4.54% Replacing Rimuru: A Multiverse story / Chapter 1: 1) Getting Reincarnated
Replacing Rimuru: A Multiverse story Replacing Rimuru: A Multiverse story original

Replacing Rimuru: A Multiverse story

นักเขียน: Akros_Zero

© WebNovel

บท 1: 1) Getting Reincarnated

(Author's Note: So yay! My new fanfic is out! Which is this one obviously! Anyway, if my old readers remember, then I have told you, guys, how my Marvel fanfic was actually an experiment for this fanfic, If you remember then I have stated that I wrote that one simply to improve my grammar and writing skills, but after getting your love and well construction criticism plus toxic comments I decided to continue, for those who loved it, for those who took their precious time to criticized and pointed out my mistakes, and to prove all those haters, hey man I don't give a f*ck about you! Just release a toxic comment or review and my existential Erasion power are ready to delete them, so yup enjoy!)


3rd Pov

"Sorry but you aren't eligible for this job Mister Raj", said the interviewer to Raj who on hearing his words sulked down, " Now please go out so the next candidate can come", he said and Raj simply left the room, then coming out of the building he looked at the sky with his hollow eyes.

It was evening and Sky was red, a deep hue that indicated the increased pollution level, walking down the stairs he came near the gate, walking straight came near the road, he put his hand in his pocket to take out the wallet and see how much rupees he has left.

"Where is my wallet?!", he exclaimed and started searching frantically, not finding it on him he started searching for it, he went back to the building where he had just given the interview but couldn't find it in the garden and when he tried to go inside the building the guards stopped him.

"Please let me in, I have lost my wallet it might be inside", he requested the guard who sighed and replied," Sorry Sir but you aren't allowed to go in now, please leave before I call my superiors", Raj gritted his teeth, he was already mentally unstable but still managed to calm himself and looking at the Guard with a pitiful look he said, "Please my wallet had all the money that I have".

The guard hesitated, and when he was about to say a person yelled," Hey what is happening?!", it was the same interviewer who interviewed Raj, coming near them he looked at the guard for an explanation, and without wasting any time the guard explained the whole situation.

After hearing it the Interviewer looked at Raj who was waiting with the expectation that he might help him but well reality is cruel," Get out!", he shouted looking at him angrily, Raj became a bit stun, but regaining his self he quickly said," But Sir my wallet might be there, it had all my money please-".


He slapped Raj on his cheek, then snorting he said," Firstly you came here with an untidy dress, in old clothes! Then with the marks that showed you barely passed you dared to come here?! The prerequisite for even getting the lower-paying Jobs here is 80%! Did you hear that?! And after all of these, you have the guts to create a scene here?!".

Raj silently took the mockings, he wanted to punch the interviewer's face and kick his balls, but he knew if he did that then things would only become serious, he clenched his fists and said," Sir please understand my situation, I just want to search for my wallet once I find it I will leave", he hoped that at least the interviewer will understand, the Company boasted equal right for workers and female safety so he thought they won't be that heartless.

Well, he was wrong," Guards! Throw him out", Raj couldn't comprehend the situation, where was the equality? Where are the rules?! Didn't the Company boast about equal rights?! They said they treated everyone with fairness, their workers were good people, and how they talked pleasantly and shit.

But what now? That's it he didn't care anymore about the consequences he had enough of this shit, he came near the interviewer looking at the man angrily, he was nearly half an inch shorter than him, glaring at the man who spouted," How dare you look me like that- Ahhhhhhh!", he fell down and clutched his crotch crying in pain.

The guard near them seeing this became pale, and taking out his stick he hit on Raj's head, who fell down and growled in pain, he continued heating him making him growl in pain, Raj was pretty thin and weak so despite all the confidence he had he couldn't fight against the guard. Soon the other guards came and threw him out.

The guard who beat him looked at him with pity and crouching near him he said," Son leave before that man calls the police", giving him a thankful look, Raj stood up and started running away, while the guard pretended to shout at him angrily," Get out before we call the police!". Passerbys gave a look to Raj and the guards then ignoring them they continued walking.


*Huff* *Huff*

Raj panted as he sat on the bench, he was in a park and finding an empty bench he sat on it, he decided to lay on it, then laying on it he panted lightly as he looked at the sky which was already dark," Damn it hurts", he said feeling the pain, there were red marks on his body it was from the beating he got.

He didn't feel angry with the guard for it after all he knew the severity of what he had just done and could have been arrested by the Police for that, even the guard let him escape easily, then laughing a bit he said," Equality? Huh? Just a shitty lie they spout, if you are rich you can do whatever and if you are poor then there is no equality for you, you will be treated like trash".

A bitter smile came on his face, looking at the sky he muttered," I miss you, Mama and Papa, I wished I had listened to you", tears fell from the corner of his eyes, then rubbing them off he said to himself," But hey! It isn't like everyone famous person hasn't experienced this kind of situation, you just need to keep working Raj, and eventually, you will become successful".

He thought positively, after all, he had nothing but positivity with him," Phew, I am tired I should take a small nap".


