19.29% Winds of Change (DxD) / Chapter 37: Chapter 3 - Part 2 - Classroom Observations and Reunions

บท 37: Chapter 3 - Part 2 - Classroom Observations and Reunions

Japan, Kuoh

Occult Research Club

Jin Skyward

"Oh, were we interrupting something?"

From the magic circle came Sirzechs Lucifer… With his wife, Asteri Gremory.

"Onii-sama! Asteri-onee-sama!"

Everyone else in her peerage stood in front of them, even the previously… Flustered Kiba and Gasper. They then kneeled. Only Ingvild and I stood there watching them, as well as Xenovia since this is the first time she has met a Sirzech.

He chuckled at them and gestured for them to stand.

"Please relax, I came here for private business. It has nothing to do with my job as Satan."

Rios nods a bit relieved, while the rest of the group stands up and relaxes.

"Onii-sama, why have you come here?"

As Sirzechs looked at Rias with a fake hurt expression, Asteri shook her head in disappointment at her husband's antics.

"What are you saying? Classroom visits are coming soon, right? I am also thinking of participating. By all means, I want to see my little sister working hard in her studies from up close."

….That's right… Now that you mention it, that's coming soon, huh? Parents…I don't have any so I don't have to worry about that… I look at Asia… the Hyoudous don't exist either. I'm sorry I couldn't let you experience that, Asia. I'm a failure.

A family, huh?

"Asteri-onee-sama, right? You're the one who told Onii-sama?"

When Rias asked that, Asteri answered her immediately.

"No, the reports from the school go to Grayfia, who has been entrusted with the schedule of the Gremory household. While she is no longer Sirzech's [Queen] or Maid, she is still the Head Maid of our household. Of course, I am Sirzechs's wife and [Queen] as well, thus I reported it to him after Grayfia told me."

After hearing that, Rias sighed. Rias isn't interested in the class visits, she is just embarrassed by them, it's natural. They've quite smitten with her after all.

"Even if my Satan duties are difficult, even if I have to take a day off from my work, I wanted to participate in my little sister's class visit. Don't worry, Father will come over as well."

I see, he's coming here too, huh? Rias's Father as well. I had spoken to him briefly during the after-party, he seemed like a dandy Devil.

"T-That's not true! Isn't Onii-sama the Satan!? To leave your job and come here! The Satan can't treat a single Devil in a special way!"

Since Rias's older brother is the Satan, no matter if they are blood relatives, she couldn't accept receiving special treatment. However, Sirzechs turned his head sideways. Rias really didn't want them coming here, so she reverted back to her old self temporarily.

"No, no, this is my work as well, Rias. As a matter of fact, I thought about holding the conference between the Three Factions at this school. I came to inspect the meeting place."

Sirzechs turns to me.

"I suspect Jin-kun already knew of this, yes?"

I nod and he smiles at me. The rest looked shocked as they turned to look at me. Yeah, that's right, the meeting will be held here. They'll hold the meeting between Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels here in this school.

"...Here? Really?"

Rias's eyes were wide open as well. Well, if you heard that you'd want to confirm it once more.

"Ah, this school somehow seems to have fate tied to it. You, my little sister, the legendary Red Dragon Emperor and Middleman, the Holy Demonic Sword user, the Holy Sword Durandal's wielder, and Satan Serafall Leviathan's little sister are attached to this place."

"Kokabiel and Azrael also attacked this place. This is a phenomenon you can't label as a coincidence. Strong powers keep mixing in. It's like wave motion. I think the person accelerating this wave motion is Jin Skyward-kun, the Red Dragon Emperor."

Sirzechs glanced at me. I just blankly stare back at him, making him chuckle at me.

"Are you the Satan Lucifer? Nice to meet you, I am the one called Xenovia."

The one who intervened in the conversation is the girl with a green fringe on her hair, the newcomer Devil, well, a 5-year devil, but you get the point. It's Xenovia.

At first glance, she's a real beauty, but she's not just all looks. She's the wielder of the legendary Holy Sword Durandal, Rias's newest family member, and her other [Knight].

"Good day to you, Xenovia. I am Sirzechs Lucifer. I got the report from Rias. The wielder of the Holy Sword Durandal got reincarnated as a Devil, not to mention becoming my sister's family... Truth be told, I doubted my ears when I heard it the first time."

"I also didn't think that I would become a Devil. To be reincarnated into the side I kept on killing, even if I say so myself, I sometimes regret it as it was quite a bold move."

I had once asked her why she decided to reincarnate as a Devil back in the [Pocket Dimension]. She shrugged and said that it was the only option left for her. She also said that it gave her the freedom to pursue her hobbies. Whatever they may be in the future.

"Hahaha, it's great that my little sister's family has a lot of interesting people. Xenovia, since you were just reincarnated, you won't understand your own way, but I want you to support the Gremory household as Rias' family. I'll be counting on you."

Well, she's been a devil for five years… So you're wrong about that, Sirzechs… But he doesn't need to know that.

"If I am asked by the legendary Satan written in the Bible to do it, then I'll have no choice but to do it. I don't know how much I'll be able to do, but allow me to do whatever I can in my capability."

After hearing Xenovia's words, Sirzechs smiles. That smile was exactly the same as Rias's.


After hearing Sirzechs thanks, Xenovia's cheeks also became a bit red. She looked back at me in panic, I just shook my head at her. It's fine, she didn't need to overreact like that...

"Now then, let's continue the difficult conversation somewhere else. Hmm, however, even though I came to the human world, it's still during your school hours, yes? Would a hotel be open right now?"

I don't see why not? But that would be a hassle for them… So I'll make it easy for them. I step forward.

"If you like, you can stay in my home for the time being until everything goes down."

Rias looks at me in disbelief, she gave me the 'Please don't do this look' begging me. I'm sorry, this has to be done.

"Is it okay, Jin-kun?"

I did just offer it.

"Yeah, I have no problems with it."

After School

"Welcome, Sirzechs-sama, Asteri-sama."

Upon welcoming them, Grayfia guided them into the living room. Once she was done, she came back, kissed me on the cheek, and headed into the kitchen.

I, along with the rest joined the two in the living room. Everyone takes their seat, Grayfia eventually came back with some tea and served it to Sirzechs and Asteri.

"Your home is quite spacious, Jin-kun. Did you use some kind of magic?"

"Yeah, I expanded it— Most of the house."

Sirzechs nods and turns to Shirone and Akeno.

"Will your sister and parents be attending? Koneko, Akeno?"

"Yes, I will be coming to the observations nya, I want to see my little Shirone working hard nya~"

Kuroka answered the question for Shirone, she just buried her face into my side out of embarrassment… Even after all these years she still gets embarrassed. It's cute.

"Yes, both my parents will be attending. Lucifer-sama."

Akeno answered in a respectful manner.

"I see, I look forward to meeting them both then."

Akeno nods and Rias starts to speak.

"Onii-sama… Will… Mother be attending too?"

"Yes, she is, both father and mother will be there. Would you like us to call grandmother?"

"N-No! It's alright! We don't need the entire Gremory family coming here…"

Rias immediately shot it down, saying they're not that bad… Probably. The Gremory's are… Eccentric. A fun group of devils.

"Come now, Rias. Chysis Gremory-sama will be delighted to see her granddaughter."

Chysis, huh? I wonder if Runeas is awake right now…?

[Now you're aiming after the Gremory females? Chysis, Runeas, who else? First the Himejima's and now the Gremory…]

{His lust cannot be quenched…}

Cúntóir: Answer: A beast…

'Perhaps, all females may be conquered in this world. Velgrynd, you have many to compete with.'


You guys need better hobbies…These four sometimes do this to me, is it entertaining to them? Are they bored? The only one truly stuck with me is Rudra, the other three can manifest out here…

No one else had parents going to it. My history is obvious, Kiba was an orphan, and I have no knowledge of what his parents' status is. I doubt they would want to meet him if they were alive. The same with Gasper, who tried to run away and was almost killed.

Shirone has Kuroka, their parents are dead. Asia was abandoned by her mother; she never once mentioned her father… Well, I doubt she even knew the guy. Akeno is fine and Rias, she's just embarrassed. It's natural among teenagers.

"Jin-kun, are yours coming?"

Everyone turns to me when Asteri asks me if my parents were coming.

"No, they refused to be resurrected, unless I can bring corpses or skeletons to the school, then probably not."


The room fell silent… That was meant to be a joke, was the humor too dark? Hmm, I need to work on that then.

"I-I-I, my apologies, I didn't mean to—"

"It's fine, I'm not that bothered by it— I meant it as a joke, dark humor… I guess that passed over most of your heads. Anyway, I'm fine, I don't need to worry about my parents watching me. I would say it's a good thing."

