90.9% Hp: The Outcast / Chapter 89: Ch.91 It starts with us

บท 89: Ch.91 It starts with us

Hey guys,

This is the last chapter with all the singing and everything. All of the side quests are sorted and now we'll purely be focusing on the plot. I'm sorry that it took this much time. But it did made all the character seem well rounded. Another thing… this is a big chapter from my stand point so take your time with it. And lastly bye. From 92 We're back in Hogwarts.


Today was the last and final stop of the tour for Jon and it was back in his home England. The show was being held in the Southern East of the country, in one of the largest halls of the British wizarding world. The Le Fay Hall. The grand structure was used to house theatre performances and operas along with musicians and today it was just the same yet the entire structure could feel that it wasn't just that.

The show was going to start in around an hour or so and the Hall was starting to get filled with the attendees of the show. Inside the green room, the band was getting ready for their performance. Everyone was happy with their show so far. At first they were a little daunted by Jon and his way of work or lack their of. But now they too have come to enjoy it.

While the others were getting their makeup and hair done two of the band members were bickering with each other like brothers and it was quite funny to see actually.

"Would you just drop it?" Jon asked as he closed his eyes for the artist to do her job.

"Hey I didn't say anything to you." Ed replied with a uncaring smug smile plastered on his face

"That's exactly what I'm talking about… Ugh, I'm sorry that I didn't quite fully get what you were trying to say and I'm sorry if you felt like that a little unfair but I can't help it if I understood the way I did when she…" Jon stopped in the middle and opened his left eye and saw that Ed was staring directly at him

"Say it… when she what?" Jon looked and found that even the makeup artist had stopped and was looking at him and He said, "That's an exaggeration… look even though I didn't understood it from you. The main thing is that I did and you helped a lot so can you just please for the love of Merlin and everything that's magical just drop it?"

"Fine…" Ed calmly said and Jon finally breathed easy but not before he noticed a crooked smile on Ed's face as he bursted into laugh and Jon said, "Unbelievable… what are you 12?"

"Exactly… how did you not see it?" Ed said in between laughs 

"Maybe because I care too much about what you think…" Jon said his piece and closed his eyes in a huff.

"Oh… I'm sorry." Ed apologised and Jon said, "Don't talk to me right now." Ed chuckled and held in his laugh and waited for Jon's make up to be done.

Jon was sitting on the couch by him and tuning his guitar and Ed walked up to him and Jon said, "Not talking to you."

"Awe, come on… it was just a little joshing around among friends." Ed sat down next to him but Jon didn't pay attention to him and continued what he was doing.

"Now that you gotten your 'lesson' and all. What do you intend to do?" Ed asked and looked at Jon waiting for his answer but the answer didn't came and he just continued on with tuning "Well, whatever you do… don't worry. I'll be there with you."

All of them were hanging around and waiting for their part to start and then a sudden knock was heard on the door and it was a little odd as there was still 10 or so minutes still left before they had to go out. The door opened and a man walked in with a woman and a girl. It was Florian and his family but Daphne wasn't there with them.

Ed got up and went to greet them while Jon just kept looking at the door. "She's not here." Jon looked to his side and found Bella. Jon scooted over and she sat down. Jon was just quite it was odd for Bella to see him such "Nothing to say? Not even a hello?"

Jon chuckled softly and was about to say it but he was stopped by Bella's words, "She's a little hurt" Jon started blankly at her "Is she okay?"

Bella shrugged a little and said, "She's doing better… I mean any one would be hurt after what happened."

Jon looked at her and asked "You know?"

She nodded and said, "But he doesn't so don't worry…"

"I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be… I mean you were literally ambushed by those two. Anyone would be surprised and confused."

Jon looked at her astonished and she said, "But you shouldn't have ran like that… it was irresponsible of you." Jon nodded

She looked at him and smiled, "How was your trip… I heard it was very amazing."

Jon chuckled softly and looked at her, "I… It was really amazing, the food, the people. New culture and arts it was just phenomenal."

"Well, I'm glad you had fun… even if you got into some trouble."

"That wasn't my fault I was jumped by a hobo."

