
บท 2: Chapter 2

The void is outside of any universe or reality. It is an endless space of nothingness. The nothingness here is not no objects or particles but nothing, as in no atoms, no particles, not even light.

In this endless space of pure nothingness, only a few super big bosses would be seen here. They are powerhouses at the level of Daluo Golden Immortals.

And they would use this endless space for their own nefarious purposes, such as…

Reincarnating low EQ and sometimes low IQ virgin men who are basically the scum of human society.

As for why specifically these men, it is because they are particularly lustful and starved of attention. No one would check if these men disappear and even if they knew, they wouldn't care.

The perfect candidate for the "Wish fulfillment" protagonists.

Now why would these super powerful big bosses want these useless men to go to their favorite anime world (I.E. Super Omniverse No.3) and also give them OP wishes?

The answer is simple, to make changes, specifically, make changes that will deviate the entire world's plot.

The core rule of the Super Omniverse No.3, I.E. the Anime omniverse, is for everything to follow the general plot.

Before the creation of entire realities, they will have a general plot which is the general outline of the world.

If the world in that reality greatly deviates from the general plot, they will not be classified as anime worlds and will be kicked out from the Super Omniverse No.3.

Of course when the plot deviates from the norm, there would be corrective measures that will take place by the world consciousness, such as, directly empowering some natives to fight against the anomaly or make some indirect changes which will result in the correction of the general plot.

But the intervention by the world consciousness is ultimately limited so if the plot deviation deviates to such a great extent that there is no way for the plot to correct itself then it will be kicked out.

The kicked out world will then lose the protection from the Super Omniverse and with the loss of the protection of the Super omniverse, the super big bosses that caused all these to to take the world for themselves.

The worlds belonging to the Super Omniverse No.3 is quite unique as there are special energies at their core.

The special energies are often called World origins by some super big bosses, and they are extremely pure and dense, being able to bring little progress to the super big bosses' cultivation base.

Don't underestimate the small increase to their cultivation base, the super big bosses all have an extremely terrifying cultivation base, and each small realm requires a vast amount of energy to improve.

So this small increase of cultivation base is actually seen as a very important and precious treasure for those super big bosses.

And because of how easy it is to absorb and how quick the results are, the super big bosses would covet the world origins very much, so much so that they even created whole organizations dedicated to deviating the plot of the anime worlds.

The Reincarnation Association is one of the many associations that reincarnate many virgin men to the anime worlds, and it is also one of the major organizations out there.

Under it is various sub-organizations such as the System organization and the Multiverse Chat Group organization.

Although extracting the world origin won't destroy the anime world but it will also cause some severe consequences that will affect the entire world.


Energy dissipation.

Because the world origin is the core of the anime world, it allows things like supernatural powers to exist.

Supernatural power obviously came from high energy levels of the world and when the world origin is gone, the high energy level of the world will also plummet.

This in turn will make the supernatural powers in the world hard to use and unless they have their own energy generation method for their supernatural powers, then their supernatural powers will have limited uses until it becomes completely unusable.

The super big bosses overseeing these world origin extraction plan wouldn't care about these consequences because it doesn't affect them at all.

What they care about is their increase in cultivation realm.

Because there are infinite amounts of anime worlds in the omniverse and there are infinite omniverse in a super omniverse, the super omniverse consciousness of Super Omniverse No.3 wouldn't care much.

So, basically, it is a completely 'legal' for them to extract world origins from the anime worlds.


The Void.

In the endless darkness, a wisp of soul was floating around. His sense of time has been distorted to the extreme and only a sliver of consciousness remains.

Being trapped in this darkness for what feels like eternity, he now only holds on with sheer willpower.

'I don't want to die a virgin!!!'

Yes, through this single line of thought, his non-existent willpower comes to life and now it is the only thing that holds him through this dark abyss.

Alas, human willpower could only go so far.

When feeling that his time is drawing closer to the end, he only opens his 'eyes', waiting to see his own demise.

No panic, No fear.

Just calm indifference.

I have to say, humans are really awesome in this regard.

In the beginning they would lament and despair at their own end but when the end is in front of them, they looked as if they don't care about it.

The only thought left before his end was…

'Am I the oldest virgin in history?'

"No, your soul age is only a hundred million year old, Mortal. You are no way near close enough to be the oldest virgin!"

An ancient and wise voice boomed in the soul's mind, frightening the soul half to death. Being alone for such a long time, he still isn't used to hearing any voice other than his.

However, in a short span of time, the emotion of the soul returned to normal. As it has been quite obvious to him, he is in a soul state, meaning he has already died.

That he has accepted.

Being able to communicate with him means that the owner of the voice has some supernatural means and being in this void, he has long known the cruelty of the environment.

The best example is none other than himself.

