94.05% Mine (Bakugo x Reader) / Chapter 95: Chapter Ninety Six

บท 95: Chapter Ninety Six

Four burly guards boxed you in as you were forcefully guided through the echoing, dimly lit cell block, lewd comments bounced off the brick walls as you were ushered into an ominous, vacant cell 'C4' was painted above. The door slammed shut behind you with a chilling finality. You swallowed the lump in your throat as your hand finds its way to your neck, the metal collar caused you to squeeze your eyes shut, fighting back the flood of harrowing memories.

"Hmph." A victorious sneer was pressed into Officer Maeda's face as he gave a dismissive nod to the officers standing behind him. Slowly you turned on your heel, facing the barred door of your new cell as Officer Maeda crammed his hands into his pockets, leaning back his eyes coldly stared you down.

"You wanna take a picture or something?" You cocked your head to the side.

Officer Maeda chuckled, taking a step closer to the door. "You'll have to forgive me Five, this...this is a beautiful-"

"I do look good in this-" You gestured to the reddish-orange jumpsuit. "-it brings out my eyes."

"You can joke all you want Five." Officer Maeda smeared your name. "But you're not getting out of this one. You can try to call upon one of those stolen quirks of yours, but you'll quickly find that collar around your neck was designed especially for you."

"Aw." Your tone sour, "You've been thinking about me."

"Tch." Officer Maeda glared, gripping the bars with his hands. "Always with the jokes, aren't you!"

"Pretty much." You shrug.

"You won't be for long." Officer Maeda snickered, "It doesn't matter what you do, or who you kill. You'll never set foot in solitary while inside this jail."

"Oh-" You reply, placing your hands in your pockets. "-cashing in all your favors on me now?"

"I'm not-!"

"You never did answer Shiro." You cut him off.

Officer Maeda scowled, waiting for you to continue. You smirked, taking a step closer to the bars.

"Why do you have such a hard on for my team?" You questioned with a sweetened grin, causing Officer Maeda's blood to boil.

"You're going to die in here." Officer Maeda seethes, you leaned closer.

"We'll see." You shrug, spinning on your heels turning to face your new home.

"Don't turn your back to me inmate!" Officer Maeda barked, "Get back here!"


"Nah!?" Officer Maeda gritted his teeth, feeling the eyes of your cell mates watching. "Get over here until I am done speaking to you!"

"Or what?" You glanced over your shoulder. "You'll arrest me?" You laughed, "That was your only move One Trick Wonder, go find some new lines and then we'll talk."

"Stupid bitch." Officer Maeda hissed, stomping away from your cell.

The moment he was out of sight, you sighed, dropping your shoulders you looked around the poorly lit space.

"Well..." You pulled your lips together, looking at the sink and toilet, the mattress was on the ground and the mirror had been removed from the wall. "...it's bigger than my last cell."


You sat on your bed, the thin blanket and lump pillow folded in the corner as you leaned against the wall, staring up into the ceiling counting the chips in the paint. Your eyes glanced through the bars, tuning out the callous comments echoing from the cells across the desolate hall, your hand grazed over the metal around your neck.

You closed your eyes; your last memory of Katsuki was stained behind your eyes. The look of distrust and disbelief on his face with the sound of the handcuffs twisted your stomach, all you wanted to do was to talk to him, explain yourself and your actions. You leaned forward feeling the tightness in your throat, it's been five days...and no one has come.

No Aizawa...No Toshi...you leaned your head against the wall, no Katsuki.

You smiled as you began to recount the chips in the paint, when you were taken by Shooter, you promised yourself you'd never feel this desolate feeling ever again, and yet...here you sat once again, feeling alone in the world.

You knew Shiro and Gray were close, probably a few floors above you. You glanced at the five tally marks beside your head, you had a feeling you would either run out of room to place those or wouldn't get the chance to use up all the space. You pulled your lips together, you missed your brothers, it didn't matter how many times you asked a guard to see them, you were always met with silence. The guards always remained silent, whether it be about the under-the-table deals, or the illegal contraband trade going on behind closed doors.

It wasn't until lunch the next day when you were allowed to step out of your cell. You were led to a bleak lunchroom; you felt the eyes instantly lock onto you as you got your tray and sat down. It was only seconds before a group ganged up on you—this was when you realized Officer Maeda was true to his words—no guard moved to break up any fight you found yourself in every time you took a step out of your cell.

You wondered if Shiro and Gray were having the same issues.