They talked a little before Jon had to go out on to the stage. When they were called to be up. Jon was about to walk past Florian and he felt awkward and didn't know what to say to him. Florian stopped him and Jon turned around and said, "Good luck…"

Jon simply smiled and went onto the stage.


Back at the Greengrass manor the three friends as usual were present together to watch the final show of Jon. It had become a tradition at this point to gather at Daphne's house to watch the show. 

"When will the documentary come out?" Victoria asked Daphne 

"Soon I think… probably before we go to school. I'm excited to see what he got up to."

"You mean if he got chummy with some other girls in his spare time?" Tracey asked with a smirk.

"Well, that and yes." Victoria nodded

"Oh it's on he is here." Daphne shushed them and watched 

Jon came out on to the stage wearing a powder blue long sleeve t-shirt with a black jeans and white Jordans. As soon as he made his entrance the crowd cheered for him and he smiled and laughed tried to hold it back. He seemed like he wanted to say something.

He bowed a little to the audience and took in a deep breath and said "Ah… it's good to be home." the people cheered and he chuckled. 

"Why didn't we go to the show?" Tracey asked

Daphne annoyingly said "Cause… shut up."

He walked a little forward and said, "Ah, I can't tell how it feels to be here in front of all of you. It feels like a dream honestly and it couldn't have been possible without you and I am humbled by all the love and support that all of you have showed me honestly." 

The crowd chanted his name and he nodded and looked serious for a little bit and said, "But there are so many more people that I need to thank, There is Florian Greengrass my benefactor, he gave me the chance and guided me to the right path, there is Ed my manager, my friend and I'm quite sure he feels the same when I say a brother." He looked at him and the light came on to Ed and he looked at him and he laughed and waved his hands.

"There there are the people of the band Sally, Frey, Keith and Bobby thank you. All the other people involved in the show and more." He then walked forward and then said, "But that's still not enough, I need to thank my friends, they were the reason I am here and I see that one of them is here…" He smiled and pointed at the front row and it was Ted "Hope you didn't got into too much trouble because of me." Ted shook his head and mouthed 'Not a problem.' "And I know that I'm just going on and on about this but I feel like I'll not get another chance like this to say something that I wanted to say. So this first song goes out to the special people who I hope are listening."

He walked back to the stand and the lights dimmed and then suddenly the piano started playing and halls ceiling turned into a night sky showing a beautiful symphony of stars and auroras. A sweet melody like liquid nectar was filled in the air.

🎵🎶"'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars" 🎵🎶

The spot light came on and Jon stood in the middle on his knees singing

🎵🎶"I'm gonna give you my heart 

'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars 

'Cause you light up the path"🎵🎶

"Oh damn… we should have been there." Tracey said looking amazed by Jon.

"Shhhh!!!!!" Both Victoria and Daphne adamantly said to Tracey

🎵🎶I don't care, go on and tear me apart 

I don't care if you do, ooh-ooh, ooh 

'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars 

I think I saw you🎵🎶

🎵🎶'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars 

I wanna die in your arms, oh, oh-oh 

'Cause you get lighter the more it gets dark 

I'm gonna give you my heart, oh🎵🎶

🎵🎶I don't care, go on and tear me apart 

I don't care if you do, ooh-ooh, ooh 

'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars 

I think I see you 

I think I see you🎵🎶

🎵🎶'Cause you're a sky, you're a sky full of stars 

Such a heavenly view 

You're such a heavenly view 

Yeah, yeah, yeah, ooh🎵🎶

"Wow that was good…" Tracey said baffled and then she looked and found that both of them were gone and she took in a deep breath and said, "It's okay… at least all this drama would be over today." Tracey then continued to watch the show like everyone else.

As the show was about to end the crowd started to chant where is our song. Jon was drinking water and said, "What do you mean I just gave you one at the start." But they still didn't stop and Jon said, "Okay… I'll give you one. But It's not that good… for me."

The crowd got a little depressed and then Jon walked back to Ed and they talked and Ed really didn't want to do this one but Jon did.

Soon a distortion of signal was heard, the people thought that it was just equipment noise. Then a slow and somber sounding guitar came in then bass and they realised that this was the song. The ceiling and the lights turned more somber and then drums joined in when Jon started singing.