If he didn't have a very strong willpower through his desperate will to survive and his utmost regret of his virgin status, he would've perished long ago.

But even with this strong will to survive, he still succumbed to his inevitable fate.

However, the voice doesn't seem to be affected by the harsh conditions of the void. That leads to only one conclusion, the voice has powers beyond a human being.

A Supernatural.

The only supernatural that comes to his mind is…GOD.

His final judgement as to the identity of the voice has arouse a deep sense of dread in his mind. When a human faces a being like GOD, how should he react?

No, it is not how he should react but how he should deal with this voice that seem highly likely to belong to GOD.

Good manners will often give good impressions to anyone. If he is polite in front of GOD then he should give him a good impression, right?

The soul, having thought of this, then tried to say as calmly as he could to this GOD.

"Who are you, sir. Do you know where I am? I, I just want to be with my family."

"Who am I? I am what you humans call, GOD. The almighty creator of the universe, the creator of everything!" The booming voice once again sounded.

"Mortal, I shall grant you three wishes. Whatever you desire, will be granted."

Hearing what this mysterious being that claimed to be 'GOD' said, the soul thought for a moment and asked a question before accepting the offer.

"What is the price, Lord God?"

"The price? I don't need anything from a mortal like you!" The contempt in the voice was not concealed at all but the soul didn't dare refute it. "All I request from you is to not follow the plot of the anime world."

The soul nodded and began speaking of his three wishes.

"My first wish is to have power equal to GOD."

The soul paused, waiting for the response of the mysterious being and was very nervous inside. His first wish sounds very presumptuous considering that 'GOD' is in front of him.

The mysterious being thought, 'What an arrogant and greedy mortal, want the power of GOD? You're dreaming! I'll just give you the power to crush a planet.'


With the confirmation of 'GOD', the soul sighed in relief, grateful that the 'GOD' didn't mind his wish and even granted it.

"My second wish is to have the most handsome face in existence and my third wish is to be able to travel to any anime world."

After the soul finished saying his wishes, the mysterious being, 'GOD', fell into a moment of silence. As if contemplating about the wishes the mortal has requested.

The second wish asked by the mortal was a little difficult for him to do. The reason being, he isn't proficient in the laws of Beauty or Perfection.

Who would have time to study that law?

However, this problem only arises if he will really make the mortal the most handsome man in existence.

So, he decided to just copy the appearance of a recently promoted golden immortal when constructing the soul's mortal body.

And from what he recalls, that golden immortal had a rare charm physique that makes all women, who had a goddess-level beauty, inevitably fall madly in love.

'Meh, why not add that in too. Although it might be too cheap for that mortal but…I must get the world origin!'

As for the third wish, he has no objections. For the mortal to willingly travel to other anime worlds and disrupt those world's plot means more world origin for him.

The profit he gained from this single mortal is more than he originally imagined.

After finalizing the possibility and the cost-effectiveness of the wish, the 'GOD' is satisfied with the soul's wishes. They are not too much and actually quite beneficial to him.

Disrupting a world's plot requires willingness at the forefront.

Without any willingness to disrupt the plot will make the soul completely worthless to him.

The soul passes at this front.

What the soul needs next is the strength to disrupt the world's plot, strength is needed to go against the world corrective consciousness.

Accumulating strength takes time but asking for strength directly gives the soul an advantage. Which is to quickly accelerate the plot disruption and allow him to efficiently extract world origins.

Lastly, the soul asked for something he didn't even think of and that is reusability.

The soul is highly reusable, meaning the soul can be used to extract the world origins of various worlds without adding any additional cost that might be paid by him.

The thinking speed of 'GOD' surpass that of any known supercomputer in the vast multiverse.

His long train of thought, intricately envisioning the benefits and cost of such simple wishes, was but a moment in the perceptive of the soul.

"Then, I shall grant you the power of 'GOD'. The appearance of 'Issei Hyudou' from 'The wish of a Dragon' and the ability to travel to any anime worlds once you have successfully disrupted the plot."

After the mysterious being finished speaking, the emotion of the soul reached a climax. The intense excitement in the soul's mind caused the pale white glow of the soul to turn bright red.

The excitement comes from knowing that he will finally lose his virgin status. Not just that but being given three wishes by (in his perspective) 'GOD', his original goal of losing his virgin status has focused on more ambitious goals.

Surpass the three thousand harem of the ancient Chinese emperors and become the Harem Emperor!

Power, Women, Wealth. All of those will fall into his hands without any effort at all!

The soul was trapped in his endless fantasy of indulging all the pleasures in life while the 'GOD' finished preparing everything asked by the soul.

Right as he was about to send the soul on the mission, a surprising and unexpected voice stopped his actions. The voice was sweet-sounding and high-pitched while also being calm and soft.