You were quick in getting your tray of what they classified as food and sat down and began eating, not knowing when you'll be jumped next had you on edge, your muscles tensed until they ached—Katsuki's warm hands rubbing along your stiff shoulder would be heaven right now—you blinked away the daydream, staring at the tray consisting of a carton of milk, an soft apple and a brown slop. As you scooped up the mysterious substance into your spoon, you could see the grease separating, trying to make a run for it. To choke it down you rotated bites of the apple and sips of milk.

You froze feeling someone taking a seat across from you, setting down their tray. Your eyes flicker up to the figure—a striking woman with vibrant red hair and two rosy circles on her cheeks, resembling a natural blush—you narrowed your gaze on her sweetened smile.

"Making any friends?" She questions with an innocent tilt of her head, curls rolled off her shoulder.

"I'm not so good with those." You replied, leaning back setting down your plastic spoon.

"That's what I'm counting on." The redhead smile bleeds into a sinister sneer as she leans forward. "Do you remember who I am?"

"No-" You replied with a shrug. "-but I'm sure you're going to tell me."

"It's Poppi, and you're the little rat who put me in here." She sneered, "You flipped on Klowns operation to save your own skin, you separated me from him and for that Five, you're going to die in here-" She leaned forward, "-I'll make sure of it."

"Mm." You hummed with a nod, slowly you reached out, taking the red apple off her tray. She frowned, watching you in shock as you took a bite of it. "I'd like to see you try."

"I..." She blinked, shaking her head to clear the thoughts you abruptly stood, taking your nearly empty tray in your hands you sidestepped the table, pulled it back and slammed it against the side of her skull.

The redhead stumbled backwards, falling to the ground you dropped the blood-spattered tray on the floor. The cafeteria broke in a roar of commotion, you turned in time to duck the fist flying past your head, you gripped the limb, pulling your own arm back you slammed your elbow upward into the inmate's nose. They cried out, holding their face crumbling to the ground.

You ducked another strike, pushing the inmate by the chest towards the edge of the table, you kicked their leg against the bench, you could hear the crack of their bone. You turned before they dropped to the floor, taking another on coming villain by the shoulder, bending their torso down, you slammed your knee upward into their face, then threw them onto Poppi who was struggling to composure herself.

"That's enough!" The prison guards rushed over, pushing inmates back while two restrained you pulling you until your heels dragged on the floor, cursing the entire way back to your cell. You were thrown in, quickly you pulled your leg back before it was taken clean off by the door slamming shut. Your breathing was heavy, you wiped the blood from your busted lip not recalling when you were hit, glaring in the direction the two guards went, shocked they acted, it was probably because you were the one winning.

Your hardened gaze slowly cast over the five villains leaning on their bars, staring at you while stringing along promises of what they will do once they get their hands on you.

You plopped down on your bed, sweaty and your meal was sitting at the bottom of your stomach like cement. But you knew, if you were going to survive this, you had two options: cause enough trouble until they have no choice but to put you into solitary confinement, or make sure everyone in this damn cell block knew better than to fuck with you.


Lights out was hours ago, and everyone was expected to shut up and go to bed. Officer Maeda had to purposely put you in the level with everyone who had sleep insomnia. Between the ones who couldn't sleep and made sure no one else would, and the guards yelling at them to shut up, the inmates neighbored to you who couldn't help themselves but insult and threaten your life, and the guards doing to their PA system check every fifteen fucking minutes, you didn't know what sleep was.

Your head was throbbing, you had your arm over your burning eyes, thinking about what Katsuki was doing right now, what you would be doing with him right now if you hadn't been arrested.

Three light clangs caught your ear, you removed your arm, looking over to see a figure standing at your cell—fiddling with a set of keys—you jumped up. You had heard of inmates paying off guards to 'lose' their keys so they could get into other inmate's cells.

"Five?" A honey voice whispered, "It's ok." A female officer held her hands up defensively.

"What do you want?" You bite.

"Nothing." The guard promised, peaking over her shoulder. "I just thought while everyone is, well, mostly asleep, you could use a shower."

"Huh?" You tilt your head.

"The showers are closed-" The guard explained, "-and you look like you could use one."

"Is that an insult?" You questioned, you didn't have a mirror in your cell, and going to the showers with others was a death sentence.

"It's the truth." She weakly smiled, offering her hand out. "Officer Ami, but you can just call me Ami if you'd like."

"Ok..." You replied slowly, accepting her handshake. "...why are you doing this?"

"As you know, everyone and their whereabouts is always being recorded."

