myself while not, permanently, creating another one. It looks like they had learned from Abomination.

My modified "Project Insight" had found something quite hilarious in my opinion. Turns out, that the U.S.A had someone that could have beaten me all those years. The funny part was that they could still bring him in but refused to do so because they were afraid, I would turn him against them.

The reason why they think so is that we are both black and they had sent him on a suicide mission before asking him to retire. Yes, they had sent him in the hope he would die while killing the threat. They knew that he knew what they had done. That was the reason he faked his death.

After a week of digging, I was able to find everything about him. Though it cost me a few brain cells. The government was afraid of him going against them even when he always followed their orders. All those years, they never tried to diminish racism which was the cause of their fear. They were afraid that he would snap one day after having enough and they still did, actively, nothing.

As I learn more about him, I had to admit that if we were talking about physical prowess, he outmatched me before I got the space stone and started pumping my cells with lights of thousands of yellow suns. I could still beat him with my absorption ability. I can absorb any type of energy whether it was magical, cosmic, or multiversal. I could in theory absorb other people's powers. I had never tried because I already had enough on my plate.

I found where he had retired and waited till they started to test the power pills to go visit him. The city of Fortitude had been finished and people were already living in it. One thing that bugged them was that the Illuminati had been created by Toni and I was not invited. I was pissed but thought of it as my act working. Tony still does not consider me a genius, or he considers me a future threat. Charles was on it. As a matter of fact, Namor, T'Challa, and Black Bolt were not members of the Illuminati. I guess that is because they have yet to be introduced to the world.

The fact that I saved everyone from Ultron floating city avoided the event from Captain America: Civil War. I was now known as the most popular Hero. J Jonah Jameson greatly praised my action right before comparing them to the newly active "menace" of New York as he would call it. That is one of the reasons, no one objected that I create my own city. Shield asked if they could help with the construction which I denied after laughing my ass off at Superspeed right in front of them.

I would defend his harsher critics concerning the webbed superhero by saying that Jonah was giving constructive criticism and pointed out that Spider-man caused less public damage after Jonah pointed it out. Jonah figured out that I hated Spider-man. I did tell him that he was seeing someone I saw like a sister. Yes, Peter Parker was dating Kitty. Jonah did not go further as anyone that hates Spider-man, and isn't a criminal, is good in his book no matter the reason.

When I arrived at the old hero's house, I politely knocked on his door. I knew he was there with his wife with my X-ray vision. I was in a formal black suit. I waited for twenty seconds before he opened the door with his wife behind him.

~3rd POV~

???: It is a surprise to see the world's most famous, Hero, knocking at my humble abode. What can we do for you?

Lor: Hello Mr. and Mrs. Brashear, I am here because I wanted to talk to you as well as a proposition. Can I come in?

The man building as a bodybuilder smiled.

Adam: Please, call me Adam. Come inside I would love to speak to you.

Lor entered his house and went to the living room where they all sat together before Lor started talking. He knew the smile was a façade as Adam's wife had a very high heartbeat.

Lor: I will be frank. We both know that the government will ask either of us to take down the other when he goes too far in their eyes. I am not here to fight; I only came here to talk.

Adam dropped his façade. He had hope that Lor had come to seek his scientific persona and not his heroic one. He had gone into hiding but that did not mean that he had closed his eyes on the world around him. Heck, he had saved the world more time that the Avengers without many people knowing.

He knew about mutant discrimination. He did admire Lor for what he had done. It did not take a genius to figure out why Lor made his mutant status public and as someone who had to suffer through discrimination, he knew how easy it was.

By easy, he meant easy to succumb to the temptation to force change through violence. He had lost someone who he viewed- no he had lost his brother because of that temptation. At one point, he had gone to the moon to see his old bald stalker friend to show him how Lor was doing.

He could not observe him directly since the government would start becoming paranoid again. It took a bit of convincing, but Adam was able to see the numerous times when Lor would be the subject of assassination attempts, the times when he would throw the people responsible into space. Adam had mixed feelings at first but when he saw the never-ending loop, he could not fault Lor especially once he saw the times when Lor would calm himself from going on a rampage straight to the white house.

Adam: What is it that you want to talk about?