Sirzechs chuckles as the rest seem to understand my 'joke'. Asteri seemed relieved as she drank more of her tea. The rest of the evening we had more pleasant conversations, with Sirzechs sharing some stories from Rias's childhood. Rias was clearly embarrassed and hid behind my back throughout the conversation.


"Eh? I-I can't sleep with Jin tonight?"

Dinner had been served a few hours ago; we spent more time relaxing in the evening and learning more about Asteri Gremory's more relaxed and kind nature. Sirzechs and her really mesh well together.

If Satan Lucifer got a bit too rowdy, the famous Gremory female pinch came into play. I also got pinched by Rias and Grayfia… I wasn't doing much… Just sharing the experiences I had with them with Sirzechs and Asteri.

"I want to talk to Jin-kun for a bit, while in the same room— Some privacy between men. Sorry, Rias, but just for tonight, lend me Jin-kun."

A talk, huh? After what happened two months ago, I had a feeling he wanted this. Earlier, I had turned the large bed into two medium-sized beds in my room.

I did not want to sleep with a man.

Though this will feel strange...during the five years we spent in the [Pocket Dimension] I slept with the girls all the time… Yes, even Suzaku and Latia joined near the end. They were quite embarrassed, and had a bit of trouble falling asleep, but eventually managed.

Yasaka… Didn't which I found surprising but I didn't outwardly show it, she kept up her usual appearances, she may be mulling over the 'Husband' thing I mentioned before. However, Kunou joined me, and any time Reni was there, she would gush about her being like a daughter to us… Unfortunately Kunou doesn't see me like that.

She'll need to be older before I even think of doing anything to her, even then, her feelings may change. I will find out in the future.

Reni… Well, she was the most troubled by this, along with Kuroka and Akeno. They practically sleep with me every day— When the schedule became a thing, they were a bit upset but understood that everyone needed a turn.

As Grayfia mentioned earlier, the women became a bit lifeless… A bit of an overreaction, but I understand how they feel. So, even with those two here, they— All of them, the ones that were meant to sleep with me tonight. I spoiled them.

Gyu ~


Rias hugs me as Asteri and Sirzechs smile at her. It was her turn tonight so she was quite upset about it. I hug her back and stroke her head... Even if I'm still depressed, I've become more attached to all of them— Even more protective. I can say the same thing to them.

"It's just for one night… I can survive…"

She muttered to herself…. You won't die… I'll just use the same schedule for tomorrow, it's no problem, just push everything back by a day.

"Rias, let's go to our room. Well then, good night, dear."

Asteri had her hand on Rias's shoulder, she leaned into her husband and they shared a kiss, she then dragged Rias who had a looked of anguish. I give her a little wave as she disappeared into a room.

"Shall we?"


We both entered my room, he looked around in awe again, this by far was the biggest room in the house, minus the training facility, pool, and the very bottom— The generator room. I turn the lights off and we go to our separate beds.

"Thank you for preparing a bed for me, Jin-kun."

"Yeah, I had thought this might happen so I just turned my one bed into two."

I waited for him to continue as we fell into silence.

"I heard you killed Kokabiel?"


"What happened to Azrael?"

"He escaped."

"I see. Jin, thank you for protecting my sister and her peerage."

Sirzechs thanks me, sounding genuinely thankful, he cares for her a lot, take away the 'sis-con' part of her. He may respond the same way as an older brother.

"I like Rias and everyone in her peerage. I would have done it regardless."

"….I have been in contact with Azazel, he didn't really care if you let Kokabiel live or die. He said that both of those fallen have been long gone in the head. But if you did spare him— Kokabiel. He would have been imprisoned somewhere, perhaps Cocytus?"

….That's what happened originally when Vali came to intervene. That didn't happen, I'm not sure if the guy even got there. I had asked Cúntóir about it. She said he was somewhere nearby, but my power made him wary of approaching. He also had seen Kokabiel dead, so his purpose was gone. So, he probably left.

"Jin. You have done quite a lot of things for all three sides, and this meeting will proceed smoothly, in my opinion. You may not be in a faction or pantheon, but you're on your own, a fourth. But from my brief conversation with Michael and Azazel, they are fond of you."


If I don't include the major requests I've completed. I had done small and minor ones; they aren't always capture or kill requests. Just like my first request from Heaven, with Gabriel. I also handled other more...mundane requests, such as helping clean a large building in Grigori, helping a devil family catch a lost pet, and other things of that nature.

I got paid, and made some new friends and allies. I like it, I have a sense of purpose. Living here is a delight, and I had mentioned it in passing. However, when I graduate, I may just use my avatar to attend all my classes in college. I'll start a restaurant, maybe turn it into a worldwide business… I want to talk about that with Zeoticus when he comes here.

I had heard from Grayfia and Rias that he's a talented cook. He apparently runs a few restaurants in the human world... I'd like to use that connection to start a business; perhaps they can lend me some devils?

He doesn't sound like a terrible husband; the Riser thing was just a drunken promise… Looks like Venelana is a no-go then. Unfortunately, I'll just form a familial bond with her. The same with the rest of the Gremory's.

"Jin Skyward. I leave my sister in your care, look after her for me, please."

"Yeah. That was the plan."

I'll protect her, along with everyone else. The next time 'she' appears I'm murdering her.

"If so, will you call me Onii-san then?"

"Drop dead."

Sirzechs lets out a happy laugh and he moved around his bed. No way in hell I'll call you that.

[Not yet!]

{It will be inevitable, Jin.}


"Then, Jin-kun, have you used your [Boost] and [Transfer] ability to increase your harem's breast sizes? I would think that some of the more… Smaller ones would like a boost in those areas."

Dude, what the hell? I know you had this same conversation with Issei. They are all growing through the [Pocket Dimension] so I don't need to worry about that… Even Asia's breasts grew quite a bit while in there for five years.

"No need, they're all growing just fine."

"Is that so? Then good night, Jin-kun."

He let out another chuckle and drifted off to sleep. Whatever…

Sirzechs and Asteri decided to stay here for a few days until the observations and conference began. However, and luckily for the rest of the girls, those two shared the same room afterwards, so they could sleep with me again.


Sirzechs let out a happy noise as we were in one of the arcade centers of Kuoh, he was playing some sort of zombie-killing game. He was really into it, Kuroka was playing along with him as the two of them had reached a pretty high level.

Rias, Asteri, and Grayfia held their heads in shame, watching the Satan move his body energetically like a kid. I wonder how the rest of the supernatural will react if they saw Satan Lucifer like this.

"To your right, Kuroka!"


The two were really at it… And they eventually won, they high five, and a pile of tickets started to pour out. A giant 'WIN!' Displayed on the screen, they also had the highest score. A crowd had started to gather around and when they won, they burst into cheers.

Many of the kids were freaking out and cheering for them. Since they didn't need all the tickets, they kept some to get what they wanted and gave the rest to the spectators.

"Thanks, onii-san!"

One of them thanked Sirzechs and he looked giddy, he really liked being called that…


"Let's go get your prize now."

"Ow ow ow ow, Asteri wai—"

Asteri pinched his cheek and dragged him away... It still looks quite strange to see. The power of the female Gremory pinch. Such a powerful tool.

Pinch! Pinch!

"….Why are the two of you pinching me?"

Rias and Grayfia had pinched both sides of my cheeks respectively. Kuroka and Rias's peerage came along in this outing, everyone else was back at home or doing their own thing.

"No reason, Jin~"

"My intuition told me you were thinking of something rude."

"….Is that so?"

I don't think I was, whatever…

"An amusement park, huh? We should get one constructed in our territory… Millicas will like it!"

We had arrived at the amusement park where Reni and I had our first date at. Sirzechs was quite excited again, Asteri was hugging his arm, they looked like a normal couple right now.

"...Please don't run around abusing your power, dear… But I will admit, Millicas may enjoy an amusement park nearer to our territory and home."


I had expected her to shoot down the idea but she was on board with it…


I turn to my side and see Kiba holding out a cotton candy on a stick, weren't these things called 'fairy floss' at one point?


"It's for you, I got everyone some."

Ah, right. I take it from him.

"Thank you."

He nods and walks over to Sirzechs and Asteri, they happily accept and thank him too.

"Jin. Why do you think Kiba said that to you?"


Akeno and Rias came up beside me and asked a question that I wasn't too sure on how to answer, so I played dumb.

"You know, the 'I'll protect you' and 'I'll turn into a girl for you'… Statements?"


Truth be told, I don't know how to feel about that. I would like to think he was joking, the same with Gasper, I have no intentions of turning them female. I know… The shenanigans with Azrael's ray gun in the future will happen… Turning the girls into temporary men and the guys… Kiba and Gasper into women.

