29.83% Head-Patting in Marvel / Chapter 71: Chapter 71: God of Thunder (Part 1)

บท 71: Chapter 71: God of Thunder (Part 1)

"I was almost on the third floor," Gwen said while puffing her cheeks. 

"I'm sorry. I will connect the game to our place if you want to play later." Ryan is placating her. He strokes her hair before they apparated back into their house. They can come back later. 

It was almost daybreak at the time. The Shield guy who is monitoring Ryan at the opposite building doesn't even know that he is gone. 

"Go to sleep Gwen. " He dimmed the light in the house to mimic the night. She got a feeling that something is going on with him, but after some reassurances, she finally gives up and go to the dreamland.

He has put his guard up today. 

"The Destroyer…," he mutters. 

Although Odin staged the drama to make Thor become a worthy king, he didn't care about the mortals. 

"A town was destroyed. I doubt that there weren't any casualties." He contemplates the pros and the cons of the events.

"Earth gains a strong defender, but I don't want to do it at the cost of the citizen's life." He mumbles alone while working on the program for his new inventions. He got inspiration from a movie. 

He had been working hard to make sure that the people can be evacuated safely.

His nerve is tense facing the incoming incident. His hand sweats a lot.

 *Ring* His holographic phone rings. Only one person would do this at 5.00 am. 

"Breakfast bagel?" Tony pops out of the holographic projection with a bagel in his hand. 

"No, I'm planning on eating soup." He replied nonchalantly even though he is a little stressed right now.   

Ryan got a call from Tony. The guy tells him his thoughts about the attack. 

"Same M.O as North Korea. It's the same guy." Tony hypothesized. 

"Any leads?" Ryan said. ALBUS is hacking all over the place, but there is no hint who the perpetrator is. It's because Yoshida Asano is an old guy. He keeps his plan on paper. 

'It seems that I have to use the trouble-reappearance fruit. Damn, if I got a hint I could narrow down the search.' Ryan thought.

He could enter the mirror world where he can search for the hints if he knows who they are up against. There isn't any worry about him getting caught or if he damages anything there.

Even though the elf is the one who eats the black fruit, both he and Kai could use it. The elf just finished his quest in space at the time. He will return home soon. 

"There isn't any. There will be soon I hope. Most of the intelligence agency in the world is now moving. Oh wait, do you get an invitation to the Asano Robotic party and bidding?"  

"What party?" Ryan said curiously. He didn't get any invitation. 

"It seems like you're not as famous as you thought," Tony said sarcastically.

"Do you get a plus one?" Ryan asks Tony suddenly, making him stunned. 

"Yes, why do you ask?" Tony feels ominous. 

"Yeah…you're bringing me." He said out of the blue. Tony is dumbfounded.

The party was pretty sudden. Ryan got a feeling that something was off. And why didn't he get an invitation? 

"What kind of reputation do I have that people won't invite me to a party?" He mutters, and Tony hears it. 

"Killing a big industry like Hammer with no effort at all, fighting off senators and the military, making trouble for me, the list goes on and on." Tony felt a little glad he got the chance to mock. It soothes his heart. 

However, it doesn't bother Ryan at all. "No really, the true reason? Is it because I'm too handsome? " He asks with a serious tone, which makes Tony mad. Even he is not that vain. 

He hangs up the call directly. He doesn't want to bring Ryan to the party, so he goes to Pepper. He can't fight the kid off, but Pepper can. He needed to bring her to his side quickly.

When he meets Pepper, she is on a call at the time. He feels ominous. 

"Yeah, I'll make sure he brings you to the party," Pepper said on the call. Tony is gesturing 'No' by crossing his hand and shaking his head, but she ignores him.

After she ended the call, she asked Tony. "What did you want to tell me?"

Tony is in disbelief. 'Are these two working together? They are right?'

Tony doesn't know he did a good thing. When Ryan talked to the guy, his nerve eases a bit. 


