81.37% RWBY Omniversal Chatroom System / Chapter 82: Pantheon

บท 82: Pantheon

[Special thanks to Lilith Zenon for working on this chap with me!]

"Ouh! Wanna come with me to my home again? I can teach you some things about being a Kitsune~" Tearwyn asked, seeing the interest on Neo's face.

"Hm. Sounds fun. Wanna come with, Blake? Arturia?" Neo asked, seeing Blake's interest peak.

"A Goddess' home..? That's a first. Okay, I'll come along" Blake agreed while petting Neo's newly added tails while Rhongomyniad hummed in agreement.

"That feels good.. Alright, beam us up, Tearwyn!" Neo exclaimed, hearing Tearwyn's giggle as they disappeared.

-Two hours later, Tearwyn/Artoria's dimension-

Neo was being taught Kitsune exclusive skills for the better part of two hours. She got her own section of the dimension Tearwyn shared with Artoria and quickly made renovation plans. Though Blake and Arturia were given the tools to add whatever they desired in Neo's section. Blake chose to create a vast library and Arturia chose to create a teleporter. Though only to teleport Excalibur and beat him into shape, it seems.

Neo also mused over her new appearance. She liked it, a lot. Though in going to some worlds, she would use her semblance to take her human form. As it would likely freak out anyone to see a nine tailed Kitsune Goddess just casually appear.

~Damn.. I look like I got serious 'Ara-Ara' energy in this form~ Neo thought, tempted to say the words aloud.

She wouldn't need to wait long. Both Artoria Alter and another version of Raven appeared in the dimension as she using her tails to play with Tearwyn.

"Ara Ara~" Neo said in her most seductive tone, confusing the two immediately.

Neo smirked at their reaction while lifting Tearwyn up and down using all nine of her tails. She decided to juggle the happy little Goddess as some kind of practice. Then, she noticed Salem. Another Salem that stood beside Raven. Seeing her soul though, she relaxed before she made an interested hum and shook her head, simply waving to Raven and Artoria.

"Nice crib. It needs an onsen though. And not the black, spooky kind" Neo thought aloud while watching the calm black waters.

All the while, Raven shot a look of uncertainty towards the girl. Neo could tell this Raven was a Goddess by the Divine aura she emitted. Though it was strange. Eight Authorities were within Raven. All seven deadly sins and one more. It felt so impossibly old. As if it were the source of all the authorities inside Raven.

But then, Artoria blinked a bit, and ended up quickly smiling when she noticed how much fun Tearwyn was having.

"Well well. Didn't take you long to ascend it seems. What, is it buy one get one free day? And, if you wanted an onsen, just ask Tearwyn" With an amused huff she said.

She then looked at Tearwyn and spread her arms. Seconds later a pink bullet launched into them.

"Hello, Tearwyn~. I trust you've been enjoying your time with Neo?" As she snuggled a little with Tearwyn she asked.

"Hn" Tearwyn giggled a bit while simply saying.

"It was a good time. Killed a God and cut the moon in half before I destroyed a planet. Blake's here with Arturia too. She's into the whole Sakura tree look. Another Raven too, I see.. Gives me Alucard vibes. Mn.. I approve" Neo gave them a thumbs up and tapped her chin.

"Oooh.. so am I adopted now? Cousin? Sister? Kitsune club?" Neo asked, shooting a toothy grin at Tearwyn while Raven and Salem just looked at Artoria with a raised brow.

~I probably shouldn't say what happened to my Salem eh? They look like lovers. Kinda cute actually.. seeing Salem give her the lovey eyes~ Neo smiled, thinking.

Then it hit Raven. Raven shot Neo a bewildered look, likely at the admittance she destroyed a planet.

"Planetary destruction huh? Damn, even I have only devastated one causing a total extinction event. But not out right destroyed" Artoria let out a laugh and said.

"Speaking of family. Surely you two can already feel the connection you have to myself. Tearwyn, and our Dimension?" Artoria then gave Neo and Raven both a questioning look when she said.

"I sure can. Oh and you're not far from it. And you're not even Ascended yet" Neo joked, lifting herself up on two tails.

Raven felt the connection herself and nodded in acknowledgement.

"I can. Is your Patron fine with that?" Raven asked with a brow raised.

Suddenly, a feeling washed over everyone. It felt heavy, yet not oppressive. Tearwyn's ears perked up and she looked around excitedly. Then, a few steps away from the little group, a large crack formed in reality. Seconds later it imploded inwards and revealed... nothing. There was nothing beyond the hole in reality. Just the feeling of the absolute end.

