Not connected to the main story...
Draco and Zara were on their way to the great hall as Zara was hungry she wanted to eat lunch as soon as possible.
Suddenly a woman appeared in front of them and grabbed their hands and teleported them to another place.
ZARA: What the hell!!!
DRACO: What the heck!!!
(Both said at the same time)
INTERVIEWER: Hey, calm down both of you both are here for an interview of mine.
ZARA: I don't care and I want to eat. I'm hella hungry.
DRACO: What!! Interviewer as in Rita Skeeter(Zara gave a 'seriously' look )
INTERVIEWER: Yes but I'm not the Skeeter who writes twisted stories. And Zara here has some Lollipop
ZARA: Lollipop. (She was confused and is it she just loved....)
DRACO: What now!!
INTERVIEWER: I will ask you some questions, you got to answer
ZARA: Hmm...
DRACO: Ok. Shoot out your questions.
INTERVIEWER: Ok, How you both are Veela
(Draco and Zara exchanged glances.)
DRACO: Oh. That's nothing
ZARA:It is related to the epic love story of our Grandparents
ZARA: Our family and our ancestor are gifted with both gifts as well as curses.
DRACO: There are many gifts and curses but if we talk about gifts we are blessed with an excellent potion skill and singing is in our blood you see.
INTERVIEWER: How come it is connected to the fact you are a Veela?
DRACO: Hear the full story...
ZARA: Our grandmother was pure veela who studied in Ilvermorny, While our grandfather was in the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Both are pure blood and they met at a party, you know we celebrate a lot of parties on that occasion this occasion. Well onto the story as they both met my grandfather fell for her but grandma just ignored and that didn't stop my grandpa from pursuing her. I think it was a Christmas ball and my grandpa pursued her with his song he played the piano and this was the gift I was talking about.
For the good and bad things which were done by our ancestors we were gifted and cursed once in a generation, one of the heirs of our family line gets cursed and the gifts are in our blood. One of the gifts is we can make any get swayed by the music we control them through our music and sometimes we express our feelings in the song which hits different, That's how with honest Love and Care he played that song dedicated to her which caught our grandma's attention and both started communicating with letters and the parents of my grandpa and grandma did not oppose it since both were purebloods. After a year or two, they married and had a son named Lucious Malfoy our father.
INTERVIEWER: So your father is also a half veela??
ZARA: Then how do you think my mom agreed to marry a man like him?
(An odd silence followed by the laughter of three people.)
INTERVIEWER: Ok, Today's interview was interesting. It's time all ready for you guys to get going.
(She snapped her and Zara and Draco appeared in the hallways again.)
ZARA: That was weird
DRACO: Indeed.
Some are confused about how the Malfoys are Vellas and it's fiction anything is possible and the starting age of Magical school is 13, not 11. Just too spice up. and this chapter is about their background info not connected to the story. A side story.
Hope you all like it
Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know.
~Your Author
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