While I was getting sent into the other timeline, I was flying through a weird transparent tunnel, and when I looked outside of the tunnel I could see different scenes happening, from Gohan managing to defeat Cell, all the way to SSG Kakarot fighting Beerus.
Sage-'I must be seeing different events that happened in that timeline, I must be getting close then.'
As I watched events play out at different points in time through the tunnel, I was suddenly sucked forward before getting shot out of that weird tunnel. Catching myself in mid-air before I crash to the ground, I was about to find out where I was spat out from when I sensed a powerful ki near me, but before I could even turn my head in the direction where I sensed the ki, I was suddenly attacked from behind and I barely managed to dodge out of the way, quickly backing away to gain some distance from the attacker, I stopped and turned around, and when I laid my eyes on the attacker I was surprised.
Majin Frieza-"Hohoho, would you look at that another monkey suddenly appearing out of nowhere, with this, I'll be able to finally eradicate your entire species!"
I didn't bother with his stupid speech because I had a more pressing matter, the first was Frieza had been turned into a Majin, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out who did it. The second reason and the main reason why I'm surprised, is that Frieza is currently in his golden form.
Sage-'WAIT! If Golden Frieza is here does that mean-'
I didn't bother finishing my sentence and immediately started scanning the place, and when I looked over to my right I finally noticed the two people I didn't wish to see right now, Beerus and Whis, and worst of all they seemed quite interested in me.
Sage-'DAMMIT! What the hell was I thinking when I said that to ultimate Shenron!? Why didn't I specify the time a little more!? Now the worst situation has appeared, not only have I been targeted by a god of destruction that I currently can't beat yet, but also a stupid FUCKING angel! And that's not even the worst part, an angel can't interfere with mortal affairs, so I'm not too worried about him, no, what I'm angry about is since golden Frieza is here that means the universe 7 & 6 tournaments will take place soon, which means I won't be able to get the SUPER DRAGON BALLS!'
While I was lost in my own thoughts I heard two familiar voices come from behind, yet I couldn't sense their ki.
Goku-"Is that another Saiyan friend of your's Vegeta?"
Vegeta-"Tsk, no, I've never seen that Saiyan before, and I'm sure I would've remembered if I ever came across a Saiyan as unique as he is."
Goku-"Well let's ask for his help against Frieza, even when both of us team up together we still can't take Frieza down."
Vegeta-"Hmph, Fine."
When I heard them arrive close to me, I turned around and notice that it was indeed Kakarot and Vegeta, yet both of their hair was blue and I couldn't sense their ki, they weren't in the best condition but they could still fight, and before they could speak to me Frieza intervened.
Frieza-"Hoho, perfect, with all three of you monkeys together you've made killing you easier for me."
Once he finished talking with his stupid voice, he raised his hand above him and charged up a supernova attack, seeing Frieza's attack, both Kakarot and Vegeta powered back up and were about to charge up their own attack but I stopped them before they could.
Sage-"Don't bother attacking, Frieza's my opponent now. I'm quite angry and I need to beat someone up to release my anger."
Vegeta-"What do you mean don't attack! Get out the way you weak-"
I had an idea what Vegeta was going to say, but he stopped mid-sentence when I took off my bracers that were sealing away most of my strength.
Frieza-"Did you think showing your strength would win you this fight monkey? If so take this, Supernova!"
Although he was right about that, just unsealing my power wouldn't allow me to defeat him as he was still several times more powerful than me.
Sage-'But who said this was my full power?'
Smirking in an almost cynical way, I walk forward right in front of Kakarot and Vegeta who were about to release their attack, but they took longer to charge up as they were slightly shocked at my strength, and this allowed me to intercept the attack first.
Frieza-"Hoho, look at that, he was so eager to die that he-"
Sage-"What were you going to say space lizard?"
Although I couldn't see his reaction as I was blocking his attack with one hand after activating Ikari, he probably wasn't feeling too happy as he stopped talking midway through. Tightening my grip on the ball of destruction, I chuck it right back at him, with even more force than when I received it. When he saw his attack coming right back at him, of course, he didn't try to dodge with how arrogant he was, but that was a mistake on his part as when he tried blocking the attack he was sent flying to outer space, and the attack only exploded once he left the atmosphere.
Goku-"Hey Vegeta, did he just take care of the same Frieza we were having trouble with?"
Vegeta-"Tsk, we would've beat Frieza eventually."
Looking up at the sky, waiting for Frieza to come down, I suddenly tilt my head to the side and see a small golden arm appear right where my head used to be. Grabbing his arm, I elbow him in the stomach before throwing him over my shoulder and dropping his back on my knee, and I'm pretty sure I was close to breaking his spine. Throwing him in the distance I wait for him to get up and while he's in the process of getting up, he spits out blood before yelling hysterically.
Frieza-"IT CAN'T BE!! There is no way a stupid monkey is stronger than me, FRIEZA, not after I've trained for months."
Once he finished with his dumb monologue, he fully powered up and charged straight at me, and that put a happy smile on my face as I'm quite pissed at knowing I'll have to wait till the tournament of power is over to be able to use the Super Dragon Balls, and even then I'll have to wait another year.
Goku-"He was still holding back when he fought with us."
Sage-"Hahaha, I love your energy Frieza, you better still have the same energy when I'm ripping apart your body!"
yolo howdy yall I'm back! :)
Thxs for any feedback :)
Also I've made some updates in the auxiliary chapter that you should probably look at, such as new multipliers for the go forms as well as other stuff!