They didn't need to wait long before soft steps could be heard echoing out from the hole. And soon enough, an tall Kitsune stepped out, and the feeling that was blanketing them intensified exponentially. Yet, was still not oppressive.

[Image of her here]

"I am more than fine with gaining a few more... adopted daughters" She spoke and her voice sounded like the stars themselves somehow.

The other Kitsune who was using her tails to sit looked to be struggling with something in her mind. Raven gave her a cursory glance before looking at the new addition.

"Big Sister Lilith! It's been so long since you've come personally!!" Tearwyn excitedly yelled.

Tearwyn then let go of Artoria, and run up to Lilith who pulled her into a hug with her tails. Salem covered her mouth with her eyebrows raised before looking to Raven.

"I sense a theme, Dear" Salem mused, though the feeling of nothingness made her uneasy, as it did with Raven.

Neo, on the other hand was muttering something to herself while keeping her gaze as respectful as possible.

"Don't call her Mommy.. Don't call her Mommy.." Neo whispered in a strange chant to herself.

"But I am your Mommy, Neo. I can be more than one type at a time as well~" With a sly and mischievous grin, Lilith replied.

~She's a weird one.. Though I can kind of see why she'd say it..~ Raven resisted the urge to chortle, though heard a suppressed laugh from Salem.

Lilith gave Raven a knowing look before she sat down on the air and floated with Tearwyn playing in her tails. Raven turned away and coughed to herself while scratching her cheek.

"Oho.. Opening up new preferences for me here" Neo muttered as she threw her brows up.

"I could show you heights of pleasure that would break your soul little Neo~" Lilith responded with a smile.

Neo's only reaction was a suggestive smirk while thinking of the 'Mind Break' tag.

"Lady Lilith? What did you mean by... daughters?" Artoria cleared her throat gently before asking.

She then moved Tearwyn so she was on her lap and started to give her head pats. Tearwyn soon "melted" into the feeling and was purring ever so softly.

"I mean just what I said, little Artoria. Tearwyn here is my daughter. You, and everyone else here minus Qrow, have formed a soul bound through this dimension. You are all family, my family, and a new pantheon" Smiling at Tearwyn for a few seconds, Lilith then looked up at the girls and said.

~A new Pantheon? Ohh.. Yeah, that does sound fun.. Need some more Goddesses here though~ Neo thought, observing everyone in the room.

"Wait. You included me in that soul link thing?" Salem tilted her head and asked.

"Naturally. You and Raven are true Soul-Mates. So naturally, you share an extensive soul bound. Did you really think it was just Kimblee's machinations sending Raven to the same world as you~?" Lilith smiled at her and said, Raven's eyes widening at the realization.

Hearing Kimblee's name made Neo's brow twitch, however. Hearing that the psycho from Fullmetal Alchemist was out there, doing something made a warning bell in her head go off. Putting that concern aside, she continued listening.

"You two are destined and protected by Divine Law to always end up with each other. Even if both of you suffered total soul destruction and ended up back at the Seat of Creation, you would meet again~" Lilith rested her head on Tearwyn's as she explained.

Salem gave her a grateful nod and bowed her head.

"Thank you for arranging our reunion.. as rocky as it was. That last part is a little shocking too but I wouldn't have it any other way" Salem thanked Lilith emotionally.

"You forever have my thanks.. I wouldn't even be who I am now without your help there" Raven too, thanked Lilith with a bow of her head.

"Damn.. That's romantic" Neo chimed in with a subtle nod of approval.

Lilith gave them a wink and then continued, "Now, as I was saying~ You are all family, in ways that is so much deeper than mere blood. But, I will not simply hand all of creation to you~. I firmly believe in letting my children do as they please, and work for it. Plus, I expect you all would find it boring if I just snapped my fingers and made your lives perfect~"

Neo hummed in approval as Raven nodded.

"But, I am not above granting boons to my daughters should they ask. Just know they will have to be balanced out. Free power leads to nothing after all~" She leaned back and tickled Tearwyn gently before saying.

"I like at least a bit of challenge anyway. Nothin' worth doing is ever easy" Neo said with a shrug as she stood up.

"I can agree with that sentiment" Raven added.

"Yes, that would be boring. And while I am the only non-Goddess here and I am a bit envious, it honestly just makes me want to work harder" Artoria nodded her head and said.

"And that's why I chose you little Artoria~. Is there anything anyone of you wants to ask me~?" Lilith smiled and replied.