"I will hope he— They are joking."

"If they're not?"

Rias was looking at me seriously, I know she cares about them, but like…I knew them as guys, met them as guys. Even if I change their genders… It would be quite hard to change how I see them.

Gasper will look the same only losing his manhood. Kiba… Er— Yumi as he's called in his female form… I will admit looked cute. But as I mentioned I can't.

"Then, I may need to reject the first two 'females' in my life."

"Let them down easily then."

Easier said than done, if they're not joking about it, it'll be awkward after the rejection… Why, why must this happen?

During our trip to the amusement park we rode a few rides. The two devils of Gremory enjoyed themselves to the fullest, almost like a teenage couple on a date.

Over the course of the next few days, Sirzechs and Asteri wandered around town without us. He made it sound like he just wanted to see in detail the place her little sister was overlooking, but he— In reality, was scouting the place out.

A meeting that will change how the three powers, Devils, Fallen Angels, and Angels will work. This is a unity that seemed like a dream to anyone who has lived a long life. If these three came together, what would happen? How will they fair against other factions or pantheons?

Time will only tell, but they did come here for more than just checking up on Rias, that's the facts.

A few days later

It was a day off and we decided to walk towards the school. Why? Rias had this planned for some time now and we were hoping to get it done today.

"Asia, were you able to finish last night's homework?"

"Yes. What about you, Xenovia-san?"

"Well, I don't know some things that are in Japanese. Would you teach me?"

"Yes! Please leave it to me! ...But Kanji is still a bit..."

"Me too. It's really scary that the Japanese learn these complex characters. I am catching a glimpse of a part of a major economic power."

Asia and Xenovia were chatting. When they met initially, it was really awkward, but somehow, the fact that these two were disciples of Christianity was probably the main reason their relationship deepened. 'Calm Asia' and 'Energic Xenovia' are the names the boys call the two gorgeous foreign girls.

The time in the [Pocket Dimension] also deepened their friendship, they get along very well now.

"I see. This is also the Lord's guidance."

"Yes, it is the Lord's guidance."

"Amen... Ouch!"

Like this, they pray as they put their hands together, and at the same time, both of them take damage.

"What the hell are you two doing...?"

I should do something about that… I was originally planning to fix some of Heaven's systems when the peace treaty was done...

"Well then, you all. Today will be the opening of the restricted use pool."

The Occult Research Club members were ordered by the Student Council to clean the pool. It's already summer and the school has to open the pool.

Rias already gave her consent to cleaning with the condition of us having the very first use of the pool. Therefore, we removed the moss leftover from taking out the water.

A few days ago, Rias bought a swimsuit along with Akeno and Ingvild. A few others were annoyed they couldn't come. Sona insisted that only club members could attend. I said we could just use the pool in my home another time, and they were fine with it.

She refused to show it to us back home. 'I'll show it to you when we go to the pool'. Is what Rias said. She looked quite excited about it.

Once we were there the guys and girls split up to get changed. Kiba, Gasper, and I were in the guy's changing room, the room was silent as we got changed into our swim trunks. It didn't take long and the three of us left to wait outside.

Well, I waited. The two of them said they'd go get some snacks and drinks from the clubroom, so they teleported away. I could have just summoned some, but they didn't let me get a word in.


So, I waited alone. The girls eventually came out, Shirone and Asia were wearing their school swimsuits, they looked cute in them.

In Rias' swimsuit design, there was quite a bit of skin showing off. A lot of the small red fabric in her brasserie could be seen, which is good eye candy.

She saw me staring at her and she blushed. Akeno came out as well. Unlike Rias, she's wearing a pure white swimsuit. Like her, the cloth was small too. Ingvild, wore a lilac-colored swimsuit. When I turned to her, she smiled at me.

"You all look beautiful, I love it."

It was an honest compliment; I really thought they looked good. Even the ones just wearing their school swimsuits. Both Asia and Shirone came up to me. It seems like they still need a bit of help with swimming…or it may be an excuse, regardless, I will help.

"Yeah, just like that. 1, 2, 1, 2…"

I was holding Shirone's hand and helping her out with feet-pedaling exercises. Two of my juniors came to me for help, and Ingvild wanted to relax before jumping in, the same with Akeno and Rias.

Kiba and Gasper came back and had put the snacks and drinks out, so I was the only one left to help the two. Kuroka wasn't here, so I had to do it. Asia sat by the poolside waiting for her turn.

"Keep it up, Shirone-san!"

She cheered on her friend and junior. I'll be helping her out afterwards, but I had to focus on Shirone for now. She stooped her exercises and hugged me.

"Puwa… Sorry for asking you to do this… Senpai."

Shirone said in an apologetic manner, she didn't need to apologize, I like helping her…

"You're one of my lovers, Shirone. I love helping you guys out… So, rely on me more."

She blushed at this and nodded. So we resumed her training, and eventually reached the other side. She pedaled all twenty-five meters of the pool, and she did a good job.

"Alright… Asia, you're next."


Using her newly gained technique and information, Shirone paddled back to Asia. She got out of the pool, it wasn't that far so she was fine. I was right behind her. I proceeded to do the same thing for Asia as I did for Shirone.

She got the hang of it quite quickly, she even asked to do it on her own halfway through, and she did very well. Towards the end of her try…


Rias had jumped into the pool… That's dangerous you know… Well whatever, they're powerful now, something simple as that won't hurt them. She started to rapidly swim around, I urged Asia to leave since she might get caught up in this…. Whatever this is.

I see the two nod at each other and leave, looks like they're getting some drinks, maybe relax by the shade a little? I feel someone cling to me, I turn back and see Rias had come up to me.

"Hey there."

"...Pfft... 'Hey there?' What are you? An old man?"

She wrapped her legs around me as she tightened her hug. I'm not an old man.... Well, kind of…. I may be old, but I'm not old…

"Hmm… You are in a way, aren't you? Old man-Jin?"

"Don't…. Please don't call me that…"

She giggled at my despair…

'Well, you are 87 quintillion years old.'

[Yeah, Partner, embrace it.]

{The knowledge of 87 quintillion years… Equals to nothing since you were basically dead.}

I don't need to hear that… I already feel old… Add in my previous age and my current age, and yeah. I'm old. If you think about it… Rudra is the next oldest, then the two Heavenly Dragons.

[Haha yeah, hey old timer!]


'Your provocation means nothing, Welsh Dragon.'

Rudra brushed off the attempt of riling him up, as expected of a veteran emp—



...…..I spoke too soon. I guess he can have his childish and immature moments, huh?

Chu ~ Chu ~

"Pay attention to me…"

I come back to reality and see Rias pouting at me… My bad. She had given me a kiss on the cheek.

"Sorry, the two lizards started to talk to me."

She giggled cutely…. We were close, really close. We hadn't shared our first kiss yet, as strange as it seemed. She has slept with me, cuddled, bathed, and kissed me on the cheek many times… But never on the lips.

Rias stared at me expectantly. I lean in and so does she… Our lips connect and we share our first kiss here. It wasn't the most appropriate place for it, in front of others too… But I didn't care. My hands that were wrapped around her waist had moved further down and groped her plump ass.


She let out a sweet, faint moan into our kiss. The two guys were sunbathing with their eyes closed. The girls, however, were watching us, Akeno giggling and Ingvild smiling at us…

"Puaa… Taking advantage of the situation to grope my ass…"

We broke the kiss as she smiled at me brightly and buried her head into my chest.

"I couldn't resist…"

It seems like she was fine with it, as she didn't say anything else or stop me. I moved my hands back so I could hug her normally. We eventually left the pool since she got hungry.

Asia and Shirone were sleeping against each other. They had gone back into the pool and tried swimming on their own. However, while they were a bit clumsy, they didn't drown so they got the hang of it.

Rias and Akeno were happily eating some snacks, and drinking some bottled tea along with them. Kiba and Gasper had…somehow got a chessboard over her and were playing chess.

I go over to them.

"Chess? At the pool? I never thought I would see this in my life."

The two of them laughed.

"Yes, we thought it would be an interesting place to play chess at so we went with it. Would you like to join?"

"I'll pass for now, but I might do it later. Xenovia's been missing since… Well, earlier I'll try to look for her."

I know where she is, but I'll still go. The two of them nod and turn back to playing chess. Ingvild notices me heading to the girl's changing room and follows me.

"Jin... You can't go in there…"

I grabbed her hand and forced her to follow me; she became flustered.

"Eh? Eh? J-Jin…?"

As soon as we entered, we saw Xenovia in her own swimsuit, it was blue like her hair. She looks up to see me and a blushing Ingvild.

"Oh? Jin, why are you here… Could it be you have come in here to have sex with Ingvild?"