Last night, Jane Foster and Thor's relationship had grown exponentially. They were smiling and giggling at one another. Thor is helping Jane make breakfast at the 

Dr. Selvig stared at them in disbelief. 'Didn't I ask him to leave town last night? Why are they lovey-dovey right now?'

When Dr. Selvig got drunk, Thor carried him back to the RV, where he and Jane had a conversation by the campfire. 

He told her about the nine realms and proved her theories. Nevertheless, there isn't any evidence of it for Jane to use to convince the scientific community of it.

In Asgard, Heimdall called Lady Sif and the warrior three to the Bifrost. He couldn't send them to Midgard as he is loyal to the king. 

But he is on a break right now. Coincidentally, he left the portal to Midgard open. The four gods can go behind his back and just go through the rainbow bridge to get to Thor.

"He is a complicated man,"  Fandral said. He realizes that this is the way Heimdal is helping them.

Lady Sif and the Warrior Three enter the channel. They are coming to earth.

Loki saw what happened. He goes to confront Heimdall. His plan is now beginning. He couldn't take any chances on a wild card.

"Tell me Loki, how did you get the Jotuns to Asgard?" Heimdall asked while standing still with his sword.

"There are ways, in and out of the realms that are connected, that even you, with all of your gift, fail to see."

"Heimdal, you have committed treason against the king. You are now relieved of your duty as the Gatekeeper, and no longer citizens of Asgard!" Loki declared.

"Then I need no longer obey you," Heimdal said while swinging his sword toward Loki.

'As predicted' Loki thought. He knows that Heimdal is suspicious of him. It's a good time to discard the wild card. He freezes him with the Casket of Eternal Winters.

Heimdal is now frozen, with his sword inches from Loki's neck. Although he is frozen, his eyes still work. He saw that when Loki uses the casket, his skin turns blue and his eyes red. 

'He is a Jotun?' Heimdal thought. He could only wish that right now Lady Sif and the Warrior Three can bring Thor back to save Asgard.

Loki brought the Destroyer out from guarding the vault. Holding the Gungnir, he commanded the sentient armor. "You will go to Midgard, and make sure that my brother does not return." 

He also told the Destroyer to destroy everything in its path. 

The Destroyer is a sentient, enchanted suit of armor that Odin used to guard Asgard's treasures. It has an artificial construct that obeys the command of the king. 

Kind of like artificial intelligence. It is only loyal to the throne of Asgard and the king who wields Gungnir. Right now, it is loyal to Loki.

Loki felt dissatisfied after sending only the destroyer. He needed to do more to appease his anger. 

His anger towards his father for lying to him about his lineage, his anger towards his fool of a brother, his anger towards Thor's friend, and his anger towards the mortal who dared to besmirch his name with some unholy text.

He brought some Jotuns into Asgard to assassinate his father. At the time, he sent 10 Jotuns into Midgard. 

"You can take revenge on my brother there.", He commanded the Jotuns. Laufey doesn't say anything as Loki is his son, and will bring him his revenge.

If someone wants to blame him if suddenly thor and his friends are dead, they will find traces of the Jotuns there. 'Perfect scheme!' Loki exclaimed in his mind.

"Sir, it started. " Albus notified Ryan about a spatial anomaly in New Mexico, 15 miles near the town where Thor is. Ryan becomes solemn. 

At Smith Motors, the place that Dr. Selvig rented as a temporary base and makeshift into a research lab, they are having breakfast.

*Knock* Lady Sif is knocking on the glass window to get Thor's attention. 

" THOR! We found you!" Volstagg said happily. His loud voice stunned the mortals there. Jane, Selvig, and Darcy are agape. The visitors come dressed in medieval clothes. It looked like the renaissance fair is in town. 

The visitors entered the building. Thor greeted them with a hug.

"My friends! I have never been happier to see anyone…But you shouldn't have come." Thor said while putting his arm on Hogun's shoulder.

