In the quiet garden, silent winds passed freely, grazing the marvelous selves of the two young people sitting on a bench with a blank expressions.
A boy with red eyes, reflecting the glowing blue water from the fountain, his golden blond hair mirroring the blue moonlight of the half moon playing in the sky with his friend stars, and his clear, attractive face, set there with a blank expression as if deeply thinking about something.
Just beside him, a gorgeous-looking girl was sitting, holding his hand and similarly thinking something deeply, just like the boy.
Her marvelous short purple hair reflected the night's darkness instead of light, but still, they looked so attractive that one couldn't help but get drawn towards her.
But... her eyes had a strange blue light in them, and even though this blank state was quite similar to the boy, it was still quite unique.
[End of the month... lol. What should I say? It was fun, definitely. And I finished my six months on WN so now this book will go in annual rankings.
The win win thing will change from 1k to 3k.
There's no way I will get 10k win win but well, have to post daily.
Anyway, it was fun. And I think things will be a little better or far worse in the next month.
Well... hope it's the good one.
I changed the privilege tiers a bit but its not that bad so it will be aright. Hopefully.
Anyway, have to prepare a lot of chapters by night so, sayonara~! Have a nice day~!]
(Thanks for reading~!)