Ingvild turned redder as we hadn't done it yet, we had done other sexual acts… Well more 'fetish' type plays. Much like the other girls, she and I did lewd things on a near daily basis. She's given me multiple blowjobs, and a few handjobs… She even tried the armpitjob and footjob… Apparently, she heard it from Kuroka.

"No, Ingvild tried to stop me from coming in here, you weren't out there like everyone else, I felt your aura here so I came to check on how you were doing."

She smiles and nods.

"I see, worry not, I am fine. Then have you come here to have sex with m-me?"


How did she come to that conclusion… I literally just said why I was here…

"No. Anyway, go out already. The others have done a lot and you've just been in here."

Xenovia gave a bitter smile and left; she gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving. I turn to Ingvild and sigh.

"She's moving at her own pace as usual…"

However, she didn't answer me. I look at her closely and see that she was in deep thought. She nods to herself and puts a hand on my crotch. She looks up at me, blushing but determined.

"....Do it with me… Jin…"

I noticed her start to rub her hand on my crotch, trying to turn me on. It worked, I slowly felt myself harden to her touch. She smiled at my reaction, she got on her tiptoes and we kissed. I feel her pull my trunks down and her soft hand grip my member, gently stroking it.

"Ahem… And what might you be doing?"

Ingvild's head snapped to our side to see the girls had come back, along with Xenovia. They all sported a small blush as they eyed my erect member that Ingvild was still holding.

"I… I… I…"

"We were going to have sex, Ingvild wanted to."


She let go of my member and pulled my trunks up. She then started lightly hitting me on the chest. She was quite embarrassed by my blunt answer.

"Ufufu~ don't worry, Ingvild~ Kuroka and I will bring you with us, we've been planning on having a threesome with Jin. Looks like it'll be a foursome~"

Akeno winked at Ingvild as she kept getting redder. Rias and the girls around Akeno look at her in shock. Akeno tilts her head.

"Why are we shocked? Jin will have orgies eventually, you know."

"Akeno… Everyone acknowledges that… But saying that out loud… Isn't it embarrassing?"

Akeno shook her head; she wasn't embarrassed by it… I doubt most are— Well the ones that have been physically intimate with me.

"No, you know, even Grayfia wants to do this. Rias… You may need to have had your first time with Jin, as well as do it regularly enough to not be embarrassed by it anymore. Ufufu, some are still embarrassed though~"

Akeno glanced at Asia and Shirone. The two looked at the ground without saying anything, since she was right. Truthfully, I nearly did it with Asia once. My tip went in, but we were interrupted. By who? Kunou… She cried, I had to comfort her that day.

She's in love with me, I know that. But Yasaka and I have told her that she needs to be older… And if she still has the same feelings for me by then… Then I wouldn't mind her joining. Is this grooming? I have no idea.

I don't actively 'flirt' or do anything romantic things with her, I treat her more like a daughter more than anything, and Yasaka as the 'mother', but her mind— For now is set on me being her 'mate'.

"I see…"

Xenovia walked past them all, they stared at her as she flung her swimsuit off. The girls made surprised noises as they stare at the butt-naked Xenovia.

"Then, have sex with me, Jin. My love for you is… As strong as my belief in the lord, ame— Ow…"

I facepalm… That's not how this works, Xenovia…

"…Let's just calm down and go back outside, alright?"

I snap my fingers and her swimsuit goes back on her, I walk out of there first and sit by the pool… How hectic… I'll do with all of them eventually, they're hormonal teenagers so it can't be helped if they act this way.

As we leave through the school gates, we— I come across a familiar face. Vali Lucifer, it's been some time since I saw him. He was leaning against the wall, trying to look cool and mysterious.

I stop, and the others catch up to me. They see me staring at him and they also look at him.



"Red Dragon Emperor."

"White Dragon Emperor."

We stare at each other, then he got up and shrugged.

"When did you plan on letting me know?"

He turned his back to me and asked a question. He didn't sound or feel angry, interesting. Did he get it out of his system beforehand?

"During the peace conference."

"You were that confident in one happening?"

"I was."

"I see. I'll be accompanying Azazel during it. I'll see you there then."

Vali started to walk away, turn a corner and I feel him teleport away. His chuunibyou is really showing again… He really doesn't need to act like that.

Everyone else was a bit too stunned to move, the White Dragon Emperor just randomly showed up, we knew each other, told he was affiliated with Grigori, and said he would be at the peace conference.

A lot of stuff was just dumped on them. I wait for the questioning.

"Let's go home first, you can ask me there."

They nod and we walk back home.

We were gathered around the living room as Grayfia and Akeno poured everyone tea.

"Vaa-kun visited you? It's been a while since I last saw him…"

Reni was hugging my arm while happily eating some snacks I pulled out.

"Yeah nya, he's been going around with his team… He didn't even notify me. So mean!"

You are in a way… Already kicked out, Kuroka…

I proceeded to tell everyone how I met Vali, how our… Unusual friendship bloomed, I also told them that he may have found out on when and how found out I was the Red Dragon Emperor.

"I see, he's quite a character then."

Rias nodded; Reni added a bit more.

"Vaa-kun always wanted to become strong, stronger than anyone else around. He has a goal in mind, apart from just fighting strong beings around the world… He wants to kill someone."

"Kill someone?"

They repeated. But Reni shook her head, she can't answer that, but I doubt Vali would care if people knew. In the end, he cares about that and fighting, if those stop existing, he doesn't mind dying, he doesn't want to stay in a boring world.

I— He needs to change that kind of thinking…. Pretty cheap coming from me, heh. I should work on myself before helping him…

[Self-deprecating humor be gone!]

Yeah, yeah…

Kuoh Academy

It was the day of the classroom observations. I was in my classroom along with everyone else, everyone seemed quite nervous, with the exception of Ingvild and I… Now that I think about it.

Will Tsubaki's parents be attending….? Serafall will definitely come. I look at both Najima and Kouta panicking, why? They get along with the parents… Weirdos…

I put my head on my desk, feeling tired… Ugh it's going to be a long day. I could feel many parents outside the classroom and as well as outside the building… This is really a thing here? How troubling…

"Skyward-kun, stop moping."

The teacher came in and waited for the bell to ring to start homeroom… A few of my classmates snicker at me, and I pull myself up and stare at the teacher as he shakes his head. The bell rang and he took homeroom…

I wonder how Xenovia and Asia are? She doesn't have the Hyoudous this time…. Is she feeling lonely? Out of place? I want to go and check… Shirone has Kuroka, I made her wear less revealing clothing. She reluctantly did so this morning.

Click! Click! Snap! Snap!

I look to my side and see Rias completely red, Sirzechs was taking a lot of photos of her, she just held her head down… I feel bad for her. But he wasn't doing this on purpose… Probably, he's just a giant sis-con that wants to spoil her.

Asteri stood beside him with her hand on her face sighing. Zeoticus and Venelana were just smiling at the two siblings.

Shuri and Baraqiel were also here, the fallen stood there looking intimidating…. Well he tried, he just looked nervous and had a handkerchief out while wiping the sweat away from him. Shuri was there, she had a camera too, and she took the occasional photo.

The other parents were mesmerized by them— The Himejima and Gremory family. The two families got along quite well, I did introduce them to each other.

We had art class right now, we normally moved rooms for this, but the art teacher came down with a bunch of clay, he told us to create anything we like, and let our imaginations run wild. He just wanted us to show off to our parents… What a nice person.

However, those who are less talented in this field will suffer.... So you didn't think far enough… Rest in peace, Kouta. He was terrible with art. Najima was alright, but he was slightly above average. I sigh and begin to play with the clay... I have no idea what I want to make.

I look around to see Ingvild working away, the same with Akeno, Rias, Sona, and Tsubaki…

They're hard at work… I let out another sigh… What do I want to make… I let my mind wander and let my hands and fingers do the work… Around a minute later I opened my eyes and look at what I had created.


I stare at the piece I had made… A dragon…? It didn't look like anything I had made before… What the hell is this…?

Cúntóir: Answer: It is your Outer God form.

...What? That's the first time I'm hearing that… I have an Outer God form? Do I look hideous like the rest? Wait, no…. I'm an Outer Dragon God… So, this thing in front of me is what I look like?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, that is your Outer God form, of course, the size is much larger. You may change to any other size, as big as Irene, or Midgardsormr, the Sleeping Dragon, who is under the ocean.

Midgardsormr…? That thing is even bigger than Great Red you know… How big is my 'true' size then?

Cúntóir: Answer: Your [True] form is the same size as 'UY Scuti'

UY Scuti? What's that?