"We came to bring you home," Volstagg said.

" You know I can't go home…my father…is dead because of me," Thor said while keeping his sadness in check. 

Jane saw the painful look on Thor's face. All she wanted to do now is to hug him. 

"Thor…your father still lives." Sif clarified the true situation. Thor then realises that he had been tricked again!

[Alert: Please evacuate the area immediately!]

All the mortal's phones are ringing. Ryan disaster apps are notifying them of the upcoming danger. Jane and the others become nervous. 

"What is it?" Thor is curious, then he can feel the air around the area start to change.

He and his friends go outside to take a look. The mortal's trio also follows them from behind. 

A few minutes before. Shield was getting the same reading as Ryan. They went to check the place where the anomaly is. 

"Get some linguist over here. " Coulson said while checking the circular-shaped burn marks on the ground. The mark is an impact of the Bifrost opening on the realm. 

Suddenly, another channel from space opened. A 3 Meter tall humanoid armor arrived from the sky at 100 meters away from the first mark.

"Is it one of Stark?" Sitwell asked Coulson as the guy used to be the one monitoring Tony before he was called to New Mexico.

"I don't know, the guy never told me anything." Coulson grabs the megaphone and said to the armor.

"Sir, you are using unregistered weapon technology. Please identify yourself. " He said through the megaphone.

The visor on the armor opens. Coulson thought that the guy inside it is friendly as he complied with the orders easily. He could not be more wrong.

Energy builds up in the armor's abdomen until it reaches critical mass. A fiery blast of energy shoots out of the armor's visor. 

*Zing* The energy blast flow in a straight line and destroyed the SUVs that Coulson was driving in. *BOOM* the car exploded. The blast killed a few agents.

A 3 Meter long unmanned aircraft starts to hover at the center of the town. It released 20 drones from its body. *Bowg Bowg* The drone releases a strange sound. 

The drones have a half-sphere for its head. It has a circular camera on its front and a metal mouth. There are purple, red, and blue drones. The color is actually from the current running inside of them.

Underneath the sphere, there are a lot of metal arms connected to it. The arms have tools attached to them. 

The drones fly all over the town and start to tell people to evacuate. As they can't talk, the sound is coming from the disaster apps. 

It displayed the most efficient route for the people to get out of the incoming battle. The arms help to bring children out of the houses and put them into the pickup truck.

"Thank you." A little girl says to the dog-like drone when it places her on the truck.

*Bowg Bowg* The drone is excited and rattled its metal teeth. Ryan's new tech, the Brainbots, based on Megamind the movie, had appeared in the Marvel universe! 

The girls from the island start to work too. They are helping the kids and the old people to evacuate. 

"Move quickly!" The girls said while helping the elderly. They have vehicles on their own and they work together very well with the brainbots.

The area nearest to the battle is evacuated the fastest. They didn't stop until they evacuated the whole town.

The destroyers arrived at the city vicinity. He shoots out several energy blasts destroying the nearest building. The building is empty thanks to Ryan's effort. 

*Bang Bang* Ryan's combat drones are attacking the Destroyer with a machine gun built into it. It couldn't damage the enchanted armor, but it can distract it long enough for the citizen to evacuate.

The drones are buzzing around the destroyer like flies. These are combat drones. However, he didn't make it. Stark did. It's a prototype drone that he made to assist him in battle. There are only 5 combat drones. 

Tony doesn't even know his prototype is gone. He is still at home finding leads on nuclear materials. 

"Mortals have their means of combat," Fandral said, impressed. His drones couldn't harm the destroyer, but it had given them some precious time to assess the situation.

Lady Sif orders the warrior three, "We need to help this contraption. Hogan, Fandral, Volstagg, make some distraction."

Thor couldn't join in the fight as he had a body of a mortal. When he sees his friend going into battle, his blood boils. Then, he notices the fear on the crowd's faces. 