"I'm aware what living with a microscope up my ass feels like." You nod,

Ami giggles. "Then you'll understand how I know you haven't been to the showers since you got here."

"Really hard to go someplace where I'll be caught literally with my pants down." You countered, causing Ami to give out a full laugh, she covered her mouth to mask the sound.

"I knew you were known for your sarcasm, but I didn't realize how funny you were." Ami pointed out.

"I know you're not here for my stand up, so what are you really doing here?" You crossed your arms.

"To take you to the showers." Ami sweetly grins, "And that's it."


"Because Five...because you don't belong here." Sadness countered Ami's face. "I am so sorry you and your team are going through this."

You were skeptical but grabbed your change of clothing and followed her out of your cell anyway. Your shoulders were tense, unsure if this shred of kindness was an act to get you alone, or general.

"I can only swing ten minutes tonight." Ami turned once the two of you reached the door to the showers. "I will stand guard while you shower, ok?" Officer Ami hands you a shower caddy full of the essentials.

"Ok." You sharply nod, pushing open the door ready to walk into the dark room and see a group waiting. The lights flickered on once you stepped in, as the door stung shut your eyes scanned to the dozen showers, with only a thin wall separating each. You walked into the middle of the room, the soft sound of an empty room greeted you, slowly you closed your eyes enjoying the stillness until the drip of the shower head turned your head.

You walked over, turning the knob to the left the sound of rushing water invigorates you; the first drops are bitterly cold on your hand but slowly become warm. With another quick look around your surroundings you strip your clothing and step into the stream. The hot water cascading over your body immediately strips away a layer of fatigue. The steam from the shower adds to the cozy, almost cocoon-like atmosphere. For a sweet moment, you can feel yourself back in bed with Katsuki, wrapped in his sheets with his arms draped around you. Your heart aches as you open your eyes, quickly taking another look around as you begin to wash away five days of grime.

As fast as the therapeutic embrace wrapped around you, the quicker it left as you slipped on clean clothing. You wrapped the top half of your jumpsuit around your torso as you stepped out into the hall. Officer Ami was leaning against the wall, playing on her phone.

She glanced over, flashing a bright smile. "You look refreshed!"

"Yeah...I am." You nod, "Thanks."

"Of course!" She nods, "I'll try to bring you here every few days, ok?"

"I appreciate that." You replied, following her back to your cell, you noticed she wasn't tense around you. "I have to ask."

"Hm?" She glanced over.

"What is someone like you doing in a place like this?"

"I don't follow your question."

"You-Your so nice." You chuckled, "I wouldn't expect someone like you to want to work in a place like this."

"Well..." Ami sighed, "...I want to, which is why I do."

"Why?" You wondered, looking into her large doe eyes. "Why not work in a...kindergarten, with like rainbows and shit, I can see you doing that."

Ami threw her head back laughing. "You-You do not!"

"I really can." You smirked, "Being a guard here, why do it?"

"Well..." Ami breathed, "...I want to make sure every bad guy stays where they belong."

You furrowed your brows, not fully understanding the reasoning.

"My parents-" Ami continues after reading your face. "-they were killed by a villain who escaped this prison."

"Oh." You blinked, "I-I'm sorry."

"It's ok, it was a long time ago." Ami weakly smiles, recalling the faces of her beloved parents. "After they died, I wanted a job where I could help keep villains where they belong, so...here I am." Ami flashed a smile your way as your cell floor came into view.

"Tell me something." You say out of the blue, "You might not be able to, but are my brothers here?"

Ami pulled her lips into a thin line before taking a deep breath. "Yes."

"Are they alive?"

"Yes." Ami chuckled. "Ever since you three got here, we have had dozens of inmates in the infirmary. I don't think anything can take you three down."

"Ah-" You shrug, "-don't put all your money on us, look where we are."

"Yeah but..." Ami shakes her head, "...it's not right, and I'm not the only one."

"Could have fooled me." You muttered.

"What?" Ami blinked.

"No, it's just...with how most of your coworkers act-"

"Don't blame them." Ami sadly frowns, "Most of them do care, it's just...we aren't...we have too..."

"What?" You frowned seeing she wanted to spill something but couldn't. "You can tell me, it's not like I have anyone to go gossip with in my cell."

"We were strictly ordered." Ami whispered.

"To do what?"

"Nothing." Ami breathes, locking eyes as you stepped through the threshold into your home. She lightly closes and locks it. "I'll come back in a few days Five."