Cúntóir: Answer: UY Scuti is the largest known star in the universe, UY Scuti is a variable hypergiant with a radius around 1,700 times larger than the radius of the sun. To put that in perspective, the volume of almost 5 billion suns could fit inside a sphere the size of UY Scuti.

[Holy crap, partner!]

{That's… Quite big…}

'That's an understatement, you could essentially wipe out the galaxy if you sneezed wrong, Jin.'



I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn to see it was our teacher, he was shaking, and his eyes were wide with tears falling down them.

Uh… What?

Everyone was also looking at the sculpture in my hands…

"This is a masterpiece, Skyward-kun! You've produced wonderful pieces throughout the year… However, this…. This…! I'll buy it off you!"

"...…..I'll be keeping it, sensei."

He fell to his knees as he sobbed… A few parents awkwardly laughed at him. Shuri was smirking at me, the girls staring at it in fascination.

"Woah… What a show-off… Die…"

"Sasuga, Skyward-sama!"

"Praise the harem king!"

Kouta… Najima… I'll beat the two of you up later… However, the classroom kept getting louder and it slowly turned into an auction house, even though I already declined in selling it… How troublesome.


How troublesome… I had to run to the Occult Research Clubroom to hide my sculpture, a few students kept hounding me about it. Humans really like dragons, huh?

I had gone back into the school building as I was going to meet up with Rias and Akeno's parents. Since it was lunch, we won't have much time to speak… I'll just invite them to my home.

I locate their auras and make my way there, students see me without the sculpture and leave me be, thankfully.

"Oh? The man of the hour!"

Zeoticus says as everyone else turns to see me walking to them, I nod and stand beside them.

"It's been a while, Jin. How do you do?"

"Yes, it has. I'm well, thank you. How are you?"

"Mmm, I am too. I must say, what you created earlier caused quite a ruckus, no?"

Zeoticus and I greet each other, that last question made the women around us giggle, Sirzechs and Baraqiel smirked at me.

"It wasn't my intention, but life can be full of surprises…"


Sirzechs also joins in the conversation.

"Jin-kun, is it alright for Rias and my parents to stay in your home?"

They all look at me, Rias looking mortified she was staring daggers at me as well as pleading for me to say no…. Sorry.

"Sure, I have no problems with that. Shuri, Baraqiel, you guys can come to stay too if you like."

"I appreciate the offer Jin, we'll do so."

Baraqiel thanked me as Akeno and Shuri nodded along. Venelana, Asteri, and Shuri were already talking amongst themselves, they suggest for all of them to 'get to know' each other and have some lunch together.

The males were fine, looks like the two Gremory men want to speak to Baraqiel too… So, they left.

"Jin! Why?!"

Rias hugged me and buried her face into my chest, getting many gasps of shock from the students around us… More drama— Scandals, great.

"Sirzechs and Asteri were already staying, it's fine, Rias. You also don't mind, right, Akeno?"

"Yes, I don't… That reminds me, mom and dad visited Asia earlier, she was quite shocked but happy to see them act like her parents. She apparently cried a bit."


I didn't expect that… So the Himejima's took in another kid… How thoughtful of them… But that's great for Asia, she can experience a family life, loving parents… I'll bring her with me when I go visit them in Grigori along with Akeno.

"Hey did you hear?! There's a magical girl in the gym!"

"Holy crap, seriously?! Let's go!"

So, she's here too? well that makes sense… I look at the girls and we nod at each other. Time to go into the gym then.

As we make our way there quite a number of students have their phones out taking pictures, as well as the photography club taking numerous shots of…. Serafall… I see some had pictures of her chest, thighs, and panties…

Shatter! Shatter! Break! Boom!

"Hii?! What the hell?!"

"Why did my phone explode?!"

"My camera....!!! Uooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!"

The girls look at me and awkwardly laughed…. Like hell, I'd let that slide… She's mine. We make our way into the gymnasium and in the center of the building was Serafall, making poses as many students took pictures of her…

Shatter! Shatter! Break! Break!

More screams of despair resounded throughout the gym. I do not feel bad in the slightest.

"Stop taking photos! Agh! Dammit, it!!! Wh-What the hell? Why are these exploding?!"

Saji was there as well, trying to stop the mass… Panic? Anger? Anyway, he was doing his job as a student council member, he has his work cut out for him. Keep fighting, Saji.

Saji had already met Serafall so he didn't exactly try to stop her from doing what she was doing… He started to look around and finally landed on us. He immediately ran up to us.

"Rias-senpai! Jin-senpai! Please do something about this!"

"Don't worry Saji, I'll get her to stop."

I pat him on the shoulder and go towards Serafall.

"You did good, Saji-kun."

"Fight! Saji-senpai!"

Kiba and Gasper consulted the tired Dragon King.

"Uoooooo! Kiba-kun!! Gasper-kun!!!"

Saji seemed happy to be praised and he started to sob behind me. I walk up to the place where she was. She felt my presence and turns to look at me, a bright smile appeared on her as she jumped down from it.


Gyu ~

I caught her as we shared a hug. The crowd of students stared in disbelief.

"Quit fucking with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"What the actual fuck?!?!?!?"


"I'm going to commit not living anymore with a banana covered with a sock…."

"What the he— Wait what? Dude? Dude? Come back!"

The two of us ignore the angry ramblings and screams of the students, I let her down and we walk towards the Gremory peerage. Sona had appeared and joined them with Tsubaki.

Serafall quickly left my side to pounce on Sona.


She lunged and tried to hug her sister, she dodged, and the Leviathan fell on her face, ass sticking up, showing her panties. Stripe white and pink. Saji quickly looked away as he seemed terrified.

"So mean! Why must you avoid the love of your older sister!"

"Onee-sama… Please act your age as well as a Satan…"

Sona rubbed her forehead in frustration. The group greets Serafall and a few introductions happen. Sona couldn't take it anymore and ran away, Tsubaki followed after her.

"So-tan!!!!! Nooo!!! Don't abandon me!!! Uwaaaaaa!!"

"Stop adding 'tan' to my name!"

Serafall got up, pecked me on the cheek, and ran after the little sister… What a lively pair of sisters.

Drip ~ Drip ~

We were in music class and Sirzechs was crying— No he was bawling his eyes out; it was Rias turn to sing and she didn't sound bad— She sounded great, actually. I know Millicas could sing, but I didn't know Rias had it in her.

Zeoticus had his phone out recording her, she kept her composure but was clearly red in embarrassment. She'll definitely explode once this day is done, I can see why she didn't want them coming.

I wonder how it would have turned out if they had the originator of their household Runeas Gremory as well as her grandmother Chysis Gremory… It may have been even more lively.

Next, it was Akeno, Baraqiel pulled out… A headband that said 'Team Akeno' on it as she started to sing, she looks at her father and blushed, Shuri also pulled one out and started to wave to her… Another one for the books…

Baraqiel then pulled out his phone and started to record her… Akeno's smile had turned into 'that' smile, Baraqiel immediately started to sweat as he put his phone away.

Talk about having your own father around your fingertips… Shuri also smiled at Baraqiel, while she loved Akeno— So did Baraqiel mind you, I think she doesn't want to embarrass her that much.

I do not look forward to my turn…

We were back in my home, on the TV in the living room were a bunch of videos of Rias, Akeno, and Asia being played, I just wirelessly connected them to my TV via my powers. All three girls had their faces buried in their hands; they were quite embarrassed.

"Hahahaha! Paying attention to a daughter's blossoming is a parent's duty after all!"

Zeoticus after a few drinks had loosened up a bit and was lightly patting Baraqiel on the shoulder, as well as his son, Sirzechs. The two of them awkwardly smiled at the man.

"This is… A hell the likes of which hasn't been seen before..."

Rias was shaking her whole body while blushing to the maximum limit.

"Please look! Our Ria-tan is raising her hand and answering Sensei's question!"

Sirzechs, he's commenting on his little sister's action through the video… Rias became even redder as she tried to go even further into her own hands.

"I can't bear it! Onii-sama, you idiot!"

Aahh... Rias ran away after not being able to bear it anymore.


Sirzechs is knocked down by Asteri's paper fan! Everyone was laughing at Sirzechs as he slowly got up.

"Ahahaha… Maybe I took it too far…"

I shake my head… This man is more trouble than necessary…

"I'll go get her."

Rias was sitting in front of my room. She was puffing her cheeks as if in displeasure. Is it wrong to say I find this cute?

"Rias, would you like to enter my room?"

She nodded without saying any words. Somehow, she was just acting like a girl her age, that was embarrassed by her parents. After entering the room, Rias jumped on the bed and was quiet while lying upside down.

I sat on my bed as she lay there silently, I let her mope for a little bit while I wait for her to speak. I scoot over a little further and start petting her head.

"My mother, father, and Akeno's family are getting along quite well..."