"What interesting games are you two playing?"

Elias has just arrived at the Super Omniverse No.3 and was about to go to a random anime world when she found these two men, one in a weak soul state and one powerful cultivator that has just stepped into the Daluo Golden Immortal realm.

The status and life level difference between the two sides are far too great for them to have a conversation.

This anomaly intrigued the curious loli. So, she halted her journey for the moment and went to look into what they were doing.

That leads to the current situation.

With the sudden appearance of a cute blond haired loli in this endless void, she looks out of place no matter how you look at it.

The Mythical Daluo only showed surprise for a split second. His mind raced fast, thinking for a reason why this loli could be here.

'Another Daluo.'

That is the conclusion he has reached.

When facing another cultivator the same level as yourself, you must not immediately attack for the advantage of taking the first move.

You wouldn't know what techniques the cultivator has, nor do you know if they have a secret treasure that will overturn your initial advantage of taking the first move.

However, even if you don't immediately attack the cultivator, you must take measures in case of being sneak attacked.

The Daluo looked at the loli, who was a few hundred kilometers away from his, and started using his main defense-type cultivation technique.

Vigilantly looking at the loli, He cautiously said, "Who may your excellency be?"

The politeness indicated here has transformed into respectfulness. Why have such a strong transformation?


Bypassing millions of high-level detection, illusion, space, time, and reincarnation runes and enchantments in a radius of 1 million miles coupled with the constant scanning and surveillance of the entire area with his divine consciousness, the loli may not be an ordinary Daluo Golden Immortal.

Although it doesn't remove the possibility of the loli being at the same level as himself but is specialized in stealth, array formation, and have a comprehension of illusion, space, time, and reincarnation laws beyond even himself.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself first? What a rude old man."

Hearing how the loli addressed him, he suddenly had a burning fury in his chest but all he could do is hold it in for the moment.

No matter how angry he is, he will have to bear it because he instinctively felt that if he showed any signs of hostility, he might be instantly wiped out.

On the other hand, while the two big bosses were having a conversation, the little soul at the side looked at the two of them incomprehensibly and muttered to himself, "What is wrong with this loli baba? You are interrupting my dream of a massive harem. Just wait till I get my GOD powers; you will be part of my harem!"

The soul has mistaken the loli for a seraph or an angel, a being ranked lower than 'GOD'. Because 'GOD' should be the highest of all, right?

There is no way an angel could be at the level or surpass 'GOD'.

And in many fanfics, he read, the 'GOD' that grant wishes would usually have an assistant that would occasionally show up, either symbolically arguing and fighting 'GOD' or talking about how good the protagonist is.

Most of the wish granting 'GOD' comes from wish-fulfillment fanfics and the protagonists of these wish-fulfillment fanfics will without a doubt get a massive harem with all the most beautiful girl in the world.

He, thinking himself as the protagonist and is already given three wishes by 'GOD', of course regards Elias as someone he will get sooner or later.

Moreover, he didn't think it would be hard to get her. His second wish of being the most handsome will ultimately result in him getting the appearance of issei hyudou from 'The wish of a Dragon'.

Do you know the charm level of that guy? Girls will have a very high chance of falling madly in love with him the longer they are with him or even fall in love at first sight.

So, he doesn't think that it will be difficult to get Elias, not at all.

The soul muttered his thoughts in an already low voice, lower than even a whisper. Even he knows that the consequences are tremendous if 'GOD' hears it.

Who would want to grant three wishes to a mediocre mortal who even coveted the goddess-level beauty beside you?

But…much to his dismay and horror, the two super big boss existences still heard it.

The Daluo expressionlessly turned to look at the soul and was very speechless at his bold statement. Doesn't he know the loli next to him is at the same level if not higher than him?

The Daluo only plans to make the soul at the planetary level and the planetary level is nothing to mythical Daluo like him and the loli.

And he may not be interested in the opposite sex due to his focus on his cultivation base but that does not mean he has no knowledge about women at all.

The soul managed to step on a very big landmine of taboos and that is talking about a woman's age.

The reaction of Elias wasn't particularly violent. She has no qualms in revealing her age because she thinks it's a bit funny seeing ordinary people's reaction to it. So, she doesn't care if someone calls her old.

And in her eyes, the soul is an ant-like existence. There is no need to react at everything an ant says because the ant cannot do anything to her.

However, when hearing the ant already declaring claiming her as if it is right for her to belong to him, she was a little pissed.

She, the ex-noble guardian of the prehistoric world, being declared as property by a mortal with no cultivation base…to put it lightly, rubbed her the wrong way.

And to put it honestly, pure disgust.

Although she was a person from the modern era countless eras ago, she still had a bit of dignity as an immortal cultivator.

