18.18% Re:zero the authority of Yandere / Chapter 2: I find some of the weirdest people on Discord

บท 2: I find some of the weirdest people on Discord

(A/N): Ok so this is an important message, so I decided to start working on this Fanfic why well, I just got bored, but anyway this will be dark I'm not going to lie, why well the entire concept of the story is Subaru journey to become an Eldritch God, and also I find it quite entertaining to write, and also this story is going to be a very weird fanfic reason be when I think about Eldritch entities I think dark and questionable things, but I also think weird like come on if I was eldritch being I would be on both demon time and troll time 24/7 and more, we also need some culture in this bitch so yeah why not.

So sit back, get a snack, play some music, and enjoy the chapter, also this version of Satella is not Satella no, she is Envy, the second personality, the reason I got rid of the OG kind-hearted Satella is that well I like Yandere, I want my girl Envy on best girl time 24/7 and more every time she gets a screen time, but yeah so don't ask me how I come up with this, I wanted a decent start in chp one that was dark, now we will start the official chapter one with much culture.

I like all the witches, Rem is good, Ram is questionable I will leave that to you all, Emilia is nice and kind but not my favorite character she just seems well agh hmm never mind I will keep that to myself, but anyway, this version of Satella is pure Yandere obsessive, cute, thirsty, and loyal just the way I like it, well enjoy this crackfic with an actual plot and I hope an amazing story premise, ps this is kind of wish fulfillment but not much... hopefully.

When you see this [ ] then it's Satella, When you see this < > then it's Subaru.



The glass broke as the crazy bitch that was Yuno, just broke reality to be with her man Yukki, truly this entire show was a mess, but an entertaining mess nonetheless.

"Damn really and truly this was kind of horrifying, especially since Yuno's obsession with Yukki is very toxic, I honestly think that Yukki should put his Yandere on a leash."

"Well, whatever it is just an anime let's take a quick shower, and go straight to bed it getting kind of late."

With that said, Subaru Head towards the shower in his bathroom after taking a well-deserved number two.

Right after he took a shower, he places on his android 18 pajamas, and head straight to the bed, of course, he began to snuggle down with his Tiamat body pillow, he then gets his Samsung Galaxy S20, and the first thing he saw was his sexy wallpaper of Kurumi.

"Damn what I would give to smash Kurumi, lucky ass Shido and his mc status, the title alone makes him the strongest by default."

"Fuck, well whatever I'm both tired and bored, maybe I will buy a few new horror games tomorrow, for my Ps5 or some online games for my PC."

"I'm set for life, after winning the lotto, I could do whatever the hell I want, of course, my parents are responsible for it, my job is just to spend, fuck school I'm living the best life there is, maybe I will buy the new Subaru WRX 2022 just because I can, I have so much money including a share in both Subaru and Toyota I don't even know what to do with it, and my parent's 5-star resort is doing well, men what a good life this is, all that is missing is a nice looking girlfriend with a rocking body made for childbirth, although you can't trust these thots out here there unsavable."

"Oh well, good night."

Clap! Clap!

Stated Subaru as he clap his hands twice, which made the light turn off, from there he snuggle his Tiamat body pillow even tighter as he proceed to go to sleep, tomorrow was going to be a busy day for shopping, hell he own Japan, he so rich without doubt he could tell the big heads he runs this bitch.

(A/N): You must be wondering why I made Subaru a young master well he deserves it, and also as a young master his knowledge of politics and other things will be useful in the other world as Subaru going to be a vivid manipulator, no scrap that manipulator is too humble yeah an eldritch sociopath.

It didn't take long before Subaru, fell asleep in his comfortable soft Cosmovoide bed that cost hundreds of thousands of Japanese yen.

And that is how he remains for a couple of hours.

--4 hours later--

Ding!!! Ding!!!

Ding!!! Ding!!!

Ding!!! Ding!!!

Ding!!! Ding!!!

"Ha... sigh... who is texting me so early in the morning?"

Ding!!! Ding!!!

"Oh my Gawddd, I heard you the first time."

Yes, my phone notification alarm began to go off, constantly, I might be rich and important but this phone is my phone that is used only for personal entertainment, and then and again I don't have many friends, hell even on my phone Mom, and Dad are the only two contacts I have on it.

So I turn it on, and when I look, I saw that I have nine unread messages from someone called [The Mythos Satella] on discord.

"Hmmm ok, who is this?"

I stated as I gaze at all the unread messages, and to be honest it was creepy as hell, as it stated.


[How are you doing?]

[Why are you not answering me!]

[Hiiiii, hello, I know you are there?]

[I love you!!!]

[Agh, please answer me, I just want to talk a bit.]

[😔😑😒🙄😡😡😡😰😥😭, Hey, hi, are you there?]

[I want your children]

[Agh I...I... I mean I want to ask you something so please reply to me, young master.]

When I look at these nine unread messages, the only face I could make was a bruh face, as I said to myself shortly after.