I didn't say anything, she still has things to say, so I wait.

"This meeting is… I feel it is good. Father and Mother also seem to be enjoying it. They're getting along really well, they don't even care if Baraqiel-san is a fallen or my family are devils..."

"...It's a step in the right direction, true peace for the three powers."

She nods as she finally turns to face me, she had grabbed my pillow and was hugging it. She looked at me as if telling me to come closer, so I did.

"Hey, Jin..."


"Are you happy to have met me?"


I am, I'm glad to have met all of you. Even if we had our little hiccup a few months ago… I'm glad it went down that way. Before I could answer, Rias continued.

"I am happy to have met Jin. A life without you is impossible. Just imaging you not in it… It's painful… I can say the rest of the girls agree with this..."

I know, I'm spoiled by all of you, I'm blessed by all of you. If I didn't reincarnate… If I didn't exist… You all would have your usual fate… Would that have been better? I've forced you all into this crap I'm in after all...

"Of course, Rias. I'm glad to have met you, I'm glad I met all of you. My life is full of fun and interesting things happening to it."

"But, it's full of dangers as well. You already saw it a few months back… Even though I held back from asking, are you sure you want to stay with me? Even knowing that those dangers are just around the corner?"

"I can always just erase the memory of me from everyone— Everyone from this world, then face this by myself."

She shakes her head furiously, letting go of the pillow and lunging forward to hug me.

"I don't want that… Please don't do that… That… That sounds so lonely and painful… Being forgotten by everyone. You alone will be keeping those precious memories while we..."

She started to cry; tears fell from her eyes. I didn't think me mentioning something like that would make her cry… I wipe the tears away but they didn't stop.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that… Please don't cry anymore…"

I made someone else cry again. Shit, why am I so lousy? Reni… Akeno and many more cried when I first came back after meeting Nyarlathotep, Reni cried the hardest… The way she clung onto me for dear life… Like I would blip out of existence if she let go.

The other girls too… Asia after finding out God was dead and seeing me just vanishing, Akeno… That probably reminded her of her mother… Shit, I'm shit. Fuck.


No, no, stop… I can't keep going with this kind of mindset… Focus, Jin… C'mon man…

"Hey, Jin…"

I look back up at her, I've been staring at my bed while she slowly stopped crying.

"Akeno said you would marry her in the future... Can we?"


"I have thought about my marriage ceremony as well, you know? Japanese style would be good. For the reception, somewhere in Japan would be good. If you talk about a place with beautiful scenery, then..."

Rias had already imagined it till there. As expected of a Japanophile, but.... Yeah, I'll marry them all. I don't care what others say, I'll do it. I'll make them all happy, fuck whatever other opinion there is.


Chuu ~

My mouth was suddenly closed as Rias kissed me and wrapped her arms around my neck, I instinctively wrapped my arms around her waist and supported her. I could feel her prodding my mouth to open, I did so and our tongues intertwine.

We eventually part and a thread of saliva was going through mine and Rias's mouths.


"Jin, let's—"


"Ufufufu~ I knew you would try something here, Rias~"

I heard Akeno's voice after the door slammed open, did she come up here… After, well we had been gone for some time?

"First wife instincts, Rias. Don't underestimate them~"

Rias frowned and glared at Akeno; she did the same thing… Well… At least she's feeling a little better.

Rias Gremory

Fuu…. I had calmed down and I was sitting on Jin's bed… We… Nearly… Ahhhhh!!!!

I grabbed his pillow again and started to hug it and roll around his bed, we nearly did it! But Akeno interrupted us! Wait! That wouldn't be good… I don't want to lose my virginity when my parents are around…

Akeno and Jin had left, she said Onii-sama and Father wanted to speak with him… I wonder what about?

I finally stopped rolling around and got up, I did my best to fix his bed… I touch my lips again… My first kiss with him was at the pool…. I agree with what he said… It wasn't the most romantic setting, but I don't regret it.

I make my way out of his room, close the door and go back to the living room, everyone was still there, but Jin, Onii-sama and Father, Mother, and Asteri-onee-sama were missing.

"Ojou-sama, welcome back, Jin and your family are in the dining room. If you wish, you may join them. I am also going there now."

Oh… Grayfia had greeted me, the others waving at me, Akeno had joined her mother on the couch and was laughing at Asia on the TV, she was laughing along with them… Why couldn't I do that…?

Huuuu... I still have a lot of room for growth and maturity. I nod at Grayfia and we make our way to the kitchen, once there, Onii-sama, Mother, and Asteri-onee-sama were chatting amongst themselves.

They notice mine and Grayfia's presence, and they turn and smile at us.

"Yaa! Nice to see you have come down to join us, Rias."

"Hello dear."

"Have you calmed yourself, Rias?"

The three of them greet me and I nod, I see Onii-sama glance towards the kitchen and I turn to look…. Father and Jin were over there…

"Father and Jin-kun became best buds, do you see that, Rias? Kukuku, they bonded over food and cooking techniques. Grayfia told me about the future career he wanted to pursue in the human world.


I finished for Onii-sama and he nods.

"Yes, so, I forwarded that to father around a month back, he wanted to see what Jin-kun was capable of, so now they're over there. If all goes well, we— The Gremory will back him up… He has the funds, just needs some backers to start up his business during college."

Jin started to think of the future…? I look at him and father, the two of them were discussing things… I could hear them…

"Oh? You use that for this dish? I never would have thought of that… So, how does it turn out?"

"Yes, it turns out quite crispy actually, I can…"

He snaps his fingers and a dish appeared on the counter.

"This is it, care for a taste?"

Father nods, takes a fork, and tastes the food… His eyes widen.


"It goes well with some red wine…"

Jin summoned a glass of wine in a small glass and handed it over. My father's eyes widened even more… I think he's got his approval…

"Looks like Father may approve of this much sooner than we thought."

Onii-sama chuckled… He gets along with any more he meets… Even with my father who barely interacted back in the after-party…

"Ara ara~ I have a son-in-law already, ufufu~"

Mother put her hand on her cheek as she laughed to herself…. I could feel my cheeks heating up…. Son… In… Law… Why am I embarrassed when I asked him to marry me?! Ahhh…..

I will be focusing on my rating game career as well as taking up the position as head of the Gremory clan when I graduate… Of course, I will be attending college too… We can't just vanish once we're done here in the human world.

Like myself, Jin has made friends here, so if he randomly disappears it would cause some concern… He needs to have a 'human job' to keep up appearances. I will make my own path as well… As to what that is…

"Oh? Rias, glad you could join us!"

I come out of my thoughts and see Jin and my father walking towards us, they had some food on plates.

"Please try it out, Jin had come up with this! It's quite tasty!"

They both set the plates down as well as some forks, we all eat took one, and tasted the food… It was crispy on the outside and soft on the inside… What is this…? It's so delicious…

"I'll take twenty to go, Jin-kun."


Asteri-onee-sama lightly smacked Onii-sama with her paper fan… That really does run in the family… But I'm glad Onii-sama liked it.

"Ara~ this is delicious…"

"I concur…. I never would have thought of you as a chief, Jin."

"….I'm glad you all like it."

…..He's really changed… The old Jin would have said something like 'Oh really? Haha! I'm glad you all like it, I guess I can keep improving on my cooking after all!' But… Is this a good or bad thing? We're here to support him so….


They all turn to me as I fidget a bit… Deep breaths Rias… Deep breaths…

I bow.

"I'm sorry for my outburst earlier… It was inappropriate and immature of me…"

They chuckle at me…

"It's fine, Rias. I took it a bit too far… But I can't help it, I'm just proud of you…"

"I already scolded this buffoon, don't worry too much, Rias… It's natural for your age."

Onii-sama apologized and it seems like Asteri-onee-sama already scolded him.

"It's fine, Rias… It seems like there's a boy who will stay by yourself and help you~ he's a great cook too~"

...…..That's too embarrassing mother….!

"Haha! Yes, I too am relieved, I can leave the family to you when I retire, Rias."

Father turns to Jin.

"We can discuss this in further detail in the future, Jin. Summer is coming up, join my daughter and her peerage so we can discuss it then in detail."

"Of course, do this when you're not busy, you have your job as middleman after all. I can only assume you'll be receiving more requests after the success of the peace treaty, come by then when you have the time."

"Yes, of course, I will do just then, Zeoticus-san."

"Bah! Zeoticus is fine!"

Jin nods… He really…

Next day

Jin Skyward

Both Rias and Akeno's family had left in the morning, today was the day that Gasper was meant to be introduced… That's been thrown out the window. For now, I think I'll reunite both Valerie and Gasper.

I think it's fine, Valerie is in good condition now and Gasper should be ready. I'll need to meet up with Michael to receive Ascalon too… I'll be with Akeno for that then.