"I believe I'm fine for now. I have to plant this fruit in a suitable place" Raven responded, holding the black fruit.

"Hm... I got an idea. Though it's more for Tearwyn. Can I get somethin' to tether souls here? Make a little Valkyrie squad of Kitsune to protect Tearwyn and do stuff for her?" Neo asked, rubbing her chin.

"I am surprised your 'other half' is being so shy, Raven~" Lilith motioned for Raven to do her thing as she responded.

That's when Neo felt the essence of pure, unadulterated Pride emerge. Though she looked exactly like Raven, she was draped in tight fitting living darkness that resembled a dress that Neo screenshotted with her system, receiving a wink from the entity as a response.

She then nodded towards Neo and snapped her fingers, "Naturally. Anything for my little kit Tearwyn~~~"

Neo checked Pride out with a smirk before looking at the variety of skills she could now access relating to the dimension.

"How nice to meet you, Patron Goddess" Pride greeted with a calm smile.

"Nice to see you again, Pride~ I was wondering where you ended up after that last fiasco" Lilith smiled back and said.

Pride gave her a knowing smile and chuckled.

"Well it was a long time. They saw fit to seal me when they failed to kill me. Ah but we can talk more in person and more.. intimately later if you want? Raven has no idea yet. Not much use telling her at this stage. Still a lot of growing to do before it's relevant" Pride explained while Raven furrowed her brows and shot her a look.

"Of course~ Sorry Raven. But it seems you're not quite ready for these spoilers~" Lilith nodded her head and said.

"Hm.. That's fine. I trust I'll be informed later on?" Raven asked, seeing Pride nod with a small smirk.

"You're in for a lovely ride, my dear Pride. Who could have seen you becoming my daughter~? Truly, what a surprise~" Looking back at Pride with a sly grin she said.

Pride simply chuckled and shrugged to herself before Neo asked another question. Raven herself started to look for a viable area to place the fruit.

"Ya know, I have another girl in mind who could join us. Muscular sexy Owl Saiyan girl. Guess you know her, Mo-Lilith?" Neo asked, though it was evident the 'mistake' was on purpose.

Neo simply blinked her eyes before she found herself sitting on one of Lilith's tails while another gently pat her head.

With a smile the somehow was both motherly and enticing she said, "Mother or Mommy is fine with me, Neo~ And yes, I know of the little chaos sprout 'Muun'~" Neo found it oddly comforting and exciting at the same time.

"Hoh? Kimblee might be interested in her then. Guy is Chaos itself. Literally" Pride added, seeing Salem nod in agreement.

"Pretty sure she'd be interested in joining our Patheon then. She's not the kinda girl to settle. Especially if she has a higher scope of power to reach" Neo said, relaxing while being swaddled by Lilith's tails.

"Sure, I can see her getting along with little Artoria. They could drive each other forward~" Humming softly while nodding her head she said.

Suddenly, Artoria appeared across from Neo and started to receive the same treatment. Showing a motherly smile at Artoria, Lilith said, "You need only ask, little Artoria. We are family, no need to hold back"

"Hehehe! Were ya jealous? It does feel nice, doesn't it?" Neo teased, sighing in contentment.

Tearwyn giggled and made her way over to Artoria's lap, while Artoria smiled and snuggled with her. Neo then snapped her fingers.

"I'll have to make a list for stuff I need to do later. I'd hate for Mumei to arrive and I'd still be this level. I'll have to kill off the guys in Soul Eater and pick up my Raven, Pyrrha and Neopolitan along with Shizuka. Then I'll go somewhere to learn something.. Ki related" Neo mused aloud, grinning as she thought of the future.

All the while, a giant black tree sprouted farther away from them. Its leaves copying the Sakura petals from Tearwyn's influence. The bark was black and radiated the sams energy as the black water from Artoria's influence. Finally, it was heavily saturated with magic, from Neo's influence. It stood majestically above the trees around it, like a landmark.

"Impressive.." Neo muttered, feeling Raven's influence from the tree, emanating the essence of Sin.

"Now that is a tree. It feels awesome" Artoria let out a whistle when she saw the massive tree and said.

Lilith nodded her head and said, "Indeed, make sure to take good care of it, my little kit~ It'll not only greatly help your sister ascend when the time is right, but all of you in some way"

"You can count on my Big Sister Lilith!" Tearwyn, who was still getting snuggled lightly by Artoria, said.

Pride looked at the tree, which was slowly sprouting fruits and let a small smile reach her face. Lilith lightly snapped her fingers and suddenly Raven was standing near all of them again. Blinking and seeing she was near them all once again, Raven looked at Lilith and listened.