Lor: the government knows that you are alive. I will not tell you how I know it because you would not want to know. I am here to ask you for your help.

At this moment Adam's wife, Candace Brashear, spoke for the first time to Lor.

Candace: Help? Why? Aren't you an all-powerful m-Superhero? Why would you need help?

Lor: There is an invasion coming in six months. The Kree, a powerful galactic empire, is coming to invade the Earth.

Adam: And you want me to help you stop it?

Lor: No, we will handle the invasion, but I will need your help in case things goes bad during the mission. *Sigh* I'm at my limit Adam. I don't think I will be able to take more.

Candace: Huh?

Adam: *Sigh* I see.

Candace did not understand at first, but it slowly clicked inside her head. The government would not miss the opportunity to kill one of the most powerful anti-government mutants. To some, Lor was anti-governmental since he did not shy away to denounce their dirty deeds. As an ex-S.H.I.E.L.D agent, she knew how it operated.

Lor: It would be the perfect chance to get rid of him if they see I am weakened. I can only take so much before I snap. I know if I do snap, those I care about will try to stop me. They would get hurt while trying to stop me. You on the other hand can take a few hits.

Adam: *Chuckles* I can do more than that young blood. I might just knock your ass to sleep before you know it.

Lor: *Chuckles* Keep dreaming.

Adam: So, you want me to stop you if you go crazy?

Lor: that is if you don't want to join me. Also, if I disappear, please keep the City of Fortitude safe.

Adam: City of Fortitude?

Lor: it's a city I created for mutants and those that want to live without discrimination outside of S.H.I.E.L.D and the government's reach.

Adam: Discrimination…

Candace: S.H.I.E.L.D…

Lor: If you accept, I will owe you a favor, and I could save Anti-matter man when he comes back if you want.

Adam was shocked but became serious.

Adam: He is dead!

Lor: More often than not, the bad guys come back. Hydra did it. In your case, although, he was not a bad guy, per se, the Anti-matter man will come back.

Adam: How do you know that he will come back?

Lor pointed at his ruby necklace.

Lor: this is the reality stone, normally it will allow its user to rewrite reality, but I used it to see if the multiverse theory was correct and it was.

Adam: Really?!

Lor: Yes!

Lor and Adam spent an entire hour speaking about scientific facts before Candace managed to redirect the conversation.


This brought the two men out of their scientific conversation.

Lor: Well since it was real, I tried to look at a reality that was further in time than ours. I was not in that one, but I saw you fighting in the present-day with someone that was called the Anti-matter man. He defeated him for good after your wife died.

This caused the married couple to gasp. It took a bit of explanation for Adam to accept Lor's offer. When Lor was about to leave, Adam asked the question he wanted to know.

Adam: You said that the government knew that I was alive how?

Lor: Believe me, you do not want to know.

Adam stared at Lor not giving up until his wife spoke.

Candace: It's because of me.

Adam: Because of you, Honey? How?

Candace: It's because I am an ex-S.H.I.E.L.D agent, they only needed to look for me to find you.

She said it in a low voice with her head face down. Adam looked at Lor.

Adam: You knew!

Lor: Yes, but I also saw that the reason she was staying is because of love. I did not want to destroy a happy and loving home.

Candace explained that she was tasked to monitor him due to the fact that the government had no contingency against him. She was to be his wife at first it was a job, but she fell in love with him once she saw who he really was and lived through the segregation by being next to him. Adam listens to her but after a few dialogues, he left. Lor went after him after telling Candace a piece of advice.

Lor: An explanation might not be what he NEEDS to hear.

Lor did not need to o far as he found Adam outside the house looking at the moon.

Lor: If it helps, she was not lying when she said that she fell in love with you for real.

Adam did not move his head.

Adam: And how would you know?

Lor: Her heartbeat. "And thanks to the powers of the mind stone." He thought.

Adam: *Chuckles* I was not calm enough to hear her heartbeat.

Lor: You won't believe me, but I know how it feels.

Adam: You are right… I don't believe you know how I feel.

Lor: Oh, I'm not talking about you but Candace or Marlene Frazier.

Lor walked to Adam and stopped when he was right next to him.