His name is Raj Jaiswal, and a common Indian, his life was pretty simple, he was kinda a loner though, but he also loved Novels, Manga, and Anime, when he first saw the first anime he was addicted to it! Unlike the Indian Children's shows which despite having moral values, the plot was stupid and so was their animation.

They also seemed to be advertisements of something rather than animation made for the Children to enjoy, well he did enjoy and it wasn't that bad but only small children could watch it again and again and feel enjoyed for the teenagers it was plain stupid.

Like Chota Bheem where he gets super strength from eating Ladoos, the plot basically involved various situations which in the end were solved after he ate Ladoos, while funny enough it didn't have the good plot to keep Raj feeling enjoyment after watching it, same was Motu Patlu and other shows.

The first anime he watched was Pokemon and after that, he got addicted to it, he watched all the anime shows that aired on TV though they became boring at one time due to their repeated plots, later on, he started watching Youtube gaming channels which while fun got boring once again, out of random he watched an anime which the Youtuber had recommended and became addicted to it!

Soon he found out all the anime shows he had watched were just the tip of the iceberg and founding thousands of Anime he dipped into, however, most of their stories were unfinished which confused and bothered him later he found out they were adapted from Mangas which were further adapted from Novels.

Thus his journey to becoming an Otaku began, he slowly discovered the adult world*ahem* Porn, and Hentai as well, and by the age of 16, he was a fully-fledged Otaku, which meant he spent too much of his time watching Animes, Manga, and reading all the shit he liked. His parents became worried due to this and they even took strict actions which annoyed him a lot.

Their constant comparison of him to toppers, and pressuring him to study gradually made their relationship worse, one day they were going to Picnic but Raj denied going with them, in the end in anger they left him and went out without him. He was happier than anything as he could watch hentai, porn, and masturbate!

Though his bubble busted when he got the news of his parent accident, they died, he cried, he cried for days sulking down and crazily murmuring to himself for their forgiveness, he often shouted that he would be a good boy and would focus on study, he will do everything as they say to him but they come back.

They didn't, after all, dead didn't come back to life considering it was the world's law, due to depression he barely passed managed to pass his 10th board examinations, and had to change his stream to Commerce. He didn't even want to give the exam but after being persuaded by his Uncle who told him he should focus on goddamn studies and make their parents' names proud he gave the exam, alas, the exam started just two days after he came out of depression.

His Uncle and Aunt took custody of him, and from the Private School he got transferred to a Government school, for them he was already a failure since the had gotten low marks and didn't want to pay money for his schooling when they had to take care their own children's studies. He didn't become angry for he knew their situation and thus promised to study and pass with good marks.

Alas, in a school whose teachers were illiterate themselves and taught all the wrong concepts and things he failed, and his cousins and Uncle and Aunty started detesting him, he had become baggage for them, and when they started insulting, mocking and making fun of him and then his relationship with them ended too.

After graduating from a Third rate College he left his Aunt and Uncle's care, they didn't speak to him anymore and he was okay with it as he didn't want to either, after that he started searching for a Job but in a country that was overpopulated getting one with his grades wasn't an easy task, and he had to do menial Jobs to live off.

The only thing that kept his mind sane was the same old Manga, Anime, and Novels which destroyed his life in the first place, no it wasn't their fault, it was no one's fault, neither his parents nor his, they were right in their own place and he was in his own, it was just the real world is cruel and he needed to follow the system as he was too weak, something he understood a lot later on.

He hated a lot of things and people, especially one of his cousins who mocked and made fun of him a lot, and when one day working he saw her out with a random man when her marriage was already fixed he took his chance, made a video of her and threatened her, after knowing that she was an unchaste woman and remembering her mockings, the beating he had from her.

He threatened her, he wanted to break her so he asked her to have sex with him which to his shock she easily accepted, she was a whore and enjoyed carnal pleasure so easily agreed to his demand, good thing he lost his virginity and got some money bad thing he nearly got a heart attack remembering he might get PTSD.

So after that, he continued struggling, looking for a Job, doing menial jobs to live and feed himself and fucking random bitches and sluts to blow off the stream, he didn't know until he stayed up late at night how every 9 out of 10 women during these time walking on roads was a slut, thus he grabbed the chance when he had it.

He wasn't a good person he knew, he did everything within the limits to live and keep himself sane, and today was his other failure in getting a job.



"Hehe, slut does this excites you?".

' Huh, what is happening? ', he thought as he woke up as he heard a Woman's moan, ' I see someone making out nearby ', he thought, it wasn't the first time he experienced this, during the late night many people make out with sluts in such spots. A few times he had even joined the fun.

Seeing the dark sky he knew it was late, he heard muffled moans and walked towards the area from where he heard the moans and voices, soon he found some muscular men around a hot woman, they were fondling her assets, and enjoying themselves, it seemed they had just begun.

' Can I join as well? ', Raj thought, for others, it would have been crazy but he who had seen the truth of the world knew it was possible, such women won't mind getting fucked by multiple people if they are paid but remembering he didn't have any money so he dropped the idea, his dick became hard hearing her moans as it was a natural response.