"Now, a final word before I leave. I will not interfere with any of your lives, or fights for the most part~. I may stop by from time to time, or if you call out to me. As I said, we are family. I take that very seriously" She put down both Artoria and Neo as she said.

Making sure everyone was paying attention to her she then continued, "That being said, I will not step in and save your life. You are your own entities, and can not be coddled by me. However, I WILL prevent anyone from unfairly killing you instantly with no chance to at least attempt a struggle"

Stopping to let her words sink in for a few moments she continued once again, "Two gods had already tried to do just that. One from each side~ Raven already killed one of them. Well, he was foolish and trusted the Dark Brother god~"

Finally she smiled and said, "If I believe you have a chance at survival, I will not step in. You have to live with the consequences of your actions. Both good and bad~ Any questions, my daughters~?"

"Do you care if I kill a good few of these Gods? I've come to realize.. They won't simply leave me be after killing those two. I have to improve. If nothing else than to protect my family. I want them to become stronger too, so any suggestions on how to make that happen is appreciated" Raven asked before looking around at them.

"No, not at all. You could wipe out all life in the true omniverse if you really wanted too and I would be fine with it, my daughter~As for a tip for strength...." A warm smile with a hint of sadistic glee in it appeared on Lilith's face as she said.

"Trust in Pride, and the power she and the others have. You're stronger than you think, and the avenues you have open to you are many" Leaning forward and resting her chin on her right fist she said.

Leaning back she added, "And if you ever feel like you need a power up, simply ask me. I will give you a trial of sorts. They won't be easy, but if you truly need power and have no other way, look to me~"

Raven nodded appreciatively as Pride wrapped her arm around her waist and whispered in her ear.

"I do have a method. Let's talk about it after you get your family back to Remnant" Pride explained before sinking back into Raven's body.

"Now, any more questions before I leave?" Clapping her hands and smiling at everyone she asked.

"Not from me. I'll try to be fun to watch though. Later, Momma Lilith" Neo winked with a small grin.

"Be careful my little Neo. This Mommy knows how to play, and push all the right buttons on naughty little kits~" Lilith winked at Neo and with some extra sultriness added to her voice she replied.

They all heard an audible nasal inhale from Neo as she smiled in response. It kind of seemed like she was into it.

~It's like you WANT me to try.. I'm only tempted to do it even more~ Neo thought while hearing Raven snort in amusement.

"Okay, now I really must be going. My BFF is waiting for me~ We have some people to terrorize in a Harry Potter universe after all~ Goodbye, my Daughters" Lilith smiled knowingly at Raven before she said.

With that, she shattered into hundreds of purple butterflies while the hole in reality finally closed.

"..Eh? She's trolling in Harry Potter? Sounds fun.. Well I'm going down a layer in this dimension. I brought Blake and Arturia with me. Blake wanted to make a library and Arturia wanted to make a teleportation device to beat Excalibur's ass" Neo said, smirking at the last part.

"I'm not sure I get the last part but feel free to call if you need something. I'll be moving my family back to Remnant" Raven added.

Suddenly, Tearwyn was giggling as Artoria started to tickle her. After a few moments Artoria said, "Well. That was not something I was expecting. Told you we were family Tearwyn! And now, we even have sisters!"

"I got an upgrade from friend" Neo smiled, patting Tearwyn's head with her white, vanilla scented tails.

"Mn. I've never had siblings so this should be.. interesting" Raven added, patting Tearwyn on the head.

"I'll still hang out with you Neo! But Raven and Artoria, if you want to hang out you'll need to ask Big Sister Lilith to help me bend Divine Law again to send an avatar to your side" Tearwyn giggled with excitement and glee at the head pats before she said.

Artoria nodded her head and said, "I'll ask L-... err, Mother about that. But I don't know if I could focus on anything but you if you came with me Tearwyn..."

Neo almost gushed at her admittance. It was even cuter considering who those words came from.

"That's fine! We can always just talk then~" Tearwyn giggled and gave Artoria a head pat and said.

"You're always welcome with me, Tearwyn! Now.. to join Arturia in beating Excalibur with a bat.." Neo chuckled darkly as she moved from layer to layer of that dimension.

Once she arrived, she saw her Arturia. She had evolved in appearance, though it wasn't what she expected. She was in a bunny suit. Beating Excalibur with a bat as he hung from a tree by his feet. Hearing his exaggerated yells and the sexy bunny girl, Neo decided that was more than enough incentive to join in on the fun.

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