Lor: I was given a mission, I needed to accomplish the said mission at all costs if I wanted to live my life freely. My childhood friend, first girlfriend, and love is a telepath. They consider letting someone inside one's mind more intimate than sex. I did not let her inside my mind because I knew things that could hurt and break her.

I told myself that after the mission, I could tell her more after asking permission. Sadly, I was too focused on my mission. I was in most senses a good boyfriend, but I always put the mission above all, and she must have felt it, then mistaken it for an affair before cheating on me. I know, I have a part in that, small but a part, nonetheless.

My point, if you are wondering, is that your wife did not put the mission above everything, she fell in love with you. She was both afraid of losing you and guilty of lying to you. You have every right to be angry but don't let anger take something precious from you.

Adam looked at Lor and saw compassion in his eyes. He knew what the precious thing Lor was referencing was, his family.

Lor: Also, if you want to thrash the White House give me a call, I will gladly help you.

Both men laughed. After ten more minutes, Adam returns to his house to talk to his wife. She apologized, she had thought about it, and she realized that she had yet to apologize. He was still hurt but accepted her apology, for now. Lor came in and told them they could do couple therapy to mend the wound in their relationships. Adam and Candace did not accept at first but after a few weeks of Lor visiting, they accepted.

The couple had even decided to move to the city of Fortitude. Adam figured that he could hide in plain sight. Lor had told them that no government or S.H.I.E.L.D could send information outside without him knowing.

Adam had asked Lor's help to fake his death for real this time. It was very simple, Lor would just say that he went to talk to Adam and unfortunately Adam learned about his wife's secret and went into a fit of rage. Adam and Lor fought in space and Lor won. Lor then created new identities for Adam and his family. Adam, his wife, and his kids were now living in the city of Fortitude with disguise technology made by Lor.

The funny thing was that Jean had been their therapist and she greatly help them heal their wounds with no mind control since Lor had given the citizen of the city a mandatory bracelet that blocks mind reading and control.

Only two people outside Lor, Adam, and his family knew the true story. Adam's children did not die mysteriously, due to Lor tying loose ends, but were living with him and their mother in the city of Fortitude. Those two people were none other than Nick Fury and Carol Danvers.

Nick had long since kept an eye for Lor. He had momentarily lost track of him due to the super pills, but he found Lor again thanks to Carol following him one day by chance. He nearly had a heart attack when he learned that Lor knew about Adam.

He wanted to make contact with Adam, but it was already too late, Lor had them in checkmate on this one. He had already befriended the Brashear family. His contact inside the city of Fortitude told him of a new family that came, and the parents were seeing Jean Grey for Couple Therapy. He knew it was them as it was the best way to bring Adam to their side. Break their house then help rebuild it though in this case, Lor had just pointed out the crack.

Fury was happy that he was bald since with this much stress he would have started losing hair. On the bright side, it meant they had more fighting power for the invasion. Though, he was still wary that the city of Fortitude had gained the once known as the most powerful man on earth, BLUE MARVEL!!!!

~3rd POV END~


The invasion is about to start, and I have to applaud Fury. He managed to convince the higher-ups not to backstab me. How? Well, he proposed a plan that would increase our chance of victory while decreasing the chance I let things go too far.

Yes, he brought in a few of my friends. The ones that came were Wanda, Ororo, and Kitty. Fury was lucky that I was nothing would happen to them since I was here, else I would have ripped his remaining eye out.

One of the features of the bracelet was a force shield enough to tank a few of my punches while sending me a distress signal. That was the most I could do before I obtain the soul stone. I had not thought about it but with the soul, stone to complete project Phoenix. In this world, Souls were real and I was not going to take chance with Rick's machine and bet on the lives of my loved ones.

After talking to the girls, we went to space. I had given them an all-terrain battle suit each. With the power of the time stone, I *Chuckle* had enough time to make them. The avengers went to space thanks to Tony's suits. The Fantastic Four had their spaceship and own spacesuit. Doctor Strange had magic but he was with the Avengers. S.H.I.E.L.D had stayed on the ground as the last defense. Only Carol and I were in floating in space.

