Standing in the vast grass fields, a pretty boy and an alluring lady were looking at each other.
Just looking...
The boy had wide eyes, asking what the hell was going on or what he was supposed to do.
The lady was just looking at this boy with a warm smile, enjoying everything without saying anything.
Some distance away, sitting on a red flower, a crystal-winged butterfly was watching this unfold with no particular emotion.
She could feel her master's feelings, so she knew there was nothing special about this situation, just the master's master being herself.
He was looking at her, deep within those pure blue eyes, with a fire burning inside them.
But aside from this meaningless staring competition, nothing was going on in these endless grass fields.
In the quiet, sweet morning, the grass dancing with the cool winds, clouds moving at their own pace, this duo was wasting time.
The piggy!
Didn't think I would see this bastard here.
Well, these sure is something weird but, its ok.
A fight~!
Hope it goes well!
(Thanks for reading~...)