Kuoh Academy

"Ahhhh I thought I was going to die yesterday!"

Both Najima and Kouta were sitting beside me early in the morning…. Let me get extra rest…

"Why? Did you get caught masturbating?"

Kouta asked Najima.

Who asks a question like that? I also don't want to be labeled as the new 'Perverted Trio' please stop…


Saved by the bell…

After School

I had asked everyone to be in attendance in the clubroom. Ingvild didn't have any plans with her friends so it all worked out. Once everyone was there, they were eating snacks, drinking tea… The usual.

I had informed Rias and Akeno of what I was planning, Kiba had no idea who Valerie was, he was also tricked by the illusion magic I had on her.

"Alright, we're all here."

All eyes were on me.

"Why did you call us here, Jin-senpai?"

Gasper, you're the reason.

"I'm glad you asked Gasper. But first…. Come in."

When I said that, someone came from the backroom of the clubroom, they came out and they were wearing a mask and still had the illusion magic on them.

"Eh? The person you brought with us? Why is she here?"

Kiba looked confused but I ignore his confusion and look at Gasper, he looked back at me with the same confusion.

"Gasper, remember back when we first met?"

He nods.

"Do you remember the promise I made you?"

He blankly stares at me but slowly nods in response. He looks at me then at the masked woman, back at me and I gave him a quick smile with the corner of my mouth.

"Yeah, it's done."

When I said that, Valerie took her mask off, and I undo the illusion magic on her. Once she revealed herself, Gasper stood up.

"Allow me to introduce to you… Valerie Tepes… Your childhood friend."

"Hi Ga— Hehe."

Valerie didn't finish her sentence as Gasper ran over to her and hugged her tightly. The two of them share a hug, and Asia started to cry, the same with Xenovia.

"I-I thought I would never see you again…!"

Gasper started to cry; Valerie also became teary-eyed.

"Hehe, you have Jin to thank for that…"

Valerie looked at me with a content expression, Gasper let go off her and bear hugged me too.

"Senpai!!!!!!! Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!"

Why are you crying even harder when you hug me…? Come on man… We worked on this… Good grief… I pat the guy on the head, what a troublesome junior I have…

"Come on, Gya-suke, be a man, that's what it means to be in the club for us guys… Right?"

He stopped scream crying and wiped his tears away, even though some still dripped from his cheek he changed his expression and looked at me seriously, he nods his head and turns back to Valerie.

"Welcome back… Valerie… Let's get along again."

"Mmm, you too, Gasper."

Everyone looked at the two with smiles as they have finally reunited, I'm also relieved that Gasper didn't hate me either.

"Senpai… When did you…"

"A few months back, I waited for Valerie to heal, she was quite… Let's say damaged. I didn't think it would have been a good idea for you two to meet then. I had Rias and Akeno keep it a secret. I'm sorry if that rubs you the wrong way, Gya-suke."

He shakes his head furiously.

"No! It's fine…. You— You were looking out for me… I don't know how 'damaged' Valerie was… But… thinking about it…"

Gasper's power started to spike, I quickly walk over and put a hand on his shoulder while calming him down.

"….I'm sorry."

"Don't be, you care for her and your comrades. That's a good trait, Gya-suke."


He looked gloomily at the ground for nearly losing himself there…

"....Why are you here, Azazel?"

I glance at the door as everyone turns to look at the Governor.

"Hey there, Jin-kun ~"


"Wow~ you did become a gloomy fuck after all. I've got to hand it to Vali."


"Alright, alright. I just came here to check out the Gremory group and you. I've got to say… I can't feel your powers or auras anymore…What in the world did you do to them?"


"Haaa… Turning into the silent type, huh? Alright, sure, whatever! I'll get going then… Not too long till the peace conference, see you all there, ciao~"

Azazel turned around to leave and teleported away. What a carefree guy, I have less energy, and I can't keep up with his rhythm… What a drag…


Gasper and Valerie were catching up in the living room after having dinner, everyone else was doing their thing. I was on the couch to their right, relaxing with everyone else, Reni was attached to me as per usual.


I turn to my right, open my palm and close it…. It's useless… No useful information, why do they keep doing this?

Khaos brigade kept sending magicians here to create magic circles to do the mass teleportation for the invasion, but I kept killing them. I doubt this is all of them, since Azrael… No he's useless now… If what 'she' said was true.

Then whoever was telling them to come here, is stupid. Nyarlathotep definitely is hiding some to create the circle, I can't detect any of them.


I turn back to see Reni worriedly looking at me, I shake my head and lightly bump our foreheads.

"It's fine, I got rid of it."


I feel a tug on my shoulder and turn to see Akeno pouting. I wearily smile at her and did the same thing.

"Mmm! Now that's more like it…"

Why are they so competitive…? I again feel a tug, but to my front— My lap, Asia and Shirone were looking at me pleadingly… I repeat the action to them as well, and both were satisfied. Slowly, everyone— The girls wanted me to do the same thing…

What in the world…?

[Hey, partner, where's my forehead bump? Hahahah!— AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH]


[You didn't need to burn me!]

{You deserved it, virgin dragon.}

'Virgin Dragon.'

Cúntóir: Answer: Virgin Dragon.

[...Uooooooooooooo why am I being bullied?!]

Now you know how I feel when you do it to me.

[Never again…. I'm sorry, Partner!! Uoooooooo!!]

Jin's Soul


Swing! Slash! Swoosh!

"Step in deeper— Yeah like that."

Taking Rudra's advice, I did just that, I stepped in deeper while twisting my body and thrusting my bokken.


"Not bad, but can be improved. Your saving grace is your power, even with subpar technique, you can easily overpower anyone."


[Hey, Partner.]

I turn to look at Ddraig as he was lying on the grass in his human form, Cúntóir and Albion were sitting on the bench having drinks.


[When are we going to use your [True Queen] for our [Boosted Gear]?]

"….I'm not sure yet, I mean we haven't really needed to. I also…"


"…Haven't finished making the chant for it…"

[Hmmm, what was the chant Hyoudou Issei use again?]

"Feel free to say it, Jin. I can prevent it from activating."

Cúntóir tells me.

"….I appreciate it. But which one do you mean, Ddraig? The initial chant or the one when he fought Shalba?"


I nod and recite it for him, everyone was looking at me.

"I, who is about to awaken—"

"Am the Red Dragon Emperor who holds the truth of the king up high—"

"Holding the infinite hopes and unbreakable dreams and walking the path of righteousness—"

"I will become an Emperor of Crimson Dragon—"

"And I will lead you to the Path of Heaven, glowing in deep crimson light."

[I see, so that's the chant… So, you're having trouble re-writing it for your own?]


{Well, let's find a different word for 'Crimson' then since, let's be honest Rias Gremory isn't your 'one', right now it's between Reni and Akeno. Sorry Kuroka, but I don't think adding 'nya' would be too fitting.}

"Might I suggest adding scorch? Blue? Gold?"

I haven't even met her yet, Rudra…

{I think, we keep the first two lines. It still fits you, Jin.}

"I would say the first three…"

Albion turns to Cúntóir and nods.

{Hmm, yes, the first three make sense. Perhaps, change the 'Red Dragon Emperor' to 'True Emperor' or such?}

"….True Dragon Emperor?"

It doesn't have the ring too it….

"Red and White mix… Pink…"


The two dragons immediately shut it down…. I was just talking to myself, I wasn't going to seriously suggest it.

[Okay, how about this.]

We all turn to Ddraig who stands up and starts to chant.

[I, who am about to awaken—]

[Am the True Dragon Emperor who holds the truth of the king up high—]

[Holding the infinite hopes and unbreakable dreams and walking the path of righteousness—]

[I will become a God King of Dragons—]

[And I will lead you beyond the path of paradise, shining in true outer light!]

[Eh?! How about it?!]

Ddraig looks at us rather excitedly.

"….That sucks."


Ddraig fell down to his knees after I told him on how I felt about the chant. I mean… It's not that bad… But… I don't know…

{Did you even hear what I said you mongoose, I said it had to involve or have a nod to either Reni or Akeno. Maybe even both!}

{You know the Crimson is for Rias Gremory!}


He started to cry after being scolded by Albion… What a useless dragon… I go over to him and pat his back.

"Chin up, Ddraig. We still have time before we use it… Whenever that is…"

[Ohh!!! Partner!!!]

He hugged me while cackling to himself. We spent the rest of the time in there trying to come up with a new chant… We got nowhere.

Next day

Akeno had left early in the morning, she said she had somewhere to go, the rest didn't know except Rias, she didn't tell me but told me to meet her at the Shrine she used to live in.