It took ten minutes before the Kree armada arrived. I could see someone that looked like Ronan in the front ship. He had his clothes and hammer. What surprised me was that he had the power stone with him lodged on his hammer.

I read his mind and it turns out that as he was about head to destroy Xandar like his MCU counterpart, he received a transmission that the Kree were going to war. Yep, he never went rogue, he was just a secret agent for the Kree.

I used my super speed to activate the power of the time stone. Everything already looked like it was frozen in time before I use my time powers. Doctor Strange was far enough for me to try. I went to the past just when the Kree were about to reach March. I was on March stepping on the bodies of the people that tried to kill me via Gamma radiation. With the help of the powers from Space, Mind, and Time stones, I easily took the Power stone from Ronan's time-frozen hammer.

I used Rick's parting gift to make a copy of the power stone. I was planning on "reluctantly" giving it to S.H.I.E.L.D once everything was over. I put the artificial stone inside the hammer after a rewind time to fix it. I made Ronan ignore the anomalies from the stone and made him think it would be wise to "supercharge" his hammer before the battle. I left his ship after absorbing the real power stone.

I came back to the moment I left and still in my heightened senses I used the mind stone to feel if Dr. Strange had picked on something. I still kept my attention on Strange when I lowered my senses. It looks like he attributed the sudden temporal influx to the power stone reacting to his time stone. He was more worried about people finding out about the time stone than conforming to his theory.

"Anytime now, lottery boy."

Carol had started to call me that when she found out about my nickname. I used a communication device to contact the Armada.

"Leave or we will fight back!"

To that, they responded by shooting me with the power of the artificial power stone. I tanked that but Carol laughed. My costume now had a blue gem right next to the red one. I lifted my hands and both gems shined. A red mist enveloped both the entire armada and us. After a few moments, the red mist vanished. To them, it looked like nothing had happened as they were in the same place as before and nothing seemed wrong.

Someone talked on the channel that had been established for the fight.

"Hey, Mr. Invincible! You did nothing- OUCH Why did you do that Sis?"

"If you had listened to the briefing, you would know that our plan succeeds. We are in a different reality; this means that some of the heavy hitters can go all out."

"Sue is right Johnny. The plan now is to wait for Mr. Zekiel."

"Oh, I'm excited to see what the Strongest man on Earth can do when he let loose."

"That we can agree on Ben! I want to go flame on quickly. Come on let's get this party started-OUCH!"

I looked at the Armada before speaking.

"I am going to need five- no two minutes of letting loose before you guys join in… I've got some shit to work through"

They all gave me their version of "roger that".

I took a deep breath while I closed my eyes. I opened them as they were glowing crimson red.

~3rd POV~

The first minute:

Lor flew toward Ronan's warship. He arrived instantly and broke through the window. Everyone but Ronan, who was protected by the stone's power, and Lor died due to the vacuum of space. Lor grabbed the back of Ronan's head at super speed.

Lor: Hi, I am not familiar with this ship could you show me around your ship and the whole Armada if it's possible?

Ronan did not have time to utter a word. Lor used his heat vision to melt the hammer to Ronan's hand and then proceed to fly through the ship while using Ronan as a shield from the debris.


Ronan was protected by the power of the power stone. It made his body sturdier and since his hand was glued to the Hammer, he did not break the connection. Lor finally made it out of the giant warship. He flew a couple of meters away from it only to make a "U" turn and repeat the same process with Ronan acting as a tour guide.


Lor came out of the other side of the warship. Lor did a "U" turn and started a cycle. Ronan had started to bleed. At first, he had tried to block the incoming bodies of his brethren only for them to be shredded by him.




Lor had noticed that a small ship had escaped while he was using Ronan to riddle his warship with holes. It was Nebula who had escaped to the moon that was behind the ship. Lor looked at the bloodied Ronan who still could not comprehend what had happened.

Lor: Thank you for showing me your ship now how about you show me your Armada?

Lor flew at a faster pace towards one of the thousands of warships. They fired at him.

The second minute:

Lor uses Ronan as a human shield or a Kree shield if you prefer. The blast managed to hurt Ronan.

Lor: Oh no! I can't have my tour guide be injured let me help you.

Lor used his heat vision to bisect the Warship that had fired at Ronan.