"Who the hell is this one now, could this be one of those annoying fangirls, Nah I'm big on Twitter and Instagram, with my Subaru driving Subaru videos, but I haven't even given anyone my discord ."

"Damn what a gothic user name, [The Mytho Satella], who are you supposed to be Azathoths, daughter or something, sigh well block."

With that said and done, I throw my phone across my bed as I grab my Tiamat body pillow even harder and go back to sleep, but then this happens, honestly, I won't even go into great description reason be, it completely stops making sense why well.... hmmm how do I explain this shit, you know what just see for your self.

My body suddenly starts to become cold, no scrap that I woke up on a beach chair, in my left hand was a cold glass of red wine, and surprisingly I began feeling someone rubbing my shoulders and when I look up I see my favorite fate character giving me a shoulder massage Yes Tiamat was giving me a shoulder massage, my goodness I feel the tension in my shoulders start to fade.

And Surprisingly I also feel the tension in my feet start to fade as well, and bold and behold in front of me was the one and only Artoria Pendragon giving me a foot massage while dressed in a bikini, I couldn't even react and say anything, because I felt Tiamat pat my shoulder as she had a huge bowl of grapes in her hand as she starts feeding me with it.

And if I look closely, at the way this comfortable beach chair was set, then without a doubt you could even say I watching the earth from here, right away I began to look around, surprisingly I can breathe.

Nevertheless, it didn't take me long to notice what was happening, it was clear this was a weird dream, but a damn good one at that, hell this was probably the best dream I have ever had, weird but amazing, so I did what any cultured man would do in a situation like this.

Partake in it, yes I made Tiamat feed me, and Artoria rubs me, and as I stand there I took a sip of my red wine, as I hope and pray this dream never end or at least not anytime soon.

But just when I was enjoying it, I began to hear a familiar sound, it was my notification bell on my phone, and when I look in the direction of the sound.

I began to see Tiamat looking at her cleavage, I swear this character is so underrated and also extremely cute, but apart from that her massive breast began to vibrate, as the sound of my phone notification started to ring off.

Ding!!! Ding!!!

Tiamat then took her hand and pulled out a rather familiar phone from her huge knockers, I swear this character has by the all mean if you know what I mean.

So I took the phone from her, and instantly I had a what the fuck expression on my face, as I said.

"This person again, I swear even in my dreams I'm getting text on discord."

I then began to look at the unread message, and it was read as followed.

[Why did you block me?]

[Did I do anything wrong, I just want to talk to you]

"The fuck... hmmm what the fuck is up with this dream, is this my action coming back to haunt me, talk about Karma, sigh well let's block this person in this world as well, and enjoy this dream to the fullest."

With that said, I look for the block icon, but something was wrong it was gone as if it didn't exist at all.

"Well fuck?"

Ding!!! Ding!!!

And as I said that, another message come in.

[You can't hide from me, im always watching you, even in your dream, and by the way that block button doesn't exist in this world]

[No way, the fuck, am I tripping in a dream, now this is creepy and weird]

"Sigh... well I'm on the moon been fed by Tiamat, and getting a foot massage by Artoria Pendragon, and I'm not going to question why Yujiro Hanma and Geralt of Rivia are fists fitting behind me, to be honest, this entire place just seems like one big Otaku wonderland with zero explanation, Yah im tripping in a dream that for sure, what next sonic racing some guy in a Subaru."

But as I began thinking about this another text come in.

Ding!!! Ding!!!


"Sigh this bitch does not want to leave me alone, sigh... whatever it's just a dream anyway, and it's not like I have anything else better to do except enjoy it."

So I began texting this so-called, [Mythos Satella] as I replied with.


And my God, the phone went crazy.

Ding!!! Ding!!!

Ding!!! Ding!!!

Ding!!! Ding!!!

Ding!!! Ding!!!

Ding!!! Ding!!!

Ding!!! Ding!!!

Like how the hell is you typing this fast, it's only been one second since I even send it.

[Yayyyy you finally answered]

[I was worrying for a minute]

[So how are you doing?]

[Is the dream entertaining?]

[Want to voice chat?]

[No better video chat?]

"Even in my dream, this woman sounds desperate for attention, well let's just reply with this."

<Im good, but who are you?>

And before I even send it, a message came like how did you even know what I was going to say.

[Hahaha.... my name is Envy, but the others call me Satella like my annoying twin, the name itself was too good for her as a very special person gave her it, but anyway let's move on from that topic, you see I am Eldritch God, and the youngest daughter of Azathoth]

"Yap this is a dream, I mention this earlier when it was clowning her user name, hell this might even be a dude for all I know, even her profile picture is nothing but a cute Pikachu face sitting in the lap of somebody as if it was a pet."

"Ok then let's just go about it, I'm bored and I have nothing to do, but enjoy the finer things in life."

