"Aw... C'mon, it'll be fun~! Just the thing that you need right now..."
Cali drifted near me before letting out a sigh as I swatted her hand away, trying my hardest to push down on the heat that was spreading throughout my body as I walked towards the door, ignoring the loot on the table for now as I instead went to a new room, focusing on the streets down below.
"You sure? We could make it quick... It'll take a little work from me and you, but I think you could make anyone~ finish quickly, Kat... really, you're so~ sexy that it makes me ache something fierce..."
Snapping at the Arch Fiend, I glared at the pink skinned woman floating around before sighing and turning back towards the window, lifting it up as I tiredly added "Please, let's just... not. You already know my answer; you know that I wouldn't EVER cheat on Jahi. On any of my lovers. So... please. Just stop."