It reminded him of his father's word. [You have brought war into these peaceful realms]

'It's my fault. I did this. My brother is lost in his path because of me. I should pay more attention to the big picture.' Thor is self-actualizing while helping the people to evacuate. 

Sif is going to attack the destroyer from behind. She gets to the building nearby and starts to climb it. She could jump up, but that will attract too much attention.

Hogan runs to the Destroyer. He jumps and swings his axe from above to the thing. It hit the armor, but it doesn't even leave a mark.

The Destroyer swung his hand at Hogan and makes him fly back tens of meters away. 

"Bowg?" A red brainbots comes to help Hogan. However, it was marked in the Destroyer's sight. 

The sentient armor punches the Brainbots who are helping Hogan stand back up, making it embedded into the building wall. "Noo!" Hogan screams in sadness.

A blue Brainbots approaches the almost destroyed bots. The blue bot puts his arm around the red one.

Red: strained "Bowg" (Tell Master, I died completing the mission.)

Blue: sad "Bowg"( I will. I would make sure he knows your sacrifice)

Red: shutting down "Bowg" (Please take care of our daughter )

A purple brain bot with a pacifier on its metal mouth comes to the red and blue bots. He cried out seeing the red bot shut down. "Bowgggg (Mama!!!)"

Darcy who watches the drama starts to tear up. "Bowg bot!!" She exclaimed sadly before her tears starts to fall. Dr. Selvig watches the whole thing confused.

Outside the city. At the Shield agent's position. 

They are still regrouping because of the sudden attack. Their luck is the worst as a space channel opened at the same spot again. 

This time, 10 primitive-looking, 3.5 Meters tall blue Ice Giants appeared.

"What kind of situation is this?" Coulson is devastated. Many of his team members died in the attack. Now, there is another one?

Hawkeye is on the way. He got orders from Coulson after the initial attack. When Loki suddenly attacked the computer at the encampment before, Coulson increased the security around the area, and even managed to procure an aerial vehicle. 

He couldn't get the QuinnJet, as the agents are working worldwide to find the nuclear bombs, but he did get a helicopter. Hawkeye is one minute away!

Even Ryan is surprised by the sudden appearance of the Ice Giant. He knows that Coulson won't survive the attack.

"I have to get involved!" He said with determination. He likes Coulson. He couldn't let him die. Quickly, he changes into his persona. 

A Black Robe made of a shadow dragon skin enveloped his body. He attached an enchanted black gauntlet with spikes on its finger to his hand, as he is fighting creatures that can match Asgardians.

Kai said to him telepathically. "Make sure to save Coulson. He still owes me from all the drinks." The doctor doesn't even doubt that Ryan will fail. 

Ryan teleported to the town and apparated a few times to where Coulson is. He moves like an apparition, through the desert. 

"Go! Run! " Coulson said urgently to the surviving agents. There are only two SUVs that survived the attack. The agents are getting inside the SUV to escape. 

Some are making covers by shooting the Ice Giants. Their bullet cannot penetrate the Ice Giant's skin, but it made them irate instead.

The Ice Giants are too close. One of the uses an ice blast toward the agent that was shooting him. Three 50cm long, sharp icicles flew towards the agent.

Before the spikes reach the agent, a black gauntlet grabs the spike. Then, the hand that wears the gauntlet broke the ice spike into pieces by grabbing it. 

Hawkeye who is only 200 meters away is excited to see who came. That was the same for Coulson. They meet again.

Clint Barton and Phil Coulson recognized the figure as they had worked together before in Somalia. 

They exclaimed at the same time. "ECLIPSE!"

Eclipse exploded in speed and kicked the leading Jotun in the head, making its nose bleed, and it flew a few meters behind. 

"This is not your place Jotuns!" He speaks coldly, using the All-speak, Asgardian magic that can allow them to understand and talk to other races in the universe. 

Alittlepiggy33 Alittlepiggy33

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