"(y.n)." You replied, Ami turned her head as she was about to walk off.


"You can call me (y.n), if you want." You shrug, holding a smirk as Ami did the same little happy dance on her toes Mina often did when excited.


Katsuki traces circles on your inner thigh causing you to inhale sharply as his fingers skim the outline of your panties. He traces two fingers along the length of your clothed clit.

"Stop~!" You giggled. "-someone might walk in!"

"So?" Katsuki raised an eyebrow, pressing down on your clit, shoving the fabric aside while sliding in two fingers, your knuckles turn white as you grip his sheets. Katsuki curls his two fingers up inside you while beginning to rub, you jolt when he finds that spot, causing your lips to part as you moan his name. Katsuki runs his thumb through your folds in rapid little circles—


You jolt upward, heart pounding as your foggy mind tries to jumpstart.

"Let's go!" The guard called as the cell door slid open.

"Wha-?" You blinked, rubbing your eye as you slowly stood, struggling to ignore the heat between your legs.

"I said move it inmate!" The guard places a hand on your back, shoving you forward causing you to stumble. You bit down on your jaw, trying to hold back the flood of insults, recalling what Ami had told you—the guards were being made to treat you harshly—this didn't stop your tense form as you stepped cautiously into a white room.

The bright light blinded you as the guard spun you around removing the cuffs from your feet but left the handcuffs before leaving the room. You were confused until the scrap of a chair moving turned your head, your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach. Toshi and Aizawa both stood from the table they were sitting at; while each wore tired smiles as you remained frozen in place.

"(y.n)." Toshi breathed out in relief, jogging over he engulfed you into a hug with tears in his eyes. Naomasa remained seated at the metal table as Aizawa followed Toshi. "Are you ok!?" Toshi panicked cupping your head, spotting the bruising on your face.

"Yeah." You pulled out of his grasp.

"It looks like you haven't slept since you got in here." Aizawa pointed out, seeing the dark bags under your eyes as he pulled you into a hug.

"I've been too busy making new friends." You casually replied.

"Mhm." Aizawa pulled away skeptically gazing down at you. "One of your new friends give you that?" He gestured to his own lip.

"Didn't think I'd be seeing you again." You ignored Aizawa, turning to Naomasa.

"What can I say?" Naomasa held his hands out as the three of you joined him at the table, you sat across from the men.

"You must be starving!" Toshi jumps, you could see the lightbulb flicker on his head. He pulled a yellow wrapped burger, offering it to you.

"Where did you pull that out of?" Aizawa wondered, sitting across from you.

"How did you get it past the guards?" Naomasa added. You didn't care about either answer, you took the mouthwatering burger with glee.

You couldn't stop your eyes from flickering around the room, wishing to see his blond hair, but the room was empty beside the four of you, and you had a feeling there wasn't anyone outside the room, tapping his feet waiting to get in.

"He couldn't come." Aizawa read your face. "We barely got in ourselves."

You nod, taking another bite of the cold burger refusing to make eye contact.

"You know Bakugo would be here if it was allowed." Aizawa added, you again, replied with a nod.

"But for real-" Toshi leaned forward. "-how are you doing?"

"I'm fine." You shrug.

"(y.n)-" Aizawa interjected.

"I'm as good as I can be." You cut him off, staring at the table as you do so. Slowly you look up, his eye still bandaged, guilt flashed through you. "How is the outside world?" You cleared your throat. "Is there flying cars yet?"

The two fathers chuckled.

"Everyone is fine." Toshi nods, looking to Aizawa. "These past few days all we have been doing is trying to get a pass to come here and see you!"

"How's the case looking for us?" You asked the bitter question, a silver of hope dangerously lingered inside you.

Aizawa and Toshi turned to Naomasa, who was left to handle the cast which your two fathers tackled getting a meeting with you.

"We-Well..." Naomasa cleared his throat. "...it's going..."

"It's been five days." Aizawa stated, "Where are we in this?"

"I-It's just that—we don't really—I-I-"

"Spit it out." Your deadpan tone caused Naomasa to pull at his shirt collar.

"We aren't anywhere."

"What the hell-!?" Toshi snapped around.

"How are we not anywhere closer to getting her out?" Aizawa leaned forward, having only one eye didn't lessen the glare he placed on Naomasa causing his sweating to increase.

"We don't have a lawyer!" Naomasa announced.

"So!?" Toshi threw his hands out, "Money isn't issue-"

"It isn't about the money..." Naomasa sighed, thumbing at the file in front of him.