I knew…it was time for me to receive Ascalon from Michael. So, I knew where to go and followed that path I haven't gone to in a while. I know Akeno sometimes goes there to clean her home…

"Welcome, Jin-kun."

"Ah, Akeno..."

....Jin-kun...? Did she ever call me that? It was the figure of Akeno clad in a shrine maiden's outfit. While I was climbing the steps, Akeno, who was moving forward, said it without stopping.

"Sorry for suddenly calling you out like this, Jin-kun."

"...It's no problem. I was also free with no work. Is this the meeting with Michael, perhaps a gift from Heaven?"

Akeno looked a bit surprised but laughed and nodded.

"Yes, yes, it is. Rias has to do a final meeting with Sirzechs-sama regarding the conference matter. She'll join us in a little bit."

Akeno's shrine maiden outfit was the best. It suited her pretty well. She's surely a 'Yamato Nadeshiko' ...Perhaps her title, the 'Priestess of Thunder', came from here? It has changed since then...

We had reached the top; I stand beside her; I lean in to whisper into her ear.

"You look great in it…"

I touch her shoulder and she shivered, she looks back at me with an expectant look… But I shake my head, we can't get hot and heavy here. Otherwise, Michael may have a heart attack. She pouted a little.

"We can do it later tonight, let's go…"


"It's been some time, Michael."

In front of us, Michael had appeared from a column of light. He smiles at the both of us and nods. Michael had Golden-colored wings to the point of dazzling and fluttering in front of me. His body was wrapped in an extravagant white robe, and above his head, a golden-colored halo was floating.

"Yes, it has been, Jin-kun."

We had gone into the shrine as Michael and I sat at a table, Akeno had gone to get us some tea. It didn't take long as she came back and poured some for us.

"Thank you."

"Thanks, Akeno."

We both thank her as she sits beside me, across from us was Michael. He sips on the tea and looks at us, he makes a gesture and a sword appears.

"…Saint George's Dragon Slaying Holy Sword, Ascalon."

"Correct, as knowledgeable as always, Jin-kun."


"As a special courtesy, since I am giving you this, even you, a 'Human' who has the power of the Dragon, can handle it. Before you can possess it, do you think you can assimilate it into the Boosted Gear?"

Even Michael has his doubts I'm still 'human' well… I'll give them a 'partial' truth during the conference, I'll say I'm a 'Human Dragon God Hybrid' they don't need to know the whole truth.

"Why give it to me? Wouldn't it be more beneficial to give it to the Devils or Fallen?"

He nods at my question.

"During this time's meeting, I think there's a huge opportunity to cooperate between the Three Great Powers. I know you knew beforehand… You told us back in Heaven after all, but we lost our creator, God, during the last war. Our enemies also lost the old Satans in battle."

"The leaders of the Fallen Angels are reticent. Azazel also has his official stand of not wanting to create wars. This is a chance to get rid of the useless battles."

"If small-scale battles continue like this intermittently, then anyhow, the Three Great Powers will be destroyed. Even if that isn't the case, other powers may invade from the side."

"That sword was originally a present from me to the Devil's side. Of course, I also sent presents to the Fallen Angel side. I got the rumored Holy Demonic Swords from the Devil side as well, so our side is very grateful as well."

"However, I, as well as Satan Lucifer and Governor Azazel believe this will be in better hands if handed to you… You played a big role for this to happen, Jin-kun. Other factions have already approached you about… An alliance, yes?"

"Yes, Asgard, West Youkai faction, and The Fae in Ireland. I expect more after this peace conference."

Michael makes the sword float towards me; I grab it and summon the [Boosted Gear] I concentrate, and the sword disappears and is combined with the Sacred Gear. Michael smiles at me satisfied with what I did.



Ddraig announces and the sword Ascalon appears from the [Boosted Gear]

"It seems it worked, with that my work here is done. I shall see you soon, Jin-kun."

He gets up and starts to teleport but I stop him. He looks at me a bit confused.

"Wait, Michael, who's coming with you to the conference?"

"Hmm… Gabriel and someone else. Let's keep that as a surprise, shall we, Jin-kun?"

I nod and he finally teleports away in a pillar of light. Someone else, huh? I wonder who…. I can guess it's not the other Four Great Seraphs, then who? Maybe one of the Ten Seraphs? It's plausible…

Akeno and I were left in the Shrine once Michael left. We sat side by side without saying anything. She had leaned on me after he left… Rias will join us soon.

Am I really making good in this world? Or am I destroying it? I wasn't sure anymore… Did I really contribute that much with the peace conference? Or ma—


I felt Akeno touch my cheek with her hand, she looks at me sadly.

"You're making that face again…"

Making… That face again…? What does she mean? What face?

"After that incident and during the five years you sometimes— No always make 'that' face. A face that says you're not too sure if what you're doing is the right thing… A face that has a lot of doubts… A face of a lot of sadness."


I have? I haven't really noticed… I mean I can't really 'look' at myself unless I use my own powers… I know I've been down, but… Making a face? Really? You learn something new every day…

"You haven't cried at all… you know? When that happened to Reni… Instead of crying, you…"

"….Probably because of the past me… I have no concrete evidence, but… Maybe I did that enough times back then that I became numb?"

Or you know? Society norms? A guy crying is usually looked down upon or isn't socially accepted… It's a double standard I hate.

"Or that's just an excuse you're spouting right now… Jin."


Akeno looks at me a bit mad… No she's just concerned for my mental health… I don't know, I just find it hard to cry…

"I'm sorry, Akeno. I don't know, I just find it hard to cry… But I did feel sad and furious when that happened to Reni…"

"Don't worry, Jin. We'll make you cry in the future."

…..What? Huh? Why?

"Cúntóir, Ddraig, and Albion said it to us, so we'll get it done. Cúntóir said it was essential, as well as have you admit… Certain… Words and phrases."

.....Huh? Wait, what? Hey, Cúntóir, Ddraig, Albion. What's Akeno talking about?


Cúntóir: Answer: …

'It's for your own good, Jin. This is one answer, that you must find yourself. We cannot help you… No, it's not an answer… More like, admitting a truth to yourself. Allow me to give you a hint. It's two parts.'

'Pull yourself out of this rut, and admit one truth, once that is done, you'll meet some requirements… The next… Hopefully, will happen when you graduate. That's all I'm saying.'

Admit two truths…? What?

[Haaa…. Look, Partner, when you say these things, and admit some things to yourself.]

{You will evolve.}

Cúntóir: Answer: It won't be instantaneous, but it will happen.

...So, those are what I need to evolve? They didn't answer me… God, what the hell? That's not that helpful…. No, they said I had to do these two requirements by myself. Whatever, I'm ready for anything.

I feel Akeno push me down and crawl on top of me. She connects our lips and pushes her tongue into my mouth, I intertwine our tongues and they d—


"...Really? Here of all places?"

Rias had arrived. We look at her and she seemed unamused. She sighs and shakes her head.

"Let's go home."

"Ufufu, Rias-sama~ I'm the first wife, you have to get used to that."

Akeno got off me and skipped to Rias as the two lightly glare at each other.

"….I know that…"

They both leave and I get up… The peace conference should be tomorrow… Alright, I'll be completely serious for once… Lianne and 'he' can be my 'bodyguards.' I'll station a few shadows around the school and clubroom.

I look at my ring… Since Sharon isn't here, I'll rely on those two. Let's get this done and over with then…


"Azazel, do I have to attend tomorrow's conference as well?"

"Of course, Vali. Since you're the White Dragon Emperor."

"...Hey, Azazel. Are wars not going to occur anymore?"

"You just seek battle. You sure got attached to an ideal Dragon. You're the type that won't live long."

"That's fine. I don't have any interest in living long. It's just, I regret being born in this age. A world without God.… I wanted to try defeating God."

"That's really like the White Dragon Emperor. And, after defeating all the strong guys, what will you do?"

"...I'll die. I don't have any interest in such a boring world."

"Even if that means leaving behind Genbu Doumon-chan to be all alone?"

".....I'm leaving."

Azazel watched Vali leave the room.

"Tch, what a coward, face her you wimp."

Fictitiouz Fictitiouz

Hello, sorry for the delay. Here are 5 chapters, I originally planned for Chapter 3 to be 1 but it turned into 2 parts.

The next chapter is the Peace conference, then Jin will go to Kyoto, Asgard, Faerie Kingdom and....Olympus!

Yes, he will finally meet the Greek gods...

I spent the last few days working on all these chapters, so I'll go plan out the next 2 days. Sorry about this.

If you wish to see some images of characters mentioned, check the chapter comments in Chapter 3 part 1.

Updated Harem chapter: Asia Argento

Chapter word count: 14k

Total chapter word count: 29k

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