Lor: Now you can show me around it as it won't fire at you anymore.

Lor continued to "visit" three more warships until one blast managed to take Ronan's arm that was holding the hammer.

Lor: Guess the tour is about to end, well let's try to speed run it.

Lor flew at a faster speed at a such point he became a black and red line. He went through hundreds of Warships at such speed that an explosion occurred after he went past the warships. Ronan or whatever was left of him was in Lor's right hand.

Lor could fit everything in his hand. He crushed it. A warship was about to shoot him in the back, but a bright orange-gold light flew through it destroying it.

Carol: Not bad Lottery boy.

Lor: Think you can do better.

Carol: Oh, it's on!

While Carol and Lor were talking, a hammer covered in lightning flew threw dozens of ships destroying them. The two minutes had passed. Now the fight had started. Tony had given those that could not fight in space a suit to fight. They all accepted except Thor, who only needed a breather, Carol, Lor, Wanda, Ororo, and Kitty. The latter three had gone into one of the warships at the end and were planning on taking over before attacking the other Warship. They were accompanied by the fantastic four, Steve, Natasha, and Clint.

Dr. Strange used a portal to bring the flames of the sun directly to the Armada. Lor realized that he had found the solution to end the battle, but he wanted to let loose a little bit longer. He flew at super speed destroying the warship in his wake while using his heat vision to destroy the warships that were close to him. He destroyed half the remaining warships.

After ten minutes, he received a distress signal from Kitty's bracelet. He decided it was enough. He used the space stone's power to teleport everyone that was on the Warship into the spaceship Tony had built.

He created multiple portals facing the remaining Warships. Lor had informed his teammates to retreat. The next moment, the remaining Warships were engulfed by the flames of the Sun's core.

Tony: You couldn't have done that before?

Lor: Dr. Strange gave me the idea and someone managed to sneak onto this reality's Earth with what seemed like a dangerous weapon.

Steve: We can't let someone get hurt because of us. Let's got.

They descended to Earth and chose to stop at New York due to Tony's insistence. It was easy to blend in with Lor's reality-warping powers. Tony figured out that we should learn about this earth before starting to hunt the fugitive.

When they arrived, they were met with three people fighting what appeared to be a grey-ish bonny, a red-eyed monster. It took Tony a few minutes to hack into a secure government databank and told them who they were.

Tony: The bloodied man in blue tights is called Superman, the girl in white tight spandex with a boob window is called Power girl and the amazon looking lady is an actually an amazon called Wonder Woman. They are heroes and that grey dude is something called Doomsday. Long story short, he is what the government made people think Hulk was.

Lor: What about that guy?

A man in a red suit with a yellow lightning symbol and white cape tackle Doomsday and yelled a word.



Tony: That is Captain Marvel.

Carol: Yeah?

Tony: No, I mean in this reality, he is Captain Marvel.

Doomsday shrieked before dodging the next lightning bolt. It hit Captain Marvel and after the smoke vanish a kid replaced Captain Marvel. Kitty leaped to help the kid when she saw that Doomsday was going to hit the kid. She managed to shield him with her body but forgot to use her powers. Doomsday's fist never came as she heard his shrieks along with thunder.


Kitty saw Ororo and Wanda lend next to her.

Kitty: Thanks O-Storm!

Ororo: It was not me.

Kitty: Thor then?

Wanda: Neither.

The sky had become pitch black, and violent winds and lightning were dancing in the clouds.

Ororo: I almost feel pity for that Doomsday.

Wanda: Yeah, I almost do too.

Kitty and the mysterious kid look behind them and saw Doomsday still dizzy due to the lightning bolt, smoke was coming out of his burned skin. He came to his sense when he felt a hand touch his should. Doomsday looked back and saw a dark-skinned man, with hair that was black but slowly turning crimson red. His eyes were glowing in a mix of blue lighting and red ominous light.

Lor: If you wanted to die, you just had to say so. No need to make it painful.


Isekai_enjoyer Isekai_enjoyer

Something I would like to say. The inconsistent update is because I write these story for fun, thus I'm not making any money out of this. So there are times were I can not make it weekly for the 5000+ words chapter and the others.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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