"Then what is it about?" Aizawa questioned.

"No one wants to take the Bullets case." Naomasa admitted, "I have called everyone, I have begged, I have offered triple the amount they would have charged..." Naomasa exhaled, "...no one is taking the case."

"Well why not!?" Toshi slammed his fist on the table. "You haven't been trying hard enough!"

Your eyes slid over to Naomasa, who held darker circles under your eyes than you did, you frowned, he has been working around the clock. You felt the sliver of hope beginning to close.

"I'm not getting out of these-" Your gaze falls to your hands cuffed together. "-am I?"

"Of course, you are!" Toshi belts, turning to his friend. "It's just taking longer than we thought right!?"

"Toshi..." Naomasa slowly started but Toshi snapped his head away from his friend, cupping your hands with his, ignoring Naomasa's pleading gaze.

"How bad is it Naomasa?" Aizawa turned to the police officer, who sighed, slowly leaning forward he opened the file before him.

"The Bullets Five, Seven and Three were found off U.A. grounds without an assigned pro-hero present, they were discovered to have been removing their monitors, so the HPSC is putting those two bodies found on them. They broke probation in multiple ways, it-it's just a..."

"A losing case." You finished for him.

"I'm sorry Five." Naomasa lowered his head; you closed your eyes as his bitter words-soaked in. Toshi began bickering with Naomasa and Aizawa tried reeling him in.

"It's fine." You whispered, clearing your throat, you sat up licking your lips as you looked into Aizawa's eye. "Leave me in here."

"W-What?" The three men stopped in their tracks and slowly turned to you.

"We will do no such thing-!" Toshi started.

"But-" You ignored the blond. "-Shiro and Gray didn't have a choice, I made them come with me to the warehouse to retrieve the U.A. students."

"Why are you...?" Aizawa couldn't read your masked face, you nodded towards the camera in the corner of the room.

"Get those two out of here." You finished, rising to your feet you turned with a heavy heart knowing it was either you or them...you couldn't save all three of you this time.

"(y.n)!" Toshi and Aizawa quickly followed but you stopped, turning to face them.

"I am not a bad person." You stated, looking at the camera, "I am a damn good hero, and I don't deserve to be in here, but I have done things that...makes it ok for me to sit in here if that means Shiro and Gray can walk."

"Why did you do it!?" Toshi blurted out, "Why didn't you call us!?"

"I couldn't!" You snapped back, "There wasn't time! Those types of deals go fast, faster than it would have taken to get through all your protocols. By the time I got there, one U.A. kid was already sold off, I barely got them myself."

"(y.n) we can't let you sit in here." Aizawa says.

You sucked in a shallow breath, "When we were under Shooter, everyday felt like we were drowning, we couldn't save each other, and we took solace knowing we were drowning together, but this time...I'm going to do it alone."

You turned on the heel of your white shoe, walking to the door you entered from you knocked on it.

"(y.n)!" The two fathers tried to follow you.

"Leave-" You looked over your shoulder as the guard unlocked the door. "-and don't come back, I won't accept another visit."

"(y.n)!" Your fathers called, trying to get closer but the guard shouted at them to back up, pushing you past him for another guard to rechain your feet and connect them to your handcuffs.

The metal door slammed shut, you looked through the glass at the two staring at you both baffled. You swallowed the lump in your throat, turning away until the guard was ready to lead you back to your cell.

The walk back was slow, the entire time you kept rapidly blinking to keep the tears back. You didn't want them to waste their life fighting a losing battle, you licked your lips, it was better they moved on and forgot you ever returned to their lives.

"Why'd you do it?" A gruff voice pulled your attention off the floor.


"Those two seemed to be the only ones on your side still fighting for you." Your guard escorting you repeated his question without looking back. "Why pull a stupid stunt like that?"

You dropped your gaze. "I'm a lost cause-" You sniffed, "-better they don't waste their time and money on something like me, right?"

"Hm." The guard grunted, dropping the conversation as the two of you came up to your cell. You breathed out, feeling another regret rooting itself as you stepped into it, you wish you had told them you hadn't killed those two men, and you hadn't been slipping off U.A. grounds under the radar, you had been following your probation. You turned as the cell door slammed shut, the bars rattled in place...maybe...you faced the row cells lined across the hall, sliding your hands through the small door for the officer to unlock your handcuffs, the inmates realizing you had been returned, restarted their new favorite hobby: targeting the rat that put over half of them in here...maybe...this way is for the best.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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