It was also had been two months since he had any sex, he only save a few thousand for such sex, he didn't waste money on the pricer sluts, he knew his situation but as a healthy male he couldn't stop himself, and often fucked sluts. The only good thing was he released all his pent-up frustration through this and he did make sure to wear condoms lest he gets PTSD or AIDS.

He continued watching the scene though, I mean he was getting live porn so why waste the chance, it was better than nothing.

"So how does it feel? It must feel better than your husband right?", one of the men said.

"~Hah! Indeed it feels much better~", replied the woman.

One of the men smirked and forcefully groped one of her breasts and started fondling it and said," You are even a bigger slut than the street ones, your husband is very rich yet you are cheating on him? DO you like cuckolding him?!".

"~Yes!~ I do like but what can I do? That fat man ejaculates so early and always leaves me unsatisfied, as a woman I have my needs too!", the woman replied, they started kissing her and opening her clothes slowly.

' Oh so Netori ', Raj thought and became excited, he liked the Netori and hated the Netorare a hypocritical thought but hey! You can't blame him either! He doesn't have a fetish for getting cuckolded! and hearing that she is a woman of a rich man his smile became bigger,' Haha even those rich men can't escape the world's cruelty! '.

It made his mood better, he even thought that the interviewer's wife might be a cheater too! After all, he was fat as well! Who knows? Maybe next time to get his revenge he will cuck him if possible, after all, he was a person who always get his revenge when he thought he needed.

(Author's Pov: Here is the thing, she is the same interviewer's wife lol 🤣🤣🤣)

' Now I should leave and find some shelter it is kinda cold ', he thought and decided to leave only to step on a fucking stick! It created a noise and alerted the men and the woman who was half naked.

"Who is there?!", one of the men shouted.

' Fuck! ', he thought, and sighing he came out and waved his hands," Hey guys! I kinda find you doing this, and seeing such a scene I got aroused and continued watching, don't worry continue I am leaving".

The most muscular of them snorted and said," Whaveter get out before we beat you for ruining our fun", Raj nodded and was about to leave when the woman shouted," Wait!", he stopped and turned behind in confusion," Guys! He might be a person sent by my Husband to keep an eye on me! Don't let him run away!".

' What the fuck bitch?! Why are you involving me in your shit?! ', he cursed her in his mind and quickly started running away, but how can he? A thin and beaten up and tired man run away from guys who looked like they were fucking Bahubali, in the end, he got kicked in his guts and dragged in front of the woman.

" Fucking bitch! Is your mind full of shit or what?! I wasn't sent by your cucked husband or whatever!", he cursed at her, and the woman became angry and asked," Then why did you run?!", he clicked his tongue and replied, "That was an instinctive reaction okay?", one of the men punched on his nose.

"Agggh!", he cried in pain as his nose bled," Say the fucking truth!", the man asked causing him to growl and he replied," Fuck you, idiots!", he was again kicked on guts causing him to puke a bit of his saliva," Boss what to do?", another man asked the man who just kicked him.

The woman snorted and said," Get rid of him! He ruined my session!", the man nodded and signaled to kill him, Raj became pale as he saw that," Man you can't do that! You will go to Jail! You all will become criminals", he tried to bluff his way out, he was really scared.

The men and the woman started laughing," I have done this many times even raped a few girls but the police didn't do anything as long as you give money to them, they won't do shit!", the man said, Raj became pale and tried his best to run away, but with the men holding him down he couldn't escape and then under his scared eyes the man stabbed him with knives.

" Now boys let's leave and continue our sessions somewhere else", the woman said happily unbothered by Raj who was dying, the men laughed and quickly left there.

" Fu-cking Psychos", he muttered as he saw them going, he put his hand on the wound and saw blood," I am gonna die aren't I?", he muttered and thought about his mother and father as he shed tears, his mind started becoming cloudy as he thought,' My death is similar to Rimuru, if only I had his powers or replaced him then I wouldn't have anything to fear '.

{Processing the Request...}

His eyes widened a bit but thinking it was his illusion he laughed a bit,' Reincarnation huh? If there is a chance then I would like to get Reincarnated in My Hero academia so that- I - I ca-n', he died.

{Trying to replace individual Rimuru's existence...}

{Error! Error! Error!}

{Individual Rimuru has to be eliminated... Using full power}

{Error! Error! Error! Immense damage has been received}

{Activating all the skills and using them to eliminate the whole timeline...}

{Successful! New Timelines have been created... Successfully eliminating Individual Rimuru Tempest}

{Processing Raj's request...}

{Thermal Resistance, Pain resistance, a body of slime with Human Form, Unique Skill Predator, and Great Sage have been gifted!}

{Transferring body to requested location...}

"What the fuck?!", Raj said as he saw his soul drifting into space.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!", he screamed as he saw various scenes of galaxies, stars, neutron stars, barriers, and bubble kinda things.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: So how it is? I am uploading this to purely see your reactions,tell me if the beginning was good or not, also do not upload power stones in this fanfic and rather send them to my Poseidon one as it is in top 4 and I want to retain the ranking)

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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