🎵🎶 See the man who stands upon the hill 

He dreams of all the battles won 

But fate had left its scars upon his face 

With all the damage they had done

And so tired with age, he turns the page 

Let the flesh submit itself to gravity🎵🎶

🎵🎶Let our bodies lay, mark our hearts with shame 

Let our blood in vain, you find God in pain 

Now, if your convictions were a passing phase 

May your ashes feed the river in the morning rays 

And as the vermin crawls, we lay in the foundations of decay🎵🎶

When the first verse completed it made all the people who were there and who were singing know what this song was about. Who it was about. They all wondered if the man was listening to this young boy's song. And funnily enough he was and so was all of his teachers.

🎵🎶He was there the day the towers fell 

And so he wandered down the road 

And we would all build towers of our own 

Only to watch the roots corrode

But it's much too late, you're in the race 

So we'll press and press 'til you can't take it anymore🎵🎶

The music was cathartic and full of Hopelessness and Despair yet there was this defiance in it. To not be stopped to continue. And Despite all of its hopelessness themes the people inside the hall were having a hell of a time enjoying it with full hearts. Whatever you say about the British muggle or otherwise they are defiant to the end. 

🎵🎶Let our bodies lay, mark our hearts with shame 

Let our blood in vain, you find God in pain 

And if, by his own hand, his spirit flies 

Take his body as a relic to be canonized 

Now, and so he gets to die a saint 

But she will always be a 

Against faith (cage all the animals) 

Against all odds ('cause the message must be pure) 

Against change (you can wander through the ruins) 

We are free (but the poison is the cure)🎵🎶

The people of the hall and some alone at the home got up and just didn't know how to let out all these emotions and excitement. 

🎵🎶You must fix your heart 

And you must build an altar where it swells 

When the storm, it gains and the sky, it rains 

Let it flood, let it flood, let it wash away 

And as you stumble through your last crusade 

Will you welcome your extinction in the morning rays? 

And as the swarm it calls, we lay in the foundations.

Yes, it comforts me much more 

Yes, it comforts me much more 

To lay in the foundations of decay

Get! Up! Coward!🎵🎶


The show ended and they all made their way back stage and all of them had plans to go the after party but not Jon. He just wanted to go home. He was walking back stage and he saw Florian at the gate and Jon didn't know what to say and neither did Florian so he just looked at him and said, "I'm proud of you… you did great." Jon just looked at him and nodded. "Thank you." Florian Smiled.

Jon got home using the gate spell as he didn't want to get caught up with the reporters and such. He directly opened a portal to his bed room and he walked through it and he found Victoria and Daphne there. Both of them looked at him and got up from his bed.

He looked at them with sideways and asked, "You two aren't here to ambush me again are you?"

Victoria scoffed and chuckled, "No… we are here to apologise… I guess for our behaviour and all. We both got carried away and it made a mess."

Jon pursed his lips and said, "Yeah, well I'm sorry as well. That I did the same thing again."

"We get it… you were scared, we were… are still scared as well." Daphne said as she looked at him

Jon then walked to the chair at his desk side and pulled it out and sat down, "I'm a coward, I've always have been… but I do hide it well. I was scared the first time I came here, I was scared when I was sorted in Slytherin, I was scared when I found out you two liked me… especially then… because when you let a person get close to you. You get attached to them, you get used to them and when they leave you it hurts and it's scary. And I don't want to lose the two of you…"

"We won't." Daphne said as she moved closer and "Yeah…" Victoria did so to

"We don't know that and that the point…" Jon said

"So you are never going to"

"No, I am… specially because of what I learned when I was away." Both Victoria and Daphne were confused.

"Life is short and mine is short and dangerous… I don't know what will happen to me." Both of them didn't want him to say such thing but they needed to hear him completely. They walked a little bit more closer to him.

"So this is what I want to do." Jon got up and held their hands and kissed them both on their cheeks. They both looked a little confused and he said, "So if you two will have me… I would like to be yours, for however long I can."

They looked at each other and said, "So like you'll date both of us?"

He nodded and said, "Well, yes. Is you don" They didn't even let him finish, both of them jumped on him filled with glee. 

Victoria and Daphne kissed him on the cheeks and said, "We accept."

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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