<Ohhh that's nice my name is Subaru>

[I know]


[I know a lot of things about you]

<Ayo Wtf?>

[Lol, like I said I'm a professional in everything Subaru Natsuki]

[I even have a Subaru plushie, a Subaru body pillow, and Subaru blankets, my entire room is painted in your trademark color which is orange and black]

<Why would an eldritch God even need a room?>

[Don't ask]

At these words, my wtf face turns into a disgusted Tanjiro face, like did I read this correct, like this stalker admit she is obsessed with me, she even knew my trademark color.

"Maybe I shouldn't have watched future diary."

But anyway as Tiamat continues to feed me, I replied with.

<Ok creepy, but yeah why did you even reach out to me>

[Well I have a question I want to ask you, and I also wanted to talk to you.]

<Haaaa... what kind of question?>

[Well why don't we have a convo first you know..get to know each other some more...hehehe]

So with that said I began typing, I don't have anything else better to do, so I replied with.

<Aight ttm>

With that said for like the next six hours, I began talking to Satella, and in those six hours I find out a lot of things, for one her favorite game is Doom, also her favorite anime is Beserk, and her favorite color is purple and black, I also learn she would never be caught dead in white as she hates the color white with a passion, she also likes me no she loves me with a passion, my mind is literally creating an ideal girl out of the creep that texts me earlier, talk about sad.

But yeah, this dream went on for a while and it's still continuing, a pity it will all end when I get up, but apart from that, I am now using both Artoria and Tiamat as actual body pillows on my bed that just randomly spawn, yeah I stop questioning this dream and everything that happen in this dream world.

Like how are we catching reception, how am I breathing, and why the hell is Sonic racing Chika in Subaru, and losing.

So I just continue talking to Satella as she said.

[So bloodborne is your favorite game right?]

<Yeah I love horror games, I also like final fantasy and Witcher, but the darker the better for me>

[I know right horror games are amazing, not as much as you, but they are my fourth favorite thing in life]

<So what are the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd>

[The first is my love for Subaru, the second is my ideal dream of being with Subaru, and the third is all things Subaru, I love you with a passion more so than anything else that exists or will exist even our kids would be second in my eyes much less myself]


"This chick is crazy, would I ever want a Yandere girlfriend in my life, well no, would that ever happen, well no, if that would happen then it's like suicide."

[Agh Subaru is so handsome and cute when he thinking about his life choices]

<Im average at best.>

[There is no way that is possible, to me everyone looks like goblins, while you look so handsome even the sun does not outshine you]

<You are either blind or desperate>

[Yes I'm desperate for Subaru]

"Now that I think about it how do you look, send a pic."

[Agh... were my manners, of course, one moment, please]

With that said I waited for an entire, thirty minutes like what is she doing, invading her gallery for the best pic possible.

So right after I said that, she texted back.

[Agh sorry for the long wait, I had to get dressed, here it is fufufu, enjoy]

With that said I received an image from Satella.


And upon opening it... only one word escaped my mouth.


I'm not going to lie, this woman hell a thick, and just like Tiamat she got the all means if you know what I mean, holy lord have mercy on my soul, wait Subaru think about your life choices like a wise brother in arms from certain fanfic once said.

"Pussy is still pussy even if it's crazy pussy."

Automatically I question myself.

"Why are all the crazy bitches, the finest like no cap, I never met a Yandere in my life but I have seen perfect examples of Crazy woman, and they are all fine but holy molly this one takes the cake in my opinion, or maybe it's just the horny speaking, but without a doubt, she is a freak to send a sexy pic just like that out of nowhere, this shit almost wake me up for sure.

Or maybe I am the freak since my mind is coming up with all this shit, but just as I was thinking this, yet another message came in.

[Aghh sorry that was the wrong picture, I send that by accident, heh heh... here is a picture of me for real this time]



"Ohh she is a milf, like is she in her mid-twenties, I'm seventeen doesn't this count as rape, egh I like lollies and older women anyways, milfs especially, wow this damm I'm mesmerized, it's illegal to look this beautiful and she an elf too, what an awesome dream this turn out be."

But as I said this, I frown because the next message went as such.

[Agh... sigh... sadly I'm running out of time, this dream is about to end so I'm going to have to ask you that question]

"So it's ending sigh talk about major disappointment."

[So it's two questions, the first being if you had the opportunity to be isekaied in my world, would you agree to come over]

<I wouldn't mind, although things like isekai are impossible>


<Yeah, sounds like fun>

<So what's the next question?>

And with that said the other message I go from here really surprised me, since it reminds me of those Reddit questions.

[Would you really like to come to my world, if so what power would you rather choose from, the powers are the authority of lust which is absolute attraction, the authority of sloth which is Unlimited stamina, or the authority of Envy which is Eldritch Physiology?]

[Choose wisely]

"Hmmm, a good question but this is easy."

So with that said I type in my honest opinion.

<Why not all three>

Her answer was straightforward.

[Alright bet]

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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