In other words, she only likes girls and to be stained with being the man's property in name tramples on her dignity.

The trampled dignity is hurt and to heal her dignity, it requires force, violent force. So, she prepares her Buddha Palm, ready to slam the soul out of existence.

"Wait, fellow Daoist, don't!" Feeling the aura of Elias change from a peaceful and harmless to animals to dangerous and terrifying, The Daluo quickly knew what was going on and then immediately tried to stop her.

The amount of time and effort it took him to take this soul out from the reincarnation cycle and that is under the supervision of the multiverse rules is not easy.

For all that to result into nothing is not acceptable.

So, while trying to reason with the loli using words, he brought out his most prized and reliable weapon.

The golden stick blessed with a Taoist name, Ruyi Jingu Bang, or in short, Ruyi Bang.

Appearances may be deceiving but this stick is actually a top-spiritual artifact refined with all the rarest metals he had found.

The appearance of the golden stick took Elias's attention for a moment.

"The monkey king's stick?"

Without waiting for Elias to appreciate the golden stick, The Daluo burst out his full cultivation base, revealing a 3rd layer-Daluo Golden Immortal cultivation base.

The sudden burst of energy brought immense pressure to the void. The affected areas of the void ran across billions of light years of space, destabilizing the entire space.

Any higher dimensional space battleship would immediately be shredded by instability in the space without any possibility of surviving.

The Daluo then poured vast amounts of primordial energy into the spiritual artifact.

"Ruyi Jingu Bang, Extend!"

With the voice command, the golden stick in his hands immediately extended to Elias. The stick extends millions of kilometers a second so in no time, Elias entered the Daluo's attack range.

Seeing the sudden attack of the Daluo, Elias decided to give the first move to the Daluo. She wonders if the Daluo could break her defense.

Being the peak of the true immortal realm, her physical body, without the enhancements of the primordial energy and cultivation techniques, could withstand the explosion of millions of multiverses at once.

A pale blood-red aura glows faintly on the golden stick and along with several other colors like purple, blue, grey, black, and white, a terrifying aura was revealed.

The Daluo has incorporated all the laws he had comprehended. From killing intent to yin-yang laws, the energy contained in that golden stick is unimaginable.

Even immortal emperors who comprehended the indestructible diamond immortal physique to grand completion, wouldn't dare take such blows.

"[The Great Monkey King Strike]!"

Swinging down the golden stick with all his strength, the speed of the attack instantly exceeded the speed of light.

However, when the attack landed on the loli, the knockback force didn't seem to affect her at all.

All the force was diffused in her body and spread to the surroundings. A long line of space cracks extending millions of kilometers were just the aftermath of the Daluo's destructive attack.

Yet…there was no visible injury on Elias. She looked as if she wasn't hit by a galaxy-busting attack but by a gust of wind.


His attack did nothing at all. Even with all his strength, it still did nothing. A dreadful feeling of fear, never felt in his millenniums of exploration, washes his mind.

The fear only lasted for a moment as his calm rational thinking kicked in. Deducing that the possibility of his death is fairly high, he started to open a space channel to leave promptly.

"Oh~, Leaving already? Well, I don't want to play with you anymore so let's end this." Elias looked at the Daluo with boredom in her eyes.

After testing out her physical body's durable, the Daluo doesn't seem so interesting anymore. So, she decided to end the farce already, her journey to the nearest anime world is being delayed too much.

Condensing the supreme law of fate and destiny into unbreakable chains capable of holding down a small pseudo-omniverse, she didn't hesitate and trapped the Daluo in a never-ending loop of chains.

The Daluo Golden Immortals have gotten out of the river of time and became immune to the effects of time itself.

However, they still haven't escaped from fate and destiny. Even Elias, who is at the peak of the true immortal realm, isn't completely immune to fate and destiny.

Only those that has reached the saint realm could break the shackles of fate and the bindings of destiny.

So, the little Daluo can't escape from the chains of fate and destiny even if he tried his darn hardest.

Dragging the chained Daluo into her personal dimension space, she decided to place him there until she finds any further use for him.

As for the soul that started this farce in the first place…worthless, just let it dissipate in the void.

Anyway, the pain of dissipating into nothingness is more painful than anything the soul will experience.

But before she left the soul alone, she engraved a special rune on the essence of the soul. The special rune amplifies all pain by a magnitude of 10 million.

So, the pain the soul will experience, dissipating in the cold void would be unimaginable to anyone in the entire multiverse.

"Hmph, serves you right, lustful beast!" Elias muttered angrily and left in a happy mood.

(A/N A particularly long chapter but don't worry, anime world is in the next chapter!)

Mr_SlimePB Mr_SlimePB

Estimated time for the next chapter...undecided.

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